//=       _   _                     _           
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//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
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//=            http://hercules.ws/board/                        
//= Link~u! <description> <link to wiki/topic>
//= http://hercules.ws/board/topic/928-memory-slasher-may-30-patch/
battlegrounds: (
	/* feature is not complete */
	/* character variable for global bg delay */
	global_delay_var: "BG_Delay_Tick"
	/* how many seconds to consider a player "afk" and kick him out? */
	maximum_afk_seconds: 30
	/* one can add as many as he wishes */
	/* for custom ones, need to edit "lua files/entryqueue/entryqueuelist.lua" [Ind/Hercules] */
	arenas: ({
		name: "Tierra Gorge" //must match the name in client files
		event: "Tierra_BG2::OnPlayerListReady"
		minLevel: 80
		maxLevel: 150
		reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */
			win: 3
			loss: 1
			draw: 1
		minPlayers: 6 /* minimum amount of players to start */
		maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */
		minTeamPlayers: 6 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */
		delay_var: "Tierra_BG_Tick" /* char variable name that will store the delay for this match */
		maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */
		fillDuration: 20 /* time in seconds to wait for more applications when minimum has been reached */
		pGameDuration: 20 /* time to wait for players to confirm their attendence after queueing process has finished */
		name: "Flavius" //must match the name in client files
		event: "start#bat_b01::OnPlayerListReady"
		minLevel: 80
		maxLevel: 150
		reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */
			win: 9
			loss: 3
			draw: 3
		minPlayers: 2 /* minimum amount of players to start (DEBUG VALUE, CHANGE BACK) */
		maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */
		minTeamPlayers: 6 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */
		delay_var: "Flavius_BG_Tick" /* char variable name that will store the delay for this match */
		maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */
		fillDuration: 20 /* time in seconds to wait for more applications when minimum has been reached */
		pGameDuration: 20 /* time to wait for players to confirm their attendence after queueing process has finished */
		name: "KVM (Level 80 and up)" //must match the name in client files
		event: "KvM03_BG::OnPlayerListReady"
		minLevel: 80
		maxLevel: 150
		reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */
			win: 5
			loss: 1
			draw: 1
		minPlayers: 4 /* minimum amount of players to start */
		maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */
		minTeamPlayers: 5 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */
		delay_var: "KVM_BG_Tick" /* char variable name that will store the delay for this match */
		maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */
		fillDuration: 20 /* time in seconds to wait for more applications when minimum has been reached */
		pGameDuration: 20 /* time to wait for players to confirm their attendence after queueing process has finished */
		name: "KVM (Level 60~79)" //must match the name in client files
		event: "KvM03_BG::OnPlayerListReady"
		minLevel: 60
		maxLevel: 79
		reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */
			win: 2
			loss: 0
			draw: 1
		minPlayers: 4 /* minimum amount of players to start */
		maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */
		minTeamPlayers: 5 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */
		delay_var: "KVM_BG_Tick" /* char variable name that will store the delay for this match */
		maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */
		fillDuration: 20 /* time in seconds to wait for more applications when minimum has been reached */
		pGameDuration: 20 /* time to wait for players to confirm their attendence after queueing process has finished */
		name: "KVM (Level 59 and below)" //must match the name in client files
		event: "KvM03_BG::OnPlayerListReady"
		minLevel: 1
		maxLevel: 59
		reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */
			win: 1
			loss: 0
			draw: 0
		minPlayers: 4 /* minimum amount of players to start */
		maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */
		minTeamPlayers: 5 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */
		delay_var: "KVM_BG_Tick" /* char variable name that will store the delay for this match */
		maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */
		fillDuration: 20 /* time in seconds to wait for more applications when minimum has been reached */
		pGameDuration: 20 /* time to wait for players to confirm their attendence after queueing process has finished */