//===== Hercules Script ======================================
//= Spirit Liquor trader.
//===== By: ==================================================
//= rAthena Dev Team
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.0
//===== Description: =========================================
//= [Official Conversion]
//= Trade Broken Liquor Jars and alcohol for wanderer
//= pet food, 'Spirit Liquor'
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= 1.0 First version 

prontera,218,218,3	script	Pet Enthusiast	4W_KID,{
	mes "[Pet Enthusiast Jenny]";
	mes "Oh, Hi there!";
	mes "Are you a lover of animals like I am?";
	mes "[Pet Enthusiast Jenny]";
	mes "I know that it's really hard to keep your cute pets happy.";
	mes "All it takes is the right kind of food.";
	mes "[Pet Enthusiast Jenny]";
	mes "I know that sometimes it is really hard to get the right food for your pet.";
	mes "[Pet Enthusiast Jenny]";
	mes "Do you have any food that you are looking for?";
	switch(select("Yes:No")) {
	case 1:
		if ((countitem(7158) > 19) && (countitem(970) > 0)) {
			mes "[Pet Enthusiast Jenny]";
			mes "Oh, you have ^ff000020 Broken Liquor Jar^000000s and ^ff00001 Alcohol^000000!";
			mes "Do you want to exchange them for";
			mes "^ff000020 Spirit Liquor^000000 for your Wanderer pet?";
			switch(select("Yes, please!:No thank you.")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Pet Enthusiast Jenny]";
				mes "Ok here you go then.";
				mes "I hope it keeps your";
				mes "cute pet happy.";
				delitem 7158,20; //Broken_Wine_Vessel
				delitem 970,1; //Alchol
				getitem 7824,20; //Spirit_Liquor
			case 2:
				mes "[Pet Enthusiast Jenny]";
				mes "Hehe, well just let me know if you change your mind.";
		else {
			mes "[Pet Enthusiast Jenny]";
			mes "Actually, right now I can help you get Spirit Liquor for Wanderer pets.";
			mes "[Pet Enthusiast Jenny]";
			mes "All you have to do is bring me ^FF0000 20 Broken Liquor Jars^000000 and ^FF0000 1 Alcohol^000000.";
			mes "I can give you ^FF0000 20 Spirit Liquor^000000 for that.";
			mes "You can get the Broken Liquor Jars from Tengu monsters in Amatsu dungeon.";
	case 2:

prontera,220,218,3	script	Berry Toe	4_DONKEY,{
	specialeffect EF_CHANGEDARK;