The format of to-do list items is: Description - A description of the task Status - The status of the task. The possible values are Pending and Completed Assignee - The nickname of the person whom is assigned the task Notes - Miscellaneous notes concerning the task ********** Only the to-do list for the flat-file module should contain tasks concerning database corrections because databases changes for the SQL module are inherited from the flat-file module. ********** 1. Description: Fix the equip field values in item_db Status: Pending Assignee: NONE Notes: i know the equip values in item_db are ****ed not ****ed but supernovice equip is ********** 2. Description: Change monster summoning commands so they summon 1 monster if a quantity isn't specified Status: 50% Assignee: NONE Notes: Will work with just mob_id/name specified (ie @monster poring) need to make it work with mob_id and name (ie @monster poring test) - Valaris ********** 3. Description: Fix Ghostring Card Status: Done Assignee: MouseJstr Notes: battle_config flag to disable ghosty armor protecting you from mobs ********** 4. Description: Add nomagic mapflag/@skilloff/@skillon Status: Done Assignee: MouseJstr Notes: NONE ********** 5. Description: Checking help.txt (main directory, conf directory, doc directory) with atcommand.c Status: Pending Assignee: None Notes: In doc directory, do a help.txt for explaination of all commands. In conf directory, do a help.txt for displaying the resume of each command in chat windows of the client (chat windows does support more than 200 lines). In main directory, suggestion to delete it. ********** 6. Description: Update produce_db Status: Pending Assignee: None Notes: The Alchemist Forging items were recently changed. The DB needs to be edited and if needed, source to be modified ********** 7. Description: novice.txt: new_1-4.gat,60,149,4 script Helper 55 This NPC gives infinite items and zenys. Status: Completed Assignee: Yor Notes: If you clicks on 'cancel' button or quits the game to come back, you can have infinite zenys and items. So, we must save (in a variable) when the npc gives items/zenys and don't given them again. ********** 8. Description: scripts, register variables and job 1 When you become job 1, reset all variables of OTHER jobs too to save register memory. Status: Pending Assignee: None Notes: None ********** 9. Description: @mapspy command Status: Pending Assignee: None Notes: to receive any messages of all characters on a specifical map. don't send duplicate messages if already @guildspy ou @partyspy ********** 10. Description: Pet Skills. Status: 90% Assignee: Valaris Notes: Don't touch pet.c, pet.h, or pet dbs. ********** 11. Description: Add kRO server side friends list. Status: 80% Assignee: davidsiaw Notes: Got most of the packets. Except the ones that tell the client that a player is online and tell the client to give messages. ********** 12. Description: Updating the 'gmcommands.html' with actual commands. Status: Pending Assignee: None Notes: NONE ********** 13. Description: On PVP map, don't count a 'GM HIDE' GM (2 normal players + 1 HIDE GM: 2/2, not 3/3). Status: Pending Assignee: None Notes: NONE ********** 14. Description: Add encrypted password option in login-server. Status: Blocked, no solution without limited client version. Assignee: Yor Notes: It's impossible to use encrypted password in the account file, if we want to authorise all client version. Some clients use a (random) md5key and send a composed encrypted of the password. So, these clients send a different encrypted password based on plain text password at every connection. If the password is encrypted, we can not more compare with plain text. The other solution can be to not authorise these clients. But, that will probably be the futur of ALL clients. Reduce possibilities of client version isn't a good idea for the futur and for the compatibility (like use only plain text password client version). Save in account the plain text and the encypted version use more memory for nothing, and don't add security. Conclusion: If you want protected your password, you must: - protected you account file - never send a password outside the server - use only encypted client version (that send an encrypted password to server). ********** 15. Description: Create all reloaddb command in ladmin. Status: Affected Assignee: Yor Notes: NONE ********** 16. Description: Create a shutdown + time command in ladmin. Status: Affected Assignee: Yor Notes: NONE ********** 17. Description: Create a kickall command in ladmin. Status: Affected Assignee: Yor Notes: NONE ********** 18. Description: Create listban/listok command in ladmin. Status: Completed Assignee: Yor Notes: NONE ********** 19. Description: Login-server: create a first anti-hack system versus multiple connections trying. Status: Affected Assignee: Yor Notes: Set on IP. An option to set number of connections before to block (number_of_try_before_block) An option to set number of second where the tries must be done (within_seconds_for tries) An option to set the time of impossible connection after block (blocked_time_in_minutes) About wrong password, add: dynamic_pass_failure_ban_time: 5 (duration of ban, in minutes) dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_many: 3 (number of tries before to ban) dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_long: 60 (inside time where the tries must be done before to ban, in sec) ********** 20. Description: Create @unban and @unblock GM command. Status: Completed Assignee: Yor Notes: NONE ********** 21. Description: Fix @nuke GM command. Status: Completed Assignee: Valaris Notes: If you nuke a mounted Knight/Crusader they lose Peco but see it in the equip.window. And can't get another one. ********** 22. Description: Adding GM command @guildmaster Status: Pending Assignee: MC_Cameri Notes: Guild Master turns another member of his guild into Guild Master. MC Cameri: It will now be called @swapgm, meaning swap of guild master. ********** 23. Description: In Guilds folder change all checkcart -> checkcart(0) Status: Completed? Assignee: Aria Notes: All checkcart were in the old/ folder o_O? Because just "checkcart" always returns 0. (All common Kafras&breeder have been already fixed) ********** 24. Description: In script.c parser should be fixed to allow argumentless functions return value. Status: Pending Assignee: None Notes: Functions like "checkcart", "checkfalcon", "checkriding" don't return value if used without agruments or without "()". Example: 'checkcart' always return Zero (because the parser doesn't recognize it as a function!) Example: 'checkcart()' map server doesn't load (because argless funcs aren't in use) As a temp fix Lupus added "*" in script.c in "checkcart", "checkfalcon", "checkriding" definitions. To be able running them with any fake arg. i.e. checkcart(0) works fine! ********** 25. Description: Create a LAN management, 1 by server Status: Affected Assignee: Yor Notes: 1 computer can be on multiple LAN. So, each server must have 1 LAN definition. ********** 26. Description: @ban/@block must be usable when player is offline Status: Completed Assignee: Yor Notes: NONE ********** 27. Description: When it's night, inscreasing spawn of undeads Status: Pending Assignee: None Notes: Variable 'night_flag' is 0 if it's day, or 1 if it's night. ********** 28. Description: in ladmin, create a method for account with spaces Status: Completed Assignee: Yor Notes: use "" or ''. ********** 29. Description: @(un)ban/@(un)block: reduction of number of packets improvement of messages Status: Completed Assignee: Yor Notes: None. ********** 30. Description: Create (un)ban/(un)block in ladmin to be similar with GM command Status: Completed Assignee: Yor Notes: None. ********** 31. Description: Packet 0x3831 need too much size! IMPORTANT to found a solution! It's cause of crashes or freeze of servers (char or map). Status: Pending Assignee: None Notes: When map-server do a connection to char-server, this packet is send (C->M). Example of display (1 connection!): socket #5: wdata (size: 131072 bytes) need to be expanded. wdata is actually used for 111654 bytes (free bytes: 19418). packet 0x3831 need mode space (size of the packet: 12332). wdata expanded to 262144 bytes. socket #5: wdata (size: 262144 bytes) need to be expanded. wdata is actually used for 234974 bytes (free bytes: 27170). packet 0x3831 need mode space (size of the packet: 12332). wdata expanded to 524288 bytes. Additional note: there is only 63 guilds on this server... ********** 32. Description: Management of PM ignore for wisps Status: Completed Assignee: Yor Notes: None. ********** 33. Description: Add a GM info hacker minimum level parameter Status: Completed Assignee: Yor Notes: first use: spoof namer ********** 34. Description: Create @makepet to create directly a pet Status: Pending Assignee: None Notes: NONE ********** 35. Description: In dungeon, set night for people. In shop, set day for people. Status: Assigned Assignee: Yor Notes: work like variable 'night_flag' is 0 if it's day, or 1 if it's night. ********** 36 Description: Create your limited time.... but an option can be good :)... Status: Completed Assignee: Yor Notes: NONE ********** 37. Description: @killer - enables a @gm to hit a player outside of pvp Status: Done Assignee: MouseJstr Notes: ********** 38. Description: atcommand scripts - script @atcommands` Status: Pending Assignee: MouseJstr Notes: ********** 40. Description: @addwarp - create a static warp to a target location Status: Done Assignee: MouseJstr Notes: ********** 41. Description: @movenpc - manipulate npc's at runtime Status: Done Assignee: MouseJstr Notes: handling npc's with the same name on multiple maps requires thoughts ********** 42. Description: @uptime - how long as the server been up? Status: Pending Assignee: MouseJstr, MC Cameri Notes: MC Cameri: This is done already in OA, wait for merge. Aria: I said that, but they told me it was BROKED! ********** 43. Description: map aliases - create virtual copies of maps but don't require changes to the client to support it Status: 80% done Assignee: MouseJstr Notes ********** 44. Description: Fix GTB card Status: Done Assignee: MouseJstr Notes: battle_config command that controls just how magic resistant you raelly are ********** 45. Description: gm @follow command Status: Done Assignee: MouseJstr Notes: follows players, including warping to them... lets you do a gm hide and grab a cup of coffee while watching a player do bad things.. ********** 47. Description: different max aspd for players and GM's Status: Pending Assignee: MouseJstr Notes: ********** 48. Description: Configurable max num castles for a guild Status: Done Assignee: MouseJstr Notes: We limit each guild to 3 castles on my server ********* 49 Description: Add @chareffect - Done [MouseJstr] set a persistant effect on another character Add @chardisguise - done [MouseJstr] set a persistant disguise effect on another character Add @mobid look up a monster by name - needed? Add @petid look up a pet by name Add @chardye Add @charhairstyle Add @charhaircolor Versions of dye hairstyle and haircolor fo other chars Add @followme make a character follow you.. including warps Add @shuffle re-arrange everybody on the map randomly Add @dropall - done [MouseJstr] takes all my possessions and throws them on the ground Add @chardropall - done [MouseJstr] takes all the players possessions and throws them on the ground.. Add @storeall - done [MouseJstr] takes all my possessions and puts them in storage, leaving 500 zeny to let you take it all back out again Add @charstoreall - done [MouseJstr] takes all the players possessions and puts them in storage, leaving 500 zeny to let you take it all back out again Add @skillid - lookup a skill by name - done [MouseJstr Add @useskill - use a skill given the number or name - done [MouseJstr] ********* 50. Description: New Guild Skills Status: Pending Assignee: NONE Notes: use for a list ******** 51. Description: Devilring Status: Pending Assignee: NONE Notes: New mini-boss; find as much about it as possible including stats and drops ********* 52. Description: LV4 Weapon Quests Status: Pending Assignee: NONE Notes: Info here Use perm variables? ********* 53. Description: Monster Pictures Status: Pending Assignee: NONE Notes: WTF! ********* 54. Description: Wandering Singer Status: Pending Assignee: NONE Notes: May have to spy on kRO to get more info. ******** 55. Description: Arena Points Status: Pending Assignee: NONE Notes: points->item system; ******** 56. Description: kRO Account Status: Pending Assignee: NONE Notes: Give us a kRO account, gm or whatever so we can spy =OOOOOOOO ********* 57. Description: Baby Skills Stats: Pending Assignee: NONE Notes: 1. Skills - Come here, baby. ( Summons the adoptee ) - Mom, Dad, I love you. ( For 5 minutes, the parent characters will not have EXP penalty upon death ) - Mom, Dad, I want to see you. ( Summons the parents ) * For the summon skill, it works like wedding summon skill - it can only be done in areas where warps can be saved at. 2. EXP Sharing - Only the parents and the child can EXP share; nobody else can be in the party. If any other person joins, the EXP share resets. - If you move to a different map, the EXP share resets. - The EXP returned is only 1/3rd of normal since both mother and father character has to be in the same party with the child. 3. Changes after adoption - For the child character, the character becomes small. 4. What happens if parents divorce - The parents can NEVER adopt another child ever again even after divorce + remarry. - The character child continues to be as it is (meaning, even if the child no longer has a parent, he or she will continue to be the 'child'), and only 1 child can be obtained per character. - Even if the child character is deleted, the parents can never get another child. * This means, when you adopt a child character, DO IT CAREFULLY. For the entire history of your character, you can only, and I mean ONLY get one child character. - The Child Adoption system now changes as following, so please make note of this: * The adopted child cannot raise any stat to beyond 80. - Done [Celest] * The adopted child will have 70% of MaxHP and MaxSP of normal characters. - Done [Celest] * The adopted child cannot marry. - Done [Celest] * "Mom, Dad, I love you" skill will only last 2 minutes instead of 5. * The parents must be both LV 70 or above in order to adopt. * The parents must be both LV 70 or above in order to share EXP as family. * "Mom, Dad, I love you" skill will now take 10% of MaxSP instead of taking 1 SP. - The wedding skills will now depend on percentage of MaxHP/MaxSP. ******** 58. Description: Super novices max job level is now 99 Status: Pending Assignee: NONE Notes: ******** 59. Description Add a function where usable item bonuses cannot stack. Eg, an item that gives you +1 str when used again does not total to +2 str. Status Pending Assignee None Notes None ********** 60. Description Make it possible to set the selling price of an item in a shop npc. If a selling price is not present it uses the item_db and this can be selectable by battleconf Status Pending Assignee None Notes None ********** 61. Description Make a battle_config option to cause, if a user is logged in and somebody tries to log in again, it logs them both out... Status: Pending Assignee None Notes None *** 62. Description Make a battle_config option to disable auto-muting Status: Pending *** 63. Description Can't unmute auto-muted people Status: Pending Assignee None Notes None *** 64. Description Wedding skill recall.. should only have one active at a time Status: Pending Assignee None Notes None *** 65. Description Wedding skill recall should work in noskill zone Status: Pending Assignee None Notes None *** 66. Description re-add a better packet_db implementation Status: Pending Assignee None Notes None *** 67. Description the char server is a fricken dog... Status: Pending Assignee None Notes None *** 68. Description add no_mob_drops as a map flag Status: Pending Assignee None Notes so that mobs don't drop shit in pvp arena's