//===== Hercules Script ======================================
//= Slotted Sunglasses Quest
//===== By: ==================================================
//= amichan
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.8
//===== Description: =========================================
//= Quest to get Slotted Sunglasses.
//= Will reset after quest completion.
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= 1.0 by Aegis 1.1 by aichan 1.2 by x[tsk] 1.3 by Darkchild
//= 1.5 Fixed Exploit [Lupus]
//= 1.6 Fixed Exploit [KarLaeda]
//= 1.7 Relocated 'Maseph' to moc_fild07. [Kisuka]
//= 1.8 Cleaning. [Euphy]

alberta,88,193,5	script	Sunglasses Trader	1_F_MERCHANT_01,{
	mes "[Sunglasses Trader]";
	if(SG_QUEST1 == 1) {
		mes "There is nothing more I can tell you.";
		mes "[Sunglasses Trader]";
		mes "Go see Maseph. She is somewhere north of Morroc.";
		close; }
	mes "Hello. What can I do for you?";
	if(select("I heard that you can make ^0000FFSlotted Sunglasses^000000.", "Nothing, sorry to bother you.")==2) {
		mes "[Sunglasses Trader]";
		mes "Come back to me than you are ready.";
		close; }
	mes "[Sunglasses Trader]";
	mes "I do not make them, but I can tell you where to find the person who does. For a small fee...";
	if(select("How much?", "No way, I will find her myself!")==2) {
		mes "[Sunglasses Trader]";
		mes "Suit yourself, the Maker will not make you ^0000FFSlotted Sunglasses^000000 unless she knows that you are coming.";
		mes "Only I can tell her you are coming.";
		mes "[Sunglasses Trader]";
		mes "Come back to me when you have given up. Hahaha...";
		close; }
	mes "[Sunglasses Trader]";
	mes "In order for me to tell you information on ^0000FFSlotted Sunglasses^000000 you need to get me:";
	mes " - ^0000881 Carat Diamond^000000";
	mes " - ^00008850 Feathers^000000";
	mes " - ^000088100000z^000000";
	if(select("Alright, here.", "That's too much!")==2) {
		mes "[Sunglasses Trader]";
		mes "Suit yourself.";
		close; }
	mes "[Sunglasses Trader]";
	if (countitem(Crystal_Jewel) < 1 || countitem(Feather) < 50 || Zeny < 100000) {
		mes "You're missing something. Come back when you've gathered all the materials.";
		close; }
	delitem 730,1;
	delitem 949,50;
	Zeny -= 100000;
	set SG_QUEST1,1;
	mes "[Sunglasses Trader]";
	mes "Great. Now, listen carefully.";
	mes "[Sunglasses Trader]";
	mes "Look for someone named Maseph somewhere north of Morroc.";
	mes "I will send her a message to let her know that you are coming.";

moc_fild07,334,186,5	script	Maseph	4_F_GON,{
	mes "[Maseph]";
	if(SG_QUEST1 != 1) {
		mes "Lovely day, isn't it ?";
		close; }
	mes "Hello there.";
	mes "You came for the ^000088Slotted Sunglasses^000000, right?";
	if(select("Yes", "No, sorry to bother you.")==2) {
		mes "[Maseph]";
		mes "Off you go, then.";
		close; }
	mes "[Maseph]";
	mes "To make one, I will need one pair of ^000088Sunglasses^000000 and 400000z.";
	if(select("Here you go.", "No, thanks.")==2) {
		mes "[Maseph]";
		mes "As you wish.";
		close; }
	mes "[Maseph]";
	if (countitem(Sunglasses) < 1) {
		mes "I need one pair of ^000088Sunglasses^000000. Come back to me when you have one.";
		close; }
	if (Zeny < 400000) {
		mes "You do not have enough Zeny. Come back to me when you do.";
		close; }
	delitem 2201,1;
	Zeny -= 400000;
	mes "Thank you. I will get on it right away...";
	mes "[Maseph]";
	mes "Here you go, my friend.";
	mes "Enjoy your ^000088Slotted Sunglasses^000000.";
	getitem 2202,1;
	set SG_QUEST1,0;