//Any ideas or suggestions you guys have, put them here. //These don't have to be put into the source, but maybe if //you would like something down... someone might do it? lol ---- I (Ajarn) have loads of ideas. I might as well put them here. If no one does them it's fine, because I plan on doing them eventually if no one else does. 1) Better jail system. You know how the ban system has a time column, so you can set a certain amount of ban time? I think jailing should have this to. This way you can unjail the character when they are online or not, and jail them if they are on or not, etc. This will also lock their char to the jail until the state of that column is changed. One the time hits that they can come out (every min run a timer maybe?) they are unjailed if online, and if they are offline, the next time they log on it will check that column and unjail them then. 2) Addition to ban system. Ban works on a state system and I think ti should have another state. Instead of fully banning someone you should have the option of banning them from creating new chars before a full ban. This way you can jail their chars, and ban creation of new chars. Then they have to sit in the jail and talk it out with a GM. Gets problems solved easier. 3) Better gm level system. Basicly a gm command has group numbers after it (monster:1,5,99) and those gm levels can use it. This way you can have a much more flexible system. But when I think about it... it takes a lot of checking to do it that way, and in the long run, it would be a lot more flexible and easier to have account names after each gm command. I'm not sure which one I like, or which one should be used, but the "level" system is kind of hard to do when you want to have sistem levels. Like, some have group A commands, and some have group B commands, having nothing to do with group A. There is no way to do that with the current system. 4) Private Message SPY! (@pmspy ) What it does is you see everything that that person private messages to another, and anything another pms to them. I'm not sure if it can be already done, but this would stack with @guildspy and @partyspy. So, you you know thier party, and guild and you do all three spies, and you follow them around you can hear everything they are saying. 5) Probably a stupid idea, but @localspy. It basicly spies on all the text that they can hear localy and sends it to you like "ajarn can hear: ....." and "ajarn says: ..." This way you can do #4 to a person, and then this, without following them, and get the same effect.