//===== rAthena Documentation ================================ //= Permission List //===== By: ================================================== //= rAthena Dev Team //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 20120718 //===== Description: ========================================= //= permissions of player groups, configured in /conf/groups.conf //============================================================ can_trade : Ability to trade or otherwise distribute items (drop, storage, vending etc) can_party : Ability to join parties. all_skill : Ability to use all skills. all_equipment : Ability to equip anything (can cause client errors). skill_unconditional : Ability to use skills without meeting the required conditions (SP, items, etc...). join_chat : Ability to join a password protected chatrooms. kick_chat : Protection from being kicked from a chat. hide_session : Hides player session from being displayed by @commands. who_display_aid : Ability to see GMs and Account/Char IDs in the @who command. hack_info : Ability to receive all informations about any player that try to hack, spoof a name, etc. any_warp : Ability to bypass nowarp, nowarpto, noteleport and nomemo mapflags. This option is mainly used in commands which modify a character's map/coordinates (like @memo, @mapmove, @go, @jump, etc...). view_hpmeter : Ability to see HP bar of every player. view_equipment : Ability to view players equipment regardless of their setting. use_check : Ability to use client command /check (display character status). use_changemaptype : Ability to use client command /changemaptype. all_commands: Ability to use ALL atcommands/charcommands. receive_requests: Ability to receive @requests. show_bossmobs: Ability to see boss mobs with @showmobs. disable_pvm: Ability to disable Player v.s. Monster. disable_pvp: Ability to disable Player v.s. Player.