//Dancer/Bard NPC for Athena by DiaDz //No Quests, just npc on location //1.1 Added SkillPoint check [Lupus] //Dancer & Bard - Comodo 189 166 4_F_07 comodo.gat,189,166,4 script Performance Master 741,{ if(Class==19) goto bard; if(Class==20) goto dance; if(Class !=3) goto notarch; mes "[Performance Master]"; mes "Welcome to Comodo and the Performers Guild."; next; mes "[Performance Master]"; mes "What can I do for you , a Song or Dance perhaps?"; next; menu "Change Job into a Bard/Dancer.",case1,"The Requirements.",case2,"Quit.",case3; case1: if(JobLevel < 40) goto notlvl; if(sex==1) goto M; mes "[Performance Master]"; if(SkillPoint > 0) mes "You need to use up all of your skill points before I can make you a Dancer."; if(SkillPoint > 0) close; mes "Welcome Glorious Dancer"; jobchange 20;// Job: Job_Dancer close; M: mes "[Performance Master]"; if(SkillPoint > 0) mes "You need to use up all of your skill points before I can make you a Bard."; if(SkillPoint > 0) close; mes "Welcome Master Bard"; jobchange 19;// Job: Job_Bard close; notlvl: mes "[Performance Master]"; mes "you need to be at least Job level 40"; close; case2: mes "[Performance Master]"; mes "Archers of Job Level 40 and above may become Dancers or Bards"; next; mes "[Performance Master]"; mes "Its a Great Time to become a Bard or Dancer they are in Much demand!"; mes "You can't miss the perfect chance!"; close; case3: mes "[Performance Master]"; mes "Please come again sometime"; close; dance: mes "[Performance Master]"; mes "You are already a Glorious Dancer."; mes "Roam our world and bring joy and harmony to the masses of Midgard."; close; bard: mes "[Performance Master]"; mes "You are already a Masterful Bard."; mes "Roam our world and bring joy and harmony to the masses of Midgard."; close; notarch: mes "[Performance Master]"; mes "I'm sorry but there is nothing I can help you with."; mes "Only Archers are nimble and dexterous enough to be as graceful as a 'Dancer' or 'Bard'."; close; }