//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= Geffen Town
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= kobra_k88
//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
//= 1.3
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= eAthena 7.15 +
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
//= Fully working
//= 1.1 - Spell Checked [massdriller]
//= 1.2 Fixed more typo�s [Nexon]
//= 1.3 added a Level 4 weapon quest related NPC [MasterOfMuppets]

// Lady -------------------------------------------------------
geffen.gat,59,143,8	script	Lady	91,{
	mes "[Lady]";
	mes "Oh, you must be a Stranger here.";
	mes "[Lady]";
	mes "Welcome to Geffen, the City of Magic.  You Must be very tired? Why don't you eat Some ^ffaa00Honey^000000? It will relieve of your fatigue";
	mes "[Lady]";
	mes "Honey is very sweet and highly nutritious.  It will allow you to ^0000ffregain^000000 some of your ^0000ffHP as well as SP^000000.";
	mes "It's gathered by Hornets for the queen bee ^ff0000Mistress^000000.  mistress is a very rare and powerfully monster.";
	mes "[Lady]";
	mes "BELIEVE me, you DON'T want to try and take honey away from HER....";
	mes "[Lady]";
	mes "There are other monsters that drop honey but they are fairly strong.  Honey is pretty hard to come by which makes it very pricey to buy.";
	mes "[Lady]";
	mes "Believe it or not Honey is actually NOT the most valuable bee product there is.......";
	mes "Apparently ^ffaa00`Royal Jelly'^000000, which is made by ^ff0000Mistress^000000 herself, is even rarer and more sought after.";
	mes "[Lady]";
	mes "Ah~ Thinking of Royal Jelly makes my mouth Water~";

// Womankind ------------------------------------------------------------
geffen.gat,111,48,2	script	Kind Woman	101,{
	mes "[Kind Woman]";
	mes "Good Day, adventurer.";
	mes "[Kind Woman]";
	mes "Have you ever seen the ^ff0000Orcs^000000, the Demi-Human Tribe?";
	mes "[Kind Woman]";
	mes "South of here, deep in the forest, lies the home land of the Orcs.  I here they have a unique culture and language that is much different from our own.";
	mes "[Kind Woman]";
	mes "I wonder.....? Do they dream of love and romance just as we do? Hmm..... I wonder........";

// Researcher ------------------------------------------------------------------------
geffen.gat,156,190,8	script	Researcher	57,{
	mes "[Researcher]";
	mes "Hmm... Interesting.  Hmm... It is Very interesting....";
	mes "[Researcher]";
	mes "Oh, you've come at just the right time.  Let me tell you about something I just discovered.";
	mes "[Researcher]";
	mes "You see, I found this Mysterious Scroll when I was researching Magic.  In the scroll there is a description of a tree named ^008800Yggdrasill^000000.";
	mes "It says that the leaves, seeds, and fruits of this tree are somehow connected to the creation and preservation of life in this world.";
	mes "[Researcher]";
	mes "I've never actually come across the leaves, seeds, or fruits of the Yggdrasill, let alone the tree itself..... but.....";
	mes "[Researcher]";
	mes "The idea of a tree of life is quite amazing! Don't you think so?";

// Young Man --------------------------------------------------------------------------
geffen.gat,147,26,0	script	"Young man"	97,{
	mes "[Young Man]";
	mes "I heard that somewhere in this world, there is a rare staff which transforms its owner's psychic power into physical powers, and endows with destructive force also...";
	mes "With this, everybody could be as strong as Hercules, despite their lack of muscles. Haw haw...I will take it.";
	mes "[Young Man]";
	mes "Good heavens! You, since when were you behind me?";
	mes "Did you happen to hear what I said? Ha ma...Muhaha. I didn't say anything. If you heard anything from me, just forget~Forget about it~";
	mes "Yay~ veggie is cheap today~come on!!";

// Young Man -----------------------------------------------------------------------
geffen_in.gat,34,170,0	script	"Young man"	47,{
	mes "[Young Man]";
	mes "Hello? Isn't it wonderful, today? I am a promising young Mage. Ahem.";
	mes "Nowadays, my mental anguish about magic things keeps me awake every night..sigh...Especially, about the weak point of magic, you know.";
	mes "[Young Man]";
	mes "Darn! It was really annoying when I encountered that long-ranged enemy last time. It disrupted magic casting.";
	mes "After all I realized I need a weapon to counter Such a long-ranged attack from an enemy....But geez.. It is not easy to make such a weapon I wish.";
	mes "There should be another way.....Should be.....";
	mes "Any ideas for me?";

//<============================================ Inn =====================================================>\\
// Waitress ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
geffen_in.gat,70,67,5	script	Waitress	80,{
	mes "[Waitress]";
	mes "Ugh!! SO annoying! Why would you drink here when you could drink at the pub!? This is an Inn, not a pub!!";
	mes "That man!... every time he drinks... he gets like that! Ugh!!";
	emotion e_an;
	mes "[Waitress]";
	mes "(~yells to the man~)'Hey mister! I TOLD you... THIS.. IS.. AN INN, NOT A BAR!!'";
	emotion e_pif;
	mes "[Waitress]";
	mes "(~sighs~) That old man in the front corner there gives me a headache.";
	mes "My younger sister, who works at the pub, told me that there is someone just like him at the Pub.";
	mes "[Waitress]";
	mes "To think that there are 2 of them in one city... It's JUST ABSURD!!";
	emotion e_pif;
	mes "[Waitress]";
	mes "(~mumbles~)... I wish they would both just leave this town and be forgotten forever... that would be nice....";
	menu "May I have a drink?",M_0, "Has there been anything interesting lately?",M_1, "End Conversation",M_End;

		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "Oh my, I'm sorry but that DRUNKARD swallowed up every last drop of liquor we have.";
		mes "Everyday it's the same thing... as soon as the Inn opens he comes in and gulps down drink after drink.";
		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "It's amazing he hasn't died yet.  Maybe if you came by some other time we'll be restocked... oh who am I kidding....";
		goto M_Menu;
		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "Well... of all of the people who have stopped by lately, there are a group of merchants that have caught my attention.";
		mes "I could tell right away that they were from out of town.  My younger sister tells me they are from Schubaltzwald...";
		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "It really doesn't matter who they are or where they're from, after all business is business.  They could be from Schuschu Chocolate Land for all I care....";
		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "I just wish the amount of local customers would start increasing again, since they are the bulk of my customers.";
		goto M_Menu;
		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "Have a nice day!";

// Merchant Daven -------------------------------------------------------------------
geffen_in.gat,79,75,2	script	Merchant Daven	61,{
	mes "[Merchant Daven]";
	mes "Back in the day when I first came to Geffen, the town was a very boring place to live in.";
	mes "[Merchant Daven]";
	mes "But now there are noble Mages and a flourishing community of Blacksmiths, that make Geffen.......";
	mes "[Merchant Daven]";
	mes ".... still.... a very BORING place to be.... Bleh! I'm really bored here!!!";
	menu "-Mages?",M_0, "-Blacksmiths?",M_1, "-Who are you?",M_2, "-End Conversation.",M_End;

		mes "[Merchant Daven]";
		mes "Mages and Wizards love to carry books around with them wherever they go.  That's just how they are.";
		mes "[Merchant Daven]";
		mes "Mages like to gather at the ^5555FFMagic Academy^000000 where they study the basics of magic use.";
		mes "[Merchant Daven]";
		mes "After much study and with enough experience, Mages can become Wizards.  Wizards can use much more powerful magical spells.";
		mes "You can find them at the top floor of the ^5555FFGeffen Tower^000000.";
		goto M_Menu;
		mes "[Merchant Daven]";
		mes "Blacksmiths are difficult people.  They are also a dirty bunch, whose faces are often covered with black soot.";
		mes "No matter where they are or what they do, they always smell of iron and soot.";
		mes "[Merchant Daven]";
		mes "However, that is something that can't be helped.  Blacksmiths are always hard at work, refining ores, and tempering equipment.";
		mes "It's just not possible to be a Blacksmith and not be dirty and smelly.  Unfortunately it's part of the job.";
		mes "[Merchant Daven]";
		mes "Weapons forged by Blacksmiths can be much more unique then those sold in Armories.";
		mes "The actual ores and stones used by the Blacksmiths are of a much higher quality and are often scarce.";
		mes "This can give their weapons special qualities that are very beneficial to a character.";
		goto M_Menu;
		mes "[Merchant Daven]";
		mes "Me?.... Oh I'm the world's PRETTIEST street merchant!!..... the he he...";
		emotion e_kis;
		menu "..... I'm going to puke....",sM_0, ".... SLAPP him upside his head!!!",sM_1;		

			mes "[Merchant Daven]";
			mes "Hehehe.... it was a joke.... a joke ok..... hehehe....";
			emotion e_heh;
			goto M_Menu;
			mes "~^FF8000!!!^FF0000THWAAACCCKKK^FF8000!!!^000000~";
			mes "[Merchant Daven]";
			mes "OW!! Ok! Ok! I was just kidding.... sheesh....";
			emotion e_wah;
			goto M_Menu;

// Drunkard -------------------------------------------------------------------
geffen_in.gat,59,62,2	script	Drunkard	120,{
	mes "[Drunkard]";
	mes "Hmm... You're Joshua's friend too??";
	menu "-Nope.",M_0, "-Who's that??",M_1, "-I have no friends.(~sob~)",M_2;

		mes "[Drunkard]";
		mes "Hmf. Yeah... that dork has no reason to have any friends.  Forget I even asked.";
		mes "[Drunkard]";
		mes "Uh... well if you go down this hall to the room on the left... you'll find this dork.";
		mes "All day long, he just stays in that dark room tempering steel.... who the hell knows what he's making....";
		mes "[Drunkard]";
		mes "If you're interested you should go talk to him.  From the looks of it, you two would probably get along really well... HAHAHA!";
		emotion e_heh;
		mes "[Drunkard]";
		mes "Oh... I see, I see. My apologies.  You seem to be sensitive about this.  To think that you have no friends....";
		mes "Ya know, you remind me of my younger self! Heck... you might end up just like me... heh heh.";
		mes "[Drunkard]";
		mes "(~sob~sob~).... oh what happened to my life!!!....(~baaaahhhh~)";
		emotion e_sob;
		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "ARGH!! STOP being so noisy!";

// Schubaltzwald Merchant ----------------------------------------------------------------------
geffen_in.gat,113,73,4	script	Schubaltzwald Merchant	709,{
	mes "[Schubaltzwald Merchant]";
	mes "How are you, Rune-Midgard young'un? I am Schubaltzwald's one and only Hans Hadenhiem.";
	mes "[Schubaltzwald Merchant]";
	mes "My business associates and I plan to do business, both here in Geffen, and at home in Schubaltzwald.";
	mes "[Schubaltzwald Merchant]";
	mes "Although Rune-Midgard doesn't seem to have any exciting places to go sight-seeing, it does have a lot of interesting merchandise.";
	mes "Because of their uniqueness, these items have become quite valuable in my city.";
	mes "[Schubaltzwald Merchant]";
	mes "Something may be plentiful here, but scarce somewhere else, an item may be popular there but not here....";
	mes "That is what makes being a merchant so interesting, the variety of items to buy and sell between different places.";
	mes "[Schubaltzwald Merchant]";
	mes "Of course it would be ideal if a merchant could have a widespread distribution of the same items in different cities.";
	mes "[Schubaltzwald Merchant]";
	mes "If you're not satisfied with the merchandise, just wait, and some other day what you're looking for may be in stock.";
	mes "It's a merchant's duty to make the customer happy with the quality of the items being sold!";

//<============================================== Pub ==================================================>\\
// Waitress -----------------------------------------------------------------
geffen_in.gat,28,134,4	script	Waitress	69,{
	mes "[Waitress]";
	mes "Meh! ALWAYS drinking and ALWAYS fighting..... HEY Mister! This is a place of BUSINESS!!";
	emotion e_an;
	mes "[Waitress]";
	mes "That man gives me a headache.  My sister at the Inn says that there is another IDIOT just LIKE HIM there!";
	mes "I CAN'T BELIEEEEVE that there is more that one IDIOT like him in this world..... I wish they would just... just... DISAPPEAR!!";
	mes "[Waitress]";
	mes "(~sighs~)";
	emotion e_pif;
	menu "Could I get drink?",M_0, "Anything interesting going on lately?",M_1, "End Conversation",M_End;

		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "Jeez, I'm real sorry but we ran out of liquor. THAT DRUNKARD chugged down every last drop we had....";
		mes "As soon as we open he's in here downing drink after drink! I'm surprised he's still alive.";
		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "Maybe if you stopped by later.... but then again, the way HE'S been drinking.... you might have better luck else where....";
		goto M_Menu;
		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "Hmm... there really hasn't been anything new going on lately.... there haven't been any rumors from the customers either....";
		mes "Come to think of it.... you yourself are a person of few words....";
		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "I'm sure there's a reason why there has been such a lull as of late....";
		mes "It's just we working girls tend to get REALLLYYY BORED.... so if anything exciting happens let me know okay?";
		goto M_Menu;
		mes "[Waitress]";
		mes "You have a nice day now!";

// Drunkard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
geffen_in.gat,21,125,5	script	Drunkard	52,{
	mes "[Drunkard]";
	mes "You want to be an idiotic magician? Is that why you came here??";
	emotion e_what;

// Lvl 4 weapon quest related NPC ------------------------------------------------------

geffen.gat,203,146,5	script	Citizen	97, {
	mes "[Citizen]";
	mes "There was a skillful weaponsmith";
	mes "in Al De Baran who had 4 sons.";
	mes "Unfortunately he lost all of his sons";
	mes "while developing a powerful weapon.";
	mes "The father survived alone from the tragedy.";
	mes "[Citizen]";
	mes "How sad it will be for the father...";
	mes "Because of the incident, the weaponsmith";
	mes "retired from his work and hid himself somewhere.";
	mes "After that, no one could ever see";
	mes "the powerful weapon that he and his sons were developing.";
	mes "[Citizen]";
	mes "I don't think that 4 sons of him";
	mes "went to the heaven with the anxiety.";

// Friend of Youth ---------------------------------------------------------------------
geffen_in.gat,37,124,5	script	Friend of Youth	704,{
	set @temp,0;
	mes "[Friend of Youth]";
	mes "Welcome young one! Are you worrying about something? Tell me all your troubles and I will tell you your fortune with my silver ball of mystery!";
	set @temp, rand(5);
	menu "-Life!",M_0, "-Love!",M_1, "-Fortune!",M_2, "-Grades!",M_3, "-Future!",M_4, "-Fashion!",M_5, "-End.",M_End;

		if(@temp ==1) goto R0_1;
		if(@temp ==2) goto R0_2;
		if(@temp ==3) goto R0_3;
		if(@temp ==4) goto R0_4;

			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "It seems that you've had to deal with many problems recently... but don't despair.";
			mes "Although you may have to endure some hardships now, the road ahead of you is clear.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Being tossed out in the desert, naked, and chased by a Peco Peco really isn't that bad.";
			mes "If you maintain your composure and persevere, you will be able to enjoy the sweet taste of accomplishment.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "So keep your head up and endure for a bit longer!";
			goto R0_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "It looks as though you have chosen an obscure path for yourself.  You may feel as though you may have made a mistake.";
			mes "This uncertainty about your choices affects you even now.  Try to take a break and relax.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Re-organize yourself to better handle the situation that surrounds you.";
			mes "Rearrange your items and equipment to give yourself a 'fresh' start.";
			goto R0_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "The evil forces that envy your fortune and good health are always watching you.";
			mes "They are jealous of what you have and are eagerly waiting for you to make mistakes.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Therefore you must be more careful with your actions.  Proceed with caution, especially in dangerous situations.";
			mes "Remain calm however, and continue to prepare for the days to come.";
			goto R0_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Some recent turmoil between you and someone you know still looms over your head.";
			mes "There is no way to avoid the problems... you must face them head on.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Try to resolve the issues in a calm, peaceful, and friendly manner.  Think about the relationship you have with this person.";
			goto R0_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Lately you have been living in the darkness of the monsters.";
			mes "The power of the dark is too strong and you must pull away from it.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "In order to do that you must be physically strong and mentally able.  Give it all you have and make good use of your training!";

			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Now, have the questions about your life been answered? Feel free to ask me again.  I am always on your side friend!";
			emotion e_no1;
			goto M_Menu;

		if(@temp ==1) goto R1_1;
		if(@temp ==2) goto R1_2;
		if(@temp ==3) goto R1_3;

			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Tsk tsk.... Are you looking for another love?";
			emotion e_what;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "So you're not satisfied with the relationship your in now.... you want one that is new, better, more exciting.......";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Don't be a fool!! Treasure the love you have now! You never no where a wandering heart will lead you....";
			emotion e_gasp;
			goto R1_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Everybody says that love is wonderful.  THAT IS, until things go WRONG, then it's not so easy to say that love is wonderful.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Maybe your not quite ready for love right now.  Build up some more confidence in yourself then go after that special someone with all your heart.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "With that confidence and a little bit of luck, you're sure to find love.  Always!!";
			emotion e_no1;
			goto R1_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Oh ho! To be in love is a wonderful existence!";
			mes "Love can be as exciting as running through a forest filled with porings while wildly swinging your sword around!!";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "So BRANDISH your sword in the name of LOVE!!";
			emotion e_no1;
			goto R1_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Well now... You're so happy, you don't know what to do!! No matter how hard you try, you can't hide the fact that you're in love!";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Heh, I guess there's nothing for me to tell you.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Now if I could only find someone to love.......";
			emotion e_hmm;
			goto R1_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Even in this bleak world, love is all around you! Love can be fun so treasure the heart and come back for another reading!";
			emotion e_no;
			goto M_Menu;

		if(@temp ==1) goto R2_1;
		if(@temp ==2) goto R2_2;
		if(@temp ==3) goto R2_3;
		if(@temp ==4) goto R2_4;

			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "For a young one such as yourself, money should not be the most important thing in your life.";
			mes "Don't worry about money too much, just live your life to the fullest! Only then can something wonderful can happen to you.";
			goto M_Menu;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Let me tell you something, DON'T become obsessed with materialistic things!";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Although you need money to get by in this world, if acquiring wealth is your sole purpose in life....";
			mes "you will ultimately find yourself disappointed and empty.";
			goto M_Menu;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Are you envious of someone's else's items?? DON'T BE!!";
			mes "You are better then that! Seek that which makes you a better person";
			goto M_Menu;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Saving money is important.  Don't get into the habit of buying cheap things you can afford right away.";
			mes "It's better to wait until you have enough for something that is of high quality.  That way you spend less money overall.";
			goto M_Menu;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "It's a very interesting thing.  To be honest, money just might be the REAL MONSTER in this world....";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "One man's trash is another man's treasure! Go out and gather everything you can find! Don't be embarrassed about it!";
			goto M_Menu;
		if(@temp ==1) goto R3_1;
		if(@temp ==2) goto R3_End;

			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "It's good to be worried about your grades.  You will have a bright future if you study hard and get good grades.";
			mes "It can be difficult to do, but that is how life is.  The difficult things in life are the ones worth doing.";
			goto R3_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Worrying about your grades can be a hassle.  And sometimes it's hard to be confident that you will get good grades.";
			mes "But stay positive and keep your head up! With hard work and perseverance you'll surely achieve your goals.";
			goto R3_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Concentrating on studies is difficult.  Come back any time to ask questions regarding your studies! I'll be waiting.";
			goto M_Menu;

		if(@temp ==1) goto R4_1;
		if(@temp ==2) goto R4_2;
		if(@temp ==3) goto R4_3;

			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "A person who worries about the future is one who is ill prepared for it.";
			mes "And yet a person who prepares for the future is also one who worries about it.";
			goto R4_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Hmm... Don't you think you're worrying too much about the future?? Try focusing more on the present.";
			mes "Obsessing over the future will eventually cause problems for you in the hear and now.";
			goto R4_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "If all you do is play and you don't plan ahead for your future, you may have to re-think your approach to life.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "There is an old story about the Thief Bug who was happy and full during the winter months,....";
			mes "while the Rocker was starving and cold...The Thief Bug planned ahead and gathered enough food for winter,.....";
			mes "where as the Rocker had spent all his time playing and did not have enough food for the winter.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "The person who treasures his/her life prepares for the future.  So treasure your life and plan for the future!!";
			goto R4_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "You have the ability to leap towards the future! But the past has a hold of your ankle and wont let go.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Break free and move towards the future and be prepared to face what lies ahead!";	
			emotion e_no1;
			goto R4_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "There are many reasons to look forward to the future.  So until you find one for yourself, keep searching for it.";
			mes "And feel free to come back for another reading any time okay?";
			goto M_Menu;
		if(@temp ==1 && countitem(2280)>=1) goto R5_1;
		if(@temp ==2) goto R5_2;
		if(@temp ==3) goto R5_3;
		if(@temp ==4) goto R5_4;

			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Equipping basic items that provide you with exactly what you need is important.";
			mes "But isn't there a way to make equipment more stylish?";
			goto R5_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Wah! A Sakkat hat with that type of outfit is a bad idea!!";
			emotion e_omg;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Wow, now that I think about it, it's unbearable!!";
			goto R5_End;

			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "A Mr. Smile mask and an Orc Helmet look cute when used together.  But a Mr. Smile cap by itself is just plain scary!";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Why is that??";
			emotion e_what;
			goto R5_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "An Adventurer's Suit is so cool! Especially when a guy wears it.  It just seems to add to his charm!";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "But wear a pair of Red Sandals with it.... and that becomes just TOOOO much to bear!!";
			emotion e_swt2;
			goto R5_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "It's nice to wear expensive headgear.  It's nice to wear fancy clothing too!";
			mes "But remember to make everything match or you'll look like a fool!";
			mes "You can't just wear everything that you think is fancy.";
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Make sure the things you wear go with each other and compliment one another.";
			goto R5_End;
			mes "[Friend of Youth]";
			mes "Hmm... this has nothing to do with fortune telling... but still... I like talking about fashion.";
			goto M_Menu;


//<============================================ Mage Guild ===============================================>\\
// Dark Wizard -------------------------------------------------------------------------
geffen_in.gat,164,109,2	script	Dark Wizard	64,{

	if(BaseJob == 2 || BaseJob == 9) goto L_Magic;
	mes "[Dark Wizard]";
	mes "Hmf.  I only speak to those with magic abilities....";

	mes "[Dark Wizard]";
	mes "Oh... I can feel the mighty spirits stirring around me.";
	mes "[Dark Wizard]";
	mes "You there, I sense that you too use magic.";
	mes "[Dark Wizard]";
	mes "Magic... a great power which is dictated by cause and effect.  If it is used for good then in turn positive reactions will occur.";
	mes "However, if it is used for evil, then negative reactions will occur instead.  When using magic you truly reap what you sew.";
	mes "[Dark Wizard]";
	mes "Have you ever heard of ^0000ddGemstones^000000? Some magic spells are so powerful that they require the use of a Gemstone.";
	mes "These stones amplify a magic users power and allow them to cast high level spells.  They can be bought at the magic store in town.";
	mes "[Dark Wizard]";
	mes "Always remember that magic should only be used for the benefit of people, not to do them harm.";