//===== rAthena Script ===============
//= Comodo Kafras
//===== By: ============================
//= rAthena Dev Team
//===== Current Version: =======================
//= 2.3
//===== Compatible With: ============================
//= rAthena 1.0
//===== Description: ============================================
//= Description of argument settings for callfunc "F_Kafra".
//=  arg(0): When set at 0 the default Kafra message is displayed.
//=  When set to 1 the Niflhiem Kafra message is displayed.
//=  When set to 2 the Guild Kafra message is displayed. 
//=  arg(1): Set to 1 to disable teleport menu option. Otherwise set to 0.
//=  arg(2): Set to 1 to disable info menu.  Otherwise set to 0.
//=  arg(3): Cost of Storage service
//=  arg(4): Cost of Rent a Pushcart service
//===== Additional Comments: ==========================================
//= v1.1 Now using functions :)
//= v2.1b Minor changes to function calls. Using arguments.
//= This version uses arrays .[kobra_k88]
//= Corrected savepoint for in town kafra.[kobra_k88]
//= 2.2 New teleport destinations, prices [Lupus]
//= 2.21 from Pharos, both warps are now 1200z [Evera]
//= 2.3 Updated function calls with new arguments. [L0ne_W0lf]
//=	Added unique Kafra Welcome message2.

// In Town ==============================================>\\
comodo,195,150,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_comodo	721,{
	cutin "kafra_07",2;
	cleararray @wrpC$[0],"",getarraysize(@wrpC$);
	setarray @wrpD$[0], "Morroc", "Comodo Pharos Beacon", "Umbala";
	setarray @wrpP[0], 1800, 1200, 1800;
	set @wrpC$[0], @wrpD$[0]+" -> "+@wrpP[0];
	set @wrpC$[1], @wrpD$[1]+" -> "+@wrpP[1];
	set @wrpC$[2], @wrpD$[2]+" -> "+@wrpP[2];
	set @wrpC$[3], "Cancel";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "You know that our";
	mes "service is always";
	mes "on your side~";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,80,1000;

		savepoint "comodo",204,143;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in Pyros Lighthouse";

// Comodo Pharos Lighthouse (Beacon Island) ===================>\\
cmd_fild07,136,134,4	script	Kafra Employee::kaf_cmd_fild07	721,{
	cutin "kafra_07",2;
	cleararray @wrpC$[0],"",getarraysize(@wrpC$);
	setarray @wrpD$[0], "Comodo", "Morroc";
	setarray @wrpP[0], 1200, 1200;
	set @wrpC$[0], @wrpD$[0]+" -> "+@wrpP[0];
	set @wrpC$[1], @wrpD$[1]+" -> "+@wrpP[1];
	set @wrpC$[2], "Cancel";
	mes "[Kafra Employee]";
	mes "Welcome to the";
	mes "Kafra Corporation.";
	mes "You know that our";
	mes "service is always";
	mes "on your side~";
	callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,80,1000;

		savepoint "cmd_fild07",127,134;
		callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the town of Comodo";