From 5490645ca9f1f2759e5b38c405340480be362b0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Asheraf <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 14:49:50 +0000
Subject: Convert Pet db to Libconfig

 db/pet_db2.conf       |   64 ++
 db/pet_db2.txt        |   52 --
 db/pre-re/pet_db.conf | 1544 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 db/pre-re/pet_db.txt  |  124 ----
 db/re/pet_db.conf     | 1649 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 db/re/pet_db.txt      |  133 ----
 6 files changed, 3257 insertions(+), 309 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 db/pet_db2.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/pet_db2.txt
 create mode 100644 db/pre-re/pet_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/pre-re/pet_db.txt
 create mode 100644 db/re/pet_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/pet_db.txt

(limited to 'db')

diff --git a/db/pet_db2.conf b/db/pet_db2.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34a6130e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/pet_db2.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+//================= Hercules Database =====================================
+//=       _   _                     _
+//=      | | | |                   | |
+//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
+//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
+//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
+//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
+//================= License ===============================================
+//= This file is part of Hercules.
+//= -
+//= Copyright (C) 2018  Hercules Dev Team
+//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+//= (at your option) any later version.
+//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//= GNU General Public License for more details.
+//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+//= Pets Database
+ ************* Entry structure ********************************************
+ **************************************************************************
+	// ================ Mandatory fields ==============================
+	Id: ID                               (int)
+	SpriteName: "Sprite_Name"            (string)
+	Name: "Pet Name"                     (string)
+	// ================ Optional fields ===============================
+	TamingItem: Taming Item              (string, defaults to 0)
+	EggItem: Egg Id                      (string, defaults to 0)
+	AccessoryItem: Equipment Id          (string, defaults to 0)
+	FoodItem: Food Id                    (string, defaults to 0)
+	FoodEffectiveness: hunger points     (int, defaults to 0)
+	HungerDelay: hunger time             (int, defaults to 0)
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: start intimacy                   (int, defaults to 0)
+		FeedIncrement: feeding intimacy           (int, defaults to 0)
+		OverFeedDecrement: overfeeding intimacy   (int, defaults to 0)
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: owner die intimacy   (int, defaults to 0)
+	}
+	CaptureRate: capture rate            (int, defaults to 0)
+	Speed: speed                         (int, defaults to 0)
+	SpecialPerformance: true/false       (boolean, defaults to false)
+	TalkWithEmotes: convert talk         (boolean, defaults to false)
+	AttackRate: attack rate              (int, defaults to 0)
+	DefendRate: Defence attack           (int, defaults to 0)
+	ChangeTargetRate: change target      (int, defaults to 0)
+	PetScript: <" Pet Script (can also be multi-line) ">
+	EquipScript: <" Equip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
+	// entries in this file will override the ones in /(pre-)re/pet_db.conf
diff --git a/db/pet_db2.txt b/db/pet_db2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e9b26fd9..000000000
--- a/db/pet_db2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Pet Additional Database
-// Structure of Database:
-// MobID,Name,JName,LureID,EggID,EquipID,FoodID,Fullness,HungryDelay,R_Hungry,R_Full,Intimate,Die,Capture,Speed,S_Performance,talk_convert_class,attack_rate,defence_attack_rate,change_target_rate,pet_script,loyal_script
-// 01. MobID			Monster ID of the pet.
-// 02. Name			Name of the monster as defined in the database.
-// 03. JName			The display name of the monster when hatched.
-// 04. LureID			Pet Tame Item ID.
-// 05. EggID			Pet Egg ID.
-// 06. EquipID			Pet Accessory ID.
-// 07. FoodID			Pet Food ID.
-// 08. Fullness			The amount of hunger points increasing with each feeding.
-// 09. HungryDelay		The amount of time it takes for hunger to decrease after feeding. (Default: 60 seconds)
-// 10. R_Hungry			Amount of Intimacy that is increased when fed.
-// 11. R_Full			Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when over-fed.
-// 12. Intimate			Amount of Intimacy the pet starts with.
-// 13. Die			Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when the pet owner dies.
-// 14. Capture			Capture succes rate (10000 = 100%)
-// 15. Speed			Pet's walk speed. (Defaul: 150)
-// 16. S_Performance		Special Performance. (Yes = 1, No = 0)
-// 17. talk_convert_class	Disables pet talk (instead of talking they emote  with /!.)
-// 18. attack_rate			Rate of which the pet will attack (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy).
-// 19. defence_attack_rate	Rate of which the pet will retaliate when master is being attacked (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy).
-// 20. change_target_rate	Rate of which the pet will change its attack target.
-// 21. pet_script		Script to execute when the pet is hatched.
-// 22. loyal_script		Script to execute when the pet is hatched (requires at least pet_equip_min_friendly intimacy, independent of pet_script).
-//NOTE: The max value (100%) of attack_rate, defense_rate & change_target_rate is 10000.
-//In theory you can use any valid script, but it is run only once upon pet
-//loading, so it is recommended you use the specific pet scripts:
-//petskillattack skillid, skilllv, hits, rate, bonusrate
-//Skill attack that triggers while the pet is attacking. Rate is the base
-//chance of execution per attack. Bonusrate is an additional success rate when
-//intimacy reaches max. If hits is specified and different than 0, it will make
-//the pet cast the skill with a fixed amount of damage inflicted and the
-//specified number of hits. A value of zero uses the skill's defaults.
-//petskillsupport skillid, skilllv, delay, hp%, sp%
-//Casts a support skill when the health levels are below the specified hp% and
-//sp%. Delay is the minimum time in seconds before the skill can be cast again
-//petrecovery type, delay: Cures the "type" status effect after "delay" seconds
-//petskillbonus type, value, duration, delay
-//Gives bonus stats. Type is the stat to increase (bStr, bLuk), value is the
-//amount by which it is increased, duration signals how long the bonus lasts
-//delay is the time elapsed after the bonus ends and before it starts again.
-//A single pet can have petloot, petskillbonus, petskillattack and
-//petskillsupport at the same time, but only one of each.
diff --git a/db/pre-re/pet_db.conf b/db/pre-re/pet_db.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ce78e546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/pre-re/pet_db.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,1544 @@
+//================= Hercules Database =====================================
+//=       _   _                     _
+//=      | | | |                   | |
+//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
+//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
+//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
+//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
+//================= License ===============================================
+//= This file is part of Hercules.
+//= -
+//= Copyright (C) 2018  Hercules Dev Team
+//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+//= (at your option) any later version.
+//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//= GNU General Public License for more details.
+//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+//= Pets Database
+ ************* Entry structure ********************************************
+ **************************************************************************
+	// ================ Mandatory fields ==============================
+	Id: ID                               (int)
+	SpriteName: "Sprite_Name"            (string)
+	Name: "Pet Name"                     (string)
+	// ================ Optional fields ===============================
+	TamingItem: Taming Item              (string, defaults to 0)
+	EggItem: Egg Id                      (string, defaults to 0)
+	AccessoryItem: Equipment Id          (string, defaults to 0)
+	FoodItem: Food Id                    (string, defaults to 0)
+	FoodEffectiveness: hunger points     (int, defaults to 0)
+	HungerDelay: hunger time             (int, defaults to 0)
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: start intimacy                   (int, defaults to 0)
+		FeedIncrement: feeding intimacy           (int, defaults to 0)
+		OverFeedDecrement: overfeeding intimacy   (int, defaults to 0)
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: owner die intimacy   (int, defaults to 0)
+	}
+	CaptureRate: capture rate            (int, defaults to 0)
+	Speed: speed                         (int, defaults to 0)
+	SpecialPerformance: true/false       (boolean, defaults to false)
+	TalkWithEmotes: convert talk         (boolean, defaults to false)
+	AttackRate: attack rate              (int, defaults to 0)
+	DefendRate: Defence attack           (int, defaults to 0)
+	ChangeTargetRate: change target      (int, defaults to 0)
+	PetScript: <" Pet Script (can also be multi-line) ">
+	EquipScript: <" Equip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
+	Id: 1002
+	SpriteName: "PORING"
+	Name: "Poring"
+	TamingItem: "Unripe_Apple"
+	EggItem: "Poring_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Backpack"
+	FoodItem: "Apple_Juice"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 350
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petloot(10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bLuk, 2);
+		bonus(bCritical, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1011
+	SpriteName: "CHONCHON"
+	Name: "ChonChon"
+	TamingItem: "Rotten_Fish"
+	EggItem: "Chonchon_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Monster_Oxygen_Mask"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 250
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAgi, 4, 10, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bAgi, 1);
+		bonus(bFlee, 2);
+	">
+	Id: 1014
+	SpriteName: "SPORE"
+	Name: "Spore"
+	TamingItem: "Dew_Laden_Moss"
+	EggItem: "Spore_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Bark_Shorts"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 350
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 500
+	PetScript: <" petrecovery(SC_POISON, 60); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bHit, 5);
+		bonus(bAtk, -2);
+	">
+	Id: 1019
+	SpriteName: "PECOPECO"
+	Name: "PecoPeco"
+	TamingItem: "Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm"
+	EggItem: "PecoPeco_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Battered_Pot"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 400
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bSpeedRate, 25, 20, 20); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMaxHP, 150);
+		bonus(bMaxSP, -10);
+	">
+	Id: 1023
+	SpriteName: "ORK_WARRIOR"
+	Name: "Orc Warrior"
+	TamingItem: "Horror_Of_Tribe"
+	EggItem: "Orc_Warrior_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Wild_Flower"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 600
+	DefendRate: 200
+	ChangeTargetRate: 300
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_PIERCINGATT", 100, 1, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bAtk, 10);
+		bonus(bDef, -3);
+	">
+	Id: 1026
+	SpriteName: "MUNAK"
+	Name: "Munak"
+	TamingItem: "No_Recipient"
+	EggItem: "Munak_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Punisher"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 750
+	ChangeTargetRate: 300
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_DARKNESSATTACK", 444, 1, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bInt, 1);
+		bonus(bDef, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1029
+	SpriteName: "ISIS"
+	Name: "Isis"
+	TamingItem: "Armlet_Of_Obedience"
+	EggItem: "Isis_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Queens_Hair_Ornament"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 650
+	DefendRate: 450
+	ChangeTargetRate: 150
+	PetScript: <" petskillsupport("PR_MAGNIFICAT", 2, 60, 50, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMatkRate, -1);
+		bonus(bAtkRate, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1031
+	SpriteName: "POPORING"
+	Name: "Poporing"
+	TamingItem: "Bitter_Herb"
+	EggItem: "Poporing_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Backpack"
+	FoodItem: "Green_Herb"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 400
+	PetScript: <" petloot(15); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bLuk, 2);
+		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Poison, 10);
+	">
+	Id: 1035
+	SpriteName: "HUNTER_FLY"
+	Name: "Hunter Fly"
+	TamingItem: "Monster_Juice"
+	EggItem: "Hunter_Fly_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Monster_Oxygen_Mask"
+	FoodItem: "Red_Gemstone"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_WINDATTACK", 888, 2, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bFlee, -5);
+		bonus(bFlee2, 2);
+	">
+	Id: 1042
+	SpriteName: "STEEL_CHONCHON"
+	Name: "Steel ChonChon"
+	TamingItem: "Lusty_Iron"
+	EggItem: "Steel_Chonchon_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Monster_Oxygen_Mask"
+	FoodItem: "Iron_Ore"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAgiVit, 4, 20, 40); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bFlee, 6);
+		bonus(bAgi, -1);
+	">
+	Id: 1049
+	SpriteName: "PICKY"
+	Name: "Picky"
+	TamingItem: "Earthworm_The_Dude"
+	EggItem: "Picky_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Tiny_Egg_Shell"
+	FoodItem: "Red_Herb"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 40
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 600
+	ChangeTargetRate: 50
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bStr, 3, 10, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bStr, 1);
+		bonus(bAtk, 5);
+	">
+	Id: 1052
+	SpriteName: "ROCKER"
+	Name: "Rocker"
+	TamingItem: "Singing_Flower"
+	EggItem: "Rocker_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Rocker_Glasses"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 350
+	DefendRate: 350
+	ChangeTargetRate: 600
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAllStats, 1, 10, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bHPrecovRate, 5);
+		bonus(bMaxHP, 25);
+	">
+	Id: 1056
+	SpriteName: "SMOKIE"
+	Name: "Smokie"
+	TamingItem: "Baked_Yam"
+	EggItem: "Smokie_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Red_Muffler"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 600
+	DefendRate: 600
+	ChangeTargetRate: 100
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bPerfectHide, 1, 3600, 0); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bAgi, 1);
+		bonus(bFlee2, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1057
+	SpriteName: "YOYO"
+	Name: "Yoyo"
+	TamingItem: "Tropical_Banana"
+	EggItem: "Yoyo_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Monkey_Circlet"
+	FoodItem: "Banana_Juice"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 800
+	ChangeTargetRate: 400
+	PetScript: <" petloot(20); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bCritical, 3);
+		bonus(bLuk, -1);
+	">
+	Id: 1063
+	SpriteName: "LUNATIC"
+	Name: "Lunatic"
+	TamingItem: "Rainbow_Carrot"
+	EggItem: "Lunatic_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Silk_Ribbon"
+	FoodItem: "Carrot_Juice"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 40
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 1000
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bLuk, 3, 10, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bCritical, 2);
+		bonus(bAtk, 2);
+	">
+	Id: 1077
+	SpriteName: "POISON_SPORE"
+	Name: "Poison Spore"
+	TamingItem: "Deadly_Noxious_Herb"
+	EggItem: "Poison_Spore_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Bark_Shorts"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 600
+	DefendRate: 200
+	ChangeTargetRate: 400
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_POISON", 20, 0, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bStr, 1);
+		bonus(bInt, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1101
+	SpriteName: "BAPHOMET_"
+	Name: "Baphomet Jr."
+	TamingItem: "Book_Of_Devil"
+	EggItem: "Bapho_Jr_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Skull_Helm"
+	FoodItem: "Honey"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 1000
+	DefendRate: 100
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_DARKNESSATTACK", 1776, 4, 0, 5); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bDef, 1);
+		bonus(bMdef, 1);
+		bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Stun, -100);
+	">
+	Id: 1107
+	SpriteName: "DESERT_WOLF_B"
+	Name: "Baby Desert Wolf"
+	TamingItem: "Well_Dried_Bone"
+	EggItem: "Baby_Desert_Wolf_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Transparent_Headgear"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 40
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 400
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 400
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("SM_PROVOKE", 1, 0, 0, 5);">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bInt, 1);
+		bonus(bMaxSP, 50);
+	">
+	Id: 1109
+	SpriteName: "DEVIRUCHI"
+	Name: "Deviruchi"
+	TamingItem: "Contracts_In_Shadow"
+	EggItem: "Deviruchi_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Pacifier"
+	FoodItem: "Shoot"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 800
+	DefendRate: 200
+	ChangeTargetRate: 100
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAgiDexStr, 6, 20, 40); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMatkRate, 1);
+		bonus(bAtkRate, 1);
+		bonus(bMaxHPrate, -3);
+		bonus(bMaxSPrate, -3);
+	">
+	Id: 1110
+	SpriteName: "DOKEBI"
+	Name: "Dokebi"
+	TamingItem: "Old_Broom"
+	EggItem: "Dokkaebi_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Wig"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("BS_HAMMERFALL", 1, 0, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMatkRate, 1);
+		bonus(bAtkRate, -1);
+	">
+	Id: 1113
+	SpriteName: "DROPS"
+	Name: "Drops"
+	TamingItem: "Orange_Juice"
+	EggItem: "Drops_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Backpack"
+	FoodItem: "Yellow_Herb"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 40
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 500
+	PetScript: <" petloot(10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bHit, 3);
+		bonus(bAtk, 3);
+	">
+	Id: 1155
+	SpriteName: "PETIT"
+	Name: "Petite"
+	TamingItem: "Shining_Stone"
+	EggItem: "Green_Petite_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Stellar_Hairpin"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 800
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 100
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("WZ_HEAVENDRIVE", 500, 1, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bDef, -2);
+		bonus(bMdef, -2);
+		bonus(bAspdRate, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1167
+	SpriteName: "SAVAGE_BABE"
+	Name: "Savage Babe"
+	TamingItem: "Sweet_Milk"
+	EggItem: "Savage_Bebe_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Green_Lace"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 40
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bVit, 4, 10, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bVit, 1);
+		bonus(bMaxHP, 50);
+	">
+	Id: 1170
+	SpriteName: "SOHEE"
+	Name: "Sohee"
+	TamingItem: "Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste"
+	EggItem: "Sohee_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Golden_Bell"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 100
+	DefendRate: 1000
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillsupport(AL_HEAL, 10, 60, 33, 100); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bStr, 1);
+		bonus(bDex, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1188
+	SpriteName: "BON_GUN"
+	Name: "Bon Gun"
+	TamingItem: "Heart_Of_Her"
+	EggItem: "Bongun_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Sword_Of_Grave_Keeper"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 600
+	DefendRate: 200
+	ChangeTargetRate: 400
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_DARKNESSATTACK", 555, 1, 1, 1); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bVit, 1);
+		bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Stun, 100);
+	">
+	Id: 1200
+	SpriteName: "ZHERLTHSH"
+	Name: "Zealotus"
+	TamingItem: "Prohibition_Red_Candle"
+	EggItem: "Zherlthsh_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Immortal_Heart"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 300
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 1000
+	DefendRate: 100
+	ChangeTargetRate: 500
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("AS_SONICBLOW", 1, 0, 0, 3); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus2(bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 2);
+		bonus2(bMagicAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 2);
+	">
+	Id: 1245
+	SpriteName: "GOBLINE_XMAS"
+	Name: "Christmas Goblin"
+	TamingItem: "Sweet_Candy_Striper"
+	EggItem: "Santa_Goblin_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Scell"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("MG_SIGHT", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMaxHP, 30);
+		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Water, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1275
+	SpriteName: "ALICE"
+	Name: "Alice"
+	TamingItem: "Sway_Apron"
+	EggItem: "Alice_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "White_Potion"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 100
+	DefendRate: 1000
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillsupport("AL_HEAL", 5, 60, 25, 100); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMdef, 1);
+		bonus2(bSubRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 1);
+	">
+// New Pets
+	Id: 1122
+	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_1"
+	Name: "Goblin"
+	TamingItem: "Knife_Goblin_Ring"
+	EggItem: "Knife_Goblin_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Green_Apple"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_WINDATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1123
+	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_2"
+	Name: "Goblin"
+	TamingItem: "Flail_Goblin_Ring"
+	EggItem: "Flail_Goblin_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Green_Apple"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_FIREATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1125
+	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_4"
+	Name: "Goblin"
+	TamingItem: "Hammer_Goblin_Ring"
+	EggItem: "Hammer_Goblin_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Green_Apple"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_GROUNDATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1208
+	SpriteName: "WANDER_MAN"
+	Name: "Wanderer"
+	TamingItem: "Skull_Of_Vagabond"
+	EggItem: "Wanderer_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Spirit_Liquor"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_UNDEADATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1382
+	SpriteName: "DIABOLIC"
+	Name: "Diabolic"
+	TamingItem: "Red_Burning_Stone"
+	EggItem: "Diabolic_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Meat_Veg_Skewer"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("WZ_METEOR", 2, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1385
+	SpriteName: "DELETER_"
+	Name: "Deleter"
+	TamingItem: "Holy_Marble"
+	EggItem: "Red_Deleter_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Whole_Barbecue"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("SM_MAGNUM", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1879
+	SpriteName: "ECLIPSE_P"
+	Name: "Spring Rabbit"
+	EggItem: "Spring_Rabbit_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Bok_Choy"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("TF_THROWSTONE", 1, 0, 5, 5); ">
+// Episode 12
+	Id: 1963
+	SpriteName: "P_CHUNG_E"
+	Name: "New Year Doll"
+	EggItem: "New_Year_Doll_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Mojji"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("CR_SHIELDCHARGE", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+// Episode 13
+	Id: 1815
+	SpriteName: "EVENT_RICECAKE"
+	Name: "Rice Cake"
+	EggItem: "Rice_Cake_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Green_Herb"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillsupport("CR_DEFENDER", 3, 240, 50, 100); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Neutral, 1);
+		bonus(bMaxHPrate, -1);
+	">
+	Id: 2210
+	SpriteName: "XMAS_LUNATIC"
+	Name: "Christmas Snow Rabbit"
+	EggItem: "Snow_Rabbit_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Candy"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bExpAddRace, RC_All, 5); ">
+// Episode 13.2
+	Id: 1040
+	SpriteName: "GOLEM"
+	Name: "Golem"
+	TamingItem: "Magical_Lithography"
+	EggItem: "Golem_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Windup_Spring"
+	FoodItem: "Mystic_Stone"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMaxHP, 100);
+		bonus(bFlee, -5);
+	">
+	Id: 1143
+	SpriteName: "MARIONETTE"
+	Name: "Marionette"
+	TamingItem: "Delicious_Shaved_Ice"
+	EggItem: "Marionette_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Star_Hairband"
+	FoodItem: "Small_Snow_Flower"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus(bSPrecovRate, 3); ">
+	Id: 1148
+	SpriteName: "MEDUSA"
+	Name: "Medusa"
+	TamingItem: "Splendid_Mirror"
+	EggItem: "Medusa_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Queens_Coronet"
+	FoodItem: "Apple_Pudding"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bVit, 1);
+		bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Stone, 500);
+	">
+	Id: 1179
+	SpriteName: "WHISPER"
+	Name: "Whisper"
+	TamingItem: "Fit_Pipe"
+	EggItem: "Whisper_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Spirit_Chain_"
+	FoodItem: "Damp_Darkness"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bFlee, 7);
+		bonus(bDef, -3);
+	">
+	Id: 1299
+	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_LEADER"
+	Name: "Goblin Leader"
+	TamingItem: "Staff_Of_Leader"
+	EggItem: "Goblin_Leader_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Nice_Badge"
+	FoodItem: "Big_Cell"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 50
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 3); ">
+	Id: 1370
+	SpriteName: "SUCCUBUS"
+	Name: "Succubus"
+	TamingItem: "Boys_Naivety"
+	EggItem: "Succubus_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Black_Butterfly_Mask"
+	FoodItem: "Vital_Flower_"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bHPDrainRate, 50, 5); ">
+	Id: 1374
+	SpriteName: "INCUBUS"
+	Name: "Incubus"
+	TamingItem: "Grils_Naivety"
+	EggItem: "Incubus_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Ball_Mask"
+	FoodItem: "Vital_Flower"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 50
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus(bMaxSPrate, 3); ">
+	Id: 1379
+	Name: "Nightmare Terror"
+	TamingItem: "Hell_Contract"
+	EggItem: "Nightmare_Terror_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Hell_Horn"
+	FoodItem: "Fresh_Plant"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Sleep, 10000); ">
+	Id: 1401
+	SpriteName: "SHINOBI"
+	Name: "Shinobi"
+	TamingItem: "Kuloren"
+	EggItem: "Shinobi_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Wine_On_Sleeve"
+	FoodItem: "Grilled_Rice_Cake"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus(bAgi, 2); ">
+	Id: 1404
+	SpriteName: "MIYABI_NINGYO"
+	Name: "Miyabi Doll"
+	TamingItem: "Gril_Doll"
+	EggItem: "Miyabi_Ningyo_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Summer_Fan"
+	FoodItem: "Well_Ripened_Berry"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 15
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bInt, 1);
+		bonus(bCastrate, -3);
+	">
+	Id: 1416
+	SpriteName: "WICKED_NYMPH"
+	Name: "Evil Nymph"
+	TamingItem: "Charming_Lotus"
+	EggItem: "Wicked_Nymph_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Jade_Trinket"
+	FoodItem: "Morning_Dew"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 15
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMaxSP, 30);
+		bonus(bSPrecovRate, 5);
+	">
+	Id: 1495
+	SpriteName: "STONE_SHOOTER"
+	Name: "Stone Shooter"
+	TamingItem: "Oilpalm_Coconut"
+	EggItem: "Stone_Shooter_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Apro_Hair"
+	FoodItem: "Plant_Neutrient"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Fire, 3); ">
+	Id: 1504
+	SpriteName: "DULLAHAN"
+	Name: "Dullahan"
+	TamingItem: "Luxury_Whisky_Bottle"
+	EggItem: "Dullahan_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Death_Coil"
+	FoodItem: "Sunset_On_The_Rock"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus(bCritAtkRate, 5); ">
+	Id: 1505
+	SpriteName: "LOLI_RURI"
+	Name: "Loli Ruri"
+	TamingItem: "Very_Red_Juice"
+	EggItem: "Loli_Ruri_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Fashionable_Glasses"
+	FoodItem: "Pumpkin_Pie_"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 15
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMaxHPrate, 3);
+		bonus3(bAutoSpellWhenHit, "AL_HEAL", 1, 50);
+	">
+	Id: 1513
+	SpriteName: "CIVIL_SERVANT"
+	Name: "Mao Guai"
+	TamingItem: "Fan_Of_Wind"
+	EggItem: "Civil_Servant_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Golden_Earing"
+	FoodItem: "Flavored_Alcohol"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus(bMaxSP, 10); ">
+	Id: 1519
+	SpriteName: "CHUNG_E"
+	Name: "Green Maiden"
+	TamingItem: "Tantanmen"
+	EggItem: "Chung_E_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Bun_"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("CR_SHIELDCHARGE", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bDef, 1);
+		bonus2(bSubRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1586
+	SpriteName: "LEAF_CAT"
+	Name: "Leaf Cat"
+	TamingItem: "Very_Soft_Plant"
+	EggItem: "Leaf_Cat_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Green_Lucky_Bag"
+	FoodItem: "Fish_With_Blue_Back"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus2(bSubRace, RC_Brute, 3);
+	">
+	Id: 1630
+	SpriteName: "BACSOJIN_"
+	Name: "White Lady"
+	TamingItem: "Shiny_Wing_Gown"
+	EggItem: "Bacsojin_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Round_Hair_Ornament"
+	FoodItem: "Traditional_Cookie"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	Id: 1837
+	SpriteName: "IMP"
+	Name: "Fire Imp"
+	TamingItem: "Flaming_Ice"
+	EggItem: "Imp_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Horn_Protector"
+	FoodItem: "Flame_Gemstone"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Fire, 2);
+		bonus2(bAddEle, Ele_Fire, 2);
+	">
+// Episode 13.2 Brasilis
+	Id: 2057
+	SpriteName: "E_CRAMP"
+	Name: "Strange Cramp"
+	TamingItem: "Leaf_Cat_Ball"
+	EggItem: "Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball"
+	CaptureRate: 50
+	AttackRate: 350
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	Id: 2081
+	SpriteName: "E_HYDRA"
+	Name: "Strange Hydra"
+	TamingItem: "Leaf_Cat_Ball"
+	EggItem: "Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball"
+	CaptureRate: 50
+	AttackRate: 350
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
diff --git a/db/pre-re/pet_db.txt b/db/pre-re/pet_db.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c0f3a3e91..000000000
--- a/db/pre-re/pet_db.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// Pet Database
-// Structure of Database:
-// MobID,Name,JName,LureID,EggID,EquipID,FoodID,Fullness,HungryDelay,R_Hungry,R_Full,Intimate,Die,Capture,Speed,S_Performance,talk_convert_class,attack_rate,defence_attack_rate,change_target_rate,pet_script,loyal_script
-// 01. MobID			Monster ID of the pet.
-// 02. Name			Name of the monster as defined in the database.
-// 03. JName			The display name of the monster when hatched.
-// 04. LureID			Pet Tame Item ID.
-// 05. EggID			Pet Egg ID.
-// 06. EquipID			Pet Accessory ID.
-// 07. FoodID			Pet Food ID.
-// 08. Fullness			The amount of hunger points increasing with each feeding.
-// 09. HungryDelay		The amount of time it takes for hunger to decrease after feeding. (Default: 60 seconds)
-// 10. R_Hungry			Amount of Intimacy that is increased when fed.
-// 11. R_Full			Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when over-fed.
-// 12. Intimate			Amount of Intimacy the pet starts with.
-// 13. Die			Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when the pet owner dies.
-// 14. Capture			Capture succes rate (10000 = 100%)
-// 15. Speed			Pet's walk speed. (Defaul: 150)
-// 16. S_Performance		Special Performance. (Yes = 1, No = 0)
-// 17. talk_convert_class	Disables pet talk (instead of talking they emote  with /!.)
-// 18. attack_rate			Rate of which the pet will attack (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy).
-// 19. defence_attack_rate	Rate of which the pet will retaliate when master is being attacked (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy).
-// 20. change_target_rate	Rate of which the pet will change its attack target.
-// 21. pet_script		Script to execute when the pet is hatched.
-// 22. loyal_script		Script to execute when the pet is hatched (requires at least pet_equip_min_friendly intimacy, independent of pet_script).
-// NOTE: The max value (100%) of attack_rate, defense_rate & change_target_rate is 10000.
-// In theory you can use any valid script, but it is run only once upon pet
-// loading, so it is recommended you use the specific pet scripts:
-// petskillattack skillid, skilllv, hits, rate, bonusrate Skill attack that
-// triggers while the pet is attacking. Rate is the base chance of execution
-// per attack. Bonusrate is an additional success rate when intimacy reaches
-// max. If hits is specified and different than 0, it will make the pet cast
-// the skill with a fixed amount of damage inflicted and the specified number
-// of hits. A value of zero uses the skill's defaults.
-// petskillsupport skillid, skilllv, delay, hp%, sp% Casts a support skill when
-// the health levels are below the specified hp% and sp%. Delay is the minimum
-// time in seconds before the skill can be cast again
-// petrecovery type, delay: Cures the "type" status effect after "delay"
-// seconds
-// petskillbonus type, value, duration, delay Gives bonus stats. Type is the
-// stat to increase (bStr, bLuk), value is the amount by which it is increased,
-// duration signals how long the bonus lasts delay is the time elapsed after
-// the bonus ends and before it starts again.
-// A single pet can have petloot, petskillbonus, petskillattack and
-// petskillsupport at the same time, but only one of each.
-// Core
-1002,PORING,Poring,619,9001,10013,531,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus bCritical,1; }
-1011,CHONCHON,ChonChon,624,9006,10002,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1500,150,1,0,500,500,250,{ petskillbonus bAgi,4,10,50; },{ bonus bAgi,1; bonus bFlee,2; }
-1014,SPORE,Spore,630,9012,10017,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,350,500,500,{ petrecovery SC_POISON,60; },{ bonus bHit,5; bonus bAtk,-2; }
-1019,PECOPECO,PecoPeco,632,9014,10010,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,400,500,800,{ petskillbonus bSpeedRate,25,20,20; },{ bonus bMaxHP,150; bonus bMaxSP,-10; }
-1023,ORK_WARRIOR,Orc Warrior,635,9017,10009,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,1,0,600,200,300,{ petskillattack "NPC_PIERCINGATT",100,1,0,10; },{ bonus bAtk,10; bonus bDef,-3; }
-1026,MUNAK,Munak,636,9018,10008,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,750,300,{ petskillattack "NPC_DARKNESSATTACK",444,1,0,10; },{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bDef,1; }
-1029,ISIS,Isis,639,9021,10006,537,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,650,450,150,{ petskillsupport "PR_MAGNIFICAT",2,60,50,50; },{ bonus bMatkRate,-1; bonus bAtkRate,1; }
-1031,POPORING,Poporing,621,9003,10013,511,80,60,30,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,300,500,400,{ petloot 15; },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,10; }
-1035,HUNTER_FLY,Hunter Fly,626,9008,10002,716,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,1,0,500,500,200,{ petskillattack "NPC_WINDATTACK",888,2,0,10; },{ bonus bFlee,-5; bonus bFlee2,2; }
-1042,STEEL_CHONCHON,Steel ChonChon,625,9007,10002,1002,80,60,20,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,500,500,200,{ petskillbonus bAgiVit,4,20,40; },{ bonus bFlee,6; bonus bAgi,-1; }
-1049,PICKY,Picky,623,9005,10012,507,80,60,40,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,500,600,50,{ petskillbonus bStr,3,10,50;},{ bonus bStr,1; bonus bAtk,5; }
-1052,ROCKER,Rocker,629,9011,10014,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,350,350,600,{ petskillbonus bAllStats,1,10,50; },{ bonus bHPrecovRate,5; bonus bMaxHP,25; }
-1056,SMOKIE,Smokie,633,9015,10019,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,600,600,100,{ petskillbonus bPerfectHide,1,3600,0; },{ bonus bAgi,1; bonus bFlee2,1; }
-1057,YOYO,Yoyo,634,9016,10018,532,80,60,20,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,300,800,400,{ petloot 20; },{ bonus bCritical,3; bonus bLuk,-1; }
-1063,LUNATIC,Lunatic,622,9004,10007,534,80,60,40,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,300,300,1000,{ petskillbonus bLuk,3,10,50; },{ bonus bCritical,2; bonus bAtk,2; }
-1077,POISON_SPORE,Poison Spore,631,9013,10017,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,1000,150,0,0,600,200,400,{ petskillattack "NPC_POISON",20,0,0,10; },{ bonus bStr,1; bonus bInt,1; }
-1101,BAPHOMET_,Baphomet Jr.,642,9024,10001,518,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,1000,100,200,{ petskillattack "NPC_DARKNESSATTACK",1776,4,0,5; },{ bonus bDef,1; bonus bMdef,1; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,-100; }
-1107,DESERT_WOLF_B,Baby Desert Wolf,628,9010,10003,537,80,60,40,100,250,20,1000,150,0,0,400,400,400,{ petskillattack "SM_PROVOKE",1,0,0,5;},{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bMaxSP,50; }
-1109,DEVIRUCHI,Deviruchi,641,9023,10004,711,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,800,200,100,{ petskillbonus bAgiDexStr,6,20,40; },{ bonus bMatkRate,1; bonus bAtkRate,1; bonus bMaxHPrate,-3; bonus bMaxSPrate,-3; }
-1110,DOKEBI,Dokebi,637,9019,10005,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "BS_HAMMERFALL",1,0,0,10; },{ bonus bMatkRate,1; bonus bAtkRate,-1; }
-1113,DROPS,Drops,620,9002,10013,508,80,60,40,100,250,20,1500,150,1,0,300,400,500,{ petloot 10; },{ bonus bHit,3; bonus bAtk,3; }
-1155,PETIT,Petite,640,9022,10011,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,800,400,100,{ petskillattack "WZ_HEAVENDRIVE",500,1,0,10; },{ bonus bDef,-2; bonus bMdef,-2; bonus bAspdRate,1; }
-1167,SAVAGE_BABE,Savage Babe,627,9009,10015,537,80,60,40,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,500,500,200,{ petskillbonus bVit,4,10,50; },{ bonus bVit,1; bonus bMaxHP,50; }
-1170,SOHEE,Sohee,638,9020,10016,537,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,100,1000,200,{ petskillsupport AL_HEAL,10,60,33,100; },{ bonus bStr,1; bonus bDex,1; }
-1188,BON_GUN,Bon Gun,659,9025,10020,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,500,150,1,0,600,200,400,{ petskillattack "NPC_DARKNESSATTACK",555,1,1,1; },{ bonus bVit,1; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,100; }
-1200,ZHERLTHSH,Zealotus,660,9026,0,929,80,60,10,100,250,20,300,150,0,0,1000,100,500,{ petskillattack "AS_SONICBLOW",1,0,0,3; },{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,2; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,2; }
-1245,GOBLINE_XMAS,Christmas Goblin,12225,9029,0,911,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "MG_SIGHT",5,0,5,5; },{ bonus bMaxHP,30; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,1; }
-1275,ALICE,Alice,661,9027,0,504,80,60,20,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,100,1000,200,{ petskillsupport "AL_HEAL",5,60,25,100; },{ bonus bMdef,1; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1; }
-// New Pets
-1122,GOBLIN_1,Goblin,14569,9032,0,7821,80,60,50,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "NPC_WINDATTACK",5,0,5,5; },{}
-1123,GOBLIN_2,Goblin,14570,9033,0,7821,80,60,50,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "NPC_FIREATTACK",5,0,5,5; },{}
-1125,GOBLIN_4,Goblin,14571,9034,0,7821,80,60,50,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "NPC_GROUNDATTACK",5,0,5,5; },{}
-1208,WANDER_MAN,Wanderer,14574,9037,0,7824,80,60,20,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "NPC_UNDEADATTACK",5,0,5,5; },{}
-1382,DIABOLIC,Diabolic,14573,9036,0,7823,80,60,10,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "WZ_METEOR",2,0,5,5; },{}
-1385,DELETER_,Deleter,14572,9035,0,7822,80,60,20,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "SM_MAGNUM",5,0,5,5; },{}
-1879,ECLIPSE_P,Spring Rabbit,0,9031,0,7766,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "TF_THROWSTONE",1,0,5,5; },{}
-// Episode 12
-1963,P_CHUNG_E,New Year Doll,0,9038,0,554,80,60,30,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "CR_SHIELDCHARGE",5,0,5,5; },{}
-// Episode 13
-1815,EVENT_RICECAKE,Rice Cake,0,9028,0,511,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,500,500,200,{ petskillsupport "CR_DEFENDER",3,240,50,100; },{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,1; bonus bMaxHPrate,-1; }
-2210,XMAS_LUNATIC,Christmas Snow Rabbit,0,9058,0,529,80,60,10,100,250,20,0,150,1,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,5; }
-// Episode 13.2
-1040,GOLEM,Golem,12371,9053,10035,6111,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bMaxHP,100; bonus bFlee,-5; }
-1143,MARIONETTE,Marionette,12361,9043,10025,6098,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bSPrecovRate,3; }
-1148,MEDUSA,Medusa,12368,9050,10032,6108,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bVit,1; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,500; }
-1179,WHISPER,Whisper,12363,9045,10027,6100,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bFlee,7; bonus bDef,-3; }
-1299,GOBLIN_LEADER,Goblin Leader,12364,9046,10028,6104,80,60,10,100,250,20,50,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,3; }
-1370,SUCCUBUS,Succubus,12373,9055,10037,6113,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bHPDrainRate,50,5; }
-1374,INCUBUS,Incubus,12370,9052,10034,6110,80,60,10,100,250,20,50,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bMaxSPrate,3; }
-1379,NIGHTMARE_TERROR,Nightmare Terror,12372,9054,10036,6112,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,10000; }
-1401,SHINOBI,Shinobi,12362,9044,10026,6099,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bAgi,2; }
-1404,MIYABI_NINGYO,Miyabi Doll,12366,9048,10030,6106,80,60,15,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bCastrate,-3; }
-1416,WICKED_NYMPH,Evil Nymph,12365,9047,10029,6105,80,60,15,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bMaxSP,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,5; }
-1495,STONE_SHOOTER,Stone Shooter,12369,9051,10033,6109,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,3; }
-1504,DULLAHAN,Dullahan,12367,9049,10031,6107,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bCritAtkRate,5; }
-1505,LOLI_RURI,Loli Ruri,12360,9042,10024,6097,80,60,15,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bMaxHPrate,3; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_HEAL",1,50; }
-1513,CIVIL_SERVANT,Mao Guai,12358,9040,10022,6095,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bMaxSP,10; }
-1519,CHUNG_E,Green Maiden,12395,9030,0,6115,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "CR_SHIELDCHARGE",5,0,5,5; },{ bonus bDef,1; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1; }
-1586,LEAF_CAT,Leaf Cat,12359,9041,10023,6096,80,60,20,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,3; }
-1630,BACSOJIN_,White Lady,12357,9039,10021,6094,80,60,10,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{}
-1837,IMP,Fire Imp,12374,9056,10038,6114,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,2; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,2; }
-// Episode 13.2 Brasilis
-2057,E_CRAMP,Strange Cramp,12408,6221,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50,0,0,0,350,400,800,{},{} // kRO version
-2081,E_HYDRA,Strange Hydra,12408,6221,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50,0,0,0,350,400,800,{},{} // iRO/cRO version
diff --git a/db/re/pet_db.conf b/db/re/pet_db.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d6083e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/re/pet_db.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,1649 @@
+//================= Hercules Database =====================================
+//=       _   _                     _
+//=      | | | |                   | |
+//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
+//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
+//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
+//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
+//================= License ===============================================
+//= This file is part of Hercules.
+//= -
+//= Copyright (C) 2018  Hercules Dev Team
+//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+//= (at your option) any later version.
+//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//= GNU General Public License for more details.
+//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+//= Pets Database
+ ************* Entry structure ********************************************
+ **************************************************************************
+	// ================ Mandatory fields ==============================
+	Id: ID                               (int)
+	SpriteName: "Sprite_Name"            (string)
+	Name: "Pet Name"                     (string)
+	// ================ Optional fields ===============================
+	TamingItem: Taming Item              (string, defaults to 0)
+	EggItem: Egg Id                      (string, defaults to 0)
+	AccessoryItem: Equipment Id          (string, defaults to 0)
+	FoodItem: Food Id                    (string, defaults to 0)
+	FoodEffectiveness: hunger points     (int, defaults to 0)
+	HungerDelay: hunger time             (int, defaults to 0)
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: start intimacy                   (int, defaults to 0)
+		FeedIncrement: feeding intimacy           (int, defaults to 0)
+		OverFeedDecrement: overfeeding intimacy   (int, defaults to 0)
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: owner die intimacy   (int, defaults to 0)
+	}
+	CaptureRate: capture rate            (int, defaults to 0)
+	Speed: speed                         (int, defaults to 0)
+	SpecialPerformance: true/false       (boolean, defaults to false)
+	TalkWithEmotes: convert talk         (boolean, defaults to false)
+	AttackRate: attack rate              (int, defaults to 0)
+	DefendRate: Defence attack           (int, defaults to 0)
+	ChangeTargetRate: change target      (int, defaults to 0)
+	PetScript: <" Pet Script (can also be multi-line) ">
+	EquipScript: <" Equip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
+	Id: 1002
+	SpriteName: "PORING"
+	Name: "Poring"
+	TamingItem: "Unripe_Apple"
+	EggItem: "Poring_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Backpack"
+	FoodItem: "Apple_Juice"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 350
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petloot(10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bLuk, 2);
+		bonus(bCritical, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1011
+	SpriteName: "CHONCHON"
+	Name: "ChonChon"
+	TamingItem: "Rotten_Fish"
+	EggItem: "Chonchon_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Monster_Oxygen_Mask"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 250
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAgi, 4, 10, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bAgi, 1);
+		bonus(bFlee, 2);
+	">
+	Id: 1014
+	SpriteName: "SPORE"
+	Name: "Spore"
+	TamingItem: "Dew_Laden_Moss"
+	EggItem: "Spore_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Bark_Shorts"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 350
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 500
+	PetScript: <" petrecovery(SC_POISON, 60); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bHit, 5);
+		bonus(bAtk, -2);
+	">
+	Id: 1019
+	SpriteName: "PECOPECO"
+	Name: "PecoPeco"
+	TamingItem: "Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm"
+	EggItem: "PecoPeco_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Battered_Pot"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 400
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bSpeedRate, 25, 20, 20); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMaxHP, 150);
+		bonus(bMaxSP, -10);
+	">
+	Id: 1023
+	SpriteName: "ORK_WARRIOR"
+	Name: "Orc Warrior"
+	TamingItem: "Horror_Of_Tribe"
+	EggItem: "Orc_Warrior_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Wild_Flower"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 600
+	DefendRate: 200
+	ChangeTargetRate: 300
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_PIERCINGATT", 100, 1, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bAtk, 10);
+		bonus(bDef, -3);
+	">
+	Id: 1026
+	SpriteName: "MUNAK"
+	Name: "Munak"
+	TamingItem: "No_Recipient"
+	EggItem: "Munak_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Punisher"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 750
+	ChangeTargetRate: 300
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_DARKNESSATTACK", 444, 1, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bInt, 1);
+		bonus(bDef, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1029
+	SpriteName: "ISIS"
+	Name: "Isis"
+	TamingItem: "Armlet_Of_Obedience"
+	EggItem: "Isis_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Queens_Hair_Ornament"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 650
+	DefendRate: 450
+	ChangeTargetRate: 150
+	PetScript: <" petskillsupport("PR_MAGNIFICAT", 2, 60, 50, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMatkRate, -1);
+		bonus(bAtkRate, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1031
+	SpriteName: "POPORING"
+	Name: "Poporing"
+	TamingItem: "Bitter_Herb"
+	EggItem: "Poporing_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Backpack"
+	FoodItem: "Green_Herb"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 400
+	PetScript: <" petloot(15); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bLuk, 2);
+		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Poison, 10);
+	">
+	Id: 1035
+	SpriteName: "HUNTER_FLY"
+	Name: "Hunter Fly"
+	TamingItem: "Monster_Juice"
+	EggItem: "Hunter_Fly_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Monster_Oxygen_Mask"
+	FoodItem: "Red_Gemstone"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_WINDATTACK", 888, 2, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bFlee, -5);
+		bonus(bFlee2, 2);
+	">
+	Id: 1042
+	SpriteName: "STEEL_CHONCHON"
+	Name: "Steel ChonChon"
+	TamingItem: "Lusty_Iron"
+	EggItem: "Steel_Chonchon_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Monster_Oxygen_Mask"
+	FoodItem: "Iron_Ore"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAgiVit, 4, 20, 40); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bFlee, 6);
+		bonus(bAgi, -1);
+	">
+	Id: 1049
+	SpriteName: "PICKY"
+	Name: "Picky"
+	TamingItem: "Earthworm_The_Dude"
+	EggItem: "Picky_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Tiny_Egg_Shell"
+	FoodItem: "Red_Herb"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 40
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 600
+	ChangeTargetRate: 50
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bStr, 3, 10, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bStr, 1);
+		bonus(bAtk, 5);
+	">
+	Id: 1052
+	SpriteName: "ROCKER"
+	Name: "Rocker"
+	TamingItem: "Singing_Flower"
+	EggItem: "Rocker_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Rocker_Glasses"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 350
+	DefendRate: 350
+	ChangeTargetRate: 600
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAllStats, 1, 10, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bHPrecovRate, 5);
+		bonus(bMaxHP, 25);
+	">
+	Id: 1056
+	SpriteName: "SMOKIE"
+	Name: "Smokie"
+	TamingItem: "Baked_Yam"
+	EggItem: "Smokie_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Red_Muffler"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 600
+	DefendRate: 600
+	ChangeTargetRate: 100
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bPerfectHide, 1, 3600, 0); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bAgi, 1);
+		bonus(bFlee2, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1057
+	SpriteName: "YOYO"
+	Name: "Yoyo"
+	TamingItem: "Tropical_Banana"
+	EggItem: "Yoyo_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Monkey_Circlet"
+	FoodItem: "Banana_Juice"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 800
+	ChangeTargetRate: 400
+	PetScript: <" petloot(20); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bCritical, 3);
+		bonus(bLuk, -1);
+	">
+	Id: 1063
+	SpriteName: "LUNATIC"
+	Name: "Lunatic"
+	TamingItem: "Rainbow_Carrot"
+	EggItem: "Lunatic_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Silk_Ribbon"
+	FoodItem: "Carrot_Juice"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 40
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 1000
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bLuk, 3, 10, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bCritical, 2);
+		bonus(bAtk, 2);
+	">
+	Id: 1077
+	SpriteName: "POISON_SPORE"
+	Name: "Poison Spore"
+	TamingItem: "Deadly_Noxious_Herb"
+	EggItem: "Poison_Spore_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Bark_Shorts"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 600
+	DefendRate: 200
+	ChangeTargetRate: 400
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_POISON", 20, 0, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bStr, 1);
+		bonus(bInt, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1101
+	SpriteName: "BAPHOMET_"
+	Name: "Baphomet Jr."
+	TamingItem: "Book_Of_Devil"
+	EggItem: "Bapho_Jr_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Skull_Helm"
+	FoodItem: "Honey"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 1000
+	DefendRate: 100
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_DARKNESSATTACK", 1776, 4, 0, 5); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bDef, 1);
+		bonus(bMdef, 1);
+		bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Stun, -100);
+	">
+	Id: 1107
+	SpriteName: "DESERT_WOLF_B"
+	Name: "Baby Desert Wolf"
+	TamingItem: "Well_Dried_Bone"
+	EggItem: "Baby_Desert_Wolf_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Transparent_Headgear"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 40
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 400
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 400
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("SM_PROVOKE", 1, 0, 0, 5);">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bInt, 1);
+		bonus(bMaxSP, 50);
+	">
+	Id: 1109
+	SpriteName: "DEVIRUCHI"
+	Name: "Deviruchi"
+	TamingItem: "Contracts_In_Shadow"
+	EggItem: "Deviruchi_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Pacifier"
+	FoodItem: "Shoot"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 800
+	DefendRate: 200
+	ChangeTargetRate: 100
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAgiDexStr, 6, 20, 40); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMatkRate, 1);
+		bonus(bAtkRate, 1);
+		bonus(bMaxHPrate, -3);
+		bonus(bMaxSPrate, -3);
+	">
+	Id: 1110
+	SpriteName: "DOKEBI"
+	Name: "Dokebi"
+	TamingItem: "Old_Broom"
+	EggItem: "Dokkaebi_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Wig"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("BS_HAMMERFALL", 1, 0, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMatkRate, 1);
+		bonus(bAtkRate, -1);
+	">
+	Id: 1113
+	SpriteName: "DROPS"
+	Name: "Drops"
+	TamingItem: "Orange_Juice"
+	EggItem: "Drops_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Backpack"
+	FoodItem: "Yellow_Herb"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 40
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 500
+	PetScript: <" petloot(10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bHit, 3);
+		bonus(bAtk, 3);
+	">
+	Id: 1155
+	SpriteName: "PETIT"
+	Name: "Petite"
+	TamingItem: "Shining_Stone"
+	EggItem: "Green_Petite_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Stellar_Hairpin"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 800
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 100
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("WZ_HEAVENDRIVE", 500, 1, 0, 10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bDef, -2);
+		bonus(bMdef, -2);
+		bonus(bAspdRate, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1167
+	SpriteName: "SAVAGE_BABE"
+	Name: "Savage Babe"
+	TamingItem: "Sweet_Milk"
+	EggItem: "Savage_Bebe_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Green_Lace"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 40
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bVit, 4, 10, 50); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bVit, 1);
+		bonus(bMaxHP, 50);
+	">
+	Id: 1170
+	SpriteName: "SOHEE"
+	Name: "Sohee"
+	TamingItem: "Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste"
+	EggItem: "Sohee_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Golden_Bell"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 100
+	DefendRate: 1000
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillsupport(AL_HEAL, 10, 60, 33, 100); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bStr, 1);
+		bonus(bDex, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1188
+	SpriteName: "BON_GUN"
+	Name: "Bon Gun"
+	TamingItem: "Heart_Of_Her"
+	EggItem: "Bongun_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Sword_Of_Grave_Keeper"
+	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 600
+	DefendRate: 200
+	ChangeTargetRate: 400
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_DARKNESSATTACK", 555, 1, 1, 1); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bVit, 1);
+		bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Stun, 100);
+	">
+	Id: 1200
+	SpriteName: "ZHERLTHSH"
+	Name: "Zealotus"
+	TamingItem: "Prohibition_Red_Candle"
+	EggItem: "Zherlthsh_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Immortal_Heart"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 300
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 1000
+	DefendRate: 100
+	ChangeTargetRate: 500
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("AS_SONICBLOW", 1, 0, 0, 3); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus2(bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 2);
+		bonus2(bMagicAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 2);
+	">
+	Id: 1245
+	SpriteName: "GOBLINE_XMAS"
+	Name: "Christmas Goblin"
+	TamingItem: "Sweet_Candy_Striper"
+	EggItem: "Santa_Goblin_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Scell"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("MG_SIGHT", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMaxHP, 30);
+		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Water, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1275
+	SpriteName: "ALICE"
+	Name: "Alice"
+	TamingItem: "Sway_Apron"
+	EggItem: "Alice_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "White_Potion"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 100
+	DefendRate: 1000
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillsupport("AL_HEAL", 5, 60, 25, 100); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMdef, 1);
+		bonus2(bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 1);
+	">
+// New Pets
+	Id: 1122
+	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_1"
+	Name: "Goblin"
+	TamingItem: "Knife_Goblin_Ring"
+	EggItem: "Knife_Goblin_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Green_Apple"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_WINDATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1123
+	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_2"
+	Name: "Goblin"
+	TamingItem: "Flail_Goblin_Ring"
+	EggItem: "Flail_Goblin_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Green_Apple"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_FIREATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1125
+	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_4"
+	Name: "Goblin"
+	TamingItem: "Hammer_Goblin_Ring"
+	EggItem: "Hammer_Goblin_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Green_Apple"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_GROUNDATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1208
+	SpriteName: "WANDER_MAN"
+	Name: "Wanderer"
+	TamingItem: "Skull_Of_Vagabond"
+	EggItem: "Wanderer_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Spirit_Liquor"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_UNDEADATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1382
+	SpriteName: "DIABOLIC"
+	Name: "Diabolic"
+	TamingItem: "Red_Burning_Stone"
+	EggItem: "Diabolic_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Meat_Veg_Skewer"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("WZ_METEOR", 2, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1385
+	SpriteName: "DELETER_"
+	Name: "Deleter"
+	TamingItem: "Holy_Marble"
+	EggItem: "Red_Deleter_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Whole_Barbecue"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("SM_MAGNUM", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	Id: 1879
+	SpriteName: "ECLIPSE_P"
+	Name: "Spring Rabbit"
+	EggItem: "Spring_Rabbit_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Bok_Choy"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("TF_THROWSTONE", 1, 0, 5, 5); ">
+// Episode 12
+	Id: 1963
+	SpriteName: "P_CHUNG_E"
+	Name: "New Year Doll"
+	EggItem: "New_Year_Doll_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Mojji"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 30
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 800
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("CR_SHIELDCHARGE", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+// Episode 13
+	Id: 1815
+	SpriteName: "EVENT_RICECAKE"
+	Name: "Rice Cake"
+	EggItem: "Rice_Cake_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Green_Herb"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 500
+	DefendRate: 500
+	ChangeTargetRate: 200
+	PetScript: <" petskillsupport("CR_DEFENDER", 3, 240, 50, 100); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Neutral, 1);
+		bonus(bMaxHPrate, -1);
+	">
+	Id: 2210
+	SpriteName: "XMAS_LUNATIC"
+	Name: "Christmas Snow Rabbit"
+	EggItem: "Snow_Rabbit_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Candy"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bExpAddRace, RC_All, 5); ">
+// Episode 13.2
+	Id: 1040
+	SpriteName: "GOLEM"
+	Name: "Golem"
+	TamingItem: "Magical_Lithography"
+	EggItem: "Golem_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Windup_Spring"
+	FoodItem: "Mystic_Stone"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMaxHP, 100);
+		bonus(bFlee, -5);
+	">
+	Id: 1143
+	SpriteName: "MARIONETTE"
+	Name: "Marionette"
+	TamingItem: "Delicious_Shaved_Ice"
+	EggItem: "Marionette_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Star_Hairband"
+	FoodItem: "Small_Snow_Flower"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus(bSPrecovRate, 3); ">
+	Id: 1148
+	SpriteName: "MEDUSA"
+	Name: "Medusa"
+	TamingItem: "Splendid_Mirror"
+	EggItem: "Medusa_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Queens_Coronet"
+	FoodItem: "Apple_Pudding"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bVit, 1);
+		bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Stone, 500);
+	">
+	Id: 1179
+	SpriteName: "WHISPER"
+	Name: "Whisper"
+	TamingItem: "Fit_Pipe"
+	EggItem: "Whisper_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Spirit_Chain_"
+	FoodItem: "Damp_Darkness"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bFlee, 7);
+		bonus(bDef, -3);
+	">
+	Id: 1299
+	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_LEADER"
+	Name: "Goblin Leader"
+	TamingItem: "Staff_Of_Leader"
+	EggItem: "Goblin_Leader_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Nice_Badge"
+	FoodItem: "Big_Cell"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 50
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 3); ">
+	Id: 1370
+	SpriteName: "SUCCUBUS"
+	Name: "Succubus"
+	TamingItem: "Boys_Naivety"
+	EggItem: "Succubus_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Black_Butterfly_Mask"
+	FoodItem: "Vital_Flower_"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bHPDrainRate, 50, 5); ">
+	Id: 1374
+	SpriteName: "INCUBUS"
+	Name: "Incubus"
+	TamingItem: "Grils_Naivety"
+	EggItem: "Incubus_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Ball_Mask"
+	FoodItem: "Vital_Flower"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 50
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus(bMaxSPrate, 3); ">
+	Id: 1379
+	Name: "Nightmare Terror"
+	TamingItem: "Hell_Contract"
+	EggItem: "Nightmare_Terror_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Hell_Horn"
+	FoodItem: "Fresh_Plant"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Sleep, 10000); ">
+	Id: 1401
+	SpriteName: "SHINOBI"
+	Name: "Shinobi"
+	TamingItem: "Kuloren"
+	EggItem: "Shinobi_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Wine_On_Sleeve"
+	FoodItem: "Grilled_Rice_Cake"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus(bAgi, 2); ">
+	Id: 1404
+	SpriteName: "MIYABI_NINGYO"
+	Name: "Miyabi Doll"
+	TamingItem: "Gril_Doll"
+	EggItem: "Miyabi_Ningyo_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Summer_Fan"
+	FoodItem: "Well_Ripened_Berry"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 15
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bInt, 1);
+		bonus(bCastrate, -3);
+	">
+	Id: 1416
+	SpriteName: "WICKED_NYMPH"
+	Name: "Evil Nymph"
+	TamingItem: "Charming_Lotus"
+	EggItem: "Wicked_Nymph_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Jade_Trinket"
+	FoodItem: "Morning_Dew"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 15
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMaxSP, 30);
+		bonus(bSPrecovRate, 5);
+	">
+	Id: 1495
+	SpriteName: "STONE_SHOOTER"
+	Name: "Stone Shooter"
+	TamingItem: "Oilpalm_Coconut"
+	EggItem: "Stone_Shooter_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Apro_Hair"
+	FoodItem: "Plant_Neutrient"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Fire, 3); ">
+	Id: 1504
+	SpriteName: "DULLAHAN"
+	Name: "Dullahan"
+	TamingItem: "Luxury_Whisky_Bottle"
+	EggItem: "Dullahan_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Death_Coil"
+	FoodItem: "Sunset_On_The_Rock"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus(bCritAtkRate, 5); ">
+	Id: 1505
+	SpriteName: "LOLI_RURI"
+	Name: "Loli Ruri"
+	TamingItem: "Very_Red_Juice"
+	EggItem: "Loli_Ruri_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Fashionable_Glasses"
+	FoodItem: "Pumpkin_Pie_"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 15
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bMaxHPrate, 3);
+		bonus3(bAutoSpellWhenHit, "AL_HEAL", 1, 50);
+	">
+	Id: 1513
+	SpriteName: "CIVIL_SERVANT"
+	Name: "Mao Guai"
+	TamingItem: "Fan_Of_Wind"
+	EggItem: "Civil_Servant_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Golden_Earing"
+	FoodItem: "Flavored_Alcohol"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 500
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <" bonus(bMaxSP, 10); ">
+	Id: 1519
+	SpriteName: "CHUNG_E"
+	Name: "Green Maiden"
+	TamingItem: "Tantanmen"
+	EggItem: "Chung_E_Egg"
+	FoodItem: "Bun_"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petskillattack("CR_SHIELDCHARGE", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bDef, 1);
+		bonus2(bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 1);
+	">
+	Id: 1586
+	SpriteName: "LEAF_CAT"
+	Name: "Leaf Cat"
+	TamingItem: "Very_Soft_Plant"
+	EggItem: "Leaf_Cat_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Green_Lucky_Bag"
+	FoodItem: "Fish_With_Blue_Back"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 20
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus2(bAddRaceTolerance, RC_Brute, 3);
+	">
+	Id: 1630
+	SpriteName: "BACSOJIN_"
+	Name: "White Lady"
+	TamingItem: "Shiny_Wing_Gown"
+	EggItem: "Bacsojin_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Round_Hair_Ornament"
+	FoodItem: "Traditional_Cookie"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	Id: 1837
+	SpriteName: "IMP"
+	Name: "Fire Imp"
+	TamingItem: "Flaming_Ice"
+	EggItem: "Imp_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Horn_Protector"
+	FoodItem: "Flame_Gemstone"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 200
+	Speed: 150
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Fire, 2);
+		bonus2(bAddEle, Ele_Fire, 2);
+	">
+// Episode 13.2 Brasilis
+	Id: 2057
+	SpriteName: "E_CRAMP"
+	Name: "Strange Cramp"
+	TamingItem: "Leaf_Cat_Ball"
+	EggItem: "Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball"
+	CaptureRate: 50
+	AttackRate: 350
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	Id: 2081
+	SpriteName: "E_HYDRA"
+	Name: "Strange Hydra"
+	TamingItem: "Leaf_Cat_Ball"
+	EggItem: "Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball"
+	CaptureRate: 50
+	AttackRate: 350
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+// Episode 14.1
+	Id: 2313
+	SpriteName: "TIKBALANG"
+	Name: "Tikbalang"
+	TamingItem: "Tikbalang_Belt"
+	EggItem: "Tikbalang_Pet"
+	FoodItem: "Monsters_Feed"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 1000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2320, 10);
+		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2321, 10);
+		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2322, 10);
+		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2317, 10);
+		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2318, 10);
+		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2327, 10);
+		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2319, 10);
+		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2333, 10);
+		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2332, 10);
+	">
+// New Pets
+	Id: 1242
+	SpriteName: "MARIN"
+	Name: "Marin"
+	TamingItem: "Juicy_Fruit"
+	EggItem: "Marin_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Tw_Backpack"
+	FoodItem: "Fruit_Sundae"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	Id: 2200
+	SpriteName: "J_TAINI"
+	Name: "Tiny"
+	EggItem: "Egg_Of_Tiny"
+	FoodItem: "Apple"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 10
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 300
+	DefendRate: 300
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+// Episode 14.2
+	Id: 2398
+	SpriteName: "LITTLE_PORING"
+	Name: "Little Poring"
+	TamingItem: "Unripe_Apple2"
+	EggItem: "Novice_Poring_Egg"
+	AccessoryItem: "Backpack"
+	FoodItem: "Apple_Juice"
+	FoodEffectiveness: 80
+	HungerDelay: 60
+	Intimacy: {
+		Initial: 250
+		FeedIncrement: 50
+		OverFeedDecrement: 100
+		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
+	}
+	CaptureRate: 2000
+	Speed: 150
+	SpecialPerformance: true
+	AttackRate: 350
+	DefendRate: 400
+	ChangeTargetRate: 800
+	PetScript: <" petloot(10); ">
+	EquipScript: <"
+		bonus(bLuk, 2);
+		bonus(bCritical, 1);
+	">
diff --git a/db/re/pet_db.txt b/db/re/pet_db.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 42d758cb9..000000000
--- a/db/re/pet_db.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-// Pet Database
-// Structure of Database:
-// MobID,Name,JName,LureID,EggID,EquipID,FoodID,Fullness,HungryDelay,R_Hungry,R_Full,Intimate,Die,Capture,Speed,S_Performance,talk_convert_class,attack_rate,defence_attack_rate,change_target_rate,pet_script,loyal_script
-// 01. MobID			Monster ID of the pet.
-// 02. Name			Name of the monster as defined in the database.
-// 03. JName			The display name of the monster when hatched.
-// 04. LureID			Pet Tame Item ID.
-// 05. EggID			Pet Egg ID.
-// 06. EquipID			Pet Accessory ID.
-// 07. FoodID			Pet Food ID.
-// 08. Fullness			The amount of hunger points increasing with each feeding.
-// 09. HungryDelay		The amount of time it takes for hunger to decrease after feeding. (Default: 60 seconds)
-// 10. R_Hungry			Amount of Intimacy that is increased when fed.
-// 11. R_Full			Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when over-fed.
-// 12. Intimate			Amount of Intimacy the pet starts with.
-// 13. Die			Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when the pet owner dies.
-// 14. Capture			Capture succes rate (10000 = 100%)
-// 15. Speed			Pet's walk speed. (Defaul: 150)
-// 16. S_Performance		Special Performance. (Yes = 1, No = 0)
-// 17. talk_convert_class	Disables pet talk (instead of talking they emote  with /!.)
-// 18. attack_rate			Rate of which the pet will attack (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy).
-// 19. defence_attack_rate	Rate of which the pet will retaliate when master is being attacked (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy).
-// 20. change_target_rate	Rate of which the pet will change its attack target.
-// 21. pet_script		Script to execute when the pet is hatched.
-// 22. loyal_script		Script to execute when the pet is hatched (requires at least pet_equip_min_friendly intimacy, independent of pet_script).
-//NOTE: The max value (100%) of attack_rate, defense_rate & change_target_rate is 10000.
-//In theory you can use any valid script, but it is run only once upon pet
-//loading, so it is recommended you use the specific pet scripts:
-//petskillattack skillid, skilllv, hits, rate, bonusrate
-//Skill attack that triggers while the pet is attacking. Rate is the base
-//chance of execution per attack. Bonusrate is an additional success rate when
-//intimacy reaches max. If hits is specified and different than 0, it will make
-//the pet cast the skill with a fixed amount of damage inflicted and the
-//specified number of hits. A value of zero uses the skill's defaults.
-//petskillsupport skillid, skilllv, delay, hp%, sp%
-//Casts a support skill when the health levels are below the specified hp% and
-//sp%. Delay is the minimum time in seconds before the skill can be cast again
-//petrecovery type, delay: Cures the "type" status effect after "delay" seconds
-//petskillbonus type, value, duration, delay
-//Gives bonus stats. Type is the stat to increase (bStr, bLuk), value is the
-//amount by which it is increased, duration signals how long the bonus lasts
-//delay is the time elapsed after the bonus ends and before it starts again.
-//A single pet can have petloot, petskillbonus, petskillattack and
-//petskillsupport at the same time, but only one of each.
-// Core
-1002,PORING,Poring,619,9001,10013,531,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus bCritical,1; }
-1011,CHONCHON,ChonChon,624,9006,10002,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1500,150,1,0,500,500,250,{ petskillbonus bAgi,4,10,50; },{ bonus bAgi,1; bonus bFlee,2; }
-1014,SPORE,Spore,630,9012,10017,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,350,500,500,{ petrecovery SC_POISON,60; },{ bonus bHit,5; bonus bAtk,-2; }
-1019,PECOPECO,PecoPeco,632,9014,10010,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,400,500,800,{ petskillbonus bSpeedRate,25,20,20; },{ bonus bMaxHP,150; bonus bMaxSP,-10; }
-1023,ORK_WARRIOR,Orc Warrior,635,9017,10009,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,1,0,600,200,300,{ petskillattack "NPC_PIERCINGATT",100,1,0,10; },{ bonus bAtk,10; bonus bDef,-3; }
-1026,MUNAK,Munak,636,9018,10008,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,750,300,{ petskillattack "NPC_DARKNESSATTACK",444,1,0,10; },{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bDef,1; }
-1029,ISIS,Isis,639,9021,10006,537,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,650,450,150,{ petskillsupport "PR_MAGNIFICAT",2,60,50,50; },{ bonus bMatkRate,-1; bonus bAtkRate,1; }
-1031,POPORING,Poporing,621,9003,10013,511,80,60,30,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,300,500,400,{ petloot 15; },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,10; }
-1035,HUNTER_FLY,Hunter Fly,626,9008,10002,716,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,1,0,500,500,200,{ petskillattack "NPC_WINDATTACK",888,2,0,10; },{ bonus bFlee,-5; bonus bFlee2,2; }
-1042,STEEL_CHONCHON,Steel ChonChon,625,9007,10002,1002,80,60,20,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,500,500,200,{ petskillbonus bAgiVit,4,20,40; },{ bonus bFlee,6; bonus bAgi,-1; }
-1049,PICKY,Picky,623,9005,10012,507,80,60,40,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,500,600,50,{ petskillbonus bStr,3,10,50;},{ bonus bStr,1; bonus bAtk,5; }
-1052,ROCKER,Rocker,629,9011,10014,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,350,350,600,{ petskillbonus bAllStats,1,10,50; },{ bonus bHPrecovRate,5; bonus bMaxHP,25; }
-1056,SMOKIE,Smokie,633,9015,10019,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,600,600,100,{ petskillbonus bPerfectHide,1,3600,0; },{ bonus bAgi,1; bonus bFlee2,1; }
-1057,YOYO,Yoyo,634,9016,10018,532,80,60,20,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,300,800,400,{ petloot 20; },{ bonus bCritical,3; bonus bLuk,-1; }
-1063,LUNATIC,Lunatic,622,9004,10007,534,80,60,40,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,300,300,1000,{ petskillbonus bLuk,3,10,50; },{ bonus bCritical,2; bonus bAtk,2; }
-1077,POISON_SPORE,Poison Spore,631,9013,10017,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,1000,150,0,0,600,200,400,{ petskillattack "NPC_POISON",20,0,0,10; },{ bonus bStr,1; bonus bInt,1; }
-1101,BAPHOMET_,Baphomet Jr.,642,9024,10001,518,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,1000,100,200,{ petskillattack "NPC_DARKNESSATTACK",1776,4,0,5; },{ bonus bDef,1; bonus bMdef,1; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,-100; }
-1107,DESERT_WOLF_B,Baby Desert Wolf,628,9010,10003,537,80,60,40,100,250,20,1000,150,0,0,400,400,400,{ petskillattack "SM_PROVOKE",1,0,0,5;},{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bMaxSP,50; }
-1109,DEVIRUCHI,Deviruchi,641,9023,10004,711,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,800,200,100,{ petskillbonus bAgiDexStr,6,20,40; },{ bonus bMatkRate,1; bonus bAtkRate,1; bonus bMaxHPrate,-3; bonus bMaxSPrate,-3; }
-1110,DOKEBI,Dokebi,637,9019,10005,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "BS_HAMMERFALL",1,0,0,10; },{ bonus bMatkRate,1; bonus bAtkRate,-1; }
-1113,DROPS,Drops,620,9002,10013,508,80,60,40,100,250,20,1500,150,1,0,300,400,500,{ petloot 10; },{ bonus bHit,3; bonus bAtk,3; }
-1155,PETIT,Petite,640,9022,10011,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,800,400,100,{ petskillattack "WZ_HEAVENDRIVE",500,1,0,10; },{ bonus bDef,-2; bonus bMdef,-2; bonus bAspdRate,1; }
-1167,SAVAGE_BABE,Savage Babe,627,9009,10015,537,80,60,40,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,500,500,200,{ petskillbonus bVit,4,10,50; },{ bonus bVit,1; bonus bMaxHP,50; }
-1170,SOHEE,Sohee,638,9020,10016,537,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,100,1000,200,{ petskillsupport AL_HEAL,10,60,33,100; },{ bonus bStr,1; bonus bDex,1; }
-1188,BON_GUN,Bon Gun,659,9025,10020,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,500,150,1,0,600,200,400,{ petskillattack "NPC_DARKNESSATTACK",555,1,1,1; },{ bonus bVit,1; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,100; }
-1200,ZHERLTHSH,Zealotus,660,9026,0,929,80,60,10,100,250,20,300,150,0,0,1000,100,500,{ petskillattack "AS_SONICBLOW",1,0,0,3; },{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,2; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,2; }
-1245,GOBLINE_XMAS,Christmas Goblin,12225,9029,0,911,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "MG_SIGHT",5,0,5,5; },{ bonus bMaxHP,30; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,1; }
-1275,ALICE,Alice,661,9027,0,504,80,60,20,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,100,1000,200,{ petskillsupport "AL_HEAL",5,60,25,100; },{ bonus bMdef,1; bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,1; }
-// New Pets
-1122,GOBLIN_1,Goblin,14569,9032,0,7821,80,60,50,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "NPC_WINDATTACK",5,0,5,5; },{}
-1123,GOBLIN_2,Goblin,14570,9033,0,7821,80,60,50,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "NPC_FIREATTACK",5,0,5,5; },{}
-1125,GOBLIN_4,Goblin,14571,9034,0,7821,80,60,50,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "NPC_GROUNDATTACK",5,0,5,5; },{}
-1208,WANDER_MAN,Wanderer,14574,9037,0,7824,80,60,20,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "NPC_UNDEADATTACK",5,0,5,5; },{}
-1382,DIABOLIC,Diabolic,14573,9036,0,7823,80,60,10,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "WZ_METEOR",2,0,5,5; },{}
-1385,DELETER_,Deleter,14572,9035,0,7822,80,60,20,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "SM_MAGNUM",5,0,5,5; },{}
-1879,ECLIPSE_P,Spring Rabbit,0,9031,0,7766,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "TF_THROWSTONE",1,0,5,5; },{}
-// Episode 12
-1963,P_CHUNG_E,New Year Doll,0,9038,0,554,80,60,30,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "CR_SHIELDCHARGE",5,0,5,5; },{}
-// Episode 13
-1815,EVENT_RICECAKE,Rice Cake,0,9028,0,511,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,500,500,200,{ petskillsupport "CR_DEFENDER",3,240,50,100; },{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,1; bonus bMaxHPrate,-1; }
-2210,XMAS_LUNATIC,Christmas Snow Rabbit,0,9058,0,529,80,60,10,100,250,20,0,150,1,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,5; }
-// Episode 13.2
-1040,GOLEM,Golem,12371,9053,10035,6111,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bMaxHP,100; bonus bFlee,-5; }
-1143,MARIONETTE,Marionette,12361,9043,10025,6098,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bSPrecovRate,3; }
-1148,MEDUSA,Medusa,12368,9050,10032,6108,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bVit,1; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,500; }
-1179,WHISPER,Whisper,12363,9045,10027,6100,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bFlee,7; bonus bDef,-3; }
-1299,GOBLIN_LEADER,Goblin Leader,12364,9046,10028,6104,80,60,10,100,250,20,50,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,3; }
-1370,SUCCUBUS,Succubus,12373,9055,10037,6113,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bHPDrainRate,50,5; }
-1374,INCUBUS,Incubus,12370,9052,10034,6110,80,60,10,100,250,20,50,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bMaxSPrate,3; }
-1379,NIGHTMARE_TERROR,Nightmare Terror,12372,9054,10036,6112,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,10000; }
-1401,SHINOBI,Shinobi,12362,9044,10026,6099,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bAgi,2; }
-1404,MIYABI_NINGYO,Miyabi Doll,12366,9048,10030,6106,80,60,15,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bCastrate,-3; }
-1416,WICKED_NYMPH,Evil Nymph,12365,9047,10029,6105,80,60,15,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bMaxSP,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,5; }
-1495,STONE_SHOOTER,Stone Shooter,12369,9051,10033,6109,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,3; }
-1504,DULLAHAN,Dullahan,12367,9049,10031,6107,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bCritAtkRate,5; }
-1505,LOLI_RURI,Loli Ruri,12360,9042,10024,6097,80,60,15,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bMaxHPrate,3; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_HEAL",1,50; }
-1513,CIVIL_SERVANT,Mao Guai,12358,9040,10022,6095,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus bMaxSP,10; }
-1519,CHUNG_E,Green Maiden,12395,9030,0,6115,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petskillattack "CR_SHIELDCHARGE",5,0,5,5; },{ bonus bDef,1; bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,1; }
-1586,LEAF_CAT,Leaf Cat,12359,9041,10023,6096,80,60,20,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,2; }
-1630,BACSOJIN_,White Lady,12357,9039,10021,6094,80,60,10,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{}
-1837,IMP,Fire Imp,12374,9056,10038,6114,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,2; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,2; }
-// Episode 13.2 Brasilis
-2057,E_CRAMP,Strange Cramp,12408,6221,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50,0,0,0,350,400,800,{},{} // kRO version
-2081,E_HYDRA,Strange Hydra,12408,6221,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50,0,0,0,350,400,800,{},{} // iRO/cRO version
-// Episode 14.1
-2313,TIKBALANG,Tikbalang,12699,9059,0,528,80,60,10,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,300,300,800,{},{ bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2320,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2321,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2322,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2317,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2318,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2327,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2319,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2333,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2332,10; }
-// New Pets
-// Episode 14.2
-2398,LITTLE_PORING,Little Poring,12846,9062,10013,531,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus bCritical,1; }
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