#! /usr/bin/env python2.6 # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import os import re import xml import ogg.vorbis from xml.dom import minidom from PIL import Image filt = re.compile(".+[.](xml|tmx)", re.IGNORECASE) dyesplit1 = re.compile(";") dyesplit2 = re.compile(",") parentDir = "../../clientdata" iconsDir = "graphics/items/" spritesDir = "graphics/sprites/" particlesDir = "graphics/particles/" sfxDir = "sfx/" errors = 0 warnings = 0 errDict = set() safeDye = False def printErr(err): errDict.add(err) print err def showFileErrorById(id, rootDir, fileDir): print "error: id=" + id + ", file not found: " + fileDir + " (" + rootDir + fileDir + ")" def showFileWarningById(id, rootDir, fileDir): print "warn: id=" + id + ", file not found: " + fileDir + " (" + rootDir + fileDir + ")" def showError(id, text): print "error: id=" + id + " " + text def showWarning(id, text): print "warn: id=" + id + " " + text def showMsg(id, text, iserr): global errors, warnings if iserr == True: if text not in errDict: showError(id, text) errDict.add(text) errors = errors + 1 else: if text not in errDict: showWarning(id, text) errDict.add(text) warnings = warnings + 1 def showMsgSprite(file, text, iserr): global errors, warnings if iserr == True: err = "error: sprite=" + file + " " + text if err not in errDict: printErr(err) errors = errors + 1 else: err = "warn: sprite=" + file + " " + text if err not in errDict: printErr(err) warnings = warnings + 1 def showMsgFile(file, text, iserr): global errors, warnings if iserr == True: err = "error: file=" + file + " " + text if err not in errDict: printErr(err) errors = errors + 1 else: err = "warn: file=" + file + " " + text if err not in errDict: printErr(err) warnings = warnigs + 1 def showFileMsgById(id, rootDir, fileDir, iserr): global errors, warnings if iserr == True: showFileErrorById(id, rootDir, fileDir) errors = errors + 1 else: showFileWarningById(id, rootDir, fileDir) warnings = warnings + 1 def printSeparator(): print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" def showHeader(): print "Evol client data validator" printSeparator() def showFooter(): printSeparator() print "Total:" print " Warnings: " + str(warnings) print " Errors: " + str(errors) def enumDirs(parentDir): global warnings, errors files = os.listdir(parentDir) for file1 in files: if file1[0] == ".": continue file2 = os.path.abspath(parentDir + os.path.sep + file1) if not os.path.isfile(file2): enumDirs(file2) elif filt.search(file1): try: minidom.parse(file2) except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError as err: print "error: " + file2 + ", line=" + str(err.lineno) + ", char=" + str(err.offset) errors = errors + 1 def loadPaths(): global warnings try: dom = minidom.parse(parentDir + "/paths.xml") for node in dom.getElementsByTagName("option"): if node.attributes["name"].value == "itemIcons": iconsDir = node.attributes["value"].value elif node.attributes["name"].value == "sprites": spritesDir = node.attributes["value"].value elif node.attributes["name"].value == "sfx": sfxDir = node.attributes["value"].value elif node.attributes["name"].value == "particles": particlesDir = node.attributes["value"].value except: print "warn: paths.xml not found" warnings = warnings + 1 def splitImage(image): try: idx = image.find("|") if idx > 0: imagecolor = image[idx + 1:] image = image[0:idx] else: imagecolor = "" except: image = "" imagecolor = "" return [image, imagecolor] def testDye(id, color, text, iserr): if len(color) < 4: showMsg(id, "dye to small size: " + text, iserr) return colors = dyesplit1.split(color) for col in colors: if len(col) < 4: showMsg(id, "dye to small size: " + text, iserr) continue c = col[0]; if col[1] != ":": showMsg(id, "incorrect dye string: " + text, iserr) continue if c != "R" and c != "G" and c != "B" and c != "Y" and c != "M" \ and c != "C" and c != "W": showMsg(id, "incorrect dye color: " + c + " in " + text, iserr) continue if testDyeInternal(id, col[2:], text, iserr) == False: continue def testDyeInternal(id, col, text, iserr): if col[0] != "#": showMsg(id, "incorrect dye colors: " + text, iserr) return False paletes = dyesplit2.split(col[1:]) for palete in paletes: if len(palete) != 6: showMsg(id, "incorrect dye palete: " + text, iserr) return False for char in palete.lower(): if (char < '0' or char > '9') and (char < 'a' or char > 'f'): showMsg(id, "incorrect dye palete: " + text, iserr) return False return True def testDyeColors(id, color, text, iserr): if len(color) < 4: showMsg(id, "dye to small size: " + text, iserr) return -1 colors = dyesplit1.split(color) for col in colors: if len(col) < 4: showMsg(id, "dye to small size: " + text, iserr) continue if testDyeInternal(id, col, text, iserr) == False: continue return len(colors) def testDyeMark(file, color, text, iserr): if len(color) < 1: showMsgSprite(file, "dye mark size to small:" + text, iserr) return -1 colors = dyesplit1.split(color) for c in colors: if len(c) != 1: showMsgSprite(file, "dye mark incorrect size: " + text, iserr) continue if c != "R" and c != "G" and c != "B" and c != "Y" and c != "M" \ and c != "C" and c != "W": showMsgSprite(file, "dye make incorrect: " + text, iserr) continue return len(colors) def testSprites(id, node, checkGender, iserr): try: tmp = node.getElementsByTagName("nosprite") if tmp is not None and len(tmp) > 1: showMsg(id, "more than one nosprite tag found", iserr) nosprite = True except: nosprite = False try: sprites = node.getElementsByTagName("sprite") except: sprites = None if nosprite == False: showMsg(id, "no sprite tag found", iserr) if sprites is not None: if len(sprites) == 0: if nosprite == False: showMsg(id, "no sprite tags found", iserr) elif len(sprites) > 3 and checkGender: showMsg(id, "incorrect number of sprite tags", iserr) elif len(sprites) == 1: file = sprites[0].childNodes[0].data if checkGender: try: gender = sprites[0].attributes["gender"].value except: gender = "" if gender != "" and gender != "unisex": showMsg(id, "gender tag in alone sprite", iserr) testSprite(id, file, iserr) else: male = False female = False for sprite in sprites: file = sprite.childNodes[0].data if checkGender: try: gender = sprite.attributes["gender"].value except: gender = "" if gender == "male": if male == True: showMsg(id, "double male sprite tag", iserr) male = True elif gender == "female": if female == True: showMsg(id, "double female sprite tag", iserr) female = True elif gender == "unisex": if female == True or male == True: showMsg(id, "gender sprite tag with unisex tag", False) male = True female = True testSprite(id, file, iserr) if checkGender: if male == False: showMsg(id, "no male sprite tag", iserr) if female == False: showMsg(id, "no female sprite tag", iserr) def testSprite(id, file, iserr): tmp = splitImage(file) color = tmp[1] file2 = tmp[0] if color != "": dnum = testDyeColors(id, color, file, iserr) else: dnum = 0 fullPath = os.path.abspath(parentDir + "/" + spritesDir + file2) if not os.path.isfile(fullPath) or os.path.exists(fullPath) == False: showFileMsgById(id, spritesDir, file2, iserr) else: testSpriteFile(id, fullPath, file, spritesDir + file2, dnum, iserr) def testSpriteFile(id, fullPath, file, fileLoc, dnum, iserr): global safeDye try: dom = minidom.parse(fullPath) except: return if len(dom.childNodes) < 1: return root = dom.childNodes[0]; imagesets = dom.getElementsByTagName("imageset") if imagesets is None or len(imagesets) < 1: showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "incorrect number of imageset tags", iserr) imageset = imagesets[0] try: image = imageset.attributes["src"].value image0 = image img = splitImage(image) image = img[0] imagecolor = img[1] except: showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "image attribute not exist: " + image, iserr) return try: width = imageset.attributes["width"].value except: showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "no width attribute", iserr) return try: height = imageset.attributes["height"].value except: showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "no height attribute", iserr) if imagecolor != "": num = testDyeMark(fileLoc, imagecolor, image0, iserr) if safeDye == False and dnum != num: if dnum > num: e = iserr else: e = False showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "dye colors size not same in sprite (" + str(num) \ + ") and in caller (" + str(dnum) + ", id=" + str(id) + ")", e) elif safeDye == True and dnum > 0: showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "dye set in sprite but not in caller (id=" + str(id) + ")", False) fullPath = os.path.abspath(parentDir + "/" + image) if not os.path.isfile(fullPath) or os.path.exists(fullPath) == False: showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "image file not exist: " + image, iserr) return sizes = testImageFile(image, fullPath, 0, iserr) s1 = int(sizes[0] / int(width)) * int(width) if sizes[0] != s1: showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "image width " + str(sizes[0]) + \ " (need " + str(s1) + ") is not multiply to frame size " + width + ", image:" + image, False) s2 = int(sizes[1] / int(height)) * int(height) if sizes[1] != s2: showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "image height " + str(sizes[1]) + \ " (need " + str(s2) + ") is not multiply to frame size " + height + ", image:" + image, False) num = (s1 / int(width)) * (s2 / int(height)) if num < 1: showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "image have zero frames: " + iamge, iserr) try: includes = dom.getElementsByTagName("include") except: includes = None #todo need parse included files try: actions = dom.getElementsByTagName("action") except: actions = None if (actions == None or len(actions) == 0) and (includes == None or len(includes) == 0): showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "no actions in sprite file", iserr) else: actset = set() for action in actions: try: name = action.attributes["name"].value except: showMsgSprite("no action name", iserr) continue testSpriteAction(fileLoc, name, action, num, iserr) if name in actset: showMsgSprite(fileLoc, "duplicate action: " + name, iserr) continue actset.add(name) def testSpriteAction(file, name, action, numframes, iserr): try: animations = action.getElementsByTagName("animation") except: animations = None if animations == None or len(animations) == 0: showMsgSprite(file, "no animation tags in action: " + name, False) aniset = set() for animation in animations: try: direction = animation.attributes["direction"].value except: direction = "default" if direction is aniset: showMsgSprite(file, "duplicate direction in action: " + name, iserr) continue aniset.add(direction) try: frames = animation.getElementsByTagName("frame") for frame in frames: try: idx = int(frame.attributes["index"].value) if idx >= numframes or idx < 0: showMsgSprite(file, "incorrect frame index " + str(idx) + \ "in action: " + name, iserr) except: showMsgSprite(file, "no frame index in action: " + name, iserr) cnt = len(frames) except: cnt = 0 try: sequences = animation.getElementsByTagName("sequence") cnt = cnt + len(sequences) for sequence in sequences: try: i1 = int(sequence.attributes["start"].value) i2 = int(sequence.attributes["end"].value) if i1 >= numframes or i1 < 0: showMsgSprite(file, "incorrect start sequence index " + str(i1) + \ "in action: " + name, iserr) if i2 >= numframes or i2 < 0: showMsgSprite(file, "incorrect end sequence index " + str(i2) + \ "in action: " + name, iserr) except: showMsgSprite(file, "no sequence start or end index in action: " + name, iserr) except: None if cnt == 0: showMsgSprite(file, "no frames or sequences in action: " + name, iserr) if "default" not in aniset: if "down" not in aniset: showMsgSprite(file, "no down direction in animation: " + name, iserr) if "up" not in aniset: showMsgSprite(file, "no up direction in animation: " + name, iserr) if "left" not in aniset: showMsgSprite(file, "no left direction in animation: " + name, iserr) if "right" not in aniset: showMsgSprite(file, "no right direction in animation: " + name, iserr) if name == "dead" and len(animations) > 0: lastani = animations[len(animations) - 1] lastNode = None nc = 0 for node in lastani.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "frame": lastNode = node nc = nc + 1 if node.nodeName == "sequence": lastNode = node nc = nc + 2 if nc > 1: try: cont = int(lastNode.attributes["continue"].value) except: cont = 0; if cont == 0: try: delay = int(lastNode.attributes["delay"].value) except: delay = 0 if delay > 0 and delay < 5000: showMsgSprite(file, "last frame\sequence in dead animation have to low limit. Need zero or >5000: " + name, False) def testImageFile(file, fullPath, sz, iserr): try: img = Image.open(fullPath, "r") img.load() except: showMsgFile(file, "incorrect image format", iserr) return if img.format != "PNG": showMsgFile(file, "image format is not png", False) sizes = img.size if sz != 0: if sizes[0] > sz or sizes[1] > sz: showMsgFile(file, "image size incorrect (" + str(sizes[0]) \ + "x" + str(sizes[1]) + ") should be (" + str(sz) + "x" \ + str(sz) + ")", iserr) return sizes def testSound(file): fullPath = parentDir + "/" + sfxDir + file if not os.path.isfile(fullPath) or os.path.exists(fullPath) == False: showMsgFile(file, "sound file not found", True) return try: snd = ogg.vorbis.VorbisFile(fullPath) except ogg.vorbis.VorbisError as e: showMsgFile(file, "sound file incorrect error: " + str(e), True) def testParticle(file): fullPath = parentDir + "/" + file if not os.path.isfile(fullPath) or os.path.exists(fullPath) == False: showMsgFile(file, "particle file not found", True) #todo add parsing and checking particle xml file def testItems(fileName, imgDir): global warnings, errors, safeDye print "Checking items.xml" dom = minidom.parse(parentDir + fileName) idset = set() for node in dom.getElementsByTagName("item"): id = node.attributes["id"].value if id in idset: print "error: duplicated id=" + id errors = errors + 1 else: idset.add(id) idI = int(id) try: type = node.attributes["type"].value except: type = "" print "warn: no type attribute for id=" + id warnings = warnings + 1 try: image = node.attributes["image"].value image0 = image img = splitImage(image) image = img[0] imagecolor = img[1] except: image = "" image0 = "" imagecolor = "" try: description = node.attributes["description"].value except: description = "" try: missile = node.attributes["missile-particle"].value except: missile = "" if type == "hairsprite": if idI >= 0: print "error: hairsprite with id=" + id errors = errors + 1 elif idI < -100: print "error: hairsprite override player sprites" errors = errors + 1 safeDye = True testSprites(id, node, True, True) safeDye = False elif type == "racesprite": if idI >= 0: print "error: racesprite with id=" + id errors = errors + 1 elif idI > -100: print "error: racesprite override player hair" errors = errors + 1 elif type == "usable" or type == "unusable" or type == "generic" \ or type == "equip-necklace" or type == "equip-torso" or type == "equip-feet" \ or type == "equip-arms" or type == "equip-legs" or type == "equip-head" \ or type == "equip-shield" or type == "equip-1hand" or type == "equip-2hand" \ or type == "equip-charm" or type == "equip-ammo" or type == "equip-neck" \ or type == "equip-ring": if image == "": print "error: missing image attribute on id=" + id errors = errors + 1 continue elif len(imagecolor) > 0: testDye(id, imagecolor, "image=" + image0, True) if description == "": print "warn: missing description attribute on id=" + id warnings = warnings + 1 if missile != "": testParticle(missile) testSounds(id, node, "item") fullPath = os.path.abspath(parentDir + "/" + imgDir + image) if not os.path.isfile(fullPath) or os.path.exists(fullPath) == False: showFileErrorById (id, imgDir, image) errors = errors + 1 else: testImageFile(imgDir + image, fullPath, 32, True) if type != "usable" and type != "unusable" and type != "generic" \ and type != "equip-necklace" and type != "equip-1hand" \ and type != "equip-2hand" and type != "equip-ammo" \ and type != "equip-charm" and type != "equip-neck": err = type != "equip-shield" testSprites(id, node, True, err) elif type == "other": None elif type != "": print "warn: unknown type '" + type + "' for id=" + id warnings = warnings + 1 def testMonsters(fileName): global warnings, errors print "Checking monsters.xml" dom = minidom.parse(parentDir + fileName) idset = set() for node in dom.getElementsByTagName("monster"): try: id = node.attributes["id"].value except: print "error: no id for monster" errors = errors + 1 continue if id in idset: print "duplicate id=" + id else: idset.add(id) try: name = node.attributes["name"].value except: print "error: no name for id=" + id errors = errors + 1 name = "" testSprites(id, node, False, True) testSounds(id, node, "monster") def testSounds(id, node, type): global errors for sound in node.getElementsByTagName("sound"): try: event = sound.attributes["event"].value except: print "error: no sound event name in id=" + id errors = errors + 1 if type == "monster": if event != "hit" and event != "miss" and event != "hurt" and event != "die": print "error: incorrect sound event name " + event + " in id=" + id errors = errors + 1 elif type == "item": if event != "hit" and event != "strike": print "error: incorrect sound event name " + event + " in id=" + id testSound(sound.childNodes[0].data) def haveXml(dir): if not os.path.isdir(dir) or not os.path.exists(dir): return False for file in os.listdir(dir): if filt.search(file): return True return False def detectClientData(dirs): global parentDir for dir in dirs: if haveXml(dir): print "Detected client data directory in: " + dir parentDir = dir return True print "Cant detect client data directory" exit(1) showHeader() print "Detecting clientdata dir" detectClientData([".", "..", parentDir]) print "Checking xml file syntax" enumDirs(parentDir) loadPaths() testItems("/items.xml", iconsDir) testMonsters("/monsters.xml") showFooter()