//===== Hercules Script ======================================
//= Sample localized NPC
//===== By: ==================================================
//= Hercules Dev Team
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= v1.1
//===== Description: =========================================
//= Example of a localized NPC.
//= There are many ways to do it, this is just one option.
//= The player has a global account variable ##_langid_ that
//= identifies the it's language.
//= The default language should always have langid 0.
//= When a message isn't found for the player's langid
//= (strlen = 0), the message from langid 0 is used instead.
//= Each message is identified by a string that must only
//= contain valid variable name characters.
//= void setlang(int langid)
//= - sets the player's language
//= int getlang(void)
//= - returns the player's language
//= void setmes2(string name,int langid,string text)
//= - sets the localized text for name
//= string getmes2(string name,int langid)
//= - returns the localized text of name
//= void mes2(string name)
//= - displays the localized text of name
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= To use this globally, just put the functions in Global_Functions.txt

/// Sets the language of the player account.
/// @param langid	Languange identifier (0 for default)
function	script	setlang	{
	##_langid_ =  getarg(0);

/// Returns the language identifier of the player
function	script	getlang	{
	return ##_langid_;

/// Sets a localized text entry.
/// Does not need a RID attached.
/// @param name	Message identifier
/// @param langid	Language identifier (0 for default)
/// @param text	Text message
function	script	setmes2	{
	.@mes2_name$  = getarg(0);
	.@mes2_langid = getarg(1);
	.@mes2_text$  = getarg(2);
	.@mes2_var$   = "$@__"+ .@mes2_name$ +"_"+ .@mes2_langid +"$";

	//debugmes "setmes2 \""+ .@mes2_var$ +"\", \""+ .@mes2_text$ +"\";";

	// set the localized text
	setd .@mes2_var$, .@mes2_text$;

/// Sets a localized text entry.
/// Does not need a RID attached.
/// @param name	Message identifier
/// @param langid	Language identifier (0 for default)
/// @return	Text message
function	script	getmes2	{
	.@mes2_name$  = getarg(0);
	.@mes2_langid = getarg(1);
	.@mes2_var$   = "$@__"+ .@mes2_name$ +"_"+ .@mes2_langid +"$";
	.@mes2_text$  = getd(.@mes2_var$);

	//debugmes "getmes2(\""+ .@mes2_var$ +"\")=\""+ .@mes2_text$ +"\"";

	return .@mes2_text$;

/// mes for localized text.
/// index should be a unique string, made up only of characters 
/// that are valis as a variable name
/// @param index	Message identifier
function	script	mes2	{
	.@mes2_index$ = getarg(0);

	if( getstrlen(.@mes2_index$) == 0 )
		return; // invalid index

	// print localized text
	.@mes2_text$ = callfunc("getmes2",.@mes2_index$,##_langid_);
	if( getstrlen(.@mes2_text$) == 0 ) {
		if( ##_langid_ != 0 ) {
			// revert to default language
			.@mes2_text$ = callfunc("getmes2",.@mes2_index$,0);
			if( getstrlen(.@mes2_text$) != 0 )
				mes .@mes2_text$; // default text
	} else
		mes .@mes2_text$; // localized text

/// Sample localized NPC
prontera,155,183,4	script	LocalizedNPC	4_M_GEF_SOLDIER,{
	// Get text for specific languages
	.@menu1$ = callfunc("getmes2","LNPC_lang",0);
	.@menu2$ = callfunc("getmes2","LNPC_lang",1);
	do {
		// get text that fallbacks to language 0
		callfunc "mes2", "LNPC_name";
		// localized mes
		callfunc "mes2", "LNPC_lang";
		callfunc "mes2", "LNPC_text";

			case 1:
			case 2:
				// Set player language
				callfunc "setlang",@menu-1;
	} while( @menu != 3 );

	// Load the localized text.
	// This can be anywhere, as long as it's executed before the coresponding getmes2/mes2 calls
	//  0 - English (default)
	//  1 - Portuguese
	callfunc "setmes2", "LNPC_name", 0, "[LocalizedNPC]";
	callfunc "setmes2", "LNPC_lang", 0, "EN";
	callfunc "setmes2", "LNPC_lang", 1, "PT";
	callfunc "setmes2", "LNPC_text", 0, "Something in english";
	callfunc "setmes2", "LNPC_text", 1, "Algo em portugu�s";