//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Amatsu Script //===== By: ================================================== //= Some people & eAthena Dev Team //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any eAthena Version; Niflheim Required //===== Description: ========================================= //= Amatsu Town NPCs : Revision 2 (Fox quest fix) //= Translated by Makenshi and dj //= Revisions and edits by Valaris and Darkchild //= 1.01 event_sushi -> ama_sushi fixed //= and other fixes, thanks to Shinomori //= 1.02 Fixed & Spell Checked [massdriller] //= 1.03 Fixed 2 NPC names, slight optimization [Lupus] //= 1.04 Fixed a few typo's [Nexon] //= 1.05 Changed all breaks to ends. [Skotlex] //= 1.06 The Captain now uses iRO dialog [MasterOfMuppets] //= 1.07 Implemented a missing NPC [MasterOfMuppets] //= 1.08 Removed Duplicates [Silent] //= 1.1 Split quests into quests/quests_amatsu.txt [Evera] //= 1.2 Fixed missing name [Evera] //===================================================================== alberta.gat,245,93,4 script Sea Captain#01 709,{ mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "Hey, there."; mes "Have you ever heard that there"; mes "are totally different countries"; mes "than the Rune-Midgard Kingdom?"; next; menu "About Amatsu...",L1,"Go to Amatsu",L2,"Cancel",-; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "If you are tired of your daily"; mes "life, take a trip to a distant"; mes "country across the ocean."; mes "Someplace like, oh I don't know,"; mes "Amatsu~"; close; L1: mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "I heard that a drifting ship"; mes "accidently discovered it..."; mes "The ship was totally destroyed"; mes "by a raging storm in heavy fog."; next; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "Anyway, the ship was wrecked"; mes "on the beach. It was there"; mes "he arrived at a town called"; mes "Amatsu."; next; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "The towners took pity on him"; mes "and took care of this wounds."; mes "He lived there until he finished"; mes "making a map."; next; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "He passed away when he returned"; mes "to Rune-Midgard. Fortunately,"; mes "the map was given to our king,"; mes "Tristan III"; next; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "King Tristan III announced"; mes "that he would reward any"; mes "person brave enough to venture to"; mes "Amatsu, and spread copies of this"; mes "map."; next; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "Many Brave and adventurous"; mes "sea captains took the"; mes "challenge. Great fortune could"; mes "be made in trade with Amatsu, as"; mes "well as the rewards from King"; mes "Tristan III"; next; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "However, they all failed!"; mes "To overcome various currents"; mes "and bad weather, lots of"; mes "experience is required. But they"; mes "were all blinded by their greed..."; next; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "Finally, a great man discovered"; mes "the perfect sealane to Amatsu..."; mes "Right! That is me. Sir Walter"; mes "Moers. I started the trade with"; mes "Amatsu! Hahaha! Well, that's all"; mes "about Amatsu."; next; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "I made good money from trades"; mes "for years, and now I'm interested"; mes "in tourism. If you want to go to"; mes "Amatsu, let me know~!"; close; L2: mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "Oh yeah? It's a long way to"; mes "Amatsu. That's why we are"; mes "charging a fare. You don't think"; mes "that crossing oceans and currents"; mes "is easy, do you?"; next; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "10,000 zeny for a round-trip! I've"; mes "got a stately room in a sturdy and"; mes "safe trade ship for you. It is a"; mes "reasonable fare when you consider"; mes "that this isn't a one way trip."; next; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "Shall we go now? You didn't forget"; mes "the fare, right? Let's go."; next; menu "Yes",Lgo,"No",-; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "If you are an adventurer,"; mes "this is a great chance"; mes "to experience a different"; mes "culture...Well, it is up to you."; close; Lgo: if (Zeny < 10000) goto Lzeny; set Zeny, Zeny-10000; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "Alright, I will start the engine!"; close2; warp "amatsu",197,83; end; Lzeny: mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "Did you forget what I said?"; mes "10,000 zeny. If you can't come up with enough zeny,"; mes "hunt around the Sunken Ship,"; mes "and hope for some luck hunting treasure..."; mes "and get enough zeny"; close; } //===================================================================== amatsu.gat,194,79,4 script Sea Captain#02 709,{ mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "You came... Did you enjoy"; mes "your trip to Amatsu...?"; mes "Alright, I will take you"; mes "back to Alberta."; next; menu "Back to Alberta",L1,"Cancel",-; mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "Well, take your time."; mes "The ship to Alberta is"; mes "always ready to depart..."; close; L1: mes "[Walter Moers]"; mes "Let's go then. You must have"; mes "so many things to talk about,"; mes "right? All aboard now."; close2; warp "alberta",243,91; end; } //===================================================================== // Amatsu Citizen //===================================================================== amatsu.gat,179,107,4 script John 86,{ mes "[John]"; mes "Hey."; mes "You seem like me,"; mes "not a native of Amatsu"; next; mes "[John]"; mes "I have been here"; mes "doing business for almost 5 years"; next; mes "Even during the first time "; mes "the kingdom of Rune-Midgard"; mes "traded with Amatsu."; mes "I thought of the 'Lucky Bum'!"; next; mes "[John]"; mes "I want to start something"; mes "unique that the others won't do."; next; mes "[John]"; mes "So I decided"; mes "to come to Amatsu"; mes "and learn how to make the food here,"; mes "then return home"; mes "so everyone can enjoy the exotic food."; next; mes "[John]"; mes "But in the end"; mes "I became attached to this place."; mes "Even after 5 years"; mes "I am still here"; next; mes "[John]"; mes "Anyhow, from then on I just stayed here."; mes "Just chat and gossip with the villagers,"; mes "and relax"; next; mes "[John]"; mes "Some time ago a famous sushi chef"; mes "lived across the street, and ever since"; mes "I have only seen flies around my place."; next; mes "[John]"; mes "In this life, my happiness in life"; mes "has been found here already."; mes "Now it seems like it is about to end as well."; close; } //===================================================================== amatsu.gat,185,116,4 script Drunken Man 765,{ mes "[Ralph]"; mes "Cough. I'm old and useless."; mes "Only brute strength. Cough."; mes "This time I really cough won't go back home. Cough."; next; menu "Please stop drinking and go home.",L1,"Let's get wasted!",L2; L2: mes "[Ralph]"; mes "Hahaha! A good young man."; mes "Cough, but but, cough"; mes "I can't give you my drink, cough."; next; mes "[Ralph]"; mes "If you want to buy me a drink, I'll think about it."; mes "Haha! Cough."; close; L1: mes "[Ralph]"; mes "What?!"; mes "You want me to be like my wife, to be beaten by iron fists?"; mes "Cough. You won't know it until you see it"; mes "When she was young,"; mes "she wrestled and caught tigers."; next; mes "[Ralph]"; mes "I was in Co..Comudo whatever town it was."; mes "I just lost a little, and he"; mes "beat me up like that. Cough."; next; mes "[Ralph]"; mes "Lacking life."; mes "What the hell are zeny??"; mes "Cough.. Cough.."; mes "..........................."; mes "........Cough.............."; close; } //===================================================================== amatsu.gat,217,179,0 script Old Women 760,{ mes "[Hashey]"; mes "My husband is so into gambling, it worries me to death."; mes "Went to that town that's really far away, lost a lot of zeny again."; mes "Come back.."; next; mes "[Hahsey]"; mes "Because I was angry, I got irrational again."; mes "Don't know if he's drinking at home again."; mes "What a miser.. sobs."; close; } //===================================================================== amatsu.gat,205,163,4 script Mimi 759,{ mes "[Mimi]"; mes "Phew.."; mes "Did you see the Ms. Amatsu besides the dock?"; mes "Very pretty, no?"; next; mes "[Mimi]"; mes "When I grow up I also want to enter the competition."; next; mes "[Mimi]"; mes "Although I look like this, I am still the most beautiful woman in town.."; mes "Women always need to watch their appearance, whoohoohoohooo."; close; } //===================================================================== amatsu.gat,230,160,4 script Lady 757,{ mes "[Yorukoc]"; mes "Although I come to the well for water everyday,"; mes "if it's misty or rainy,"; mes "I will not come out here."; next; mes "[Yoruko]"; mes "Seems like deep within the well,"; mes "someone is trying to"; mes "climb up on the wall of the well."; mes "It gives me goosebumps."; close; } //===================================================================== amatsu.gat,119,164,4 script Guard Soldier#03 767,{ mes "[Guard Soldier]"; mes "Are you from Rune-Midgard?"; mes "Welcome to the town of Amatsu."; mes "After entering the city,"; mes "please pay a visit to the Master of Amatsu"; mes "before leaving!"; next; mes "[Guard Soldier]"; mes "He is a really great guy."; mes "He did a lot of investments for the town"; mes "from all over the other continents."; mes "He handles all sorts of things."; close; } //===================================================================== amatsu.gat,112,164,4 script Guard Soldier#04 767,{ mes "[Guard Soldier]"; mes "This is the best castle in Amatsu,"; mes "called the East Lake Castle."; mes "Normally people are not permitted"; mes "to come in and out."; next; mes "[Guard Soldier]"; mes "From your clothes, it looks like you are from another continent."; mes "In the past, the Master specifically"; mes "permitted the travelers to come in and out."; mes "Now you may go in."; close; } //===================================================================== ama_in02.gat,207,40,6 script Guard Soldier#05 767,{ mes "[Guard Soldier]"; mes "Welcome,"; mes "The Master specifically allowed"; mes "the guests from the continent to enter and leave."; next; mes "[Guard Soldier]"; mes "When you are have visited everywhere, please rest here"; mes "before leaving."; close; } //===================================================================== ama_in02.gat,207,49,6 script Guard Soldier#06 767,{ mes "[Guard Soldier]"; mes "The master is really a great guy."; mes "Who would have thought that anyone could"; mes "turn this small town into what it is today?"; next; mes "[Guard Soldier]"; mes "He even accepted worthless trash like me."; mes "I am really grateful."; mes "But I don't know what has happened recently."; mes "His expressions"; mes "look different from before."; close; } //===================================================================== ama_in02.gat,187,57,2 script Soldier#01 767,{ mes "[Ichiro]"; mes "Welcome, our master"; mes "has already prepared a place"; mes "for the guests to retire in."; next; mes "[Ichiro]"; mes "If you have any needs,"; mes "please contact us, and "; mes "just thank our master later."; mes "All of these preparations"; mes "were ordered by the Master."; close; } //===================================================================== ama_in02.gat,37,157,4 script Soldier#03 767,{ mes "[Sbarro]"; mes "This is our soldier's"; mes "training ground."; mes "Feel free to take a look around..."; next; mes "[Sbarro]"; mes "But recently there's a strange atmosphere."; mes "The solders aren't as lively as before."; mes "How to describe it? Also seem depressed."; mes "And some soldiers have gone missing..."; mes "Maybe they moved to other continents."; next; mes "[Sbarro]"; mes "And I also frequently see strange people."; mes "I've heard that the customers upstairs are"; mes "from far away, but because of their"; mes "auspicious behaviors. I already command the soldiers"; mes "to monitor their movements..."; next; mes "[Sbarro]"; mes "Of course, the master must have his own thoughts"; mes "and base his decisions on those."; mes "Haha, it seems like I'm speaking too much."; mes "See you later..."; close; } //===================================================================== ama_in02.gat,32,51,6 script Shiro 767,{ mes "[Shiro]"; mes "Cough cough, cough cough, what... leave me alone"; mes "Go visit another place..."; mes "Cough cough, cough cough... ouch, my throat"; next; mes "[Shiro]"; mes "That fraud doctor's medicine"; mes "did not work at all!"; mes "Shouldn't trust those people from the continent..."; mes "Cough cough, cough cough..."; next; mes "[Shiro]"; mes "What the hell?!? My body is getting weaker and weaker..."; mes "No energy at all... Is"; mes "a flu really this bad?"; mes "Cough cough... cough cough..."; close; } //===================================================================== ama_in02.gat,40,167,3 script Soldier#04 767,{ mes "[Kuro]"; mes "Shh... customer, please be quiet."; mes "I will tell you a story"; next; mes "[Kuro]"; mes "In Amatsu there is this rumor."; mes "The truth is the current master"; mes "is not the real master of the town... shh, quiet!"; mes "Don't panic, please continue to listen."; next; mes "[Kuro]"; mes "Behind this benign Master,"; mes "there is a real master,"; mes "scheming all kinds of plots,"; mes "using the current master as a puppet,"; mes "hidden in some corner"; mes "controlling everything that happens in the town."; next; mes "[KurO]"; mes "Doubt me?,"; mes "It's real! I saw it,"; mes "the other master's face"; mes "watching the town across"; mes "the river with an evil smile!!"; mes "But what I have said today"; mes "is a secret, ok?"; close; } //===================================================================== ama_in02.gat,32,167,5 script Kukuro 767,{ mes "[Kukuro]"; mes "That guy is always rambling"; mes "some gibberish, saying that our master"; mes "might be a farce."; mes "Not funny at all"; next; mes "[Kukuro]"; mes "Although, it is true"; mes "that some strange"; mes "events happened recently,"; mes "right now the interior of"; mes "the castle is still off limits..."; next; mes "[Kukuro]"; mes "Occasionally you can also hear"; mes "a really scary sound. I don't know"; mes "what's wrong with his mother,"; mes "and many doctors have already visited."; mes "Doesn't seem to be much hope..."; close; } //===================================================================== ama_in02.gat,42,34,2 script Soldier#05 767,{ mes "[Hakiro]"; mes "Rest for a while before leaving,"; mes "master has already prepared"; mes "a few empty room for the visitors."; next; mes "[Hakiro]"; mes "If there are any questions,"; mes "come to me at any time."; mes "And, please do not disturb"; mes "the other visitors..."; next; mes "[Hakiro]"; mes "Then, good day to you"; close; } //===================================================================== ama_in02.gat,203,156,4 script Soldier#06 767,{ mes "[Hakiro]"; mes "Master is in there."; mes "If you want to go greet him,"; mes "silently walk in and talk to him"; next; mes "[Hakiro]"; mes "Master is not in a good mood right now."; mes "Don't do or say anything insulting."; mes "Normally, he will happily see visitors."; mes "Don't know what happened today....."; close; } //===================================================================== ama_in02.gat,195,156,4 script Soldier#07 767,{ mes "[Kuro]"; mes "Damn, maybe the master"; mes "is having a hard time right now."; mes "Usually he's a very nice guy..."; next; mes "[Kuro]"; mes "There are strange rumors going around,"; mes "but I still trust my master,"; mes "because he was the one who"; mes "transformed our town. So I became"; mes "a soldier to serve him"; close; } ama_in01.gat,169,173,0 script Miko 769,{ mes "[Tokari]"; mes "I'm not a real shrine maiden."; mes "my friend, Takikuwi told me to try on"; mes "this cloth... and he brought me"; mes "to this shrine"; next; mes "[Tokari]"; mes "Although he asks for weird shit sometimes"; mes "he is still a funny friend!"; mes "Sometimes I don't know what he's thinking"; mes "but He is still a good friend"; next; mes "[Tokari]"; mes "If you have any questions"; mes "go ask Takihuwi first"; mes "even stuff that now one knows"; mes "no matter how weird or strange"; mes "He knows... He always does!"; close; } amatsu.gat,269,221,1 script Proposing Girl 758,{ mes "[Hutari Sioko]"; mes "Nice to meet you"; mes "my name is Hutari Sioko,"; mes "my hobby is listening to music,"; mes "and I usually listen to classical music"; next; mes "[Hutari Sioko]"; mes "There is a legend"; mes "about the large hill in our town"; mes "do you know anything about it?"; next; mes "[Hutari Sioko]"; mes "According to the legend, if you propose"; mes "to your lover under that tree"; mes "the couple will live happily ever forever"; next; mes "[Hutari Sioko]"; mes "But the proposal cannot be done on any time"; mes "it has to be on the Saturday Night."; mes "or else it won't hold true"; next; mes "[Hutari Sioko]"; mes "Furthermore, the proposal has to be answered"; mes "prior to Sunday night after"; next; emotion e_lv; mes "[Hutari Sioko]"; mes "If you have a secret admirer..."; mes "why not meet under that tree"; mes "and propose?"; mes "I bet something good will happen"; close; } amatsu.gat,287,266,3 script Jyaburo 766,{ mes "[Jyaburo]"; mes "This is a special place"; mes "for my wife and me"; next; mes "[Jyaburo]"; mes "..When I was here proposing"; mes "to her here under the tree.."; mes "I didn't know that she"; mes "liked me as well"; next; mes "[Jyaburo]"; mes "After that, we talked a lot here under this tree,"; mes "this is the ideal location"; mes "because of its tranquility and harmony,"; mes "an everlasting moment of happiness"; next; mes "[Jyaburo]"; mes "Even now, when I close my eye, I can clearly remember"; mes "the sweet memories of the past"; mes "as if it happened yesterday..."; next; mes "[Jyaburo]"; mes "Even though she passed away some times ago"; mes " I always come here alone now,"; mes "Every time I come here it is as if my wife is just besides me,"; mes "And my depressed and broken heart is gone"; next; mes "[Jyaburo]"; mes "After hearing my rambling,"; mes "Can you think of anyone?"; mes "If you can, stop the hesitation and the delay,"; mes "And love her with all your heart"; next; mes "[Jyakuro]"; mes "What does it mean to be human?"; mes "Smile, and live your life to the fullest"; mes "Even though life might be sure,"; mes "Forget the worries and pains"; mes "Always try to live a happy life"; close; } amatsu.gat,274,178,0 script Vet 735,{ mes "[Sakura Seiichi]"; mes "Oww... I'm not a suspicious guy,"; mes "please don't be surprised, I am just"; mes "A regular vet,"; mes "making a living but"; mes "curing sick animals"; next; mes "[Sakura Seiichi]"; mes "But... Did you know?"; mes "about the sakura tree on the hill"; mes "and its story... Maybe this is the"; mes "first time you've heard?!"; next; mes "[Sakura Seiichi]"; mes "The reason that tree can maintain"; mes "its everlasting youth and beauty"; mes "lies within its secret..."; mes "that is... Because below the tree"; mes "dead people are buried..."; next; menu "Can buried people feel the pain?",-,"Speaking of bullshit...",L2; mes "[Sakura Seiichi]"; mes "... Maybe..."; mes "Anyway, do you believe me or not"; mes "want to make a bet...?"; next; emotion e_dots; mes "[Sakura Seiichi]"; mes "What if I..."; mes "............"; mes "............"; next; mes "^6633FFHer laugh gradually fades^000000"; mes "^6633FFAway in the wind,^000000"; mes "^6633FFUntil nothing can be heard any more,^000000"; mes "^6633FFCannot even remember what^000000"; mes "^6633FFHe was about to say...^000000"; close; L2: mes "[Sakura Seiichi]"; mes "So entranced, I suppose you are all right..."; mes "be careful, one day that kind of things"; mes "Will happen to you as well.."; next; emotion e_dots; mes "[Sakura Seiichi]"; mes "Hahaha... Hahahaha....."; mes "..............."; mes "..........."; next; mes "^6633FFHer laugh gradually fades^000000"; mes "^6633FFAway in the wind,^000000"; mes "^6633FFUntil nothing can be heard any more,^000000"; mes "^6633FFI don't understand why she told^000000"; mes "^6633FFMe that...^000000"; close; } amatsu.gat,283,203,1 script PokePoke 738,{ emotion e_swt2; mes "[Pokepoke]"; mes "The tree on this hill"; mes "has existed for a long time, a deep-rooted"; mes "and ever-blooming Sakura Tree King"; next; emotion e_swt2; mes "[Pokepoke]"; mes "And I am very thankful of this tree,"; mes "whenever I feel any sorrow or sadness"; mes "I always go sit under that tree"; next; emotion e_swt2; mes "[Pokepoke]"; mes "That way no matter what happened"; mes "I can forget it all...."; mes "this tree will sooth us"; mes "and make us forget sad things"; mes "a magic tree"; next; emotion e_swt2; mes "[Pokepoke]"; mes "If you feel any sadness or sorrow"; mes "you can try to sit under this tree"; mes "a really magical and thankful tree..."; close; } amatsu.gat,261,197,4 script Legendary Sakura Tree 111,{ mes "^0000FFJust as she said"; mes "this tree is famous because"; mes "many couples confessed their love here"; mes "Sometimes you can still see a few people"; mes "Drawing a heart with the lover's"; mes "Name within it.^000000"; next; mes "^0000FFThey are not only here for lover's confessions,"; mes "sometimes they will meet here too"; mes "talk about some important matters,"; mes "in such a beautiful place"; mes "no matter what they are discussing"; mes "they always reach an agreement^000000"; close; } ama_in02.gat,61,27,6 script Alchemist#amatsu 749,{ mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "KeekeekeeKeheheh."; mes "This is amazing!"; mes "The results are extraordinary!!"; next; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Using my skills in this distant"; mes "land was unexpected..."; mes "Keheheh... The lord of this"; mes "palace was quite accomodating."; next; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Ooops, I better be careful..."; mes "If the guild finds out my"; mes "location, stupid Myster will"; mes "get mad at me. Kehehehkeh..."; next; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "What? Wanna say something?"; mes "If you are here for tourism,"; mes "enjoy your day off, then go back to"; mes "your hometown. Keekeekee..."; mes "Or else, I will let you taste my"; mes "bottle...!"; next; menu "Please, excuse me",-,"Do you need help?",s_Help; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Keheheh... Did you hear"; mes "what I said? It would be"; mes "better to forget..."; mes "Keekeekeekeekee..."; close; s_Help: mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Help, eh?..."; mes "Now that I think about it.."; mes "I need some items right now..."; mes "Keeheeheekeehee..."; next; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Sir Laspuchin needs some"; mes "enchant stones for an experiment."; mes "I will use it efficiently..."; mes "Do you have them now?"; next; menu "Nope",-,"I got some",s_Got; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Then, find 8 stones of one kind."; mes "If you bring 8 of one kind of"; mes "enchant stones, I will change it"; mes "to a better one..."; next; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Then, find 8 stones of one kind."; mes "not the round gemstones but"; mes "the enchant stones. If you bring"; mes "the wrong stones, I will throw"; mes "a flame bottle at you!"; next; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Bring me stones, slave~!!"; mes "And keep your promise!"; mes "Kehehehkehkeh..."; close; s_Got: mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Uh-uh, what did you bring?"; next; switch( select( "Mystic Frozen", "Great Nature", "Flame Heart", "Rough Wind" ) ) { case 1: set @stoneID,995; set @stoneStr$,"Mystic Frozen"; break; case 2: set @stoneID,997; set @stoneStr$,"Great Nature"; break; case 3: set @stoneID,994; set @stoneStr$,"Flame Heart"; break; case 4: set @stoneID,996; set @stoneStr$,"Rough Wind"; break; case 255: end; } if(countitem(@stoneID) < 8)goto s_NEnough; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Kehekeh. I see you brought"; mes "enough stones! What kind of"; mes "stone do you want me to change"; mes "them into? Kehehehe."; next; if(@stoneID == 995)menu "Great Nature",s_Great,"Flame Heart",s_Flame,"Rough Wind",s_Rough; if(@stoneID == 996)menu "Great Nature",s_Great,"Flame Heart",s_Flame,"Mystic Frozen",s_Frozen; if(@stoneID == 997)menu "Mystic Frozen",s_Frozen,"Flame Heart",s_Flame,"Rough Wind",s_Rough; if(@stoneID == 994)menu "Great Nature",s_Great,"Mystic Frozen",s_Frozen,"Rough Wind",s_Rough; s_Great: mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Then I will now change"; mes "your " + @stoneStr$ + "s into"; mes "a Great Nature... Kehehe~"; mes "Any objections?"; next; menu "No",-,"Yes",s_No; delitem @stoneID,8; getitem 997,1; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Kehehe... It was a success!"; mes "Come back anytime if you"; mes "want me to change your"; mes "enchanted stones into"; mes "another kind.. Keheh~"; close; s_Flame: mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Then I will now change"; mes "your " + @stoneStr$ + "s into"; mes "a Flame Heart... Kehehe~"; mes "Any objections?"; next; menu "No",-,"Yes",s_No; delitem @stoneID,8; getitem 994,1; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Kehehe... It was a success!"; mes "Come back anytime if you"; mes "want me to change your"; mes "enchanted stones into"; mes "another kind.. Keheh~"; close; s_Rough: mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Then I will now change"; mes "your " + @stoneStr$ + "s into"; mes "a Rough Wind... Kehehe~"; mes "Any objections?"; next; menu "No",-,"Yes",s_No; delitem @stoneID,8; getitem 996,1; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Kehehe... It was a success!"; mes "Come back anytime if you"; mes "want me to change your"; mes "enchanted stones into"; mes "another kind.. Keheh~"; close; s_Frozen: mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Then I will now change"; mes "your " + @stoneStr$ + "s into"; mes "a Mystic Frozen... Kehehe~"; mes "Any objections?"; next; menu "No",-,"Yes",s_No; delitem @stoneID,8; getitem 995,1; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Kehehe... It was a success!"; mes "Come back anytime if you"; mes "want me to change your"; mes "enchanted stones into"; mes "another kind.. Keheh~"; close; s_No: mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Keheh~ You make me want"; mes "to throw flame bottles"; mes "at you. Kehehehehe..."; mes "KEHEHEHEHEHEHE!"; close; s_NEnough: mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Keheheh~ Check your pockets"; mes "before you tell me"; mes "how foolish you are....."; next; mes "[Laspuchin Gregory]"; mes "Bring me stones! You said you"; mes "were going to help me!"; mes "Keep your promises!"; mes "Kehehehkehkeh..."; close; } //| Ninja map portion dummy npcs, commented by default. //que_ng.gat,27,18,3 script Seaman 709,{end;} //que_ng.gat,28,45,3 script Man 86,{end;} //que_ng.gat,28,50,3 script Seaman2 709,{end;} //que_ng.gat,22,62,3 script Seaman2 709,{end;} //que_ng.gat,30,65,3 script Ninja Sensei 730,{end;}