//===== eAthena Script ===========
//= New Kafras
//===== By: =========================
//= eAthena Dev Team
//===== Current Version: ===================
//= 3.1
//===== Compatible With: =====================
//= eAthena 1.0
//===== Description: ============================================
//= Description of argument settings for callfunc "F_Kafra".
//=  arg(0): When set at 0 the default Kafra message is displayed.
//=    When set to 1 the Niflhiem Kafra message is displayed.
//=    When set to 2 the Guild Kafra message is displayed. 
//=  arg(1): Set to 1 to disable teleport menu option.  Otherwise set to 0.
//=  arg(2): Set to 1 to disable info menu.  Otherwise set to 0.
//=  arg(3): Cost of Storage service
//=  arg(4): Cost of Rent a Pushcart service
//===== Additional Comments: ==============================================
//= v1.1 Now using functions
//= v2.1 Added Niflheim Kafra by Dizzy
//= v2.1b Minor changes to function calls.  Using arguments.
//= This version uses arrays .[kobra_k88]
//= 2.2 Added Louyang Kafra, fixed other kafras not saving players coords [Lupus]
//= 2.3 Added temp Amatsu + Ayothaya Kafra (wrong coords and sprite) [Lupus]
//= 2.4 Added correct Ayothaya, Louyang & Amatsu Kafras. [Lupus]
//= 2.5 Added 2 Einbroch Kafras. [Lupus]
//= 2.6 Added the Einbech Kafra [MasterOfMuppets]
//= 2.7 Added the Lighthalzen Kafras [MasterOfMuppets]
//= 2.7b Chanced the Sprite of the Einbech Kafra. [Poki#3]
//= 2.7c Added missing kafra in Lighthalzen, thanks to Muad_Dib [Vicious]
//= 2.8 Removed warps from Umbala and Gonryun, thanks Drakee [Evera]
//= 2.9 Fixed an incorrect savepoint (inside the hotel) the map was wrong.
//= 3.0 Updated function calls with new arguments. [L0ne_W0lf]
//=	Added unique Kafra Welcome messages.
//= 3.1 Fixed one of Einbroch (east) kafras not displaying a name, bugreport:857 [Brainstorm]

// Amatsu ------------------------------------------------------------------
amatsu,102,149,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_amatsu	116,{
	cutin "kafra_02",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,3,1,50,700;

		savepoint "amatsu",116,94;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Amatsu";

// Ayothaya ----------------------------------------------------------------
ayothaya,212,169,5	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_ayothaya	116,{
	cutin "kafra_02",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,3,1,50,700;

		savepoint "ayothaya",149,69;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Ayotaya";

// Einbech -----------------------------------------------------------------

einbech,181,132,5	script	Kafra Employee#ein3::kaf_einbech	860,{
	cutin "kafra_08",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome~!";
	mes "The Kafra Services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "So how can I help you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,40,850;

		savepoint "einbech",182,124;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the town of Einbech";

// Einbroch (North-East) ---------------------------------------------------
einbroch,242,205,5	script	Kafra Employee#ein2::kaf_einbroch	860,{
	cutin "kafra_08",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,50,800;

		savepoint "einbroch",238,198;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Einbroch";

// Einbroch (East) ---------------------------------------------------------
einbroch,59,203,6	script	Kafra Employee#ein1::kaf_einbroch2	861,{
	cutin "kafra_09",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "The Kafra services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "How may I assist you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,50,800;

		savepoint "einbroch",240,197;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Einbroch";

// Gonryun -----------------------------------------------------------------
gonryun,159,122,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_gonryun	116,{
	cutin "kafra_02",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,3,1,50,700;

		savepoint "gonryun",160,62;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Kunlun";

// Lighthalzen--------------------------------------------------------------

//Outside the hotel
lighthalzen,164,100,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_lighthalzen	860,{
	cutin "kafra_08",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "The Kafra services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "How may I assist you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,40,800;

		savepoint "lighthalzen",158,94;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Lighthalzen";

// Entrance
lighthalzen,191,320,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_lighthalzen2	861,{
	cutin "kafra_09",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome~!";
	mes "The Kafra Services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "So how can I help you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,40,800;

		savepoint "lighthalzen",194,313;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Lighthalzen";

//Inside the hotel
lhz_in02,237,284,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_lhz_in02	861,{
	cutin "kafra_09",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome~!";
	mes "The Kafra Services";
	mes "are always on your side.";
	mes "So how can I help you?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,4,1,40,800;

		savepoint "lhz_in02",278,215;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Lighthalzen";

// Louyang -----------------------------------------------------------------
louyang,210,104,5	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_louyang	117,{
	cutin "kafra_01",2;
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "Kafra's Employees are";
	mes "always ready to serve you.";
	mes "How can I help you today?";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,3,1,50,700;

		savepoint "louyang",217,92;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Louyang";

// Umbala Kafra ------------------------------------------------------------
umbala,128,133,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_umbala	721,{
	cutin "kafra_07",2;
	cleararray @wrpC$[0],"",getarraysize(@wrpC$);
	setarray @wrpD$[0], "Comodo";
	setarray @wrpP[0], 1800;
	set @wrpC$[0], @wrpD$[0]+" -> "+@wrpP[0];
	set @wrpC$[1], "Cancel";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "You know that our";
	mes "service is always";
	mes "on your side~";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,80,0;
		savepoint "umbala",126,131;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Umbala";

// Niflheim ----------------------------------------------------------------
niflheim,202,180,3	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_niflheim	791,{
	callfunc "F_Kafra",1,2,1,150,0;

		savepoint "niflheim",192,182;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",1,1,"in the city of Niflheim";