//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= Ayotaya Town
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= MasterOfMuppets
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.4
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= Any eAthena +
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//= Ayothaya Town Scripts
//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
//= 0.1 Added a Sailor NPC to get back to Alberta [ZoDIaC]
//= 0.2 fixed coords, dialogues
//= 0.3 Fixed Warp name, ayotaya.gat doesnt exist, even though iRO 
//= 	decided to call it Ayotaya, it really is Ayothaya, like 
//=	that Yuno/Juno thing
//= 0.4 Added the official warp npc for Ayothaya. [MasterOfMuppets]
//= 1.0 Added most of the official npcs. The following quests were added: [MasterOfMuppets]
//=     Tom Yum Goong quest, Holy Threads quest and Holier threads quest.
//= 1.0a some checks, optimization [Lupus]
//= 1.1 Missing delitem fixed by Poki#3 [Lupus]
//= 1.1a Fixed a typo and clarified a comment at the bottom of the script [MasterOfMuppets]
//= 1.2 Fixed exploits [Lupus]
//= 1.3 Removed Duplicates [Silent]
//= 1.4 Moved quests to quests/quests_ayothaya.txt [Evera]

ayothaya.gat,152,68,1	script	Aibakthing#01	843,{
	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "Hoo! Hah! Hmm! Hah!";
	mes "So, how did you like Ayothaya? Did you get a chance to try Tom Yum Goong? When you're ready, I shall take you back home.";
	menu "Go back to Alberta.",-,"Cancel.",s_Cancel;

	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "You will be welcome to come back whenever you please. I hope that we weill see each other again sometime soon. Thank you~";
	warp "alberta.gat",235,45;
	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "Ah yes. I unsderstand that it is difficult to take leave of such a beautiful place. Do not worry and take your time.";

alberta.gat,247,42,3	script	Aibakthing#02	843,{
	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "Hoo! Hah! Hoo! Hah!";
	mes "Let me take you away to a distant spiritual place, a land of exotic mystery, my hometown Ayothaya.";
	menu "About Ayothaya",-,"Go to Ayothaya",s_Go,"Cancel.",s_Cancel;

	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "We Ayothayans are a pious people who value peace and sincerity. We endeavor to lead simple, yet noble, lives in harmony with nature.";
	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "Our traditional cuisine is world famous. It's no surprise when we serve dishes like Tom Yum Goong, made of Shrimp, Lemonade and Chillis, which has a tantalizing aroma and flavor beyond imagining.";
	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "For those who crave adventure, there is an age old story about the Sa-mhing Tiger, an evil creature that haunts our temple ruins.";
	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "Hoo! Hahh! Hoo! Hahh!";
	mes "No man alive can resist the call of this beautiful land. Rune-Midgardians are always welcome!";
	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "Have you ever dreamed of a beautiful place filled with spiritual serenity? You must have been dreaming of Ayothaya, my friend.";
	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "Ah, you must pay 10,000 Zeny";
	mes "if you wish to visit Ayothaya.";
	mes "If you're read, we can leave right now~";
	menu "I'm ready, let's go!",-,"No.",s_Cancel;

	if(Zeny < 10000) goto s_NoZeny;
	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "Hoo! Hah! Hoo! Hah!";
	mes "Let us be off! Back to my beautiful Ayothaya!";
	set Zeny, Zeny - 10000;
	warp "ayothaya.gat",150,65;
	mes "[Aibakthing]";
	mes "I am sorry, but you do not have the 10,000 Zeny to travel to Ayothaya. Such a price is nothing compared to the experience that await you!";

ayothaya.gat,143,102,5	script	Old Man#01	842,{
	mes "[Villager]";
	mes "Ummm.";
	mes "Hmmmmm...";
	mes "Ummmmm...?";
	mes "[Villager]";
	mes "You must be an outsider.";
	mes "Yes. Yes, indeed.";
	mes "[Villager]";
	mes "Did you just ask where am I going? Why, to the Fishing Spot just ahead. That's what we old men do: fish.";
	mes "[Villager]";
	mes "Hmmm...";
	mes "Would you like to hear something interesting? I've heard that someone found a ring inside a fish he caught in the Fishing Spot.";
	mes "[Villager]";
	mes "Supposedly there are lots of stories about people finding valuable inside of the fish they've been catching there.";
	mes "[Villager]";
	mes "If you're lucky enough, you might even become a millionaire.";
	mes "Heh heh heh~";
	mes "[Villager]";
	mes "...!?";
	mes "Ah, I came into the fish market!";
	mes "^6A6A6A*Sigh*^000000 It seems I went the wrong way. The Fishing Spot is on the opposite side of this village.";
	mes "[Villager]";
	mes "Since I'm here, it wouldn't be a bad idea to look around. All of the seafood in this market in this market is fresh and tasty. You'll regret if you don't try some of this seafood at least once.";

ayo_fild02.gat,25,155,7	script	Aik	843,{
	mes "[Aik]";
	mes "So, How was your expedition? I hope that the evil spirits will not follow you outside the ruins, and haunt your dreams.";
	mes "[Aik]";
	mes "When you go back,";
	mes "remember to ward off";
	mes "the evil from your mind.";
	mes "Otherwise you will encounter";
	mes "trouble later...";
	mes "[Aik]";
	mes "So, would you";
	mes "like to go back?";
	menu "Yes.",s_Yes,"No, I need to look around more...",-;

	mes "[Aik]";
	mes "I see.";
	mes "Take care.";
	mes "[Aik]";
	mes "Alright then...";
	mes "Here we go...";
	mes "^3C2EE6He suddenly grabbed you and hurled you up into the air!";	
	warp "ayo_fild01.gat",115,200;

ayothaya.gat,193,171,3	script	Old Man#02	842,{
	mes "[Tham]";
	mes "Ah~";
	mes "I've got this craving for Ms. Mali the Spicy's food, especially her 'Tom Yum Goong.'";
	mes "[Tham]";
	mes "I think it's the most delicious dish in the entire world!";

ayothaya.gat,171,152,5	script	Girl	838,{
	mes "[Lalitha]";
	mes "When you go East from this village, you will arrive at the ruins of an old shrine. It is now a nest full of fearsome monsters.";
	mes "[Lalitha]";
	mes "If you plan to venture through these ruins, you better prepare as much as you can!";
	mes "[Lalitha]";
	mes "Ah...";
	mes "I wonder where my Black Knight is~";
	mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]";
	mes "Don't you mean...";
	mes "Knight in shining armor riding a white horse?";
	mes "[Lalitha]";
	mes "Hmm...?";
	mes "Oh, well...";
	mes "I'll take them both!";
	mes "Hee hee~!";

ayothaya.gat,197,188,5	script	Young Man#01	841,{
	mes "[Kwan]";
	mes "Phew, isn't it";
	mes "soooo hot today?";
	mes "[Kwan]";
	mes "You must be";
	mes "from Rune-Midgard, huh?";
	mes "I've seen a lot of tourists";
	mes "coming from there recently.";
	mes "[Kwan]";
	mes "You'de better be really careful if";
	mes "you travel outside of the village.";
	mes "Whatever you do, don't go into the ruins of and old shrine in the forest.";
	mes "[Kwan]";
	mes "That place is far too dangerous to visit. Still, I head that if you had some kind of amulet, you could go there with a little less worry...";
	mes "[Kwan]";
	mes "Well, anyway, it's still a really good idea to stay away from that place. I hope you enjoy visiting Ayothaya, and that keep safe~";

ayothaya.gat,241,264,5	script	Young Man#02	843,{

	mes "[Eik]";
	mes "Hey...";
	mes "You look pretty strong";
	mes "You wanna challenge";
	mes "me to a match?";
	menu "Sure!",s_Sure,"Nah~",-;

	mes "[Eik]";
	mes "Real power is developed after having thousands of matches with other people. So, don't be afraid of fighting, okay?";

	mes "[Eik]";
	mes "Ow ow ow!";
	mes "I was just";
	mes "kidding, man!";
	mes "[Eik]";
	mes "I'm not so rude as to pick fights";
	mes "with strangers for no reason!";

ayothaya.gat,213,142,5	script	Young Man#03	843,{
	mes "[Detzi]";
	mes "In Ayothaya, we have our own traditional martial arts. We, the young men of the village, practice our traditional martial arts in order to become strong.";
	mes "[Detzi]";
	mes "Why don't you learn our martial arts? I guarantee that it will help you greatly in you travels.";

//This might not get fixed, feel free to submit a fix in the forum to apply though.
ayothaya.gat,253,99,3	script	Fisherman	843,{
	mes "[Dannai]";
	mes "This place is known to be teeming with fish. The fish here tend to eat anything they find, so it's easy to catch them.";
	mes "[Dannai]";
	mes "We are providing a fishing rod rental service. Every time you fish, you'll need ^4466771 Monster's Food^000000 to use as bait, and pay a rod rental fee of ^44667750 Zeny^000000.";
	mes "[Dannai]";
	mes "Would you";
	mes "like to try?";
	menu "Yes.",s_Yes,"No, thanks.",-;

	mes "[Dannai]";
	mes "No problem,";
	mes "come back anytime you want. Fishing relaxes the mind and makes you feel at peace...";
	mes "Sorry this script isn't finished.";

ayo_dun01.gat,25,271,4	script	#ayokillscript	139,1,1,{
	percentheal -100,0;

ayo_dun01.gat,25,274,4	duplicate(#ayokillscript)	#ayodupe4	139,1,1
ayo_dun01.gat,28,274,4	duplicate(#ayokillscript)	#ayodupe5	139,1,1
ayo_dun01.gat,28,271,4	duplicate(#ayokillscript)	#ayodupe6	139,1,1
ayo_dun01.gat,25,28,4	duplicate(#ayokillscript)	#ayodupe7	139,1,1
ayo_dun01.gat,25,25,4	duplicate(#ayokillscript)	#ayodupe8	139,1,1
ayo_dun01.gat,28,25,4	duplicate(#ayokillscript)	#ayodupe9	139,1,1
ayo_dun01.gat,28,28,4	duplicate(#ayokillscript)	#ayodupe10	139,1,1
ayo_dun01.gat,271,274,4	duplicate(#ayokillscript)	#ayodupe11	139,1,1
ayo_dun01.gat,271,271,4	duplicate(#ayokillscript)	#ayodupe12	139,1,1
ayo_dun01.gat,274,271,4	duplicate(#ayokillscript)	#ayodupe13	139,1,1
ayo_dun01.gat,274,274,4	duplicate(#ayokillscript)	#ayodupe14	139,1,1