//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= Amatsu Script 
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= Some people & eAthena Dev Team
//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
//= 1.01
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= Any eAthena Version; Niflheim Required
//===== Description: ========================================= 
// Amatsu Town NPCs : Revision 2 (Fox quest fix)
// Translated by Makenshi and dj
// Revisions and edits by Valaris and Darkchild
// 1.01 event_sushi -> ama_sushi fixed
//      and other fixes, thanks to Shinomori
alberta.gat,245,93,4	script	Captain	709,{
	mes "[Carter Moores]";
	mes "Did you know that on the other side of the ocean";
	mes "there lives a mysterious culture, ";
	mes "with stories totally unheard of in this country.";
	mes "Have you heard of it before?";
	menu "I want to know more about Amatsu",L1,"Go to Amatsu",L2,"End Dialogue",-;
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "If you are a true adventurer,";
		mes "you should try to leave this continent.";
		mes "Nothing is more exciting than learning about new cultures...";
		mes "However, do whatever you want.";
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "The legend says, a sailor got lost on the sea,";
		mes "in midst of drifting in the sea,";
		mes "he discovered it...";
		mes "In the mighty storm and the mist, ";
		mes "the ship is undoubtedly lost.";
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "After the ship sunk";
		mes "he reached a village.";
		mes "It is now called Amatsu,";
		mes "The sailor was later rescued by the locals.";
		mes "As he worked hard over there,";
		mes "I heard that he later finished a map.";
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "He died soon after his return,";
		mes "but the map was indeed passed onto Tristian the Third.";
		mes "Later, the king ordered";
		mes "that whoever is able to open a route,";
		mes "that leads to Amatsu, will get a reward from the king.";
		mes "He gave everyone a copy of the map";
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "What the people want is not the reward,";
		mes "but to get the trading opportunity with other countries.";
		mes "The benefits from this is almost unimaginable.";
		mes "Therefore, many adventurers and bold captains";
		mes "took the map,";
		mes "And headed for the ocean...";
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "But all of them have failed!";
		mes "To face the gigantic current and the unpredictable weather,";
		mes "one needed to be familiar with sailing and the ocean.";
		mes "However, all of them were blinded by the reward and desire for the trade rights,";
		mes "and failed to make the necessary preparations";
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "At this time, someone found it,";
		mes "the entire route to Amatsu...";
		mes "And that guy is me, Mr. Carter Moores,";
		mes "the first person to start trading with Amatsu!";
		mes "Hahaha! That's pretty  much it";
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "I made quite a bit of zeny from the trade,";
		mes "and am now trying to start a tourism industry.";
		mes "Do a little investment.";
		mes "If you want to go to Amatsu,";
		mes "then just tell me...!";
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "Yea, Amatsu is a great place!";
		mes "Because to cross that treacherous ocean";
		mes "is not a very easy thing to do.";
		mes "I hope you find the travelling fee acceptable.";
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "The round trip costs 10,000 Zeny.";
		mes "Our commercial vessels are very sturdy.";
		mes "The passenger rooms are specially designed as well.";
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "So, have you decided to leave?";
		mes "Do you have enough zeny for travelling?";
		menu "Yes",Lgo,"No",-;
			mes "[Carter Moores]";
			mes "Not drawn to this new continent?";
			mes "People never like";
			mes "to head for the far coast on the other side.";
			if (Zeny < 10000) goto Lzeny;
			set Zeny, Zeny-10000;
			mes "[Carter Moores]";
			mes "All aboard!";
			warp "amatsu",197,83;
			mes "[Carter Moores]";
			mes "Did you forget what I said?";
			mes "10,000 zeny. If you can't come up with enough zeny,";
			mes "hunt around the Sunken Ship,";
			mes "and hope for some luck hunting treasure...";
			mes "and get enough zeny";
amatsu.gat,194,79,4	script	Captain	709,{
	mes "[Carter Moores]";
	mes "Ready to leave?";
	mes "Probably had lots of fun in the Amatsu Tour!";
	mes "Are you really ready to leave?";
	menu "Time to go home!",L1,"I will stay a bit longer",-;
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "Alright! Roger that.";
		mes "The vessel for return will always be ready.";
		mes "Have a good trip.";
		mes "[Carter Moores]";
		mes "Set sail.";
		mes "Don't know if you are bringing back any";
		mes "souvenirs.";
		warp "alberta",243,91;
// Amatsu Citizen
amatsu.gat,179,107,4	script	John	86,{
	mes "[John]";
	mes "Hey.";
	mes "You seem like me,";
	mes "not a native of Amatsu";
	mes "[John]";
	mes "I have been here";
	mes "doing business for almost 5 years";
	mes "Even during the first time ";
	mes "the kingdom of Rune-Midgard";
	mes "traded with Amatsu.";
	mes "I thought of the 'Lucky Bum'!";
	mes "[John]";
	mes "I want to start something";
	mes "unique that the others won't do.";
	mes "[John]";
	mes "So I decided";
	mes "to come to Amatsu";
	mes "and learn how to make the food here,";
	mes "then return home";
	mes "so everyone can enjoy the exotic food.";
	mes "[John]";
	mes "But in the end";
	mes "I became attached to this place.";
	mes "Even after 5 years";
	mes "I am still here";
	mes "[John]";
	mes "Anyhow, from then on I just stayed here.";
	mes "Just chat and gossip with the villagers,";
	mes "and relax";
	mes "[John]";
	mes "Some time ago a famous sushi chef";
	mes "lived across the street, and ever since";
	mes "I have only seen flies around my place.";
	mes "[John]";
	mes "In this life, my happiness in life";
	mes "has been found here already.";
	mes "Now it seems like it is about to end as well.";
amatsu.gat,185,116,4	script	Drunken Man	765,{
	mes "[Ralph]";
	mes "Cough. I'm old and useless.";
	mes "Only brute strength. Cough.";
	mes "This time I really cough won't go back home. Cough.";
	menu "Please stop drinking and go home.",L1,"Let's get wasted!",L2;
	mes "[Ralph]";
	mes "Hahaha! A good young man.";
	mes "Cough, but but, cough";
	mes "I can't give you my drink, cough.";
	mes "[Ralph]";
	mes "If you want to buy me a drink, I'll think about it.";
	mes "Haha! Cough.";
	mes "[Ralph]";
	mes "What?!";
	mes "You want me to be like my wife, to be beaten by iron fists?";
	mes "Cough. You won't know it until you see it";
	mes "When she was young,";
	mes "she wrestled and caught tigers.";
	mes "[Ralph]";
	mes "I was in Co..Comudo whatever town it was.";
	mes "I just lost a little, and he";
	mes "beat me up like that. Cough.";
	mes "[Ralph]";
	mes "Lacking life.";
	mes "What the hell are zeny??";
	mes "Cough.. Cough..";
	mes "...........................";
	mes "........Cough..............";
amatsu.gat,217,179,0	script	Old Women	760,{
	mes "[Hashey]";
	mes "My husband is so into gambling, it worries me to death.";
	mes "Went to that town that's really far away, lost a lot of zeny again.";
	mes "Come back..";
	mes "[Hahsey]";
	mes "Because I was angry, I got irrational again.";
	mes "Don't know if he's drinking at home again.";
	mes "What a miser.. sobs.";
ama_in01.gat,162,17,0	script	Iron Chef	765,{
	if (ama_sushi == 1) goto LStart2;
	mes "[ShabuShabu]";
	mes "*Sighs* This is getting worse..";
	mes "Everyday more customers come,";
	mes "but I can never get";
	mes "enough material, even today.";
	mes "A lot of customers surely will be huntry?";
	mes "[ShabuShabu]";
	mes "*Sigh*, a customer. Welcome.";
	mes "As always, my homemade sashimi";
	mes "focuses on the freshness. What do you need?";
	menu "I want to buy shrimp sushi",L1,"I want to buy sashimi",L2,"Need some help!",L3,"Keep up the good work",-;
		mes "[ShabuShabu]";
		mes "Alright then, my sashimi";
		mes "are famous throughout the world! Their taste relies on its freshness, and no one else can make them.";
		mes "If you have a chance, come try a little sashimi!";
		mes "[ShabuShabu]";
		mes "Alright! How much do you want?";
		mes "Unit price 700 zeny, but if you only want a taste,";
		mes "I'll give you a discount of 74 zeny,";
		mes "If you like the taste come back and find me later.";
		menu "I want the 700 zeny piece!",L1_1,"I want the 74 zeny sample!",L1_2,"I'll come eat next time",-;
			mes "[ShabuShabu]";
			mes "Alright then, my shrimp sushi";
			mes "are famous throughout the world! Their taste relies on its freshness, and no one else can make them.";
			mes "If you have a chance, come try a little sashimi!";
			if (Zeny < 700) goto Lzeny;
			set Zeny,Zeny-700;
			getitem 551,10;
			mes "[If you have a chance, come try a little sashimi!]";
			mes "Thank you very much";
			if (Zeny < 74) goto Lzeny;
			set Zeny,Zeny-74;
			getitem 551,1;
			mes "[If you have a chance, come try a little sashimi!]";
			mes "Thank you very much";
		mes "[ShabuShabu]";
		mes "Alright! How much do you want?";
		mes "Unit price 350 zeny, but if you only want a taste,";
		mes "I'll just give you a discount of 37 zeny.";
		mes "If you like the taste come back and find me later";
		menu "I want the 350 zeny piece!",L2_1,"I want the 37 zeny sample",L2_2,"I'll come eat next time",-;
			mes "[ShabuShabu]";
			mes "Alright then, my sashimi";
			mes "are famous throughout the world! Their taste relies on its freshness, and no one else can make them.";
			mes "[If you have a chance, come try a little sashimi!]";
			if (Zeny < 350) goto Lzeny;
			set Zeny,Zeny-350;
			getitem 544,10;
			mes "[ShabuShabu]";
			mes "Thank you very much";
			if (Zeny < 37) goto Lzeny;
			set Zeny,Zeny-37;
			getitem 544,1;
			mes "[ShabuShabu]";
			mes "Thank you very much";
			mes "[ShabuShabu]";
			mes "You don't have enough zeny with you";
		mes "[ShabuShabu]";
		mes "Oh, any help is welcomed!!";
		mes "I was just worrying about not having enough material everyday.";
		mes "Do you want to hear my request?";
		mes "Of course I will pay you to help me.";

		set ama_sushi,1;
		mes "[ShabuShabu]";
		mes "Crab Shell.";
		mes "They are all out. I need them right now.";
		mes "So please find ^0000FF10Crab shells^000000.";
		mes "I can never find it when I need it.";
		mes "I'll be counting on you.";
		mes "[ShabuShabu]";
		mes "Then, please hurry! I'll be here";
		mes "waiting for you, please don't forget my request!";
	if (countitem(964)>=10) goto Lok;
	mes "[ShabuShabu]";
	mes "Man, don't have my materials ready?";
	mes "Oh no, you didn't forget it did you?";
	mes "[ShabuShabu]";
	mes "^0000FF10Crab shells^000000";
	mes "Don't forget again.";
	mes "You must help me find them!";
	mes "[ShabuShabu]";
	mes "Hmm! Thank you so much";
	delitem 964,10;
	getitem 551,20;
	mes "[ShabuShabu]";
	mes "Here is my thanks, take it!";
	set ama_sushi,0;

amatsu.gat,189,166,4	script	Kouji	764,{
	mes "[Kuruchi]";
	mes "Lalala Lalala Lalalalalala..";
	mes "Lalala Lalala Lalalalalala..";
	if (event_amatsu == 2) goto L1;
	if ((event_amatsu == 3) || (event_amatsu == 4)) goto L2;
	if (event_amatsu == 5) goto L3;
	if (event_amatsu == 6) goto L4;
	mes "[Kuruchi]";
	mes "Hanging Under the Blue Sky's Blue Roof";
	mes "Shining on Blue Wall's Reflection on the Blue Lake";
	mes "Blue Hearting Containing a Blue Desire";
	mes "Blue Blue Everything's Blue";
	goto LEnd;
	mes "[Kuruchi]";
	mes "Monk, Monk, the fox is following me";
	mes "Because I have its favorite food";
	mes "Ramen noodle, my favorite too";
	mes "I can eat it three times a day";
	set event_amatsu,3;
	goto LEnd;
	mes "[Kuruchi]";
	mes "Monk,Monk, The Fox Is Following Me";
	mes "Shout At Him To Scare It Off!";
	mes "Voice Too Small So It Didn't Run Off";
	mes "Followed All The Way To North Side's Shrine!";
	set event_amatsu,4;
	goto LEnd;
	mes "[Kuruchi]";
	mes "Monk,Monk, The Fox Is Following Me";
	mes "Ramen NoodleIs My Favorite";
	mes "But Now I am No Longer Afraid?";
	mes "I Shouted Loudly To Scare It Off!";
	goto LEnd;
	mes "[Kuruchi]";
	mes "The Town's Dock Has An Abandoned Boat!";
	mes "Everyone Forget That In The Ship";
	mes "Is Full Of Treasure And Gold";
	mes "A Boat That Is Feared By Everyone";
	goto LEnd;

	mes "[Kuruchi]";
	mes "Lalala Lalala Lalalalalala..";
	mes "Lalala Lalala Lalalalalala..";

amatsu.gat,205,163,4	script	Mimi	759,{
	mes "[Mimi]";
	mes "Phew..";
	mes "Did you see the Ms. Amatsu besides the dock?";
	mes "Very pretty, no?";
	mes "[Mimi]";
	mes "When I grow up I also want to enter the competition.";
	mes "[Mimi]";
	mes "Although I look like this, I am still the most beautiful woman in town..";
	mes "Women always need to watch their apparence, whoohoohoohooo.";
//Done Done Done
amatsu.gat,230,160,4	script	Lady	757,{
	mes "[Yorukoc]";
	mes "Although I come to the well for water everyday,";
	mes "if it's misty or rainy,";
	mes "I will not come out here.";
	mes "[Yoruko]";
	mes "Seems like deep within the well,";
	mes "someone is trying to";
	mes "climb up on the wall of the well.";
	mes "It gives me goosebumps.";
amatsu.gat,171,174,4	script	Guard Soldier	767,{
	if ((event_amatsu == 0) || (event_amatsu == 1)) goto L0;
	if (event_amatsu == 6) goto L1;
	if (event_amatsu == 7) goto L2;
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "This area is where";
	mes "the Master's mother";
	mes "Is here for her treatment.";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "Although it's not much to talk about...";
	mes "She has been sick here for several months";
	mes "and started to live here";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "This is where the Master's mother stays at.";
	mes "Please keep quiet, we are also";
	mes "very worried watching this everyday";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "Why does this happen";
	mes "to our benign and wise Master...";
	mes "I don't understand, *sobs*...";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "What? Seems like something";
	mes "flew by...  Didn't you see? Oh...";
	mes "And I heard a loud noise... Scared the shit out of me";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "Our master should be alright now.";
	mes "We are also greatly relieved.";
	mes "You have no idea how worried we were... Phew.";
amatsu.gat,164,174,4	script	Guard Soldier	767,{
	if (event_amatsu == 0) goto LOnce;
	if ((event_amatsu >= 2) && (event_amatsu <= 5)) goto L2;
	if (event_amatsu == 6) goto L3;
	if (event_amatsu == 7) goto L4;
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "Hopefully she will return healthy soon...";
	mes "The Master has spent a lot of time";
	mes "taking care and worrying about her.";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "Do not enter here.";
	mes "This is where the master's mother is";
	mes "recuperating.";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "Although it's not much to talk about.";
	mes "But she has been sick here for several months";
	mes "and started to live here.";
	set event_amatsu,1;
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "If you are invited by the Master...";
	mes "Please do come in.";
	mes "Up till today, many doctors came to diagnose but";
	mes "all their efforts seem futile.";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes" Hey!";
	mes" What's that sound!?";
	mes" Where did it come from!?";
	mes "[Guardian Soldier]";
	mes "The master's mother still";
	mes "hasn't fully recovered.. ";
	mes "Although, it seems to have turned for the better.";
	mes "But then again..";
amatsu.gat,119,164,4	script	Guard Soldier	767,{
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "Are you from Rune-Midgard?";
	mes "Welcome to the town of Amatsu.";
	mes "After entering the city,";
	mes "please pay a visit to the Master of Amatsu";
	mes "before leaving!";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "He is a really great guy.";
	mes "He did a lot of investments for the town";
	mes "from all over the other continents.";
	mes "He handles all sorts of things.";
amatsu.gat,112,164,4	script	Guard Soldier	767,{
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "This is the best castle in Amatsu,";
	mes "called the East Lake Castle.";
	mes "Normally people are not permitted";
	mes "to come in and out.";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "From your clothes, it looks like you are from another continent.";
	mes "In the past, the Master specifically";
	mes "permitted the travellers to come in and out.";
	mes "Now you may go in.";

ama_in01.gat,22,111,0	script	Old Lady	761,{
	if (event_amatsu == 5) goto LStart2;
	if (event_amatsu == 6) goto LStart3;
	if (event_amatsu == 7) goto LStart4;
	mes "[...]";
	mes "^FF6060Clang Clannng! Clang Clannng!  Stupid humans again!";
	mes "Clang Clannng, Clang Clannng. Who is it? Is it human!?";
	mes "What do you need here! Hurry up";
	mes "Get out... Clang Clannng! Clang Clannng!^000000";
	mes "[...]";
	mes "^FF6060I have decided to live here til";
	mes "the Ishida Family line ends!";
	mes "Stop bothering me and get out! Clang Clannng!^000000";
	warp "amatsu",167,197;
	mes "[...]";
	mes "^FF0066Clang Clannng! Clang Clannng! Here comes another one!";
	mes "Stupid Humans! What do you want now";
	mes "Throw me out of here!?^000000";
	mes "[...]";
	mes "^FF0066Seems like you learned something somewhere,";
	mes "That's about all you can do";
	mes "You can't do anything to me!! Clang Clannng!^000000";
	menu "HAAAA!!",-;
	set @which,rand(2);
	if (@which == 1) goto Lfail;
	mes "[...]";
	mes "^FF0066Clang Clannng! Clang Clannng! Clang Clannng! This Bastard!";
	mes "He threw me out like this!";
	mes "Sick! Not fair!!^000000";
	mes "[...]";
	mes "^FF0066That goddamed Ishida that rendered me to this.";
	mes "I'll curse them forever! FOREVER!";
	mes "Human, you better be careful too!^000000";
	monster "ama_in01.gat",22,112,"Fox",1180,1;
	killmonsterall "ama_in01.gat";
	getitem 1022,1;
	mes "[...]";
	mes "^FF0066Everything that Paul Shinaku did";
	mes "will sooner or later";
	mes "Bring about my downfall...^000000";
	mes "^CC3300Clangggggggggggg!!^000000";
	set event_amatsu,6;
	mes "[...]";
	mes "^FF0066Clang Clannng! Haha! Clang Clannng! Hahahaha!";
	mes "How dare you,wanting to throw me out!";
	mes "Get out of here!! Clang Clannng!^000000";
	warp "amatsu",167,197;
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "...*Sigh* Where from young man...?";
	mes "Did you get rid of the fox?";
	mes "Somehow I feel so tired, *sigh*...";
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "Thank you. Coming from another place";
	mes "and still has to endure through this.";
	mes "Very sorry... Sorry...";
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "I need to find my son.";
	mes "Tell him that I got rid of the fox...";
	mes "Thank you.";
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "Now I am getting very tired.";
	mes "I need to rest now, young man.....";
	mes "Go find my son...";
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "Oh, You are the you man who";
	mes "got rid of the fox... welcome.";
	mes "Sit here a while if you can...";
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "To be possessed by that fox...";
	mes "It is all my own fault...";
	mes "I didn't teach my child properly... *sigh*";
	mes "He was a good kid when he was small.";
	mes "It's all because I wasn't strict enough...";
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "Originally this town was small.";
	mes "Without a castle of this size either.";
	mes "But, my son got some zeny somehow";
	mes "and just start bringing them to me.";
	mes "Don't know what he did to get this zeny.";
	mes "And has to hide the truth from even me...";
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "Then starting building on the castle and town,";
	mes "and treated the townspeople fairly and nicely...";
	mes "If that was all, then there will be no problem.";
	mes "The problem came after he did some strange things...";
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "Yea, he angered the gods";
	mes "learning some weird spells somewhere.";
	mes "And started doing experimenting,";
	mes "Capturing the monsters,";
	mes "Doing bad things...";
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "And now, the monsters";
	mes "started to live in Amatsu...";
	mes "The gods became so angry even ";
	mes "the monks from the shrine";
	mes "don't know what to do.....";
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "They punished me as well...";
	mes "and sent a fox here, ";
	mes "hoping to give a warning,";
	mes "but my son didn't stop.";
	mes "[Ishida Sauk]";
	mes "If possible please stop my son.";
	mes "I am old and almost dead.";
	mes "I don't know what to do either...";
	mes "Please guard this peaceful town.";
	mes "I don't know what my son is smoking";
	mes "doing that kind of stuff...";

ama_in02.gat,207,40,6	script	Guard Soldier	767,{
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "Welcome,";
	mes "The Master specifically allowed";
	mes "the guests from the continent to enter and leave.";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "When you are have visited everywhere, please rest here";
	mes "before leaving.";
ama_in02.gat,207,49,6	script	Guard Soldier	767,{
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "The master is really a great guy.";
	mes "Who would have thought that anyone could";
	mes "turn this small town into what it is today?";
	mes "[Guard Soldier]";
	mes "He even accepted worthless trash like me.";
	mes "I am really grateful.";
	mes "But I don't know what has happened recently.";
	mes "His expressions";
	mes "look different from before.";
ama_in02.gat,187,57,2	script	Soldier	767,{
	mes "[Ichiro]";
	mes "Welcome, our master";
	mes "has already prepared a place";
	mes "for the guests to retire in.";
	mes "[Ichiro]";
	mes "If you have any needs,";
	mes "please contact us, and ";
	mes "just thank our master later.";
	mes "All of these preparations";
	mes "were ordered by the Master.";
ama_in02.gat,170,62,4	script	Soldier	767,{
	mes "[Kyro]";
	mes "My name is Kyro. In this town";
	mes "I handle all the administrative work.";
	mes "What type of service do you need?";
	menu "Please give me a pass",L1,"I want to live here",L2,"Nothing",L3;
	if (event_amatsu == 7) goto L1_1;
		mes "[Kyro]";
		mes "The master said that the guests from the continent";
		mes "can move about freely,";
		mes "Without any";
		mes "permits or passes.";
	if (countitem(7160) == 0) goto L1_2;
		mes "[Kyro]";
		mes "I have already given you a pass.";
		mes "[Kyro]";
		mes "Did you lose the pass?";
		mes "If you want another pass";
		mes "you need to pay 10,000 zeny for registration fees.";
		menu "Get the pass",L1_2_1,"Maybe next time",-;
			mes "No problem!";
			mes "If you need anything please come talk to me again!";
	if (Zeny < 10000) goto LError;
	set Zeny,Zeny-10000;
	getitem 7160,1;
	mes "[Kyro]";
	mes "Come, this is it.";
	mes "Please be careful and don't lose it again.";
	mes "[Kyro]";
	mes "You don't have enough zeny!";
		mes "[Kyro]";
		mes "This will be difficult,you can";
		mes "freely move around, but the master";
		mes "hasn't considered anything about immigration.";
		mes "But, you can stay as long as you want";
		mes "[Kyro]";
		mes "Then that's it for now...";
		mes "If there's anything else just tell me.";

ama_in02.gat,37,157,4	script	Soldier	767,{
	mes "[Sbarro]";
	mes "This is our soldier's";
	mes "training ground.";
	mes "Feel free to take a look around...";
	mes "[Sbarro]";
	mes "But recently there's a strange atmosphere.";
	mes "The solders aren't as lively as before.";
	mes "How to describe it? Also seem depressed.";
	mes "And some soldiers have gone missing...";
	mes "Maybe they moved to other continents.";
	mes "[Sbarro]";
	mes "And I also frequently see strange people.";
	mes "I've heard that the customers upstairs are";
	mes "from far away, but because of their";
	mes "auspicious behaviors.  I already command the soldiers";
	mes "to monitor their movements...";
	mes "[Sbarro]";
	mes "Of course, the master must have his own thoughts";
	mes "and base his decisions on those.";
	mes "Haha, it seems like I'm speaking too much.";
	mes "See you later...";
ama_in02.gat,32,51,6	script	Shiro	767,{
	mes "[Shiro]";
	mes "Cough cOugh, cough cough, what... leave me alone";
	mes "Go visit another place...";
	mes "Cough cough, cough cough... ouch, my throat";
	mes "[Shiro]";
	mes "That fraud doctor's medicine";
	mes "did not work at all!";
	mes "Shouldn't trust those people from the continent...";
	mes "Cough cough, cough cough...";
	mes "[Shiro]";
	mes "What the hell?!? My body is getting weaker and weaker...";
	mes "No energy at all... Is";
	mes "a flu really this bad?";
	mes "Cough cough... cough cough...";
ama_in02.gat,40,167,3	script	Soldier	767,{
	mes "[Kuro]";
	mes "Shh... customer, please be quiet.";
	mes "I will tell you a story";
	mes "[Kuro]";
	mes "In Amatsu there is this rumor.";
	mes "The truth is the current master";
	mes "is not the real master of the town... shh, quiet!";
	mes "Don't panic, please continue to listen.";
	mes "[Kuro]";
	mes "Behind this benign Master,";
	mes "there is a real master,";
	mes "scheming all kinds of plots,";
	mes "using the current master as a puppet,";
	mes "hidden in some corner";
	mes "controlling everything that happens in the town.";
	mes "[KurO]";
	mes "Doubt me?,";
	mes "It's real! I saw it,";
	mes "the other master's face";
	mes "watching the town across";
	mes "the river with an evil smile!!";
	mes "But what I have said today";
	mes "is a secret, ok?";
ama_in02.gat,32,167,5	script	�h�L	767,{
	mes "[Kukuro]";
	mes "That guy is always rambling";
	mes "some gibberish, saying that our master";
	mes "might be a farce.";
	mes "Not funny at all";
	mes "[Kukuro]";
	mes "Although, it is true";
	mes "that some strange";
	mes "events happened recently,";
	mes "right now the interior of";
	mes "the castle is still off limits...";
	mes "[Kukuro]";
	mes "Occasionally you can also hear";
	mes "a really scary sound. I don't know";
	mes "what's wrong with his mother,";
	mes "and many doctors have already visited.";
	mes "Doesn't seem to be much hope...";
ama_in02.gat,42,34,2	script	Soldier	767,{
//	npcs made by eAthena
	mes "[Hakiro]";
	mes "Rest for a while before leaving,";
	mes "master has already prepared";
	mes "a few empty room for the visitors.";
	mes "[Hakiro]";
	mes "If there are any questions,";
	mes "come to me at any time.";
	mes "And, please do not disturb";
	mes "the other visitors...";
	mes "[Hakiro]";
	mes "Then, good day to you";
// eAthena Team
ama_in02.gat,203,156,4	script	Soldier	767,{
	mes "[Hakiro]";
	mes "Master is in there.";
	mes "If you want to go greet him,";
	mes "silently walk in and talk to him";
	mes "[Hakiro]";
	mes "Master is not in a good mood right now.";
	mes "Don't do or say anything insulting.";
	mes "Normally, he will happily see visitors.";
	mes "Don't know what happened today.....";
// eAthena Dev Team
ama_in02.gat,195,156,4	script	Soldier	767,{
	mes "[Kuro]";
	mes "Damn, maybe the master";
	mes "is having a hard time right now.";
	mes "Usually he's a very nice guy...";
	mes "[Kuro]";
	mes "There are strange rumors going around,";
	mes "but I still trust my master,";
	mes "because he was the one who";
	mes "transformed our town. So I became";
	mes "a soldier to serve him";
// eAthena Team
ama_in02.gat,115,177,7	script	�L�h	767,{
	mes "[Juro]";
	mes "What are you here for?";
	mes "There is nothing much over here.";
	menu "Oh, really",L1,"Please open the door for me",L2;
		mes "[Juro]";
		mes "The town has much more stuff.";
		mes "Have a wonderful time...";
	if (event_amatsu != 7) goto Lnoflag;
	if (countitem(7160) < 1) goto Llost;
		mes "[Juro]";
		mes "You already got the pass...";
		mes "Do you want to go in directly? Or";
		mes "Do you want me to explain first...?";
		menu "Direct access",L2_1,"Listen to explanation",L2_2;
			mes "[Juro]";
			mes "Then, I will open the door for you.";
			mes "Please take care...";
			warp "ama_dun01.gat",229,10;
			mes "[Juro]";
			mes "The inner space seems to be ";
			mes "protected by special spells.";
			mes "Those who wander in carelessly,";
			mes "become lost and will be assaulted";
			mes "mysteriously and die.";
			mes "[Juro]";
			mes "What I can tell you";
			mes "isn't all that much.";
			mes "I have not been inside.";
			mes "It's a mysterious place, its only proof is";
			mes "of existance is from the";
			mes "survivors that ventured inside";
			mes "[Juro]";
			mes "First of all.....";
			mes "'Don't believe in what you see.'";
			mes "[Juro]";
			mes "Second of all.....";
			mes "About the spells, they have their own rules.";
			mes "Everything has its own purpose,";
			mes "including the spells.";
			mes "Will you find some";
			mes "answers?";
			mes "[Juro]";
			mes "Then, I'll open the door for you.";
			mes "Please be careful...";
			warp "ama_dun01.gat",229,10;
		mes "[Juro]";
		mes "You don't have the pass";
		mes "so I cannot open the gate for you.";
		mes "Please understand.";
		mes "[Juro]";
		mes "What door are you talking about?";
		mes "In a place like this there won't";
		mes "be any doors as far as I know.";
		mes "You might have been mistaken.";
		mes "[Juro]";
		mes "There are more to see in town.";
		mes "I hope you have a good time...";
ama_dun01.gat,229,7,0	script	Soldier	767,{
	mes "[Juro]";
	mes "Ready to leave?";
	menu "Leave",-,"Wait a little more",L1;
		mes "[Juro]";
		mes "Gogo!!";
		warp "ama_in02.gat",119,181;
		mes "[Juro]";
		mes "Take care of yourself!";

// eAthena Team
ama_in02.gat,200,176,4	script	Castle Owner	768,{
	if (event_amatsu == 1) goto LStart2;
	if ((event_amatsu >= 2) && (event_amatsu <=5)) goto LStart3;
	if (event_amatsu == 6) goto LStart4;
	if (event_amatsu == 7) goto LStart5;
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinake]";
	mes "What! An outsider?";
	mes "What do you need me for?? If it's nothing important";
	mes "Talk to you later...!";
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinake]";
	mes "Please leave! No matter who you are!!";
	mes "Right now I am in a VERY bad mood!";
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinaku]";
	mes "What! A visitor...? Oh,sorry";
	mes "But today I am not in the mood";
	mes "of seeing a visitor!";
	menu "I heard your mother is sick...",L1,"What a beautiful castle",L2,"Who are you?",L3;
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinaku]";
	mes "Oh... You are an expert pathologist?";
	mes "Oh yea, if you are a foreign expert";
	mes "I should be able to trust you...";
	mes "I guess...";
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinaku]";
	mes "Welcome, as you know";
	mes "I am the owner of the East Lake Castle";
	mes "My name is Ishida Yoshinaku,";
	mes "Nice to meet you.";
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinaku]";
	mes "To put it simple: my mother";
	mes "is not very healthy,";
	mes "of course you are here because of it";
	mes "Can you cure my ailing mother??";
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinaku]";
	mes "So many famous and talented";
	mes "Doctors has visited her already,";
	mes "But not only did they not cure her!!";
	mes "They worsened her condition!!";
	mes "so I kept feeling disappointed";
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinaku]";
	mes "You, being a foreign expert,";
	mes "may cure my mother's sickness!";
	mes "if you do, I will give you lots of zeny and rewards...";
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinaku]";
	mes "Please help her,";
	mes "my mother lives in the mansion outside of the castle,";
	mes "After you cure her";
	mes "Come see me again";
	set event_amatsu,2;
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinaku]";
	mes "Yes! Beautiful indeed! So what";
	mes "Do you want to do! Leave when you get";
	mes "bored of it! Man!";
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinaku]";
	mes "At a pressing time like this... *Sobs*...";
	mes "Leave when you become satisfied or bored!";
	mes "[Ishida Yoshinaku]";
	mes "...Talking about me? You don't know? Eh?";
	mes "I am this castle's master!";
	mes "Go ask around the soldiers outside";
	mes "If you are not sure!";
	mes "[if you are not sure]";
	mes "At a pressing time like this... *Sobs*...";
	mes "Leave when you become satisfied or bored!";
	mes "[Ishida Yushinaku]";
	mes "How is my mother?";
	mes "If you know the name of the sickness....";
	mes "Please tell me immediately...";
	mes "Argh... So worried!";
	mes "I can't sleep at night any longer!";
	mes "[Ishida Yushinaku]";
	mes "You are from the other continents,";
	mes "so you must know....";
	mes "now you are the only one I can trust";
	mes "[Ishida Yushinaku]";
	mes "WoW, you are great, I heard";
	mes "My mother is getting better already,";
	mes "Anyway, what sickness was it?";
	mes "[Ishida Yushinaku]";
	mes "Fox? The fox is the reason? ho...";
	mes "So it's not a sickness after all...!!";
	mes "Why didn't I think of it earlier!!!";
	mes "[Ishida Yushinaku]";
	mes "Damn fox, after it ran away,";
	mes "it tried to revenge like this...";
	mes "But now there is no other";
	mes "Way... hahaha! Hahahaha!";
	mes "[Ishida Yushinaku]";
	mes "Um, hmm, umm...";
	mes "[Ishida Yushinaku]";
	mes "Anyway, Thanks for your help!";
	mes "I think my mother will return to normal now...";
	mes "I want to show you my gratitude...";
	mes "What to do...";
	mes "[Ishida Yushinaku]";
	mes "Alright, I will give you this pass.";
	mes "As long as you have this pass,";
	mes "you can get into ANYWHERE";
	mes "In this town";
	set event_amatsu,7;
	getitem 7160,1;
	mes "[Ishida Yushinaku]";
	mes "Although it's not such a great gift, but";
	mes "I believe you will have use for it someday...";
	mes "talk to 'Juro' For the details";
	mes "[Ishida Yushinaku]";
	mes "Hey... I hope you have a";
	mes "good time in Amatsu.....";
	mes "We always welcome the foreigners!";
// eAthena Dev Team
ama_in01.gat,180,173,2	script	Fox Mask	762,{
	if (event_amatsu == 4) goto LStart2;
	if (event_amatsu == 5) goto LStart3;
	mes "[Takikuwi]";
	mes "Hiya, outsider, this";
	mes "Shrine is left by a monk a long time ago.";
	mes "Sometimes I come here to play";
	mes "along with my friend Tokari";
	mes "[Takikuwi]";
	mes "If you are here to hide from the monsters,";
	mes "please do come in, no monsters";
	mes "can ever come in here!";
	mes "You can always take a short rest in here!";
	mes "[Takikuwi]";
	mes "Hiya, outsider, here to find me?";
	mes "Because of the fox bothering you?";
	mes "From your expression You seem to";
	mes "have had quite a bit of trouble";
	mes "[Takikuwi]";
	mes "Although usually the head monk";
	mes "should come to help himself, this shrine";
	mes "Has been deserted for a long time";
	mes "[Takikuwi]";
	mes "It is very hard to get rid of a fox in a person's body";
	mes "If there's alcohol and ramen noodle,";
	mes "Iit might be a little easier,";
	mes "But they are hard to find!";
	mes "[Takikuwi]";
	mes "Good thing I know quite a bit";
	mes "about the fox, I'll tell you";
	mes "some words of advice, although foxes";
	mes "are very tricky, and although they like to";
	mes "make fun of humans... but it is seldom";
	mes "for a fox to display hatred!";
	mes "[Takikuwi]";
	mes "In another word, if there is hatred";
	mes "human also did something wrong!!";
	mes "Which will hurt self,";
	mes "And sometimes unlucky things happen";
	mes "and to friend and family as well!";
	mes "[Takikuwi]";
	mes "Anyway,I've heard that when";
	mes "there's a strong animal then a fox will chased,";
	mes "away from the human.";
	mes "So try hard, and try summoming the animal spirit!";
	menu "Haaaa!!",-;
	mes "[Takikuwi]";
	mes "Very good, just repeating it will";
	mes "show the fox a strong spirit,";
	mes "and show results, but the best thing is";
	mes "to find out why the fox will enter the";
	mes "person's body, but if you do this";
	mes "it should help, more or less";
	set event_amatsu,5;
	mes "[Takikuwi]";
	mes "Don't forget, when you try summoning";
	mes "you must think about!";
	mes "A monster that is stronger than a fox";
	mes "or it would just be a futile effort!";
	mes "Remember....... Stronger than a fox....";
// eAthena Dev Team
ama_in01.gat,169,173,0	script	Miko	769,{
	mes "[Tokari]";
	mes "I'm not a real shrine maiden."; 
	mes "my friend, Takikuwi told me to try on";
	mes "this cloth... and he brought me";
	mes "to this shrine";
	mes "[Tokari]";
	mes "Although he asks for weird shit sometimes";
	mes "he is still a funny friend!";
	mes "Sometimes I don't know what he's thinking";
	mes "but He is still a good friend";
	mes "[Tokari]";
	mes "If you have any questions";
	mes "go ask Takihuwi first";
	mes "even stuff that now one knows";
	mes "no matter how weird or strange";
	mes "He knows... He always does!";
// eAthena Dev Team
amatsu.gat,269,221,1	script	Proposing Girl	758,{
	mes "[Hutari Sioko]";
	mes "Nice to meet you";
	mes "my name is Hutari Sioko,";
	mes "my hobby is listening to music,";
	mes "and I usually listen to classical music";
	mes "[Hutari Sioko]";
	mes "There is a legend";
	mes "about the large hill in our town";
	mes "do you know anything about it?";
	mes "[Hutari Sioko]";
	mes "According to the legend, if you propose";
	mes "to your lover under that tree";
	mes "the couple will live happily ever forever";
	mes "[Hutari Sioko]";
	mes "But the proposal cannot be done on any time";
	mes "it has to be on the Saturday Night.";
	mes "or else it won't hold true";
	mes "[Hutari Sioko]";
	mes "Furthermore, the proposal has to be answered";
	mes "prior to Sunday night after";
	emotion 3;
	mes "[Hutari Sioko]";
	mes "If you have a secret admirer...";
	mes "why not meet under that tree";
	mes "and propose?";
	mes "I bet something good will happen";
// eAthena Dev Team
amatsu.gat,287,266,3	script	Jyaburo	766,{
	mes "[Jyaburo]";
	mes "This is a special place";
	mes "for my wife and me";
	mes "[Jyaburo]";
	mes "..When I was here Proposing";
	mes "to her here under the tree..";
	mes "I didn't know that she";
	mes "liked me as well";
	mes "[Jyaburo]";
	mes "After that, we talked a lot here under this tree,";
	mes "this is the ideal location";
	mes "because of its tranquility and harmony,";
	mes "an everlasting moment of happiness";
	mes "[Jyaburo]";
	mes "Even now, when I close my eye, I can clearly remember";
	mes "the sweet memories of the past";
	mes "as if it happened yesterday...";
	mes "[Jyaburo]";
	mes "Even though she passed away some times ago";
	mes " I always come here alone now,";
	mes "Everytime I come here it is as if my wife is just besides me,";
	mes "And my depressed and broken heart is gone";
	mes "[Jyaburo]";
	mes "After hearing my rambling,";
	mes "Can you think of anyone?";
	mes "If you can, stop the hesitation and the delay,";
	mes "And love her with all your heart";
	mes "[Jyakuro]";
	mes "What does it mean to be human?";
	mes "Smile, and live your life to the fullest";
	mes "Even though life might be sure,";
	mes "Forget the worries and pains";
	mes "Always try to live a happy life";
// eAthena Dev Team
amatsu.gat,274,178,0	script	Vet	735,{
	mes "[Sakura Seiichi]";
	mes "Oww... I'm not a suspicious guy,";
	mes "please don't be surprised, I am just";
	mes "A regular vet,";
	mes "making a living but";
	mes "curing sick animals";
	mes "[Sakura Seiichi]";
	mes "But... Did you know?";
	mes "about the sakura tree on the hill";
	mes "and its story... Maybe this is the";
	mes "first time you've heard?!";
	mes "[Sakura Seiichi]";
	mes "The reason that tree can maintain";
	mes "its everlasting  youth and bueaty";
	mes "lies within its secret...";
	mes "that is... Because below the tree";
	mes "dead people are buried...";
	menu "Can buried people feel the pain?",L1,"Speaking of bullshit...",L2;
	mes "[Sakura Seiichi]";
	mes "... Maybe...";
	mes "Anyways, do you believe me or not";
	mes "want to make a bet...?";
	emotion 9;
	mes "[Sakura Seiichi]";
	mes "What if I...";
	mes "............";
	mes "............";
	mes "^6633FFHer laugh gradually fades^000000";
	mes "^6633FFAway in the wind,^000000";
	mes "^6633FFUntil nothing can be heard anymore,^000000";
	mes "^6633FFCannot even remember what^000000";
	mes "^6633FFHe was about to say...^000000";
	mes "[Sakura Seiichi]";
	mes "So entranced, I suppose you are all right...";
	mes "becareful, one day that kind of things";
	mes "Will happen to you as well..";
	Emotion 9;
	mes "[Sakura Seiichi]";
	mes "Hahaha... Hahahaha.....";
	mes "...............";
	mes "...........";
	mes "^6633FFHer laugh gradually fades^000000";
	mes "^6633FFAway in the wind,^000000";
	mes "^6633FFUntil nothing can be heard anymore,^000000";
	mes "^6633FFI don't understand why she told^000000";
	mes "^6633FFMe that...^000000";
// eAthena Dev Team
amatsu.gat,283,203,1	script	PokePoke	738,{
	Emotion 19;
	mes "[Pokepoke]";
	mes "The tree on this hill";
	mes "has existed for a long time, a deep-rooted";
	mes "and ever-blooming Sakura Tree King";
	Emotion 19;
	mes "[Pokepoke]";
	mes "And I am very thankful of this tree,";
	mes "whenever I feel any sorrow or sadness";
	mes "I always go sit under that tree";
	Emotion 19;
	mes "[Pokepoke]";
	mes "That way no matter what happened";
	mes "I can forget it all....";
	mes "this tree will sooth us";
	mes "and make us forget sad things";
	mes "a magic tree";
	Emotion 19;
	mes "[Pokepoke]";
	mes "If you feel any sadness or sorrow";
	mes "you can try to sit under this tree";
	mes "a really magical and thankful tree...";
// eAthena Dev Team
amatsu.gat,261,197,4	script	Legendary Sakura Tree	111,{
	mes "^0000FFJust as she said";
	mes "this tree is famous because";
	mes "many couples confessed their love here";
	mes "Sometimes you can still see a few people";
	mes "Drawinging a heart with the lover's";
	mes "Name within it.^000000";
	mes "^0000FFThey are not only here for lover's confessions,";
	mes "sometimes they will meet here too";
	mes "talk about some important matters,";
	mes "in such a beautiful place";
	mes "no matter what they are discussing";
	mes "they always reach an agreement^000000";

// eAthena Dev Team