# -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2014 Evol Online # Author: Andrei Karas (4144) import re from code.fileutils import * from code.stringutils import * mapsConfFile = "newserverdata/conf/maps.conf" mapsIndexFile = "newserverdata/db/map_index.txt" npcMainScript = "newserverdata/npc/re/scripts_main.conf" mapsIndex = 1 scriptRe = re.compile("^(?P[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P[\d]+)(|,(?P[\d]+))" + "[\t](?Pscript)[\t](?P[\w#' ]+)[\t]" "(?P[\d]+)((,((?P[\d]+),(?P[\d]+)))|)(|;(?P[\d]+))(|,|;){$") shopRe = re.compile("^(?P[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P[\d]+)(|,(?P[\d]+))" + "[\t](?Pshop)[\t](?P[\w#' ]+)[\t]" "(?P[\d]+),(?P(.+))$") mapFlagRe = re.compile("^(?P[^/](.+))[.]gat" + "[ ](?Pmapflag)[ ](?P[\w#']+)(|[ ](?P.*))$") warpRe = re.compile("^(?P[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P[\d]+)[\t]" "(?Pwarp)[\t](?P[^\t]+)[\t](?P[\d-]+),(?P[\d-]+),(?P[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P[\d]+)$") monsterRe = re.compile("^(?P[^/](.+))[.]gat,([ ]*)(?P[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P[\d]+),([ ]*)(?P[\d-]+),(?P[\d-]+)\t" "(?Pmonster)[\t](?P[\w#' ]+)[\t]" "(?P[\d]+),(?P[\d]+),(?P[\d-]+),(?P[\d]+),(?P[\d]+)$") class ScriptTracker: pass def createMainScript(): with open(npcMainScript, "w") as w: w.write("npc: npc/functions/main.txt\n") w.write("import: npc/scripts.conf\n") def convertNpcs(items): processNpcDir("oldserverdata/npc/", "newserverdata/npc/", items) def processNpcDir(srcDir, dstDir, items): makeDir(dstDir) files = os.listdir(srcDir) for file1 in files: if file1[0] == '.': continue srcPath = os.path.abspath(srcDir + os.path.sep + file1) dstPath = os.path.abspath(dstDir + os.path.sep + file1) if not os.path.isfile(srcPath): processNpcDir(srcPath, dstPath, items) else: if file1[-5:] == ".conf" or file1[-4:] == ".txt": processNpcFile(srcPath, dstPath, items) def processNpcFile(srcFile, dstFile, items): # print "file: " + srcFile tracker = ScriptTracker() tracker.insideScript = False tracker.items = items with open(srcFile, "r") as r: with open(dstFile, "w") as w: tracker.w = w for line in r: tracker.line = line res = convertTextLine(tracker) if res: w.write(tracker.line) def convertTextLine(tracker): line = tracker.line if line[:5] == "map: ": processScriptMapLine(line) return False idx = line.find("\tscript\t") if idx >= 0: processScript(tracker) return False idx = line.find("\tshop\t") if idx >= 0: processShop(tracker) return False idx = line.find("\tmonster\t") if idx >= 0: processMonster(tracker) return False idx = line.find("\twarp\t") if idx >= 0: processWarp(tracker) return False idx = line.find(".gat mapflag ") if idx >= 0: processMapFlag(tracker) return False processStrReplace(tracker) return False def processScriptMapLine(line): global mapsIndex line = stripNewLine(line) if line[-4:] == ".gat": line = line[:-4] with open(mapsConfFile, "a") as w: w.write(line + "\n") with open(mapsIndexFile, "a") as w: w.write("{0} {1}\n".format(line[5:], mapsIndex)) mapsIndex = mapsIndex + 1 def writeScript(w, m): if m.group("gender") != None: w.write("// Gender = {0}\n".format(m.group("gender"))); if m.group("x") == 0 and m.group("y") == 0: # float npc w.write("-") else: w.write("{0},{1},{2},{3}".format(m.group("map"), m.group("x"), m.group("y"), m.group("dir"))) class_ = m.group("class") if class_ == "0": # hidden npc class_ = "32767" else: class_ = int(class_) if class_ > 125 and class_ <= 400: class_ = class_ + 100 w.write("\t{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(m.group("tag"), m.group("name"), class_)); def processScript(tracker): line = tracker.line w = tracker.w if line[:9] == "function\t": tracker.w.write(line) return m = scriptRe.search(line) if m == None: print "error in parsing: " + line w.write("!!!error parsing line") w.write(line) return # print "source=" + line[:-1] # print "map={0} x={1} y={2} dir={3} gender={4} tag={5} name={6} class={7}, xs={8}, ys={9}, size={10}".format( # m.group("map"), m.group("x"), m.group("y"), m.group("dir"), m.group("gender"), # m.group("tag"), m.group("name"), m.group("class"), m.group("xs"), m.group("ys"), m.group("size")) if m.group("size") != None: w.write("// Size = {0}\n".format(m.group("size"))); writeScript(w, m) if m.group("xs") != None: w.write(",{0},{1}".format(m.group("xs"), m.group("ys"))); w.write(",{\n"); def itemsToShop(tracker, itemsStr): itemsSplit = re.compile(",") itemsSplit2 = re.compile(":") itemsDict = tracker.items outStr = "" items = itemsSplit.split(itemsStr) for str2 in items: parts = itemsSplit2.split(str2) if outStr != "": outStr = outStr + "," outStr = outStr + itemsDict[parts[0].strip()] + ":" + parts[1] return outStr def processShop(tracker): line = tracker.line w = tracker.w m = shopRe.search(line) if m == None: print "error in parsing: " + line w.write("!!!error parsing line") w.write(line) return # print "source=" + line[:-1] # print "map={0} x={1} y={2} dir={3} gender={4} tag={5} name={6} class={7} items={8}".format( # m.group("map"), m.group("x"), m.group("y"), m.group("dir"), m.group("gender"), # m.group("tag"), m.group("name"), m.group("class"), m.group("items")) writeScript(w, m) w.write("," + itemsToShop(tracker, m.group("items")) + "\n") def processMapFlag(tracker): line = tracker.line w = tracker.w m = mapFlagRe.search(line) if m == None: print "error in parsing: " + line w.write("!!!error parsing line") w.write(line) return # print "source=" + line[:-1] # print "map={0} tag={1} name={2} flag={3}".format( # m.group("map"), m.group("tag"), m.group("name"), m.group("flag")) w.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(m.group("map"), m.group("tag"), m.group("name"))) if m.group("flag") == None: w.write("\n") else: w.write("\t{0}\n".format(m.group("flag"))) def processWarp(tracker): line = tracker.line w = tracker.w m = warpRe.search(line) if m == None: print "error in parsing: " + line w.write("!!!error parsing line") w.write(line) return # print "source=" + line[:-1] # print "map={0} xy={1},{2} tag={3} name={4} xs={5} ys={6} target: map={7} xy={8},{9}".format( # m.group("map"), m.group("x"), m.group("y"), m.group("tag"), m.group("name"), m.group("xs"), m.group("ys"), m.group("targetmap"), m.group("targetx"), m.group("targety")) xs = int(m.group("xs")) ys = int(m.group("ys")) if xs < 0: xs = 0 if ys < 0: ys = 0 w.write("{0},{1},{2},{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6},{7},{8},{9},{10}\n".format( m.group("map"), m.group("x"), m.group("y"), "0", m.group("tag"), m.group("name"), xs, ys, m.group("targetmap"), m.group("targetx"), m.group("targety"))) def processMonster(tracker): line = tracker.line w = tracker.w m = monsterRe.search(line) if m == None: print "error in parsing: " + line w.write("!!!error parsing line") w.write(line) return # print "source=" + line[:-1] # print ("map={0} xy={1},{2} xs={3} ys={4} tag={5} name={6} class={7} " + # "num={8} look={9} delays={10},{11}").format( # m.group("map"), m.group("x"), m.group("y"), m.group("xs"), m.group("ys"), # m.group("tag"), m.group("name"), m.group("class"), # m.group("num"), m.group("look"), m.group("delay1"), m.group("delay2")) w.write("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}\t{5}\t{6}\t{7},{8},{9},{10}\n".format(m.group("map"), m.group("x"), m.group("y"), m.group("xs"), m.group("ys"), m.group("tag"), m.group("name"), m.group("class"), m.group("num"), m.group("delay1"), m.group("delay2"))) def processStrReplace(tracker): line = tracker.line w = tracker.w line = line.replace("setskill ", "addtoskill ") line = line.replace("zeny", "Zeny") line = line.replace("countitem(", "countitemcolor(") line = line.replace("getclientversion(\"\")", "ClientVersion") line = line.replace("getclientversion()", "ClientVersion") line = line.replace("setlang @", "Lang = @") line = re.sub("([^@^$])@([^@])", "\\1.@\\2", line) line = line.replace(".@menu", "@menu") idx = line.find("getmapmobs(") if idx >= 0: idx2 = line.find("\"", idx + len("getmapmobs(") + 1) idx3 = line.find(")", idx + len("getmapmobs(") + 1) if idx2 + 1 == idx3: line = line[:idx2 + 1] + ",\"all\"" + line[idx2 + 1:] line = line.replace("getmapmobs(", "mobcount(") w.write(line)