// eAthena - Log Configuration File // Enable Logs? // 1 - Log all events. // Or, determine what to log by adding up the different events: // 0002 - (T) Log trades // 0004 - (V) Log vending transactions // 0008 - (P) Log items drop/picked by players // 0016 - (L) Log items drop/looted by monsters // 0032 - (S) Log NPC transactions (buy/sell) // 0064 - (N) Log Script transactions (items deleted/acquired through quests) // 0128 - (M) Log items stolen from mobs (Steal/Gank) // 0256 - (C) Log player-used items // 0512 - (M) Log MVP prize items // 1024 - (A) Log player created/deleted items (through @/# commands) // 2048 - (R) Log items placed/retrieved from storage. // 4096 - (G) Log items placed/retrieved from guild storage. // 8192 - (E) Log mail system transactions. // Example: Log trades+vending+script items+created items: 2+4+64+1024 = 1094 enable_logs: 1 // Use MySQL Logs? (SQL Version Only) sql_logs: 0 // LOGGING FILTERS // ============================================================= // if any condition is true then the item will be logged // 0 = Don't log at all // 1 = Log any item // Advanced Filter Bits by item type: || // 0002 - Healing items (0) // 0004 - Etc Items(3) + Arrows (10) // 0008 - Usable Items(2) + Lures,Scrolls(11) + Usable Cash Items(18) // 0016 - Weapon(4) // 0032 - Shields,Armor,Headgears,Accessories,etc(5) // 0064 - Cards(6) // 0128 - Pet Accessories(8) + Eggs(7) (well, monsters don't drop 'em but we'll use the same system for ALL logs) // 0256 - Log expensive items ( >= price_items_log) // 0512 - Log big amount of items ( >= amount_items_log) // 1024 - Log refined items (if their refine >= refine_items_log ) // 2048 - Log rare items (if their drop chance <= rare_items_log ) // Examples: (log filters) // log_filter: 1 = logs ANY items // log_filter: 2 = logs only HEALING items // log_filter: 4 = logs only Etc Items and Arrows // log_filter: 64 = logs only Cards // log_filter: 322 = logs only Healing items, Cards and those items which price is >= price_items_log // log_filter: 4080 = logs all items (including all rare, big amount) exept healing, etc, arrows and useble ones log_filter: 1 // Log Items which Refine >= refine_items_log refine_items_log: 5 // Log Items whith min drop rate <= rare_items_log // 1 = 0.01%, 100 = 1% drop chance, etc rare_items_log: 100 // don't log it if the current item buy price < price_items_log price_items_log: 1000 // don't log it if the current item amount < amount_items_log amount_items_log: 100 //============================================================= // Log Dead Branch Usage log_branch: 0 // Track Zeny Changes // Filter settings // 0 - don't log; 1 - log any zeny changes; 2.....1000000 - minimal absolut logging zeny value log_zeny: 0 // Log MVP Monster Drops // Outdated. Use Pick_Log instead. But this log could be useful to keep track slayed MVPs log_mvpdrop: 0 // Log GM Commands (set to minimum level of Logged Commands) log_gm: 40 // Log NPC 'logmes' commands log_npc: 0 // Log CHAT (Global, Whisper, Party, Guild, Main chat) // LOGGING FILTERS // ============================================================= // 0 = Don't log at all // 1 = Log EVERYTHING! // Advanced Filter Bits: || // 02 - Log Global messages // 04 - Log Whisper messages // 08 - Log Party messages // 16 - Log Guild messages // 32 - Log Main chat messages // 64 - Don't log anything when WOE is on // Example: // log_chat: 12 = logs both Whisper & Party messages // log_chat: 16 = logs only Guild messages // log_chat: 68 = logs only Whisper, when WOE is off log_chat: 0 // Dead Branch Log Table log_branch_db: branchlog // Drops & Pickups Table log_pick_db: picklog // Zeny Table log_zeny_db: zenylog // MVP Drop Table log_mvpdrop_db: mvplog // GM Log Table log_gm_db: atcommandlog // NPC Log Table log_npc_db: npclog // CHAT Log Table log_chat_db: chatlog // Dead Branch Log File log_branch_file: log/branchlog.log // Drops & Pickups Log File log_pick_file: log/picklog.log // Zeny Log File log_zeny_file: log/zenylog.log // MVP Drop File log_mvpdrop_file: log/mvplog.log // GM Log File log_gm_file: log/atcommandlog.log // NPC Log File log_npc_file: log/npclog.log // CHAT Log File log_chat_file: log/chatlog.log import: conf/import/log_conf.txt