//================= Hercules Script =======================================
//=       _   _                     _
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//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  Samuray22
//= Copyright (C)  L0ne_W0lf
//= Copyright (C)  Brainstorm
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//= 2006 Halloween Event
//================= Description ===========================================
//= Event 1: Redeem "Pumpkin Mojo" for pumpkin headgear.
//= Event 2: Create "Pumpkin Pie" item.
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.4

//== Pumpkin Mojo quest (Event 1) ==========================
prontera,162,69,5	script	Gloomy Jack#06_hw	JAKK,2,2,{

	mes "[Cool Devi]";
	mes "If you have something to say to him,";
	mes "just talk to me.";
	mes "You won't even understand what stupid pumkin headed Jack is saying.";

	specialeffect EF_LEVEL99;

	specialeffect EF_HIT2;

prontera,164,69,3	script	Cool Devi#06_hw	4_DEVIRUCHI,{
	if (MaxWeight - Weight < 2000 || checkweight(Knife,1) == 0) {
		mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
		mes "Right now, you're carrying";
		mes "too many things with you.";
		mes "Please come back after";
		mes "using the Kafra Service";
		mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	if (countitem(Pumpkin_Mojo) > 0) {
		mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
		mes "Oh wait, is that a Pumpkin Mojo you are carrying?";
		mes " ";
		mes "[Cool Devi]";
		mes "Says he.";
		mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
		mes "Give it to me. I'll pay you back.";
		mes " ";
		mes "[Cool Devi]";
		mes "Says he...";
		mes "I just can guess what he will say next. So what do you say?";
		if (select("What will he say?", "I also know about it.") == 1) {
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "What will he say?";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "Jack is not like others. He is halloween Jack.";
			mes "but one day, he lost his Pumpkin Mojo and turned into depressed Jack..";
			mes "Pumpkin Mojo was his all.";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "Well, actually that's the main reason Jack came to town.";
			mes "To find his Pumpkin Mojo. Most suspicious suspect is ^4d4dffDelightful Lude^000000, the one known as Halloween monster";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "Why don't you give him back the 'Pumpkin Mojo'.";
			mes "Don't worry he will compensate you.";
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "Compensate?With what?";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "If you bring ^4d4dff 1 Pumpkin Mojo^000000 and a pumpkin head that we gave out to you last year,";
			mes "he will make it to ^00ff00the most fantastic pumpkin hat^000000.";
			mes "Or if you don't have pumpkin head, you can just bring a ^3d3dff Pumpkin Mojo, a pumpkin, and a cap ^000000.";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "Well, that Pumpkin Mojo is useless if you just carry it. ";
			mes "Give it to Jack. Don't you feel pity for him?.";
		mes "[Cool Devi]";
		mes "Oh~Great.";
		mes "Then, let me see what you got.";
		if ((countitem(Pumpkin_Mojo) > 0) && (countitem(Pumpkin_Hat) > 0)) {
			mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
			mes "Oh, you brought the pumpkin head!";
			mes "I'll make you to nicer one.";
			mes " ";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "says he.";
			if (select( "No, I'll come back later.", "Oh, good. Make it now!") == 1) {
				mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
				mes "Huh?";
				mes " ";
				mes "[Cool Devi]";
				mes "What? Look at Jack. He has got so dissapointed.";
				mes "Promise me to give the Pumpkin Mojo back to Jack later someday, will you?";
			mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
			mes "Thanks for giving my thing back, I'll make your hat prettier.";
			mes " ";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "says he.";
			donpcevent "Gloomy Jack#06_hw::OnEffect";
			mes "[Excited Jack]";
			mes "Lalala~ lalala~";
			mes " ";
			mes "(He starts singing. On a sudden, Jack's aura appeared.)";
			delitem Pumpkin_Mojo,1;
			delitem Pumpkin_Hat,1;
			getitem Pumpkin_Hat_,1;
			donpcevent "Gloomy Jack#06_hw::OnEffect2";
			mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
			mes "My aura is not like it used to be. Maybe I need more Pumpkin Mojo.";
			mes " ";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "says he...";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "Oh~poor Jack.";
			mes "Well, someday he'll get back all his Pumpkin Mojo back.";
		else if ((countitem(Pumpkin_Mojo) > 0) && (countitem(Pumpkin) > 0) && (countitem(Cap) > 0)) {
			mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
			mes "Wow!";
			mes "I'll turn your hat to very cool one.";
			mes " ";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "says he...";
			if (select( "No, I'll come back later.", "Oh,good. Make it now!") == 1) {
				mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
				mes "Huh?";
				mes " ";
				mes "[Cool Devi]";
				mes "What? Look at Jack. He has got so dissapointed.";
				mes "Promise me to give the Pumpkin Mojo back to Jack later someday,will you?";
			mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
			mes "Thanks for giving my thing back, I'll make your hat prettier.";
			mes " ";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "says he.";
			donpcevent "Gloomy Jack#06_hw::OnEffect";
			mes "[Excited Jack]";
			mes "Lalala~ lalala~";
			mes " ";
			mes "(He starts singing. On a sudden, Jack's aura appeared.)";
			delitem Pumpkin_Mojo, 1;
			delitem Pumpkin, 1;
			delitem Cap, 1;
			getitem Pumpkin_Hat_, 1;
			donpcevent "Gloomy Jack#06_hw::OnEffect2";
			mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
			mes "My aura is not like it used to be. Maybe I need more Pumpkin Mojo.";
			mes " ";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "says he...";
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "Oh~poor Jack.";
			mes "Well, someday he'll get back all his Pumpkin Mojo back.";
		else {
			mes "[Cool Devi]";
			mes "Hey,there. You don't seem to have all materials for the fantastic hat. ";
	else {
		mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
		mes "Hey,there. Why don't you come here and listen to my story.";
		mes " ";
		mes "[Cool Devi]";
		mes "Says he.";
		mes "[Gloomy Jack]";
		mes "I used to be very famous. But now.....";
		mes " ";
		mes "[Cool Devi]";
		mes "Says he...";
		mes "Well, I'll just tell you without translating.";
		mes "[Cool Devi]";
		mes "Jack is not like others. He is halloween Jack.";
		mes "but one day, he lost his Pumpkin Mojo and turned into depressed Jack..";
		mes "Pumpkin Mojo was his all.";
		mes "[Cool Devi]";
		mes "Well, actually that's the main reason Jack came to town.";
		mes "To find his Pumpkin Mojo. Most suspicious suspect is ^4d4dffDelightful Lude^000000, the one known as Halloween monster.";
		mes "[Cool Devi]";
		mes "Why don't you give him back the 'Pumpkin Mojo'.";
		mes "Don't worry he will compensate you.";
		mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
		mes "Compensate? With what?";
		mes "[Cool Devi]";
		mes "If you bring ^4d4dff 1 Pumpkin Mojo^000000 and a pumpkin head that we gave out to you last year,";
		mes "he will make it to ^00ff00the most fantastic pumpkin hat^000000.";
		mes "Or if you don't have pumpkin head, you can just bring a ^3d3dff Pumpkin Mojo, a pumpkin, and a cap ^000000.";
		mes "[Cool Devi]";
		mes "Well, that Pumpkin Mojo is useless if you just carry it. ";
		mes "Give it to Jack. Don't you feel pity for him?.";

geffen,145,132,3	script	Hoirin#06_hw	4_F_NOVICE,{
	if (MaxWeight - Weight < 2000 || checkweight(Knife,1) == 0) {
		mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
		mes "Right now, you're carrying";
		mes "too many things with you.";
		mes "Please come back after";
		mes "using the Kafra Service";
		mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	if (halloween < 100) {
		mes "[Hoirin]";
		mes "Pumpkin is the gift that God had sent us.";
		mes "It provides good nutrition and helps you to stay healthy!";
		mes "Bravo~bravo~!";
		mes "[Hoirin]";
		mes "I, Hoirin have always thought about a ";
		mes "way to eat pumpkin more deliciously.";
		mes "But all of a sudden, I realized.";
		mes "[Hoirin]";
		mes "If I have that! I can make best the Pumpkin pie!!!!!";
		if (select( "What's that?", "Ignore.") == 1) {
			mes "[Hoirin]";
			mes "What's the first image you see when you think of pumpkin?";
			mes "I see Jack! I think Jack is the most evolved form of pumpkin!";
			mes "I wonder what does Jack have something special? Can you imagine?";
			mes "[Hoirin]";
			mes "I always prefer unique pumpkin dish! Recently, I found out that there are many kinds of Jack in the world ";
			mes "and the extreme class Jack has blue aura around his body!";
			mes "[Hoirin]";
			mes "Guess what?! it was Halloween Jack!";
			mes "Halloween Jack has somthing that is concentrated with pumpkin.";
			mes "It is called ^4d4dffPumpkin Mojo^000000. Only if i have it, i can finish making my special pie.";
			mes "[Hoirin]";
			mes "Bring me the ingredients!";
			mes "I'll make you a very special pie right away!";
			mes "You'll get addicted to it.";
			mes "Don't be surprised after trying it.";
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "......................";
			mes "You seem to be such a passionate person.";
			mes "So, what's the ingredient anyway.?";
			mes "[Hoirin]";
			mes "Good question!";
			mes "To make my special Pumpkin pie, I need";
			mes "^4d4dff 1 Pumpkin Mojo";
			mes "2 Pumpkin";
			mes "2 Egg^000000";
			mes "";
			mes "[Hoirin]";
			mes "Just Bring Pumpkin Mojo, Pumpkin, and a Egg.";
			mes "Leave the rest for me..You'll get to try the best pumkin pie!";
			halloween = 100;
		mes "[Hoirin]";
		mes "Hm..You'll regret it!";
		mes "Hoirin's pumpkin pie is just so delicious.";
	else {
		mes "[Hoirin]";
		mes "So, did you bring all materials?";
		mes "Were there anything hard to find?";
		switch(select( "I brought all ingredients.", "How can I get eggs?", "No,I'm just passing by.")) {
		case 1:
			if ((countitem(Pumpkin_Mojo) > 0) && (countitem(Pumpkin) > 1) && (countitem(Egg) > 1)) {
				mes "[Hoirin]";
				mes "You are right!";
				mes "You brought all things right. Give it to me!!";
				specialeffect(EF_HIT1, AREA, playerattached());
				specialeffect EF_PIERCESELF;
				mes "[Hoirin]";
				mes "Abracadabra~~";
				mes "Abracadabra~~!";
				mes "[Hoirin]";
				mes "Ta-da(h)!";
				mes "Here it is~ help yourself.";
				mes "It'll be good for your health. I added extra nutrient in it.";
				delitem Pumpkin_Mojo,1;
				delitem Pumpkin,2;
				delitem Egg,2;
				getitem Pumpkin_Pie,1;
			else {
				mes "[Hoirin]";
				mes "No!! This is not enough. I need";
				mes "^4d4dff 1 Pumpkin Mojo";
				mes "2 Pumpkin";
				mes "2 Egg^000000";
				mes " at least.";
		case 2:
			if (halloween == 100) {
				mes "[Hoirin]";
				mes "Egg?";
				mes "Well, actually I know someone who can help you.";
				mes "There's a man who raise many chickens.";
				mes "[Hoirin]";
				mes "I can send you to where he is if you want.";
				mes "^4d4dffBut only for once^000000.";
				if (select("Send me.", "It's ok.") == 1) {
					mes "[Hoirin]";
					mes "Ok, go get the eggs.";
					halloween = 101;
					warp "nif_fild01", 162, 113;
				mes "[Hoirin]";
				mes "Do you think you can go without my help?!";
				mes "Ok! go ahead.";
				mes "Do you know where it is?";
			else {
				mes "[Hoirin]";
				mes "if you go to ^4d4dfffarm of Skelington Town at Neiflheim^000000, you'll meet Chicken Masta. He raises chickens.";
		case 3:
			mes "[Hoirin]";
			mes "Next time, don't forget to bring ";
			mes "all the ingredients for pumpkin pie!";

nif_in,18,34,5	script	Loli Ruri#06_hw	LOLI_RURI,2,2,{

	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "Hey there, if you have something to say to Loli Ruri, talk to me.";
	mes "She's not used to human language.";

nif_in,19,32,3	script	Deviruchi#06_hw	4_DEVIRUCHI,{
	if (MaxWeight - Weight < 2000 || checkweight(Knife,1) == 0) {
		mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
		mes "Right now, you're carrying";
		mes "too many things with you.";
		mes "Please come back after";
		mes "using the Kafra Service";
		mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	mes "[Loli Ruri]";
	mes "Devi~Where's the pumpkin pie?";
	mes "Humans make them, don't they?";
	mes "Do you have it then?";
	mes " ";
	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "Says she.";
	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "If you have a pumpinkin pie, can I have one?";
	mes "Cause we are the victim if Loli Ruri gets mad.";
	mes "[Deviruchi]";
	mes "Well I'm not saying that I want it for free.";
	mes "Don't worry, I won't let you down.";
	switch(select( "Give him the pumpkin pie.", "Do not give him the pumpkin pie.", "Huh? What pumkin pie?")) {
	case 1:
		if (countitem(Pumpkin_Pie) > 0) {
			mes "[Loli Ruri]";
			mes "Thanks for the pumkin pie!";
			mes "Here, take this.";
			mes " ";
			mes "[Deviruchi]";
			mes "Says she.";
			mes "[Deviruchi]";
			mes "As I promised, I'll give you something worth the pie.";
			mes "Hang on....";
			mes "[Deviruchi]";
			mes "Hmm...This would be good.";
			mes "Here take this, and thanks again~";
			delitem Pumpkin_Pie, 1;
			@hw_temp = rand(1,3);
			if (@hw_temp == 2) getitem Cookie_Bag,1;
			else getitem Niflheim_Ticket,3; //Nifl_Express_Ticket
		else {
			mes "[Loli Ruri]";
			mes "Are you kidding me?";
			mes "Where's the pumpkin pie! Don't try to lie to me!";
			mes " ";
			mes "[Deviruchi]";
			mes "Say she..Seems like she's very angry...You are in trouble.";
			mes "[Loli Ruri]";
			mes "Devi!!!!!You are the one who told me that I can get the pumpkin pie if I stand here and wait.";
			mes "Watch your back!";
			mes " ";
			mes "[Deviruchi]";
			mes "Says she..Huh?!!Me?!!";
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "Poor Devi~";
			mes "You shouldn't have lied~";
			mes "Wish you a luck.";
	case 2:
		mes "[Loli Ruri]";
		mes "I want to eat pumpkin pie. Can I have one?Please~~~~";
		mes " ";
		mes "[Deviruchi]";
		mes "Says he.....Give me if you have one.";
	case 3:
		mes "[Deviruchi]";
		mes "There's a man who makes a very special pumpkin pie.";
		mes "No one can forget what it taste like.";
		mes "[Deviruchi]";
		mes "Lori Ruri is waiting here for someone who will get the pie for him.";
		mes "Can you get her one?";
		mes "I'll treat you back.";

//== Creation of Pumpkin Pie (Event 2) =====================
nif_fild01,165,115,3	script	Chicken Masta#06_hw	4_M_NFDEADMAN2,{
	if (MaxWeight - Weight < 2000 || checkweight(Knife,1) == 0) {
		mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
		mes "Right now, you're carrying";
		mes "too many things with you.";
		mes "Please come back after";
		mes "using the Kafra Service";
		mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	if (halloween == 101) {
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "Where did the chicken have gone?!";
		mes "Oh, hey stranger. How can I help you?";
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "This town is too dangerous for you to hang around.";
		mes "You'd better go back to where you came from....";
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "...Are you looking for eggs?";
		mes "Recently, people are asking me for eggs to make some kind of pie....are you one of them?";
		if (select( "Actually, yes. I came here to get some eggs.", "Nope.") == 1) {
			mes "[Chicken Masta]";
			mes "Ok. But some of my chickens ran away,";
			mes "so I have no eggs much left.";
			mes "1000 zeny for 2 eggs! how's that?";
			switch(select( "Ok,I'll take it.", "I'll just buy one.", "Whew~it's too expensive.")) {
			case 1:
				if (Zeny > 1999) {
					mes "[Chicken Masta]";
					mes "Thanks.";
					mes "Here are the eggs.";
					Zeny -= 2000;
					halloween = 102;
					getitem Egg,2;
				else {
					mes "[Chicken Masta]";
					mes "Hey this is not enough~";
					mes "1000zeny per each, so if you buy two,that means 2000zeny.";
			case 2:
				if (Zeny > 999) {
					mes "[Chicken Masta]";
					mes "Thanks.";
					mes "Here are the eggs.";
					Zeny -= 1000;
					halloween = 102;
					getitem Egg,1;
				else {
					mes "[Chicken Masta]";
					mes "You don't seem to have enough money...";
					mes "It's 1000 zeny per each.";
			case 3:
				mes "[Chicken Masta]";
				mes "Well...I know it's liitle bit expensive but as I told you, my chickens ran away.";
				mes "You have to understand.";
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "Let me tell you just one thing!";
		mes "If you don't want to die,";
		mes "you'd better run away. It's too dangerous in here.";
	else if (halloween == 102) {
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "Do you need eggs?...";
		mes "Then, help me first.";
		mes "8 of my chickens ran away.";
		mes "I just don't know where they are.";
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "I don't expect all chickens to come back home.";
		mes "Only if you find me one of them, I'll sell three eggs for you.";
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "Isn't it a great deal?";
		mes "Chickens must be around here somewhere.";
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "You don't have to bring back chickens to me if you find one,";
		mes "Just insert the word ^4d4dff'Return'^000000.";
		mes ".........";
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "It's a spell to make chickens to go back home.";
		mes ".........";
		mes "Don't forget the word 'Return'!";
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "I hope you can find my chickens.";
	else if (halloween == 103) {
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "Oh, you came back. I've been waiting for you.";
		mes "And thanks for the chickens you sent me.";
		mes "They are saftly kept in the henhouse, in case of running away again.";
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "I didn't forget what we have promised.";
		mes "Tell me how many eggs you want.";
		mes "It's 1000zeny per each.";
		mes "And maximum 3 is all you can get.";
		while(1) {
			input .@input;
			if (.@input == 0) {
				mes "[Chicken Masta]";
				mes "You don't have to buy it, if you don't need it.";
			else if (@input > 3) {
				mes "[Chicken Masta]";
				mes "What did I tell you.";
				mes "I'm going to sell only three eggs.";
		.@hw_egg = .@input * 1000;
		if (Zeny < @hw_egg) {
			mes "[Chicken Masta]";
			mes "You don't seem to have enough zeny.";
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "Here you are.";
		mes "But no more.";
		mes "If you want more eggs, find me more chickens.";
		Zeny -= @hw_egg;
		getitem Egg, @input;
		halloween = 102;
	else {
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "Where did the chicken have gone?!";
		mes "Oh, hey stranger. How can I help you?";
		mes "[Chicken Masta]";
		mes "This town is too dangerous for you to hang around.";
		mes "You'd better go back to where you came from....";

nif_fild01,167,113,3	script	Masta's chicken#06_hw01	4_NFCOCK,{
	mes "Drowsing chicken.";

-	script	HwChicken::HwChicken	FAKE_NPC,{
	if ((halloween == 102) || (halloween == 103)) {
		mes "Oh, this must be Chicken Masta's chicken.";
		mes "I should insert the magic word.";
		input .@inputstr$;
		if( .@inputstr$ == "Return" ) {
			emotion e_omg;
			specialeffect EF_TELEPORTATION;
			mes "The magic spell has been casted.";
			halloween = 103;
			disablenpc "Masta's chicken#"+strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_VISIBLE);
			sleep 180000;
			enablenpc "Masta's chicken#"+strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_VISIBLE);
		else {
			mes "[" + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + "]";
			mes "Hm...I must have misspelled.";
	else {
		mes "Drowsing chicken.";

-	script	HwChicken2::HwChicken2	FAKE_NPC,{
	@egg_temp = rand(1,4);
	if( @egg_temp == 3) {
		mes "As soon as you got close to the chicken and touched it, it disappeared completely.";
		mes "You got an 'egg' in the place where the chicken disappeared.";
		disablenpc "Chicken#"+strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_VISIBLE);
		getitem Egg,1;
	else {
		mes "As soon as you got close to the chicken and touched it, it disappeared completely.";
		disablenpc "Chicken#"+strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_VISIBLE);

-	script	HwChicken3::HwChicken3	FAKE_NPC,{
	@egg_temp = rand(1,4);
	if( @egg_temp == 3) {
		mes "As soon as you got close to the chicken and touched it, it disappeared completely.";
		mes "You got an 'egg' in the place where the chicken disappeared.";
		disablenpc "Chicken#"+strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_VISIBLE);
		getitem Egg,1;
	else {
		mes "As soon as you got close to the chicken and touched it, it disappeared completely.";
		disablenpc "Chicken#"+strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_VISIBLE);

	while(1) {
		sleep 180000;
		specialeffect EF_BAT2;

nif_fild01,270,145,3	duplicate(HwChicken)	Masta's chicken#06_hw02	4_NFCOCK
nif_fild01,219,267,4	duplicate(HwChicken)	Masta's chicken#06_hw03	4_NFCOCK
nif_fild01,199,240,5	duplicate(HwChicken)	Masta's chicken#06_hw04	4_NFCOCK
nif_fild01,316,97,6	duplicate(HwChicken)	Masta's chicken#06_hw05	4_NFCOCK
nif_fild01,147,343,7	duplicate(HwChicken)	Masta's chicken#06_hw06	4_NFCOCK
nif_fild01,185,325,0	duplicate(HwChicken)	Masta's chicken#06_hw07	4_NFCOCK
nif_fild01,133,105,1	duplicate(HwChicken)	Masta's chicken#06_hw08	4_NFCOCK
nif_fild01,331,329,2	duplicate(HwChicken)	Masta's chicken#06_hw09	4_NFCOCK

pay_dun03,1,1,0	script	#06_hw_timer01	FAKE_NPC,{
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p01";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p02";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p03";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p04";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p05";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p06";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p07";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p08";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p09";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p10";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p11";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p12";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p13";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p14";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p15";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p16";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p17";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p18";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p19";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p20";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p21";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p22";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p23";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p24";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p25";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p26";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p27";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p28";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p29";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p30";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p31";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p32";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p33";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p34";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p35";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p36";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p37";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p38";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p39";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p40";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p41";

	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p01";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p02";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p03";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p04";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p05";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p06";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p07";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p08";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p09";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p10";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p11";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p12";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p13";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p14";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p15";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p16";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p17";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p18";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p19";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p20";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p21";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p22";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p23";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p24";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p25";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p26";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p27";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p28";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p29";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p30";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p31";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p32";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p33";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p34";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p35";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p36";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p37";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p38";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p39";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p40";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p41";

	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p01";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p02";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p03";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p04";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p05";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p06";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p07";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p08";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p09";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p10";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p11";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p12";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p13";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p14";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p15";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p16";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p17";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p18";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p19";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p20";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p21";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p22";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p23";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p24";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p25";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p26";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p27";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p28";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p29";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p30";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p31";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p32";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p33";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p34";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p35";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p36";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p37";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p38";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p39";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p40";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_p41";

pay_dun03,151,138,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p01	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,151,138,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p02	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,152,138,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p03	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,154,138,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p04	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,155,138,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p05	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,157,138,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p06	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,158,138,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p07	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,150,137,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p08	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,153,137,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p09	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,156,137,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p10	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,159,137,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p11	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,149,136,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p12	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,152,136,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p13	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,157,136,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p14	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,160,136,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p15	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,149,135,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p16	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,151,135,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p17	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,152,135,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p18	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,153,135,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p19	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,156,135,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p20	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,157,135,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p21	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,158,135,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p22	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,160,135,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p23	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,149,134,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p24	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,152,134,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p25	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,157,134,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p26	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,160,134,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p27	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,149,133,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p28	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,160,133,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p29	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,150,132,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p30	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,153,132,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p31	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,156,132,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p32	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,159,132,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p33	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,151,131,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p34	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,152,131,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p35	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,153,131,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p36	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,154,131,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p37	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,155,131,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p38	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,156,131,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p39	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,157,131,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_p40	4_NFCOCK
pay_dun03,158,131,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_p41	4_NFCOCK

//== Payon Field chickens ==================================
pay_fild08,1,1,0	script	#06_hw_timer02	FAKE_NPC,{
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf01";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf02";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf03";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf04";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf05";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf06";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf07";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf08";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf09";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf10";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf11";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf12";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf13";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf14";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf15";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf16";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf17";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf18";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf19";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf20";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf21";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf22";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf23";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf24";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf25";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf26";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf27";

	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf01";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf02";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf03";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf04";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf05";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf06";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf07";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf08";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf09";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf10";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf11";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf12";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf13";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf14";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf15";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf16";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf17";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf18";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf19";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf20";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf21";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf22";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf23";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf24";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf25";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf26";
	enablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf27";

	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf01";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf02";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf03";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf04";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf05";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf06";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf07";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf08";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf09";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf10";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf11";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf12";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf13";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf14";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf15";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf16";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf17";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf18";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf19";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf20";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf21";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf22";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf23";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf24";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf25";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf26";
	disablenpc "Chicken#06_hw_pf27";

pay_fild08,147,353,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_pf01	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,147,354,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf02	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,147,355,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf03	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,148,352,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_pf04	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,148,356,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf05	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,149,351,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf06	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,149,354,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_pf07	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,149,357,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf08	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,150,351,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf09	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,150,357,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_pf10	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,151,351,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf11	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,151,353,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf12	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,151,355,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_pf13	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,151,357,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf14	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,152,351,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf15	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,152,357,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_pf16	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,153,351,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf17	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,153,357,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf18	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,154,351,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_pf19	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,154,353,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf20	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,154,355,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf21	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,154,357,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_pf22	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,155,350,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf23	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,155,352,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf24	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,155,354,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_pf25	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,155,356,3	duplicate(HwChicken2)	Chicken#06_hw_pf26	4_NFCOCK
pay_fild08,155,358,3	duplicate(HwChicken3)	Chicken#06_hw_pf27	4_NFCOCK

prontera,155,285,3	script	Familiar#06_hw01::HWFamiDup	4_NFBAT,{
	mes "[Familiar]";
	mes "Hello.";
	mes "I'm Loli Ruri's faithful and cute Familiar.";
	mes "Do you have an invitation from Loli Ruri?";
	mes "That's a kind of^4d4dffa special ticket to Nifflheim^000000..";
	if (select( "Yes, I do.", "No, I don't.") == 1) {
		mes "[Familiar]";
		mes "Do you want to go to Nifflheim?";
		mes "It's available during Halloween.";
		if (select( "Yes, I do", "No, I don't.") == 1) {
			if (countitem(Niflheim_Ticket) > 0) {
				mes "[Familiar]";
				mes "I checked your ticket.";
				mes "You can go there now";
				delitem Niflheim_Ticket,1; //Nifl_Express_Ticket
				warp "nif_in", 18, 20;
			else {
				mes "[Familiar]";
				mes "You're a liar.";
				mes "You don't have the ticket!";
				mes "I'll suck up all your blood, you liar!";
				percentheal -20,0;
				emotion e_omg,1;
		mes "[Familiar]";
		mes "Ok.";
		mes "Actually, it's useless to have a special ticket to Nifflheim.";
	mes "[Familiar]";
	mes "Ok.";
	mes "If you want to ask something, give a piece of pumpkin pie to Loli Ruri.";
	mes "He likes it.";
payon,156,231,3	duplicate(HWFamiDup)	Familiar#06_hw02	4_NFBAT
morocc,159,143,3	duplicate(HWFamiDup)	Familiar#06_hw03	4_NFBAT
geffen,120,188,3	duplicate(HWFamiDup)	Familiar#06_hw04	4_NFBAT
alberta,80,171,3	duplicate(HWFamiDup)	Familiar#06_hw05	4_NFBAT

//== Event Lude Monster Spawns =============================
ra_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild12,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_fild13,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

ra_san01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_san02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_san03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_san04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ra_san05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

ice_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ice_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ice_dun03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

odin_tem01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
odin_tem02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
odin_tem03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

kh_kiehl01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

kh_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
kh_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

yuno_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
yuno_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

ein_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ein_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ein_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

hu_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
hu_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
hu_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
hu_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
hu_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
hu_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
hu_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

tha_t01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tha_t02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tha_t03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tha_t04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tha_t05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tha_t06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tha_t07,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tha_t08,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tha_t09,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tha_t10,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tha_t11,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tha_t12,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

abyss_01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
abyss_02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
abyss_03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

juperos_01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
juperos_02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
jupe_core,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

lhz_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
lhz_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
lhz_dun03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
lhz_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

lhz_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
lhz_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ein_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ein_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

ein_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ein_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ein_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ein_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ein_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ein_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ein_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gefenia01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gefenia02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gefenia03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gefenia04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

yuno_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
yuno_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
yuno_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
yuno_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
yuno_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
yuno_fild12,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

ayo_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ayo_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ayo_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ayo_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gon_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gon_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gon_dun03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

ama_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ama_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ama_dun03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

lou_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
lou_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
lou_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
lou_dun03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

um_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
um_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
um_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
um_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
um_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
um_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
yggdrasil01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

mag_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mag_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

beach_dun,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
beach_dun2,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
beach_dun3,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gon_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
ama_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
yuno_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
yuno_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
yuno_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
yuno_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

prt_fild00,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

moc_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild12,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild13,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild14,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild15,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild16,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild17,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_fild18,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

pay_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gef_fild00,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild10,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild11,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild12,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild13,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_fild14,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

cmd_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
cmd_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
cmd_fild03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
cmd_fild04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
cmd_fild05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
cmd_fild06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
cmd_fild07,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
cmd_fild08,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
cmd_fild09,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

mjolnir_01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjolnir_02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjolnir_03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjolnir_04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjolnir_05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjolnir_06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjolnir_07,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjolnir_08,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjolnir_09,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjolnir_10,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjolnir_11,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjolnir_12,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

xmas_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

sec_in02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gl_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gl_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gl_knt02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gl_knt01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gl_step,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gl_sew04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gl_sew03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gl_sew02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gl_sew01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gl_chyard,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gl_church,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

glast_01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gl_prison1,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gl_prison,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gl_in01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gl_cas02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gl_cas01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

tur_dun04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tur_dun03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tur_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
tur_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

alde_dun04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
alde_dun03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
alde_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
alde_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

c_tower1,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
c_tower2,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
c_tower3,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
c_tower4,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

in_sphinx5,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
in_sphinx4,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
in_sphinx3,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
in_sphinx2,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
in_sphinx1,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

prt_maze03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_maze02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_maze01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

treasure02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
treasure01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

moc_pryd06,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_pryd05,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_pryd04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_pryd03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_pryd02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
moc_pryd01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

gef_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
gef_dun00,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

iz_dun00,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
iz_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
iz_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
iz_dun03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
iz_dun04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

pay_dun00,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_dun03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
pay_dun04,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

xmas_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
xmas_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

anthell02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
anthell01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

orcsdun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
orcsdun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

mjo_dun03,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjo_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
mjo_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

prt_sewb4,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_sewb3,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_sewb2,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0
prt_sewb1,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

nif_fild01,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0

nif_fild02,0,0,0,0	monster	Lude	1812,3,0,0,0