//===== Hercules Documentation =============================== //= Atcommand List //===== By: ================================================== //= Hercules Dev Team //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 20130115 //===== Description: ========================================= //= List of available atcommands and their functions. //============================================================ This file describes the usage of in-game commands and assumes that 'conf/atcommand.conf' has the following: atcommand_symbol : "@" charcommand_symbol: "#" To search for a command, write "@" before the command name (ex. @commands). The format of this file is as follows: 1. System Commands 2. Database Commands 3. Player Information Commands 4. Action Commands 5. Administrative Commands 6. Party Commands 7. Guild Commands 8. Pet Commands 9. Homunculus Commands ====================== | 1. System Commands | ====================== @version Displays SVN version of the server. --------------------------------------- @rates Displays the server rates. Output Example: Experience rates: Base 1.00x / Job 1.00x Normal Drop Rates: Common 1.00x / Healing 1.00x / Usable 1.00x Equipment 1.00x / Card 1.00x Boss Drop Rates: Common 1.00x / Healing 1.00x / Usable 1.00x Equipment 1.00x / Card 1.00x Other Drop Rates: MvP 1.00x / Card-Based 1.00x / Treasure 1.00x --------------------------------------- @time Displays the local server time, along with day/night information. --------------------------------------- @uptime Show server uptime since last map server restart. Output Example: Server Uptime: 3 days, 8 hours, 6 minutes, 4 seconds. --------------------------------------- @refresh @refreshall Synchronizes the player's position on the client with the one stored on the server. Additionally, @refreshall will refresh all online players. --------------------------------------- @showexp Toggles the display of experience gain messages. --------------------------------------- @showzeny Toggles the display of Zeny gain messages. Configuration for zeny being dropped by mobs is in 'conf/map/battle/monster.conf': zeny_from_mobs: true --------------------------------------- @showdelay Shows or hides the red "Cannot use the skills" message. Output Example: [Storm Gust] Cannot use the skills. --------------------------------------- @noask Toggles automatic rejection of deals and invites. --------------------------------------- @noks Toggles Kill Steal Protection. --------------------------------------- @font <0-9> Sets client font (0 is the default). --------------------------------------- @agitstart @agitend Starts or ends War of Emperium [FE] by invoking scripts with the OnAgitStart/OnAgitEnd labels. --------------------------------------- @agitstart2 @agitend2 Starts or ends War of Emperium [SE] by invoking scripts with the OnAgitStart2/OnAgitEnd2 labels. --------------------------------------- @pvpon @pvpoff Enables or disables PvP (Player vs. Player) mode on a map. --------------------------------------- @gvgon @gvgoff Enables or disables GvG (Guild vs. Guild) mode on a map. --------------------------------------- @skillon @skilloff Enables or disables skill usage on a map. --------------------------------------- @allowks Toggles Kill Steal Protection on a map. --------------------------------------- @day @night Sets the server to day or night mode. --------------------------------------- @sound Plays the specified sound. --------------------------------------- @snow @clouds @clouds2 @fog @fireworks @sakura @leaves Toggles weather effects on your map. --------------------------------------- @clearweather Stops all weather effects. May require a map change or @refresh for the effect to stop client-side. --------------------------------------- @mapflag Sets a mapflag for the current map (1 = On, 0 = Off). --------------------------------------- @setzone Changes the zone of the current map. --------------------------------------- @addwarp Creates a warp portal on the character's current coordinates that lasts until the next reboot. The name parameter is mandatory and if it already exists, the server will automagically assign a name, and it will be displayed only once in the chat window. Example: @addwarp prontera 50 50 my_warp_sample Output: New warp NPC 'my_warp_sample' created. --------------------------------------- @effect Creates a visual effect on or around the character. A list of IDs can be found in '/db/constants.conf'. Descriptions of the effects can be found in '/doc/effect_list.txt'. --------------------------------------- @misceffect Does some visual effect on the character (more info needed). --------------------------------------- @displayskill {} Displays the animation of a skill without really using it (debug function). --------------------------------------- @option { { {}}} Adds visual effects to the attached character. If no parameter is specified, a list of available options will be returned. --------------------------------------- @displaystatus { { {}}} Displays a status change without really applying it (debug function). --------------------------------------- @send {} Used for testing packet sends from the client (debug function). Value: or S"" --------------------------------------- @mapinfo Displays information about the current map. Output Example: ------ Map Info ------ Map Name: prontera | Players In Map: 1 | NPCs In Map: 127 | Chats In Map: 0 ------ Map Flags ------ Town Map Autotrade Enabled PvP Flags: GvG Flags: Teleport Flags: No Exp Penalty: On | No Zeny Penalty: On Weather Flags: Displays Night | Other Flags: NoBranch | Reset | Other Flags: --------------------------------------- @gat Gives information about terrain/area (debug function). Output Example: prontera (x= 165, y= 202) 00 00 00 00 00 prontera (x= 165, y= 201) 01 00 00 00 00 prontera (x= 165, y= 200) 01 00 00 00 00 prontera (x= 165, y= 199) 01 00 00 00 00 prontera (x= 165, y= 198) 01 00 00 00 00 --------------------------------------- ======================== | 2. Database Commands | ======================== @mobinfo Displays monster information (rates, stats, drops, MVP data). Example: @monsterinfo Poring Output: Monster: 'Poring'/'Poring'/'PORING' (1002) Lv: 1 HP:60 Base EXP:27 Job EXP:20 HIT:103 FLEE:183 DEF:2 MDEF:5 STR:6 AGI:1 VIT:1 INT:1 DEX:6 LUK:5 ATK:8~9 Range:1~10~12 Size:Medium Race:Plant Element:Water (Lv:1) Drops: - Jellopy 70.00% - Knife[4] 1.00% etc... --------------------------------------- @iteminfo Displays item information (type, price, weight, drops). Example: @iteminfo Jellopy Output: Item: 'Jellopy'/'Jellopy'[0] (909) Type: Etc. | Extra Effect: None NPC Buy:6z, Sell:3z | Weight: 1.0 - Maximal monsters drop change: 75.00% --------------------------------------- @whodrops Displays a list of mobs which drop the specified item. Only the highest drop rates are shown. --------------------------------------- @autoloot {<%>} Enables or disables autolooting items from killed mobs. If a percentage is given, only items dropped at that rate and below will be autolooted. --------------------------------------- @alootid <+/- item name/ID> @alootid reset Starts or stops autolooting a specified item. Typing "reset" will clear the autoloot item list. By default, 10 items can be autolooted at one time. --------------------------------------- @autoloottype <+/-> @autoloottype reset Starts or stops autolooting a specified item type. Type List: healing, usable, etc, weapon, armor, card, petegg, petarmor, ammo. Typing "reset" will clear the autoloot item list. --------------------------------------- @mobsearch Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on the current map. Output Example: 1[155:184] Poring 2[154:188] Poring 3[127:146] Poring --------------------------------------- @idsearch Looks up an item by name (or part of a name). --------------------------------------- @showmobs Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on your mini-map. This shows up as a small white cross (+). --------------------------------------- @whereis Displays the maps in which monster normally spawns. This does not include mobs summoned by scripts. --------------------------------------- @skillid Looks up a skill by name (or part of a name). --------------------------------------- @skilltree Lists requirements to obtain the specified skill on the target character. --------------------------------------- @questskill {} @lostskill {} Permanently adds or removes the specified quest skill. If no skill ID is specified, a list of available skills will be returned. --------------------------------------- @useskill Casts the specified skill. Example: @useskill 28 5 Char2 -> casts Level 5 Heal on player Char2 --------------------------------------- ================================== | 3. Player Information Commands | ================================== @commands Displays a list of @ commands available to the player. --------------------------------------- @charcommands Displays a list of # commands available to the player. --------------------------------------- @help Displays the help message for the specified command. --------------------------------------- @exp Displays current levels and % progress. Output Example: Base Level: 13 (3.323%) | Job Level: 10 (0.000%) --------------------------------------- @stats Displays the stats of the attached player in your chat bar. --------------------------------------- @storagelist Displays Kafra storage contents of the specified player. --------------------------------------- @cartlist Displays cart contents of the specified player. --------------------------------------- @itemlist Displays inventory contents of the attached player. --------------------------------------- @who @who2 @who3 Returns a list of online characters. @who will also return character positions. @who2 will also return job classes. @who3 will also return parties/guilds. --------------------------------------- @whomap @whomap2 @whomap3 Returns a list of online characters in a specific map. @whomap will also return character positions. @whomap2 will also return job classes. @whomap3 will also return parties/guilds. --------------------------------------- @whogm Returns a list of GMs online. For those who are higher GM level than yourself, only name is shown. For the rest, the command acts as a combination of @who+@who2+@who3. --------------------------------------- @users Displays distribution of players on the server per map (% on each map which has players.) Output Example: prontera: 1 (50%) prt_fild01: 1 (50%) all: 2 --------------------------------------- @where Locates a player on a map. The player must be online. --------------------------------------- @jailtime Displays remaining jail time. If @jail was used, the chat window will display "You have been jailed indefinitely". --------------------------------------- @accinfo Searches for an account by ID or a character name, and outputs detailed information. Password will only be displayed for group levels lower than yours. To search partial names, "%" can be used as a wildcard. Example: @accinfo Test% Output: -- Account 2000001 -- User: user123 | GM Group: 0 | State: 0 Password: password123 Account e-mail: a@a.com Last IP: (Unknown) This user has logged 27 times, the last time were at 2012-11-24 17:29:07 -- Character Details -- [Slot/CID: 0/150001] Test1 | High Swordsman | Level: 99/50 | Off [Slot/CID: 1/150002] Test2 | Rune Knight | Level: 150/50 | On ====================== | 4. Action Commands | ====================== @me Displays the text as a normal message with the format "*name *" instead of "name: ". --------------------------------------- @main {} Broadcasts a message to all players with @main enabled. Using the command without a message will enable or disable main chat. --------------------------------------- @storage Opens your Kafra storage. --------------------------------------- @mail Opens your mailbox. --------------------------------------- @auction Opens the auction window. --------------------------------------- @identify Opens the Identification window if any unappraised items are in your inventory. --------------------------------------- @identifyall Identifies all unappraised items in your inventory. --------------------------------------- @trade Opens the trade window with the specified player. --------------------------------------- @autotrade Allows you continue vending offline, then logs off. The character will continue vending until you log in to that account again, all items are sold, or the mapserver closes. --------------------------------------- @monster {} @monstersmall {} @monsterbig {} Spawns the specified monster. If an amount is given, that number will be spawned. Additionally, monster size can be adjusted. --------------------------------------- @summon {} Spawns mobs that treat you as their master. If a duration is specified, they will stay with you until the duration has ended. --------------------------------------- @clone @slaveclone @evilclone Spawns a clone of the specified player. @clone will spawn a supportive clone. @slaveclone will spawn a supportive clone that follows the creator around. @evilclone will spawn an aggressive clone. --------------------------------------- @item {} /item @delitem Creates or removes the specified item. If an amount is given for @item, that number will be created. --------------------------------------- @item2 Creates an item with the given parameters (the 'cards' can be any item). identify_flag: 0 = unidentified, 1 = identified attribute: 0 = not broken, 1 = broken --------------------------------------- @itembound Creates the specified item and bounds it to the account. bound_type: 1 = Account, 2 = Guild, 3 = Party, 4 = Character --------------------------------------- @itembound2 Creates an item with the given parameters (the 'cards' can be any item) and bounds it to the account. identify_flag: 0 = unidentified, 1 = identified attribute: 0 = not broken, 1 = broken bound_type: 1 = Account, 2 = Guild, 3 = Party, 4 = Character --------------------------------------- @produce <# of Very's> Creates a weapon with the given parameters. Example: @produce 1602 1 2 -> crafts an item called "Very Very Strong Char's Ice Rod". --------------------------------------- @refine <+/- amount> Refines an equipped item by the specified amount. -3: Refine All Equip (Shadow) -2: Refine All Equip (Costume) -1: Refine All Equip (General) 1: Headgear (Low) 2: Hand (Right) 4: Garment 8: Accessory (Left) 16: Body Armor 32: Hand (Left) 64: Shoes 128: Accessory (Right) 256: Headgear (Top) 256: Headgear (Mid) 1024: Costume Headgear (Top) 2048: Costume Headgear (Mid) 4096: Costume Headgear (Low) 8192: Costume Garment 65536: Shadow Armor 131072: Shadow Weapon 262144: Shadow Shield 524288: Shadow Shoes 1048576: Shadow Accessory (Right) 2097152: Shadow Accessory (Left) 2097152: Shadow Accessory (Left) --------------------------------------- @repairall Repairs all broken items in your inventory. --------------------------------------- @dropall {} Drops all items based on the item type. Valid item types: -1 = All Items (default) 0 = Healing Items 2 = Useable Items 3 = Etc Items 4 = Weapons 5 = Armors 6 = Cards 7 = Pet Eggs 8 = Pet Armors 10 = Ammunition Items 11 = Delayed-Consumable Items 18 = Cash Items --------------------------------------- @storeall Places all inventory and equipped items directly into your Kafra Storage. --------------------------------------- @itemreset Deletes all inventory items (not equipped items). --------------------------------------- @clearstorage @cleargstorage Deletes all items in storage (or guild storage). --------------------------------------- @clearcart Deletes all items in cart, but does not remove the cart. --------------------------------------- @cleanarea @cleanmap Deletes floor items in sight range or across the entire map. --------------------------------------- @save Sets your save point as your current map coordinates. --------------------------------------- @memo {<0-2>} Saves a warp point for the "Warp Portal" skill. If a number is not specified, the command will output all currently saved locations. Location "void" indicates an empty warp point. --------------------------------------- @load Warps to your save point. --------------------------------------- @jump Warps to a random coordinate on the current map. --------------------------------------- @go {} Warps to predefined locations in major cities. If no ID is given, all available maps will be displayed in the chat window. Locations and coordinates are stored in '/src/map/atcommand.c'. --------------------------------------- @warp { } /mm { } /mapmove { } Warps to the specified map. If no coordinates are entered, a random location will be chosen. --------------------------------------- @jumpto @follow Warps to the specified player. Additionally, @follow will track the player's movements until turned off. --------------------------------------- @recall /recall @recallall Warps a character to your position. Additionally, @recallall will recall the entire server. --------------------------------------- @tonpc Warps to the specified npc. --------------------------------------- @killer Allows you to attack other players outside of PvP. --------------------------------------- @killable Allows other players to attack you outside of PvP. --------------------------------------- @blvl <+/- amount> @jlvl <+/- amount> Changes base or job level by the specified amount. --------------------------------------- @str <+/- amount> @agi <+/- amount> @vit <+/- amount> @int <+/- amount> @dex <+/- amount> @luk <+/- amount> Changes the specified stat of your character. --------------------------------------- @allstats Sets all stats to the maximum (default is 99). --------------------------------------- @allskill Gives your character all skills in their current skill tree. --------------------------------------- @stpoint <+/- amount> @skpoint <+/- amount> Changes unused status or skill points by the specified amount. --------------------------------------- @streset @skreset @reset Resets stats (@streset), skills (@skreset), or both (@reset). --------------------------------------- @feelreset Resets a Star Gladiator's marked maps. --------------------------------------- @hatereset Resets a Star Gladiator's hatred targets. --------------------------------------- @jobchange Changes your job. If no job is given, a list of all available jobs will be returned. Note that jobs 22 (Wedding), 26 (Summer), and 27 (Christmas) are not available via @job. --------------------------------------- @speed <0-1000> Sets the speed at which the character walks and attacks. Default is 150 (0 is fastest, 1000 is slowest). --------------------------------------- @spiritball <0-100> Summons the specified amount of spirit spheres around you. --------------------------------------- @mount @mount2 Toggles mounting/unmounting a peco (@mount) or cash mount (@mount2). --------------------------------------- @zeny <+/- amount> Changes Zeny by the specified amount. --------------------------------------- @cash <+/- amount> Changes Cash Points by the specified amount. --------------------------------------- @points <+/- amount> Changes Kafra Points by the specified amount. --------------------------------------- @model @hairstyle @haircolor @dye Changes appearance based on the given parameters. The min/max values are set in 'conf/map/battle/client.conf'. --------------------------------------- @changelook {position} Changes the player's appearance to the specified view ID. If no position is given, the command defaults to headgear. 1: Top 2: Middle 3: Bottom 4: Weapon 5: Shield 6: Shoes 7: Robe --------------------------------------- @fakename {} {} Temporarily changes the character's name to . If no parameter is passed, the character's real name will be re-applied. The parameter is used, to modify which names will be displayed. The fake name will always be displayed, regardless of . Valid flags (combinable): 0 - Only the fake name is displayed. (Default value.) 1 - Display party name. 2 - Display guild name. 4 - Display guild position. 8 - Display clan position. 16 - Display title. --------------------------------------- @size <0-2> @sizeall <0-2> Changes your size (0 = Normal, 1 = Small, 2 = Large). Additionally, @sizeall will change the size of all online players. --------------------------------------- @duel {} @invite @accept @reject @leave Duel-organizing commands. Some options can be found in 'conf/map/battle/misc.conf'. --------------------------------------- @heal Fully heals HP and SP. --------------------------------------- @alive @raisemap @raise Resurrection commands. @alive will revive the attached player. @raisemap will revive all players on the map. @raise will revive all players on the server. --------------------------------------- @disguise @undisguise @disguiseall @undisguiseall Disguises or undisguises player as a monster/NPC sprite. Additionally, @disguiseall/@undisguiseall will disguise all online players. --------------------------------------- @monsterignore Makes you immune to attacks (monsters/players/skills cannot target/hit you). --------------------------------------- @hide /hide Toggles GM Hide (total invisibility to characters and monsters). --------------------------------------- @npctalk Command what other npcs say. Displays the message above the NPC's head (like the 'npctalk' script command). --------------------------------------- ============================== | 5. Administrative Commands | ============================== @email Changes the email address attached the player's account. Note: This command doesn't validate the email address itself, but checks the structure of the email (xxx@xxx). Example: @email a@b.com b@b.com Output: Fail message: Invalid email. If you have default e-mail, type a@a.com. Success message: Information sent to login-server via char-server. --------------------------------------- @changesex Changes the gender attached to the player's account. --------------------------------------- @changecharsex Changes the gender attached to the player's character. --------------------------------------- @marry @divorce Marries or divorces two players. --------------------------------------- @request Sends a message to all connected GMs (via the GM whisper system). --------------------------------------- @gmotd Displays the motd file to all players. --------------------------------------- @broadcast /b /nb @localbroadcast /lb /nlb Announces a message in yellow text. Except for /nb and /nlb, the message will be prefixed with the name of the attached character. @broadcast will be shown to the entire server. @localbroadcast will be shown on the player's map only. --------------------------------------- @kami @kamib @kamic @lkami Announces a message without a name prefix. @kami will broadcast in yellow text. @kamib will broadcast in blue text. @kamic will broadcast in the specified color (a hexadecimal value). @lkami will broadcast on the attached character's current map. Example: @kamic FF0000 This message is in red. --------------------------------------- @killmonster @killmonster2 Kills all monsters on the map. Additionally, @killmonster2 will prevent the monsters from dropping items (except looted items). --------------------------------------- @kill @nuke @doommap @doom Kill commands. @kill will kill the attached player. @nuke will kill the specified player and deal area splash damage. @doommap will kill all players on the map. @doom will kill all players on the server. --------------------------------------- @mute