// by CallNix v.0.0

//======================================Juno to Izlude  airship=====================================================================
airplane_01,238,154,4	script	Captain	854,{
if (airshipquest==0) {
mes "[Fayroll]";
mes "I have nothing to say to you anymore";

if (airshipquest==3) {
mes "[Fayroll]";
mes "Oh, you have finished that work. Great. Now i shall read this letter.";
mes "Don't interrupt me please";
delitem 7276,1;
set airshipquest,4;
//addtimer 30000,"Captain::OnFinish";  �������� ������� ���. �� ��� �� �������, � �� �� ������ �� ���

if (airshipquest==4) {
set @k,rand(4);
if (@k == 2) goto OnFinish;
mes "[Fayroll]";
mes "I had not finished the letter yet";

mes "[Fayroll]";
mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+". Nice to see you";
mes "Anything want from me?";
if (select("yes,about airships:no, nothing") == 1) {
	mes "[Fayroll]";
	mes "So i think you want to know how airship works";
	mes "This is the top secret that only a captain will know. Anyway, if you're willing ti help me, I will let you know.";
	menu "I will help you. But what must I do?",-,"No, sorry, I have no time for this.",L_SORRY;
		mes "[Fayroll]";
		mes " You see, I have a brother. He is also a captain of airplane in Juno to Lighthalzen airship.";
		mes "As we are on different ships, i can't communicate with him. Yor is to deliver this letter to him.";
		mes "If you will do this, I shall tell you the secret.";
		getitem 7276,1;  //Tarloks letter. �� ����� � ����
		set airshipquest,1;
} else {
	mes "[Fayroll]";
	mes "Then don't interrupt me. I have a lot of work to do.";
	mes "Go to the Casino on ship. And spen some time there";

mes "[Fayroll]";
mes "Ye this is bad, but i can't insist on it. Follow your way";
mes "See you the other day.";

mes "[Fayroll]";
mes "Whoo... I finally got it.Now i shall tell you the secret.";
mes "[Fayroll]";
mes "The cocept of the flight of airship";
mes "is the energy produced from the boiler wich push the propeller";
mes "that moves the giant beauty. Do you understand now?";
menu "Is That all???",-;
mes "[Fayroll]";
mes "You can't lift this thing up only with steam.";
mes "thats why the machine ^5566FF'Enchancer'^000000 is used";
mes "It is working on Heart of Ymir. Thats all the secret. Now go.";
set airshipquest,0;
getexp 200000,10000;
//=======================================Juno to Lighthalzen airship====================================================================
airplane,236,163,4	script	Aiplane Captain	855,{
if (airshipquest == 1) goto L_QUEST;
if (airshipquest == 2) goto L_FINISH;
mes "[Dulu]";
mes "Welcome on the board of ourship. Guess you will have lots of time here";

mes "[Dulu]";
mes "Hello, stranger. I am the Airplane Captain of this ship.";
mes "If you have any problems with our stuff you can simply tell me about this.";
if (select("I have letter for you:hmm.. sorry") == 1) {
	mes "[Dulu]";
	mes "You have letter for me?? Really??";
	delitem 7276,1;
	mes "WOHHOOO! Its from my brother. Thx alot, stranger..";
	mes "You see, he has borrowed something from me long ago. But unfortunatly he had lost it";
	mes "and this reallly bed for you...";
	mes "*Dulu shows you a letter*";
	mes "^5566FF'The one who send you the letter will find it for me. Don't reply to me if he refuses to do so'^000000";
	mes "[Dulu]";
	mes "So when you accept that work you accept doing this me. Now i shall tell you your work";
	mes "[Dulu]";
	mes "My brother had lost 2 Will of Darkness and 2 Prickly Fruits";
	mes "They can simply be dropped on the deck of the ship. Monsters often atack ships. Get this items for me from them.";
	mes "Now monster are going to atack Juno to Izlude airship. Go there and get what i need";
	set airshipquest,2;
	} else {
	mes "[Dulu]";
	mes "Well, you know where to find me. See you later";

if (countitem(7340)<2 && countitem(576)<2) {
mes "[Dulu]";
mes "You haven't gathered the items yet";
mes "[Dulu]";
mes "Great work i can say";
delitem 7340,2;
delitem 576,2;
getitem 7276,1;
set airshipquest,3;