//================= Hercules Script =======================================
//=       _   _                     _
//=      | | | |                   | |
//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  rAthena Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  eAthena Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  Kayla
//= Copyright (C)  MasterOfMuppets
//= Copyright (C)  Lupus
//= Copyright (C)  shadowlady
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//= X-mas Event
//================= Description ===========================================
//= Beat up Antonios and grab his socks.  Get at least 3 and give them to
//= Santa Claus Claus in exchange for a present.
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.4
//================= Additional Comments ===================================
//= Includes X-mas mobs.
//= This npc will disable, the current Santa Claus npc.

xmas_in,100,96,4	script	Santa Claus::Santa2	4_M_SANTA,{
	mes "[Santa Claus]";
	if(xmas_npc==0) xmas_npc = 1; // For Lutie & Bard quest
	if(#event_xmas > 0 && #event_xmas < 30 ) goto L_Start;
	mes "Merry Christmas!";
	if(Class==0 || #event_xmas>=30 ) close; //anti exploit protection
	mes "I have a gift for you! Ho Ho Ho!";
	getitem rand(664,667),1; //gives one of 4 gift boxes

	mes "I'm having a bit of a problem...";
	mes "Do you care to listen?";
	switch (select("Listen to Santa Claus.","Give Santa Claus proof.","Cancel.")) {
	case 1: // Listen
		mes "[Santa Claus]";
		mes "My problem is this.";
		mes "There seems to be a man out there";
		mes "that is impersonating me and spreading";
		mes "terror throughout the land.";
		mes "[Santa Claus]";
		mes "Like the Grinch of legend, he's taking";
		mes "all the childrens' toys and keeping them";
		mes "for himself.";
		mes "[Santa Claus]";
		mes "I'm too busy here creating my batch of ";
		mes "toys for next year, so I can't go";
		mes "out and find him myself.";
		mes "So I would like you to go out and";
		mes "Destroy this man for me.";
		mes "[Santa Claus]";
		mes "He has in his posession one of my";
		mes "magic sacks, however, so he will";
		mes "escape into it to another place each";
		mes "time you attack him.";
		mes "[Santa Claus]";
		mes "However,";
		mes "In his haste, he tends to drop things.";
		mes "If by chance he drops one of his Stockings";
		mes "With Holes that he uses to steal the";
		mes "poor childrens' toys, pick it up.";
		mes "[Santa Claus]";
		mes "If you collect 3 of these, I will give";
		mes "you a prototype mystery box that";
		mes "I've been keeping around the";
		mes "lab. It spits out random presents";
		mes "and saves me a ton of work.";
	case 2: // Give proof
		mes "[Santa Claus]";
		if(countitem(Red_Socks_With_Holes) < 3) goto L_NotEnuf;
		delitem 7034,3;
		mes "Seems you've been doing a";
		mes "good job of taking down those";
		mes "fake Santas. Keep it up!";
		getitem Gift_Box,1; //Gift Box Prototype
		mes "[Santa Claus]";
		mes "There's your reward.";
		mes "If you get 3 more, I'll give you another.";
		mes "Hope you get a good item.";

			mes "You don't have enough socks as proof.";
			mes "Go take down those evil Santas";
			mes "and get more for me and I'll reward you.";
	default: // Cancel
		mes "[Santa Claus]";
		mes "I see. Well, at the very least";
		mes "we shall meet again on Christmas morning.";

	disablenpc "Santa Claus";

//== Xmas Goblin Spawns ====================================
prt_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Christmas Goblin	1245,5,0,0,0
gef_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Christmas Goblin	1245,5,0,0,0
yuno_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Christmas Goblin	1245,5,0,0,0

//== Santa Poring Spawns ===================================
ein_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
ein_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
ein_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
ein_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
ein_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
ein_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
ein_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild00,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild12,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild13,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gef_fild14,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
glast_01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
lhz_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
lhz_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
lhz_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_02,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_03,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_04,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_05,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_06,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_07,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_08,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_09,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_10,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_11,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
mjolnir_12,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild12,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild13,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild14,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild15,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild16,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild17,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
moc_fild18,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
pay_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
pay_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
pay_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
pay_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
pay_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
pay_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
pay_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
pay_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
pay_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
pay_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
pay_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild00,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
prt_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
xmas_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
cmd_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
cmd_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
cmd_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
cmd_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
cmd_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
cmd_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
cmd_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
cmd_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
cmd_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
yuno_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
yuno_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
yuno_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
yuno_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
yuno_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
yuno_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
yuno_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
yuno_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
yuno_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
yuno_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
yuno_fild12,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
ama_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
gon_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
um_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
um_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
um_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
um_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
nif_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
nif_fild02,0,0,0,0 	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
lou_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
hu_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
hu_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
hu_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0
hu_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Santa Poring	1062,15,0,0,0

//== Antonio Spawns ========================================
ein_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
ein_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
ein_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
ein_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
ein_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
ein_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
ein_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild00,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild12,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild13,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gef_fild14,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
glast_01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
lhz_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
lhz_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
lhz_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_02,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_03,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_04,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_05,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_06,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_07,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_08,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_09,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_10,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_11,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
mjolnir_12,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild12,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild13,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild14,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild15,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild16,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild17,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
moc_fild18,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
pay_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
pay_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
pay_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
pay_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
pay_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
pay_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
pay_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
pay_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
pay_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
pay_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
pay_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild00,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
prt_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
xmas_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
cmd_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
cmd_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
cmd_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
cmd_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
cmd_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
cmd_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
cmd_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
cmd_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
cmd_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
yuno_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
yuno_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
yuno_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
yuno_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
yuno_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
yuno_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
yuno_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
yuno_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
yuno_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
yuno_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
yuno_fild12,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
ama_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
gon_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
um_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
um_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
um_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
um_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
nif_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
nif_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
lou_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
hu_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
hu_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
hu_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0
hu_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Antonio	1247,1,0,0,0

//== Xmas Jakk Spawns ======================================
gef_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Xmas Jakk	1244,5,0,0,0
//gefenia02,0,0,0,0	monster	Xmas Jakk	1244,5,0,0,0

//== Xmas Orc Spawns =======================================
gef_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Christmas Orc	1588,5,0,0,0
gef_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Christmas Orc	1588,5,0,0,0
gef_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Christmas Orc	1588,5,0,0,0
gef_fild14,0,0,0,0	monster	Christmas Orc	1588,5,0,0,0
alde_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Christmas Orc	1588,5,0,0,0