//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Warp Npc With Warp To Almost Everywhere //===== By: ================================================== //= Someone(thats his name!) (1.0) //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any eAthena Version with duplicate; RO Ep6+ //===== Description: ========================================= //= - //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.1 by Darkchild //= 1.2 by Darkchild //= 1.3 Fixed by x[tsk] Added missing code for Valkyrie + Added //= a warp NPC in Valkyrie it self. Checked/Added by Lupus //= 1.4 morocc coords overlapping fixed //============================================================ - script Warp NPC::warpra 115,{ mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Hello, I can warp you to any Town and Dungeon! Were do you want to go?"; next; menu "Towns",town,"Dungeons",dungeon; town: menu "Alberta",walberta,"Aldebaran",waldebaran,"Amatsu",wamatsu,"Comodo",wcomodo,"Gonryun",wgonryun,"Geffen",wgeffen,"Izlude",wizlude,"Lutie",wxmas,"Morroc",wmorroc,"Niflheim",wniflheim,"Payon",wpayon,"Prontera",wprontera,"Yuno",wyuno,"Umbala",wumbala,"Valkyrie",wvalk,"Louyang",wlouyang; dungeon: menu "Amatsu Dungeon",ama,"Gonryun Dungeon",gon,"Anthell",ant,"Beach Dungeon",beach,"Byalan Dungeon",byalan,"Clock Tower",clock,"Coal Mines",coal,"Culvert",culvert,"Geffen Dungeon",geffen,"Glast Heim",glast,"Hidden Dungeon",hidden,"Magma Dungeon",magma,"Orc Dungeon",orc,"Payon Dungeon",payon,"Pyramids",pyramids,"Sphinx",sphinx,"Sunken Ship",sunken,"Toy Factory",toy,"Turtle Dungeon",turtle,"Gefenia",gefenia; ant: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",danthell1,"Level 2",danthell2; beach: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dbeach1,"Level 2",dbeach2,"Level 3",dbeach3; byalan: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dbyalan1,"Level 2",dbyalan2,"Level 3",dbyalan3,"Level 4",dbyalan4,"Level 5",dbyalan5; clock: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dclock1,"Level 2",dclock2,"Level 3",dclock3,"Level 4",dclock4,"Basement 1",dalde1,"Basement 2",dalde2,"Basement 3",dalde3,"Basement 4",dalde4; coal: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dcoal1,"Level 2",dcoal2,"Level 3",dcoal3; culvert: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dculvert1,"Level 2",dculvert2,"Level 3",dculvert3,"Level 4",dculvert4; geffen: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dgeffen1,"Level 2",dgeffen2,"Level 3",dgeffen3,"Level 4",dgeffen4; glast: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Entrance",dglastent,"Castle 1",dglastcast1,"Castle 2",dglastcast2,"Chivalry 1",dglastchiv1,"Chivalry 2",dglastchiv2,"Churchyard",dglastyard,"Culvert 1",dglastcul1,"Culvert 2",dglastcul1,"Culvert 3",dglastcul3,"Culvert 4",dglastcul4,"St.Abbey",dglastchur,"Staircase Dungeon",dglaststep,"Underground Cave 1",dglastcave1,"Underground Cave 2",dglastcave2,"Underground Prison 1",dglastpris1,"Underground Prison 2",dglastpris2; hidden: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dhidden1,"Level 2",dhidden2,"Level 3",dhidden3; magma: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dmagma1,"Level 2",dmagma2; orc: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dorc1,"Level 2",dorc2; payon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dpayon1,"Level 2",dpayon2,"Level 3",dpayon3,"Level 4",dpayon4,"Level 5",dpayon5; pyramids: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dpyramids1,"Level 2",dpyramids2,"Level 3",dpyramids3,"Level 4",dpyramids4,"Basement 1",dpyramidsb1,"Basement 2",dpyramidsb2; sphinx: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dsphinx1,"Level 2",dsphinx2,"Level 3",dsphinx3,"Level 4",dsphinx4,"Level 5",dsphinx5; sunken: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dsunken1,"Level 2",dsunken2; toy: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dtoy1,"Level 2",dtoy2; turtle: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Entrance",dturtleent,"Level 1",dturtle1,"Level 2",dturtle2,"Level 3",dturtle3; ama: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dama1,"Level 2",dama2,"Level 3",dama3; gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dgon1,"Level 2",dgon2,"Level 3",dgon3; gefenia: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "Please select a Level. Beware that you will be warped directly into the dungeon."; next; menu "Level 1",dgefenia1,"Level 2",dgefenia2,"Level 3",dgefenia3,"Level 4",dgefenia4; //----------------Towns----------------\\ walberta: warp "alberta.gat",192,147; close; waldebaran: warp "aldebaran.gat",140,131; close; wamatsu: warp "amatsu.gat",198,84; close; wcomodo: warp "comodo.gat",209,143; close; wgonryun: warp "gonryun.gat",160,121; close; wgeffen: warp "geffen.gat",119,59; close; wizlude: warp "izlude.gat",128,114; close; wxmas: warp "xmas.gat",147,134; close; wmorroc: warp "morocc.gat",156,93; close; wniflheim: warp "niflheim.gat",85,154; close; wpayon: warp "payon.gat",152,75; close; wprontera: warp "prontera.gat",156,191; close; wyuno: warp "yuno.gat",157,51; close; wumbala: warp "umbala.gat",145,155; close; wlouyang: warp "louyang.gat",210,108; close; wvalk: warp "valkyrie",48,8; close; //----------------Dungeons----------------\\ danthell1: warp "anthell01.gat",35,262; close; danthell2: warp "anthell02.gat",168,170; close; dbeach1: warp "beach_dun.gat",266,67; close; dbeach2: warp "beach_dun2.gat",255,244; close; dbeach3: warp "beach_dun3.gat",23,260; close; dbyalan1: warp "iz_dun00.gat",168,168; close; dbyalan2: warp "iz_dun01.gat",253,252; close; dbyalan3: warp "iz_dun02.gat",236,204; close; dbyalan4: warp "iz_dun03.gat",32,63; close; dbyalan5: warp "iz_dun04.gat",26,27; close; dalde1: warp "alde_dun01.gat",297,25; close; dalde2: warp "alde_dun02.gat",127,169; close; dalde3: warp "alde_dun03.gat",277,178; close; dalde4: warp "alde_dun04.gat",268,74; close; dclock1: warp "c_tower1.gat",199,159; close; dclock2: warp "c_tower2.gat",148,283; close; dclock3: warp "c_tower3.gat",65,147; close; dclock4: warp "c_tower4.gat",56,155; close; dcoal1: warp "mjo_dun01.gat",52,17; close; dcoal2: warp "mjo_dun02.gat",381,343; close; dcoal3: warp "mjo_dun03.gat",302,262; close; dculvert1: warp "prt_sewb1.gat",131,247; close; dculvert2: warp "prt_sewb2.gat",19,19; close; dculvert3: warp "prt_sewb3.gat",180,169; close; dculvert4: warp "prt_sewb4.gat",100,92; close; dgeffen1: warp "gef_dun00.gat",104,99; close; dgeffen2: warp "gef_dun01.gat",115,236; close; dgeffen3: warp "gef_dun02.gat",106,132; close; dgeffen4: warp "gef_dun03.gat",203,200; close; dglastent: warp "glast_01.gat",375,304; close; dglastcast1: warp "gl_cas01.gat",199,29; close; dglastcast2: warp "gl_cas02.gat",104,25; close; dglastchiv1: warp "gl_knt01.gat",150,15; close; dglastchiv2: warp "gl_knt02.gat",157,287; close; dglastyard: warp "gl_chyard.gat",147,15; close; dglastcul1: warp "gl_sew01.gat",258,255; close; dglastcul2: warp "gl_sew02.gat",108,291; close; dglastcul3: warp "gl_sew03.gat",171,283; close; dglastcul4: warp "gl_sew04.gat",68,277; close; dglastchur: warp "gl_church.gat",156,7; close; dglaststep: warp "gl_step.gat",12,7; close; dglastcave1: warp "gl_dun01.gat",133,271; close; dglastcave2: warp "gl_dun02.gat",224,274; close; dglastpris1: warp "gl_prison.gat",14,70; close; dglastpris2: warp "gl_prison1.gat",150,14; close; dhidden1: warp "prt_maze01.gat",176,7; close; dhidden2: warp "prt_maze02.gat",94,9; close; dhidden3: warp "prt_maze03.gat",23,8; close; dmagma1: warp "mag_dun01.gat",126,68; close; dmagma2: warp "mag_dun02.gat",47,30; close; dorc1: warp "orcsdun01.gat",32,170; close; dorc2: warp "orcsdun02.gat",21,185; close; dpayon1: warp "pay_dun00.gat",21,183; close; dpayon2: warp "pay_dun01.gat",19,33; close; dpayon3: warp "pay_dun02.gat",19,63; close; dpayon4: warp "pay_dun03.gat",155,159; close; dpayon5: warp "pay_dun04.gat",201,204; close; dpyramids1: warp "moc_pryd01.gat",192,9; close; dpyramids2: warp "moc_pryd02.gat",10,192; close; dpyramids3: warp "moc_pryd03.gat",100,92; close; dpyramids4: warp "moc_pryd04.gat",181,11; close; dpyramidsb1: warp "moc_pryd05.gat",94,96; close; dpyramidsb2: warp "moc_pryd06.gat",192,8; close; dsphinx1: warp "in_sphinx1.gat",288,9; close; dsphinx2: warp "in_sphinx2.gat",149,81; close; dsphinx3: warp "in_sphinx3.gat",210,54; close; dsphinx4: warp "in_sphinx4.gat",10,222; close; dsphinx5: warp "in_sphinx5.gat",100,99; close; dsunken1: warp "treasure01.gat",69,24; close; dsunken2: warp "treasure02.gat",102,27; close; dtoy1: warp "xmas_dun01.gat",205,15; close; dtoy2: warp "xmas_dun02.gat",129,133; close; dturtleent: warp "tur_dun01.gat",154,49; close; dturtle1: warp "tur_dun02.gat",148,261; close; dturtle2: warp "tur_dun03.gat",132,189; close; dturtle3: warp "tur_dun04.gat",100,192; close; dama1: warp "ama_dun01.gat",228,11; close; dama2: warp "ama_dun02.gat",34,41; close; dama3: warp "ama_dun03.gat",119,14; close; dgon1: warp "gon_dun01.gat",153,53; close; dgon2: warp "gon_dun02.gat",28,113; close; dgon3: warp "gon_dun03.gat",68,16; close; dgefenia1: warp "gefenia01.gat",40,103; close; dgefenia2: warp "gefenia02.gat",203,34; close; dgefenia3: warp "gefenia03.gat",266,168; close; dgefenia4: warp "gefenia04.gat",130,272; close; } alberta.gat,31,240,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 aldebaran.gat,145,118,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 amatsu.gat,194,79,1 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 comodo.gat,194,158,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 geffen.gat,115,66,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 izlude.gat,131,116,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 xmas_fild01.gat,115,174,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 morocc.gat,156,99,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 payon.gat,182,110,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 prontera.gat,153,183,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 yuno.gat,137,162,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 moc_fild04.gat,207,331,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 izlu2dun.gat,104,82,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 mjolnir_02.gat,85,363,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 prt_fild05.gat,273,215,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 glast_01.gat,370,308,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 yuno_fild03.gat,37,135,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 gef_fild10.gat,71,339,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 pay_arche.gat,39,135,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 moc_ruins.gat,64,166,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 moc_fild19.gat,106,97,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 alb2trea.gat,73,101,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 tur_dun01.gat,148,239,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 gonryun.gat,151,130,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 louyang.gat,210,106,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 umbala.gat,132,130,4 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115 valkyrie.gat,48,35,8 duplicate(warpra) Warp NPC 115