From 77db1f12fdda6e2a0e6778615ca59fe2da10c146 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: brianluau <brianluau@54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 14:52:31 +0000
Subject: - Changed Sweet_Potato --> Potato to avoid confusion with the taming
 item. (bugreport:2150) - Changed duplicates in /npc/custom/ so the source is
 a floating/mapless npc. (bugreport:1335) - Fixed some bad English in
 Biological Weapon Quest. (bugreport:1745)

git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
 npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt | 177 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 89 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

(limited to 'npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt')

diff --git a/npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt b/npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt
index 04d762985..a02cce152 100644
--- a/npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt
+++ b/npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
+//===== eAthena Script =======================================
 //= The 2nd Bank of Prontera ( with daily 0.01% income! )
-//===== By: ================================================== 
+//===== By: ==================================================
 //= Lupus (1.0)
-//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
+//===== Current Version: =====================================
 //= 1.2a
-//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
+//===== Compatible With: =====================================
 //= eAthena 1.x
-//===== Description: ========================================= 
+//===== Description: =========================================
 //= A bank which has an interest %
-//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
+//===== Additional Comments: =================================
 // Look for this formula and setup your Bank daily % interest
 // #kafrabank/1000 = 0.1% of interest per day
 // #kafrabank/100  =  1%  of interest per day
@@ -16,100 +16,101 @@
 // 1.1 Added log of bank operation -> logmes "some info";
 // 1.2 Set max income to 100,000z. It would help to avoid
-//	zeny exploits when you change DATE at your server
+//     zeny exploits when you change DATE at your server
 // 1.2a Corrected bad duplicate names. (bugreport:921) [Samuray22]
-prontera,131,190,1	script	Bank Clerk::bankg	833,{  
- mes"[Maniss]";
- mes strcharinfo(0)+", welcome to the 2nd Bank of Prontera!";
+-	script	Bank Clerk::bankg	833,{
+	mes"[Maniss]";
+	mes strcharinfo(0)+", welcome to the 2nd Bank of Prontera!";
- set @kb_int,(gettime(6)*31)+gettime(5); //today's number
- set @income,0;
-//calculate %
- if (#kafrabank<=0 || #kb_int>=@kb_int) goto L_NoIncomeToday;
- set @income,(#kafrabank/1000)*(@kb_int-#kb_int); //@income == % of the sum
-//max income constant:
- if (@income>100000) set @income,100000;
+	set @kb_int,(gettime(6)*31)+gettime(5); //today's number
+	set @income,0;
+	//calculate %
+	if (#kafrabank<=0 || #kb_int>=@kb_int) goto L_NoIncomeToday;
+	set @income,(#kafrabank/1000)*(@kb_int-#kb_int); //@income == % of the sum
+	//max income constant:
+	if (@income>100000) set @income,100000;
- set #kb_int,@kb_int; //reset days timer
- if(#kafrabank==0) mes "We could open you an account.";
- if(@income>0) mes "Today's income: ^135445" + @income + "^000000 zeny.";
- set #kafrabank,#kafrabank+@income;
- if(#kafrabank>0) mes "Your account: ^135445" + #kafrabank + "^000000 zeny.";
- mes "What would you like?";
- next;
- if(#kafrabank==0) menu "-Open an account",-,"-Quit",B_EXIT2;
- if(#kafrabank>0) menu "-Deposit money",-,"-Withdraw money",M_WITHDRAW,"-Quit",B_EXIT2;
+	set #kb_int,@kb_int; //reset days timer
- mes"[Maniss]";
- mes "Please, tell me how much zeny you would like to deposit.";
- next;
- if(input(@kafrabank) == 1) goto L_TOO_BIG_AMOUNT;
- if(@kafrabank<1000) goto L_LESS_1000;
- if(@kafrabank>zeny) goto L_NOT_ENOUGH;
- set zeny,zeny-@kafrabank;
- set #kafrabank,#kafrabank+@kafrabank;
- mes"[Maniss]";
- mes "You've made a deposit of ^135445" + @kafrabank + "z^000000.";
-//we log these zeny operations into the log db
- logmes "Bank %: " + @income +"z, Deposit: "+ @kafrabank +"z, Final: "+ #kafrabank +"z"; 
- goto B_EXIT;
+	if(#kafrabank==0) mes "We could open you an account.";
+	if(@income>0) mes "Today's income: ^135445" + @income + "^000000 zeny.";
+	set #kafrabank,#kafrabank+@income;
+	if(#kafrabank>0) mes "Your account: ^135445" + #kafrabank + "^000000 zeny.";
+	mes "What would you like?";
+	next;
+	if(#kafrabank==0) menu "-Open an account",-,"-Quit",B_EXIT2;
+	if(#kafrabank>0) menu "-Deposit money",-,"-Withdraw money",M_WITHDRAW,"-Quit",B_EXIT2;
- if(#kafrabank==0) goto L_ZERO_ACCOUNT;
- mes"[Maniss]";
- mes "Your account: ^135445" + #kafrabank + "^000000 zeny.";
- mes "How much zeny would you like to withdraw?";
- next;
- if(input(@kafrabank) == 1) goto L_TOO_BIG_AMOUNT;
- if(@kafrabank<1) goto B_EXIT2;
- if(@kafrabank>#kafrabank) goto L_NOT_ENOUGH;
- set #kafrabank,#kafrabank-@kafrabank;
- set zeny,zeny+@kafrabank;
- mes"[Maniss]";
- mes "Here is your ^135445" + @kafrabank + "z^000000, put your sign here...";
-//we log these zeny operations into the log db
- logmes "Bank %: " + @income +"z, Withdraw: "+ @kafrabank +"z, Final: "+ #kafrabank +"z";
- goto B_EXIT;
- mes"[Maniss]";
- mes "You don't have enough zeny for this operation.";
- next;
- goto B_EXIT2;
+	mes"[Maniss]";
+	mes "Please, tell me how much zeny you would like to deposit.";
+	next;
+	if(input(@kafrabank) == 1) goto L_TOO_BIG_AMOUNT;
- mes"[Maniss]";
- mes "You don't have any zeny on your account!";
- next;
- goto B_EXIT2;
+	if(@kafrabank<1000) goto L_LESS_1000;
+	if(@kafrabank>zeny) goto L_NOT_ENOUGH;
+	set zeny,zeny-@kafrabank;
+	set #kafrabank,#kafrabank+@kafrabank;
+	mes"[Maniss]";
+	mes "You've made a deposit of ^135445" + @kafrabank + "z^000000.";
+	//we log these zeny operations into the log db
+	logmes "Bank %: " + @income +"z, Deposit: "+ @kafrabank +"z, Final: "+ #kafrabank +"z";
+	goto B_EXIT;
- mes"[Maniss]";
- mes "Sorry. The maximum deposit you can make on a time is 10,000,000 zeny.";
- next;
- goto B_EXIT2;
+	if(#kafrabank==0) goto L_ZERO_ACCOUNT;
+	mes"[Maniss]";
+	mes "Your account: ^135445" + #kafrabank + "^000000 zeny.";
+	mes "How much zeny would you like to withdraw?";
+	next;
+	if(input(@kafrabank) == 1) goto L_TOO_BIG_AMOUNT;
+	if(@kafrabank<1) goto B_EXIT2;
+	if(@kafrabank>#kafrabank) goto L_NOT_ENOUGH;
+	set #kafrabank,#kafrabank-@kafrabank;
+	set zeny,zeny+@kafrabank;
+	mes"[Maniss]";
+	mes "Here is your ^135445" + @kafrabank + "z^000000, put your sign here...";
+	//we log these zeny operations into the log db
+	logmes "Bank %: " + @income +"z, Withdraw: "+ @kafrabank +"z, Final: "+ #kafrabank +"z";
+	goto B_EXIT;
+	mes"[Maniss]";
+	mes "You don't have enough zeny for this operation.";
+	next;
+	goto B_EXIT2;
+	mes"[Maniss]";
+	mes "You don't have any zeny on your account!";
+	next;
+	goto B_EXIT2;
+	mes"[Maniss]";
+	mes "Sorry. The maximum deposit you can make on a time is 10,000,000 zeny.";
+	next;
+	goto B_EXIT2;
+	mes"[Maniss]";
+	mes "We're sorry, the minimum amount of zeny you can deposit is 1,000 zeny.";
+	next;
+	goto B_EXIT2;
- mes"[Maniss]";
- mes "We're sorry, the minimum amount of zeny you can deposit is 1,000 zeny.";
- next;
- goto B_EXIT2;
- mes "Very well... Come again soon!";
- next;
+	mes "Very well... Come again soon!";
+	next;
- mes"[Maniss]";
- mes "Thank you for using our Bank Service. We hope to see you again soon.";
- close;
+	mes"[Maniss]";
+	mes "Thank you for using our Bank Service. We hope to see you again soon.";
+	close;
+prontera,131,190,1	duplicate(bankg)	Bank Clerk#1-1	833
 geffen,125,73,3	duplicate(bankg)	Bank Clerk#2-1	833
 izlude,145,107,1	duplicate(bankg)	Bank Clerk#3-1	833
-morocc,147,84,7	duplicate(bankg)	Bank Clerk#4-1	833
\ No newline at end of file
+morocc,147,84,7	duplicate(bankg)	Bank Clerk#4-1	833
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2