//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= Divorcing Deviruchi
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= Perkka, Scriptor, LightFighter
//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
//= 1.1
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= eAthena 1 +
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
//= Both players should be online to get divorced
//= Fixed menu [Lupus]
//= 1.1 Added check if the patner's online, added effects [Lupus]

nif_in,190,112,5	script	Deviruchi#divorce	1109,{
	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	if (getpartnerid() == 0) {
		mes "Kekeke, humans are always alone in the end,";
		mes "The feeling of lonely is just temporarily.";
		mes "If you feel lonely, how about getting a pet?";
		mes "I, the Deviruchi is quite popular recently, you know...";
	mes "You don't look good...";
	mes "Anything that you have done that makes you feel regret now?";
	mes "You must know that I am not willing to help happy people.";
	mes "Deviruchi bear no interest";
	mes "to those kind of people. Kekeke";
	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "Let's put everything aside first.";
	mes "Let me ask you. Are you happy after you get married?";
	mes "Don't think about love...";
	mes "I know more than you can imagine.";
	mes "There're countless problem behind one grand wedding.";
	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "That's right.";
	mes "It your fate that you come here.";
	mes "And I know it's your instinct to change your life too.";
	mes "Although you have made an oath to your partner,";
	mes "the heart will still wither somehow...!";
	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "The method is easy!";
	mes "Marriage is actually one kind of contract.";
	mes "Just ask a favor from Deviruchi";
	mes "and it will destroy the contract for you... Do you get it?";
	mes "Live a free life!!";
	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "You don't need to get the agreement of your partner,";
	mes "You will find another lover soon,";
	mes "So, why not leave your current partner?";
	mes "... Want me to help?";
	mes "I can cancel your marriage now, you know...!";
	menu "No, I am very happy now",-,"Yes, I want a new life",M_NewLife;

	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "Hmmph, lovers... lovers!!";
	mes "You will regret,";
	mes "and come back to find Deviruchi someday!";
	mes "We'll see how long your happiness will last!!";
	warp "niflheim",169,162;

	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "Good, you don't need anything.";
	mes "I just need your heart and 2,500,000 zeny.";
	mes "You want to get back your life before you get married, don't you?";
	mes "So, is that it? You're going to cancel the marriage contract?";
	menu "...I need to consider it again",-, "I am paying you to cancel it now!",M_Divorce;
	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "Quit considering. Everyone will be alone in the end.";
	mes "Just make up your mind and prepare the zeny,";
	mes "then come and look for me...";
	mes "Kekekeke.....";

	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	if (!isloggedin(getpartnerid())) {
		mes "Kekeke, humans are so stupid,";
		mes "Your lover should be online... Kekeke";
		emotion e_heh;
	if (Zeny < 2500000){
		mes "Haven't I said 2,500,000 zeny?";
		mes "This is the payment for Deviruchi to help you.";
		mes "If you don't even have that money,";
		mes "you can rot with that married life of yours... kekeke";
	set Zeny, Zeny - 2500000;
	mes "Before you change your mind again, I will proceed with your divorce now!!";
	mes "It might take some time...";
	mes "So don't go away, and stay here!";
	specialeffect 244;	//EF_MAGICROD
	specialeffect2 259;	//EF_DEVIL (now use a custom id)
	percentheal -100,-100;
	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "Kekeke, you are free now!";
	mes "Throw away all your sinking feelings!";
	mes "You should thank Deviruchi.....!";