//===================================================================================================== //-- skil_unit_db_re.txt: entries in this file override skill_unit_db.txt -- file only used in Ragnarok Renewal Mode //===================================================================================================== // ID,unit ID,unit ID 2,layout,range,interval,target,flag // // layout = -1:special, 0:1*1, 1:3*3, 2:5*5, up to 5:11*11 // target = friend (party +guildmates +neutral players) / party / // ally (party +guildmates) / all / enemy // flag 0x001(UF_DEFNOTENEMY) If 'defunit_not_enemy' is set, the target is changed to 'friend' // 0x002(UF_NOREITERRATION) Spell cannot be stacked // 0x004(UF_NOFOOTSET) Spell cannot be cast near/on targets // 0x008(UF_NOOVERLAP) Spell effects do not overlap // 0x010(UF_PATHCHECK) Only cells with a shootable path will be placed // 0x020(UF_NOPC) Spell cannot affect players. // 0x040(UF_NOMOB) Spell cannot affect mobs. // 0x080(UF_SKILL) Spell CAN affect skills. // 0x100(UF_DANCE) Dance skill // 0x200(UF_ENSEMBLE) Ensemble skill // 0x400(UF_SONG) Song skill // 0x800(UF_DUALMODE) Spell has effects both at an interval and when you step in/out // Example: 0x006 = 0x002+0x004 -> Cannot be stacked nor cast near targets // // Notes: // ------ // 0x89,0x8a,0x8b without indication // // u1 u2 lay r intr target flag //