## config for herc-map-wrapper echo "Copy this file to herc-map-wrapper-config" >&2 echo "Then You need to either set the oauth secret" >&2 echo "or use a hard-coded list instead of list_issues" >&2 echo "Both github and gitlab methods are included.">&2 echo "Make sure to comment out the method that isn't used" >&2 echo "Update the with the ID number for gitlab" >&2 echo "or the repo name if github i.e. themanaworld/server-data" >&2 echo "Then, delete these lines" >&2 exit 1 server_data=../../server-data client_data=../client-data tmw_tools=../tools #gitlab list_issues() { python -c ' # replace this with one of your oauth keys from github (no permissions needed) oauth = "01234567890123456789" import requests issues = requests.get("https://gitlab.com/api/v3/projects/%d/merge_requests" % '$1', params={"state": "opened"}, headers={"PRIVATE-TOKEN": "%s" % oauth, "Accept": "application/vnd.gitlab.v3+json"}) issues.raise_for_status() for issue in issues.json(): if "test" in issue["labels"]: print(issue["iid"]) ' | sort -n } #github list_issues() { python -c ' # replace this with one of your oauth keys from github (no permissions needed) oauth = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567" import requests issues = requests.get("https://api.github.com/search/issues", params={"q": "repo:'$1' type:pr state:open label:test"}, headers={"Authorization": "token %s" % oauth, "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json"}) issues.raise_for_status() for issue in issues.json["items"]: print(issue["number"]) ' | sort -n } server_main_branch=origin/master server_extra_branches=( $(list_issues | sed 's|^|origin/merge-requests/|;') ) client_main_branch=origin/master client_extra_branches=( $(list_issues | sed 's|^|origin/merge-requests/|;') ) unset list_issues motd=../server-data/npc/commands/motd-debug-text.txt expected_life=60 trouble_sleep=60 normal_sleep=5 ulimit -c unlimited