//===== Hercules Script ======================================
//= Mergician
//===== By: ==================================================
//= Euphy
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.0
//===== Description: =========================================
//= [Official Conversion]
//= Merges items taking up multiple slots in a player's
//= inventory.
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= 1.0 First version, currently useless/disabled.
//= 1.1 Add support for merging items

prontera,146,95,3	script	Mergician#pron	1_M_WIZARD,{
	if (checkweight(1301,1) == 0) {
		mes "- Wait a second !! -";
		mes "- You are carrying too many items -";
		mes "- or too much weight to proceed. -";
		mes "- Come back after -";
		mes "- arranging your inventory. -";
	mes "[Mergician]";
	mes "Do you believe in the miracle of Merge god?? If so, repeat my spell loudly as I pronunce it!!!";
	mes "Merge Merge, Merrrrge!!!";
	switch(select("What is the miracle of Merge?:Merrrrge!!!!:Abandon...")) {
	case 1:
		mes "[Mergician]";
		mes "There is an order which rules the world and keeps the world to go well.";
		mes "[Mergician]";
		mes "But there has been a bad factor which totally jeopardised this rule!!";
		mes "[Mergician]";
		mes "Those things which are separated even if they are composed by the same material!!";
		mes "[Mergician]";
		mes "Have you never experienced this bad incident??";
		mes "The fact that I had ^3131FFthe same potion, but appearing more than twice in your inventory!!^000000 So unpleasant!!!";
		mes "[Mergician]";
		mes "Believe in Mergism. That is the truth.";
		mes "Then I can help you be happy and content.";
	case 2:
		mes "[Mergician]";
		mes "This is the total holy ritual to pray to the Great God, Merge! and I am borrowing the power for a while!!";
		mes "[Mergician]";
		mes "And if you eagerly want to be blessed by Merge, be humble and shout out loud! Merge Merge, Merrrrge!!!";
		switch(select("Merrrrge!:Don't follow what he says.")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Mergician]";
			mes "Merge just heard your wish and let it be realised!";
			mes "Open your inventory to check the miracle!";
		case 2:
			mes "[Mergician]";
			mes "You jerk!!! You just broke the whole rhythm! Why can't you get my flow and follow me?! Idiot!";
	case 3: