//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Kafra Express - Config Module //===== By: ================================================== //= Skotlex //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 2.4 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any eAthena Version with function support //===== Description: ========================================= //= Part of the Kafra Express Script Package. //= This module contains the configuration of all modules. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= See <http://www.eathena.deltaanime.net/board/index.php?showtopic=20290> //= for indepth explanation of the Kafra Express Script Package. //============================================================ - script keConfig -1,{ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Main Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnInit: set $@ke_saveOnSpot,0; //If 1, the respawn point is saved where the char is standing. set $@keh_hpCost,10; //Cost of HP healing (per 10HP) set $@keh_spCost,100; //Cost of SP healing (per 10SP) set $@kes_cost,50; //Cost of opening the storage set $@kegs_cost,500; //Cost of opening the guild storage //Kafra Pass Options: set $@kekp_reset,1; //How many uses a kafra pass has before expiring? //(if 0, duration is as long as a temporary variable) set $@kekp_reserveCost,100; //Cost of each Reserve Point in Zeny (0 disable) set $@kekp_minReserve,1; //Min Reserve Points you can earn in a single transaction set $@kekp_maxReserve,150; //Max Reserve Points you can earn in a single transaction //Display Options set $@ked_users$,"people"; //String used when referring to people (player count). // Values like "ppl", "users" or "on" are also recommended. end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Bank Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadBank: set $@kebk_depositCost,0; //Fee for bank deposits in % (10 = 10%) set $@kebk_withdrawCost,5; //Fee for bank withdrawals in % (10 = 10%) set $@kebk_minTransact,1000; //Value of the Minimum Transaction (deposit/withdraw) set $@kebk_maxTransact,999999; //Value of the Maximum Transaction (deposit/withdraw) set $@kebk_capacity,99999999; //Account capacity: Max zeny that can be held. set $@kebk_dayInterest,10; //Savings daily interests in 0.01% units (100 = 1%) set $@kebk_monMaintenance,1000; //Monthly flat fee charged for account maintenance set $@kebk_useGlobalBank,0; //When 1, all charged fees go to $ke_globalbank end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Broadcast Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadBroadcast: //Following costs are for current map costs: set $@kebc_showOnline,0; //if 1, count of recipients will be listed. set $@kebc_partyCost,2500; //party request broadcast cost set $@kebc_pvpCost,5000; //pvp request broadcast cost set $@kebc_cost,10000; //general broadcast cost set $@kebc_anonCost,100000; //anonymous broadcast cost set $@kebc_globalFactor,1000; //When doing server bcs, the prices are increased by this amount (500 = 500% = 5x) set $@kebc_discount,15; //% Discount to apply when the KafraPass is active end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Dye and Stylist Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadDye: set $@kedy_enableHairstyle,0; //Set to 1 to enable haircut style change. set $@kedy_styles,23; //Highest available haircut style (default 23) set $@kedy_hair,8; //Highest available hair dye (RO default is 8) //Highest available cloth dye depending on job-class set $@kedy_clothJN,77; //Novice (+High/Baby) set $@kedy_clothJ1ST,77; //1st Jobs (+High/Baby) set $@kedy_clothJ2ND,77; //2nd Jobs (+High/Baby) set $@kedy_clothJSN,77; //Super Novice (+Baby) end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Job Changer Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadJobChange: set $@kejc_skillsPolicy,0; //Remaining Skill Points Policy: //0: Do not allow job changing until points are used up //1: Discard the remaining skill points //2: Let extra skill points be carried to next job set $@kejc_upperPolicy,0; //Upper Job management policy: //0: Ignore Mode: People can change in any order //1: Force Mode: Job changes are forced on the correct path. set $@kejc_announce,1; //Do a global announce when someone changes job. set $@kejc_resetDye,1; //Set to 1 to reset cloth dye upon change set $@kejc_skipNovice,0; //0: Novice needs Job 10 to change, 1: Can Skip Novice Class set $@kejc_baseSN,30; //Base lv required to become a Super Novice set $@kejc_disable,0; //Disable certain jobs from the changer: //1: Super Novice //2: Taekwon/Star Gladiator/Soul Linker //4: GunSlinger //8: Ninja //Note that the change costs can be converted into rewards by specifying a negative amount. set $@kejc_base2ND,1; //Base lv required to change into a second class set $@kejc_job2ND,40; //Job Lv required to change into a second Class set $@kejc_cost2ND,-25000; //Zeny cost when changing into a second Class set $@kejc_baseRebirth,99; //Base lv required to do the Rebirth set $@kejc_jobRebirth,50; //Job Lv required to do the Rebirth set $@kejc_costRebirth,1000000; //Zeny cost required to do the Rebirth set $@kejc_rebirthReset,1; //When changing to a high novice, reset base level to 1? set $@kejc_weaponPolicy,1; //Set to 1 to give a weapon upon job change if ($@kejc_weaponPolicy == 0) //don't touch end; set $@kejc_wBonusLv,50; //Job level for upgraded weapon version, use 0 to disable //Weapons awarded to each job upon change (use 0 to disable for a particular class) //First classes: setarray $@kejc_weapon1[0], 1501, //Acolyte/Club 1701, //Archer/Bow 1601, //Mage/Rod 1301, //Merchant/Axe 1101, //Swordman/Sword 1201, //Thief/Knife 0, //Taekwon/Nothing (they don't wield weapons) 1202, //Super Novice/Knife 13010, //GunSlinger/Six Shooter 1201; //Ninja/Knife //Normal Weapons for Second classes setarray $@kejc_weapon_21[0], 1551, //Priest/Bible 1704, //Hunter/Composite Bow 1602, //Wizard/Rod 1351, //Blacksmith/Battle Axe 1116, //Knight/Katana 1250, //Assassin/Jur 1550; //Star Gladiator/Book setarray $@kejc_weapon_22[0], 1801, //Monk/Waghnak 1704, //Bard/Dancer/Composite Bow 1550, //Sage/Book 1351, //Alchemist/Battle Axe 1107, //Crusader/Blade 1210, //Rogue/Cutter 1602; //Soul Linker/Rod if ($@kejc_wBonusLv == 0) //Don't touch. end; //Improved versions awarded to second classes setarray $@kejc_weapon2_21[0], 1519, //Priest/Chain 1714, //Hunter/Gakkung 1610, //Wizard/Arc Wand 1360, //Blacksmith/Two-Handed Axe 1160, //Knight/Broad-Sword 1254, //Assassin/Jamadhar 1552; //Star Gladiator/Tablet setarray $@kejc_weapon2_22[0], 1811, //Monk/Finger 1714, //Bard/Dancer/Gakkung 1552, //Sage/Tablet 1360, //Alchemist/Two-Handed Axe 1119, //Crusader/Tsurugi 1222, //Rogue/Damascus 1610; //Soul Linker/Arc Wand end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Job Swapping Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadJobSwap: set $@kejs_disable,0; //Disable certain jobs from the swapper: //1: Super Novice //2: Taekwon/Star Gladiator/Soul Linker //4: GunSlinger //8: Ninja set $@kejs_revertPolicy,1; //Allows reverting to the last Class one changed from... // 0: do not allow reverting // 1: Can revert to last Job ONLY when the last job belongs to the same "level" as // the current one. (ie: it is lost on job change/upgrade) // 2: Can revert to the last job regardless of situation. set $@kejs_announce,0; //Do a global announce when someone swaps job. set $@kejs_revertCost,100000; //Cost of reverting back to previous Job. set $@kejs_saveDye,1; //Set to 1 to save and restore previous dye when reverting set $@kejs_resetDye,0; //Set to 1 to reset cloth dye when swapping set $@kejs_swapDiscount, 20; //Kafra Pass % Discount when swapping jobs set $@kejs_revertDiscount, 20; //Kafra Pass % Discount when reverting to a previous job. //Minimum Job level required for swapping set $@kejs_job1ST,20; //among 1st classes set $@kejs_job2ND,50; //among 2nd classes //Base Cost for swapping job at min job level required set $@kejs_cost1ST,25000; //among 1st jobs set $@kejs_cost2ND,250000; //among 2nd jobs //Percentage discount for every level over the minimum set $@kejs_discount1ST,3; //among 1st jobs set $@kejs_discount2ND,3; //among 2nd jobs //How much to preserve of the previous Job in %? //(25% means that if you change at Lv100, you will become a Lv25 upon swap) set $@kejs_preserve1ST,50; //among 1st jobs set $@kejs_preserve2ND,0; //among 2nd jobs end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Refining Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadRefine: set $@kerf_maxLv,10; //Max refinement level for equipment set $@kerf_safe,0; //Set to 1 to enable 100% safe refinement. set $@kerf_showChance,0; //Set to 1 to see the refine Success Chance set $@kerf_refineAll,0; //Set to 1 to enable refinement of anything (ie: accesories) set $@kerf_discount,0; //Discount % rate for forging when Kafra Pass is active. set $@kerf_armorCost,2000; //Cost to refine armor (default 2000z) set $@kerf_weaponLv1Cost,50; //Cost to refine lv1 weapons (default 50z) set $@kerf_weaponLv2Cost,200; //Cost to refine lv2 weapons (default 200z) set $@kerf_weaponLv3Cost,5000; //Cost to refine lv3 weapons (default 5000z) set $@kerf_weaponLv4Cost,20000; //Cost to refine lv4 weapons (default 20000z) set $@kerf_purifyAll,0; //Set to 1 to enable purifying elemental stones and the like set $@kerf_repairCost,10000; //Cost to repair broken equipment. set $@kerf_repairDiscount,25; //Discount % rate for repairing when Kafra Pass is active set $@kerf_repairSteel,1; //Set to 1 to make repairing equipment require 1 Steel. end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Renting Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadRent: set $@kert_cartOnly, 0; //Set to 1 to enable only cart rental, 0 enables all add-ons. set $@kert_cartCost, 1000; //Cost to rent a Cart. set $@kert_falconCost, 2000; //Cost to rent a Falcon. set $@kert_pecoCost, 2000; //Cost to rent a PecoPeco. end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Kafra Shop Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadShop: set $@kesh_towntype, 0; //Town shop type (1: buy, 2: sell, Other: both) set $@kesh_duntype, 2; //Dungeon shop type (1: buy, 2: sell, Other: both) set $@kesh_townshop$, "ke_townshop"; //Name of town shop to invoke. set $@kesh_dunshop$, "ke_dunshop"; //Name of dungeon shop to invoke. end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Stat Market Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadStatMarket: set $@kesm_stBuyPrice,10000; //Cost of buying stat points set $@kesm_stSellPrice,0; //Return cash for selling stat points set $@kesm_skBuyPrice,1000000; //Cost of buying skill points set $@kesm_skSellPrice,50000; //Return cash for selling skill points set $@kesm_skTradePrice, 20; //Stats needed to trade for a skill. (Stat->Skill) set $@kesm_stTradePrice, 15; //Stats received per Skill traded. (Skill->Stat) set $@kesm_discount,0; //Discount % applied when buying if Kafra Pass is active end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Stats Reset/Raising Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadStats: set $@kest_stResetCost,50000; //Cost to reset stats set $@kest_skResetCost,50000; //Cost to reset skills set $@kest_resetCost,75000; //Cost to reset both set $@kest_BaseLvCost,25000; //Additional cost per base level to reset stats set $@kest_JobLvCost,25000; //Additional cost per job level to reset skills set $@kest_BothLvCost,20000; //Additional cost per base+job level to reset both set $@kest_discount,15; //Discount % to be applied when Kafra Pass is active. set $@kest_resetBasic,0; //Set to 1 if you want basic skills resetted as well. end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Uncarding Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadUncard: set $@keuc_BaseCost, 100000; //Base Cost set $@keuc_CardCost, 25000; //Extra Cost per Card set $@keuc_UpgradeCostA, 1000; //Extra Cost per Upgrade, Armor set $@keuc_UpgradeCostW1, 1000; //Extra Cost per Upgrade, Weapons Lv1 set $@keuc_UpgradeCostW2, 2000; //Extra Cost per Upgrade, Weapons Lv2 set $@keuc_UpgradeCostW3, 3000; //Extra Cost per Upgrade, Weapons Lv3 set $@keuc_UpgradeCostW4, 5000; //Extra Cost per Upgrade, Weapons Lv4 set $@keuc_discount, 10; //% Discount when using a Kafra Pass set $@keuc_Mat1,1000; //Material #1 needed (Star Crumb) set $@keuc_Qty1,1; //Qty of material #1 needed (use 0 to disable) set $@keuc_Mat2,715; //Material #2 needed (Yellow Gemstone) set $@keuc_Qty2,1; //Qty of material #2 needed (use 0 to disable) //Failure Chances. 1000 = 100.0%, set to 0 to disable failing chance. set $@keuc_Fail0Chance, 250; //Chance of harmless failure set $@keuc_Fail1Chance, 100; //Chance of losing item OR card set $@keuc_Fail2Chance, 25; //Chance of losing both end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Town Warps Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadWarpTown: set $@kewt_showOnline,1; //Set to 1 to show online count on cities set $@kewt_cost, 1000; //Cost of warping to a town set $@kewt_niflCost, 5000; //Cost of warping to Niflheim set $@kewt_travel, 0; //Traveller's Mode type for towns: //0: Disabled (normal warping) //1: You can only warp to towns you've been before (per character basis) //2: You can only warp to towns you've been before (per account basis) set $@kewt_free, 0; //Set to 1 to let people warp to towns even when poor set $@kewt_discount, 100; //Discount % to apply when the Kafra Pass is active (towns) end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Dungeons Warps Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadWarpDungeon: set $@kewd_showOnline,0; //Set to 1 to show online count on dungeons set $@kewd_discount, 50; //Discount % to apply when the Kafra Pass is active set $@kewd_travel, 0; //Traveller's mode type for dungeons: //0: Disabled (normal warping) //1: You can only warp to dungeons you've been before (per character basis) //2: You can only warp to dungeons you've been before (per account basis) set $@kewd_deep, 1; //If 1, people can warp to all levels of dungeons. //If 0, people can only warp to the entrance of dungeons. //Variables for Deep Warping set $@kewd_levelCost, 30; // cost % increase for warping to floors deep into the dungeon set $@kewd_entryDiscount, 25; //Discount % when using the Kafra right next to the dungeon one is warping into //Variables for Short Warping set $@kewd_turtleCave,0; //If 1, Turtle Island's warp leads to the //entrance of the cave, not the Island's shore. //Dungeon Costs set $@kewd_abyssLake,3250; //Abyss Lake base cost set $@kewd_amatsu,2500; //Amatsu Dungeon base cost set $@kewd_antHell,750; //Anthell base cost set $@kewd_ayothaya,2000; //Ayothaya Dungeon base cost set $@kewd_byalan,1000; //Byalan base cost set $@kewd_comodo,1500; //Comodo Caves base cost set $@kewd_clockTower,2250; //Clock Tower base cost set $@kewd_coalMines,1000; //Coal Mines base cost set $@kewd_culvert,0500; //Prontera Culvert base cost set $@kewd_einbech,2250; //Einbech Mines base cost set $@kewd_gefenia,7000; //Gefenia base cost set $@kewd_geffen,1500; //Geffen Dungeon base cost set $@kewd_glastHeim,2500; //Glast Heim base cost set $@kewd_gonRyun,2250; //Gonryun Dungeon base cost set $@kewd_hiddenTemple,750; //Hidden Temple base cost set $@kewd_juperos,3750; //Juperos base cost set $@kewd_kiehl,3400; //Kiehl Doll Factory base cost set $@kewd_iceCave,3750; //Ice Cave base cost set $@kewd_lightHalzen,4500; //LightHalzen Rekkenber base cost set $@kewd_louYang,2500; //Louyang Dungeon base cost set $@kewd_magma,3000; //Magma Dungeon base cost set $@kewd_odin,2750; //Odin Temple base cost set $@kewd_orc,1000; //Orc Dungeon base cost set $@kewd_payon,1000; //Payon Dungeon base cost set $@kewd_pyramid,2000; //Pyramids base cost set $@kewd_rachel,3000; //Rachel Sanctuary base cost set $@kewd_sphinx,1750; //Sphinx base cost set $@kewd_sunkenShip,1250; //Sunken Ship base cost set $@kewd_thanatosTower,3250; //Thanatos Tower base cost set $@kewd_toyFactory,1250; //Toy Factory base cost set $@kewd_turtleIsland,3250; //Turtle Island base cost set $@kewd_umbala,1750; //Umbala Dungeon base cost end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the Pvp Warps Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadWarpPvp: set $@kewp_showOnline,1; //Set to 1 to show online count on pvp maps set $@kewp_advanced,0; //Set to 0 to enable a single group of pvp rooms //(no level restrictions, kewp_cost is used) set $@kewp_cost, 1000; //Cost for Free For All (no level restrictions) if ($@kewp_advanced == 0) //Don't touch end; set $@kewp_cost1, 100; //Cost of warping to a pvp arena, lvls group 1 set $@kewp_cost2, 250; //Cost for lvls group 2 set $@kewp_cost3, 500; //Cost for lvls group 3 set $@kewp_cost4, 1000; //Cost for lvls group 4 set $@kewp_cost5, 2000; //Cost for lvls group 5 set $@kewp_cost6, 4000; //Cost for lvls group 6 set $@kewp_cost7, 8000; //Cost for lvls group 7 set $@kewp_baseLv1, 35; //Level required for pvp, lv1 set $@kewp_baseLv2, 45; //Level required for pvp, lv2 set $@kewp_baseLv3, 55; //Level required for pvp, lv3 set $@kewp_baseLv4, 65; //Level required for pvp, lv4 set $@kewp_baseLv5, 75; //Level required for pvp, lv5 set $@kewp_baseLv6, 85; //Level required for pvp, lv6 set $@kewp_baseLv7, 95; //Level required for pvp, lv7 set $@kewp_range, 5; //Range of levels allowed (ie: Warp to Lv1: levels 10+/-5) end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Config for the WoE Warps Module //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnLoadWarpWoe: //Note: See ke_warp_woe.txt for instructions on how to unlock the Guild Dungeons. set $@kewg_check,1; //If 0, people don't need to belong to a Guild to warp set $@kewg_checkAgit,1; //If 1, you can't warp until WoE starts set $@kewg_showOnline,0; //Set to 1 to show online count and Castle Status set $@kewg_discount,20; //Kafra Pass discount for WoE warps set $@kewg_baldur, 25000; //Guild Dungeon - Baldur set $@kewg_luina, 25000; //Guild Dungeon - Luina set $@kewg_valkyrie, 25000; //Guild Dungeon - Valkyrie set $@kewg_britoniah, 25000; //Guild Dungeon - Britoniah set $@kewg_alDeBaran, 2500; //Al De Baran Guild set $@kewg_geffen, 2500; //Geffen Guild set $@kewg_payon, 2500; //Payon Guild set $@kewg_prontera, 2500; //Prontera Guild end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }