//================= Hercules Script =======================================
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//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  Nana
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//= Geffen Warp Script (Pre-Renewal)
//================= Description ===========================================
//= Warp Points for Geffen Fields
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.0

//= Geffen Field Warps =======================================
gef_fild00,267,382,0	warp	gef007	4,2,mjolnir_06,265,32
gef_fild00,381,137,0	warp	gef008	3,9,prt_fild00,24,125
gef_fild00,40,199,0	warp	gef009	2,7,geffen,213,119
gef_fild01,382,111,0	warp	gef010	2,9,prt_fild04,20,114
gef_fild01,16,102,0	warp	geff01	2,4,gef_fild09,368,92
gef_fild01,69,17,0	warp	geff02	4,2,gef_fild03,66,379
gef_fild02,380,156,0	warp	gef011	3,7,prt_fild07,21,143
gef_fild02,380,289,0	warp	gef012	3,12,prt_fild07,18,289
gef_fild02,380,68,0	warp	gef013	3,10,prt_fild07,17,64
gef_fild02,266,18,0	warp	gef026	5,2,prt_fild10,227,296
gef_fild02,14,78,0	warp	geff03	2,4,gef_fild03,379,77
gef_fild02,16,275,0	warp	geff04	2,4,gef_fild03,379,277
gef_fild03,312,16,0	warp	gef014	5,2,prt_fild11,302,298
gef_fild03,66,382,0	warp	geff02-1	4,2,gef_fild01,69,20
gef_fild03,382,77,0	warp	geff03-1	2,4,gef_fild02,17,78
gef_fild03,382,277,0	warp	geff04-1	2,4,gef_fild02,19,275
gef_fild03,18,52,0	warp	geff05	2,4,gef_fild10,367,56
gef_fild04,187,39,0	warp	gef015	4,2,geffen,119,210
gef_fild04,261,362,0	warp	gef016	4,2,mjolnir_01,284,21
gef_fild04,362,322,0	warp	gef017	2,4,mjolnir_06,21,331
gef_fild04,16,309,0	warp	geff06	2,6,gef_fild05,361,309
gef_fild05,364,309,0	warp	geff06-1	2,8,gef_fild04,19,309
gef_fild05,15,201,0	warp	geff07	2,4,gef_fild06,379,211
gef_fild05,64,15,0	warp	geff08	4,2,gef_fild07,64,360
gef_fild06,382,211,0	warp	geff07-1	2,4,gef_fild05,18,201
gef_fild06,218,17,0	warp	geff09	4,2,gef_fild08,200,352
gef_fild07,339,187,0	warp	gef025	2,4,geffen,29,119
gef_fild07,64,363,0	warp	geff08-1	4,2,gef_fild05,64,18
gef_fild07,18,191,0	warp	geff10	2,4,gef_fild08,357,187
gef_fild07,40,19,0	warp	geff13	1,1,gef_fild13,41,369
gef_fild08,200,355,0	warp	geff09-1	4,2,gef_fild06,218,20
gef_fild08,360,187,0	warp	geff10-1	2,4,gef_fild07,21,191
gef_fild08,215,18,0	warp	geff14	1,1,gef_fild12,221,369
gef_fild09,23,56,0	warp	geff18-1	1,1,gef_fild13,376,56
gef_fild09,225,25,0	warp	geff11	3,2,gef_fild10,251,368
gef_fild09,368,95,0	warp	geff01-1	4,2,gef_fild01,19,102
gef_fild10,251,371,0	warp	geff11-1	5,2,gef_fild09,225,28
gef_fild10,104,21,0	warp	geff12	5,2,gef_fild11,114,360
gef_fild10,370,56,0	warp	geff05-1	2,5,gef_fild03,21,52
gef_fild10,136,331,0	warp	gef018	1,1,in_orcs01,122,171
gef_fild10,138,284,0	warp	gef019	1,1,in_orcs01,29,114
gef_fild10,215,51,0	warp	gef020	1,1,in_orcs01,162,53
gef_fild10,223,205,0	warp	gef021	1,1,in_orcs01,108,89
gef_fild10,63,337,0	warp	gef022	1,1,in_orcs01,30,157
gef_fild10,27,219,0	warp	geff19-1	1,1,gef_fild14,367,219
gef_fild11,377,293,0	warp	gef023	2,4,prt_fild11,20,281
gef_fild11,111,364,0	warp	geff12-1	6,3,gef_fild10,104,24
gef_fild12,221,374,0	warp	geff14-1	1,1,gef_fild08,215,25
gef_fild12,368,180,0	warp	geff15	1,1,gef_fild13,29,202
gef_fild12,372,50,0	warp	geff16	1,1,gef_fild13,29,59
gef_fild13,200,25,0	warp	geff17	1,1,gef_fild14,180,357
gef_fild13,25,202,0	warp	geff15-1	1,1,gef_fild12,364,180
gef_fild13,26,59,0	warp	geff16-1	1,1,gef_fild12,370,50
gef_fild13,380,56,0	warp	geff18	1,1,gef_fild09,27,56
gef_fild13,41,373,0	warp	geff13-1	1,1,gef_fild07,40,23
gef_fild14,180,360,0	warp	geff17-1	1,1,gef_fild13,200,29
gef_fild14,371,219,0	warp	geff19	1,1,gef_fild10,31,219