// Copyright (c) Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL. // Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Evol developers #include "common/hercules.h" #include #include #include #include "common/HPMi.h" #include "common/memmgr.h" #include "map/npc.h" #include "map/pc.h" #include "map/script.h" #include "plugins/HPMHooking.h" #include "emap/script.h" #include "emap/map.h" #include "emap/data/npcd.h" #include "emap/struct/npcdext.h" #define getExt2() \ TBL_NPC *nd = NULL; \ int num = (int)reference_uid(script->add_str(".id"), 0); \ int id = (int)i64db_iget(n->vars, num); \ if (!id) \ id = st->oid; \ nd = map->id2nd(id); \ if (!nd) \ return; \ struct NpcdExt *ext = npcd_get(nd); \ if (!ext) \ return; #define getExt2Ret(r) \ TBL_NPC *nd = NULL; \ int num = (int)reference_uid(script->add_str(".id"), 0); \ int id = (int)i64db_iget(n->vars, num); \ if (!id) \ id = st->oid; \ nd = map->id2nd(id); \ if (!nd) \ return r; \ struct NpcdExt *ext = npcd_get(nd); \ if (!ext) \ return r; #define getExt1() \ TBL_NPC *nd = NULL; \ int num = (int)reference_uid(script->add_str(".id"), 0); \ int id = (int)i64db_iget(n->vars, num); \ if (!id) \ id = st->oid; \ nd = map->id2nd(id); \ if (!nd) \ return; \ #define getExt1Return(r) \ TBL_NPC *nd = NULL; \ int num = (int)reference_uid(script->add_str(".id"), 0); \ int id = (int)i64db_iget(n->vars, num); \ if (!id) \ id = st->oid; \ nd = map->id2nd(id); \ if (!nd) \ return r; int escript_reload_pre(void) { map_clear_data(); return 0; } void escript_load_parameters_pre(void) { script->constdb_comment("Evol parameters"); script->set_constant("ClientVersion", 10000, true, false); script->constdb_comment(NULL); } // stripped copy from script_load_translations without actual translation loading. void escript_load_translations_pre(void) { if (map->minimal) { hookStop(); return; } script->translation_db = strdb_alloc(DB_OPT_DUP_KEY, NAME_LENGTH * 2 + 1); if (script->languages) { int i; for (i = 0; i < script->max_lang_id; i++) aFree(script->languages[i]); aFree(script->languages); } script->languages = NULL; script->max_lang_id = 0; script->add_language("English"); if (script->string_list) aFree(script->string_list); script->string_list = NULL; script->string_list_pos = 0; script->string_list_size = 0; map->default_lang_id = 0; hookStop(); } void eset_reg_npcscope_num_pre(struct script_state **stPtr, struct reg_db **nPtr, int64 *num __attribute__ ((unused)), const char **namePtr, int *val) { struct script_state *st = *stPtr; struct reg_db *n = *nPtr; const char *name = *namePtr; if (!strcmp(name, ".lang")) { getExt2(); ext->language = *val; hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".sex")) { getExt1(); clif->clearunit_area(&nd->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT); nd->vd->sex = *val; clif->spawn(&nd->bl); hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".distance")) { getExt1(); nd->area_size = *val; hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".dir")) { getExt1(); int newdir = *val; if (newdir < 0) newdir = 0; else if (newdir > 7) newdir = 7; nd->dir = newdir; npc->enable(nd->exname, 1); hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".x")) { ShowWarning("you cant assign '.x'\n"); script->reportsrc(st); hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".y")) { ShowWarning("you cant assign '.y'.\n"); script->reportsrc(st); hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".class")) { getExt1(); int class_ = *val; if (nd->class_ != class_) npc->setclass(nd, class_); hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".speed")) { getExt1(); unit->bl2ud2(&nd->bl); // ensure nd->ud is safe to edit nd->speed = *val; nd->ud->state.speed_changed = 1; hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".chat")) { ShowWarning("you cant assign '.chat'.\n"); script->reportsrc(st); hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".sit")) { getExt1(); nd->vd->dead_sit = (*val) ? 2 : 0; clif->sitting(&nd->bl); hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".stand")) { getExt1(); nd->vd->dead_sit = (*val) ? 0 : 2; clif->sitting(&nd->bl); hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".walkmask")) { getExt2(); ext->walkMask = *val; hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".alwaysVisible")) { getExt1(); if (*val) map_alwaysVisible_add(&nd->bl); else map_alwaysVisible_delete(&nd->bl); hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".srcId")) { ShowWarning("you cant assign '.srcId'\n"); script->reportsrc(st); hookStop(); } } int eget_val_npcscope_num_pre(struct script_state **stPtr, struct reg_db **nPtr, struct script_data **dataPtr) { struct script_state *st = *stPtr; struct reg_db *n = *nPtr; struct script_data *data = *dataPtr; const char *name = reference_getname(data); if (!strcmp(name, ".lang")) { getExt2Ret(0); hookStop(); return ext->language; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".sex")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->vd->sex; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".distance")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->area_size; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".dir")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->dir; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".x")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->bl.x; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".y")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->bl.y; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".class")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->class_; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".speed")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->speed; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".chat")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->chat_id; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".sit")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->vd->dead_sit == 2 ? 1 : 0; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".stand")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->vd->dead_sit == 0 ? 1 : 0; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".walkmask")) { getExt2Ret(0); hookStop(); return ext->walkMask; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".alwaysVisible")) { getExt1Return(0); bool res = map_alwaysVisible_find(&nd->bl); hookStop(); return res; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".srcId")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->src_id; } return 0; } void eset_reg_npcscope_str_pre(struct script_state **stPtr, struct reg_db **nPtr, int64 *num __attribute__ ((unused)), const char **namePtr, const char **strPtr) { struct script_state *st = *stPtr; struct reg_db *n = *nPtr; const char *name = *namePtr; const char *str = *strPtr; if (!strcmp(name, ".map$")) { ShowWarning("you cant assign '.map$'.\n"); script->reportsrc(st); hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".name$")) { getExt1(); npc->setdisplayname(nd, str); // not working because cant sent brodcast with translated npc name. need add for_each function for this. // clif->clearunit_area(&nd->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT); // safestrncpy(nd->name, str, sizeof(nd->name)); // clif->spawn(&nd->bl); hookStop(); } else if (!strcmp(name, ".extname$")) { ShowWarning("you cant assign '.extname$'.\n"); script->reportsrc(st); hookStop(); } } char *eget_val_npcscope_str_pre(struct script_state **stPtr, struct reg_db **nPtr, struct script_data **dataPtr) { struct script_state *st = *stPtr; struct reg_db *n = *nPtr; struct script_data *data = *dataPtr; const char *name = reference_getname(data); if (!strcmp(name, ".map$")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return map->list[nd->bl.m].name; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".name$")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->name; } else if (!strcmp(name, ".extname$")) { getExt1Return(0); hookStop(); return nd->exname; } return NULL; } void script_run_item_amount_script(TBL_PC *sd, struct script_code *itemScript, int itemId, int amount) { if (!itemScript) return; script->current_item_id = itemId; pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@itemId"), itemId); pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@itemAmount"), amount); script->run(itemScript, 0, sd->bl.id, npc->fake_nd->bl.id); pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@itemId"), 0); pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@itemAmount"), 0); script->current_item_id = 0; } void script_run_card_script(TBL_PC *sd, struct script_code *itemScript, int itemId, int cardId) { if (!itemScript) return; script->current_item_id = itemId; pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@itemId"), itemId); pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@cardId"), cardId); script->run(itemScript, 0, sd->bl.id, npc->fake_nd->bl.id); pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@itemId"), 0); pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@cardId"), 0); script->current_item_id = 0; }