// ______ __ __ // /\ _ \/\ \__/\ \ // __\ \ \L\ \ \ ,_\ \ \___ __ ___ __ // /'__`\ \ __ \ \ \/\ \ _ `\ /'__`\/' _ `\ /'__`\ ///\ __/\ \ \/\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \/\ __//\ \/\ \/\ \L\.\_ //\ \____\\ \_\ \_\ \__\\ \_\ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\ // \/____/ \/_/\/_/\/__/ \/_/\/_/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/ // _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ // / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ //( e | n | g | l | i | s | h ) ( A | t | h | e | n | a ) // \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ // //-------------------------------------------------------- // eAthena Script Configuration File //-------------------------------------------------------- warn_func_mismatch_paramnum: yes check_cmdcount: 655360 check_gotocount: 2048 // Default value of the 'min' argument of the script command 'input'. // When the 'min' argument isn't provided, this value is used instead. // Defaults to 0. //input_min_value: 0 // Default value of the 'max' argument of the script command 'input'. // When the 'max' argument isn't provided, this value is used instead. // Defaults to INT_MAX. //input_max_value: 2147483647 input_max_value: 10000000 // Official Version of OnTouch // Scripts run on the first visible character walks into the OnTouch area // and before he walks out/hides, the scripts won't run ever again. // This label takes the piority to OnTouch2_Label. OnTouch_Label: OnTouch_ // Official Version of OnTouch2 // Scripts run on every character walks into the OnTouch area // This is the same as the "OnTouch" that eA has been using all along. OnTouch2_Label: OnTouch import: conf/import/script_conf.txt