// eAthena msg_athena.conf // Message Configuration // For translation, just change msg here (second line), no need to modify source code, // or alternatively, use conf/import/msg_conf.txt // Format: // // English message // msg_number: translated message // 0-499: reserved for GM commands // 500-999 reserved for others // To disable a string (%s) field, make it's max length 0: // eg: // 270: *%s %s* (@me format) // 270: *%.0s%s* (remove the character's name from it) // Messages of GM commands // ----------------------- 0: Warped. 1: Map not found. 2: Invalid coordinates, using random target cell. 3: Character not found. 4: Jump to %s 5: Jump to %d %d 6: Your save point has been changed. 7: Warping to save point. 8: Speed changed. 9: Options changed. 10: Invisible: Off 11: Invisible: On 12: Your job has been changed. 13: You've died. 14: Character killed. 15: Player warped (message sent to player too). 16: You've been revived! 17: HP, SP recovered. 18: Item created. 19: Invalid item ID or name. 20: All of your items have been removed. 21: Base level raised. 22: Base level lowered. 23: Job level can't go any higher. 24: Job level raised. 25: Job level lowered. 26: Help commands: 27: File help.txt not found. 28: No player found. 29: 1 player found. 30: %d players found. 31: PvP: Off. 32: PvP: On. 33: GvG: Off. 34: GvG: On. 35: You can't use this command with this class. 36: Appearance changed. 37: An invalid number was specified. 38: Invalid location number, or name. 39: All monsters summoned! 40: Invalid monster ID or name. 41: Unable to decrease the number/value. 42: Stat changed. 43: You're not in a guild. 44: You're not the master of your guild. 45: Guild level change failed. 46: %s recalled! 47: Base level can't go any higher. 48: Character's job changed. 49: Invalid job ID. 50: You already have some GM powers. 51: Character revived. 52: This option cannot be used in PK Mode. 53: '%s' stats: 54: No player found in map '%s'. 55: 1 player found in map '%s'. 56: %d players found in map '%s'. 57: Character's save point changed. 58: Character's options changed. 59: Night Mode Activated. 60: Day Mode Activated. 61: The holy messenger has given judgement. 62: Judgement has passed. 63: Mercy has been shown. 64: Mercy has been granted. 65: Character's base level raised. 66: Character's base level lowered. 67: Character's job level can't go any higher. 68: character's job level raised. 69: Character's job level lowered. 70: You have learned the skill. 71: You have forgotten the skill. 72: War of Emperium has been initiated. 73: War of Emperium is currently in progress. 74: War of Emperium has been ended. 75: War of Emperium is currently not in progress. 76: All skills have been added to your skill tree. 77: The reference result of '%s' (name: id): 78: %s: %d 79: It is %d affair above. 80: Give the display name or monster name/id please. 81: Your GM level doesn't authorize you to preform this action on the specified player. 82: Please provide a name or number from the list provided: 83: Monster 'Emperium' cannot be spawned. 84: All stats changed! 85: Invalid time for ban command. 86: Sorry, player names have to be at least 4 characters. 87: Sorry, player names can be no longer than 23 characters. 88: Sending request to login server... 89: Night mode is already enabled. 90: Day mode is already enabled. 91: Character's base level can't go any higher. 92: All characters recalled! 93: All online characters of the %s guild have been recalled to your position. 94: Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified guild is online. 95: All online characters of the %s party have been recalled to your position. 96: Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the specified party is online. 97: Item database has been reloaded. 98: Monster database has been reloaded. 99: Skill database has been reloaded. 100: Scripts have been reloaded. 101: Login-server asked to reload GM accounts and their level. 102: You have mounted a Peco Peco. 103: No longer spying on the %s guild. 104: Spying on the %s guild. 105: No longer spying on the %s party. 106: Spying on the %s party. 107: All items have been repaired. 108: No item need to be repaired. 109: Player has been nuked! 110: NPC Enabled. 111: This NPC doesn't exist. 112: NPC Disabled. 113: %d item(s) removed by a GM. 114: %d item(s) removed from the player. 115: %d item(s) removed. Player had only %d on %d items. 116: Character does not have the specified item. 117: You have been placed in jail by a GM. 118: Player warped to jail. 119: This player is not in jail. 120: A GM has discharged you from jail. 121: Player unjailed. 122: Disguise applied. 123: Invalid Monster/NPC name/ID specified. 124: Undisguise applied. 125: You're not disguised. //Clone Messages 126: Cannot clone a player of higher GM level than yourself. 127: You've reached your slave clones limit. 128: Evil clone spawned. 129: Unable to spawn evil clone. 130: Clone spawned. 131: Unable to spawn clone. 132: Slave clone spawned. 133: Unable to spawn slave clone. //Messages 134-139 are no longer used, available for future reuse (preferrable for more variations of @clone) 140: Character's disguise applied. 141: Character's undisguise applied. 142: Character is not disguised. 143: Commands are disabled on this map. 144: Invalid e-mail. If you have default e-mail, type a@a.com. 145: Invalid new e-mail. Please enter a real e-mail. 146: New e-mail must be a real e-mail. 147: New e-mail must be different from the current e-mail. 148: Information sent to login-server via char-server. 149: Impossible to increase the number/value. 150: No GM found. 151: 1 GM found. 152: %d GMs found. 153: %s is Unknown Command. 154: %s failed. 155: You are unable to change your job. 156: HP or/and SP modified. 157: HP and SP have already been recovered. 158: Base level can't go any lower. 159: Job level can't go any lower. 160: PvP is already Off. 161: PvP is already On. 162: GvG is already Off. 163: GvG is already On. 164: Your memo point #%d doesn't exist. 165: All monsters killed! 166: No item has been refined. 167: 1 item has been refined. 168: %d items have been refined. 169: The item (%d: '%s') is not equipable. 170: The item is not equipable. 171: %d - void //172: You replace previous memo position %d - %s (%d,%d). //173: Note: you don't have the 'Warp' skill level to use it. 174: Number of status points changed. 175: Number of skill points changed. 176: Current amount of zeny changed. 177: You cannot decrease that stat anymore. 178: You cannot increase that stat anymore. 179: Guild level changed. 180: The monster/egg name/ID doesn't exist. 181: You already have a pet. 182: Pet intimacy changed. 183: Pet intimacy is already at maximum. 184: Sorry, but you have no pet. 185: Pet hunger changed. 186: Pet hunger is already at maximum. 187: You can now rename your pet. 188: You can already rename your pet. 189: This player can now rename his/her pet. 190: This player can already rename his/her pet. 191: Sorry, but this player has no pet. 192: Unable to change the specified character's job. 193: Character's base level can't go any lower. 194: Character's job level can't go any lower. 195: All players have been kicked! 196: You already have this quest skill. 197: This skill number doesn't exist or isn't a quest skill. 198: This skill number doesn't exist. 199: This player has learned the skill. 200: This player already has this quest skill. 201: You don't have this quest skill. 202: This player has forgotten the skill. 203: This player doesn't have this quest skill. //204: FREE //205: FREE 206: '%s' skill points reset. 207: '%s' stats points reset. 208: '%s' skill and stat points have been reset. 209: Character's skill points changed. 210: Character's status points changed. 211: Character's current zeny changed. 212: Cannot mount a Peco Peco while in disguise. 213: You can not mount a Peco Peco with your current job. 214: You have released your Peco Peco. 215: This player cannot mount a Peco Peco while in disguise. 216: This player has mounted a Peco Peco. 217: This player cannot mount a Peco Peco with his/her current job. 218: This player's Peco Peco has been released. 219: %d day 220: %d days 221: %s %d hour 222: %s %d hours 223: %s %d minute 224: %s %d minutes 225: %s and %d second 226: %s and %d seconds 227: Party modification is disabled on this map. 228: Guild modification is disabled on this map. 229: Your effect has changed. 230: Server time (normal time): %A, %B %d %Y %X. 231: Game time: The game is in permanent daylight. 232: Game time: The game is in permanent night. 233: Game time: The game is in night for %s. 234: Game time: After, the game will be in permanent daylight. 235: Game time: The game is in daylight for %s. 236: Game time: After, the game will be in permanent night. 237: Game time: After, the game will be in night for %s. 238: Game time: A day cycle has a normal duration of %s. 239: Game time: After, the game will be in daylight for %s. 240: %d monster(s) summoned! 241: You can now attack and kill players freely. 242: You can now be attacked and killed by players. 243: Skills have been disabled on this map. 244: Skills have been enabled on this map. 245: Server Uptime: %ld days, %ld hours, %ld minutes, %ld seconds. 246: Your GM level doesn't authorize you to preform this action. 247: You are not authorized to warp to this map. 248: You are not authorized to warp from your current map. 249: You are not authorized to warp to your save map. 250: You have already opened your storage. Close it first. 251: You have already opened your guild storage. Close it first. 252: You are not in a guild. //253: You are not authorized to memo this map. 254: GM command configuration has been reloaded. 255: Battle configuration has been reloaded. 256: Status database has been reloaded. 257: Player database has been reloaded. 258: Sent packet 0x%x (%d) 259: Invalid packet 260: This item cannot be traded. 261: Script could not be loaded. 262: Script loaded. 263: This item cannot be dropped. 264: This item cannot be stored. 265: %s has bought your item(s). 266: Some of your items cannot be vended and were removed from the shop. 267: '%s' designated maps reset. 268: Reloaded the Message of the Day. 269: Displaying first %d out of %d matches //@me output format 270: * :%s %s: * 271: You can't drop items on this map 272: You can't trade on this map 273: Commands available: 274: %d commands found. 275: No commands found. 276: You can't open a shop on this map 277: Usage: @request <petition/message to online GMs>. 278: (@request): %s 279: @request sent. 280: Invalid name. 281: You can't create chat rooms on this map //Party-related 282: You need to be a party leader to use this command. 283: Target character must be online and in your current party. 284: Leadership transferred. 285: You've become the party leader. 286: There's been no change in the setting. //Missing stuff for @killer related commands. 287: Killer state reset. 288: You are no longer killable. 289: The player is now killable. 290: The player is no longer killable. 291: Weather effects will dispell on warp/refresh // Guild Castles Number // -------------------- //299: ?? Castles 300: None Taken 301: One Castle 302: Two Castles 303: Three Castles 304: Four Castles 305: Five Castles 306: Six Castles 307: Seven Castles 308: Eight Castles 309: Nine Castles 310: Ten Castles 311: Eleven Castles 312: Twelve Castles 313: Thirteen Castles 314: Fourteen Castles 315: Fifteen Castles 316: Sixteen Castles 317: Seventeen Castles 318: Eighteen Castles 319: Nineteen Castles 320: Twenty Castles 321: Twenty One Castles 322: Twenty Two Castles 323: Twenty Three Castles //324: Twenty Four Castles 324: Total Domination // Players Titles (for @who, etc commands, check battle_athena.conf for titles level setting) // Useful note: you may remove ':%d' from the line, then you will see only player title, w/o his level 325: Super player:%d 326: Super player+:%d 327: Mediator:%d 328: Sub-GM:%d 329: Sub-GM+:%d 330: GM:%d 331: GM Chief:%d 332: Administrator:%d // Templates for @who output 333: Name: %s 334: (%s) 335: | Party: '%s' 336: | Guild: '%s' //You may ommit the last %s, then you won't see players job name 337: | L:%d/%d | Job: %s //You may ommit 2 last %d, then you won't see players coords, just map name 338: | Location: %s %d %d // @duel (part 1) 350: Duel: You can't use @invite. You aren't a duelist. 351: Duel: The limit of players has been reached. 352: Duel: Player name not found. 353: Duel: The Player is in the duel already. 354: Duel: Invitation has been sent. 355: Duel: You can't use @duel without @reject. 356: Duel: You can take part in duel once per %d minutes. 357: Duel: Invalid value. 358: Duel: You can't use @leave. You aren't a duelist. 359: Duel: You've left the duel. 360: Duel: You can't use @accept without a duel invitation. 361: Duel: The duel invitation has been accepted. 362: Duel: You can't use @reject without a duel invitation. 363: Duel: The duel invitation has been rejected. 364: Duel: You can't invite %s because he/she isn't on the same map. // @duel (part 2) 370: -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d, Max players: %d -- 371: -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d -- 372: -- Duel has been created (Use @invite/@leave) -- 373: -- Player %s invites %s to duel -- 374: Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) -- 375: <- Player %s has left the duel -- 376: -> Player %s has accepted the duel -- 377: -- Player %s has rejected the duel -- // Main chat 380: Main chat has been activated. 381: Main chat already activated. 382: Main chat has been disabled. 383: Main chat already disabled. 384: Main chat is currently enabled. Usage: @main <on|off>, @main <message>. 385: Main chat is currently disabled. Usage: @main <on|off>, @main <message>. 386: %s :Main: %s 387: You cannot use Main chat while muted. 388: You should enable main chat with "@main on" command. //NoAsk 390: Autorejecting is activated. 391: Autorejecting is deactivated. 392: You request has been rejected by autoreject option. 393: Autorejected trade request from %s. 394: Autorejected party invite from %s. 395: Autorejected guild invite from %s. 396: Autorejected alliance request from %s. 397: Autorejected opposition request from %s. 398: Autorejected friend request from %s. 400: Usage: @jailfor <time> <character name> 401: You have been jailed for %d years, %d months, %d days, %d hours and %d minutes 402: %s in jail for %d years, %d months, %d days, %d hours and %d minutes // WoE SE (@agitstart2) 403: War of Emperium SE has been initiated. 404: War of Emperium SE is currently in progress. 405: War of Emperium SE has been ended. 406: War of Emperium SE is currently not in progress. // Homunculus messages 450: You already have a homunculus // Messages of others (not for GM commands) // ---------------------------------------- 500: Night Mode is already active 501: Your account time limit is: %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S. 502: Day Mode is activated 503: Night Mode is activated //Supernovice's Guardian Angel //actually.. new client msgtxt file contains these 3 lines... [Lupus] //---------------------------- 504: Guardian Angel, can you hear my voice? ^^; 505: My name is %s, and I'm a Super Novice~ 506: Please help me~ T.T // Trade Spoof Messages 507: This player has been banned for %d minute(s). 508: This player hasn't been banned (Ban option is disabled). //509 Available.... // mail system //---------------------- 510: You have %d new emails (%d unread) // Bot detect messages (currently unused) 535: Possible use of BOT (99%% of chance) or modified client by '%s' (account: %d, char_id: %d). This player ask your name when you are hidden. 536: Character '%s' (account: %d) is trying to use a bot (it tries to detect a fake player). 537: Character '%s' (account: %d) is trying to use a bot (it tries to detect a fake mob). // Trade Spoof Messages 538: Hack on trade: character '%s' (account: %d) try to trade more items that he has. 539: This player has %d of a kind of item (id: %d), and tried to trade %d of them. 540: This player has been definitivly blocked. // Rare Items Drop/Steal announce 541: '%s' won %s's %s (chance: %0.02f%%) //541: %.0s%.0sSomeone won %s 542: '%s' stole %s's %s (chance: %0.02f%%) //542: %.0s%.0sSomeone stole %s // @Away message bits 543: (Automessage has been sent) 544: Away [AT] - "%s" 545: Away - "%s" 546: Away automessage has been activated. 547: Away automessage has been disabled. 548: Usage: @away,@aw <message>. Enter empty message for disable it. // @Autotrade 549: You should be vending to use @autotrade. //550 -> 650: Job Names 550: Novice 551: Swordsman 552: Mage 553: Archer 554: Acolyte 555: Merchant 556: Thief 557: Knight 558: Priest 559: Wizard 560: Blacksmith 561: Hunter 562: Assassin 563: Crusader 564: Monk 565: Sage 566: Rogue 567: Alchemist 568: Bard 569: Dancer 570: Wedding 571: Super Novice 572: Gunslinger 573: Ninja 574: Christmas 575: High Novice 576: High Swordsman 577: High Mage 578: High Archer 579: High Acolyte 580: High Merchant 581: High Thief 582: Lord Knight 583: High Priest 584: High Wizard 585: Whitesmith //585: Mastersmith //IRO name 586: Sniper 587: Assassin Cross 588: Paladin 589: Champion 590: Professor //590: Scholar //IRO name 591: Stalker 592: Creator //592: Biochemist //IRO Name 593: Clown //593: Minstrel //IRO Name 594: Gypsy 595: Baby Novice 596: Baby Swordsman 597: Baby Mage 598: Baby Archer 599: Baby Acolyte 600: Baby Merchant 601: Baby Thief 602: Baby Knight 603: Baby Priest 604: Baby Wizard 605: Baby Blacksmith 606: Baby Hunter 607: Baby Assassin 608: Baby Crusader 609: Baby Monk 610: Baby Sage 611: Baby Rogue 612: Baby Alchemist 613: Baby Bard 614: Baby Dancer 615: Super Baby 616: Taekwon 617: Star Gladiator 618: Soul Linker 619: Gunslinger 620: Ninja 621: Summer //... 650: Unknown Job //Custom translations import: conf/import/msg_conf.txt