//================= Hercules Script =======================================
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//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  Euphy
//= Copyright (C)  ultramage
//= Copyright (C)  Samuray22
//= Copyright (C)  L0ne_W0lf
//= Copyright (C)  Reddozen
//= Copyright (C)  Lupus
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
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//= Cooking Quest
//================= Description ===========================================
//= Official Cooking Quest (10.3)
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.8a

prt_castle,43,30,3	script	Charles Orleans#cook	4_M_OILMAN,{
	if (MaxWeight - Weight < 2000) {
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Just one second.";
		mes "You're carrying too";
		mes "many items with you";
		mes "right now, so you better";
		mes "place some of your things";
		mes "into Kafra Storage, yes?";
	if (BaseJob == Job_Novice) {
		if (Sex == SEX_MALE) {
			cutin "orleans_5",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Excuse me, monsieur?";
			mes "Yes, you. If you're not";
			mes "here as hired help for the";
			mes "kitchen, then I'd like to";
			mes "ask you to leave now.";
			emotion e_an;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Please don't be";
			mes "offended, but I can't";
			mes "concentrate on my ";
			mes "cooking when Novices";
			mes "like yourself are running";
			mes "around here like children.";
		cutin "orleans_1",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Mademoiselle, what";
		mes "are you doing in this";
		mes "area of the castle?";
		mes "Oh, you must be lost~";
		cutin "orleans_2",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Please, use the stairs";
		mes "to the right to exit into the";
		mes "main structure. My dear,";
		mes "be careful and watch your";
		mes "step when you climb up";
		mes "the stairs for me, alright?";
		goto L_End;
	else if (getequipid(1) != 5026) {
		if (Sex == SEX_MALE) {
			cutin "orleans_5",0;
			emotion e_an;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Monsieur, why you look";
			mes "at me so? Is it the Morroc";
			mes "silk shirt I am wearing, my";
			mes "hair styled by Madam Veronica,";
			mes "or my brand name muffler";
			mes "refined by Monsieur Antonio?";
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Perhaps you are in awe";
			mes "of the latest, fashionable";
			mes "spectacles that was designed";
			mes "by the artists from the Rekenber Corporation? Please, do tell~";
			cutin "orleans_2",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Wait, wait just a";
			mes "moment. Do you know";
			mes "anything about the latest";
			mes "trends? You don't seem";
			mes "to be very fashionable...";
			cutin "orleans_5",0;
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Ugh, if I can avoid it,";
			mes "I usually prefer not to";
			mes "associate with ruffians.";
			mes "But I do find that you";
			mes "adventurers do have";
			mes "your strong points...";
			goto L_End;
		cutin "orleans_1",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Oh! Pardon the squalor";
		mes "of my humble kitchen,";
		mes "Mademoiselle. But even";
		mes "the splendor of the Prontera";
		mes "Castle pales to the radiance";
		mes "of your captivating beauty.";
		cutin "orleans_2",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Tell me, who is the";
		mes "lovely child holding";
		mes "the cat right next to you?";
		mes "I know it is rude to ask,";
		mes "but I am emboldened by";
		mes "my, shall we say, curiosity.";
		switch(select("......?", "She is my sister", "Actually, I don't know her.")) {
		case 1:
			cutin "nyuang_3",2;
			emotion e_ho,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
			mes "[The kid with a cat]";
			mes "Nyahahaha,";
			mes "Nyahahaha~";
			mes "Meow~ Meow~";
			cutin "orleans_2",0;
			emotion e_heh;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "What a lovely child.";
			mes "Be quiet like a good girl.";
		case 2:
			cutin "nyuang_1",2;
			emotion e_what,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
			mes "[Child with Cat]";
			mes "...Nya?";
			mes "...Meow?";
			cutin "orleans_2",0;
			emotion e_lv2;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "She is lovely and";
			mes "quite although she";
			mes "doesn't look like you.";
			mes "Even her cat looks adorable.";
		case 3:
			cutin "nyuang_2",2;
			emotion e_pif,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
			mes "[Child with Cat]";
			mes "Nyahahaha,";
			mes "Nyahahaha~";
			mes "Meow, meow~";
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			cutin "orleans_3",0;
			emotion e_swt2;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Ah, again, let me";
			mes "apologize. I had believed";
			mes "that this child was fortunate";
			mes "enough to be a companion";
			mes "of the mademoiselle.";
		cutin "orleans_1",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Allow me to introduce";
		mes "myself to you, amour.";
		mes "I am your ever faithful";
		mes "servant whose heart is";
		mes "enraptured by your gaze.";
		mes "My name is Charles Orleans.";
		cutin "orleans_4",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Yet there is one thing that";
		mes "anguishes me. Ever since his";
		mes "highness, King Tristram III,";
		mes "has vanished, I have found no";
		mes "one worthy of tasting my wares.";
		mes "My life now lacks meaning...";
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Alas, recently I have been";
		mes "reduced to teaching mere";
		mes "apprentices, tyros in the";
		mes "culinary arts, my skills.";
		mes "It is frustrating--many of";
		mes "them do not have any talent!";
		cutin "orleans_3",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Ah, forgive me, dear";
		mes "Mademoiselle. I hope you";
		mes "understand the difficulty";
		mes "I am forced to suffer. When";
		mes "next we meet, I would very much like to give you a sweet dessert.";
		cutin "orleans_1",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Yes, women with your";
		mes "beauty definitely deserve";
		mes "the luscious flavors of the";
		mes "treats that only I can offer.";
		mes "Until that day comes, I shall";
		mes "reluctantly bid you adieu.";
		goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 0) {
		cutin "orleans_5",0;
		emotion e_dots;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Oh, have you come here";
		mes "to learn cooking? ^333333*Sigh*^000000";
		mes "I don't feel like teaching";
		mes "anything today--in fact,";
		mes "I think teaching is a waste";
		mes "of my time! ^333333*Sigh*^000000 However...";
		switch(select("Um, are you talking to me?", "Wait, don't you remember me?", "Sir Orleans?")) {
		case 1:
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Who else would";
			mes "I be talking to?";
			mes "To Madeleine over";
			mes "there? Or that child";
			mes "holding that mangy";
			mes "cat? Sacrebleu!";
			cutin "nyuang_4",2;
			mes "[Child with Cat]";
			mes "Grrrrrrr!";
			mes "Rrrroreow!";
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			cutin "orleans_3",0;
			emotion e_omg;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Goodness, you scared me!";
			mes "What an ill natured kid!";
			mes "Who brought this kid in?";
		case 2:
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "I can't remember every";
			mes "tyro who's begged me for";
			mes "instruction in the culinary";
			mes "arts. I could swear you've";
			mes "come here months ago, it's";
			mes "just--what was your name...?";
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Bah! No matter.";
			mes "I suppose that's";
			mes "of no importance";
			mes "at the moment.";
		case 3:
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "E-excuse me? I may be";
			mes "your instructor, but you";
			mes "can call me by my first name.";
			mes "I know that I can be strict,";
			mes "but please: in the end, we are colleagues, even if I am superior.";
			cutin "orleans_1",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Fine, fine...";
			mes "If you insist on your";
			mes "modicum of expressed";
			mes "respect, then you may";
			mes "call me ''Sir Charles.''";
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Ah... That does have";
			mes "a rather fine ring to it.";
			mes "I actually earned that title";
			mes "from the king himself, even";
			mes "if I'm a knight only in title and manner, rather than strength.";
		cutin "orleans_7",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Well then, let's get started";
		mes "today with making a simple";
		mes "dish. Okay, ^FF0000I don't teach recipes";
		mes "more than once^000000, ^FF0000so make sure";
		mes "that you write this down^000000. Now";
		mes "then, what shall we cook?";
		cutin "orleans_6",0;
		.@cook_m1 = rand(1,6);
		if (.@cook_m1 == 1) {
			cooking_q = 1;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Ahhh, how about";
			mes "'Fried Grasshopper Legs?'";
			mes "To the uninitiated, it may";
			mes "seem to be a disgusting dish,";
			mes "but trust me, its exquisite taste is pure pleasure for your palate.";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Now, please bring";
			mes "^4D4DFF5 Grasshopper Legs^000000,";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Cooking Oil^000000, and";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Old Frying Pan^000000.";
			mes "Then, we can begin.";
			goto L_End;
		else if (.@cook_m1 == 2) {
			cooking_q = 2;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Ah, I've got it!";
			mes "Let's make ''Grape Juice";
			mes "Herbal Tea.'' The weather";
			mes "is perfect right now for";
			mes "a cool, refreshing drink.";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Please bring";
			mes "^4D4DFF3 Grapes^000000, and";
			mes "^4D4DFF2 Red Potions^000000";
			mes "so that we can";
			mes "begin the lesson~";
			goto L_End;
		else if (.@cook_m1 == 3) {
			cooking_q = 3;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "I've got it~";
			mes "We can make";
			mes "''Honey Grape Juice.''";
			mes "Please bring me the";
			mes "following ingredients so";
			mes "that we can begin the lesson.";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Honey^000000,";
			mes "^4D4DFF2 Grapes^000000, and";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Red Potion^000000.";
			goto L_End;
		else if (.@cook_m1 == 4) {
			cooking_q = 4;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Mmm, why don't we";
			mes "make ''Frog Egg and";
			mes "Squid Ink Soup?'' Those";
			mes "bereft of gourmet taste may";
			mes "think it's disgusting, but it's";
			mes "actually quite scrumptious.";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Well then,";
			mes "please bring me";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Bag of Grain^000000,";
			mes "^4D4DFF10 Spawns^000000, and";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Squid Ink^000000.";
			goto L_End;
		else if (.@cook_m1 == 5) {
			cooking_q = 5;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Ah, I know what";
			mes "would be perfect right";
			mes "now. ''Steamed Crab";
			mes "Nippers.'' Now, please";
			mes "bring these ingredients";
			mes "so we can make this soup.";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "We'll need";
			mes "^4D4DFF10 Green Herbs^000000,";
			mes "^4D4DFF10 Nippers^000000, and";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Yellow Potion^000000.";
			goto L_End;
		cooking_q = 6;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Ooh, you know what";
		mes "would be scrumptious?";
		mes "''Fried Monkey Tails.'' Yes,";
		mes "that sounds perfect! Please";
		mes "bring these ingredients so";
		mes "that I can teach you this dish.";
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "We'll need";
		mes "^4D4DFF1 Frying Pan^000000,";
		mes "^4D4DFF5 Yoyo Tails^000000, and";
		mes "^4D4DFF1 Cooking Oil^000000.";
		goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 1) {
		if (countitem(Grasshopper's_Leg) > 4 && countitem(Old_Frying_Pan) > 0 && countitem(Cooking_Oil) > 0) {
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			emotion e_an;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Finally, you're here! Never";
			mes "forget: your ingredients must";
			mes "always be as fresh as possible.";
			mes "If not, your cuisine will be much poorer in quality. Now, let me";
			mes "explain how to make this dish.";
			cutin "orleans_6",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Scrub the Grasshopper Legs";
			mes "as cleanly as you can before";
			mes "placing them in the Frying Pan.";
			mes "Afterwards, pour half a bottle of Cooking Oil and fry the legs at";
			mes "high heat for about 20 minutes.";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Now, follow the instructions";
			mes "that I've just given you to the";
			mes "letter! Hmmm... Good, good.";
			mes "That's not bad at all. Alright,";
			mes "you're almost there...";
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "There, you're done!";
			mes "The presentation can use";
			mes "a little work, but at least you";
			mes "know this recipe now. That's";
			mes "all for today, so please go";
			mes "and practice on your own now.";
			delitem Grasshopper's_Leg,5;
			delitem Old_Frying_Pan,1;
			delitem Cooking_Oil,1;
			cooking_q = 7;
			getitem Str_Dish01,1;
			goto L_End;
		cutin "orleans_6",0;
		.@talk_j = rand(1,2);
		if (.@talk_j == 1) {
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Hurry and bring me";
			mes "the ingredients to make";
			mes "Fried Grasshopper Legs!";
			mes "If a restaurant patron had";
			mes "ordered this, then you'd";
			mes "already be making him wait!";
			goto L_End;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Just go and ambush those";
		mes "happy-go-lucky grasshoppers";
		mes "just playing in the fields. Hurry and smash them, then rip their";
		mes "legs off--but be humane about it! ";
		goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 2) {
		if (countitem(Grape) > 2 && countitem(Red_Potion) > 1) {
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Finally, you're here! Never";
			mes "forget: your ingredients must";
			mes "always be as fresh as possible.";
			mes "If not, your cuisine will be much poorer in quality. Now, let me";
			mes "explain how to make this dish.";
			cutin "orleans_6",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "You extract the juice";
			mes "from the Grapes like this--";
			mes "we can't use pre-made Grape";
			mes "Juice for the sake of freshness. Then, you need to boil the Red";
			mes "Potions in a bain-marie...";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "When the Red Potions";
			mes "reach the right consistency,";
			mes "gently stir in the juice that you just squeezed from the Grapes.";
			mes "Now, I want you to try it. Hmm... That's not bad... Good, good...";
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "There, you're done!";
			mes "The presentation can use";
			mes "a little work, but at least you";
			mes "know this recipe now. That's";
			mes "all for today, so please go";
			mes "and practice on your own now.";
			delitem Grape,3;
			delitem Red_Potion,2;
			cooking_q = 7;
			getitem Int_Dish01,1;
			goto L_End;
		cutin "orleans_6",0;
		.@talk_j = rand(1,2);
		if (.@talk_j == 1) {
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "What are you doing?";
			mes "Hurry and bring me the";
			mes "ingredients for Grape Juice";
			mes "Herbal Tea! At a real restaurant, you'd never be able to take your";
			mes "time like this! Quickly, now!";
			goto L_End;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Having trouble finding";
		mes "Grapes? Just pop open";
		mes "those cute little Poporings...";
		mes "Of course, you should try to";
		mes "be humane when you hunt them...";
		goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 3) {
		if (countitem(Honey) > 0 && countitem(Grape) > 1 && countitem(Red_Potion) > 0) {
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Finally, you're here! Never";
			mes "forget: your ingredients must";
			mes "always be as fresh as possible.";
			mes "If not, your cuisine will be much poorer in quality. Now, let me";
			mes "explain how to make this dish.";
			cutin "orleans_6",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "First, skin the Grapes";
			mes "and extract the seeds. Then,";
			mes "blend the Grapes with the";
			mes "Honey. Take this blended";
			mes "mixture and carefully stir";
			mes "it into the Red Potion...";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "When the pulp is fully";
			mes "mixed into the Red Potion,";
			mes "you'll be finished. Now, go";
			mes "and try making it yourself.";
			mes "Right, that's good. Yes...";
			mes "Wait, wait! Okay, there you go~";
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "There, you're done!";
			mes "The presentation can use";
			mes "a little work, but at least you";
			mes "know this recipe now. That's";
			mes "all for today, so please go";
			mes "and practice on your own now.";
			delitem Honey,1;
			delitem Grape,2;
			delitem Red_Potion,1;
			cooking_q = 7;
			getitem Dex_Dish01,1;
			goto L_End;
		cutin "orleans_6",0;
		.@talk_j = rand(1,2);
		if (.@talk_j == 1) {
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "What's taking you so";
			mes "long? You should have";
			mes "brought me the ingredients";
			mes "to make Honey Grape Juice";
			mes "a while ago. Hurry it up!";
			goto L_End;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "You're having trouble";
		mes "finding some Honey for the";
		mes "Honey Grape Juice, aren't you?";
		mes "Just go and hunt some bears,";
		mes "they're always carrying some";
		mes "of that Honey around.";
		goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 4) {
		if (countitem(Grain) > 0 && countitem(Spawn) > 9 && countitem(Chinese_Ink) > 0) {
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Finally, you're here! Never";
			mes "forget: your ingredients must";
			mes "always be as fresh as possible.";
			mes "If not, your cuisine will be much poorer in quality. Now, let me";
			mes "explain how to make this dish.";
			cutin "orleans_6",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Mill the grain until";
			mes "it's a fine flour, then";
			mes "boil the Squid Ink at";
			mes "medium heat. Once it";
			mes "bubbles, pour in the flour.";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Keep stirring, slowly";
			mes "adding the Spawns. When";
			mes "it all boils again, reduce the";
			mes "heat and simmer for about 10";
			mes "minutes. Okay, now you try it.";
			mes "That's good, good... Alright~";
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "There, you're done!";
			mes "The presentation can use";
			mes "a little work, but at least you";
			mes "know this recipe now. That's";
			mes "all for today, so please go";
			mes "and practice on your own now.";
			delitem Grain,1;
			delitem Spawn,10;
			delitem Chinese_Ink,1; //Chinese_ink
			cooking_q = 7;
			getitem Agi_Dish01,1;
			goto L_End;
		cutin "orleans_6",0;
		.@talk_j = rand(1,2);
		if (.@talk_j == 1) {
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "What are you doing?";
			mes "You're supposed to be";
			mes "preparing ingredients";
			mes "for Frog Egg and Squid";
			mes "Ink Soup right now!";
			goto L_End;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "You have to be careful";
		mes "when you're handling Frog";
		mes "Eggs. If you feed them raw to";
		mes "somebody, well, their flavor is";
		mes "decidely less than magnifique.";
		goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 5) {
		if (countitem(Nipper) > 9 && countitem(Green_Herb) > 9 && countitem(Yellow_Potion) > 0) {
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Finally, you're here! Never";
			mes "forget: your ingredients must";
			mes "always be as fresh as possible.";
			mes "If not, your cuisine will be much poorer in quality. Now, let me";
			mes "explain how to make this dish.";
			cutin "orleans_6",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Boil the Nippers in Yellow";
			mes "Potion on low heat for about";
			mes "30 minutes. Then, bring it down";
			mes "to a simmer and carefully stir";
			mes "in the Green Herbs one by one.";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "This is an easy recipe, but";
			mes "I still want you to demonstrate";
			mes "for me. Okay, let's see now...";
			mes "You're doing fine. Now, wait...";
			mes "Good, good, okay, it's ready";
			mes "for the Green Herbs now...";
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "There, you're done!";
			mes "The presentation can use";
			mes "a little work, but at least you";
			mes "know this recipe now. That's";
			mes "all for today, so please go";
			mes "and practice on your own now.";
			delitem Nipper,10;
			delitem Green_Herb,10;
			delitem Yellow_Potion,1;
			cooking_q = 7;
			getitem Vit_Dish01,1;
			goto L_End;
		cutin "orleans_6",0;
		.@talk_j = rand(1,2);
		if (.@talk_j == 1) {
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Shouldn't you be";
			mes "preparing all of the";
			mes "ingredients for Steamed";
			mes "Crab Nippers? You need";
			mes "to work quickly for those";
			mes "hungry restaurant patrons!";
			goto L_End;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "It shouldn't be too hard";
		mes "to gather Nippers. Just";
		mes "find some Vadons and crush";
		mes "them, making sure to rip off";
		mes "their Nippers. That sounds strange, I know, but just do it.";
		goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 6) {
		if (countitem(Yoyo_Tail) > 4 && countitem(Old_Frying_Pan) > 0 && countitem(Cooking_Oil) > 0) {
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Finally, you're here! Never";
			mes "forget: your ingredients must";
			mes "always be as fresh as possible.";
			mes "If not, your cuisine will be much poorer in quality. Now, let me";
			mes "explain how to make this dish.";
			cutin "orleans_6",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Pluck the hair from the";
			mes "tails and rinse them well";
			mes "under cold water. Pour half";
			mes "a bottle of Cooking Oil unto";
			mes "a preheated pan, and then";
			mes "quickly fry the tails.";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "The trick is to fry the";
			mes "tails quickly without burning";
			mes "them, so you'll probably want";
			mes "to cook using medium-high heat.";
			mes "Show me what you've learned now... Alright, that's not bad... Hmmm...";
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "There, you're done!";
			mes "The presentation can use";
			mes "a little work, but at least you";
			mes "know this recipe now. That's";
			mes "all for today, so please go";
			mes "and practice on your own now.";
			delitem Yoyo_Tail,5;
			delitem Old_Frying_Pan,1;
			delitem Cooking_Oil,1;
			cooking_q = 7;
			getitem Luk_Dish01,1;
			goto L_End;
		cutin "orleans_6",0;
		.@talk_j = rand(1,2);
		if (.@talk_j == 1) {
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "You better go prepare";
			mes "those ingredients for Fried";
			mes "Monkey Tails are quickly as";
			mes "you can. In a real restaurant,";
			mes "you'd never able to take your";
			mes "time like this. Toute allure!";
			goto L_End;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "You need more tails?";
		mes "Just sneak up on some";
		mes "Yoyos, swiftly kill them,";
		mes "and then slice off their tails.";
		mes "You're a beginner, but I won't";
		mes "allow you to be inhumane!";
		goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 7) {
		cutin "orleans_7",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Oh... I'm so exhausted!";
		mes "I have too much wisdom and";
		mes "skills to pass on! Teaching is";
		mes "not an endeavor I enjoy, but";
		mes "I do realize it is necessary";
		mes "for my cuisine to survive me...";
		cutin "orleans_1",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Peser le bien et le mal...";
		mes "Even though it pains me,";
		mes "I suppose I have to continue";
		mes "teaching until one of you can";
		mes "become a worthy successor.";
		mes "It will take some time...";
		goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 8) {
		cutin "orleans_5",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Strange, strange...";
		mes "What is that kid and";
		mes "that cat doing here?";
		mes "The kitchen is no place";
		mes "for them--at the very least,";
		mes "not for pets, you know.";
		cutin "orleans_4",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Pardon moi, child,";
		mes "but would you remove";
		mes "yourself and your cat";
		mes "from the premises? This";
		mes "is a kitchen, and everything";
		mes "here needs to be clean!";
		cutin "nyuang_1",2;
		mes "[Child with Cat]";
		mes "...Nyaaa?";
		mes "...Meow?";
		switch(select("What's your name, kid?", "Do you want to eat something?", "Here, kitty~", "Get out!")) {
		case 1:
			emotion e_ok,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
			mes "[Child with Cat]";
			mes "Nyaaa~";
			mes "nyaaa~";
			mes "(Purrrrrr)";
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes ".....Who told you";
			mes "to ask her name?";
			mes "You don't even understand what she is saying.";
			goto L_End;
		case 2:
			cutin "nyuang_2",2;
			emotion e_pif,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
			mes "[Child with Cat]";
			mes "Nyaaaa~";
			mes "(Purrrrrr~)";
			cutin "orleans_5",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "That was a good idea...";
			mes "Offering them food to get";
			mes "them to leave. Mon dieu, if";
			mes "the child won't talk to us...";
			mes "Still, we need to get those";
			mes "two out of the kitchen.";
			goto L_End;
		case 3:
			cutin "nyuang_3",2;
			emotion e_heh,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
			mes "[Child with Cat]";
			mes "Nyahahaha~";
			mes "Nyhhahaha~";
			mes "(Meow, meow~)";
			cutin "orleans_4",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "...Are you playing with that kid...?";
			mes "...Then I don't need you to be here.";
			goto L_End;
		case 4:
			emotion e_dots,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
			mes "[Child with Cat]";
			mes "...";
			mes "(Meow?)";
			cutin "nyuang_4",2;
			emotion e_an,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
			specialeffect2 EF_HIT2;
			percentheal -10,0;
			mes "[Child with Cat]";
			mes "Grrrrrrr!";
			mes "(RRRrrreow!)";
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Oh, look out!";
			mes "You should have";
			mes "been more careful";
			mes "handling that cat...";
			goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 9) {
		cutin "orleans_5",0;
		emotion e_an;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Alright, enough";
		mes "is enough. We can't";
		mes "continue to cook if we";
		mes "have live animals in the";
		mes "kitchen. It's a violation";
		mes "of our sanitary standards!";
		cutin "orleans_6",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "I'm sorry, mon chere,";
		mes "but you have to leave.";
		mes "Child, please take your";
		mes "cat and head out the door";
		mes "before your feline can touch";
		mes "or shed on any of the food!";
		cutin "nyuang_4",2;
		emotion e_an,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
		mes "[Child with Cat]";
		mes "Grrrrrrr!";
		mes "RRRRreow!";
		donpcevent "Wickebine#cook::OnEnable";
		emotion e_omg;
		emotion e_ho,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
		cutin "job_black_hucke01",1;
		mes "[Wickebine]";
		mes "Oh...!";
		mes "Nyuyang, there";
		mes "you are! What are";
		mes "you doing here in";
		mes "Charles's kitchen?";
		cutin "orleans_3",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "M-Madam Wickebine...!";
		mes "Forgive me, you surprised";
		mes "me by appearing from out";
		mes "of nowhere. Do you happen";
		mes "to know this young child?";
		cutin "job_black_hucke02",1;
		mes "[Wickebine]";
		mes "Oh, Nyuyang here is my";
		mes "little sister. It may be hard";
		mes "to see the resemblance...";
		mes "Anyway, I've been looking";
		mes "all over for her. Are you";
		mes "bothering Charles, Nyuyang?";
		cutin "nyuang_3",2;
		emotion e_heh,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
		mes "[Child with Cat]";
		mes "Nyuuuunyuuu~";
		mes "nyuuuunyuuu~";
		mes "Meooooow~";
		cutin "orleans_3",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "...!!!";
		cutin "job_black_hucke03",1;
		mes "[Wickebine]";
		mes "Oh, so you have";
		mes "been bothering him!";
		mes "You think Charles";
		mes "wants you to leave?";
		cutin "orleans_3",0;
		emotion e_swt2;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Hahahahah, what";
		mes "are you talking about!";
		mes "Nonsense! How can ";
		mes "such a cute little belle";
		mes "be of any trouble to me?";
		cutin "orleans_7",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "As a matter of fact,";
		mes "I was just about to treat";
		mes "this precious petit and";
		mes "her little cat to some";
		mes "of my delicious cuisine.";
		mes "So do not worry, Madam~";
		cutin "job_black_hucke01",1;
		emotion e_what,0,"Wickebine#cook";
		mes "[Wickebine]";
		mes "Are you sure, Charles?";
		mes "I know how serious you";
		mes "are about your cooking,";
		mes "and I don't want Nyuyang";
		mes "to disturb you in any way...";
		cutin "job_black_hucke02",1;
		mes "[Wickebine]";
		mes "Oh, Charles, you've";
		mes "been nothing but kind";
		mes "to me. I'm glad that you're";
		mes "also taking care of Nyuyang.";
		mes "Well then, take care~";
		cutin "nyuang_3",2;
		emotion e_heh,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
		mes "[Child with Cat]";
		mes "Nyahahaha~";
		mes "Nyahahaha~";
		mes "(Meow, meow~)";
		cutin "job_black_hucke02",255;
		emotion e_ho,0,"Wickebine#cook";
		donpcevent "Wickebine#cook::OnDisable";
		emotion e_dots;
		emotion e_dots,0,"Child with Cat#cook";
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "......";
		cutin "orleans_6",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Ah...";
		mes "There goes a true";
		mes "lady... Madam Wickebine...";
		goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 10) {
		cutin "orleans_5",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "It's been bothering";
		mes "me that his highness";
		mes "has been missing for";
		mes "a while. Why doesn't";
		mes "anybody know where he is?";
		cutin "orleans_4",0;
		cutin "orleans_3",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Wise and benevolent";
		mes "King Tristram III would";
		mes "never abandon his subjects.";
		mes "I dearly hope that nothing";
		mes "serious has happened to him...";
		cutin "orleans_6",0;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Can it be possible that";
		mes "our beloved king would";
		mes "have enemies? He's done";
		mes "nothing but good for the";
		mes "Rune-Midgarts Kingdom";
		mes "and the rest of the world!";
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "I can't imagine a great";
		mes "man like him to be in any";
		mes "sort of trouble. It makes me";
		mes "me laugh whenever anyone";
		mes "suggests that he is hiding";
		mes "in the Schwaltzvalt Republic...";
		emotion e_go;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Praise the glories of the";
		mes "Rune-Midgarts Kingdom!";
		mes "Long live King Tristram III!";
		goto L_End;
	else if (cooking_q == 11) {
		cutin "orleans_5",0;
		emotion e_dots;
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Oh, I'm in great need of";
		mes "some rest. Unless you ";
		mes "have something incredibly";
		mes "important to ask of me,";
		mes "please let me take a break~";
		switch(select("I want to learn more recipes.", "For whom do you cook?", "I'm sorry to bother you...")) {
		case 1:
			cutin "orleans_7",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "You want to learn more";
			mes "recipes? I suppose that";
			mes "you should borrow another";
			mes "cookbook then. Before that,";
			mes "please return the cookbook";
			mes "that you were studying, okay?";
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Now, choose the cookbook";
			mes "that you want to borrow by";
			mes "entering a level from 1 to 5.";
			mes "There are more advanced books,";
			mes "but I'm not lending those out.";
			mes "Oh, and enter 0 to cancel.";
			input .@new_book;
			if (.@new_book < 0 || .@new_book > 5) {
				cutin "orleans_5",0;
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "Hmm...";
				mes "I asked to you to";
				mes "enter a level from";
				mes "1 to 5. Those are the";
				mes "only cookbooks that I will";
				mes "lend out to my students.";
				goto L_End;
			else if (.@new_book == 0) {
				cutin "orleans_5",0;
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "So you changed your mind?";
				mes "It would be a good idea to";
				mes "study the recipes that you";
				mes "have right now before trying";
				mes "something new, I suppose.";
				goto L_End;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "So you wanted to borrow a";
			mes "Level " + .@new_book + " Cookbook, eh?";
			mes "Oh, would you please tell";
			mes "me the level of the cookbook";
			mes "that you are returning to me?";
			input .@old_book;
			if (.@old_book < 0 || .@old_book > 5) {
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "There must be some";
				mes "kind of mistake-- I only";
				mes "lend out cookbooks from";
				mes "levels 1 to 5. Hmm, well, ask";
				mes "me again when you remember";
				mes "which cookbook you have, okay?";
				goto L_End;
			else if (.@old_book == 0) {
				cutin "orleans_5",0;
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "So you changed your mind?";
				mes "It would be a good idea to";
				mes "study the recipes that you";
				mes "have right now before trying";
				mes "something new, I suppose.";
				goto L_End;
			else if (.@old_book == .@new_book) {
				cutin "orleans_4",0;
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "Wait, wait...";
				mes "Why do you want to";
				mes "borrow a copy of the";
				mes "cookbook that you already";
				mes "have? I guess you made";
				mes "some sort of mistake?";
				goto L_End;
			else {
				if (countitem(7471+.@old_book) < 1) {
					mes "[Charles Orleans]";
					mes "Wait, wait...";
					mes "Why don't you have";
					mes "the book that you said";
					mes "that you'd return to me?";
					mes "Find it first, and then I can";
					mes "lend another cookbook to you.";
					goto L_End;
				cutin "orleans_2",0;
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				switch(.@old_book) {
				case 1:
					mes "Ah, so you're done";
					mes "with the Level 1 Cookbook.";
					mes "That's good, that means you're";
					mes "ready to graduate from the most";
					mes "basic of basics. From now on,";
					mes "the recipes will be harder...";
				case 2:
					mes "Ah, so what did you";
					mes "think of the recipes in";
					mes "the Level 2 Cookbook?";
					mes "Homestyle cooking may be";
					mes "simple, but it should never";
					mes "be neglected by chefs.";
				case 3:
					mes "Ah, done with the Level 3";
					mes "Cookbook already? The recipes";
					mes "in there are really good when you're cooking romantic dinners.";
					mes "They'll come in handy someday,";
					mes "if you know what I mean.";
				case 4:
					mes "So you've finished the";
					mes "Level 4 Cookbook. That's";
					mes "no small feat! You've got to";
					mes "use very strange ingredients";
					mes "to create delicious cuisine!";
				case 5:
					mes "You're done with the";
					mes "Level 5 Cookbook? Good";
					mes "work: most beginners don't";
					mes "even get this far. I suppose";
					mes "you'll want to review some";
					mes "of the easier recipes now~";
			cutin "orleans_1",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Now, before I let you";
			mes "borrow one of my beloved";
			mes "cookbooks, I have a small";
			mes "condition that you must fulfill. ";
			if (.@new_book == 1) {
				cutin "orleans_7",0;
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "When I was a young child,";
				mes "my family was destitute to";
				mes "the point where we live off";
				mes "leftover vegetables. Even";
				mes "Monster's Feed was a prime";
				mes "delicacy back in those days.";
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "Back then, my father would";
				mes "always serve us Pumpkin.";
				mes "I grew sick of it as a boy, but";
				mes "now it brings back memories";
				mes "of those days of innocence.";
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "Why don't we do this?";
				mes "If you bring me 10 Pumpkins,";
				mes "I will let you borrow one of";
				mes "my Level 1 Cookbooks.";
				if (countitem(Pumpkin) > 9) {
					if (select("Give 10 Pumpkins and Current Cookbook", "Cancel") == 1) {
						cutin "orleans_6",0;
						mes "[Charles Orleans]";
						mes "Perfect, you've brought";
						mes "me 10 Pumpkins! I can't";
						mes "want to taste these flavors";
						mes "that I used to experience";
						mes "everyday in my childhood.";
					else {
						mes "[Charles Orleans]";
						mes "Oh, how I miss the";
						mes "taste of Pumpkins!";
						mes "Ahhh, how nostalgic~";
						goto L_End;
				else goto L_End;
			else if (.@new_book== 2) {
				cutin "orleans_7",0;
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "Today, I have a craving";
				mes "for a cup of tea. Of course,";
				mes "you cannot enjoy tea without";
				mes "crackers or cookies. Please";
				mes "bring me 5 Well-Baked Cookies";
				mes "to borrow my Level 2 Cookbook.";
				if (countitem(Well_Baked_Cookie) > 4) {
					if (select("Give Cookies and Current Cookbook", "Cancel") == 1) {
						cutin "orleans_6",0;
						mes "[Charles Orleans]";
						mes "Oh, you brought these";
						mes "cookies much quicker";
						mes "than I had expected!";
						mes "Great, now I can put";
						mes "the tea on, relax, then";
						mes "enjoy a delicious snack~";
					else {
						mes "[Charles Orleans]";
						mes "Ohh...";
						mes "I must have some tea";
						mes "soon... But the experience";
						mes "isn't complete without any";
						mes "Well-Baked Cookies to munch~";
						goto L_End;
				else goto L_End;
			else if (.@new_book== 3) {
				cutin "orleans_7",0;
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "You know that specialty";
				mes "dish from Amatsu? I've";
				mes "been craving that lately.";
				mes "Please bring me 5 Sushi,";
				mes "and I'll let you borrow a";
				mes "Level 3 Cookbook, okay?";
				if (countitem(Shusi) > 4) {
					if (select("Give Sushi and Current Cookbook", "Cancel")) {
						cutin "orleans_6",0;
						mes "[Charles Orleans]";
						mes "Ooh, these look so fresh!";
						mes "And the presentation is also";
						mes "wonderful! These must have";
						mes "been prepared by a skilled chef! ";
					else {
						mes "[Charles Orleans]";
						mes "Ahhh, Sushi...";
						mes "It's one of the few";
						mes "things I don't know";
						mes "how to make extremely";
						mes "well. Can you believe that?";
						goto L_End;
				else goto L_End;
			else if (.@new_book== 4) {
				cutin "orleans_7",0;
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "Oh, I'm in the mood for";
				mes "some cuisine from Kunlun.";
				mes "Would you bring me some of";
				mes "that delicious Bao? 5 would";
				mes "be perfect. Then, I'll let you";
				mes "borrow my Level 4 Cookbook.";
				if (countitem(Bun) > 4) {
					if (select("Give Bao and Current Cookbook", "Cancel") == 1) {
						cutin "orleans_6",0;
						mes "[Charles Orleans]";
						mes "Great, you actually";
						mes "brought them! These";
						mes "Bao look especially";
						mes "scrumptious! I can't";
						mes "wait to have a taste!";
					else {
						mes "[Charles Orleans]";
						mes "Oh...";
						mes "It's been so long";
						mes "since I've had a taste";
						mes "of that delicious Bao.";
						mes "I'd cook it myself, but";
						mes "I don't know the secret!";
						goto L_End;
				else goto L_End;
			else if (.@new_book== 5) {
				cutin "orleans_7",0;
				mes "[Charles Orleans]";
				mes "Lately, my pantry has been";
				mes "in some dire need of Shoots.";
				mes "They're a tasty ingredient with";
				mes "unignorable health value. Bring";
				mes "me 10 of those, and you can";
				mes "borrow a Level 5 Cookbook.";
				if (countitem(Shoot) > 9) {
					if (select("Give Shoots and Current Cookbook", "Quit") == 1) {
						cutin "orleans_6",0;
						mes "[Charles Orleans]";
						mes "Goodness, these are";
						mes "some high quality Shoots!";
						mes "These look so good, I'm";
						mes "sure that you you can";
						mes "even eat them raw!";
					else {
						mes "[Charles Orleans]";
						mes "I'm going to need to";
						mes "cook with those Shoots";
						mes "soon, so I'd appreciate it";
						mes "if you'd do this little favor~";
						goto L_End;
				else goto L_End;

			if (.@old_book == 1) delitem Cookbook01,1;
			else if (.@old_book == 2) delitem Cookbook02,1;
			else if (.@old_book == 3) delitem Cookbook03,1;
			else if (.@old_book == 4) delitem Cookbook04,1;
			else if (.@old_book == 5) delitem Cookbook05,1;
			if (.@new_book == 1) {
				delitem Pumpkin,10;
				getitem Cookbook01,1;
			else if (.@new_book== 2) {
				delitem Well_Baked_Cookie,5;
				getitem Cookbook02,1;
			else if (.@new_book== 3) {
				delitem Shusi,5;
				getitem Cookbook03,1;
			else if (.@new_book== 4) {
				delitem Bun,5;
				getitem Cookbook04,1; //Cookbook05
			else if (.@new_book== 5) {
				delitem Shoot,10;
				getitem Cookbook05,1;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Well, as promised,";
			mes "here's the cookbook";
			mes "that you asked for. Take";
			mes "good care of it--don't sell";
			mes "it or lose it or anything like";
			mes "that. Good luck cooking now~";
			goto L_End;

		case 2:
			cutin "orleans_3",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "What do you mean,";
			mes "''Who do I cook for?''";
			mes "That's a strange question";
			mes "with a simple answer. I'm";
			mes "an artiste that must bring";
			mes "more of my art into the world.";
			cutin "orleans_3",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Wait, wait...";
			mes "Have you been speaking";
			mes "to Madeleine Chu? She";
			mes "didn't say anything out";
			mes "of the ordinary did she?";
			mes "Because if she did, ignore her!";
			cutin "orleans_6",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "No. There is";
			mes "no special reason";
			mes "why my spirit to create";
			mes "culinary masterpieces has";
			mes "been reinvigorated lately...";
			goto L_End;

		case 3:
			cutin "orleans_5",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Please, do not worry";
			mes "yourself about it. Just";
			mes "let me rest for now~";
			goto L_End;

	else {
		mes "[Charles Orleans]";
		mes "Mon dieu!";
		mes "An error has";
		mes "occurred!";
		goto L_End;

	cutin "",255;

prt_castle,45,35,5	script	Madeleine Chu#cook	4_COOK,{
	if (MaxWeight - Weight < 2000) {
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "I'm sorry, but right now";
		mes "you're carrying too many";
		mes "items. You should put your";
		mes "extra things in Kafra Storage,";
		mes "and then talk to me again, okay? ";
	if (cooking_q == 0) {
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "Oh, hello~";
		mes "I'm Madeleine Chu,";
		mes "chef apprentice to";
		mes "Sir Charles. May I help";
		mes "you with anything today?";
		switch(select("What do you do as a chef?", "Which foods can you make?", "I want to learn cooking too!")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "What do I do as a chef?";
			mes "Well, I'm just an apprentice now, so I'm still learning how to cook.";
			mes "But someday, I want to become";
			mes "a great chef and have everybody";
			mes "recognize my culinary talents~";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "There's a lot of grueling";
			mes "work that goes into cooking,";
			mes "as well as a lot of finesse.";
			mes "I have to control fire better";
			mes "tham a firefighter and craft";
			mes "my dishes like an artist.";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Well, I'm exaggerating";
			mes "a little bit, but cooking";
			mes "at a certain level is much";
			mes "more difficult than it appears.";

		case 2:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Well, I only know the basic";
			mes "recipes for now. Sir Charles";
			mes "says that even the best chef";
			mes "knows how to bring out the";
			mes "flavors of even common foods.";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "He says that I need to develop";
			mes "my culinary skills until I can";
			mes "learn more advanced recipes.";
			mes "Someday, I'll advance and then";
			mes "I'll know enough to create my";
			mes "own unique, delicious dishes!";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Sir Charles may be harsh to";
			mes "his students, but his skills";
			mes "are unequaled. I tried one of";
			mes "his desserts once, and it was";
			mes "the most heavenly experience.";
			mes "I swear I saw winged hearts~!";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Sadly, I'm a still long way";
			mes "from learning how to make ";
			mes "his specialty, Handmade";
			mes "Chocolates. Before that, I need";
			mes "to master these strange recipes";
			mes "that he keeps teaching me...";

		case 3:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "If you want to learn cooking,";
			mes "why don't you ask Sir Charles?";
			mes "He's fairly harsh to his students, but he does it out of tough love.";
			mes "He demands nothing less than";
			mes "absolute perfection, you know.";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "If you manage to get";
			mes "Sir Charles to teach you";
			mes "a recipe, you should practice";
			mes "it over and over again to hone";
			mes "your skills. Then, you'll find";
			mes "yourself improving at cooking.";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Now, Sir Charles will only";
			mes "teach students that are truly";
			mes "committed to cooking. You";
			mes "might want to show your";
			mes "dedication with the proper";
			mes "attire... like a Chef Hat.";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "But yes, Sir Charles";
			mes "has very little patience for";
			mes "beginners, meaning that";
			mes "you'll have to be patient";
			mes "with his teaching methods...";
	else if (cooking_q > 0 && cooking_q < 7) {
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "Hello, is there any";
		mes "way I can help you today?";
		mes "Oh, if you're studying cooking";
		mes "under Sir Charles, I can remind";
		mes "you of the ingredients you need";
		mes "if you've forgotten them~";
		switch(select("Fried Grasshopper Legs", "Grape Juice Herbal Tea", "Honey Grape Juice", "Frog Egg and Squid Ink Soup", "Steamed Crab Nippers", "Fried Monkey Tails")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Oh! You'll need";
			mes "^4D4DFF5 Grasshopper Legs^000000,";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Cooking Oil^000000, and";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Old Frying Pan^000000 to make";
			mes "fried Grasshopper Legs.";

		case 2:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Oh! You'll need";
			mes "^4D4DFF3 Grapes^000000, and";
			mes "^4D4DFF2 Red Potions^000000 for";
			mes "Grape Juice Herbal Tea.";

		case 3:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Oh! You'll need";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Honey^000000,";
			mes "^4D4DFF2 Grapes^000000, and";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Red Potion^000000.";

		case 4:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Oh! You'll need";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Bag of Grain^000000,";
			mes "^4D4DFF10 Spawns^000000, and";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Squid Ink^000000 for Frog";
			mes "Egg and Squid Ink soup.";

		case 5:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Oh! You'll need";
			mes "^4D4DFF10 Green Herbs^000000,";
			mes "^4D4DFF10 Nippers^000000, and";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Yellow Potion^000000 for";
			mes "Steamed Crab Nippers.";

		case 6:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Oh! You'll need";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Frying Pan^000000,";
			mes "^4D4DFF5 Yoyo Tails^000000, and";
			mes "^4D4DFF1 Cooking Oil^000000 for";
			mes "Fried Monkey Tails.";
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "I know that Sir Charles";
		mes "is stubborn and won't tell";
		mes "you the ingredients again";
		mes "if you forget. Anyway, I hope";
		mes "you collect them and complete";
		mes "the recipe as soon as you can~";
	else if (cooking_q == 7) {
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "Sir Charles taught you";
		mes "a recipe? That's great!";
		mes "I hope you remember that the";
		mes "quality of your dishes mostly";
		mes "relies on your skills, so always remember to keep practicing.";
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "Ah, you know what might";
		mes "help you improve your";
		mes "culinary skills? Why don't";
		mes "you borrow this cookbook";
		mes "and try some of its recipes?";
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "Before you cook, make sure";
		mes "that you have enough of the";
		mes "ingredients. Oh, and keep the";
		mes "cookbook nearby while you are";
		mes "cooking. You'll probably need";
		mes "to refer to it pretty often...";
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "You might fail to make";
		mes "edible food during your";
		mes "first attempts, but you'll";
		mes "improve as you practice. ";
		mes "Please take this cookbook";
		mes "with the basic Level 1 recipes.";
		cooking_q = 8;
		getitem Cookbook01,1;
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "Once you learn all the recipes,";
		mes "feel free to come back to me for more, okay? Also, you'll need";
		mes "these cooking kits to practice.";
		mes "You can have these for free, and you can buy more from me later~";
		getitem Outdoor_Cooking_Kits,10;
	else if (cooking_q == 8) {
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "So how has your cooking";
		mes "been coming along? You'll";
		mes "need to practice to develop";
		mes "your culinary skills. Now,";
		mes "can I help you with anything?";
		switch(select("I need some Cooking Kits.", "Will you try the food I cooked?", "How does the food I cooked look?")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Sure, which kind";
			mes "of Cooking Kits";
			mes "did you need?";
			switch(select("Outdoor Cooking Kit - 500z", "Home Cooking Kit - 1,000z", "Quit")) {
			case 1:
				callsub S_SellSets,12125;
			case 2:
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "Oh, I'm sorry, but you";
				mes "don't have enough skills";
				mes "to use a Home Cooking Kit.";
				mes "Please practice some more";
				mes "with the Outdoor Cooking";
				mes "Kits first, alright?";
			case 3:
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "Please come back and";
				mes "let me know if you need";
				mes "to purchase any Cooking";
				mes "Kits, alright? See you later~";

		case 2:
			if (countitem(Str_Dish01) > 0 && countitem(Int_Dish01) > 0 && countitem(Dex_Dish01) > 0 && countitem(Agi_Dish01) > 0 && countitem(Vit_Dish01) > 0 && countitem(Luk_Dish01) > 0) {
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "Oh, you've made a sample";
				mes "of every recipe detailed in";
				mes "that basic cookbook, did you?";
				mes "That must have been very good training for your culinary skills.";
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "I'd love to taste your";
				mes "food and give my opinion,";
				mes "but do you mind if I ask";
				mes "you a favor first? I have";
				mes "a friend in Payon who used";
				mes "to study cooking in Prontera.";
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "However, he became frustrated";
				mes "with the culinary classes and";
				mes "moved back to Prontera. Would";
				mes "you mind asking him to taste";
				mes "them? Here, I'll wrap your";
				mes "food in this handy cloth...";
				delitem Str_Dish01,1;
				delitem Int_Dish01,1;
				delitem Dex_Dish01,1;
				delitem Agi_Dish01,1;
				delitem Vit_Dish01,1;
				delitem Luk_Dish01,1;
				cooking_q = 9;
				getitem Food_Package,1;
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "There you go, it's ready";
				mes "to be delivered. Now, make";
				mes "sure not to open this before";
				mes "giving it to my old friend,";
				mes "Chulsoo. You can find him";
				mes "somewhere around Payon...";
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "You should be able to";
				mes "find Chulsoo around the";
				mes "water mill or the pub in";
				mes "Payon. Oh, and don't";
				mes "forget to tell him that";
				mes "I sent you, okay? Thanks~";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Hmm... I think it'd";
			mes "be better if you tried";
			mes "to make every recipe in";
			mes "that basic cookbook I gave";
			mes "you first. That way, I can more";
			mes "accurately judge your skills.";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "It's not bad to focus";
			mes "on just one recipe, but";
			mes "as a beginner, you need";
			mes "to cover all of the basics.";
			mes "Please read the cookbook that I gave you very carefully, okay?";

		case 3:
			if (countitem(Str_Dish01) > 0 || countitem(Int_Dish01) > 0 || countitem(Dex_Dish01) > 0 || countitem(Agi_Dish01) > 0 || countitem(Vit_Dish01) > 0 || countitem(Luk_Dish01) > 0) {
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "Oh, I see that you've";
				mes "tried some recipes in that";
				mes "basic cookbook that I gave";
				mes "you. Everything you made looks";
				mes "delicious. All that's left now";
				mes "is for someone to taste it...";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Well... I don't know...";
			mes "I think you really should try";
			mes "to make every recipe listed";
			mes "in that basic cookbook that";
			mes "I gave to you first. Then, you";
			mes "can present your dishes~";
	else if (cooking_q == 9) {
		if (countitem(Food_Package) > 0) {
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Please find my friend";
			mes "Chulsoo in Payon and";
			mes "give him the Bundle of";
			mes "Food so that he can taste";
			mes "the dishes you've made.";
		else {
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Ah, hello~ oh, will you give me a second?";
			mes "Right now, I am frying something so, I need to focus on this work for a while.";
			mes "Hahahaha.";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Oh, so have you met";
			mes "my friend Chulsoo?";
			mes "You brought him the";
			mes "Bundle of Food, right?";
			mes "I'd be disappointed if";
			mes "you lost it or sold it...";
			if (select("I did!", "I lost the Bundle of Food!") == 1) {
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "Hahaha, I suppose you";
				mes "did. But even if you didn't";
				mes "yet, make sure that you do";
				mes "it soon, alright? See you~";
			if (countitem(Cookbook01) > 0) {
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "You lost it? Oh, that's";
				mes "not good. How can you ";
				mes "disrespect the culinary";
				mes "arts in that way? I'm so";
				mes "very ashamed of you...";
				delitem Cookbook01,1;
				cooking_q = 0;
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "First of all, I'd like";
				mes "you to return my cookbook.";
				mes "I want you to reflect on what";
				mes "you've done, and then learn";
				mes "cooking skills from Sir Charles, starting from the very beginning.";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Oh, you must be joking~";
			mes "I'm sure you must have";
			mes "hidden it somewhere.";
			mes "Anyway, please deliver that";
			mes "Bundle of Food to Chulsoo.";
	else if (cooking_q == 10) {
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "I just received a";
		mes "message from Chulsoo";
		mes "thanking me for having";
		mes "you send him that food.";
		mes "I'm guessing that he";
		mes "really liked it a lot.";
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "I think you're ready to use";
		mes "higher grade cooking tools now.";
		mes "But never forget that your own";
		mes "skills are the most important";
		mes "factor in quality cuisine.";
		cooking_q = 11;
		getitem Indoor_Cooking_Kits,10;
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "Please try these Indoor";
		mes "Cooking Kits to help you";
		mes "create more delicate dishes.";
		mes "When you run out, feel free to";
		mes "purchase more from me, okay?";
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "Also, if you want to";
		mes "learn some new recipes,";
		mes "why don't you talk to Sir";
		mes "Charles again? Okay then,";
		mes "good luck, and I'll see you later~ ";
	else if (cooking_q == 11) {
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "How are you? I hope";
		mes "that you've been honing";
		mes "your cooking skills since";
		mes "the last time we've met.";
		mes "Now, can I help you with";
		mes "anything in particular?";
		switch(select("I need some Cooking Kits.", "How is Sir Charles?", "Um, who's that kid?")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Sure, which kind";
			mes "of Cooking Kits";
			mes "did you need?";
			switch(select("Outdoor Cooking Kit - 500z", "Home Cooking Kit - 1,000z", "Show me a different kit.", "Quit")) {
			case 1:
				callsub S_SellSets,12125;

			case 2:
				callsub S_SellSets,12126;

			case 3:
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "Well, I only have two";
				mes "types of cooking kits,";
				mes "although there is a superior";
				mes "Professional Cooking Kit that";
				mes "real experts, like Sir Charles,";
				mes "use. Amazing, isn't it?";
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "You're still a beginner, so";
				mes "my kits will serve you well. ";
				mes "You know, there's a rumor about a cooking kit that can perfectly";
				mes "make any recipe, so long as all of the ingredients are provided.";
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "Of course, it's only";
				mes "a rumor, probably just";
				mes "the result of someone's";
				mes "weird imagination. I still";
				mes "believe skill is the most";
				mes "important ingredient~";

			case 4:
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "Please come back and";
				mes "let me know if you need";
				mes "to purchase any Cooking";
				mes "Kits, alright? See you later~";

		case 2:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Hm? Sir Charles is";
			mes "fine, but lately he's been";
			mes "getting a little upset at";
			mes "even small things. Still,";
			mes "I guess it's understandable.";
			.@talk_j = rand(1,3);
			if (.@talk_j == 1) {
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "You know, when I first";
				mes "met him, I assumed he was";
				mes "only good at cooking sweets";
				mes "like chocolates and caramels.";
				mes "However, he is highly skilled";
				mes "at cooking almost everything!";
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "I suppose he's been focusing";
				mes "on foods other than desserts";
				mes "ever since our king disappeared. I wonder if King Tristram III's";
				mes "disappearance is related to Sir";
				mes "Charles's change in mood?";
			else if (.@talk_j == 2) {
				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
				mes "I mean, Sir Charles seems";
				mes "to be the type that has trouble";
				mes "opening up to other people.";
				mes "That may explain why he's much";
				mes "nicer to women than to men.";
				mes "Doesn't that make sense?";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Maybe it's because he's";
			mes "been experimenting with";
			mes "a new recipe lately. I think he";
			mes "mentioned something about";
			mes "wanting to treat some woman";
			mes "to the finest food ever made.";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "I've never seen Sir Charles";
			mes "so excited before. That woman";
			mes "must be very lucky: she has the";
			mes "chance to eat his cooking every";
			mes "day if she wanted! I'm almost";
			mes "jealous of her, you know that?";

		case 3:
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Oh, you mean the";
			mes "child with the cat?";
			mes "I'm not sure, but I think";
			mes "I overheard that she might";
			mes "be the younger sister of";
			mes "Madam Wickebine.";
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "I wonder why Sir Charles";
			mes "gives Madam Wickebine such";
			mes "special treatment. Whenever";
			mes "I ask him about it, he gets so";
			mes "upset and doesn't say anything!";
			cutin "orleans_6",0;
			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
			mes "Mince alors!";
			mes "I just felt a chill down my";
			mes "spine... Could someone";
			mes "be talking about me?";
			cutin "",255;
	mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
	mes "Error occurred.";

	.@item_cost = getiteminfo(getarg(0),0);
	.@item_weight = getiteminfo(getarg(0),6);
	mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
	mes "How many " + (getarg(0)==12125 ? "Outdoor":"Indoor");
	mes "Cooking Kits would";
	mes "you like to buy? If you";
	mes "want to cancel, please";
	mes "enter the number 0.";
	while(1) {
		input .@sell;
		if (.@sell == 0) {
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "You've changed your";
			mes "mind? Well, if you need";
			mes "to buy "+getitemname(getarg(0));
			mes "Kits later, just come back";
			mes "to me at anytime, alright?";
		else if (.@sell > 100) {
			mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
			mes "Oh, I'm sorry, but";
			mes "I don't sell more than";
			mes "100 "+getitemname(getarg(0));
			mes "at a time, just to be safe.";
		else break;
	.@total_cost = .@sell * .@item_cost;
	.@total_weight = .@sell * .@item_weight;
	if (Zeny < .@total_cost) {
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "Oh, I'm sorry, but you";
		mes "can't afford this many";
		mes getitemname(getarg(0));
		mes "Please check your zeny";
		mes "before purchasing my kits~";
	if (!checkweight(getarg(0),.@sell)) {
		mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
		mes "I'm sorry, but you don't";
		mes "have enough room in your";
		mes "Inventory for this many";
		mes getitemname(getarg(0))+"...";
	Zeny -= .@total_cost;
	getitem getarg(0),.@sell;
	mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
	mes "Here you are~";
	mes "Best of luck with";
	mes "your culinary training!";

prt_castle,45,28,3	script	Child with Cat#cook	4_F_YUNYANG,{
	.@nyu = rand(1,2);
	if (.@nyu == 1) {
		cutin "nyuang_1",2;
		emotion e_what;
		mes "[Child with Cat]";
		mes "...Nya?";
		mes "(...Meow?)";
		cutin "nyuang_1",255;
	cutin "nyuang_3",2;
	emotion e_ho;
	mes "[Child with Cat]";
	mes "Nyahahahaha,";
	mes "nyahahahaha~";
	mes "(Meow~, meow~)";
	cutin "nyuang_1",255;

prt_castle,44,30,5	script	Wickebine#cook	4_F_JOB_ASSASSIN,{
	disablenpc "Wickebine#cook";

	disablenpc "Wickebine#cook";

	enablenpc "Wickebine#cook";

	disablenpc "Wickebine#cook";

payon,209,127,3	script	Servant	4_M_ORIENT01,{
	if (!checkweight(Rice_Cake,1)) {
		mes "[Chulsoo]";
		mes "Hold on, you're carrying";
		mes "too many items with you.";
		mes "Why don't you put some of";
		mes "your stuff in Kafra Storage";
		mes "before coming back to me?";
	if (cooking_q == 10) {
		mes "[Chulsoo]";
		mes "When you get the chance,";
		mes "please give Madeline my";
		mes "thanks. I'll visit Prontera";
		mes "soon to see her, as well as";
		mes "make amends with Sir Charles.";
	else if (cooking_q == 9) {
		mes "[Chulsoo]";
		mes "How would you like";
		mes "to buy a Rice Cake?";
		mes "It's only 200 zeny, but";
		mes "it's oh-so-delicious~";
		switch(select("Sure, I'll buy one!", "No, thanks.", "Actually, Madeleine sent me...")) {
		case 1:
			if (Zeny < 200) {
				mes "[Chulsoo]";
				mes "Oh, I'm sorry, but";
				mes "you don't have enough";
				mes "money to buy a Rice Cake...";
				mes "Still, it should be easy to";
				mes "raise 200 zeny, right?";
			Zeny -= 200;
			getitem Rice_Cake,1;
			mes "[Chulsoo]";
			mes "Thank you very";
			mes "much! I hope you";
			mes "enjoy your Rice Cake~";

		case 2:
			mes "[Chulsoo]";
			mes "Are you sure about";
			mes "that? You won't get";
			mes "the chance to have a";
			mes "Rice Cake this delicious";
			mes "anywhere else. Oh well,";
			mes "that means more for me~";

		case 3:
			if (countitem(Food_Package) > 0) {
				mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
				mes "Actually, Madeleine";
				mes "sent me here to find";
				mes "you. She said that you'd";
				mes "be willing to taste test";
				mes "the food in this bundle...";
				mes "[Chulsoo]";
				mes "Madeleine? You mean";
				mes "Madeleine Chu? Oh, I haven't";
				mes "heard from her in such a long";
				mes "time! Great, let me see the";
				mes "bundle that she sent me. Ah, everything here looks appetizing!";
				mes "[Chulsoo]";
				mes "Oh, wait. She even";
				mes "included a message";
				mes "inside this bundle.";
				mes "Let's see, here...";
				mes "^333333Dear Chulsoo,";
				mes " It's been a long time.";
				mes "I know you left Prontera on";
				mes "bad terms with Sir Charles,";
				mes "but please understand that";
				mes "he was only trying his best to";
				mes "help improve your cooking.^000000";
				mes "^333333 Sir Charles always wished";
				mes "that you'd expand your repetoire, and that you'd make these kinds";
				mes "of foods someday. The person";
				mes "that delivered this food also";
				mes "cooked it. Please try it...^000000";
				mes "^333333 Hopefully, you'll be";
				mes "able to understand Sir ";
				mes "Charles a little better ";
				mes "after tasting this food.";
				mes " ";
				mes " Your friend, Madeleine^000000";
				mes "[Chulsoo]";
				mes "Now I get it...";
				mes "These are the recipes";
				mes "that Sir Charles tried";
				mes "to teach me. But I refused";
				mes "to learn them because I had";
				mes "thought they were too gross...";
				mes "[Chulsoo]";
				mes "......";
				mes ".........";
				mes "It's so delicious... Are";
				mes "you sure you're just a";
				mes "beginner? No... This must";
				mes "be what I've been missing...";
				mes "[Chulsoo]";
				mes "It's what my master";
				mes "always tried to teach me,";
				mes "but I was too impatient to";
				mes "properly learn it. The greatest";
				mes "ingredient of them all... ^D02090heart^000000. After all this time, I understand.";
				mes "[Chulsoo]";
				mes "Thank you for bringing";
				mes "this food to me. I will enjoy";
				mes "it thoroughly, and reflect upon";
				mes "what my old teacher was trying";
				mes "to tell me. In return, please have one of my humble Rice Cakes.";
				delitem Food_Package,1;
				cooking_q = 10;
				getitem Rice_Cake,1;
				mes "[Chulsoo]";
				mes "I better visit Prontera";
				mes "again soon. It's been a long";
				mes "time since I've seen Madeleine.";
				mes "More importantly, I think that";
				mes "I should apologize to Sir Charles. ";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
			mes "Actually, Madeleine";
			mes "sent me here to find";
			mes "you. She said that you'd";
			mes "be willing to taste test";
			mes "the food in this bundle...";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(PC_NAME)+"]";
			mes "Wait, wait...";
			mes "I don't have it!";
			mes "Where did I put";
			mes "that Bundle of Food?";
	else if (cooking_q == 8) {
		mes "[Chulsoo]";
		mes "Lately, it seems that";
		mes "no one wants to buy my";
		mes "Rice Cakes. It's been like";
		mes "that ever since I left Prontera... ";
		mes "[Chulsoo]";
		mes "You see, I used to study";
		mes "in that city as one of Sir";
		mes "Charles's apprentices. It";
		mes "was only a few months, but";
		mes "I was very excited to get the";
		mes "chance to learn under him.";
		mes "[Chulsoo]";
		mes "At least, I was excited";
		mes "at first. Sir Charles really";
		mes "frustrated me: he would";
		mes "only teach me to make these";
		mes "really gross sounding recipes! Like Grasshopper Legs and-- ugh!";
		mes "[Chulsoo]";
		mes "He kept insisting that";
		mes "I was forgetting the most";
		mes "important ingredient, and that";
		mes "it was possible to make things";
		mes "like Fried Monkey Tails delicious. But I can't believe that nonsense!";
		mes "[Chulsoo]";
		mes "In the end, I ran away.";
		mes "For some reason, I feel";
		mes "a little ashamed and regret";
		mes "what I did. Still, I don't see";
		mes "what Sir Charles meant...";
	else {
		mes "[Chulsoo]";
		mes "How would you like";
		mes "to buy a Rice Cake?";
		mes "It's only 200 zeny, but";
		mes "it's oh-so-delicious~";
		if (select("Sure, I'll buy one!", "No, thanks.") == 1) {
			if (Zeny < 200) {
				mes "[Chulsoo]";
				mes "Oh, I'm sorry, but";
				mes "you don't have enough";
				mes "money to buy a Rice Cake...";
				mes "Still, it should be easy to";
				mes "raise 200 zeny, right?";
			Zeny -= 200;
			getitem Rice_Cake,1;
			mes "[Chulsoo]";
			mes "Thank you very";
			mes "much! I hope you";
			mes "enjoy your Rice Cake~";
		mes "[Chulsoo]";
		mes "Are you sure about";
		mes "that? You won't get";
		mes "the chance to have a";
		mes "Rice Cake this delicious";
		mes "anywhere else. Oh well,";
		mes "that means more for me~";