Abide by the Rules Before resuming your adventure and exploration, you need to register on the boarding list of the ship by signing its rules. Speak to Julia, the shipkeeper of this ship. She is waiting for you on the first deck. Quest giver: Julia. Coordinates: La Johanne, First Deck. (27,24) Reward: Unknown. Abide by the Rules Julia told you about all the rules you have to follow during your adventure so that you behave properly with other people. Keep them in mind, but if you think you still need to hear them again, just talk to Julia. Quest giver: Julia. Coordinates: La Johanne, First Deck. (27,24) Reward: Nothing. Warm Smelly Clothes Magic Arpan is waiting for you. Go speak to him. To speak to an NPC, click on it with your mouse or select him using the N key and then chat using the T key. Quest giver: Magic Arpan. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (39,33) Reward: Unknown. Warm Smelly Clothes You need to open the chest and take the clothes from it. To perform this action, click on the chest with your mouse or select it with the N key and then interact with it using the T key. Quest giver: Magic Arpan. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (41,37) Reward: Smelly sailor clothes. Warm Smelly Clothes To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client. When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on 'Unequip'. Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold. Quest giver: Magic Arpan. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (39,33) Reward: Smelly sailor clothes. Warm Smelly Clothes You wore the clothes you found in the chest that Magic Arpan showed you. They are old and a bit smelly but the warm sensation they give makes you feel at home. Quest giver: Magic Arpan. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (39,33) Reward: Smelly sailor clothes. Piberries Lover A mysterious stowaway needs your help. He hides at the bottom level of the ship, in the storage room. It seems to be an urgent task, but he is afraid that you could be a sailor, so watch out! Quest Giver: Alige. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (33,31) Reward: Unknown. Piberries Lover Alige, the mysterious traveller, is requesting your help to find him some food. In fact, he hides in a hole in the main hallway. It leads to the ship's storage room where he can reach for some barrels full of [@@507|Piberries@@]. He is sick of eating these berries all the time. That is why he would like you to find him other kinds of food and bring them to him. Quest Giver: Alige. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (33,31) Reward: Unknown. Piberries Lover You brought Alige some food, different from the [@@507|Piberries@@] he usually eats. It looks like he is eager of tasting new flavors. Try bringing him other types of food. He may have something to give you in exchange. Quest Giver: Alige. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (33,31) Reward: A handful of [@@507|Piberries@@]. Ratto Extermination Peter needs your help to clean the bottom of the ship from some rattos. Speak to him when you will have time to help him. Quest Giver: Peter. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35) Reward: Unknown. Ratto Extermination Peter asked you to empty the bottom of the ship for free. Maybe next time he will have something to offer you... Quest Giver: Peter. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35) Reward: Nothing. Ratto Extermination Cleaning the bottom of the ship is a tough work, but Peter is offering you some gold for it. Quest Giver: Peter. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35) Reward: 100 EXP, 1000 E. Ratto Extermination You helped Peter cleaning the bottom of the ship for free. However, it looks like these rattos can come back again. Later, you could ask Peter if he needs your help again. Quest Giver: Peter. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35) Reward: Nothing. Ratto Extermination You helped Peter cleaning the bottom of the ship. He rewarded you with some gold. However, it looks like these rattos can come back again. Later, you could ask Peter if he needs your help again. Quest Giver: Peter. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35) Reward: 100 EXP, 1000 E. Ratto Extermination This time, Peter seems to have a reward for you. After you cleaned the bottom of the ship, ask him for a reward. Quest Giver: Peter. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35) Reward: 100 EXP, 1000 E. One of Us Nard, the captain of the ship, asked you to help his crew on the island outside the ship. Gugli, one of his sailors, is waiting for you on the shore to tell you about the task. Quest Giver: Nard. Coordinates: La Johanne, Nard's Room. (25,26) Reward: Unknown. One of Us You reported to Nard that you successfully accomplished Gugli's task. As a perfect sailor, you are waiting for the next order, eagerly. Quest Giver: Nard. Coordinates: La Johanne, Nard's Room. (25,26) Reward: Unknown. One of Us Captain Nard has another task for you. It seems he did a mistake in the past, choosing the right lieutenant for this ship. Chef Gado, the former shipkeeper, may have something to say about that. So does Julia, the current lieutenant of the ship. Quest Giver: Nard. Coordinates: La Johanne, Nard's Room. (25,26) Reward: Unknown. One of Us You smartly solved the lieutenants' conflict onboard. Nard is proud of his new sailor. Take your reward from the box near the captain in order to officially become one of Nard's crew members. Quest Giver: Nard. Coordinates: La Johanne, Nard's Room. (25,24) Reward: 50 EXP, [@@2900|Bandana@@]. One of Us Nard officially proclaimed you as member of his crew! Quest Giver: Nard. Coordinates: La Johanne, Nard's Room. (25,24) Reward: 50 EXP, [@@2900|Bandana@@]. Chef's Secret Blade You found a sharp knife on a table in one of the rooms of the ship. It looks like its previous owner used it to prepare delicious dishes for the crew. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (50,24) Reward: [@@3500|Knife@@]. Fish and Scams A sailor, who wasn't on Gugli's list, gave you a box full of food. He did not mention any reward, but he would like you to deliver it to Gugli as soon as you can. Quest Giver: Couwan. Coordinates: Desert Island. (85,108) Reward: Unknown. Fish and Scams Couwan is an awful, roguish person. No reward from him... However, Gugli gave you some gold pieces and apologized for this unexpected task. He also warned you not to trust anyone. Quest Giver: Couwan. Coordinates: Desert Island. (89,36) Reward: 8 EXP, 10 E. Treasure's Glint You spotted a treasure chest at the top of a cliff on the east side of the island. The chest contains gold and an [@@514|Old Book@@]. Coordinates: Desert Island. (83,70) Reward: 100 E, [@@514|Old Book@@]. Unexpected Help Gugli told you about the sailors' task on the island. He wants you to help some of them bringing him 6 boxes full of [@@513|Croconuts@@], [@@714|Aquadas@@] and [@@515|Plushrooms@@]. You need to collect the boxes from Tibbo, Gulukan, Q'Muller, Astapolos, Jalad and Ale. Max, Silvio and Lean may have some information about where to find these sailors. Quest Giver: Gugli. Coordinates: Desert Island. (85,108) Reward: Unknown. Unexpected Help You completed all the tasks Gugli gave you. Sailors of the ship will never forget you! Quest Giver: Gugli. Coordinates: Desert Island. (85,108) Reward: 40 EXP, 250 E. Two Lieutenants in One Boat Chef Gado wants you to collect 2 [@@505|Piou Legs@@], 2 [@@512|Half Croconuts@@], 1 [@@509|Aquada@@] and 1 [@@508|Sea Drops@@] to prepare a [@@717|Poisoned Dish@@], for Julia. Quest Giver: Chef Gado. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (17,28) Reward: Unknown. Two Lieutenants in One Boat Chef Gado prepared the [@@717|Poisoned Dish@@]. He would like you to give it to Julia. While Chef Gado wants you to poison Julia, you remember she looked after you when you were sick. She doesn't deserve to be punished... or does she? Quest Giver: Chef Gado. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (17,28) Reward: Unknown. Two Lieutenants in One Boat Go back and talk to Gado. He probably has a reward for you. Quest Giver: Chef Gado. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (17,28) Reward: Unknown. Two Lieutenants in One Boat You successfully poisoned Julia. Chef Gado finally had his revenge! Quest Giver: Chef Gado. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (17,28) Reward: 15 EXP, 200 E, [@@502|Bread@@]. Two Lieutenants in One Boat You refused to accomplish Chef Gado's evil plan. Julia is now safe. Quest Giver: Chef Gado. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (17,28) Reward: 15 EXP, 200 E. Two Lieutenants in One Boat You preferred trusting Julia because, after all, she deserves to be the lieutenant of the ship. Quest Giver: Chef Gado. Coordinates: La Johanne, Second Deck. (17,28) Reward: 8 EXP, 100 E. The Lazy Brother Katja wants you to find her brother. He is hiding somewhere on the hill not far from the girl Quest Giver: Katja. Coordinates: Artis. (164,44) Reward: Unknown. The Lazy Brother You found Bobo. Apparently he's hanging out here all day, because he doesn't want to do his homework. You decided to let hem do so, for a small reward. Quest Giver: Katja. Coordinates: Artis. (164,44) Reward: 100 E. The Lazy Brother You found Bobo. Apparently he's hanging out here all day, because he doesn't want to do his homework. You could not allow this, and told him to go home. You should tell Katya about it. Quest Giver: Katja. Coordinates: Artis. (164,44) Reward: Unknown. The Lazy Brother You found Bobo. He promised to go home soon. His sister was very happy and gave you a Lollypop as a reward. Quest Giver: Katja. Coordinates: Artis. (164,44) Reward: Lollypop. Moon and the Urchin Moon, the elven girl, accidently stepped on an urchin. She wants you to bring her some [@@706|Croc Claw@@] to get rid of spikes. Quest Giver: Moon. Coordinates: Artis, Moon's House (164,44) Reward: Unknown. Moon and the Urchin You helped Moon to get rid of urchin spikes from her foot. Quest Giver: Moon. Coordinates: Artis, Moon's House (164,44) Reward: 1500 Exp. Catch the Piou Salem, the trader from Artis Market, needs your help. A piou escaped from him, and he wants you to catch it. The piou is flying around the town, not far from the Market. When you catch it, hurry back to Salem. Quest Giver: Salem. Coordinates: Artis, Market (57,118) Reward: 90% discount on piou. Catch the Piou You successfully returned the piou to the trader. Quest Giver: Salem. Coordinates: Artis, Market (57,118) Reward: 90% discount on piou. Fishman Eugene, the fishman in Artis docks, bought a new fishing rod. He hurried so much to try it out, that he forgot to take enough bait. You need to bring him 10 [@@700|Small Tentacles@@] Quest Giver: Eugene. Coordinates: Artis, Docks (113,120) Reward: Unknown. Fishman You helped Eugene. As his gratitude, he gave you his old fishing rod. You can use it to catch fish. Quest Giver: Eugene. Coordinates: Artis, Docks (113,120) Reward: [@@728|Fishing Rod@@]. The Buried Treasure Q'Onan, the orc sailor from Nard's crew, used to be a thief. His last "business" involved robbing a nobleman. But he didn't succeed completely, because he had to bury the chest full of coins to save himself. Only the approximate location of it is known (Artis Hill, (180, 27)), so you'll have to do a little digging to get money. Quest Giver: Q'Onan. Coordinates: Artis, La Johanne (186,107) Reward: 2000 E. The Buried Treasure After a lot of digging, you found the treasure chest. It's locked, and Q'Onan has the only key. So you'll have to deliver it to him. Quest Giver: Q'Onan. Coordinates: Artis, La Johanne (186,107) Reward: 2000 E. The Buried Treasure Q'Onan kept his promise, and gave you your share of the deal. He said that he finally can pay back his debts. Quest Giver: Q'Onan. Coordinates: Artis, La Johanne (186,107) Reward: 2000 E. Visiting Artis Bacchus asked you to bring him a [@@722|Pumpkin@@]. Cuco drops them, in the locked room of La Johanne's Hold. Quest Giver: Bacchus. Coordinates: La Johanne, Hold (31,30) Reward: [@@2901|Pumpkin Hat@@]. Visiting Artis Bacchus offers you to see a small part of your future. The payment is 10 [@@509|Halloween Candy@@]. Quest Giver: Bacchus. Coordinates: La Johanne, Hold (31,30) Reward: chance to see the future. Alige in the Barrel Alige was very scared of the Cuco. Now that it's killed, he should be okay. Quest Giver: Alige. Coordinates: La Johanne, Hold, Alige's Hideout (38,22) Reward: Unknown. Alige in the Barrel Somehow Alige appeared in my vision of the future. For killing the scary Cuco, he gave me a [@@2700|Barrel@@]. Quest Giver: Alige. Coordinates: Artis, Dream World (71,132) Reward: [@@2700|Barrel@@]. Plushroom Addict Rumly is expecting you to return. He is still offering his services. Quest Giver: Rumly. Coordinates: Artis, Market Place (35,125) Plushroom Addict Rumly is waiting for you to bring him some [@@515|Plushroom@@]. Quest Giver: Rumly. Coordinates: Artis, Market Place (35,125) Plushroom Addict Rumly is able to reset your character point. Bring him some [@@515|Plushroom@@] and he will be able to do it for you. Quest Giver: Rumly. Coordinates: Artis, Market Place (35,125) Newby Quest You are charged to visit Chelios and to bring back Enora's package. Chelios is reachable at the Blacksmith building (95,109). Quest Giver: Enora. Coordinates: Artis, Dock (176,113) Reward: Unknown. Newby Quest Chelios asked you to bring him some black iron You should look for Lloyd at the Merchant Building (100,37). Quest Giver: Chelios. Coordinates: Artis, Agora (95,109) Reward: Unknown. Newby Quest Lloyd gave you the black iron package. Bring it back to Chelios. Quest Giver: Chelios. Coordinates: Artis, Agora (95,109) Reward: Unknown. Newby Quest Chelios made a sword out of black iron ore. This task is done, you can now return it to Enora. Quest Giver: Enora. Coordinates: Artis, Dock (176,113) Reward: 60 Exp, 100 E. Newby Quest You are charged to visit Resa and to bring back Enora's package. Resa is reachable at the Light Armor building (55,72). Quest Giver: Enora. Coordinates: Artis, Dock (176,113) Reward: Unknown. Newby Quest Resa gave you a [@@1302|Artis Tank Top@@]. This task is done, you can now return it to Enora. Quest Giver: Enora. Coordinates: Artis, Dock (176,113) Reward: 40 Exp, 125 E. Newby Quest You are charged to visit Q'Pid and to bring back Enora's package. Q'Pid is reachable at the Market Place, on the South-West of Artis (61,116). Quest Giver: Enora. Coordinates: Artis, Dock (176,113) Reward: Unknown. Newby Quest You lost the riddle of Q'Pid, you have to go to Ivan to get Enora's potions. Ivan is in a small house near Artis's canal (163,71). Quest Giver: Enora. Coordinates: Artis, Dock (176,113) Reward: Unknown. Newby Quest Ivan gave you some [@@1302|Pibberies Infusion@@]. This task is done, you can now return them to Enora. Quest Giver: Enora. Coordinates: Artis, Dock (176,113) Reward: 80 Exp, 175 E. Newby Quest Some citizen worry about their safety with the growing number of Fluffy on the Hill of Artis. Enora's latest task for you is to clean up this hill. Killing about 10 Fluffy should be enough to calm down the neighborhood. The hill is located on North-East of Artis (172,46). Quest Giver: Enora. Coordinates: Artis, Dock (176,113) Reward: Unknown. Newby Quest You completed every task and you even cleaned up the hill of these terrible Fluffies. Quest Giver: Enora. Coordinates: Artis, Dock (176,113) Reward: [@@3502|Training Gladius@@], [@@1302|Artis Tank Top@@], 5 x [@@520|Pibberies Infusion@@] Reward: 140 Exp, 500 E.