//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Morroc Town //===== By: ================================================== //= kobra_k88 //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.6 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 7.15 + //===== Description: ========================================= //= //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Fully working //= Fixed Lapidary sprite, Implemented ANTHELL trigger //= (in both NPC/Warps) [Lupus]. Removed it from NPC and put in Warp //= 1.3 Removed some NPC due to Assassin Job Quest [kobra_k88] //= 1.3b mobs name corrected [Lupus], 1.3c - Adv classes support //= 1.4 Fixed typo�s [Nexon] //= 1.5 Added a lvl 4 weapon quest related NPC [MasterOfMuppets] //= 1.6 Added Bartender NPC, made by Persian69 [Vicious_Pucca] //============================================================ //==================================================== Town of Morroc ====================================================\\ // Old Scholar =============================== morocc_in.gat,112,122,2 script Old Scholar 61,{ mes "[Old Scholar]"; mes "I've devoted my Life to researching the Pyramids. Although I not found anything significant yet, I am confident that I will find the Tomb of Ancient King, Osiris!"; next; mes "[Old Scholar]"; mes "It is within the largest of the Morroc Pyramids, that the Greatest King in History sleeps the eternal sleep. That is... if my memory serves me correctly......"; close; } // Drunk Man ================================= morocc.gat,44,180,8 script Drunk Man 89,{ mes "[Drunk Man]"; mes "Heh Heh... (Hiccup)! Oh, Are you new here? Nice to meet ya, Buddy! So how was your trip?"; mes "This was predestined that you and I meet here, I tell you what (Hiccup). Let me tell you something I just heard from the pub...."; next; mes "[Drunk Man]"; mes "It's rumored that there is a special Dagger that can bring great fortune to its owner."; mes "There is a well-know Thief in Rune-Midgard that possesses this Dagger, and has never been caught"; next; mes "[Drunk Man]"; mes "What I would give to get my hands something like that(Hiccup). But only in my dreams...."; next; mes "[Drunk Man]"; mes "How about you? Why don't you Look for it? It shouldn't be a problem for someone as brave as yourself?"; mes "Kekeke keke(Hiccup)! Buy me a drink later if you ever find that dagger. Promise me, alright?(Hiccup!)"; emotion e_hmm; close; } // Towner ================================= morocc.gat,68,260,8 script Towner 99,{ mes "[Towner]"; mes "Those giant, Triangular Buildings North West of town are called Pyramids... They have been there for thousands and thousands of years."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "Nobody knows when and why they were built or who built them. All we know for sure is that there are tons of Horrendous Monsters inside of them."; next; mes "[Towner]"; mes "I think you'd better stay away from them. The monsters in the Pyramid LOVE to feed on strangers. Kekekekek..."; close; } // Ant Man Akira ============================= morocc.gat,76,75,4 script Ant Man Akira 47,{ mes "[Ant Man Akira]"; mes "About 1 map north and 3 maps east of Morroc, there lies the entrance to a cave known as ^ff0000ANTHELL^000000 ..."; M_Menu: next; menu "'Anthell ?'",M_Anthell,"Ants?",M_Ants,"End conversation",M_End; M_Anthell: mes "[Ant Man Akira]"; mes "Anthell gets it's name from the fact that the cave is home to the largest colony of giant ants in Rune-Midgard."; mes "There are literally thousands of ants performing work for the colony while their queens lay hundreds and hundreds of eggs."; next; mes "[Ant Man Akira]"; mes "Many people go there to train because of the numerous amounts of ant eggs. But be careful..."; next; mes "[Ant Man Akira]"; mes "Attack an ant by mistake, and you'll find yourself surrounded by a swarm of them before you can even use a fly wing!"; emotion e_gasp; goto M_Menu; M_Ants: mes "[Ant Man Akira]"; mes "There are 3 different kinds of Ant, each with a unique color and name. Each one has a different role in the colony."; mes "Andres are white, Pieres are green, and Deniros are red colored. Their differences are not merely cosmetic however."; next; mes "[Ant Man Akira]"; mes "Andres are the weakest of the ants while Deniros are the most fierce some of the ants. Pieres lay somewhere in the middle."; next; mes "[Ant Man Akira]"; mes "Be careful when your around them. If you hit 1 Andre the other Andres in the area with swarm and attack you."; mes "The same goes for Deniros and Pieres. You should also know that ants are looters so watch out for your items."; goto M_Menu; M_End: mes "[Ant Man Akira]"; mes "Before you go, let me tell you about Giearths. They are not ants but they live in Anthell. Don't underestimate them because of their small size."; mes "They are extremely tough and should only be handled by high level wariors."; next; mes "[Ant Man Akira]"; mes "Well see ya around."; close; } // Poring Lady Syvia ================================== morocc.gat,79,111,2 script Poring Lady Syvia 700,{ mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "All over Rune-Midgard you can see lots of cute monsters such as Spores, the mushroom type creature...."; next; mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "Or Pickys, desert chicks that wear egg shells on their heads and jump around in the Morroc Desert..!"; mes "However you can't deny that the ^FF8888Poring^000000 is the cutest and most popular creature in all of Rune-Midgard."; next; mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "Although everybody knows about the common pink Poring, there are 2 Rare porings that live near Prontera and are getting a lot of attention."; next; mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "They are the ^ffaa00Angeling^000000 and the ^5555ffGhostring^000000"; M_Menu: next; menu "Angeling?",M_Angel,"Ghostring?",M_Ghost,"Quit Conversation",M_Quit; M_Angel: mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "The Angeling is a poring with angel wings. It is rarely seen but it is quite a sight. Don't not be fooled by it's angelic look however."; mes "It is a high level monster armed with the Holy property. It is immune to almost all magic attacks except those of the neutral & shadow property."; next; mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "Physical attacks are definitely the way to go against these monsters."; next; mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "Don't I know a lot about porings? Quite frankly I'm in love with them.... =P"; goto M_Menu; M_Ghost: mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "The Ghostring is an evil ghost poring. It is rarely seen and luckly so."; next; mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "It is a high-level monster armed with the ghost property. This makes it immune to physical attacks. So Archers, Swordsman, and Thieves beware!"; mes "Only weapons with elemental properties will work on Ghostrings. Of course magic attacks work very well on them also."; next; mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "Don't I know a lot about porings? Quite frankly I'm in love with them.... =P"; goto M_Menu; M_Quit: mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "OMG!"; emotion e_omg; next; mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "You dare dismiss a poring expert such as myself? I am proud of my knowledge about all things poring!!"; next; mes "[Poring Lady Syvia]"; mes "Hmf!"; emotion e_pif; close; } // Slayer Kid ==================================== morocc.gat,123,58,4 script Slayer Kid 118,{ mes "[Slayer Kid]"; mes ".... An expert in hand to hand combat who polishes off enemies quickly and quietly...."; next; mes "[Slayer Kid]"; mes "That is the ^ff00ffAssassin^000000!!"; M_Menu: next; menu "Hmm??",M_0,"Where can I find the Assassin Clan?",M_1,"End conversation",M_End; M_0: mes "[Slayer Kid]"; mes "Assassins are a secretive group of elite killers. People say Assassins are highly trained in 'eliminating' their targets without leaving a trace."; next; mes "[Slayer Kid]"; mes "It's been 3 months since I left home to search for the Assassin clan.... Just where are they??!!!"; goto M_Menu; M_1: mes "[Slayer Kid]"; mes "People say that if you go 2 maps on the east of Morroc, then 2 maps south, you'll be able to find the Assassin Clan."; next; mes "[Slayer Kid]"; mes "If you are granted an Assassin Cross, the emblem of the clan master, you will be allowed to become an Assassin."; mes "The Assassin Cross is a high honor and is given to the best Assassin among Assassins!"; next; mes "[Slayer Kid]"; mes "To tell you the truth however... I don't think they the clan really exists..."; next; mes "[Slayer Kid]"; mes "I've been searching for them for over 3 months now and nothing. It seems almost impossible for me to become an Assassin now......"; goto M_Menu; M_End: close; } // Lapidary ======================================= morocc.gat,150,50,8 script Lapidary 99,{ mes "[Lapidary]"; mes "The Queen of Jewelry is the Diamond. No one can deny its beautiful appearance. That's why it cost so much to buy..."; next; mes "[Lapidary]"; mes "Many factors increase its value, with the most important factor being size."; next; mes "[Lapidary]"; mes "A high quality Diamond should be perfect and not chipped or cracked in any way."; close; } // Uncle Dimitrii ========================================== morocc.gat,180,155,4 script Uncle Dimitri 49,{ mes "[Uncle Dimitrii]"; mes "The avarage temperature in the Morroc Desert is many times higher than anywhere else in the Rune-Midgard Kingdom."; next; mes "[Uncle Dimitrii]"; mes "Be careful of where you choose to sit down and rest. Choose the wrong spot and your butt may catch on fire!!"; M_Menu: next; menu "About the Desert sand",M_1,"About the remedy for Fatigue",M_2,"End conversation",M_End; M_1: mes "[Uncle Dimitri]"; mes ". . . . . Well"; next; mes "[Uncle Dimitri]"; mes "It's SUPPOSED to be HOT!!! But it actually isn't really that hot....."; next; mes "[Uncle Dimitri]"; mes "For some odd reason the sand in the Morroc desert doesn't conduct as much heat as the sand in other deserts."; mes "Instead of being scorching hot, the sand just feels warm.... so it's ok for you to sit down for a good rest"; next; mes "[Uncle Dimitri]"; mes "So everybody can recover their HP and SP without fear of catching on fire."; goto M_Menu; M_2: mes "[Uncle Dimitri]"; mes "Aaaaahhh!!!!"; next; mes "[Uncle Dimitri]"; mes "Nothing beats desert fatigue like a couple of potions! The ^ff0000Red^000000 ones are especially popular because of their low cost and light weight."; next; mes "[Uncle Dimitri]"; mes "They only recover a small amount of hp, but combined with a dip in a desert oasis, a couple ^ff0000Reds^000000 are all you need."; goto M_Menu; M_End: mes "[Uncle Dimitri]"; mes "Did you know that you can get ^0000bb'Milk'^000000 from a 'PecoPeco's Egg'? I wonder how that works......?"; close; } // Trader Joe ===================================== morocc.gat,208,85,7 script Trader Joe 83,{ mes "[Trader Joe]"; mes "I earn a living as a Trader so I'm constantly traveling between Morroc and Prontera."; mes "I can't even count how many times I've been across the Hot, Dry desert."; next; mes "[Trader Joe]"; mes "One day, while I was out in the Desert, I unexpectedly ran out of water and became extremely thirsty."; mes "I was desperate so I decided to try to get some water out of a cactus when......."; next; mes "[Trader Joe]"; mes "ALL OF THE SUDDEN!!! The cactus let out this LOUD SCREAM and started to SHOOT its NEEDLES at me!!"; emotion e_omg; next; mes "[Trader Joe]"; mes "It was THE WORST experience of my ENTIRE LIFE."; next; mes "[Trader Joe]"; mes "I figured out later that it wasn't a normal cactus that attacked me but it was ^00cc00Muka^000000, the cactus monster."; next; mes "[Trader Joe]"; mes "So be careful the next time you're out in the desert. You don't want to make the same mistake I made. (~Sigh~)"; close; } // Fly Man Armani =============================== morocc.gat,234,273,3 script Fly Man Armani 54,{ mes "[Fly Man Armani]"; mes "I SAW IT!! I SAW IT!!!"; emotion e_ic; next; mes "[Fly Man Armani]"; mes "I saw the rare ^ff0000Dragon Fly^000000 just South of here! It was incredible!!"; next; menu "What... Dragon Fly?!",M_0,"So what?",M_1; M_0: mes "[Fly Man Armani]"; mes "It is the boss of desert flies and its much stronger than any other ordinary fly."; mes "It's a rare sight to behold, and for anybody strong enough and lucky enough to defeat it.... "; next; mes "[Fly Man Armani]"; mes "The Dragon Fly may even drop an UTLRA RARE item called a ^0000ddClip^000000!"; mes "Clips are items that you can attach to weapons, armor, and almost every kind of accessory."; next; mes "[Fly Man Armani]"; mes "Clips are ^ffaa00slotted^000000 and therefore you can insert cards into them. That's what makes them so valuable."; mes "It seems like everyone is yearning for a clip these days."; next; mes "[Fly Man Armani]"; mes "Say.... why don't YOU challenge the Dragon Fly?"; emotion e_hmm; close; M_1: mes "[Fly Man Armani]"; mes "SO WHAT!!??"; emotion e_omg; next; mes "[Fly Man Armani]"; mes "Do you dare underestimate the Dragon Fly?? Bleh! It may be a fly, but I guarantee you THIS FLY is more than you can handle!"; emotion e_pif; next; mes "[Fly Man Armani]"; mes "No matter. If you ARE fortunate enough to run into it, you'll quickly see what I mean. After all, it IS the FLY of ALL FLIES!!!!"; next; mes "[Fly Man Armani]"; mes "^ff0000Dragon Fly^000000. Remember this name well!!"; close; } // Uncle Phlanette ================================ morocc.gat,277,213,4 script Uncle Phlanette 48,{ mes "[Uncle Phlanette]"; mes "Morroc is a highly dry region surrounded by desert. There isn't a place as hot or dry as Morroc anywhere in Rune-Midgard."; M_Menu: next; menu "Desert Story",M_0,"Quit Coversation",M_End; M_0: mes "[Uncle Phlanette]"; mes "Let me tell you a little about the desert....."; next; mes "[Uncle Phlanette]"; mes "You see the desert is a place that is bare of vegetation due to low rainfall and a high evaporation rate."; mes "Even so there are plants that seem to thrive in the desert. And where there are plants, there are animals."; next; mes "[Uncle Phlanette]"; mes "So even with the high temperatures, and limited water, living creatures still find a way to survive in the desert."; next; mes "[Uncle Phlanette]"; mes "Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, some of the plants and animals in the desert have turned into dangerous monsters."; mes "The ^00cc00'Mukas'^000000 are one of those monsters. They were originally cactus plants."; goto M_Menu; M_End: mes "[Uncle Phlanette]"; mes "Sand HERE! Sand THERE! Sand EVERYWHERE!!!!"; emotion e_gasp; next; mes "[Uncle Phlanette]"; mes "(~Sigh~) I'm SICK and TIRED of this sand and desert..."; next; mes "[Uncle Phlantette]"; mes "Morroc......!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!"; emotion e_pif; close; } //Bartender morocc_in.gat,166,76,3 script Bartender 46,{ mes "[Bartender]"; mes "What are you going to order?"; next; menu "Tropical Sograt",L1,"Vemillion the Beach",L2,"Nothing.",-; mes "[Bartender]"; mes "Hmm..."; close; L1: if (zeny < 1000 ) goto Nomoney; getitem 12112,1; set zeny,zeny-1000; mes "[Bartender]"; mes "Here you go."; mes "Fruits are major ingredients,"; mes "but don't drink too much."; close; L2: if (zeny < 1000 ) goto Nomoney; getitem 12113,1; set zeny,zeny-1000; mes "[Bartender]"; mes "Here you go."; mes "but don't drink too much."; close; Nomoney: mes "[Bartender]"; mes "Are you asking me to give it for free?"; mes "You are one crazy person."; mes "Don't even think about drinking if you don't have 1,000 zeny."; close; } // Lvl 4 weapon quest related NPC ================================ morocc.gat,289,230,3 script Citizen 92, { mes "[Citizen]"; mes "Meeting a dead man is basically"; mes "impossible."; mes "Even if you met one,"; mes "he would not have the full memory of his life."; next; mes "[Citizen]"; mes "But if you brought a thing that he"; mes "used to keep in his life,"; mes "it would be possible to retrieve his memory of the life."; mes "Of course, we can confirm this theory only"; mes "when we meet a dead man."; close; } //<================================================== Assassin Guild ====================================================>\\ // Hashisid ==================================== moc_fild16.gat,199,212,4 script Hashisid 48,{ mes "[Hashisid]"; mes "For Assassins, it is important not to look a target in the eye. If a target is smart, he/she may be able to tell what you're up too."; next; menu "About Assassins",M_0,"Quit Conversation",M_End; M_0: mes "[Hashisid]"; mes "Let me tell you a little bit about Assassins"; next; mes "[Hashisid]"; mes "Assassin's are hired to infiltrate, gather intelligence, and even commit murder without being seen or heard."; mes "Stealth and speed are vital to Assassins. Assassins live in the shadows and never get praise or congratulations."; next; mes "[Hashisid]"; mes "It's their job to go unnoticed. Though an Assassin may seem like a cruel and heartless individual...."; mes "An Assassin will never do any harm to an innocent being. The main purpose of the Assassin to seek out and destroy evil forces!"; close; M_End: close; } //================================================== // Assassin Guild Guards //=================================================== moc_fild16.gat,195,281,4 script Assassin Guardian#1::SinGuard 707,{ mes "[Assassin Guardian]"; if(BaseJob == Job_Assassin) { mes "Welcome."; close; } set @temp, rand(1,4); if(@temp == 1) mes "........"; if(@temp == 2) mes "Hmmm.........."; if(@temp == 3) mes "Hmmm... you shouldn't be here....."; if(@temp == 4) mes "You're trespassing on forbidden grounds......."; close; } moc_fild16.gat,204,281,4 duplicate(SinGuard) Assassin Guardian#2 707 moc_fild16.gat,207,281,4 duplicate(SinGuard) Assassin Guardian#3 707 moc_fild16.gat,216,281,4 duplicate(SinGuard) Assassin Guardian#4 707 moc_fild16.gat,200,231,4 duplicate(SinGuard) Assassin Guardian#5 707 moc_fild16.gat,211,231,4 duplicate(SinGuard) Assassin Guardian#6 707 moc_fild16.gat,200,257,4 duplicate(SinGuard) Assassin Guardian#7 707 moc_fild16.gat,211,257,4 duplicate(SinGuard) Assassin Guardian#8 707