//===== Hercules Script ======================================
//= War of Emperium Managers for N Guild Castles
//===== By: ==================================================
//= kobra_k88
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.2
//===== Description: =========================================
//= Break down of arguments used in the function:
//=   arg(0): name of Castle Manager
//=   arg(1): name of guild castle.
//=   arg(2): x1 coordinate for warp to treasure room
//=   arg(3): y1 coordinate for warp to treasure room
//=   arg(4): guild script suffix for kafra, etc.
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= 1.0 Based off existing guild scripts.  Do not know if it is accurate.[kobra_k88]
//= 1.1 Added modified guild manager function. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= 	Removed guardian summoning.
//= 1.2 Corrected function name. (bugreport:1728) [L0ne_W0lf]

function	script	F_GldManager	{

	@GID = getcastledata(getarg(1),1);
	mes "[ "+getarg(0)+" ]";
	if (@GID == 0){
		mes "I am waiting for my master.  Brave adventurer, follow your destiny!";
	if (getcharid(2) != @GID){
		mes "I am here to follow ^5533FF" + getguildmaster(@GID) + "^000000's command! Hey! Your not even a part of the guild!!";
		mes "Where are the guardians? Destroy these intruders!";
	if (strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster(@GID)){
		mes "You're not ^5533FF" + getguildmaster(@GID) + "^000000! I am here to follow ^5533FF" + getguildmaster(@GID) + "^000000's command only";
		return 0;

	mes "Welcome Master ^5533FF" + getguildmaster(@GID) + "^000000 ! I will assist you in any way I can!";

	switch (select("Kafra Staff Employment / Dismissal","Enter Treasure Room","Cancel")) {
	case 1: // Employment / Dismissal
		mes "[ "+getarg(0)+" ]";
		if (getcastledata(getarg(1),9) == 1) goto L_Dismiss;
		if (getgdskilllv(@GID,10001) == 0){
			mes "Master, you don't have a contract with the Kafra Staff Company.";
			mes "In order to hire a Kafra, you must first learn the Guild skill ^5533FFContract With Kafra^000000.";

			mes "Would you like to employ the services of a Kafra? You will need ^5533FF10,000 Zeny^000000 to do so... ";
			if (select("Employ Kafra.","Cancel") != 1) {
				mes "[ "+getarg(0)+" ]";
				mes "As you wish Master.  But I suggest we get a Kafra as soon as possible!";
			mes "[ "+getarg(0)+" ]";
			if (Zeny < 10000) {
				mes "Master, you do not have enough money to employ a Kafra. Employment has been cancelled.";
			Zeny -= 10000;
			enablenpc "Kafra Staff#"+getarg(4);
			setcastledata getarg(1),9,1;
			mes "You have created a contract with the Kafra Staff Company.";
			cutin "kafra_01",2;
			mes "[ Kafra Staff ]";
			mes "How do you do? I'm here to provide you with helpful service! I'll do the best I can to serve you.";
			cutin "kafra_01",255;
			mes "[ "+getarg(0)+" ]";
			//mes "Your employment contract lasts ^5533FF1 month^000000.  After this term is over you will have to create a new contract.";
			mes "I think the Kafra Staff will benefit our guild members.";
			mes "Would you like to dismiss the current Kafra?";
			if (select("Dismissal","Cancel") != 1) {
				mes "[ "+getarg(0)+" ]";
				mes "Master, I think you should keep the current Kafra Staff because she is already trying her best to serve us";
			cutin "kafra_01",2;
			mes "[ Kafra Staff ]";
			mes "Have I done anything wrong? If I did, will you please forgive me?";
			if (select("Dismiss","Cancel") != 1) {
				mes "[ Kafra Staff ]";
				mes "Thank you master, I'll do my best! ^^.";
				cutin "kafra_01",255;
			mes "[ Kafra Staff ]";
			mes "It's unfortunate that I won't be able to serve your guild anymore....";
			disablenpc "Kafra Staff#"+getarg(4);
			setcastledata getarg(1),9,0;
			cutin "kafra_01",255;
			mes "[ "+getarg(0)+" ]";
			mes "The Kafra has been dismissed.  But... we should really get a Kafra as soon as possible!";
	case 2: // Enter Treasure Room
		mes "[ "+getarg(0)+" ]";
		mes "Would you to go to our Treasure Room? Only you, the Guild Master, are allowed to enter this room.";
		if (select("Enter Treasure room.","Cancel") == 1) {
			mes "[ "+getarg(0)+" ]";
			mes "Please follow me through the secret passage way.";
			mes "You must pull down on the secret switch in order to get out.";
			warp getarg(1),getarg(2),getarg(3);
		mes "[ "+getarg(0)+" ]";
		mes "The goods are produced everyday.";
		mes "You should get them whenever you can because they might dissapear if you take them at the wrong time.";
	default: // Cancel
		mes "[ "+getarg(0)+" ]";
		mes "As you wish, master.";

// Castle 1 ==================================================================================
nguild_alde,218,175,0	script	Frolo	1_M_JOBTESTER,{
	callfunc "F_GldManager","Frolo","nguild_alde",119,223,"N01";

// Castle 2 ==================================================================================
nguild_gef,40,48,5	script	Leiber	1_M_JOBTESTER,{
	callfunc "F_GldManager","Leiber","nguild_gef",155,112,"N02";

// Castle 3 ==================================================================================
nguild_pay,120,58,4	script	Dundar	1_M_JOBTESTER,{
	callfunc "F_GldManager","Dundar","nguild_pay",290,7,"N03";

// Castle 4 ==================================================================================
nguild_prt,112,181,0	script	Thefton	1_M_JOBTESTER,{
	callfunc "F_GldManager","Thefton","nguild_prt",15,209,"N04";