//================= Hercules Script ======================================= //= _ _ _ //= | | | | | | //= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___ //= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __| //= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \ //= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/ //================= License =============================================== //= This file is part of Hercules. //= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules //= //= Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team //= Copyright (C) Kisuka //= Copyright (C) L0ne_W0lf //= Copyright (C) Muad_Dib //= //= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //= (at your option) any later version. //= //= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //= MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //= GNU General Public License for more details. //= //= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //= along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //========================================================================= //= Veins Town script //================= Description =========================================== //= Veins Town Npcs //================= Current Version ======================================= //= 1.1 //========================================================================= //== Veins ================================================= veins,162,34,5 script Towner#ve1 4_M_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "I love cacti. They're"; mes "the most beautiful plants"; mes "in the desert. Sometimes,"; mes "they're the only signs of"; mes "life in a barren land."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "If you feel a stirring"; mes "in your heart when you"; mes "look at a cactus, you"; mes "must appreciate the"; mes "desert's true beauty."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Well, I don't know if"; mes "I can find anyone that"; mes "finds the desert as"; mes "wonderful and enchanting"; mes "as I do. It's a pity, really."; close; } veins,148,41,3 script Towner#ve2 4_F_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Welcome to Veins, the"; mes "town near the Temple of"; mes "Cheshrumnir. You may think"; mes "this is a dreary desert town,"; mes "but you'll find that it's as"; mes "lively as any other place."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Sure, there are a few"; mes "characters in town, like"; mes "that cactus loving loony"; mes "over there, but not everyone's"; mes "like him. There's lots of nice,"; mes "kind people that you can meet."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Well then, I hope that"; mes "you enjoy your stay~"; close; } veins,137,179,5 script Towner#ve3 4_M_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Geez, why is our weapon"; mes "shop so boring? Nothing"; mes "there but the same ol'"; mes "regular junk. Sad to say,"; mes "there's nothing special."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Wouldn't it be great"; mes "if there was a shop that"; mes "sold the legendary godly"; mes "weapons? Of course, that's"; mes "asking a bit too much."; close; } veins,166,91,5 script Towner#ve4 4_M_DST_MASTER,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Though we're in the"; mes "middle of the desert,"; mes "our enemies continue"; mes "to threaten us. Fools!"; mes "Goddess Freya will"; mes "always protect us!"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "So long as we continue to"; mes "train, Freya will watch over"; mes "us and bless us with victory"; mes "over our foes. That, friend,"; mes "is the power of faith."; close; } veins,138,71,5 script Kid#ve1 4_F_DST_CHILD,{ mes "[Kid]"; mes "Whoa, get out of here!"; mes "Can't you see that I'm"; mes "playing hide and go seek?!"; mes "Move before they find me!"; close; } veins,253,133,3 script Kid#ve2 4_M_DST_CHILD,{ mes "[Kid]"; mes "Gosh, where could she"; mes "be hiding? I hate being"; mes "it... There's so many places"; mes "to hide around here. There"; mes "must be someplace I haven't"; mes "checked yet... Let's see..."; close; } veins,270,164,5 script Old Man#ve1 4_M_DST_GRAND,{ mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Praise be to Freya"; mes "for blessing me with"; mes "long life, but I wonder"; mes "if I've fully lived life."; next; mes "[Old Man]"; mes "I don't have any regrets"; mes "or doubts, but maybe there"; mes "are a few things I missed"; mes "out on. I guess an old man"; mes "can't help but think about"; mes "these sorts of things..."; close; } veins,310,195,1 script Towner#ve5 4_M_DST_MASTER,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Cacti are wonderful,"; mes "they're the most beautiful"; mes "plants in the desert. Yes, we"; mes "must cherish and nurture them~"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Regular cacti are "; mes "pretty uncommon, but"; mes "I hear there's a kind of"; mes "cactus that roams the desert"; mes "and makes loud, obnoxious"; mes "noises. How can that be true?"; close; } veins,320,254,5 script Towner#ve6 4_M_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "What do you want?"; mes "Sorry, but I'm just"; mes "a normal guy with normal"; mes "problems. Nothing that"; mes "I can't solve on my own."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Unless... You can do my"; mes "taxes? Pay off my mortgage?"; mes "No? Heh. Didn't think so."; close; } veins,333,318,3 script Towner#ve7 4_F_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "What's an adventurer"; mes "doing here in such an"; mes "isolated, dreary town?"; mes "Shouldn't you be looking"; mes "for adventures? Take it from"; mes "me, this place if bo-ring."; close; } veins,218,323,1 script Towner#ve8 4_M_DST_GRAND,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Whoa, it's been a while"; mes "seen I've seen tourists"; mes "in town. You might think"; mes "there's nothing here, but"; mes "take a closer look. You"; mes "might learn something."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Just like people, you"; mes "can't know everything about"; mes "a place with only a glance."; mes "If you give it a chance, I'm"; mes "sure you'll find something"; mes "to like about this town."; mes "and try to find things that mind interest you?"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "What do I mean by ''a"; mes "closer look?'' Heh, you'll"; mes "see... Maybe. Hahahaha!"; mes "Oh, forget it, it's not"; mes "that important anyway."; mes "May Freya bless you~"; close; } veins,206,275,3 script Kid#ve3 4_F_DST_CHILD,{ mes "[Kid]"; mes "I really want to look"; mes "inside the temple, but"; mes "it looks so scary from"; mes "the outside! I wonder"; mes "why it's like that?"; close; } veins,171,256,3 script Towner#ve9 4_M_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Don't get me wrong:"; mes "I'd give my life in Freya's"; mes "name, but that so-called"; mes "temple just looks so strange"; mes "and suspicious. How can it"; mes "be a place of worship?"; close; } veins,197,219,5 script Towner#ve10 4_M_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "I guess you can tell"; mes "from this withered tree"; mes "that our town is short"; mes "on water. I guess that's"; mes "a natural consequence of"; mes "living here in the desert..."; close; } veins,232,169,5 script Old lady#ve1 4_F_DST_GRAND,{ mes "[Old Lady]"; mes "When I look down on"; mes "Veins from here, I've"; mes "come to realize many things."; mes "I don't think you'd understand"; mes "no matter how much I explained."; next; mes "[Old Lady]"; mes "I suppose it's one of those"; mes "things that you learn with age."; mes "Yes, there's no substitute for"; mes "experience when it comes to"; mes "some things. You'll see."; mes "^FFFFFFYes, like secret knowledge.^000000"; close; } veins,121,199,3 script Old Man#ve2 4_M_DST_GRAND,{ mes "[Old Man]"; mes "This isn't good."; mes "The elderly outnumber"; mes "the youth here in Veins."; mes "We're too close to becoming"; mes "something of a retirement"; mes "community. You see it, right?"; next; mes "[Old Man]"; mes "I guess the young people"; mes "aren't content living here"; mes "since we lack a lot of the"; mes "material excitement of other"; mes "towns. They can't appreciate"; mes "what's really special here..."; close; } veins,111,50,3 script Towner#ve11 4_M_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "People cherish water"; mes "around here, but I've"; mes "something even more"; mes "precious to me. Yes, even"; mes "more precious than water..."; mes "You guessed it--true love."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "We actually started dating"; mes "here, so this place really"; mes "means a lot to me. It's my"; mes "favorite spot for spending"; mes "time with my girl. Hahaha~"; close; } veins,112,51,3 script Towner#ve12 4_F_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Well, I'm actually"; mes "a little tired of coming"; mes "here all the time. I kind"; mes "of want to try someplace"; mes "else, but I also know he"; mes "really loves coming here."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "It would actually be"; mes "kind of sad if we stopped"; mes "coming here altogether."; mes "I'm just happy so long"; mes "as he's with me~ Hoho~"; close; } veins,191,134,3 script Old Man#ve3 4_M_DST_GRAND,{ mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Why don't you take"; mes "a look at my goods?"; mes "I've got many things"; mes "that might interest you~"; next; mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Praise be to Freya,"; mes "who watches over us,"; mes "and blesses us with"; mes "food and drink. Don't"; mes "you think that's great,"; mes "young adventurer?"; close; } veins,177,147,3 script Old Lady#ve2 4_F_DST_GRAND,{ mes "[Old Lady]"; mes "Owning a lot of stuff"; mes "might seem great, but"; mes "many things aren't that"; mes "valuable when you think"; mes "of them in terms of"; mes "real emotional value."; next; mes "[Old Lady]"; mes "Well, that might have been"; mes "a dangerous remark when"; mes "I'm trying to sell things to"; mes "customers. Still, I wish"; mes "I could carry a wider"; mes "selection of goods."; next; mes "[Old Lady]"; mes "Of course, we're here"; mes "in the middle of the desert,"; mes "so maybe I'm asking too much."; close; } veins,223,165,5 script Kid#ve4 4_M_DST_CHILD,{ mes "[Kid]"; mes "Hey! Do you think"; mes "I can reach the bridge"; mes "over there if I jump"; mes "from over here? Do"; mes "you think you can try it?"; next; mes "[Kid]"; mes "What?! You can't do it?"; mes "Well, I'm gonna be different"; mes "when I grow up! I'm gonna"; mes "be the world's best jumper!"; mes "I'm gonna be able to jump"; mes "all the way to the mooooon!"; close; } veins,263,153,5 script Towner#ve13 4_M_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "The clothes we make here"; mes "are high, airy, and sewn"; mes "with high quality fabric."; mes "Of course, we need to wear"; mes "stuff like this since the"; mes "weather is unbearably hot."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "The fabric? Well,"; mes "I'll give you a hint."; mes "It's made of something"; mes "related to camels. Heh!"; mes "I'll leave you to figure it"; mes "out on your own. Haha!"; close; } veins,296,184,3 script Towner#ve14 4_F_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Let me tell you a secret."; mes "But promise not to tell"; mes "anyone else about it, okay?"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "When the time comes,"; mes "the Temple of Cheshrumnir"; mes "will open up and the giant"; mes "Freya robot will launch!"; mes "It'll destroy every country"; mes "except Arunafeltz!"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "That robot can blow"; mes "hurricanes from its mouth,"; mes "and shoot lightning from"; mes "its horns, and it can fire"; mes "its fists away, and its"; mes "chest is a flame thrower!"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes ".............................."; mes "You don't believe me, either."; mes "What did you just say? Zinger?"; mes "Amazing Z? The hell's that?"; close; } veins,291,205,3 script Kid#ve5 4_M_DST_CHILD,{ mes "[Kid]"; mes "Argh! I'm a war god"; mes "protecting Goddess Freya"; mes "and Arunafeltz! Ahhhhh!"; mes "Death to all our enemies!"; next; mes "[Kid]"; mes "Burn, heretics, buuurn!"; mes "Destroy your homes, your"; mes "families, and build a new"; mes "perfect world for Freya!"; next; mes "[Kid]"; mes "Hee hee! Doesn't that"; mes "sound wonderful! When"; mes "I grow up, I wanna be"; mes "that kind of hero!"; close; } veins,291,259,3 script Old Man#ve4 4_M_DST_GRAND,{ mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Fr... Fr..."; next; mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Fr..."; next; mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Praise Freya! ^333333*Keck*^000000"; mes "^333333*Cough cough*^000000 Fre..."; mes "^333333*Cough*^000000 Praise Freya!"; mes "Freya! Conquer those"; mes "that blaspheme you! Let"; mes "me see it before I die!"; next; mes "[Old Man]"; mes "I have never regretted"; mes "^333333*Cough*^000000 my faith in you,"; mes "my goddess! ^333333*Keck*^000000 May"; mes "the suffering of all our"; mes "enemies drive them to"; mes "madness before death!"; close; } veins,291,284,3 script Old Lady#ve3 4_F_DST_GRAND,{ mes "[Old Lady]"; mes "I wonder what my"; mes "standing with Freya"; mes "is like. Hopefully, she"; mes "will take mercy upon me"; mes "when I leave this world."; mes "My days here are numbered..."; close; } veins,248,301,3 script Kid#ve6 4_M_DST_CHILD,{ mes "[Kid]"; mes "Huh? You don't live here."; mes "Are you... Are you a traveler?"; mes "You musta been to so many"; mes "other places, huh? What"; mes "do they look like? I want to"; mes "travel too when I grow up~"; next; mes "[Kid]"; mes "I like this town, but I want"; mes "to see how other people live."; mes "The grown-ups think it's a bad"; mes "idea, though. They say Freya"; mes "hates it. Is it that bad that"; mes "I can't stop wondering?"; close; } veins,161,63,3 script Old Man#ve5 4_M_DST_GRAND,{ mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Oh. You must be"; mes "sightseeing. Um,"; mes "Veins is a small town,"; mes "visit Cheshrumnir Temple?"; next; mes "[Old Man]"; mes "I hope you enjoy"; mes "your stay. Now if"; mes "you'll excuse me, I'd"; mes "like to continue with"; mes "my prayers to Freya."; next; mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Oh, gracious Freya, your"; mes "servant humbly beseeches"; mes "you on bended knee..."; mes "Heal me of this infirmity!"; mes "The body is droopingly limp,"; mes "but the spirit is willing...!"; mes "must be... Cheshrumnir Temple."; close; } veins,157,123,3 script Towner#ve15 4_M_DST_MASTER,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "You know what's good"; mes "about the desert? No?"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "The desert makes you"; mes "stronger. Understand"; mes "what I mean? Heh, you'll"; mes "know as you spend more"; mes "time here in the desert."; close; } //== Inside Veins ========================================== ve_in,119,386,3 script Prisoner#ve1 4_M_DST_MASTER,{ mes "[Prisoner]"; mes "Unbelievable!"; mes "What kind of country"; mes "is this?! How can you"; mes "lock me up just because"; mes "I don't believe in Freya?!"; next; mes "[Prisoner]"; mes "This isn't civilized!"; mes "You're a bunch of savages"; mes "if you can't respect my"; mes "beliefs, you know that?"; mes "Someone, someone help!"; close; } ve_in,111,379,0 script Ward#ve1 4_M_DST_MASTER,{ mes "[Ward]"; mes "This place ensures that"; mes "dangerous criminals aren't"; mes "threatening the publi--"; mes "Wait. Why are you even"; mes "here?! This place isn't"; mes "safe for you! Leave!"; close; } ve_in,126,378,3 script Ward#ve2 4_M_DST_MASTER,{ mes "[Ward]"; mes "I'm grateful that our"; mes "town is relatively peaceful."; mes "If it were any other place,"; mes "that tiny cell would be"; mes "crammed full of criminals."; next; mes "[Ward]"; mes "Thank Freya that I've"; mes "been assigned to such"; mes "a peaceful, quiet place."; close; } ve_in,101,314,1 script Towner#ve16 4_M_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "^333333*Pant Pant*^000000"; mes "I must study as hard as I can"; mes "for the grace of Goddess Freya."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "I really believe that"; mes "I can serve Freya one of"; mes "these days if I can just"; mes "expand my knowledge."; close; } ve_in,90,298,3 script Towner#ve17 4_M_DIEMAN,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "It's too hot..."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "So sweaty..."; close; } ve_in,361,243,5 script Towner#ve18 4_M_DIEMAN,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "..............."; mes "..............."; mes "..............."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "..............."; mes "..............."; mes "..............."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Tricked you!"; mes "Thought I was dead,"; mes "didn't you? Hahaha~"; close; } ve_in,242,124,3 script Towner#ve19 4_M_DIEMAN,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "The drinks in this"; mes "town are so... They're..."; mes "They're so damn strong!"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Why..."; mes "Why does the ground"; mes "keep wobbling?! It's..."; mes "It's like it's trying to"; mes "betray me! Every time!"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "^333333*Hiccup*^000000"; close; } ve_in,180,232,5 script Towner#ve20 4_M_DST_MASTER,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "It's nice when a town"; mes "is peaceful and quiet..."; mes "But it's lame when a"; mes "tavern is dead like this."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Well, there's good"; mes "and bad points to"; mes "everything. Hopefully"; mes "things will pick up"; mes "around here as more of"; mes "you adventurers come visit."; close; } ve_in,163,212,3 script Towner#ve21 4_F_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "There's nothing but"; mes "old people and children"; mes "in this town. Where's a"; mes "decent man worth marrying?"; mes "There's a few bachelors that"; mes "are my age, but... Well..."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "They're all too hairy or"; mes "too muscular. I don't think"; mes "I'll be able to get married"; mes "anytime soon! Oh, the misery!"; close; } ve_in,190,215,3 script Towner#ve22 4_M_DST_MASTER,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Well, our town doesn't"; mes "have a choice but to"; mes "defend itself in dangerous"; mes "times. The young men we"; mes "have here are all buff and"; mes "tough to protect us."; next; mes "[Town]"; mes "They may not be beautiful,"; mes "but they have kind and"; mes "gentle hearts. It's a pity"; mes "that the women here"; mes "are more concerned"; mes "with appearances."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Don't judge a book"; mes "by its cover, but"; mes "by its contents."; close; } ve_in,318,121,3 script Towner#ve23 4_M_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "This storage solely"; mes "exists for serious drinkers."; mes "If it's ever shut down,"; mes "I think everyone in town"; mes "will riot. Crazy, huh?"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Veins is famous for its"; mes "wide variety of delicious,"; mes "irresistable liquor. Just one"; mes "sip's enough to hook you."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Praise Freya for"; mes "blessing us with the"; mes "gift of awesome liquor."; mes "Her graciousness, her"; mes "compassion, her liquor"; mes "is limitless. Let us pray."; close; } ve_in,222,125,5 script Towner#ve24 4_M_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "I really want to"; mes "ask out the woman"; mes "right in front of me."; mes "Do you think she'll...?"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Crap! Did I say that"; mes "out loud? I-I-I really"; mes "didn't want her to hear!"; close; } ve_in,222,122,1 script Towner#ve25 4_F_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "I heard all that..."; mes "Gosh, he's so clueless."; mes "I don't hate him, but he"; mes "should show a bit more"; mes "backbone if he wants"; mes "to impress me. Hmmm..."; close; } ve_in,232,135,5 script Towner#ve26 4_M_DST_MASTER,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "If you enjoy a good,"; mes "stiff drink, then you have"; mes "to stop by Veins Tavern~"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "If you don't love"; mes "drinking, then Veins"; mes "Tavern is the perfect"; mes "place to learn! ...To"; mes "love... drinking..."; close; } ve_in,239,135,5 script Towner#ve27 4_M_DST_MASTER,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Isn't the sun so hot?"; mes "Doesn't it make you feel"; mes "so thirsty? Well, you may"; mes "want to consider quenching"; mes "that nasty thirst with liquor!"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "My job is to serve"; mes "delicious, life giving"; mes "liquor to my customers to"; mes "relieve their parched throats."; mes "Seeing their drunken smiles"; mes "really makes my day~"; close; } ve_in,232,124,5 script Towner#ve28 4_M_DESERT,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "A lone wolf of the desert."; mes "That's me. Well, that's why"; mes "I'm drinking here alone."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Sweet Freya, these"; mes "drinks are so good."; mes "I could drink all day."; close; } ve_in,234,105,3 script Towner#ve29 4_M_DST_MASTER,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Man, the world is just..."; mes "It's just desires...!"; mes "Faith? It helps, you"; mes "know? Cuz-cuz desires"; mes "are all just nothing!"; mes "They're nooooooothing!"; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Argh! What is life?!"; mes "I don't know what to"; mes "believe anymore! Freya!"; mes "Freya looooves you!"; close; }