From 47cab9db45e2e65f2ccb14a8c8802e493aabb883 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrei Karas Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 01:44:33 +0300 Subject: Update and rebuild translations. --- langs/lang_de.old | 112 +++++++- langs/lang_de.txt | 447 ++++++++++++++++------------- langs/lang_en.old | 345 +++++++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_en.txt | 577 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------- langs/lang_es.old | 106 ++++++- langs/lang_es.txt | 463 +++++++++++++++++------------- langs/lang_fr.old | 190 ++++++++++++- langs/lang_fr.txt | 547 +++++++++++++++++++---------------- langs/lang_it.old | 102 +++++++ langs/lang_it.txt | 453 ++++++++++++++++------------- langs/lang_nl_BE.old | 213 ++++++++++++++ langs/lang_nl_BE.txt | 533 +++++++++++++++++++---------------- langs/lang_pl.old | 81 ++++++ langs/lang_pl.txt | 783 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- langs/lang_pt_BR.old | 97 ++++++- langs/lang_pt_BR.txt | 563 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------- langs/lang_ru.old | 59 +++- langs/lang_ru.txt | 409 +++++++++++++++------------ langs/lang_vls.old | 58 +++- langs/lang_vls.txt | 409 +++++++++++++++------------ 20 files changed, 4259 insertions(+), 2288 deletions(-) (limited to 'langs') diff --git a/langs/lang_de.old b/langs/lang_de.old index 2d79daed..346be5f6 100644 --- a/langs/lang_de.old +++ b/langs/lang_de.old @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +*hick* +*hicks* + ... ... @@ -31,6 +34,9 @@ Ein sonniger und heißer Tag, About this Esperia Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly, there are rumors around that they did monstrous things and that they are hiding a lot of things from us. Über diese Esperia Gilde, ich bin nicht sicher darüber, offen gesagt, es gibt Gerüchte um, dass sie ungeheure Dinge tat, und dass sie vor uns eine Menge Dinge verbergen. +About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Über diese Esperia Gilde, ich bin ein wenig misstrauisch, wenn ich das so sagen darf. Es gibt einige Gerüchte, dass sie ungeheure Sachen machen und viele Dinge vor uns verheimlichen. + Alige Alige @@ -52,6 +58,12 @@ Und bitte... Keine Beeren mehr! Anyway, maybe when you are looking for food with Gugli you'll have the time to look at this!! Wie auch immer, vielleicht, wenn Sie nach Essen mit Gugli suchen haben Sie die Zeit, dies zu betrachten! +AreaBottom +AreaBottom + +AreaMiddle +AreaMiddle + As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!! Da du umher laufen kannst sollte es für dich ein einfaches sein. Spieß mir eine auf! @@ -88,6 +100,9 @@ Aber vorallem war sie es die sich um dich gekümmert hat während du im Koma lag But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway. Aber bis dahin musst du hierbleiben. Es ist ohnehin nichts anderes zu tun. +But you won't *hick* me this time... +Aber du wirst mich *hicks* dieses mal nicht... + But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him. Aber... wenn er vergesslich ist, wie Julia sagt, brauchen wir uns keine Sorgen um ihn machen. @@ -97,6 +112,9 @@ Aber... wenn sie vergesslich ist, wie Julia sagt, brauchen wir uns keine Sorgen Bye. Bye. +CAN YOU HEAR ME? +HÖRST DU MICH? + Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him. Der Cap'tain hat die Tür abgesperrt, du solltest zu ihm gehen. @@ -109,6 +127,12 @@ Möre Could I ask you which is your native language? A sailor said me russian, an other one said me french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship board list just after that. Darf ich dich fragen was deine Muttersprache ist? Ein Matrose meinte Russisch, ein anderer Französich... Ich bin ein wenig verwirrt. Ich werde dich danach sofort auf die Bordliste setzen. +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? +HAST DU RAUSGEFUNDEN, WAS DAS LICHT WAR? + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER? +GEHT ES DIR BESSER? + Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me! Verdammt bist du! Erzähl besser niemanden, dass du mich gesehen hast. @@ -142,6 +166,9 @@ Willst du mich begleiten, um Sie zu sehen an Ihrem Ort? Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan Kennt jemand eine gute Unterkunft in Esperia? - M. Arpan +Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! +Mach das nicht *hicks* mit mir! + Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in future. - Julia Gib nicht das Kennwort Deines Zimmers anderen! Halte es geheim und versuche nichtdas gleiche in einem anderen zukünftigen Raum zu nutzen. - Julia @@ -175,6 +202,12 @@ Fein! Fine, bye!! Fein, Bye!! +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. +Gehe nach draußen und rede mit Gugli, er wird dir sagen, was wir brauchen. + +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Gehe nach draußen und rede mit Gugli, er wird dir sagen, was wir brauchen. + Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis. Gut zu wissen. Wie Darlin mir erzählt hat, kommen wir bald an einer kleinen Insel vorbei bevor wir in Artis ankommen. @@ -241,6 +274,9 @@ Hey! Ehoo!! Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room. Hey, Du kannst hier nicht schlafen, das ist mein Zimmer. +Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. +Hey. Du solltest Julia aufsuchen, um an Bord registriert zu werden. + Hi, nice to see you! Hi, nett dich zu sehen! @@ -259,6 +295,9 @@ Versteckte Person antwortet nicht. How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us, and that you will be able to get one of these hats. Wie wäre es, frage ich Dich, der Mannschaft zu helfen? Es würde bedeuten, dass du einer von uns bist, und daß du einen dieser Hüte bekommen kannst. +How do you know my name? +Woher weißt du meinen Namen? + How is *hick* possible?? Wie ist es *hicks* möglich?? @@ -313,12 +352,33 @@ Ich sagte ... Warum kommst du nicht nach unten zum reden? I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again? Es ist anscheinend nicht so einfach diese Rattos zu beseitigen. Willst du es nochmal versuchen? -I speak Dutch -Ich spreche Niederländisch. +I speak English +Ich spreche Englisch + +I speak Flemish +Ich spreche Flämisch + +I speak French +Ich spreche Französisch + +I speak German +Ich spreche Deutsch I speak Italian Ich spreche Italienisch +I speak Polish +Ich spreche Polnisch + +I speak Portuguese +Ich spreche Portugisisch + +I speak Russian +Ich spreche Russisch + +I speak Spanish +Ich spreche Spanisch + I think that I'm done, I've got a box full of Ich denke, dass ich fertig bin, ich habe eine volle Kiste @@ -439,6 +499,9 @@ Darf ich mich vorstellen, ich bin Kapitän Nard, der Führer des Schiffes. Let me see your work... Lass mich deine Arbeit sehen... +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? +VIELLEICHT KANNST DU DIR DAS HIER ANGUCKEN? + Max Max @@ -448,9 +511,21 @@ Vielleicht kannst du so aussehen? Mickael Mickael +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +Mein Name ist Astapolos. Q'Muller und ich traten der Nard-Crew vor ein paar Jahren bei, als es nur ein kleines Handelsschiff war. + My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. Mein Name ist Julia, ich war es, der sich um dich gekümmert hat, nachdem wir dich im Meer gefunden haben. +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 +NEIN und *hicks* NEIN, du und deine... *burp* dähmliche *hicks* Gilde! + +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 +NEIN und *hicks* NEIN, du und du und deine ... *hicks* dämliche *burp* Gilde! + +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. +NICHTS AUSSER HAIEN UND EINEM KOMISCHEN LEUCHTEN. + No problem, do you have an other question for me? Kein Problem. Hast du noch andere Fragen für mich? @@ -565,6 +640,12 @@ Am Rande dieser Insel! Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the item to add the item he drops to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. Sobald das Monster tot ist, klicken Sie mit der Maus auf das Element, um das Element, dem Inventar hinzufügen, oder Sie die Z-Taste für dasselbe. +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Innerhalb deines Inventars kannst du das das Objekt auswählen und auf 'Ausrüsten' klicken um dich damit auszustatten. Alternativ können Sie ein Objekt entfernen, indem Sie 'Ausziehen' wählen. + +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Innerhalb deines Inventars kannst du das das Objekt auswählen und auf 'Ausrüsten' klicken um dich damit auszustatten. Alternativ können Sie ein Objekt entfernen, indem Sie 'Ausziehen' wählen. + Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 Innerhalb deines Inventars kannst du das das Objekt auswählen und auf 'Ausrüsten' klicken um dich damit auszustatten. Alternativ können Sie ein Objekt entfernen, indem Sie 'Ausziehen' wählen. @@ -598,6 +679,9 @@ Ronan Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... +SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? +WIE HEISST DU DENN? + Sapartan Sapartan @@ -625,6 +709,9 @@ Silvio Silvio starts to speak with his bottle, you leave the conversation. Als Silvio beginnt, mit seiner Flasche zu sprechen, verlässt du das Gespräch. +So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. +Wir suchen also einige neue Waren, die wir in unserem nächsten Ziel handeln können. + So what's up?? What are you doing?? Also, was ist los?? Was machst du da? @@ -673,6 +760,9 @@ Tarlan Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... Vielen Dank! Hier, nimm dir ein paar Beeren... +Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Danke nochmal, dass du geholfen hast. Allerdings sind diese Rattos ein unendliches Problem und ich freue mich immer noch über deine Hilfe. Das einzige Problem ist, dass ich dich nur einmal belohnen kann. + Thanks again for helping me. But those rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. Danke nochmal, dass du geholfen hast. Allerdings sind diese Rattos ein nicht endendes Problem und deine Hilfe ist willkommen. Das einzige Problem ist, dass ich dich nur einmal belohnen kann. @@ -700,6 +790,12 @@ Der Matrose dreht dir den Rücken zu. The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you. Die Matrosen ziehen dich an Bord um dir zu helfen. +There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Es gibt Gerüchte, dass sie einige ungeheuerlich Dinge tat, und dass sie ziemlich viele Dinge vor uns verbergen. + +There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +Dort sind ein paar Messer auf dem Tisch. Möchtest du eins aufnehmen? + There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Es sind immer noch ein paar Ratten übrig! Willst du die Aufgabe abbrechen? @@ -751,6 +847,9 @@ Dies ist ein Meeresfrucht, aber einige Seeungeheuer können so etwas haben. Too bad that you do not want to help me. Schade, dass du mir nicht helfen möchtest. +WHAT DID YOU SAY? +WAS HAST DU GESAGT? + We are in need of manpower on the island. Wir sind brauchen mehr Arbeitskräfte auf der Insel. @@ -772,6 +871,9 @@ Wir haben versucht sie zu reinigen, aber das Meerwasser hat sie fast vernichtet. We usually don't stop in such places, but Capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! Wir stoppen in der Regel nicht an solchen Orten, aber der Capt'ain lässt uns hier bleiben, während er die Position dieser neuen Insel in seiner Karte einträgt! +We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +Wir stoppen in der Regel nicht an solchen Orten, aber der Kapitän lässt uns hier bleiben, während er die Position dieser neuen Insel in seiner Karte einträgt! + We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#0 Wir werden dort in ein paar Tagen ankommen. Du wirst sehen, die Leute dort sind nett und du kannst für Hilfe bei der Krieger Gilde fragen. Sie können dir helfen einen Job zu finden oder dir helfen herauszufinden was dort draußen auf dem Meer passiert ist! @@ -817,6 +919,9 @@ Warum nicht... Aber wer bist du? Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Hehehe. Das erste Mal, dass jemand schlechter gekleidet ist als wir! +Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Ja! Ihr seid alle so *hicks* in Esperia. Aber ihr werdet mich nicht kriegen! *rülps* + Yes, it's a chest! Ja, es ist eine Truhe! @@ -886,6 +991,9 @@ Sie sollten sie betrachten, wenn wir im Hafen ankommen, es lohnt sich, eheh. You should try to kill some Tortugas, or some Croc if you're strong enough. Du solltest versuchen, wenn du stark genug bist, einige Tortugas oder Crocs zu töten. +You still haven't completed your task. +Sie haben Ihre Aufgabe noch nicht abgeschlossen. + You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form. Quatsch. Es ist eine Engländering. Schau ihre Kopfform. diff --git a/langs/lang_de.txt b/langs/lang_de.txt index acf6d521..3b69572c 100644 --- a/langs/lang_de.txt +++ b/langs/lang_de.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online -*hick* -*hicks* +*hic* + - 2 @@ @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online . -...And 1 @@. +... Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need delicious ingredients to prepare a... a special recipe. -...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. +... and 1 @@. 1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still. @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online 2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam. -3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. +3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. -4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. +4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the sing A sunny and hot day, - +Ein heißer und sonniger Tag. ANYWAY, MAYBE WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FOOD WITH GUGLI YOU WILL HAVE THE TIME TO LOOK AT THIS! VIELLEICHT HAST DU JA ZEIT DAS HIER ANZUGUCKEN, WENN DU MIT GUGLI NACH ESSEN SUCHST! @@ -56,16 +56,13 @@ VIELLEICHT HAST DU JA ZEIT DAS HIER ANZUGUCKEN, WENN DU MIT GUGLI NACH ESSEN SUC Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you. -About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Über diese Esperia Gilde, ich bin ein wenig misstrauisch, wenn ich das so sagen darf. Es gibt einige Gerüchte, dass sie ungeheure Sachen machen und viele Dinge vor uns verheimlichen. - About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly. Über diese Esperia-Gilde, ich bin mir nicht sicher darüber, ehrlich gesagt. Acorn Eichel -Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. +Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life. Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all. @@ -83,13 +80,13 @@ AligeTrigger All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries... Und alles, was ich zum Essen hatte waren Beeren... Beeren... Beeren... -All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your... fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. -Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. +Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good. -Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy... @@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go c Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 -An unexpected help is always welcome. +An unexpected help is always welcome! And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! @@ -125,24 +122,18 @@ And you? How's it going on your side? And you? How's it yaying on your side? -Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag. Aquada Aquada -Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Aquada Box Are you ok? Alles ok? -AreaBottom -AreaBottom - -AreaMiddle -AreaMiddle - AreaNPC AreaNPC @@ -158,13 +149,13 @@ Artis natürlich! As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land. -As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. +As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be. As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you. -Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away. Astapolos. @@ -176,7 +167,7 @@ At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island. Ayouyouch! My head... -BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPENS TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! Bag @@ -194,6 +185,9 @@ Vor dem ... Bread Brot +Break the door. + + But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. Tut mir Leid, aber darüber kann ich dir nichts sagen. @@ -206,7 +200,7 @@ But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...may But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. Aber jetzt können Sie sich auf dem Schiff entspannen, oder besuchen Sie die Insel, an wir bei angedockt sind! Es ist eine kleine Insel, aber ein guter Ort, um etwas Bewegung zu bekommen und um die Beine zu vertreten. -But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. +But let's talk more about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality food. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 @@ -218,8 +212,8 @@ But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconsciou But who am I? Aber wer bin ich? -But you won't *hick* me this time... -Aber du wirst mich *hicks* dieses mal nicht... +But you won't *hic* me this time... + But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. Aber... wenn er sein Gedächtnis verloren hat, wie Julia sagte, ... dann brauchen wir uns keine Sorgen zu machen. @@ -230,8 +224,8 @@ Aber... wenn sie ihr Gedächnis verloren hat, wie Julia sagte, ... dann brauchen Bye! Bye! -CAN YOU HEAR ME? -HÖRST DU MICH? +CAN YOU HEAR ME?! + Can I read these rules again? Kann ich diese Regeln noch einmal lesen? @@ -245,9 +239,6 @@ Kapitän Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Kapitän Nard ist in dem Raum auf der rechten Seite. -Captain wants: ??? - - Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 Bestimmte Gegenstände besitzen verschiedene Effekte. Einige können dich heilen, manche können als Waffen oder Rüstungen verwenden werden , und einige können für Gold verkauft werden. @@ -299,14 +290,17 @@ Krokodilsklaue Croconut Krokosnuss -DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? -HAST DU RAUSGEFUNDEN, WAS DAS LICHT WAR? +Croconut Box -DO YOU FEEL BETTER? -GEHT ES DIR BESSER? -Damn @@. +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS?! + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER?! + + +Damn @@. +Verdammte @@. Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#0 Verdammt! Erzähl niemanden, dass du mich gesehen hast @@ -320,9 +314,6 @@ Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter. Dan keeps silent since your last question. Dan behält sein Schweigen bei seit Ihrer letzten Frage. -DarlinBarrierCheck - - Did you say reward? I want it! Sagtest du Belohnung? Ich will sie! @@ -347,13 +338,13 @@ Do you want to try? Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan -Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! -Mach das nicht *hicks* mit mir! +Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! + Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! Versuchen Sie nicht, mich zu vergiften! Ich weiß, was das macht! -Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! +Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance! DoorUpwards @@ -368,19 +359,22 @@ Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey. Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live. -Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm... He was really upset for some past stories. Elmo Elmo -Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats! -Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef. -Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. +Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats! + + +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there. Elven Voice @@ -404,7 +398,7 @@ NA GUT, TSCHÜSS! Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. -Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little... secret mission. From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. @@ -416,20 +410,17 @@ Pilz GOOD! GUT! -Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! +Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Ggrmm grmmm... Ggrmm grmmm... -Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. -Gehe nach draußen und rede mit Gugli, er wird dir sagen, was wir brauchen. +Go away. -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. -Gehe nach draußen und rede mit Gugli, er wird dir sagen, was wir brauchen. Good job! Gut gemacht! @@ -482,7 +473,7 @@ HEY! HEY, DU! Harpy-lady? -Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too? Have you seen anything dangerous? @@ -497,7 +488,7 @@ Er hat mir nichts davon erzählt. He's funny, it's not a problem. Er ist lustig, das ist kein Problem. -Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. Hehe! @@ -569,28 +560,31 @@ Hey! Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. Hey! Sei vorsichtig. Du kannst nicht lange in diesem Keller bleiben, denn du wirst krank werden. Geh nach draußen und mach eine Pause und probier es später nochmal. +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 + + +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 + + Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, mach dir keine Sorgen um ihn, es ist einer der ersten Tage seit einiger Zeit, wo wir uns entspannen können. Hey, girl! Hey, Mädchen! +Hey, how do you know my name? + + Hey, man! Hey! Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? Hey! psst! Du bist kein Matrose, oder? -Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. -Hey. Du solltest Julia aufsuchen, um an Bord registriert zu werden. - -Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. - - Hey. -Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh? Hi @@. @@ -602,7 +596,7 @@ Hi, nice to see you! Hidden Person Versteckte Person -Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough +Hmmm, hm... Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?... Cough, burp... Damn Gado... Cough... How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. @@ -617,10 +611,7 @@ How are you doing, cutie? How are you doing, dude? -How do you know my name? -Woher weißt du meinen Namen? - -How is *hick* it possible? +How is *hichic* it possible? However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever. @@ -632,7 +623,7 @@ However... Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth! -I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... +I ALSO AVOID THE DANGEROUS ANIMALS! I AM DOING FINE! @@ -642,7 +633,7 @@ I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! ICH VERSTEHE NICHT! I SAID, SEE YOU LATER! - +ICH HAB GESAGT, BIS SPÄTER! I WAS HERE WHEN THEY RESCUED YOU! ICH WAR DA, ALS SIE DICH GERETTET HABEN! @@ -665,7 +656,7 @@ Ich bin, wer bist du? I beg you, please, pleeeease... Ich bitte dich, Bitte, Biiiiiitte... -I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... +I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the morning... I can't remember anything.#0 @@ -710,6 +701,9 @@ Ich fühle mich ok. I forgot where it was... Ich habe vergessen, wo es war... +I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship. + + I guess so... I will leave you alone. Ich denke so... Ich werde dich in Ruhe lassen. @@ -749,7 +743,7 @@ Ich brauche jemanden, der den Schiffsrumpf von diesen Ratten befreit. Kannst du I need to go, sorry. -I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and... I only remember I was rescued by you.#0 @@ -759,7 +753,7 @@ I only remember I was rescued by you.#1 Ich kann mich nur daran erinnern, dass du mich gerettet hast. I said... WHY DON'T YOU COME DOWN TO TALK? - +Ich habe gefragt, WARUM KOMMST DU NICHT ZUM SPRECHEN RUNTER? I see it's not easy to get rid of those Rattos. Do you want to try again? @@ -770,32 +764,35 @@ Hm. Informiere die anderen Matrosen darüber. Aber wenn er Teil der Kriegergilde I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally. Ich verstehe. Informiere die anderen Matrosen darüber. Aber wenn sie Mitglied der Kriegergilde ist, ist sie auch unsere Verbündete. -I speak Dutch +I speak Dutch. + + +I speak English. + +I speak Flemish. -I speak English -Ich spreche Englisch -I speak Flemish -Ich spreche Flämisch +I speak French. -I speak French -Ich spreche Französisch -I speak German -Ich spreche Deutsch +I speak German. -I speak Polish -Ich spreche Polnisch -I speak Portuguese -Ich spreche Portugisisch +I speak Italian. -I speak Russian -Ich spreche Russisch -I speak Spanish -Ich spreche Spanisch +I speak Polish. + + +I speak Portuguese. + + +I speak Russian. + + +I speak Spanish. + I swear, I do not eat so much. @@ -806,7 +803,7 @@ Ich glaube, ich sollte dich der Crew melden. I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions? -I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s! I think that I'm still a bit sick. @@ -815,7 +812,7 @@ Ich denke, dass ich noch immer ein bisschen krank bin. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? Ich glaube, dass mein Wein von sehr guter Qualität ist! Ich bin schon bei der zweiten Flasche und ich bin bereits ... Worüber haben wir nochmal gesprochen? -I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s! I will give you @@gp. @@ -869,7 +866,7 @@ Ich suche nach Gugli, wo ist er? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! Ich werde verrückt, Ich brauche etwas anderes zu essen! -I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! I'm sorry, I don't have time right now. @@ -902,10 +899,7 @@ WENN DU WAS FINDEST, IST DAS SUPER! IT'S OK, CREW TASKS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CURIOSITY! -If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! - - -If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If I saw *hic* who you were... *hips* Would not have helped you! If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -920,6 +914,9 @@ Wenn Sie möchten, öffnen Sie Ihr Inventar indem Sie die Taste F3 benutzen, ode If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 Wenn Sie möchten, öffnen Sie Ihr Inventar indem Sie die Taste F3 benutzen, oder benutzen Sie Ihre Maus, um es im obigen Menü in Ihrem Client auszuwählen. +If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... + + In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun. In diesem Loch habe ich viel Spaß, siehst du? @@ -947,6 +944,9 @@ It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. Es scheint, dass wir in der Nähe einer Insel sind, wir sollten einen Blick auf das Oberdeck werfen. +It seems that you need a key to open this door. + + It seems you still have some work to do. @@ -959,6 +959,9 @@ It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry! Es ist der Handelshafen von Andorra. Es ist komisch, dass du noch nicht davon gehört hast. Es ist eine der berühmtesten Städte der ganzen Welt. Aber hey. Lass uns zum Thema zurückkommen! Ich bin hungrig! +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!. + + It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. @@ -980,6 +983,12 @@ Es ist wahr! It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception. +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 + + +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 + + Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0 @@ -998,9 +1007,6 @@ Julia Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. Julia ist auf der oberen Ebene des Schiffes, verwenden Sie die Pfeiltasten, um zur Treppe zu gehen, oder klicken Sie auf die Treppe am oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms. -Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. - - Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. @@ -1019,13 +1025,13 @@ LeftDoorCheck Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. Lass mich mich erst einmal vorstellen. Ich bin Nard und bin der Kapitän dieses Schiffes. -Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. +Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start! Lettuce Salat -Look how splendid this landscape is. +Look how splendid this landscape is! Look, he's there! @@ -1034,11 +1040,11 @@ Look, he's there! Look, there he is! -M...Maybe? +M... Maybe? + +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS!? -MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? -VIELLEICHT KANNST DU DIR DAS HIER ANGUCKEN? Magic Arpan Magic Arpan @@ -1070,20 +1076,14 @@ Mein Freund, ich war nicht immer ein Seemann, wissen Sie, ich war einst ein bede My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. Ich heiße Alige, und ich verstecke mich hier schon seit einigen Wochen. -My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -Mein Name ist Astapolos. Q'Muller und ich traten der Nard-Crew vor ein paar Jahren bei, als es nur ein kleines Handelsschiff war. +My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. +My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 -NEIN und *hicks* NEIN, du und deine... *burp* dähmliche *hicks* Gilde! -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 -NEIN und *hicks* NEIN, du und du und deine ... *hicks* dämliche *burp* Gilde! +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT! -NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. -NICHTS AUSSER HAIEN UND EINEM KOMISCHEN LEUCHTEN. Nard Nard @@ -1097,6 +1097,12 @@ Erzähler New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed. +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0 + + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1 + + No problem, I can help you anyway. Kein Problem, ich kann dir trotzdem helfen. @@ -1151,6 +1157,9 @@ Nichts. Nothing. Nichts. +Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. + + OH, LOOK THERE! OH, GUCK MAL DA! @@ -1169,9 +1178,6 @@ Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? Oh gut! Hat er dir auch dein Geld zurückgegeben? -Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. - - Oh look, there's a piou behind you! @@ -1229,6 +1235,9 @@ Oh. Er lebt noch! Oh, it's you. Oh, du bist es. +Oh, it's you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. + + Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. @@ -1286,11 +1295,11 @@ OldBook Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. Sobald das Monster tot ist, klicken Sie mit der Maus auf das Element, um das Element dem Inventar hinzufügen, oder drücken Sie die Z-Taste für dasselbe. -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 -Innerhalb deines Inventars kannst du das das Objekt auswählen und auf 'Ausrüsten' klicken um dich damit auszustatten. Alternativ können Sie ein Objekt entfernen, indem Sie 'Ausziehen' wählen. +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#0 + + +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#1 -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 -Innerhalb deines Inventars kannst du das das Objekt auswählen und auf 'Ausrüsten' klicken um dich damit auszustatten. Alternativ können Sie ein Objekt entfernen, indem Sie 'Ausziehen' wählen. Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. @@ -1310,9 +1319,6 @@ Unsere Crew ist wie eine Familie, und wenn du einverstanden bist, uns zu helfen, People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose. -PeterBarrierCheck - - Piberries Pibeeren @@ -1331,6 +1337,12 @@ Bitte berühre nicht diese Hüte, sie sind nur für Besatzungsmitglieder. Plushroom +Plushroom Box + + +Purple Blobime + + QMuller. @@ -1355,25 +1367,25 @@ Rrrr... Pchhhh... Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. -SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? +SO WHAT'S UP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! -SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? -WIE HEISST DU DENN? +SO, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! -SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! +SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! +WAS HAST DU GESAGT? SPRICH LAUTER! Sailors Matrosen -Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. +Sea Drops -Sea Drops +Sea Drops!? I will not help you with your evil plan! -See you. +See you! Seems yummy! Let me taste it! @@ -1385,7 +1397,7 @@ Im Ernst?! She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... Sie ist ein gute Freundin von mir ... Wir wollten ein paar Wochen vor ihrem Unfall heiraten, aber ... -She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? @@ -1397,13 +1409,13 @@ Sie ist auf dem oberen Deck. Du kannst sie nicht verfehlen. Sie ist die einzige She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. Sie ist auf dem oberen Deck. Du kannst sie nicht verfehlen. Sie ist die einzige Frau in der Crew. -Silvio for example? +Shhht, don't say it that loud... -Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. +Silvio for example? -So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. +Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day! @@ -1418,12 +1430,12 @@ Deswegen wollten wir dich warnen. Vielleicht kommt er aus der Gilde. Denn ihr Ze So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft. Also, darum wollten wir dich warnen. Vielleicht kommt sie aus der Gilde, dessen Wappen auf dem Floß war. -So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. -Wir suchen also einige neue Waren, die wir in unserem nächsten Ziel handeln können. - So what can I do for you? +So, at the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s. + + So, do you have anything for me today? Also, hast du heute etwas für mich? @@ -1475,9 +1487,6 @@ Stupid yeye... Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Auf einmal hörst du eine Stimme aus dem Himmel. -Sure why not? - - Sure, Cap'tain. Natürlich Cap'tain. @@ -1490,6 +1499,9 @@ Klar, aber was können Sie mir im Gegenzug geben? Sure, there is a reward for your task. +Sure, why not? + + THAT'S A NICE NAME! DAS IST EIN SCHÖNER NAME! @@ -1499,7 +1511,10 @@ Nimm ein Kopftuch. Take these coins in exchange and be careful. -Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! +Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more! + + +Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. @@ -1508,8 +1523,8 @@ Vielen, vielen Dank! Hier, nimm dir einige meiner Beeren. Thank you, I'll take them. Danke. Ich werde sie mir nehmen. -Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. -Danke nochmal, dass du geholfen hast. Allerdings sind diese Rattos ein unendliches Problem und ich freue mich immer noch über deine Hilfe. Das einzige Problem ist, dass ich dich nur einmal belohnen kann. +Thanks again for helping me. But these Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. + Thanks for helping me! Vielen Danke für die Hilfe! @@ -1523,12 +1538,21 @@ Das ist richtig. That's where you go as well, right? Das ist, wo du auch hingehst, oder? +The adventure begins!#0 + + +The adventure begins!#1 + + The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. +The captain wants: + + The door is locked. @@ -1568,14 +1592,20 @@ The usurper has been punished! This is a great day, take this reward as a prize Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive. -There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Es gibt Gerüchte, dass sie einige ungeheuerlich Dinge tat, und dass sie ziemlich viele Dinge vor uns verbergen. +There are few groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us. + There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. Dort sind ein paar fliegende gelbe Tiere um dich herum. Sie werden Pious genannt. Ein geröstetes Bein von ihnen wäre perfekt. -There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? -Dort sind ein paar Messer auf dem Tisch. Möchtest du eins aufnehmen? +There are some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one? + There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Es sind noch Rattos da! Willst du aufgeben? @@ -1583,10 +1613,7 @@ Es sind noch Rattos da! Willst du aufgeben? There is a paper with some rules written on it. Es ist ein Papier mit einigen darauf geschriebenen Vorschriften. -There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. - - -There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island. There's nothing to say, don't worry miss. @@ -1598,16 +1625,16 @@ Es gibt nichts zu sagen, keine Sorge Sir. Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. -These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... -These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +These yeye box are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. +They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... sort out this situation. This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? @@ -1628,6 +1655,12 @@ This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks... This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago. +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#0 + + +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#1 + + This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. Diese Art von Rede sollte bestraft werden. Aber ich stimme zu, dass ich sie auch nicht wirklich mag. Also behalte sie im Auge. @@ -1661,11 +1694,14 @@ Uhm, bye. Understood, I will help you. Verstanden, ich werde dir helfen. -Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. + + +Use the key. + +WHAT DID YOU SAY?! -WHAT DID YOU SAY? -WAS HAST DU GESAGT? Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side! Warte, es scheint als würde jemand die Tür auf der anderen Seite blockieren! @@ -1679,6 +1715,15 @@ Lauf ein wenig umher, es wird dir leicht fallen, einen zu fangen. Spieße einen Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise! +We are looking for some merchandise we could trade in our next destination. + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#0 + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#1 + + We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. Wir machten einen Halt an einer kleinen Insel, bevor wir zum Hafen von Artis kamen. @@ -1703,28 +1748,28 @@ We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1 -We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago. + +We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map! -We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! -Wir stoppen in der Regel nicht an solchen Orten, aber der Kapitän lässt uns hier bleiben, während er die Position dieser neuen Insel in seiner Karte einträgt! We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. Wir werden dort in ein paar Tagen ankommen, Dort können sie uns verlassen. -Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship! -Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! +Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again! -Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you! -Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. +Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen. What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago. @@ -1748,7 +1793,13 @@ Was suchst du? What are you talking about? What guild? -What do I get in exchange? +What are your needs? + + +What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? + + +What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? What do you need? @@ -1757,18 +1808,15 @@ Was brauchst du? What do you think? Was denkst du? +What do you want to do? + + What do you want today? Was möchtest du heute? What do you wish to do? Was möchtest Du tun? -What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? - - -What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? - - What happened to me? Was ist mit mir passiert? @@ -1781,6 +1829,9 @@ Was soll ich machen nachdem ich die Sachen genommen habe? What should I do after taking these clothes?#1 Was soll ich machen nachdem ich die Kleidung genommen habe? +What will I get in exchange? + + What yeye could I do for you today? Was kann ich heute für dich tun? @@ -1823,6 +1874,9 @@ Where is the damn salt!? Give me the salt. I know you have it! Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@? +Who are yeye searching? + + Who are you searching for? @@ -1835,10 +1889,7 @@ Wer bist du? Who is she? Wer ist sie? -Who of the two has the right on his side? - - -Who yeye is searching? +Who of them two has the 'good' on his side? Who's this Julia? @@ -1886,8 +1937,8 @@ Yaya, du solltest nach ihr sehen! Sie wird sich freuen dich zu sehen. Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us! -Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* -Ja! Ihr seid alle so *hicks* in Esperia. Aber ihr werdet mich nicht kriegen! *rülps* +Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* + Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. Ja... Aber ich würde gerne sichergehen, dass ich eine Belohnung bekomme. @@ -1925,19 +1976,19 @@ Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#0 Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#1 -Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. +Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye! -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#0 -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#1 -Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then. Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. @@ -1985,7 +2036,7 @@ You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help. Du bist nun Teil der Crew! Nochmals vielen Dank für Deine Hilfe. -You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here! You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. @@ -2000,7 +2051,7 @@ You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there. -You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. +You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that. You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees. @@ -2012,7 +2063,7 @@ Dort kannst du nicht hingehen! You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. Du kannst einige der anderen Matrosen auf diese Weise treffen und ....Dieser Hut wird natürlich immer ein Zeichen sein, das du ein Teil unserer Mannschaft bist. -You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors list. You have an awful amnesia. @@ -2021,6 +2072,9 @@ You have an awful amnesia. You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that nice lady. +You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door... + + You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. @@ -2045,7 +2099,7 @@ You opened the @@, but only one side is edible. You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts. -You realise you can't remember anything. +You realize you can't remember anything. You receive 25GP! @@ -2063,7 +2117,10 @@ Du solltest dir ein wenig Schlaf holen. You should go see them. Du solltest mal bei ihnen vorbeischauen. -You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news! + + +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... @@ -2078,8 +2135,8 @@ You should walk to the north. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? Du hast noch ein paar Tage bevor wir in den Hafen einlaufen. Vielleicht kannst du etwas von ihnen lernen? -You still haven't completed your task. -Sie haben Ihre Aufgabe noch nicht abgeschlossen. +You still haven't completed your tasks. + You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. Du Dummer. Es ist ein Engländer. Schau seine Kopfform. @@ -2093,7 +2150,7 @@ Du nimmst die Kleidung aus der Kiste. You told me that you 'were' important. Du hast mir gesagt, dass du wichtig 'warst'. -You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 @@ -2123,6 +2180,12 @@ Sie befinden sich auf unserem Schiff, wir haben Anschluss zu einer kleinen Insel You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 Sie befinden sich auf unserem Schiff, wir haben Anschluss zu einer kleinen Insel und wir werden sogar auf unserer abenteuerlichen Kaufmannsreise die Stadt Artis besuchen. +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! + + +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you! + + You're right, it's about Julia. Du hast Recht, es geht um Julia. diff --git a/langs/lang_en.old b/langs/lang_en.old index cbd62b89..72e99765 100644 --- a/langs/lang_en.old +++ b/langs/lang_en.old @@ -1,6 +1,15 @@ +*hick* +*hick* + ... ... +...And 1 @@. +...And 1 @@. + +...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. +...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. + 1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) 1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) @@ -13,9 +22,15 @@ 3, Do not multibox, this mean that you cannot have more than one active character logged in or any other active clients used for attacking in group. 3, Do not multibox, this mean that you cannot have more than one active character logged in or any other active clients used for attacking in group. +3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. +3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. + 4, Don't trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name and in the chat, at the exception of roleplay purposes. 4, Don't trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name and in the chat, at the exception of roleplay purposes. +4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. +4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. + 5, Don't speak any other language other than English in the public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats and when alone with groups of friends. 5, Don't speak any other language other than English in the public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats and when alone with groups of friends. @@ -37,9 +52,24 @@ About the Guild of Esperia, I wonder what we can think abou them if I can say my About this Esperia Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly, there are rumors around that they did monstrous things and that they are hiding a lot of things from us. About this Esperia Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly, there are rumors around that they did monstrous things and that they are hiding a lot of things from us. +About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. + +Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. +Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. + Alige Alige +All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. + +Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. +Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. + +Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... + Alright, bye! Alright, bye! @@ -58,27 +88,51 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#1 Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside. +An unexpected help is always welcome. +An unexpected help is always welcome. + And please, no berries. No more! And please, no berries. No more! +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. + Anyway, maybe when you are looking for food with Gugli you'll have the time to look at this!! Anyway, maybe when you are looking for food with Gugli you'll have the time to look at this!! +Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! + +AreaBottom +AreaBottom + +AreaMiddle +AreaMiddle + As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!! As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!! As you can walk around, it'll be easy for you. Impale one of them for me!! As you can walk around, it'll be easy for you. Impale one of them for me!! +As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. +As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. + As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship. As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. + Astapolos Astapolos At this time, we were selling crab's food on our old mushroom island. At this time, we were selling crab's food on our old mushroom island. +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! + BillyBons BillyBons @@ -97,6 +151,9 @@ But I need to go, bye! But if he is amnesic as said Julia, we won't need to worry about him. But if he is amnesic as said Julia, we won't need to worry about him. +But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. +But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. + But more than anything, she is the one who took care of you when you were in coma. But more than anything, she is the one who took care of you when you were in coma. @@ -115,6 +172,9 @@ But most important, she's the one who took care of you when you were in coma. But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway. But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway. +But you won't *hick* me this time... +But you won't *hick* me this time... + But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him. But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him. @@ -124,12 +184,18 @@ But... if she is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about her. Bye. Bye. +CAN YOU HEAR ME? +CAN YOU HEAR ME? + Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him. Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him. Cap'tain is waiting for you! Hurry up. Cap'tain is waiting for you! Hurry up. +Captain wants: ??? +Captain wants: ??? + Carrot Carrot @@ -145,6 +211,12 @@ Could I ask you which is your native language? A sailor said me russian, an othe Could you tell me where I am? Could you tell me where I am? +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER? +DO YOU FEEL BETTER? + Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me! Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me! @@ -157,6 +229,9 @@ Dan closes the conversation and he continues to write his letter. Darlin Darlin +DarlinBarrierCheck +DarlinBarrierCheck + Devis Devis @@ -181,12 +256,18 @@ Do you want to cut this Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan +Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! +Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! + Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in future. - Julia Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in future. - Julia Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia +Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! +Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! + Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later dude. Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later dude. @@ -196,12 +277,24 @@ Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later honey. Eheh! Eheh! +Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. + Ehoo Ehoo Elfen Voice Elfen Voice +Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. + +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. + +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. + Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry! Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry! @@ -217,6 +310,21 @@ Fine! Fine, bye!! Fine, bye!! +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. + +Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! +Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! + +Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! +Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! + +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. + +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. + Good day, lady. Good day, lady. @@ -238,6 +346,9 @@ Ground, HE IS AT THE FAR BOTTOM OF THE SHIP, YOU CAN'T MISS HIM!! HE IS AT THE FAR BOTTOM OF THE SHIP, YOU CAN'T MISS HIM!! +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? + He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain. He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain. @@ -253,6 +364,9 @@ He is right in the bottom of the ship, you can't miss him!! He said me nothing about it. He said me nothing about it. +Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. + Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public. Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public. @@ -337,9 +451,18 @@ Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room. Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room. +Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. +Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. + Hey, you should go see Julia to be registred on the ship board. Hey, you should go see Julia to be registred on the ship board. +Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. +Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. + +Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? + Hi, nice to see you! Hi, nice to see you! @@ -355,9 +478,18 @@ Hidden person doesn't answer Hidden person doesn't answer. Hidden person doesn't answer. +Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough +Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough + How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us, and that you will be able to get one of these hats. How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us, and that you will be able to get one of these hats. +How do you know my name? +How do you know my name? + +How is *hick* it possible? +How is *hick* it possible? + How is *hick* possible?? How is *hick* possible?? @@ -373,6 +505,9 @@ Hurry hurry! Need to verify his teeth! Hurry, hurry! Need to check his teeth! Hurry, hurry! Need to check his teeth! +I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... +I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... + I also watch for dangerous animals... I also watch for dangerous animals... @@ -382,6 +517,9 @@ I am, who are you? I beg you, please, pleeeease... I beg you, please, pleeeease... +I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... +I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... + I can't remember anything. I can't remember anything. @@ -436,6 +574,9 @@ I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to I need to go, sorry! I need to go, sorry! +I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... + I only remember I was rescued by you. I only remember I was rescued by you. @@ -460,9 +601,33 @@ I see, warn other sailors about this. But if she is a part of Guild, then she is I speak Dutch I speak Dutch +I speak English +I speak English + +I speak Flemish +I speak Flemish + +I speak French +I speak French + +I speak German +I speak German + I speak Italian I speak Italian +I speak Polish +I speak Polish + +I speak Portuguese +I speak Portuguese + +I speak Russian +I speak Russian + +I speak Spanish +I speak Spanish + I think that I'm done, I've got a box full of I think that I'm done, I've got a box full of @@ -472,6 +637,12 @@ I think that I'm done, I've got a box full of @@! I think that I'm done, do you have a question now? I think that I'm done, do you have a question now? +I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! + +I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! + I was here when they rescued you!! I was here when they rescued you!! @@ -511,6 +682,9 @@ I'm doing fine!! I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the warrior guild won't get me! I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! + I'm not. I'm not. @@ -538,6 +712,9 @@ I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! I'm very happy to see you're okay now! I'm very happy to see you're okay now! +If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! +If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! + If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not had helped you! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not had helped you! @@ -553,6 +730,9 @@ If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case. If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case. +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... + If you find something then it's good!! If you find something then it's good!! @@ -625,6 +805,9 @@ It's where every merchant ship ends their travelling, and we won't be the except It's yours as well, right? It's yours as well, right? +Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. +Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. + Knifes on the table Knifes on the table @@ -634,9 +817,21 @@ Let me introduce myself, I'm Captain Nard, the leader of this ship. Let me see your work... Let me see your work... +Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. +Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. + Lettuce Lettuce +Look how splendid this landscape is. +Look how splendid this landscape is. + +M...Maybe? +M...Maybe? + +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? + Max Max @@ -658,12 +853,24 @@ Muller My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. + My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild! NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild! +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild! + +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild! + +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. + No problem, do you have an other question for me? No problem, do you have an other question for me? @@ -712,6 +919,9 @@ Of course, they are on the left wall, go get a look at them. Oh good! Did he gaves you back your money too? Oh good! Did he gaves you back your money too? +Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. +Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. + Oh look there!! Oh look there!! @@ -850,6 +1060,12 @@ Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it an Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it. +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it. + +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it. + Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it. @@ -880,6 +1096,9 @@ Perfect, which food did you get for me today? Peter Peter +PeterBarrierCheck +PeterBarrierCheck + Piberries Piberries @@ -898,18 +1117,33 @@ Ronan Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... +SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? +SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? + +SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? +SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? + Sapartan Sapartan +Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. +Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. + Sea Drop Sea Drop +See you. +See you. + She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye! She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye! She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew. She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew. +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! + She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! @@ -928,12 +1162,18 @@ Silvio Silvio starts to speak with his bottle, you leave the conversation. Silvio starts to speak with his bottle, you leave the conversation. +So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. +So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. + So it's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from this guild, as the sign was on his raft. So it's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from this guild, as the sign was on his raft. So it's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from this guild, as the sign was on her raft. So it's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from this guild, as the sign was on her raft. +So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. +So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. + So what's up?? What are you doing?? So what's up?? What are you doing?? @@ -988,6 +1228,9 @@ Sorry, but I'm busy right now. Sunny and hot day, Sunny and hot day, +Sure why not? +Sure why not? + Sure, cap'tain. Sure, cap'tain. @@ -997,12 +1240,18 @@ Take a Bandana Take a nap Take a nap +Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! +Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! + Tarlan Tarlan Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... +Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. + Thanks again for helping me. But those rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. Thanks again for helping me. But those rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. @@ -1030,6 +1279,12 @@ The sailor is turning his back to you. The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you. The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you. +There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. + +There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? + There are still some rats left! Do you want to abort the quest? There are still some rats left! Do you want to abort the quest? @@ -1051,9 +1306,24 @@ There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a ro There is some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? There is some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. +There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. + +There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + These Croco Trees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... These Croco Trees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. + +These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. + +They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. +They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. + This box is locked This box is locked @@ -1099,6 +1369,12 @@ This kind of talk could be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like the Too bad that you do not want to help me. Too bad that you do not want to help me. +Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. + +WHAT DID YOU SAY? +WHAT DID YOU SAY? + We are in need of manpower on the island. We are in need of manpower on the island. @@ -1129,9 +1405,15 @@ We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave yo We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1 We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got. +We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. + We usually don't stop in such places, but Capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! We usually don't stop in such places, but Capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! + We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea! We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea! @@ -1141,6 +1423,18 @@ We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will s We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#1 We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! + +Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! +Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! + +Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? + +Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. +Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. + What am I suposed to say? What am I suposed to say? @@ -1165,12 +1459,21 @@ What are you talking about? Which guild? What did you say?? What did you say?? +What do I get in exchange? +What do I get in exchange? + What do you say guys, it's a yoiis! What do you say guys, it's a yoiis! What do you want to do? What do you want to do? +What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? +What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? + +What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? +What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? + What should I add after taking these clothes? What should I add after taking these clothes? @@ -1204,6 +1507,12 @@ Which one? Who is this Julia? Who is this Julia? +Who of the two has the right on his side? +Who of the two has the right on his side? + +Who yeye is searching? +Who yeye is searching? + Why Frenchy? It's a Russian! Why Frenchy? It's a Russian! @@ -1237,12 +1546,27 @@ Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! +Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* + Yes, it's a chest! Yes, it's a chest! Yes, please! Yes, please! +Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. +Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. + +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli? + +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli? + +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. + Yeye still have my box? Look less and work more. Go give it to Gugli! Yeye still have my box? Look less and work more. Go give it to Gugli! @@ -1282,6 +1606,9 @@ You are full of wine my friend... You are now part of the crew! Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew! Thanks again for your help. +You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! + You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis. You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis. @@ -1315,6 +1642,9 @@ You can go to your right to go to the upper level. You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#1 You can go to your right to go to the upper level. +You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. +You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. + You can yaye some @@ by hitting these palm trees. You can yaye some @@ by hitting these palm trees. @@ -1324,6 +1654,9 @@ You can't go there! You close your eyes a few seconds... You close your eyes a few seconds... +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. + You don't remember anything before this. You don't remember anything before this. @@ -1351,6 +1684,9 @@ You opened the treasure chest. You perfectly cut your Croconut in two ediable parts. You perfectly cut your Croconut in two ediable parts. +You realise you can't remember anything. +You realise you can't remember anything. + You really are quite amnesic. You really are quite amnesic. @@ -1363,6 +1699,9 @@ You see some items in the box. Take them out? You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. +You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. + You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, eheh. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, eheh. @@ -1372,6 +1711,9 @@ You should try to kill some Tortugas, or some Croc if you're strong enough. You still got a few days awaiting our arrival to the port, maybe they can learn you some things? You still got a few days awaiting our arrival to the port, maybe they can learn you some things? +You still haven't completed your task. +You still haven't completed your task. + You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form. You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form. @@ -1387,6 +1729,9 @@ You stupid, it's an english, look his head form. You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But suprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there.... You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But suprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there.... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... + You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there.... You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there.... diff --git a/langs/lang_en.txt b/langs/lang_en.txt index bf3409b6..11a3e388 100644 --- a/langs/lang_en.txt +++ b/langs/lang_en.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online -*hick* -*hick* +*hic* +*hic* - 2 @@ - 2 @@ @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online . . -...And 1 @@. -...And 1 @@. +... Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need delicious ingredients to prepare a... a special recipe. +... Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need delicious ingredients to prepare a... a special recipe. -...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. -...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. +... and 1 @@. +... and 1 @@. 1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still. 1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still. @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online 2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam. 2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam. -3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. -3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. +3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. +3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. -4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. -4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. +4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes. +4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. @@ -56,17 +56,14 @@ ANYWAY, MAYBE WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FOOD WITH GUGLI YOU WILL HAVE THE TIME TO Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you. Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you. -About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. - About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly. About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly. Acorn Acorn -Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. -Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. +Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life. +Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life. Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all. Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all. @@ -83,14 +80,14 @@ AligeTrigger All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries... All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries... -All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. -All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your... fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your... fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. -Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. -Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. +Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good. +Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good. -Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... -Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy... Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy... @@ -104,8 +101,8 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go c Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside. -An unexpected help is always welcome. -An unexpected help is always welcome. +An unexpected help is always welcome! +An unexpected help is always welcome! And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! @@ -125,24 +122,18 @@ And you? How's it going on your side? And you? How's it yaying on your side? And you? How's it yaying on your side? -Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. -Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag. Aquada Aquada -Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! -Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Aquada Box +Aquada Box Are you ok? Are you ok? -AreaBottom -AreaBottom - -AreaMiddle -AreaMiddle - AreaNPC AreaNPC @@ -158,14 +149,14 @@ Artis of course! As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land. As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land. -As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. -As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. +As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be. +As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be. As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you. As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you. -Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. -Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away. Astapolos. Astapolos. @@ -176,8 +167,8 @@ At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island. Ayouyouch! My head... Ayouyouch! My head... -BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! -BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPENS TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPENS TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! Bag Bag @@ -194,6 +185,9 @@ Before... Bread Bread +Break the door. +Break the door. + But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. @@ -206,8 +200,8 @@ But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...may But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. -But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. -But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. +But let's talk more about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality food. +But let's talk more about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality food. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious. @@ -218,8 +212,8 @@ But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconsciou But who am I? But who am I? -But you won't *hick* me this time... -But you won't *hick* me this time... +But you won't *hic* me this time... +But you won't *hic* me this time... But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. @@ -230,8 +224,8 @@ But... if she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. Bye! Bye! -CAN YOU HEAR ME? -CAN YOU HEAR ME? +CAN YOU HEAR ME?! +CAN YOU HEAR ME?! Can I read these rules again? Can I read these rules again? @@ -245,9 +239,6 @@ Captain Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Captain Nard is in the room to your right. -Captain wants: ??? -Captain wants: ??? - Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold. @@ -299,11 +290,14 @@ Croc Claw Croconut Croconut -DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? -DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? +Croconut Box +Croconut Box -DO YOU FEEL BETTER? -DO YOU FEEL BETTER? +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS?! +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS?! + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER?! +DO YOU FEEL BETTER?! Damn @@. Damn @@. @@ -320,9 +314,6 @@ Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter. Dan keeps silent since your last question. Dan keeps silent since your last question. -DarlinBarrierCheck -DarlinBarrierCheck - Did you say reward? I want it! Did you say reward? I want it! @@ -347,14 +338,14 @@ Do you want to try? Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan -Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! -Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! +Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! +Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! -Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! -Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! +Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance! +Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance! DoorUpwards DoorUpwards @@ -368,20 +359,23 @@ Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey. Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live. Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live. -Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. -Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm... He was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm... He was really upset for some past stories. Elmo Elmo -Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. -Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats! +Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats! -Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. -Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef. -Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. -Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. +Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats! +Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats! + +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there. +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there. Elven Voice Elven Voice @@ -404,8 +398,8 @@ FINE, BYE! Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. -Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. -Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little... secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little... secret mission. From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. @@ -416,20 +410,17 @@ Fungus GOOD! GOOD! -Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! -Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! +Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! +Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Ggrmm grmmm... Ggrmm grmmm... -Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! -Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! - -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Go away. +Go away. Good job! Good job! @@ -482,8 +473,8 @@ HEY! HEY YOU! Harpy-lady? Harpy-lady? -Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? -Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too? Have you seen anything dangerous? Have you seen anything dangerous? @@ -497,8 +488,8 @@ He told me nothing about that. He's funny, it's not a problem. He's funny, it's not a problem. -Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. -Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. Hehe! Hehe! @@ -569,29 +560,32 @@ Hey! Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli? + +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli? + Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! Hey, girl! +Hey, how do you know my name? +Hey, how do you know my name? + Hey, man! Hey, man! Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? -Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. -Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. - -Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. -Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. - Hey. Hey. -Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? -Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh? Hi @@. Hi @@. @@ -602,8 +596,8 @@ Hi, nice to see you! Hidden Person Hidden Person -Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough -Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough +Hmmm, hm... Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?... Cough, burp... Damn Gado... Cough... +Hmmm, hm... Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?... Cough, burp... Damn Gado... Cough... How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. @@ -617,11 +611,8 @@ How are you doing, cutie? How are you doing, dude? How are you doing, dude? -How do you know my name? -How do you know my name? - -How is *hick* it possible? -How is *hick* it possible? +How is *hichic* it possible? +How is *hichic* it possible? However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever. However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever. @@ -632,8 +623,8 @@ However... Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth! Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth! -I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... -I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... +I ALSO AVOID THE DANGEROUS ANIMALS! +I ALSO AVOID THE DANGEROUS ANIMALS! I AM DOING FINE! I AM DOING FINE! @@ -665,8 +656,8 @@ I am, who are you? I beg you, please, pleeeease... I beg you, please, pleeeease... -I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... -I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... +I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the morning... +I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the morning... I can't remember anything.#0 I can't remember anything. @@ -710,6 +701,9 @@ I feel ok. I forgot where it was... I forgot where it was... +I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship. +I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship. + I guess so... I will leave you alone. I guess so... I will leave you alone. @@ -749,8 +743,8 @@ I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you hel I need to go, sorry. I need to go, sorry. -I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... -I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and... I only remember I was rescued by you.#0 I only remember I was rescued by you. @@ -770,32 +764,35 @@ I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Gui I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally. I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally. -I speak Dutch -I speak Dutch +I speak Dutch. +I speak Dutch. -I speak English -I speak English +I speak English. +I speak English. -I speak Flemish -I speak Flemish +I speak Flemish. +I speak Flemish. -I speak French -I speak French +I speak French. +I speak French. -I speak German -I speak German +I speak German. +I speak German. -I speak Polish -I speak Polish +I speak Italian. +I speak Italian. -I speak Portuguese -I speak Portuguese +I speak Polish. +I speak Polish. -I speak Russian -I speak Russian +I speak Portuguese. +I speak Portuguese. -I speak Spanish -I speak Spanish +I speak Russian. +I speak Russian. + +I speak Spanish. +I speak Spanish. I swear, I do not eat so much. I swear, I do not eat so much. @@ -806,8 +803,8 @@ I think I should report you to the crew members. I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions? I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions? -I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! -I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s! +I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s! I think that I'm still a bit sick. I think that I'm still a bit sick. @@ -815,8 +812,8 @@ I think that I'm still a bit sick. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? -I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! -I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s! +I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s! I will give you @@gp. I will give you @@gp. @@ -869,8 +866,8 @@ I'm looking for Gugli, where is he? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! -I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! -I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! I'm sorry, I don't have time right now. I'm sorry, I don't have time right now. @@ -902,11 +899,8 @@ IF YOU FIND SOMETHING, THEN IT'S GREAT! IT'S OK, CREW TASKS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CURIOSITY! IT'S OK, CREW TASKS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CURIOSITY! -If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! -If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! - -If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... -If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If I saw *hic* who you were... *hips* Would not have helped you! +If I saw *hic* who you were... *hips* Would not have helped you! If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -920,6 +914,9 @@ If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to sel If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client. +If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... + In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun. In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun. @@ -947,6 +944,9 @@ It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +It seems that you need a key to open this door. +It seems that you need a key to open this door. + It seems you still have some work to do. It seems you still have some work to do. @@ -959,6 +959,9 @@ It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry! It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry! +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!. +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!. + It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. @@ -980,6 +983,12 @@ It's true! It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception. It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception. +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold. + +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold. + Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0 Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold. @@ -998,9 +1007,6 @@ Julia Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. -Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. -Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. - Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. @@ -1019,14 +1025,14 @@ LeftDoorCheck Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. -Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. -Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. +Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start! +Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start! Lettuce Lettuce -Look how splendid this landscape is. -Look how splendid this landscape is. +Look how splendid this landscape is! +Look how splendid this landscape is! Look, he's there! Look, he's there! @@ -1034,11 +1040,11 @@ Look, he's there! Look, there he is! Look, there he is! -M...Maybe? -M...Maybe? +M... Maybe? +M... Maybe? -MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? -MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS!? +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS!? Magic Arpan Magic Arpan @@ -1070,20 +1076,14 @@ My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individu My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. -My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild! - -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild! - -NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. -NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT! +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT! Nard Nard @@ -1097,6 +1097,12 @@ Narrator New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed. New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed. +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0 +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild! + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1 +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild! + No problem, I can help you anyway. No problem, I can help you anyway. @@ -1151,6 +1157,9 @@ Nothing, sorry. Nothing. Nothing. +Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. + OH, LOOK THERE! OH, LOOK THERE! @@ -1169,9 +1178,6 @@ Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? -Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. -Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. - Oh look, there's a piou behind you! Oh look, there's a piou behind you! @@ -1229,6 +1235,9 @@ Oh, he's still alive! Oh, it's you. Oh, it's you. +Oh, it's you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. +Oh, it's you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. + Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. @@ -1286,11 +1295,11 @@ OldBook Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it. +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#0 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'. -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it. +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#1 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'. Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. @@ -1310,9 +1319,6 @@ Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite y People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose. People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose. -PeterBarrierCheck -PeterBarrierCheck - Piberries Piberries @@ -1331,6 +1337,12 @@ Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. Plushroom Plushroom +Plushroom Box +Plushroom Box + +Purple Blobime +Purple Blobime + QMuller. QMuller. @@ -1355,11 +1367,11 @@ Rrrr... Pchhhh... Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. -SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? -SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? +SO WHAT'S UP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! +SO WHAT'S UP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! -SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? -SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? +SO, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! +SO, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! @@ -1367,14 +1379,14 @@ SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! Sailors Sailors -Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. -Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. - Sea Drops Sea Drops -See you. -See you. +Sea Drops!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Sea Drops!? I will not help you with your evil plan! + +See you! +See you! Seems yummy! Let me taste it! Seems yummy! Let me taste it! @@ -1385,8 +1397,8 @@ Seriously?! She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... -She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! -She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? @@ -1397,15 +1409,15 @@ She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. +Shhht, don't say it that loud... +Shhht, don't say it that loud... + Silvio for example? Silvio for example? Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. -So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. -So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. - So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day! So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day! @@ -1418,12 +1430,12 @@ So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sig So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft. So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft. -So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. -So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. - So what can I do for you? So what can I do for you? +So, at the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s. +So, at the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s. + So, do you have anything for me today? So, do you have anything for me today? @@ -1475,9 +1487,6 @@ Stupid yeye... Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. -Sure why not? -Sure why not? - Sure, Cap'tain. Sure, Cap'tain. @@ -1490,6 +1499,9 @@ Sure, but what can you give me in exchange? Sure, there is a reward for your task. Sure, there is a reward for your task. +Sure, why not? +Sure, why not? + THAT'S A NICE NAME! THAT'S A NICE NAME! @@ -1499,8 +1511,11 @@ Take a Bandana. Take these coins in exchange and be careful. Take these coins in exchange and be careful. -Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! -Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! +Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more! +Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more! + +Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. +Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. @@ -1508,8 +1523,8 @@ Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. Thank you, I'll take them. Thank you, I'll take them. -Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. -Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Thanks again for helping me. But these Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Thanks again for helping me. But these Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. Thanks for helping me! Thanks for helping me! @@ -1523,12 +1538,21 @@ That's right. That's where you go as well, right? That's where you go as well, right? +The adventure begins!#0 +The adventure begins! + +The adventure begins!#1 +The adventure begins! + The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. +The captain wants: +The captain wants: + The door is locked. The door is locked. @@ -1568,14 +1592,20 @@ The usurper has been punished! This is a great day, take this reward as a prize Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive. Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive. -There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +There are few groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +There are few groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + +There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us. +There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us. There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. -There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? -There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +There are some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +There are some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + +There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one? +There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one? There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? @@ -1583,11 +1613,8 @@ There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? There is a paper with some rules written on it. There is a paper with some rules written on it. -There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. -There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. - -There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. -There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island. +There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island. There's nothing to say, don't worry miss. There's nothing to say, don't worry miss. @@ -1598,17 +1625,17 @@ There's nothing to say, don't worry sir. Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. -These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. -These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... -These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +These yeye box are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +These yeye box are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. -They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. +They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... sort out this situation. +They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... sort out this situation. This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? @@ -1628,6 +1655,12 @@ This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks... This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago. This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago. +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#0 +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online! + +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#1 +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online! + This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. @@ -1661,11 +1694,14 @@ Uhm, bye. Understood, I will help you. Understood, I will help you. -Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. -Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. + +Use the key. +Use the key. -WHAT DID YOU SAY? -WHAT DID YOU SAY? +WHAT DID YOU SAY?! +WHAT DID YOU SAY?! Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side! Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side! @@ -1679,6 +1715,15 @@ Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise! Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise! +We are looking for some merchandise we could trade in our next destination. +We are looking for some merchandise we could trade in our next destination. + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#0 +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases! + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#1 +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases! + We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. @@ -1703,29 +1748,29 @@ We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1 We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you. -We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. -We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago. -We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! -We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map! +We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map! We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. -Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! -Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship! -Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! -Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! +Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again! +Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again! -Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? -Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you! Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you! -Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. -Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. +Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen. +Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen. What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago. What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago. @@ -1734,10 +1779,10 @@ What am I supposed to say? What am I supposed to say? What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0 -What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0 +What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis! What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1 -What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1 +What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis! What are you looking at? What are you looking at? @@ -1748,8 +1793,14 @@ What are you looking for? What are you talking about? What guild? What are you talking about? What guild? -What do I get in exchange? -What do I get in exchange? +What are your needs? +What are your needs? + +What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? +What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? + +What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? +What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? What do you need? What do you need? @@ -1757,18 +1808,15 @@ What do you need? What do you think? What do you think? +What do you want to do? +What do you want to do? + What do you want today? What do you want today? What do you wish to do? What do you wish to do? -What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? -What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? - -What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? -What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? - What happened to me? What happened to me? @@ -1781,6 +1829,9 @@ What should I do after taking these clothes? What should I do after taking these clothes?#1 What should I do after taking these clothes? +What will I get in exchange? +What will I get in exchange? + What yeye could I do for you today? What yeye could I do for you today? @@ -1823,6 +1874,9 @@ Where is the damn salt!? Give me the salt. I know you have it! Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@? Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@? +Who are yeye searching? +Who are yeye searching? + Who are you searching for? Who are you searching for? @@ -1835,11 +1889,8 @@ Who are you? Who is she? Who is she? -Who of the two has the right on his side? -Who of the two has the right on his side? - -Who yeye is searching? -Who yeye is searching? +Who of them two has the 'good' on his side? +Who of them two has the 'good' on his side? Who's this Julia? Who's this Julia? @@ -1886,8 +1937,8 @@ Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you. Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us! -Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* -Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. @@ -1925,20 +1976,20 @@ Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking. Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#1 Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking. -Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. -Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. +Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. +Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye! Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye! -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli? +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#0 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries... -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli? +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#1 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries... -Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. -Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then. Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. @@ -1985,8 +2036,8 @@ You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help. -You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! -You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here! You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. @@ -2000,8 +2051,8 @@ You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there. You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there. -You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. -You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. +You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that. +You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that. You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees. You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees. @@ -2012,8 +2063,8 @@ You can't go there! You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. -You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. -You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors list. You have an awful amnesia. You have an awful amnesia. @@ -2021,6 +2072,9 @@ You have an awful amnesia. You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that nice lady. You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that nice lady. +You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door... +You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door... + You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. @@ -2045,8 +2099,8 @@ You opened the @@, but only one side is edible. You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts. You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts. -You realise you can't remember anything. -You realise you can't remember anything. +You realize you can't remember anything. +You realize you can't remember anything. You receive 25GP! You receive 25GP! @@ -2063,8 +2117,11 @@ You should go and get some sleep. You should go see them. You should go see them. -You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. -You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news! +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news! + +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news. +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... @@ -2078,8 +2135,8 @@ You should walk to the north. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? -You still haven't completed your task. -You still haven't completed your task. +You still haven't completed your tasks. +You still haven't completed your tasks. You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. @@ -2093,8 +2150,8 @@ You take the clothes from the chest. You told me that you 'were' important. You told me that you 'were' important. -You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... -You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you. @@ -2123,6 +2180,12 @@ You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis. +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! + +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you! +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you! + You're right, it's about Julia. You're right, it's about Julia. diff --git a/langs/lang_es.old b/langs/lang_es.old index 7e6e2303..eaef9b4c 100644 --- a/langs/lang_es.old +++ b/langs/lang_es.old @@ -1,9 +1,15 @@ +*hick* +*hic* + ... ... 2, Do not spam (includes trade spam) 2, No hagas spam (tambien el de intercambio) +About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Sobre este Gremio de Esperia, me pregunto acerca de ellos, si me permite hablar con franqueza. Hay rumores de que hicieron algunas cosas monstruosas y que están ocultando un buen montón de cosas de nosotros. + Alige Alige @@ -22,6 +28,15 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go And please, no berries. No more! Y, por favor, no bayas. ¡No más! +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. +De todos modos, si alguna vez te interesa, solo has click en mi bolsa. + +AreaBottom +AreaBottom + +AreaMiddle +AreaMiddle + As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!! Como puedes caminar por allí, esto será una tarea fácil para ti. ¡Empálame uno de ellos! @@ -43,6 +58,9 @@ Pero más que nada, ella es la que tuvo cuidado de ti cuando estabas en coma. But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway. Pero hasta entonces, necesitas quedarte aquí. No hay nada más que hacer, de todos modos. +But you won't *hick* me this time... +Pero tú no me has *hic* ganado esta vez... + But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him. Pero... si él tiene amnesia, como Julia dijo, no necesitamos preocuparnos por él. @@ -52,6 +70,9 @@ Pero... si ella tiene amnesia, como Julia dijo, no necesitamos preocuparnos por Bye. Adiós. +CAN YOU HEAR ME? +PUEDES OIRME? + Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him. El capitan cerro la puerta, deberias ir a verlo. @@ -61,6 +82,12 @@ Cap'tain is waiting for you! Hurry up. Carrot Zanahoria +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? +¿AVERIGUASTE QUÉ ERA ESA LUZ? + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER? +¿TE SIENTES MEJOR? + Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me! ¡Diantres! ¡Será mejor que no le digas a nadie que me has visto! @@ -76,6 +103,9 @@ Do you have an other question for me? Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan ¿Alguien conoce un buen lugar donde mirar en Esperia?-Sr. Arpan +Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! +¡No te hagas... *hic* conmigo, eh! + Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later dude. Duty me llama, *hic*, nos vemos luego, amigo. @@ -88,6 +118,12 @@ Voz de Elfen Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry! Err, en serio. ¡Yo sólo quería llegar a Artis, y no tengo el dinero para pagar por el ferry! +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. +Ve afuera y habla con Gugli, el te dirá que necesitamos. + +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Ve afuera y habla con Gugli, el te dirá qué necesitamos. + Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis. Es bueno saberlo. De lo que me informó Darlin, vendremos pronto a través de una pequeña isla antes de llegar a Artis. @@ -136,6 +172,9 @@ Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to g Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room. Oye, no puedes dormir aquí, es mi cuarto. +Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. +Oye, deberías ir a ver a Julia para registrarte abordo de la nave. + Hi, nice to see you! ¡Hola, me alegro de verte! @@ -148,6 +187,9 @@ Persona escondida Hidden person doesn't answer La persona que está escondida no responde +How do you know my name? +¿Cómo sabe mi nombre? + How is *hick* possible?? ¿¿Cómo *hic* es posible?? @@ -175,12 +217,33 @@ Necesito ayuda para limpiarla cuña de la nave, pero no eres lo suficiente fuert I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again? Ya veo que no es fácil deshacerse de esos rattos. ¿Quieres volver a intentar? -I speak Dutch -Yo hablo Holandés +I speak English +Yo hablo Inglés + +I speak Flemish +Yo hablo Flamenco + +I speak French +Yo hablo Francés + +I speak German +Yo hablo Alemán I speak Italian Yo hablo Italiano +I speak Polish +Yo hablo Polaco + +I speak Portuguese +Yo hablo Portugués + +I speak Russian +Yo hablo Ruso + +I speak Spanish +Yo hablo Español + I will give her everything she needs, don't worry. Yo le daré todo lo que ella necesite. No te preocupes. @@ -259,9 +322,18 @@ Cuchillos sobre la mesa Let me see your work... Déjame ver tu trabajo... +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +Mi nombre es Astapolos, Q'Muller y me uní a la tripulación de Nard algunos años atrás cuando era solo un pequeño buque mercante. + My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. Me llamo Julia, yo soy quien te cuido cuando te habiamos encontrado en el mar. +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 +¡NO, y *hic* NO, tú y tú y tu... *eructo* estúpi*hic* gremio! + +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 +¡NO, y *hic* NO, tú y tú y tu... *eructo* estúpi*hic* gremio! + No problem, do you have an other question for me? No hay problema. ¿Tienes otra pregunta para mi? @@ -334,6 +406,12 @@ Ok. Voy a su dormitorio. Mantén un ojo sobre él; aún no sabemos si es un alia Okay, but what can you offer me? De acuerdo, pero... ¿Qué me puedes ofrecer? +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Una vez dentro de tu inventario, puedes equiparte con un ítem seleccionándolo y tocando la opción 'Equipar'. También puedes desequiparlo con la opción 'Quitárselo'. + +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Una vez dentro de tu inventario, puedes equiparte con un ítem seleccionándolo y tocando la opción 'Equipar'. También puedes desequiparlo con la opción 'Quitárselo'. + Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#0 Abre tu inventario (tecla F3), seleccione la ropa una por una y equípala. @@ -382,6 +460,9 @@ Silvio Silvio starts to speak with his bottle, you leave the conversation. Silvio comienza a hablar con su botella; tú dejas la conversación. +So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. +Estamos buscando nuevas mercancías que podamos comerciar en nuestro siguiente destino. + So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look in good health now. Así que, ¿cómo te sientes? ¡Veo que Julia hizo un maravilloso trabajo! Ahora te ves en buen estado. @@ -415,6 +496,9 @@ Toma una siesta. Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... ¡Muchísimas gracias! Aquí tienes algunas bayas... +Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Gracias otra vez por ayudarme. Pero esos Rattos son un problema permanente y tu ayuda es siempre bienvenida. El problema es que solo te puedo dar la recompensa una sola vez. + Thanks again for helping me. But those rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. Gracias nuevamente por ayudarme. Pero esos rattos son un problema permanente y tu ayuda es siempre bienvenida. El único problema es que sólo puedo darte la recompensa una vez. @@ -439,6 +523,12 @@ El marinero te está dando la espalda The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you. Los marineros te llevan abordo de su nave para ayudarte. +There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Están corriendo rumores acerca de que ellos hicieron cosas monstruosas y que nos están escondiendo muchas cosas a nosotros. + +There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +Hay algunos cuchillos sobre la mesa, ¿quieres tomar uno? + There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? ¡Aún hay unos rattos a la izquierda! ¿Quieres abortar la misión? @@ -478,6 +568,9 @@ Este chico necesita ayuda, ¡vamos a rescatarlo! Too bad that you do not want to help me. Muy mal que no quieras ayudarme. +WHAT DID YOU SAY? +¿QUÉ DIJISTE? + We should be there in a few days, and once we arrive, I will advertise the warrior guild of what happened, I'm sure that they can help you. Deberíamos estar allí en unos días y, una vez que lleguemos, le avisaré al gremio guerrero de lo que ha pasado. Estoy segura de que ellos podrán ayudarte. @@ -490,6 +583,9 @@ Intentamos limpiarlas pero el mar destruyó la mayoría. Eso es el por qué te h We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1 Intentamos limpiarlas pero el mar destruyó la mayoría. Eso es el por qué te hemos dado esas ropas, que no son muy buenas, pero es todo lo que tenemos. +We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +Usualmente no paramos en esos lugares, pero el cap'itan nos deja estar aquí pero nos lo permitió mientras el escribe la localización de la nueva isla en el mapa. + We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#0 Nosotros estaremos yaying allá en unos días, donde te dejaremos. Verás civiles y políticos y puedes pedir ayuda al gremio guerrero. Ellos pueden ayudarte a encontrar un trabajo o tal vez te puedan ayudar a averiguar lo que te pasó en el mar. @@ -529,6 +625,9 @@ Why not... but, who are you? Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Yayayaya, ¡por primera vez alguien se viste pero que nosotros! +Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Sí, tú eres todo como *hic* eso en Esperia, ¡pero no me vas a atrapar! *eructo* + Yes, please! ¡Sí, por favor! @@ -580,6 +679,9 @@ Ves algunos artículos en la caja. ¿Los sacarás? You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, eheh. Tienes que buscarlas una vez que lleguemos al puerto. Valen la pena, eheh. +You still haven't completed your task. +Todavía no has completado la tarea. + You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form. Estúpidos, es una inglesa. Miren la forma de su cabeza. diff --git a/langs/lang_es.txt b/langs/lang_es.txt index c9d775e2..95a57cdc 100644 --- a/langs/lang_es.txt +++ b/langs/lang_es.txt @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online -*hick* *hic* + - 2 @@ +. . - -...And 1 @@. +... Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need delicious ingredients to prepare a... a special recipe. -...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. +... and 1 @@. 1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still. @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online 2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam. -3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. +3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. -4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. +4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the sing A sunny and hot day, - +Un soleado y caluroso dia, ANYWAY, MAYBE WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FOOD WITH GUGLI YOU WILL HAVE THE TIME TO LOOK AT THIS! ¡DE TODOS MODOS, QUIZÁ CUANDO ESTÉS BUSCANDO COMIDA CON GUGLI TENGAS TIEMPO PARA MIRAR ESTO! @@ -56,16 +56,13 @@ ANYWAY, MAYBE WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FOOD WITH GUGLI YOU WILL HAVE THE TIME TO Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you. -About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Sobre este Gremio de Esperia, me pregunto acerca de ellos, si me permite hablar con franqueza. Hay rumores de que hicieron algunas cosas monstruosas y que están ocultando un buen montón de cosas de nosotros. - About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly. Acerca de este gremio de los Esperia, no estoy seguro acerca de ellos, francamente. Acorn Bellota -Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. +Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life. Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all. @@ -83,13 +80,13 @@ AligeTrigger All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries... Todo lo que tenía para comer eran estas bayas... Bayas... Bayas... -All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your... fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. -Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. +Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good. -Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy... @@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go c Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 -An unexpected help is always welcome. +An unexpected help is always welcome! And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! @@ -125,24 +122,18 @@ And you? How's it going on your side? And you? How's it yaying on your side? -Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. -De todos modos, si alguna vez te interesa, solo has click en mi bolsa. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag. + Aquada Aquada -Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Aquada Box Are you ok? ¿Está usted bien? -AreaBottom -AreaBottom - -AreaMiddle -AreaMiddle - AreaNPC AreaNPC @@ -158,13 +149,13 @@ Artis of course! As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land. -As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. +As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be. As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you. -Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away. Astapolos. @@ -176,7 +167,7 @@ At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island. Ayouyouch! My head... Ayouyouch! Mi cabeza... -BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPENS TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! Bag @@ -194,6 +185,9 @@ Antes... Bread Pan +Break the door. + + But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. Pero no puedo decirte nada al respecto. Lo siento. @@ -206,7 +200,7 @@ But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...may But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. Pero por ahora, puedes relajarte en el barco, o visitar la isla en la que hemos atracado. Es una isla pequeña, pero un buen lugar para ejercitar tus piernas. -But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. +But let's talk more about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality food. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 @@ -218,8 +212,8 @@ But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconsciou But who am I? Pero, ¿quién soy yo? -But you won't *hick* me this time... -Pero tú no me has *hic* ganado esta vez... +But you won't *hic* me this time... + But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. Pero... si él tiene amnesia, como dijo Julia... No necesitamos preocuparnos por él. @@ -230,8 +224,8 @@ Pero... si ella tiene amnesia, como dijo Julia... No necesitamos preocuparnos po Bye! ¡Adiós! -CAN YOU HEAR ME? -PUEDES OIRME? +CAN YOU HEAR ME?! + Can I read these rules again? ¿Puedo leer estas reglas de nuevo? @@ -245,9 +239,6 @@ Capitán Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. El Capitan Nard esta en la habitación a tu derecha. -Captain wants: ??? - - Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 Algunos items tiene diferentes efectos. Unos te curarán, otros pueden ser usados como armas o armaduras y otros pueden ser vendidos por oro. @@ -299,11 +290,14 @@ Garra de Croc Croconut Croconut -DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? -¿AVERIGUASTE QUÉ ERA ESA LUZ? +Croconut Box + + +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS?! + + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER?! -DO YOU FEEL BETTER? -¿TE SIENTES MEJOR? Damn @@. Maldición @@. @@ -320,9 +314,6 @@ Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter. Dan keeps silent since your last question. Dan se quedó callado desde tu última pregunta. -DarlinBarrierCheck - - Did you say reward? I want it! ¿Has dicho recompensa? ¡La quiero! @@ -339,21 +330,21 @@ Do you want me to go see her instead of you? ¿Quieres que vaya a verla en tu lugar? Do you want to cut this @@? - +¿Quieres cortar este @@? Do you want to try? - +¿Quieres intentar? Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan -Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! -¡No te hagas... *hic* conmigo, eh! +Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! + Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! No me envenenes! Yo se lo que hace! -Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! +Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance! DoorUpwards @@ -363,28 +354,31 @@ Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later dude. Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey. - +Duty me llama, *hic*, nos vemos luego, cariño. Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live. -Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm... He was really upset for some past stories. Elmo Elmo -Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats! + + +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef. -Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats! -Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there. Elven Voice -La voz de Elven +Voz de Elven Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I don't have the money to pay for the ferry! Uff, de verdad, solo quiero ir a Artis y no tengo dinero para pagar el ferry. @@ -404,7 +398,7 @@ ESTÁ BIEN ¡ADIÓS! Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. -Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little... secret mission. From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. @@ -416,20 +410,17 @@ Hongo GOOD! ¡BIEN! -Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! +Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Ggrmm grmmm... Ggrmm grmmm... -Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. -Ve afuera y habla con Gugli, el te dirá que necesitamos. +Go away. -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. -Ve afuera y habla con Gugli, el te dirá qué necesitamos. Good job! ¡Buen trabajo! @@ -482,7 +473,7 @@ HEY! HEY YOU! Harpy-lady? -Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too? Have you seen anything dangerous? @@ -497,11 +488,11 @@ He told me nothing about that. He's funny, it's not a problem. Él es divertido, eso no es un problema. -Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. Hehe! - +¡Jeje! Hehe, no. But I'm sure a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me. @@ -525,10 +516,10 @@ Hello dear!#1 Hello yeye.#0 - +Hola yeye. Hello yeye.#1 - +Hola yeye. Hello. Hola. @@ -555,7 +546,7 @@ Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go! Oye, Silvio, es tu turno de cargar el paquete, ¡ve! Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay? - +¡Oye, tú! ¿Puedes escucharnos? ¿Estás bien? Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the captain about... The reserve. You know, now that we got a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have. Ey tú, perdón por dejar la habitación tan rápido, necesitaba... hablar con el capitán acerca de las... reservas. Sabes, ahora que tenemos una nueva boca que alimentar, necesitamos revisar nuestras provisiones. @@ -569,28 +560,31 @@ Hey! Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. ¡Eh! Ten cuidado. No puedes quedarte en ese sótano por mucho tiempo, puedes enfermarte. Ven afuera y toma un poco de aire, puedes probar nuevamente mas tarde. +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 + + +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 + + Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Oye, no te preocupes por él. Es el primer día en mucho tiempo en el que podemos sólo relajarnos. Hey, girl! ¡Oye, chica! +Hey, how do you know my name? + + Hey, man! ¡Oye, hombre! Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? ¡Oye, psst! Tú no eres un marinero, ¿cierto? -Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. -Oye, deberías ir a ver a Julia para registrarte abordo de la nave. - -Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. - - Hey. +Oye. - -Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh? Hi @@. @@ -602,7 +596,7 @@ Hi, nice to see you! Hidden Person Persona escondida. -Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough +Hmmm, hm... Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?... Cough, burp... Damn Gado... Cough... How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. @@ -617,10 +611,7 @@ How are you doing, cutie? How are you doing, dude? -How do you know my name? -¿Cómo sabe mi nombre? - -How is *hick* it possible? +How is *hichic* it possible? However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever. @@ -632,7 +623,7 @@ However... Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth! -I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... +I ALSO AVOID THE DANGEROUS ANIMALS! I AM DOING FINE! @@ -648,7 +639,7 @@ I WAS HERE WHEN THEY RESCUED YOU! I WOULD LOVE TO! - +¡ME ENCANTARÍA! I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help. No estoy preocupado por la recompensa. Sólo quiero ayudar. @@ -665,7 +656,7 @@ Yo soy, quien eres?#1 I beg you, please, pleeeease... Te lo ruego, por favor, por favoooooooor... -I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... +I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the morning... I can't remember anything.#0 @@ -710,6 +701,9 @@ Me siento bien. I forgot where it was... +I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship. + + I guess so... I will leave you alone. Supongo... Que te dejaré solo. @@ -749,7 +743,7 @@ Yo necesito a alguien quien pueda limpiar la parte inferior de la nave de estos I need to go, sorry. -I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and... I only remember I was rescued by you.#0 @@ -770,32 +764,35 @@ Ya veo, advierte a los otros marineros acerca de esto. Pero si él es parte del I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally. Ya veo, advierte a los otros marineros acerca de esto. Pero si ella es parte del Gremio Guerrero, entonces es también nuestra aliada. -I speak Dutch +I speak Dutch. + + +I speak English. + + +I speak Flemish. + + +I speak French. + +I speak German. -I speak English -Yo hablo Inglés -I speak Flemish -Yo hablo Flamenco +I speak Italian. -I speak French -Yo hablo Francés -I speak German -Yo hablo Alemán +I speak Polish. -I speak Polish -Yo hablo Polaco -I speak Portuguese -Yo hablo Portugués +I speak Portuguese. -I speak Russian -Yo hablo Ruso -I speak Spanish -Yo hablo Español +I speak Russian. + + +I speak Spanish. + I swear, I do not eat so much. @@ -806,7 +803,7 @@ Creo que debería reportarte a los miembros de la tripulación. I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions? -I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s! I think that I'm still a bit sick. @@ -815,7 +812,7 @@ Creo que todavía estoy un poco enfermo. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? ¡Creo que la calidad de mi vino es muy buena! Voy por la segunda botella y ya ... ¿De qué estábamos hablando? -I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s! I will give you @@gp. @@ -869,7 +866,7 @@ Estoy buscando a Gugli, ¿dónde está? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! Estoy perdiendo la cordura, ¡necesito otra cosa para comer! -I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! I'm sorry, I don't have time right now. @@ -902,10 +899,7 @@ IF YOU FIND SOMETHING, THEN IT'S GREAT! IT'S OK, CREW TASKS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CURIOSITY! ESTÁ BIEN, LAS TAREAS DE LA TRIPULACIÓN SON MUCHO MAS IMPORTANTES QUE LA CURIOSIDAD. -If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! - - -If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If I saw *hic* who you were... *hips* Would not have helped you! If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -920,6 +914,9 @@ Si quieres abrir tu inventario usa la tecla F3 o usa tu mouse para seleccionarlo If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 Si quieres abrir tu inventario usa la tecla F3 o usa tu mouse para seleccionarlo en la ventana de la parte superior en tu cliente. +If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... + + In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun. Ves, en esta cueva, me divierto mucho. @@ -930,7 +927,7 @@ Indeed, I am not.#1 De hecho, no lo soy. Interested? - +¿Interesado? Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then! Interesante... ¡Entonces le dejaré con su tarea! @@ -947,6 +944,9 @@ It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. Parece que estamos cerca de una isla, deberíamos ir a ver el nivel superior. +It seems that you need a key to open this door. + + It seems you still have some work to do. @@ -959,6 +959,9 @@ It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry! Es un puerto comercial de Andorra, es raro que no sepas de él ya que es una de las ciudades mas famosas del mundo. Pero, volviendo al tema... ¡Estoy hambriento! +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!. + + It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. @@ -980,6 +983,12 @@ It's true! It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception. +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 + + +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 + + Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0 @@ -998,9 +1007,6 @@ Julia Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. Julia está en el nivel superior del barco, usa las flechas del teclado para caminar hasta las escaleras o haz click en las escaleras en el vértice superior derecho de tu ventana. -Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. - - Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. @@ -1019,13 +1025,13 @@ LeftDoorCheck Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. Permíteme presentarme, soy Nard, capitán de este barco. -Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. +Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start! Lettuce Lechuga -Look how splendid this landscape is. +Look how splendid this landscape is! Look, he's there! @@ -1034,10 +1040,10 @@ Look, he's there! Look, there he is! -M...Maybe? +M... Maybe? -MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS!? Magic Arpan @@ -1070,19 +1076,13 @@ Mi amigo, no siempre fui un marinero, sabes. ¡Yo fui una persona importante! My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. Mi nombre es Alige, he estado escondido aquí durante semanas. -My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -Mi nombre es Astapolos, Q'Muller y me uní a la tripulación de Nard algunos años atrás cuando era solo un pequeño buque mercante. - -My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. +My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 -¡NO, y *hic* NO, tú y tú y tu... *eructo* estúpi*hic* gremio! +My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 -¡NO, y *hic* NO, tú y tú y tu... *eructo* estúpi*hic* gremio! -NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT! Nard @@ -1097,6 +1097,12 @@ Narrador New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed. +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0 + + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1 + + No problem, I can help you anyway. No hay problema, te puedo ayudar de todos modos. @@ -1151,6 +1157,9 @@ Nada, lo siento. Nothing. Nada. +Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. + + OH, LOOK THERE! ¡OH, MIRA ALLÍ! @@ -1169,9 +1178,6 @@ Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? ¡Oh, bien! ¿También te regresó tu dinero? -Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. - - Oh look, there's a piou behind you! @@ -1229,6 +1235,9 @@ Oh, he's still alive! Oh, it's you. Oh, eres tú. +Oh, it's you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. + + Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. @@ -1286,11 +1295,11 @@ LibroViejo Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. Una vez que el monstruo esté muerto, haz click con el mouse para tomar los items que suelte y agregarlos a tu inventario o puedes usar la tecla Z para tomarlos. -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 -Una vez dentro de tu inventario, puedes equiparte con un ítem seleccionándolo y tocando la opción 'Equipar'. También puedes desequiparlo con la opción 'Quitárselo'. +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#0 + + +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#1 -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 -Una vez dentro de tu inventario, puedes equiparte con un ítem seleccionándolo y tocando la opción 'Equipar'. También puedes desequiparlo con la opción 'Quitárselo'. Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. @@ -1310,9 +1319,6 @@ Nuestra tripulación es como una familia, y si aceptas ayudarnos, ¡te invitare People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose. -PeterBarrierCheck - - Piberries Pibayas @@ -1331,6 +1337,12 @@ Por favor no toques estos gorros, son solo para los miembros de la tripulación. Plushroom +Plushroom Box + + +Purple Blobime + + QMuller. @@ -1355,25 +1367,25 @@ Rrrr... Pchhhh... Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. -SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? +SO WHAT'S UP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! -SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? +SO, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! - +DISCULPA, PERO... ¿QUÉ DIJISTE? ¡HABLA MÁS FUERTE! Sailors Marineros -Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. +Sea Drops -Sea Drops +Sea Drops!? I will not help you with your evil plan! -See you. +See you! Seems yummy! Let me taste it! @@ -1385,7 +1397,7 @@ Seriously?! She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... Ella es una buena amiga mia... Nos queríamos casar unas semanas antes de su accidente... -She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? @@ -1397,13 +1409,13 @@ Ella esté en el nivel superior, yeye no puedes equivocarte. Es la única mujer She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. Ella está en el nivel superior, yeye no puedes equivocarte. Es la única mujer en esta tripulación. -Silvio for example? +Shhht, don't say it that loud... -Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. +Silvio for example? -So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. +Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day! @@ -1418,12 +1430,12 @@ Así que por eso hemos querido avisarle. Tal vez él viene de ese gremio, debido So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft. Así que por eso hemos querido avisarle. Tal vez ella viene de ese gremio, debido al símbolo que estaba en su balsa. -So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. -Estamos buscando nuevas mercancías que podamos comerciar en nuestro siguiente destino. - So what can I do for you? +So, at the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s. + + So, do you have anything for me today? Así que, ¿tiene algo para mi hoy? @@ -1475,9 +1487,6 @@ Stupid yeye... Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. De repente, oyes una voz desde el cielo. -Sure why not? - - Sure, Cap'tain. Seguro, Capit'án. @@ -1490,6 +1499,9 @@ Seguro, pero qué puede darme usted a cambio. Sure, there is a reward for your task. +Sure, why not? + + THAT'S A NICE NAME! ¡ESE ES UN BONITO NOMBRE! @@ -1499,7 +1511,10 @@ Toma una bandana. Take these coins in exchange and be careful. -Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! +Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more! + + +Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. @@ -1508,8 +1523,8 @@ Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. Thank you, I'll take them. Gracias, las tomaré. -Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. -Gracias otra vez por ayudarme. Pero esos Rattos son un problema permanente y tu ayuda es siempre bienvenida. El problema es que solo te puedo dar la recompensa una sola vez. +Thanks again for helping me. But these Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. + Thanks for helping me! ¡Gracias por ayudarme! @@ -1523,12 +1538,21 @@ Eso es verdad. That's where you go as well, right? Tú también vas hacia allí. ¿Verdad? +The adventure begins!#0 + + +The adventure begins!#1 + + The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. +The captain wants: + + The door is locked. @@ -1568,14 +1592,20 @@ The usurper has been punished! This is a great day, take this reward as a prize Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive. -There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Están corriendo rumores acerca de que ellos hicieron cosas monstruosas y que nos están escondiendo muchas cosas a nosotros. +There are few groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us. + There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. Hay algunos peluches amarillos que vuelan a tu alrededor. Se llaman pious. Conseguir una pierna asada de uno de ellos sería perfecto. -There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? -Hay algunos cuchillos sobre la mesa, ¿quieres tomar uno? +There are some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one? + There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? @@ -1583,10 +1613,7 @@ There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? There is a paper with some rules written on it. Allí hay un papel con algunas reglas escritas en él. -There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. - - -There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island. There's nothing to say, don't worry miss. @@ -1598,16 +1625,16 @@ No hay nada que decir, no se preocupe señor. Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. -These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... -These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +These yeye box are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. +They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... sort out this situation. This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? @@ -1628,6 +1655,12 @@ This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks... This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago. +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#0 + + +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#1 + + This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. Éste tipo de habla debería ser castigada, pero concuerdo contigo en que especialmente no me gustan, así que mantén un ojo sobre ella. @@ -1661,11 +1694,14 @@ Uhm, bye. Understood, I will help you. Entendido, te ayudaré. -Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. + + +Use the key. -WHAT DID YOU SAY? -¿QUÉ DIJISTE? +WHAT DID YOU SAY?! + Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side! Espera, ¡parece que alguien esta empujando la puerta desde afuera! @@ -1679,6 +1715,15 @@ Camina un poco, será fácil para ti atrapar uno. Empala uno de ellos para mí, Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise! +We are looking for some merchandise we could trade in our next destination. + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#0 + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#1 + + We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. Hicimos un alto en una pequeña isla antes de llegar al puerto de Artis. @@ -1703,28 +1748,28 @@ We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1 -We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago. + +We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map! -We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! -Usualmente no paramos en esos lugares, pero el cap'itan nos deja estar aquí pero nos lo permitió mientras el escribe la localización de la nueva isla en el mapa. We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. Estaremos yaying allí en unos dias, así que te dejaremos allí. -Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship! -Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! +Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again! -Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you! -Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. +Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen. What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago. @@ -1748,7 +1793,13 @@ What are you looking for? What are you talking about? What guild? -What do I get in exchange? +What are your needs? + + +What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? + + +What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? What do you need? @@ -1757,18 +1808,15 @@ What do you need? What do you think? ¿Qué piensas? +What do you want to do? + + What do you want today? ¿Qué quieres hoy? What do you wish to do? Que quieres hacer? -What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? - - -What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? - - What happened to me? ¿Qué me ha pasado? @@ -1781,6 +1829,9 @@ What should I do after taking these clothes?#0 What should I do after taking these clothes?#1 ¿Qué debería hacer después de tomar esa ropa? +What will I get in exchange? + + What yeye could I do for you today? ¿Qué yeye podría hacer por ti el día de hoy? @@ -1823,6 +1874,9 @@ Where is the damn salt!? Give me the salt. I know you have it! Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@? +Who are yeye searching? + + Who are you searching for? @@ -1835,10 +1889,7 @@ Who are you? Who is she? ¿Quién es ella? -Who of the two has the right on his side? - - -Who yeye is searching? +Who of them two has the 'good' on his side? Who's this Julia? @@ -1886,8 +1937,8 @@ YAYA, deberías ir a verla! Ella va a estar feliz de verte. Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us! -Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* -Sí, tú eres todo como *hic* eso en Esperia, ¡pero no me vas a atrapar! *eructo* +Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* + Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. Sí, pero me gustaría asegurarme de obtener una recompensa. @@ -1914,7 +1965,7 @@ Yes, it's a chest. Si, es un cofre. Yes, why not. - +Sí, por qué no. Yes. Sí. @@ -1925,19 +1976,19 @@ Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#0 Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#1 -Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. +Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye! -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#0 -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#1 -Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then. Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. @@ -1985,7 +2036,7 @@ You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help. Eres parte de la tripulación. Gracias de nuevo por tu ayuda. -You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here! You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. @@ -2000,7 +2051,7 @@ You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there. -You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. +You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that. You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees. @@ -2012,7 +2063,7 @@ You can't go there! You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. Puedes conocer a los demás marineros de esta manera, y... obteniendo este gorro por supuesto, que será un signo de que te estas uniendo a la tripulación. -You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors list. You have an awful amnesia. @@ -2021,6 +2072,9 @@ You have an awful amnesia. You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that nice lady. +You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door... + + You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. @@ -2045,7 +2099,7 @@ You opened the @@, but only one side is edible. You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts. -You realise you can't remember anything. +You realize you can't remember anything. You receive 25GP! @@ -2063,7 +2117,10 @@ Usted debería ir y dormir un poco. You should go see them. Deberías ir a verles. -You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news! + + +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... @@ -2078,8 +2135,8 @@ You should walk to the north. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? Todavía tienes unos días antes de que lleguemos al puerto. ¿Tal vez puedas aprender algo de ellos? -You still haven't completed your task. -Todavía no has completado la tarea. +You still haven't completed your tasks. + You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. Tú estúpido, él es Inglés, mira la forma de su cabeza. @@ -2093,7 +2150,7 @@ You take the clothes from the chest. You told me that you 'were' important. Me decías que 'eras' importante. -You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 @@ -2123,6 +2180,12 @@ Tu estás en nuestro barco, atracamos en el puerto de esta pequeña isla y actua You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 Tu estás en nuestro barco, atracamos en el puerto de esta pequeña isla y actualmente estamos yeyendeando nuestro largo viaje mercante hacia la ciudad de Artis. +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! + + +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you! + + You're right, it's about Julia. Estás en lo correcto, es acerca de Julia. diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.old b/langs/lang_fr.old index 77221da1..a92c0c19 100644 --- a/langs/lang_fr.old +++ b/langs/lang_fr.old @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +*hick* +*hic* + ... ... @@ -28,9 +31,18 @@ Un endroit calme, A Sunny and hot day, Une journée chaude et ensoleillée, +About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +A propos de la Guilde d'Esperia, je m'interroge à leur sujet, si je peux parler franchement. Quelques rumeurs disent qu'ils sont à l'origine de choses terrifiantes et qu'ils nous cachent beaucoup de choses. + Alige Alige +Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. +Bien ! Encore une boîte et ça sera parfait. + +Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Entendu, je vais aller dans sa chambre, garde un œil sur elle, nous ne savons toujours pas si elle est alliée ou ennemie... + Alright, bye! Très bien, au revoir ! @@ -46,9 +58,18 @@ Ah, et aussi, nous avons pris tes affaires, comme elles étaient... Yeyeye... Da And please, no berries. No more! Et s'il te plait, plus de baies... Plus jamais ! +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. +De toute façon, si jamais tu es intéressé, tu n'as qu'à cliquer sur mon sac. + Anyway, maybe when you are looking for food with Gugli you'll have the time to look at this!! Bref, peut-être que lorsque tu chercheras de la nourriture avec Gugli, tu auras le temps d'avoir un œil à cela. +AreaBottom +ZoneBasse + +AreaMiddle +ZoneCentrale + As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!! Comme tu peux marcher, ce sera plus facile. Embroche m'en un! @@ -61,6 +82,9 @@ Astapolos At this time, we were selling crab's food on our old mushroom island. À cette époque, on vendait de la nourriture pour crabe sur notre propre île-champignon. +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +MAIS JE NE PEUX PAS, JE DOIS GARDER UN ŒIL SUR LA MER AFIN D'AVERTIR L'ÉQUIPAGE SI IL Y A DES PIRATES AUX ALENTOURS ! + BillyBons BillyBons @@ -79,6 +103,9 @@ Mais plus que tout autre choses, c'est elle qui a pris soin de toi quand tu éta But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway. Mais en attendant, tu dois rester ici, il n'y a rien à faire d'autre de toute façon. +But you won't *hick* me this time... +Mais tu ne m'auras *hic* pas cette fois... + But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him. Mais... S'il est amnésique comme l'a dit Julia, nous ne devrions pas nous soucier de lui. @@ -88,6 +115,9 @@ Mais... Si elle est amnésique comme l'a dit Julia, n'avons pas à nous soucier Bye. Au revoir. +CAN YOU HEAR ME? +PEUX-TU M'ENTENDRE ? + Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him. Le Capitaine a fermé la porte, tu devrais aller le voir. @@ -103,6 +133,12 @@ Puis-je te demander qu'elle est ta langue natale? Un marin m'a dit que tu étais Could I ask you which is your native language? A sailor said me russian, an other one said me french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship board list just after that. Puis-je te demander qu'elle est ta langue natale? Un marin m'a dit que tu étais Russe, mais un autre m'a dit que tu étais Français... Je suis un peu perdue. Je t'enregistre dans la liste des membres du bateau juste aprés cela. +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? +AS-TU DÉCOUVERT CE QU'ÉTAIT CETTE LUMIÈRE ? + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER? +TE SENS-TU MIEUX ? + Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me! Maudit soit-tu! T'as intérêt à ne pas me balancer! @@ -115,6 +151,9 @@ Dan termine la conversation et continue d'écrire sa lettre. Darlin Darlin +DarlinBarrierCheck +DarlinBarrièreCheck + Devis Devis @@ -133,6 +172,9 @@ Tu m'entends ? Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan Est-ce que quelqu'un connaît un bon endroit à voir dans Esperia ? - M. Arpan +Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! +Ne fais pas leeee... *hic* avec moi hein ! + Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia Ne donne pas le mot de passe de ta chambre à quiconque. Garde-le secret et dans le futur, essaye de ne pas utiliser le même pour n'importe qu'elle autre chambre. - Julia @@ -160,6 +202,15 @@ Excuse-moi mais qu'as-tu dit ? Parle plus fort ! Fine, bye!! Bien, salut ! +Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! +Fais-moi un bisou avant de me dire au revoir ! + +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. +Va dehors et parle avec Gugli, il te dira ce dont tu as besoin. + +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Va dehors et parle à Gugli, il te dira ce dont il a besoin. + Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis. Bon à savoir. D'après ce que Darlin m'a dit, nous arrivons sur une île où nous ferons escale, avant d'atteindre Artis. @@ -226,6 +277,12 @@ Hey ! Ehoo ! Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room. Hé, tu peux pas dormir là, c'est ma chambre. +Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. +Hé, tu devrais aller voir Julia pour t'inscrire au registre du bord. + +Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. +Eh, tu devrais aller voir Julia pour t'enregistrer sur le bateau. + Hi, nice to see you! Salut, contente de te voir! @@ -238,6 +295,12 @@ Personne cachée Hidden person doesn't answer La personne cachée ne répond plus +How do you know my name? +Comment connais-tu mon nom ? + +How is *hick* it possible? +Comment est-ce *hic* possible ? + How is *hick* possible?? Comment est-ce *hic* possible ?? @@ -247,6 +310,9 @@ Comment ça va ma mignonne ? How is it going dude? Comment vas-tu ? +I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... +JE RECHERCHE AUSSI DES ANIMAUX DANGEREUX... + I also watch for dangerous animals... Je suis aussi à la recherche d'animaux dangereux. @@ -292,12 +358,33 @@ J'ai dit... Pourquoi ne viens-tu pas en bas pour parler ? I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again? Je vois, ce n'est pas facile de combattre ces Rattos. Veux-tu réessayer ? -I speak Dutch -Je parle Néerlandais +I speak English +Je parle Anglais. + +I speak Flemish +Je parle Flamand. + +I speak French +Je parle français. + +I speak German +Je parle Allemand I speak Italian Je parle italien +I speak Polish +Je parle Polonais + +I speak Portuguese +Je parle portugais. + +I speak Russian +Je parle Russe + +I speak Spanish +Je parle Espagnol + I think that I'm done, I've got a box full of Je pense que j'ai fini, j'ai une boîte pleine de @@ -343,6 +430,9 @@ Je vais très bien. I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the warrior guild won't get me! Je ne suis pas idiot hein *hic* quoi que tu aies décou*hip*vert là-bas, la Guilde des Guerriers ne m'aura pas ! +I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +Je ne suis pas si bête *hic* qu'as-tu déjà décou... *hic* ...vert là-bas, la guilde des guerres ne m'aura pas ! + I'm not. Je ne suis pas. @@ -361,6 +451,9 @@ Je suis malade, je retourne au lit. I'm very happy to see you're okay now! Je suis content de voir que tu vas mieux maintenant. +If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! +Si j'avais *hic* vu qui tu étais... *hic* Je ne t'aurais pas aidé ! + If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you! Si j'avais vu *hic* qui tu étais... *hips* je ne t'aurais pas secouru ! @@ -412,6 +505,12 @@ Laisse-moi me présenter. Je suis le Capitaine Nard à la tête de ce bateau. Let me see your work... Laisse moi voir ton travail... +Look how splendid this landscape is. +Regardez comme ce paysage est splendide + +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? +PEUT-ÊTRE PEUX-TU REGARDER CELA ? + Max Max @@ -421,9 +520,21 @@ Tu pourrais peut-être jeter un coup d'œil à celà Mickael Mickael +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +Mon nom est Astapolos, Q'Muller et j'ai rejoint l'équipage de Nard il y a quelques années lorsque ce n'était qu'un petit bateau marchand. + My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. Je m'appelle Julia et je me suis occupé de toi lorsque l'on t'a trouvé dans la mer. +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 +NON et *hic* NON, toi et toi et ta... *burp* stupi *hic* guilde ! + +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 +NON et *hic* NON, toi et toi et ta... *burp* stupi *hic* guilde ! + +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. +RIEN D'AUTRE QUE DES REQUINS ET UNE LUMIÈRE BIZARRE. + No problem, do you have an other question for me? Pas de problème, as-tu d'autres questions? @@ -529,6 +640,12 @@ D'accord, mais qu'est-ce que j'obtiens en échange? On the edge of this island!! Sur le côté de cette île ! +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Une fois dans ton inventaire, tu peux équiper l'objet en le sélectionnant plus cliquant sur \"Equiper\". Tu peux de même retirer un objet en cliquant sur \"Retirer\". + +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Une fois dans ton inventaire, tu peux équiper l'objet en le sélectionnant plus cliquant sur \"Equiper\". Tu peux de même retirer un objet en cliquant sur \"Retirer\". + Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#0 Ouvre ton inventaire (Touche F3), choisis les habits un par un et équipe-les. @@ -544,6 +661,9 @@ Parfait, quelle nourriture m'as-tu apporté aujourd'hui ? Peter Peter +PeterBarrierCheck +PeterBarrièreCheck + Pious legs Cuisses de Pious @@ -556,6 +676,12 @@ Ronan Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... +SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? +ALORS, QUOI DE NEUF ? QUE FAIS-TU ? + +SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? +ALORS, QUEL EST TON NOM ? + Sapartan Sapartan @@ -568,6 +694,9 @@ Elle est située à l'étage au dessus, yeye ne peux pas la manquer. C'est la se She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew. Elle est située à l'étage au dessus, yeye ne peux pas la manquer. C'est la seule femme à bord. +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! +Elle est l'infirmière et la maîtresse de ce bateau; et aussi une excellente cuisinière! + She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! Elle est l'infirmière et la gardienne de ce bateau et aussi une excellente cuisinière ! @@ -583,6 +712,9 @@ Silvio Silvio starts to speak with his bottle, you leave the conversation. Silvio commence à parler avec sa bouteille. Vous vous éloignez. +So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. +Alors nous recherchons de nouvelles marchandises que nous pourrions échanger à notre prochaine destination. + So what's up?? What are you doing?? Alors, quoi de neuf ? Que fais-tu ? @@ -631,6 +763,9 @@ Tarlan Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... Merci beaucoup ! Tiens, voilà des baies... +Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Merci encore pour m'avoir aidé. Mais ces Rattos sont un problème permanent et ton aide est toujours la bienvenue. Le seul problème est que je ne vais te donner une récompense qu'une seule fois. + Thanks again for helping me. But those rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. Merci encore de m'avoir aidé. Mais ces Rattos sont revenus, et ton aide est la bienvenue. Le seul problème étant que je ne peux plus te donner de récompense. @@ -658,6 +793,12 @@ Le marin te tourne le dos. The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you. Les marins te prennent à bord de leur bateau pour t'aider. +There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Il y a des rumeurs qui disent qu'ils ont fait des choses monstrueuses et qu'ils nous cachent beaucoup de choses. + +There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +Il y a quelques couteaux sur la table, veux-tu en prendre un ? + There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Il y a encore quelques Rattos présents ! Veux-tu abandonner la quête ? @@ -670,9 +811,18 @@ Il y a des petites peluches jaunes qui volent autoir de toi, on les appelle des There is some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? Il y a quelques couteaux sur la table, veux-tu en prendre un? +There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +Il y a des groupes de ces @@ tout autour de l'île. Ramasse-en juste et essaye. + These Croco Trees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... Ces Crocotiers sont pleins de @@, mais ils sont tellement durs à frapper... +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. +Ces boîtes sont bien trop lourdes pour être portées tout seul jusque sur le bateau. + +These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +Ces boîtes sont bien trop lourdes pour être montées seul sur ce bateau. + This box is locked Cette boîte est vérouillée @@ -703,6 +853,9 @@ C'est un fruit de mer, mais des monstres marins peuvent en avoir aussi. Too bad that you do not want to help me. C'est dommage que tu ne veuilles pas m'aider. +WHAT DID YOU SAY? +QU'AS-TU DIT ? + We should be there in a few days, and once we arrive, I will advertise the warrior guild of what happened, I'm sure that they can help you. Nous devrions arriver dans les prochains jours. Une fois là-bas, j'avertirai la guilde locale de ce qui s'est passé, je suis sure qu'ils pourront t'aider! @@ -718,6 +871,9 @@ Nous avons essayé de les nettoyer mais l'eau de mer les a quasiment toutes dét We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1 Nous avons essayé de les nettoyer mais l'eau de mer les a quasiment toutes détruites. C'est pourquoi nous t'avons donné ces vêtements-là. Ils ne sont pas parfaits, mais c'est tout ce qu'on a ! +We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +Généralement, nous ne nous arrêtons pas dans de tels endroits mais le capitaine nous laisse rester ici pendant qu'il écrit la position de cette nouvelle île sur cette carte. + We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#0 Nous serons yayan là-bas dans les prochains jours, donc on te lachera là-bas. Tu verras, les habitants sont polis et tu pourras toujours demander de l'aide à la guilde des guerriers. Ils pourront t'aider à trouver un travail ou peut-être savoir ce qui t'est arrivé avant qu'on t'ait retrouvé. @@ -742,6 +898,12 @@ De quoi es-tu en train de parler ? Quelle guilde ? What did you say?? Qu'as-tu dit ? +What do I get in exchange? +Qu'est-ce que je reçois en échange ? + +What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? +Qu'est-ce que Gugli a dit à propos de la boîte ? Etait-elle convenable ? + What should I add after taking these clothes?#1 Que dois-je faire aprés avoir pris ces vêtements? @@ -754,6 +916,9 @@ Où ça ? Who is this Julia? Qui est cette Julia? +Who yeye is searching? +Qui cherches-tu ? + Why don't you go outside? Pourquoi ne vas-tu pas dehors ? @@ -763,12 +928,27 @@ Pourquoi pas... Mais, qui es-tu ? Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Yayayaya, pour la première fois que quelqu'un est moins bien habillé que nous ! +Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Ouais, vous êtes tous comme *hic* ça à Esperia, mais tu ne m'auras pas ! *burp* + Yes, it's a chest! Oui, c'est un coffre ! Yes, please! Oui, s'il-te-plaît ! +Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. +Yeye sois prudent avec la nourriture des animaux sauvages, certains d'entre eux sont dangereux, surtout les Blobs. + +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 +Tu... semblerais avoir de bons yeux et de t'être rétabli de tes blessures. Pourrais-tu... apporter cette boîte de poissons à Gugli ? + +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 +Tu... semblerais avoir de bons yeux et de t'être rétabli de tes blessures. Pourrais-tu... apporter cette boîte de poissons à Gugli ? + +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. +Tu es sûr ? Je mettrai plus de nourriture dans la prochaine boîte alors. + You already took a Bandana, put this one back please. Tu as déjà pris un Bandana, remets celui-là à sa place s'il-te-plaît. @@ -820,6 +1000,9 @@ Tu dois marcher vers le nord. You opened the treasure chest. Tu ouvres le coffre au trésor. +You realise you can't remember anything. +Vous réalisez que vous ne vous souvenez de rien. + You really are quite amnesic. Tu es vraiment amnésique. @@ -835,6 +1018,9 @@ Tu devrais y jeter un œil une fois au port, ils en valent le coup, hehe. You should try to kill some Tortugas, or some Croc if you're strong enough. Tu devrais essayer de tuer des Tortugas or des Crocs si tu es assez fort. +You still haven't completed your task. +Tu n'as toujours pas rempli ta tâche. + You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form. Vous êtes tous idiots, c'est une anglaise, regardez la forme de sa tête. diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.txt b/langs/lang_fr.txt index 5046d935..bd299b70 100644 --- a/langs/lang_fr.txt +++ b/langs/lang_fr.txt @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online -*hick* *hic* + - 2 @@ . . -...And 1 @@. +... Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need delicious ingredients to prepare a... a special recipe. -...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. +... and 1 @@. 1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still. - +1. Ne bot pas. Cela signifie que tu n'es pas autorisé à utilise n'importe quel automate ou des astuces de clavier. Toutes activités loin du clavier seront considérées comme du but sauf pour rester immobile. 2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam. +2. Ne spam pas. Cela concerne les spams d'échanges. +3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. -3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. - -4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. +4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. - +5. Ne parle pas une autre langue qu'Anglais en public. Tu es libre de parler la langue que tu veux dans les chats privés ou seul avec tes amis. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. - +5. Ne parle pas une autre langue qu'Anglais en public. Tu es libre de parler la langue que tu veux dans les chats privés ou seul avec tes amis. 6. Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855 article. - +6. Suis la convention sociale listé sur l'article RFC1855. @@ is helping me. @@ m'aide. @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. Il y a un moment, j'ai entendu ta conversation avec Darlin. A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the single island, Aurora, where everyone lived. - +Une superbe cité, maintenant capitale de ces îles, appelée Esperia, s'éleva sur une seule île, Aurora, où tout le monde vivait. A sunny and hot day, Un jour chaud et ensoleillé , @@ -56,16 +56,13 @@ DE TOUTE FAÇON, PEUT-ÊTRE QUE LORSQUE TU CHERCHERAS DE LA NOURRITURE AVEC GUGL Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you. À bord se tiennent des marins essayant de te parler. -About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -A propos de la Guilde d'Esperia, je m'interroge à leur sujet, si je peux parler franchement. Quelques rumeurs disent qu'ils sont à l'origine de choses terrifiantes et qu'ils nous cachent beaucoup de choses. - About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly. A propos de cette Guilde d'Esperia, je ne suis pas sûr à propos d'eux, en toute franchise. Acorn Gland -Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. +Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life. Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all. @@ -83,14 +80,14 @@ Alige Gachette All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries... Tout ce que je mange c'est ces baies... des baies, toujours des baies.... -All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your... fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. + + +Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good. -Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. -Bien ! Encore une boîte et ça sera parfait. +Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... -Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... -Entendu, je vais aller dans sa chambre, garde un œil sur elle, nous ne savons toujours pas si elle est alliée ou ennemie... Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy... Entendu, je vais aller dans sa chambre, garde un œil sur lui, nous ne savons toujours pas si il est allié ou ennemi... @@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ Ah aussi, nous avons jeté tes vieux vêtements... Aïeaïe... ils étaient dans Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 Ah aussi, nous avons jeté tes vieux vêtements... Aïeaïe... ils étaient dans un mauvais état. Va voir dans le coffre près de ton lit, il y en a d'autres dedans. -An unexpected help is always welcome. +An unexpected help is always welcome! And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! @@ -125,24 +122,18 @@ Et toi ? Comment ça va de ton côté ? And you? How's it yaying on your side? Et toi ? Comment ça va de ton côté ? -Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. -De toute façon, si jamais tu es intéressé, tu n'as qu'à cliquer sur mon sac. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag. + Aquada Aquada -Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Aquada Box Are you ok? Est-ce que ça va ? -AreaBottom -ZoneBasse - -AreaMiddle -ZoneCentrale - AreaNPC ZonePNJ @@ -156,15 +147,15 @@ Artis of course! Artis pardi ! As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land. +Pendant qu'ils naviguèrent sur Oceania, grandes eaux d'Aemil, un des groupes trouva une terre. - -As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. +As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be. As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you. En ouvrant les yeux, tu vois un grand navire devant toi. -Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away. Astapolos. @@ -176,8 +167,8 @@ En ce moment, nous vendons du crabe sur notre bonne vieille île Champignon Ayouyouch! My head... Aïe ! Ma tête... -BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! -MAIS JE NE PEUX PAS, JE DOIS GARDER UN ŒIL SUR LA MER AFIN D'AVERTIR L'ÉQUIPAGE SI IL Y A DES PIRATES AUX ALENTOURS ! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPENS TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! + Bag Sac @@ -194,6 +185,9 @@ Avant... Bread Pain +Break the door. + + But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. Mais je ne peux rien te dire à propos de ça, désolé. @@ -206,7 +200,7 @@ But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...may But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. Mais pour maintenant, tu peux te reposer sur le bateau ou visiter l'île où nous nous sommes arrêtés. Elle est petite mais c'est un bon endroit pour faire de l'exercice et se détendre les jambes. -But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. +But let's talk more about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality food. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 @@ -218,8 +212,8 @@ Mais plus important encore, c'est elle qui s'est occupée de toi pendant que tu But who am I? Mais qui suis-je ? -But you won't *hick* me this time... -Mais tu ne m'auras *hic* pas cette fois... +But you won't *hic* me this time... + But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. Mais... S'il est amnésique comme l'a dit Julia... Nous n'avons pas à nous inquiéter de lui. @@ -230,8 +224,8 @@ Mais... Si elle est amnésique comme l'a dit Julia... Nous n'avons pas à nous i Bye! Au revoir ! -CAN YOU HEAR ME? -PEUX-TU M'ENTENDRE ? +CAN YOU HEAR ME?! + Can I read these rules again? Puis-je lire les règles une nouvelle fois ? @@ -245,9 +239,6 @@ Capitaine Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. La Capitaine Nard est dans la pièce à ta droite. -Captain wants: ??? - - Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 Certains objets ont différents effets. Certains peuvent te soigner, d'autres peuvent être utilisés comme armes ou armures et enfin d'autres peuvent être vendus pour de l'argent. @@ -299,11 +290,14 @@ Pince de Croc Croconut Noix de Croco -DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? -AS-TU DÉCOUVERT CE QU'ÉTAIT CETTE LUMIÈRE ? +Croconut Box + + +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS?! + + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER?! -DO YOU FEEL BETTER? -TE SENS-TU MIEUX ? Damn @@. Saleté de @@. @@ -320,14 +314,11 @@ Dan termine la conversation et se remet à écrire sa lettre. Dan keeps silent since your last question. Dan devient silencieux à la suite de votre dernière question. -DarlinBarrierCheck -DarlinBarrièreCheck - Did you say reward? I want it! As-tu dis une récompense ? Je la veux ! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia - +Ne donne le mot de passe de ta chambre à personne ! Garde-le secret et essaye de ne pas utiliser le même mot de passe pour d'autres chambres dans le futur. - Julia Do you have any other questions for me? As-tu une autre question à me poser ? @@ -347,13 +338,13 @@ Veux-tu essayer ? Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan Est-ce que quelqu'un connaît un bon endroit où traîner dans Esperia ? - M. Arpan -Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! -Ne fais pas leeee... *hic* avec moi hein ! +Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! + Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! N'essaye pas de m'empoisonner ! Je sais c'que ça fait ! -Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! +Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance! DoorUpwards @@ -366,21 +357,24 @@ Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey. Le devoir m'appelle,*hic*, à plus tard chéri. Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live. +Chacun de ces groupes a été ordonné de naviguer dans une direction différente pour trouver une terre où vivre. - -Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm... He was really upset for some past stories. Elmo Elmo -Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats! + + +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef. -Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats! -Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there. Elven Voice @@ -404,7 +398,7 @@ BIEN, AU REVOIR ! Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. Suivant ces lignes sont d'autres écritures sur ce papier. -Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little... secret mission. From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. @@ -416,20 +410,17 @@ Champignon GOOD! BIEN ! -Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! +Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Ggrmm grmmm... Ggrmm grmmm... -Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! -Fais-moi un bisou avant de me dire au revoir ! +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. -Va dehors et parle avec Gugli, il te dira ce dont tu as besoin. -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. -Va dehors et parle à Gugli, il te dira ce dont il a besoin. +Go away. + Good job! Beau travail ! @@ -482,7 +473,7 @@ EH ! EH TOI ! Harpy-lady? -Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too? Have you seen anything dangerous? @@ -497,17 +488,17 @@ Il ne m'a rien dit à ce sujet. He's funny, it's not a problem. Il est marrant, ce n'est pas un problème. -Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. Hehe! Hehe ! Hehe, no. But I'm sure a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me. - +Hehe, non. Mais je suis sûr qu'un garçon comme toi aimerait rencontrer un gentleman comme moi. Hehe, no. But I'm sure a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me! - +Hehe, non. Mais je suis sûr qu'une femme telle que toi adorerait rencontrer un charmeur comme moi ! Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that. Hehe, parfois il a la téte dans les nuages, tu devrais aller le voir à ce sujet. @@ -569,28 +560,31 @@ Eh ! Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. Eh ! Fais attention. Tu ne peux pas rester dans ce sous-sol pour si longtemps, tu vas tomber malade. Viens dehors et fais une pause. Peut-être peux-tu essayer plus tard ? +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 + + +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 + + Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Eh, ne t'en fais pas à propos de lui, c'est un des premiers jours depuis longtemps qu'on peut un peu s'amuser. Hey, girl! Hé toi ! +Hey, how do you know my name? + + Hey, man! Hé toi ! Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? Hé, psst ! Tu n'es pas un marin, pas vrai ? -Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. -Hé, tu devrais aller voir Julia pour t'inscrire au registre du bord. - -Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. -Eh, tu devrais aller voir Julia pour t'enregistrer sur le bateau. - Hey. Hey. -Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh? Hi @@. @@ -602,7 +596,7 @@ Eh, heureux de te voir ! Hidden Person Personne Cachée -Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough +Hmmm, hm... Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?... Cough, burp... Damn Gado... Cough... How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. @@ -617,23 +611,20 @@ Comment vas-tu ma mignonne ? How are you doing, dude? Comment vas-tu mon gars ? -How do you know my name? -Comment connais-tu mon nom ? +How is *hichic* it possible? -How is *hick* it possible? -Comment est-ce *hic* possible ? However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever. Cependant, la sécheresse vint avec les étés pendant que les hivers devinrent plus froids que jamais. However... - +En revanche... Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth! Dépêche toi ! Nous devons vérifier ses dents ! -I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... -JE RECHERCHE AUSSI DES ANIMAUX DANGEREUX... +I ALSO AVOID THE DANGEROUS ANIMALS! + I AM DOING FINE! JE VAIS TRÈS BIEN ! @@ -665,7 +656,7 @@ J'en suis une, qui es-tu ? I beg you, please, pleeeease... Je t'en supplie, s'il-te-plaît, s'il-te-plaîîîttttt... -I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... +I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the morning... I can't remember anything.#0 @@ -710,6 +701,9 @@ Je me sens bien. I forgot where it was... Je ne me souviens plus où c'était... +I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship. + + I guess so... I will leave you alone. Je suppose... I je vais te laisser. @@ -726,7 +720,7 @@ I hope that answers your question. J'espère que ça répond à ta question. I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp. - +J'espère que tu ne nous en veux pas pour avoir construit cette rampe avec ton radeau. I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like to give you a special task. Je sais que ne commences juste à te sentir mieux, mais j'aimerais de donner une tâche spéciale. @@ -749,7 +743,7 @@ J'ai besoin de l'aide de quelqu'un pour débarasser la cale du navire de ces Rat I need to go, sorry. Je dois y aller, désolé. -I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and... I only remember I was rescued by you.#0 @@ -770,32 +764,35 @@ Je vois, préviens les autres marins à ce sujet. Mais si il est membre de cette I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally. Je vois, préviens les autres marins à propos de ça. Mais si elle est membre de cette Guilde des Guerriers, alors c'est aussi notre alliée. -I speak Dutch +I speak Dutch. + + +I speak English. -I speak English -Je parle Anglais. +I speak Flemish. -I speak Flemish -Je parle Flamand. -I speak French -Je parle français. +I speak French. -I speak German -Je parle Allemand -I speak Polish -Je parle Polonais +I speak German. -I speak Portuguese -Je parle portugais. -I speak Russian -Je parle Russe +I speak Italian. + + +I speak Polish. + + +I speak Portuguese. + + +I speak Russian. + + +I speak Spanish. -I speak Spanish -Je parle Espagnol I swear, I do not eat so much. @@ -806,7 +803,7 @@ Je pense que je devrais te dénoncer à l'équipage. I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions? Je pense avoir terminé avec ça pour l'instant. As-tu des questions ? -I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s! I think that I'm still a bit sick. @@ -815,7 +812,7 @@ Je pense que je suis toujours un peu malade. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? Je pense que mon vin est de très bonne qualité ! J'en suis à ma deuxième bouteille et j'ai déjà... De quoi parlions-nous au fait ? -I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s! I will give you @@gp. @@ -869,8 +866,8 @@ Je cherche Gugli, où est-il ? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! Je divague, j'ai besoin de manger autre chose ! -I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! -Je ne suis pas si bête *hic* qu'as-tu déjà décou... *hic* ...vert là-bas, la guilde des guerres ne m'aura pas ! +I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! + I'm sorry, I don't have time right now. Je suis désolé mais je n'ai pas de temps en ce moment. @@ -885,7 +882,7 @@ I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first Je suis sûr que tu as des questions pour moi. Sens-toi libre de me les poser mais d'abord, j'ai besoin de te donner les règles de vie à bord de ce bateau. I've seen him at the bottom of the island, check around. - +Je l'ai vu au bas de l'île, regarde dans les alentours. I've seen him at the bottom of the island, have a look around. Je l'ai aperçu au bas de l'île, va regarder dans les environs. @@ -902,17 +899,14 @@ SI TU TROUVES QUELQUE CHOSE, ALORS C'EST GÉNIAL ! IT'S OK, CREW TASKS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CURIOSITY! C'EST BON, LES TÂCHES DE L'ÉQUIPAGE SONT BIEN PLUS IMPORTANTES QUE LA CURIOSITÉ ! -If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! -Si j'avais *hic* vu qui tu étais... *hic* Je ne t'aurais pas aidé ! - -If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If I saw *hic* who you were... *hips* Would not have helped you! If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. Si tu t'ennuies et tourne en rond, tu devrais parler avec les autres marins et demander du travail à faire. If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall. - +Si tu veux lire cette page une nouvelle fois, il y en a une copie sur le mur de gauche. If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#0 Si tu veux ouvrir ton inventaire, appuies sur F3 ou utilises ta souris et cliques sur le menu en haut de l'écran. @@ -920,6 +914,9 @@ Si tu veux ouvrir ton inventaire, appuies sur F3 ou utilises ta souris et clique If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 Si tu veux ouvrir ton inventaire, appuies sur F3 ou utilises ta souris et cliques sur le menu en haut de l'écran. +If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... + + In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun. Dans cette cave, vois-tu, je m'amuse beaucoup. @@ -947,6 +944,9 @@ C'est bon de voir que tu t'es réveillé en forme au même moment. Elmo est venu It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. Il semblerait que l'on soit proche d'une île, on devrait jeter un œil sur le pont supérieur. +It seems that you need a key to open this door. + + It seems you still have some work to do. @@ -959,8 +959,11 @@ Il serait bon pour toi que tu fasses de l'exercice, le bateau n'est pas assez gr It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry! C'est un port commercial d'Andorra, c'est bizarre que tu ne connaisses pas car c'est l'une des plus grandes villes du monde. Mais eh, je retourne au sujet : j'ai faim ! -It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!. + +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. +C'est une sorte de champignon. On l'appelle comme cela en raison de son goût, semblable à un marshmallow. Il porte aussi ce nom à cause de son apparence. Ça ressemble à une peluche ! It's alright! Just one more box and it'll be ok. C'est bien ! Encore une seule boîte et ça sera parfait. @@ -978,6 +981,12 @@ It's true! C'est vrai ! It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception. +C'est où tous les navires marchands terminent leur route et nous ne serons pas une exception. + +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 + + +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0 @@ -987,7 +996,7 @@ Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons Les objets ont différents effets. Certains vont te soigner, d'autres peuvent être utilisés comme des armes ou armures et d'autres encore peuvent être vendus pour de l'or. Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the earth gave them everything they needed to live. - +Ses habitants ne connurent aucune sorte d'horreur et vécurent dans la paix car la terre leur donnait tout ce dont ils avaient besoin pour vivre. Jalad. Jalad. @@ -998,9 +1007,6 @@ Julia Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. Julia est sur le pont supérieur du bateau. Utilisez les flèches pour marcher jusqu'aux escaliers ou cliquez sur les escaliers en haut à droite de votre écran. -Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. - - Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. Frappe juste le tronc et il yeyera une @@. @@ -1019,14 +1025,14 @@ PorteGauche Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. Laisse-moi m'introduire, je suis Nard, capitaine de ce navire. -Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. +Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start! Lettuce Salade -Look how splendid this landscape is. -Regardez comme ce paysage est splendide +Look how splendid this landscape is! + Look, he's there! Regarde, il est là ! @@ -1034,11 +1040,11 @@ Regarde, il est là ! Look, there he is! Regarde, le voilà ! -M...Maybe? +M... Maybe? + +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS!? -MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? -PEUT-ÊTRE PEUX-TU REGARDER CELA ? Magic Arpan Arpan Magique @@ -1070,20 +1076,14 @@ Mon ami, je n'ai pas toujours été marin tu sais. Autrefois, j'étais quelqu'un My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. Mon nom est Alige. Je me suis caché ici pendant des semaines. -My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -Mon nom est Astapolos, Q'Muller et j'ai rejoint l'équipage de Nard il y a quelques années lorsque ce n'était qu'un petit bateau marchand. - -My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. +My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 -NON et *hic* NON, toi et toi et ta... *burp* stupi *hic* guilde ! +My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. +Mon nom est Julia, c'est moi qui s'est occupée de toi lorsque l'on ta trouvé dans la mer. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 -NON et *hic* NON, toi et toi et ta... *burp* stupi *hic* guilde ! +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT! -NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. -RIEN D'AUTRE QUE DES REQUINS ET UNE LUMIÈRE BIZARRE. Nard Nard @@ -1095,6 +1095,12 @@ Narrator Narrateur New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed. +Les nouvelles technologies aidèrent le massacre au lieu de rétablir la paix. À un moment, deux groupes rivaux se formèrent. + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0 + + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1 No problem, I can help you anyway. @@ -1122,7 +1128,7 @@ No. Non. Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians. - +Personne ne saure à propos de l'existence des Mercurians. Nobody! *burp* Personne ! *burp* @@ -1134,7 +1140,7 @@ None of them? Aucun d'entre eux ? Not everybody has a kind mind. Scammers can be anywhere, even among us! - +Personne n'a un esprit gentil. Les escrocs sont partout, même parmi nous ! Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine! Je ne veux pas démolir ton rêve mais... Julia est à moi ! @@ -1151,6 +1157,9 @@ Rien, désolé. Nothing. Rien. +Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. + + OH, LOOK THERE! OH, REGARDE ! @@ -1169,9 +1178,6 @@ Bien sûr, elles sont sur le mur de gauche, va y jeter un œil. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? Trés bien ! T'a-t-il aussi restitué ton argent ? -Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. - - Oh look, there's a piou behind you! Oh regarde, il y a un piou derrière toi ! @@ -1221,7 +1227,7 @@ Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had were in even w Oh et donnez-lui de simples vêtements, le pauvre homme, ceux qu'il avait étaient bien pires que ceux que l'on a nous. Oh, and there was this inscription on your raft. It represents one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world. Does that make you remember anything, anything at all? - +Oh, et il y avait une inscription sur ton radeau. Elle représente l'une des guildes guerrière d'Esperia, la plus grande et étendue guilde de tout le nouveau monde. Cela te fait souvenir de quelque chose, rien du tout ? Oh, he's still alive! Oh, il est toujours en vie ! @@ -1229,6 +1235,9 @@ Oh, il est toujours en vie ! Oh, it's you. Ah, c'est toi. +Oh, it's you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. + + Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. Oh, pas tout, ne t'en fais pas, mais ton nom a surgit au moins deux fois dans la conversation. @@ -1286,20 +1295,20 @@ VieuxLivre Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. Une fois le monstre mort, clique avec ta souris sur l'objet qui est tombé par terre afin de le placer dans ton inventaire ou bien tu peux aussi utiliser la touche Z de ton clavier. -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 -Une fois dans ton inventaire, tu peux équiper l'objet en le sélectionnant plus cliquant sur \"Equiper\". Tu peux de même retirer un objet en cliquant sur \"Retirer\". +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#0 -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 -Une fois dans ton inventaire, tu peux équiper l'objet en le sélectionnant plus cliquant sur \"Equiper\". Tu peux de même retirer un objet en cliquant sur \"Retirer\". -Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#1 + +Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. +Sinon, si tu en veux vraiment une, et si tu te sens capable, tu peux essayer de tuer des tortugas ou des crocs si tu es assez fort. Je suis certain qu'ils pourront faire tomber une ou deux de ces @@s. Orc Voice Voix d'un Orc Orelse, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. - +Sinon, si tu en veux vraiment une, et si tu te sens capable, tu peux essayer de tuer des tortugas ou des crocs si tu es assez fort. Je suis certain qu'ils peuvent faire tomber une ou deux de ces @@s. Other than that, I don't know much about what else is going on, so directly asking the Cap'tain about it could be a good idea. A part ça, je ne sais pas grand chose à propos de ce qu'il se passe alors demande directement au Capitaine, ça pourrait être une bonne idée. @@ -1310,9 +1319,6 @@ Notre équipage est comme une grande famille et si tu acceptes de nous aider, j' People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose. Les gens commencèrent à se voler entre eux pour survivre. Pendant que les villes se développèrent, les besoins firent de même. Les guerres pour les terres fertiles éclatèrent. -PeterBarrierCheck -PeterBarrièreCheck - Piberries Baies Pi @@ -1331,6 +1337,12 @@ Ne touche pas à ces chapeaux s'il-te-plaît, ils sont pour les membres de l'éq Plushroom +Plushroom Box + + +Purple Blobime + + QMuller. QMuller. @@ -1355,11 +1367,11 @@ Rrrr... Pchhhh... Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. Les lois ont commencé à se faire afin d'avoir une société paisible. Cela ne fonctionna pas très longtemps. -SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? -ALORS, QUOI DE NEUF ? QUE FAIS-TU ? +SO WHAT'S UP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! + + +SO, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! -SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? -ALORS, QUEL EST TON NOM ? SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! PARDON, MAIS QU'AS-TU DIT ? PARLE PLUS FORT ! @@ -1367,13 +1379,13 @@ PARDON, MAIS QU'AS-TU DIT ? PARLE PLUS FORT ! Sailors Marins -Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. - - Sea Drops Gouttes d'Eau de Mer -See you. +Sea Drops!? I will not help you with your evil plan! + + +See you! Seems yummy! Let me taste it! @@ -1385,8 +1397,8 @@ Sérieusement ?! She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... C'est une bonne amie à moi. On voulais se marier quelques semaines avant son accident mais... -She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! -Elle est l'infirmière et la maîtresse de ce bateau; et aussi une excellente cuisinière! +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. + She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? Elle a dit qu'elle accepterai quand un Piou aura des dents. Ce n'est qu'une question de temps, tu vois ? @@ -1397,15 +1409,15 @@ Elle se trouve sur le pont supérieur, yeye tu ne peux pas la manquer. C'est la She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. Elle se trouve sur le pont supérieur, yeye tu ne peux pas la manquer. C'est la seule fille de l'équipage. +Shhht, don't say it that loud... + + Silvio for example? Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. Silvio commence à parler avec sa bouteille, tu quitte la conversation. -So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. - - So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day! @@ -1418,12 +1430,12 @@ C'est donc pourquoi nous voulions vous avertir, peut-être est-il membre de cett So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft. C'est donc pourquoi nous voulions vous avertir, peut-être est-elle membre de cette guilde. Le signe sur son radeau nous permet de le supposer. -So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. -Alors nous recherchons de nouvelles marchandises que nous pourrions échanger à notre prochaine destination. - So what can I do for you? +So, at the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s. + + So, do you have anything for me today? Alors, as-tu quelque chose pour moi aujourd'hui ? @@ -1437,13 +1449,13 @@ So, what was I saying? Alors, qu'est-ce-que je disais ? So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it because you've heard of my feats on Artis? - +Alors, quel bon vent t'amène ici ? Étais-tu sur ton radeau pour me rencontrer moi ? Ou bien était-ce parce que tu as entendu des histoires à propos de mes exploits sur Artis ? So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis? - +Alors, quel bon vent t'amène ici ? Etais-tu sur ton radeau pour rencontrer Julia ? Ou bien était-ce parce que tu voulais voir les charmantes serveurses d'Artis ? So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas. - +Alors, tu t'es finalement réveillé ? Nous avons tous pensée que tu étais dans un de ces... Tu sais, une sorte de long coma. Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box. Il y a quelques bandanas et chapeaux de marins dans cette boîte. @@ -1475,9 +1487,6 @@ Que tu es stupide... Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Tout à coup, tu entends une voix depuis le ciel. -Sure why not? - - Sure, Cap'tain. Bien sûr Cap'taine. @@ -1490,6 +1499,9 @@ Bien sûr mais que me donnes-tu en échange ? Sure, there is a reward for your task. Bien sûr qu'il y a une récompense pour ta tâche. +Sure, why not? + + THAT'S A NICE NAME! ÇA, C'EST UN BEAU NOM ! @@ -1499,7 +1511,10 @@ Prendre un Bandana. Take these coins in exchange and be careful. Prends ces pièces en échange et fais attention. -Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! +Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more! + + +Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. @@ -1508,8 +1523,8 @@ Merci beaucoup ! Tiens, prends quelques-unes de mes baies. Thank you, I'll take them. Merci, je vais les prendre. -Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. -Merci encore pour m'avoir aidé. Mais ces Rattos sont un problème permanent et ton aide est toujours la bienvenue. Le seul problème est que je ne vais te donner une récompense qu'une seule fois. +Thanks again for helping me. But these Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. + Thanks for helping me! Merci de m'avoir aidé ! @@ -1523,12 +1538,21 @@ C'est ça. That's where you go as well, right? C'est aussi où tu va, pas vrai ? +The adventure begins!#0 + + +The adventure begins!#1 + + The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. Le capitaine a fermé la porte, tu devrais aller le voir. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. Le capitaine t'attends. Dépêches-toi ! +The captain wants: + + The door is locked. La porte est verrouillée. @@ -1536,7 +1560,7 @@ The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from t L'elfe de la bibliothèque s'est mise sur moi il y a un moment, ainsi que Enora de la Guilde des Guerriers. The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing thus you don't know the author's name. - +La fin de l'histoire a été effacée, probablement à cause de l'eau de mer. Quelques pages manquent toujours, par conséquent tu connais le nom de l'auteur. The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time... La peur de la voir dormir sur ce calme et lit mis à l'écart devient de plus en plus insupportable. Je pense que je n'aurai pas le courage de la voir cette fois-ci. @@ -1545,7 +1569,7 @@ The giant boogeyman! Le grand boogeyman ! The great people of Aemil split up into three groups when they reached the coast. - +La grande population d'Aemil se divisa en trois groupes lorsqu'ils atteignirent la côte. The hidden person doesn't answer. Cette personne ne répond pas. @@ -1566,16 +1590,22 @@ The usurper has been punished! This is a great day, take this reward as a prize Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive. +Ses chefs arrivèrent ensuite à la conclusion qu'une alliance était la seule façon de survivre. + +There are few groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. -There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Il y a des rumeurs qui disent qu'ils ont fait des choses monstrueuses et qu'ils nous cachent beaucoup de choses. +There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us. + There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. Il a des peluches jaunes volantes autour de toi. Elles s'appellent des Pious. Avoir une patte rôtie d'eux serait parfait. -There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? -Il y a quelques couteaux sur la table, veux-tu en prendre un ? +There are some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one? + There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Il y a toujours des Rattos ! Veux-tu abandonner cette quête ? @@ -1583,11 +1613,8 @@ Il y a toujours des Rattos ! Veux-tu abandonner cette quête ? There is a paper with some rules written on it. Il y a un papier avec des règles écrites dessus. -There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. - +There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island. -There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. -Il y a des groupes de ces @@ tout autour de l'île. Ramasse-en juste et essaye. There's nothing to say, don't worry miss. Il n'y a rien à dire, ne vous en faite pas mademoiselle. @@ -1598,16 +1625,16 @@ Il n'y a rien à dire, ne vous en faites pas monsieur. Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. C'est pourquoi la famine frappa le peuple d'Aemil. -These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. -Ces boîtes sont bien trop lourdes pour être portées tout seul jusque sur le bateau. +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. + These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... Ces crocotiers sont pleins de @@, mais ils sont si durs à frapper... -These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -Ces boîtes sont bien trop lourdes pour être montées seul sur ce bateau. +These yeye box are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. + +They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... sort out this situation. This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? @@ -1626,6 +1653,12 @@ This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks... C'est un endroit sympa... Il y a des nanas biens sympas aussi... This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago. +Ceci est une @@, un fruit de mer bleu clair. Elles sont très désirées dans l'archipel. + +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#0 + + +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#1 This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. @@ -1638,7 +1671,7 @@ This makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? Cela fait sens. Penses-tu que nous devrions en informer le capitaine ? This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra. - +Ce nouveau continent, en fait un archipel, était appelé Andorra. Tibbo. Tibbo. @@ -1661,11 +1694,14 @@ Hmm, au revoir. Understood, I will help you. Compris, je t'aiderai. -Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. + +Use the key. + + +WHAT DID YOU SAY?! -WHAT DID YOU SAY? -QU'AS-TU DIT ? Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side! Attends, il semblerait qu'il y ai quelqu'un derrière qui bloque la porte. @@ -1679,6 +1715,15 @@ Marche un peu, ce sera dès lors plus facile d'en attraper un. Embroche-en un po Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise! +We are looking for some merchandise we could trade in our next destination. + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#0 + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#1 + + We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. On a fait un arrêt à une petite île avant d'arriver au grand port d'Artis. @@ -1703,28 +1748,28 @@ Nous avons essayé de les nettoyer mais l'eau de mer les a quasiment entièremen We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1 Nous avons essayé de les nettoyer mais l'eau de mer les a quasiment entièrement détruits. C'est pourquoi nous t'avons donné ces vêtements. Ils ne sont pas très élégants, mais c'est tout ce que nous avons pour toi. -We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago. + +We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map! -We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! -Généralement, nous ne nous arrêtons pas dans de tels endroits mais le capitaine nous laisse rester ici pendant qu'il écrit la position de cette nouvelle île sur cette carte. We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. On yayera là-bas dans quelques jours donc on t'y déposera. -Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship! -Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! +Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again! -Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you! Eh bien, merci pour la boîte. Mais... il était censé me l'apporter lui-même. Je ne lui ai jamais demandé de te la donner ! -Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. +Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen. What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago. @@ -1748,8 +1793,14 @@ Que cherches-tu ? What are you talking about? What guild? Mais de quoi tu parles ? Quelle guilde ? -What do I get in exchange? -Qu'est-ce que je reçois en échange ? +What are your needs? + + +What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? + + +What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? + What do you need? De quoi as-tu besoin ? @@ -1757,18 +1808,15 @@ De quoi as-tu besoin ? What do you think? Qu'en penses-tu ? +What do you want to do? + + What do you want today? Que veux-tu aujourd'hui ? What do you wish to do? Que veux-tu faire ? -What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? -Qu'est-ce que Gugli a dit à propos de la boîte ? Etait-elle convenable ? - -What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? - - What happened to me? Que m'est-il arrivé ? @@ -1781,6 +1829,9 @@ Que dois-je faire après avoir pris ces vêtements ? What should I do after taking these clothes?#1 Que dois-je faire après avoir pris ces affaires ? +What will I get in exchange? + + What yeye could I do for you today? Que puis-yeye pour toi aujourd'hui ? @@ -1823,6 +1874,9 @@ Where is the damn salt!? Give me the salt. I know you have it! Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@? Laquelle de tes armes veux-tu utiliser afin de couper cette @@ ? +Who are yeye searching? + + Who are you searching for? Qui cherches-tu ? @@ -1835,11 +1889,8 @@ Qui es-tu ? Who is she? Qui est-elle ? -Who of the two has the right on his side? - +Who of them two has the 'good' on his side? -Who yeye is searching? -Qui cherches-tu ? Who's this Julia? Qui est cette Julia ? @@ -1886,8 +1937,8 @@ Yaya, tu devrais aller la voir ! Elle sera contente de te voir. Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Aïeaïeaïe, c'est la première fois que quelqu'un est moins bien habillé que nous ! -Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* -Ouais, vous êtes tous comme *hic* ça à Esperia, mais tu ne m'auras pas ! *burp* +Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* + Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. Ouais, mais je veux être sûr d'avoir ma récompense. @@ -1925,29 +1976,29 @@ Tu demandes trop et fais trop peu. Prends cette boîte et arrête de parler. Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#1 Tu demandes trop et fais trop peu. Prends cette boîte et arrête de parler. -Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. -Yeye sois prudent avec la nourriture des animaux sauvages, certains d'entre eux sont dangereux, surtout les Blobs. +Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. + Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye! Yeye donné ma caisse à Gugli? Bien, bien yeye! -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 -Tu... semblerais avoir de bons yeux et de t'être rétabli de tes blessures. Pourrais-tu... apporter cette boîte de poissons à Gugli ? +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#0 -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 -Tu... semblerais avoir de bons yeux et de t'être rétabli de tes blessures. Pourrais-tu... apporter cette boîte de poissons à Gugli ? -Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. -Tu es sûr ? Je mettrai plus de nourriture dans la prochaine boîte alors. +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#1 -Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then. -Yeye seen this yoiis at the top of the island. +Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. +Tu as vu ce yoiis au bas de l'île, va jeter un œil dans les environs. + +Yeye seen this yoiis at the top of the island. +Tu as vu ce yoiis au sommet de l'île. Yeye still have my box? Stare less and work more. Go give it to Gugli! - +Tu as toujours ma boîte ? Regarde moins et travaille plus. Va la donner Gugli ! Yeye's brain is probably still full of sea water if yeye can't see the beauty of this place. Ton cerveau est probablement toujours plein d'eau de mer si tu ne peux pas voir la beauté de cet endroit. @@ -1985,7 +2036,7 @@ You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help. Tu fais maintenant partie de l'équipage. Merci encore pour ton aide. -You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here! You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. @@ -1995,16 +2046,16 @@ You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press t Tu peux attaquer un monstre en cliquant dessus ou depuis ton clavier tu peux appuyer sur A pour viser le monstre puis appuyer sur Ctrl pour l'attaquer. You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try swimming for now. - +Tu peux les trouver dans l'océan, près des coraux et autres êtres marins. Mais la mer est trop forte aujourd'hui, tu ne devrais pas nager pour l'instant. You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there. +Tu peux les trouver dans l'océan, près des coraux et des autres êtres marins. Mais la mer est trop forte aujourd'hui, tu ne devrait pas essayer d'y nager. - -You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. +You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that. You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees. - +Tu peux récolter quelques-unes de ces @@s en frappant ces palmiers. You can't go there! Tu ne peux pas y aller ! @@ -2012,7 +2063,7 @@ Tu ne peux pas y aller ! You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. Comme ça tu pourras rencontrer d'autres marins et... recevoir ce chapeau bien sûr, sera le signe que tu auras intégré notre équipage. -You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors list. You have an awful amnesia. @@ -2021,6 +2072,9 @@ Vous êtes totalement amnésique. You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that nice lady. +You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door... + + You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. Tu as frappé trop fort avec ton poing, tu as perdu ta @@. @@ -2034,10 +2088,10 @@ You mentioned the quality of your wine Tu as mentionné la qualité de ton vin. You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. Some pages are not readable anymore. Some others are simply missing. - +Tu ouvres le livre, mais il semblerait que l'eau de mer l'ai endommagé sévèrement. Plusieurs pages ne sont plus lisibles. D'autres sont simplement manquantes. You open the treasure chest. - +Tu ouvres le coffre au trésor. You opened the @@, but only one side is edible. Tu ouvres la @@, mais seulement l'une des deux parties est comestible. @@ -2045,8 +2099,8 @@ Tu ouvres la @@, mais seulement l'une des deux parties est comestible. You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts. Tu as parfaitement coupé la @@ en deux parties comestibles. -You realise you can't remember anything. -Vous réalisez que vous ne vous souvenez de rien. +You realize you can't remember anything. + You receive 25GP! Tu reçois 25 PO! @@ -2063,7 +2117,10 @@ Tu devrais y aller et prendre un peu de repos. You should go see them. Tu devrais aller les voir. -You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news! + + +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... @@ -2078,8 +2135,8 @@ Tu devrais marcher vers le nord. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? Encore quelques jours avant que l'on atteigne le port, peux-être peux-tu apprendre quelque chose grâce à l'équipage ? -You still haven't completed your task. -Tu n'as toujours pas rempli ta tâche. +You still haven't completed your tasks. + You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. Idiot, il est Anglais, regarde la forme de sa tête. @@ -2093,7 +2150,7 @@ Tu prends les vêtements dans le coffre. You told me that you 'were' important. Tu as dit que tu \"étais\" important. -You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 @@ -2123,6 +2180,12 @@ Tu es sur notre bateau, nous avons lâché l'ancre sur une petite île et nous c You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 Tu es sur notre bateau, nous avons lâché l'ancre sur une petite île et nous continuons notre longue route marchande vers la cité d'Artis. +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! + + +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you! + + You're right, it's about Julia. Tu as raison, c'est à propos de Julia. diff --git a/langs/lang_it.old b/langs/lang_it.old index 6f2268ac..554f435f 100644 --- a/langs/lang_it.old +++ b/langs/lang_it.old @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +*hick* +*hick* + ... ... @@ -19,6 +22,9 @@ 6, Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855. 6. Segui la convenzione sociale RFC1855. +About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Per quanto riguarda la Gilda di Esperia..mi domando se posso parlarne liberamente. Girano voci su alcune cose monstruose che hanno fatto in passato e che tutt'ora nascondono a noi nostri occhi. + Alige Alige @@ -37,6 +43,12 @@ Abbiamo preso i tuoi vestiti yayati perché erano... yayaya in cattive condizion And please, no berries. No more! E per favore, basta bacche. Basta! +AreaBottom +AreaBottom + +AreaMiddle +AreaMiddle + As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship. Appena apri gli occhi e ti guardi intorno vedi una grande barca. @@ -58,15 +70,27 @@ Ma non posso, devo tenere d'occhio il mare, per avvertire l'equipaggio se ci son But I need to go, bye! Ma devo andare, ciao! +But you won't *hick* me this time... +Ma non mi *hick* questa volta... + Bye. Ti saluto. +CAN YOU HEAR ME? +MI SENTI? + Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him. Il capitano ha chiuso la porta, dovresti andare a vederlo. Cap'tain is waiting for you! Hurry up. Il capitano sta aspettando! Sbrigati! +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? +HAI SCOPERTO COS'ERA QUELLA LUCE? + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER? +TI SENTI MEGLIO? + Dan Dan @@ -91,6 +115,9 @@ Mi senti?? Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan Qualcuno conosce un buon posto ad Esperia? - M. Arpan +Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! +Non faaaare iiil... *hick* con me eh! + Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia Non dare la password della tua stanza a nessuno! Tienila nascosta e non usare la stessa in altri posti in futuro. - Julia @@ -115,6 +142,12 @@ Scusa, cos'hai detto?? Parla più forte! Fine, bye!! Bene, ciao!! +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. +Esci fuori e parla con Gugli, ti saprà dire cosa abbiamo bisogno. + +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Esci fuori e parla con Gugli. Ti saprà dire cosa abbiamo bisogno. + Good!! Bene!!! @@ -157,12 +190,18 @@ Stai attento. Non puoi stare in questo piano troppo a lungo, starai male. Vieni Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room. Hey, non puoi dormire qui, è la mia stanza! +Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. +Hey, dovresti vedere Julia per farti registrare sulla nave. + Hi, nice to see you!#0 Ciao! Benvenuta! Hidden person Persona nascosta +How do you know my name? +Come sai il mio nome? + How is *hick* possible?? Com'è *hick* possibile? @@ -205,6 +244,30 @@ Ho detto... Perchè non vieni giù a parlare?? I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again? Vedo che non è facile eliminare questi rattos. Vuoi riprovare? +I speak English +Parlo inglese + +I speak Flemish +Parlo fiammingo + +I speak French +Parlo francese + +I speak German +Parlo tedesco + +I speak Polish +Sono polacco + +I speak Portuguese +Sono portoghese. + +I speak Russian +Parlo Russo + +I speak Spanish +Parlo spagnolo + I think that I'm done, do you have a question now? Penso abbia finito, hai domande? @@ -283,9 +346,18 @@ E' dove ogni mercantile attracca alla fine del suo viaggio. E noi non faremo ecc Maybe you can look at this?? Magari puoi darci un'occhiata? +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +Il mio nome è Astapolos Q'Muller, faccio parte dell'equipaggio di Nard da qualche anno, quando era ancora una piccola nave mercantile. + My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. Mi chiamo Julia, sono io che mi sono presa cura di te quando ti abbiamo trovato in mare. +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 +No e *hick* no, tu e tu e la tua...*burp* stupid*hick* Gilda! + +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 +No *hick*e no*hick*, tu.. tu e la tua*hick* stupida Gilda! + No, thanks. No, grazie. @@ -364,6 +436,12 @@ Ok, ma cosa puoi offrirmi tu? On the edge of this island!! Al limite di quest'isola!! +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Una volta aperto l'inventario, puoi equipaggiare un oggetto selezionandolo col mouse e cliccando il tasto 'Equipaggia'. Puoi anche riporlo nuovamente nell'inventario cliccando il tasto 'Rimuovi'. + +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Una volta aperto l'inventario, puoi equipaggiare un oggetto selezionandolo col mouse e cliccando il tasto 'Equipaggia'. Puoi anche riporlo nuovamente nell'inventario cliccando il tasto 'Rimuovi'. + Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#0 Perfetto, cosa mi hai portato oggi? @@ -400,6 +478,9 @@ Ha detto che accetterà la mia iscrizione quando i piou avranno i denti. È solo Silvio Silvio +So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. +Stiamo cercando nuove cose che potremmo vendere alla nuova destinazione. + So what's up?? What are you doing?? Che succede? Cosa fai? @@ -436,6 +517,9 @@ Fatti un pisolino Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... Grazie mille! Ecco, un po' di bacche... +Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Grazie ancora per l'aiuto. Ma quei Ratto sono ancora un problema e il tuo aiuto è sempre gradito. L'unico problema è che posso ricompensarti solo una volta. + Thanks again for helping me. But those rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. Grazie ancora del tuo aiuto, ma questi rattos sono un problema permanente, il tuo aiuto è sempre gradito. L'unico problema è che posso ricompensarti una volta sola. @@ -451,6 +535,12 @@ Il marinaio ti da le spalle. The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you. I marinai ti caricano a bordo della nave per aiutarti. +There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Si sentono in giro voci di cose mostruose che hanno fatto in passato e di altre che tutt'ora ci nascondono. + +There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +Ci sono dei coltelli sul tavolo ne vuoi prendere uno? + There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Ci sono ancora dei Ratto! Vuoi rinunciare? @@ -481,12 +571,18 @@ Questo ragazzo è fortunato che lo abbiamo trovato prima degli squali. Comunque, This guy needs help, let's rescue him! Questo ragazzo ha bisogno d'aiuto, salviamolo! +WHAT DID YOU SAY? +COS'HAI DETTO? + We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#0 Abbiamo provato a pulirli ma l'acqua del mare li ha quasi distrutti. Ti abbiamo dato questi vestiti, non sono molto buoni ma è tutto quello che abbiamo. We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1 Abbiamo provato a pulirli ma l'acqua del mare li ha quasi distrutti. Infatti ti abbiamo preso questi vestiti nuovi, non sono perfetti ma è tutto ciò che abbiamo. +We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +Generalmente non ci fermiamo in questi posti, ma questa volta il capitano ci ha lasciato sbarcare mentre traccia la posizione di quest'isola sulla sua mappa! + What am I suposed to say? Che cosa dovrei dire? @@ -520,6 +616,9 @@ Perché no... ma, chi sei tu? Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Yayayaya, per la prima volta qualcuno è vestito peggio di noi! +Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Già, siete tutti *hic* così ad Esperia, ma non mi prenderete mai! *burp* + Yes, it's a chest! Sì, è un baule! @@ -553,6 +652,9 @@ Dovresti darci uno sguardo quando arriviamo al porto, ne vale la pena, hehe. You should try to kill some Tortugas, or some Croc if you're strong enough. Dovresti provare ad uccidere qualche Tortuga, o Croc se sei abbastanza forte. +You still haven't completed your task. +Ancora non hai completato la missione. + You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there.... Hai provato ad eliminarmi, eeh?? Ma sorpresa! Sono ancora qui... *hick* O lì... diff --git a/langs/lang_it.txt b/langs/lang_it.txt index b034be53..7e4371a0 100644 --- a/langs/lang_it.txt +++ b/langs/lang_it.txt @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online -*hick* -*hick* +*hic* + - 2 @@ +. . - -...And 1 @@. +... Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need delicious ingredients to prepare a... a special recipe. -...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. +... and 1 @@. 1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still. @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online 2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam. -3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. +3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. -4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. +4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. @@ -56,16 +56,13 @@ COMUNQUE, MAGARI QUANDO CERCHI CIBO CON GUGLI AVRAI TEMPO DI GUARDARE! Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you. -About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Per quanto riguarda la Gilda di Esperia..mi domando se posso parlarne liberamente. Girano voci su alcune cose monstruose che hanno fatto in passato e che tutt'ora nascondono a noi nostri occhi. - About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly. A proposito della Gilda di Esperia.. Detto fra noi non sono sicuro sul loro conto. Acorn Ghianda -Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. +Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life. Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all. @@ -83,13 +80,13 @@ AligeTrigger All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries... Tutti quello che ho da mangiare sono queste bacche... Stupide bacche... bacche...bacche... -All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your... fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. -Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. +Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good. -Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy... @@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go c Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 -An unexpected help is always welcome. +An unexpected help is always welcome! And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! @@ -125,24 +122,18 @@ And you? How's it going on your side? And you? How's it yaying on your side? -Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag. Aquada Aquada -Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Aquada Box Are you ok? Stai bene? -AreaBottom -AreaBottom - -AreaMiddle -AreaMiddle - AreaNPC AreaNPC @@ -158,13 +149,13 @@ Artis ovviamente! As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land. -As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. +As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be. As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you. -Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away. Astapolos. @@ -176,7 +167,7 @@ At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island. Ayouyouch! My head... Ayayayaouch! La mia testa... -BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPENS TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! Bag @@ -194,6 +185,9 @@ Prima... Bread Pane +Break the door. + + But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. Ma non posso dirti niente, mi dispiace. @@ -206,7 +200,7 @@ But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...may But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. Ma per ora, puoi rilassarti sulla nave, o visitare l'isola la fuori! È una piccola isola, ma un buon posto per fare esercizio e sgranchirti le gambe. -But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. +But let's talk more about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality food. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 @@ -218,8 +212,8 @@ But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconsciou But who am I? Ma chi sono io? -But you won't *hick* me this time... -Ma non mi *hick* questa volta... +But you won't *hic* me this time... + But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. Ma, se ha un'amnesia come ha detto Julia... non dobbiamo preoccuparci di lui. @@ -230,8 +224,8 @@ Ma, se ha un'amnesia come ha detto Julia... non dobbiamo preoccuparci di lei. Bye! Ciao! -CAN YOU HEAR ME? -MI SENTI? +CAN YOU HEAR ME?! + Can I read these rules again? Posso leggere il regolamento nuovamente? @@ -245,9 +239,6 @@ Capitano Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Il Capitano Nard è nella stanza alla tua destra. -Captain wants: ??? - - Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 Certi oggetti hanno diversi effetti. Alcuni ti curano, altri possono essere usati come armi o difese, altri ancora possono essere venduti. @@ -299,11 +290,14 @@ Chela di Croc Croconut Croconut -DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? -HAI SCOPERTO COS'ERA QUELLA LUCE? +Croconut Box + + +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS?! + + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER?! -DO YOU FEEL BETTER? -TI SENTI MEGLIO? Damn @@. @@ -320,9 +314,6 @@ Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter. Dan keeps silent since your last question. Dan rimane in silenzio dopo la tua domanda. -DarlinBarrierCheck - - Did you say reward? I want it! Hai detto ricompensa? La voglio! @@ -347,13 +338,13 @@ Do you want to try? Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan -Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! -Non faaaare iiil... *hick* con me eh! +Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! + Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! Non cercare di avvelenarmi! So cosa fa quello! -Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! +Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance! DoorUpwards @@ -368,19 +359,22 @@ Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey. Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live. -Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm... He was really upset for some past stories. Elmo Elmo -Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats! + +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef. -Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats! -Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. + +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there. Elven Voice @@ -404,7 +398,7 @@ BENE, ADDIO! Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. -Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little... secret mission. From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. @@ -416,20 +410,17 @@ Fungus GOOD! BENE! -Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! +Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Ggrmm grmmm... Ggrmm grmmm... -Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. -Esci fuori e parla con Gugli, ti saprà dire cosa abbiamo bisogno. +Go away. -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. -Esci fuori e parla con Gugli. Ti saprà dire cosa abbiamo bisogno. Good job! Ottimo lavoro! @@ -482,7 +473,7 @@ HEY! HEY TU! Harpy-lady? -Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too? Have you seen anything dangerous? @@ -497,11 +488,11 @@ Non mi ha detto niente. He's funny, it's not a problem. È divertente, non è un problema. -Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. Hehe! - +Hehe! Hehe, no. But I'm sure a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me. @@ -569,28 +560,31 @@ Hey! Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. Hey! Sii prudente. Non puoi stare qui per troppo a lungo, ti ammaleresti. Vai pure fuori e prenditi un pò di riposo, magari puoi riporvarci più tardi. +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 + + +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 + + Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, non ti preoccupare per lui, è il primo giorno dopo tanto tempo che possiamo rilassarci. Hey, girl! Hey! +Hey, how do you know my name? + + Hey, man! Hey! Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? Hey, psst! Non seivun marinaio, vero? -Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. -Hey, dovresti vedere Julia per farti registrare sulla nave. - -Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. - - +Hey. Hey. - -Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh? Hi @@. @@ -602,7 +596,7 @@ Hi, nice to see you! Hidden Person Individuo Nascosto -Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough +Hmmm, hm... Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?... Cough, burp... Damn Gado... Cough... How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. @@ -617,10 +611,7 @@ How are you doing, cutie? How are you doing, dude? -How do you know my name? -Come sai il mio nome? - -How is *hick* it possible? +How is *hichic* it possible? However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever. @@ -632,14 +623,14 @@ However... Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth! -I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... +I ALSO AVOID THE DANGEROUS ANIMALS! I AM DOING FINE! - +STO BENE! I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! - +NON CAPISCO! I SAID, SEE YOU LATER! @@ -665,7 +656,7 @@ Sono io, tu chi sei? I beg you, please, pleeeease... Ti prego, per favore, per favoreeee..... -I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... +I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the morning... I can't remember anything.#0 @@ -708,6 +699,9 @@ I feel ok.#1 Sto bene. I forgot where it was... +Ho dimenticato dov'era. + +I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship. I guess so... I will leave you alone. @@ -723,7 +717,7 @@ I have some clothes and other things for you at a fine price! I hope that answers your question. - +Spero che questo risponda alla tua domanda. I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp. @@ -749,7 +743,7 @@ Ho bisogno di qualcuno che possa ripulire il piano di sotto da questi Ratto, mi I need to go, sorry. -I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and... I only remember I was rescued by you.#0 @@ -770,32 +764,35 @@ Vedo, avverti gli altri. Ma se è parte della Gilda dei Guerrieri, allora è anc I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally. Vedo, avvisa gli altri marinai di questo. Ma se è parte della gilda dei guerrieri allora è nostra amica. -I speak Dutch +I speak Dutch. + +I speak English. -I speak English -Parlo inglese -I speak Flemish -Parlo fiammingo +I speak Flemish. -I speak French -Parlo francese -I speak German -Parlo tedesco +I speak French. -I speak Polish -Sono polacco -I speak Portuguese -Sono portoghese. +I speak German. -I speak Russian -Parlo Russo -I speak Spanish -Parlo spagnolo +I speak Italian. + + +I speak Polish. + + +I speak Portuguese. + + +I speak Russian. + + +I speak Spanish. + I swear, I do not eat so much. @@ -806,7 +803,7 @@ Penso di doverti segnalare ai marinai. I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions? -I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s! I think that I'm still a bit sick. @@ -815,7 +812,7 @@ Sto ancora abbastanza male. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? Penso che il mio vino sia di ottima qualità! Sono alla seconda bottiglia e sono già... Aspetta, di cosa stavamo parlando? -I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s! I will give you @@gp. @@ -869,7 +866,7 @@ Sto cercando Gugli, dov'è? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! Sto diventando matto mi serve qualcos'altro da mangiare! -I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! I'm sorry, I don't have time right now. @@ -900,12 +897,9 @@ IF YOU FIND SOMETHING, THEN IT'S GREAT! IT'S OK, CREW TASKS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CURIOSITY! +TUTTO OK, LAVORARE É - -If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! - - -If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If I saw *hic* who you were... *hips* Would not have helped you! If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -920,6 +914,9 @@ Per accedere all'inventario usa il tasto F3, oppure il mouse per aprirlo dal men If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 Per accedere all'inventario usa il tasto F3, oppure il mouse per aprirlo dal menù in alto. +If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... + + In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun. Come vedi, in questo antro mi diverto tantissimo. @@ -947,6 +944,9 @@ It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. Sembra siamo vicini ad un'isola, dovremmo andare sul ponte a dare un'occhiata. +It seems that you need a key to open this door. + + It seems you still have some work to do. @@ -959,6 +959,9 @@ It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry! E' il porto commerciale di Andorra, strano che tu non ne abbia mai sentito parlare. E' una delle città più famose al mondo. Ma comunque, tornando a noi... Ho fame! +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!. + + It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. @@ -980,6 +983,12 @@ It's true! It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception. +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 + + +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 + + Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0 @@ -998,9 +1007,6 @@ Julia Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. Julia è sul livello superiore della nave, usa i tasti freccia o clicca sulle scale sulla destra per raggiungerle. -Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. - - Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. @@ -1019,13 +1025,13 @@ LeftDoorCheck Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. Lascia che mi presenti, sono Nard, capitano di questa nave. -Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. +Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start! Lettuce Lattuga -Look how splendid this landscape is. +Look how splendid this landscape is! Look, he's there! @@ -1034,10 +1040,10 @@ Look, he's there! Look, there he is! -M...Maybe? +M... Maybe? -MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS!? Magic Arpan @@ -1070,19 +1076,13 @@ Amico, non sono My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. Mi chiamo Alige, sono settimane che mi nascondo qua sotto. -My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -Il mio nome è Astapolos Q'Muller, faccio parte dell'equipaggio di Nard da qualche anno, quando era ancora una piccola nave mercantile. - -My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. +My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 -No e *hick* no, tu e tu e la tua...*burp* stupid*hick* Gilda! +My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 -No *hick*e no*hick*, tu.. tu e la tua*hick* stupida Gilda! -NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT! Nard @@ -1097,6 +1097,12 @@ Narratore New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed. +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0 + + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1 + + No problem, I can help you anyway. Mmh, nessun problema, posso aiutarti comunque. @@ -1143,7 +1149,7 @@ Not yet. I will be back soon. Nothing, just hanging around. - +Niente, sto solo guardando in giro. Nothing, sorry. Niente, scusa. @@ -1151,6 +1157,9 @@ Niente, scusa. Nothing. Niente. +Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. + + OH, LOOK THERE! OH, GUARDA LA! @@ -1158,7 +1167,7 @@ OH, OK! ON THE TOP OF THE CLIFF! - +IN CIMA ALLO SCOGLIO! Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list. Certo! Dimmi che lingua parli e cambierò la lista. @@ -1169,9 +1178,6 @@ Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? Ah bene, ti ha anche ridato i soldi? -Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. - - Oh look, there's a piou behind you! @@ -1229,6 +1235,9 @@ Oh, è ancora vivo! Oh, it's you. Ah, sei tu. +Oh, it's you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. + + Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. @@ -1286,11 +1295,11 @@ VecchioLibro Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. Una volta che il nemico muore, clicca col mouse sugli oggetti che ha lasciato cadere per aggiungerli al tuo inventario. Puoi anche usare il tasto 'Z' della tastiera per raccogliere gli oggetti vicini. -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 -Una volta aperto l'inventario, puoi equipaggiare un oggetto selezionandolo col mouse e cliccando il tasto 'Equipaggia'. Puoi anche riporlo nuovamente nell'inventario cliccando il tasto 'Rimuovi'. +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#0 + + +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#1 -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 -Una volta aperto l'inventario, puoi equipaggiare un oggetto selezionandolo col mouse e cliccando il tasto 'Equipaggia'. Puoi anche riporlo nuovamente nell'inventario cliccando il tasto 'Rimuovi'. Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. @@ -1310,9 +1319,6 @@ La nostra ciurma è come una famiglia, se sei d'accordo ad aiutarci, mi piacereb People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose. -PeterBarrierCheck - - Piberries Pibacche @@ -1331,6 +1337,12 @@ Per favore non toccare i cappelli, sono solo per i membri dell'equipaggio. Plushroom +Plushroom Box + + +Purple Blobime + + QMuller. @@ -1355,10 +1367,10 @@ Rrrr... Pchhhh... Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. -SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? +SO WHAT'S UP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! -SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? +SO, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! @@ -1367,13 +1379,13 @@ SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! Sailors Marinai -Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. +Sea Drops -Sea Drops +Sea Drops!? I will not help you with your evil plan! -See you. +See you! Seems yummy! Let me taste it! @@ -1385,7 +1397,7 @@ Seriamente?! She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... È una mia buona... amica... Volevamo sposarci poche settimane prima del suo incidente ma... -She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? @@ -1397,13 +1409,13 @@ Lei è di sopra, non puoi non vederla. E' l'unica donna della ciurma... oh bè.. She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. Lei è di sopra, non puoi non vederla. E' l'unica donna della ciurma... oh bè.. a parte te ora! -Silvio for example? +Shhht, don't say it that loud... -Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. +Silvio for example? -So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. +Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day! @@ -1418,12 +1430,12 @@ Ecco perché abbiamo voluto avvertirti, magari viene da quella gilda, quel simbo So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft. Ecco perchè volevamo avvertirti, magari viene da quella gilda, c'era quel simbolo sulla sua zattera. -So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. -Stiamo cercando nuove cose che potremmo vendere alla nuova destinazione. - So what can I do for you? +So, at the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s. + + So, do you have anything for me today? Allora, hai qualcosa per me oggi? @@ -1475,9 +1487,6 @@ Stupid yeye... Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Improvvisamente senti una voce dal cielo. -Sure why not? - - Sure, Cap'tain. Certo, Capitano. @@ -1490,6 +1499,9 @@ Certo, ma cosa puoi darmi in cambio? Sure, there is a reward for your task. +Sure, why not? + + THAT'S A NICE NAME! È UN BEL NOME! @@ -1499,7 +1511,10 @@ Prendi una Bandana. Take these coins in exchange and be careful. -Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! +Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more! + + +Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. @@ -1508,8 +1523,8 @@ Grazie mille! Tieni, prendi alcune delle mie bacche. Thank you, I'll take them. Grazie, li prendo. -Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. -Grazie ancora per l'aiuto. Ma quei Ratto sono ancora un problema e il tuo aiuto è sempre gradito. L'unico problema è che posso ricompensarti solo una volta. +Thanks again for helping me. But these Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. + Thanks for helping me! Grazie dell'aiuto! @@ -1523,12 +1538,21 @@ Esatto. That's where you go as well, right? E' dove stai andando anche tu, giusto? +The adventure begins!#0 + + +The adventure begins!#1 + + The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. +The captain wants: + + The door is locked. @@ -1568,14 +1592,20 @@ The usurper has been punished! This is a great day, take this reward as a prize Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive. -There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Si sentono in giro voci di cose mostruose che hanno fatto in passato e di altre che tutt'ora ci nascondono. +There are few groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us. + There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. Ci sono alcuni animaletti piumeggianti tutt'attorno. Si chiamano Piou. Se riesci ad avere una loro coscetta arrostita sarebbe perfetto. -There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? -Ci sono dei coltelli sul tavolo ne vuoi prendere uno? +There are some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one? + There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? @@ -1583,10 +1613,7 @@ There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? There is a paper with some rules written on it. C'è un foglio di carta con scritta qualche regola. -There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. - - -There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island. There's nothing to say, don't worry miss. @@ -1598,16 +1625,16 @@ Non c'è nulla da dire, non si preoccupi signore. Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. -These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... -These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +These yeye box are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. +They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... sort out this situation. This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? @@ -1628,6 +1655,12 @@ This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks... This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago. +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#0 + + +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#1 + + This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. Questo linguaggio dovrebbe essere punito, ma sono d'accordo che non piacc @@ -1661,11 +1694,14 @@ Uhm, bye. Understood, I will help you. Capito, ti aiuterò. -Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. + + +Use the key. + +WHAT DID YOU SAY?! -WHAT DID YOU SAY? -COS'HAI DETTO? Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side! Aspetta. Sembra che qualcuno stia bloccando la porta dall'altra parte! @@ -1679,6 +1715,15 @@ Cammina un pò, sarà facile per te incontrarne uno. Impalane uno anche per me. Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise! +We are looking for some merchandise we could trade in our next destination. + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#0 + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#1 + + We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. Abbiamo fatto scalo in un'isoletta prima di approdare al porto di Artis. @@ -1703,28 +1748,28 @@ We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1 -We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago. + +We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map! -We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! -Generalmente non ci fermiamo in questi posti, ma questa volta il capitano ci ha lasciato sbarcare mentre traccia la posizione di quest'isola sulla sua mappa! We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. Yayeremo li in pochi giorni e ti lascietemo lí. -Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship! -Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! +Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again! -Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you! -Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. +Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen. What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago. @@ -1748,7 +1793,13 @@ What are you looking for? What are you talking about? What guild? -What do I get in exchange? +What are your needs? + + +What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? + + +What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? What do you need? @@ -1757,18 +1808,15 @@ Di cosa hai bisogno? What do you think? Cosa ne pensi? +What do you want to do? + + What do you want today? Cosa ti serve oggi? What do you wish to do? Cosa vorresti fare? -What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? - - -What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? - - What happened to me? Cosa mi è successo? @@ -1781,6 +1829,9 @@ Cosa dovrei fare dopo aver preso questi vestiti? What should I do after taking these clothes?#1 Cosa dovrei fare dopo aver preso questi vestiti? +What will I get in exchange? + + What yeye could I do for you today? Cosa posso yeyeye per te? @@ -1823,6 +1874,9 @@ Where is the damn salt!? Give me the salt. I know you have it! Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@? +Who are yeye searching? + + Who are you searching for? @@ -1835,10 +1889,7 @@ Chi sei tu? Who is she? Chi è lei? -Who of the two has the right on his side? - - -Who yeye is searching? +Who of them two has the 'good' on his side? Who's this Julia? @@ -1886,8 +1937,8 @@ Sì sì, dovresti andare a visitarla! Sarebbe contenta di vederti. Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us! -Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* -Già, siete tutti *hic* così ad Esperia, ma non mi prenderete mai! *burp* +Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* + Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. Sì, ma vorrei sapere se avrò una ricompensa. @@ -1925,19 +1976,19 @@ Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#0 Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#1 -Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. +Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye! -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#0 -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#1 -Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then. Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. @@ -1985,7 +2036,7 @@ You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help. Adesso fai parte della ciurma. Grazie ancora per il tuo aiuto. -You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here! You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. @@ -2000,7 +2051,7 @@ You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there. -You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. +You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that. You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees. @@ -2012,7 +2063,7 @@ Non puoi andare la! You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. In questa maniera potrai conoscere altri marinai e... Questo berretto ovviamente verrà riconosciuto come un segno di appartenenza alla nostra ciurma. -You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors list. You have an awful amnesia. @@ -2021,6 +2072,9 @@ You have an awful amnesia. You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that nice lady. +You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door... + + You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. @@ -2043,9 +2097,9 @@ You opened the @@, but only one side is edible. You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts. +Tagli il tuo @@ in due parti commestibili. - -You realise you can't remember anything. +You realize you can't remember anything. You receive 25GP! @@ -2063,7 +2117,10 @@ Dovresti andare a riposare. You should go see them. Dovresti andare da loro. -You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news! + + +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... @@ -2078,8 +2135,8 @@ You should walk to the north. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? Hai ancora qualche giorno prima che arriviamo al porto, magari puoi imparare qualcosa da loro? -You still haven't completed your task. -Ancora non hai completato la missione. +You still haven't completed your tasks. + You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. Idiota, è inglese, guarda la forma della testa. @@ -2093,7 +2150,7 @@ You take the clothes from the chest. You told me that you 'were' important. Mi avevi detto che eri una persona importante. -You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 @@ -2123,6 +2180,12 @@ Sei sulla nostra nave, abbiamo fatto tappa su un'isoletta e siamo prossimi a fin You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 Sei sulla nostra nave, abbiamo fatto tappa su un'isoletta e siamo prossimi a finire la nostra lunga avventura commerciale nella città di Artis. +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! + + +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you! + + You're right, it's about Julia. Infatti, riguarda Julia. diff --git a/langs/lang_nl_BE.old b/langs/lang_nl_BE.old index e69de29b..32f02d78 100644 --- a/langs/lang_nl_BE.old +++ b/langs/lang_nl_BE.old @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +*hick* +*hik* + +3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. +3. Maak geen gebruik van meerdere clients. Je mag ten alle tijden slechts één actief personage aangemeld hebben. Met jezelf een groep vormen is namelijk erg zielig. + +4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. +4. Let op je taal in zowel 'chat' als in de naam van je personage. Ongepast en onbeschoft taalgebruik is niet toegestaan. + +About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Over deze Asperiaanse gilde, ik vraag me wat af, als ik openlijk mag spreken. Er doen verhalen de ronde dat ze iets monsterlijks hebben gedaan en dat ze redelijk veel voor ons verborgen willen houden. + +Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. +Oké! Nog maar een doos te gaan en het zal wel voldoende wezen. + +Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Oké, ik ga naar haar kamer om haar in het oog te houden. We weten nog steeds niet of ze vriend of vijand is... + +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. +Hoe dan ook, als je ooit geïntresseerd bent, klik je gewoon op mijn zak. + +AreaBottom +AreaBottom + +AreaMiddle +AreaMiddle + +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +MAAR IK KAN NIET, IK MOET DE ZEE IN DE GATEN HOUDEN, ZO KAN IK DE BEMANNING WAARSCHUWEN WANNEER ER PIRATEN ZOUDEN OPDUIKEN! + +But you won't *hick* me this time... +Maar je zal mij ditmaal *hik* niet... + +CAN YOU HEAR ME? +KUN JE ME HOREN? + +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? +HEB JE GEVONDEN WAT HET LICHT WAS? + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER? +VOEL JE JE WAT BETER? + +DarlinBarrierCheck +DarlinBarrierCheck + +Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! +Doe doe d... *hik* niet met mij, eh! + +Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! +Geef me een kus voor je afscheid neemt! + +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. +Ga naar buiten en praat met Gugli, hij zal je vertellen wat we nodig zullen hebben. + +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Ga naar buiten en praat met Gugli, hij zal je vertellen wat we nodig zullen hebben. + +Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Luister, *hik* , wat ook, watikookdeed je zal *hik* zei ove... euh.. uit wat?! Je zag daar, de gilde van Esperia zal het nooit publiekelijk maken. + +Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. +Hé, je moet bij Julia wezen om je aan boord te laten registreren. + +Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. +Hé, je zou Julia moeten opzoeken om aan boord geregistreerd te geraken. + +How do you know my name? +Hoe weet jij mijn naam? + +How is *hick* it possible? +Hoe is *hik* het mogelijk? + +I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... +IK KIJK OOK UIT VOOR GEVAARLIJKE DIEREN... + +I speak English +Ik spreek Engels + +I speak Flemish +Ik spreek Vlaams + +I speak French +Ik spreek Frans + +I speak German +Ik spreek Duits + +I speak Polish +Ik spreek Pools + +I speak Portuguese +Ik spreek Portugees + +I speak Russian +Ik spreek Russisch + +I speak Spanish +Ik spreek Spaans + +I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! +Ik denk dat ik gauw klaar zal zijn. Ik zal gauw een doos vol hebben. + +I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! +Ik denk dat jeje gauw klaar bent. Jeje zal gauw een doos vol @@ hebben. + +I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +ik ben niet dat verdomd hé *hik* wat heb je ontde *hips* ekt daar, de krijgersgilde zal me niet krijgen. + +If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! +Als ik had *hik* gezien wieeee... *hips* je was had ik je niet geholpen! + +Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. +Julia is op de bovenste verdieping van het schip, klik op de trap in de rechterbovenhoek van je scherm of gebruik je pijltjes toetsen om er naar toe te stappen. + +Look how splendid this landscape is. +Kijk hoe prachtig dit landschap is. + +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? +MISSCHIEN KAN JE HIER NAAR KIJKEN? + +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +Mijn naam is Astapolos. Q'Muller en ik hebben on een paar jaar geleden bij Nard zijn bemanning gevoegd, toen hij nog maar een klein handelsschip bezat. + +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 +NEEN and *hik* NEEN, jij en je... Stomm *hik* gilde! + +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 +NEEN en *hik* NEEN, jij en je ... *boer* stomm... *hik* gilde! + +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. +NOTHING ELSE BUT SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. + +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Zodra je voorraadvenster open staat, kan je jezelf uitrusten met een voorwerp door deze te selecteren en de optie 'equip' aan te klikken. Je kan ook voorwerpen uitdoen door deze te selecteren en 'unequip' aan te duiden. + +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Zodra je voorraadvenster open staat, kan je jezelf uitrusten met een voorwerp door deze te selecteren en de optie 'equip' aan te klikken. Je kan ook voorwerpen uitdoen door deze te selecteren en 'unequip' aan te duiden. + +PeterBarrierCheck +PeterBarrierCheck + +SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? +WAT IS ER AAN DE HAND? WAT DOE JE DAAR? + +SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? +DUS, WAT IS JE NAAM? + +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! +Ze is de verpleegster en schiphouder op dit schip, en ook een uitstekende kokin! + +So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. +Dus we zoeken naar wat nieuwe koopwaar die we kunnen verkopen in onze volgende bestemming. + +Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Nochmaals bedankt voor je hulp, maar deze Rattos zijn een permanent probleem en je hulp is altijd welkom. Het enige probleem is dat ik je maar één keer een beloning kan geven. + +There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Er doen verhalen de ronde dat ze iets monsterlijks hebben gedaan en dat ze redelijk veel voor ons verborgen willen houden. + +There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +Er liggen wat messen op tafel. Zal je er één nemen? + +There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +Er zijn een aantal van deze @@'s over hete hele eiland. Pluk er een paar en probeer ze maar. + +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. +Deze dozen zijn veel te zwaar om alleen aan boordte worden gebracht? + +These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +Deze jeje dozen zijn veel te zwaar om alleen aan boord te worden gedragen. + +WHAT DID YOU SAY? +WAT ZEI JE? + +We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +We stoppen normaal gezien niet op zulke plekken, maar de kapitein laat ons hier een tijdje hangen terwijl hij de locatie van dit nieuwe eiland op zijn kaart zet. + +What do I get in exchange? +Wat krijg ik in de plaats? + +What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? +Wat heeft Gugli over de doos gezegd? Was het in orde? + +What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? +Wat heeft Gugli over de doos gezegd? Was het in orde? + +Who yeye is searching? +Wie ben jeje aan het zoeken? + +Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Ja, zo zijn jullie alle *hik* maal in Esperica, maar mij krijg je niet! *boer* + +Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. + Jeje wees voorzichtig met wilde dieren voeding, sommige dieren zijn gevaarlijk, vooral de Blobs. + +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 +Jeje hebt goede ogen en lijkt je verwondingen te boven gekomen zijn. Kan jeje mijn doos vol vis naar Gugli brengen? + +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 +Jeje hebt goede ogen en lijkt je verwondingen te boven gekomen zijn. Kan jeje mijn doos vol vis naar Gugli brengen? + +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. +Jeje bent zeker? Ik zal wat meer voedsel in de volgende doos stajaken. + +You realise you can't remember anything. +Je realiseert je dat je niets kan herrineren + +You still haven't completed your task. +Je hebt nog steeds je taak niet voltooid. + +You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... +Je probeerde van me af te komen, eh? Verrassing, ik ben nog steeds hier... * hik* Of daar... + diff --git a/langs/lang_nl_BE.txt b/langs/lang_nl_BE.txt index 0f87a151..bef8ed97 100644 --- a/langs/lang_nl_BE.txt +++ b/langs/lang_nl_BE.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online -*hick* -*hik* +*hic* + - 2 @@ @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online . . -...And 1 @@. +... Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need delicious ingredients to prepare a... a special recipe. -...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. +... and 1 @@. 1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still. @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online 2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam. 2. Maak geen gebruik van 'spam'. Dit is het herhaaldelijk sturen van gelijkaardige boodschappen, berichten en/of mededelingen. Ook in verband met handel wordt 'spam' niet getolereerd! -3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. -3. Maak geen gebruik van meerdere clients. Je mag ten alle tijden slechts één actief personage aangemeld hebben. Met jezelf een groep vormen is namelijk erg zielig. +3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. + + +4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes. -4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. -4. Let op je taal in zowel 'chat' als in de naam van je personage. Ongepast en onbeschoft taalgebruik is niet toegestaan. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. 5. In publieke ruimtes mag enkel Engels gesproken worden. In prive gesprekken, groepen, enz. mag je wel de taal naar keuze gebruiken, maar houd het proper. @@ -56,16 +56,13 @@ HOE DAN OOK, MISSCHIEN TERWIJL JE ETEN ZOEKT VOOR GUGLI KAN JE HIER OOK EENS NAA Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you. Aan boord staan een groep zeelui. Ze proberen met je te praten. -About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Over deze Asperiaanse gilde, ik vraag me wat af, als ik openlijk mag spreken. Er doen verhalen de ronde dat ze iets monsterlijks hebben gedaan en dat ze redelijk veel voor ons verborgen willen houden. - About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly. Over deze Esperiaanse gilde, ik ben niet zo zeker van ze, om eerlijk te zijn. Acorn Eikel -Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. +Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life. Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all. @@ -83,17 +80,17 @@ AligeTrigger All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries... Alles dat ik had om te eten waren deze bessen... Bessen... Bessen... -All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your... fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. + + +Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good. -Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. -Oké! Nog maar een doos te gaan en het zal wel voldoende wezen. +Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... -Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... -Oké, ik ga naar haar kamer om haar in het oog te houden. We weten nog steeds niet of ze vriend of vijand is... Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy... -Oké, ik ga naar zijnr kamer om hem in het oog te houden. We weten nog steeds niet of hij vriend of vijand is... +Oké, ik ga naar zijn kamer kajuit. Houd om hem in het oog te houden. We weten nog steeds niet of hij vriend of vijand is... Alright... Bye. Oké... . Daag. @@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ Ook hebben we je jouw jajed kleren, aangezien ze ... Jejeje ... in een slechte s Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 Ook hebben we je jouw jajed kleren, aangezien ze ... Jejeje ... in een slechte staat. Neem een kijkje in de kist naast je bed, er zitten nog wel wat kleren in. -An unexpected help is always welcome. +An unexpected help is always welcome! And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! @@ -125,24 +122,18 @@ En jij? Hoe gajat het met jou? And you? How's it yaying on your side? En jij? Hoe gajat het met jou? -Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. -Hoe dan ook, als je ooit geïntresseerd bent, klik je gewoon op mijn zak. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag. + Aquada Aquada -Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Aquada Box Are you ok? Ben je in orde? -AreaBottom -AreaBottom - -AreaMiddle -AreaMiddle - AreaNPC AreaNPC @@ -158,13 +149,13 @@ Artis natuurlijk! As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land. Terwijl ze vaarden over Oceanië, de grote wateren van Aemil, één van de groepen stuitte op land. -As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. +As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be. As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you. Terwijl je je ogen opent, zie je een groot schip voor je. -Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away. Astapolos. @@ -176,8 +167,8 @@ Round deze tijd verkopen we krabvoeding op ons oude paddenstoeleiland. Ayouyouch! My head... Awawawawauw! Mijn hoofd... -BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! -MAAR IK KAN NIET, IK MOET DE ZEE IN DE GATEN HOUDEN, ZO KAN IK DE BEMANNING WAARSCHUWEN WANNEER ER PIRATEN ZOUDEN OPDUIKEN! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPENS TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! + Bag Zak @@ -194,6 +185,9 @@ Voor... Bread Brood +Break the door. + + But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. Maar ik kan je er niets over zeggen, het spijt me. @@ -206,7 +200,7 @@ But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...may But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. Maar voorlopig kan je uitrusten op het schip of het eiland bezoeken waar we liggen aangemeerd! Het is een klein eiland, maar het is een goede plek om wat te kunnen bewegen en je benen te strekken. -But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. +But let's talk more about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality food. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 @@ -218,20 +212,20 @@ Maar het belangrijkste is dat zij degene is die je heeft verzorgt toen je buiten But who am I? Maar wie ben ik? -But you won't *hick* me this time... -Maar je zal mij ditmaal *hik* niet... +But you won't *hic* me this time... + But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. Maar... als hij geheugenverlies heeft zoals julia zei... We moeten ons over hem geen zorgen maken. But... if she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. -Maar... als hij geheugenverlies heeft zoals julia zei... We moeten ons over haar geen zorgen maken. +Maar... als ze geheugenverlies heeft zoals julia zei... . We moeten ons over haar geen zorgen maken. Bye! Daag! -CAN YOU HEAR ME? -KUN JE ME HOREN? +CAN YOU HEAR ME?! + Can I read these rules again? Mag ik het reglement nog eens doornemen? @@ -245,9 +239,6 @@ Kapitein Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Kapitein Nard is in de kabine aan je rechterzijde. -Captain wants: ??? - - Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 Sommige voorwerpen hebben verschillende effecten. Somige kunnen je helen, anderen kunnen worden gedragen als harnas of wapen, en nog anderen kunnen enkel worden verkocht voor wat extra goud. @@ -299,11 +290,14 @@ Croc Klauw Croconut Crokosnoot -DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? -HEB JE GEVONDEN WAT HET LICHT WAS? +Croconut Box + + +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS?! + + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER?! -DO YOU FEEL BETTER? -VOEL JE JE WAT BETER? Damn @@. Verdorie @@ @@ -320,9 +314,6 @@ Dan eindigd het gesprek en schrijft verder aan zijn brief. Dan keeps silent since your last question. Dan spreekt niet meer sinds je laatste vraag. -DarlinBarrierCheck -DarlinBarrierCheck - Did you say reward? I want it! Zei je 'beloning'? Ik wil ze! @@ -347,13 +338,13 @@ Wil je proberen? Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan Weet iemand een goede hangplek in Esperia? - M. Arpen -Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! -Doe doe d... *hik* niet met mij, eh! +Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! + Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! Probeer me niet te vergiftigen! Ik weet wat het doet! -Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! +Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance! DoorUpwards @@ -368,19 +359,22 @@ De plicht roept, ik spreek je later, schatje. Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live. Ieder van de groepen was bevolen elk een andere richting uit te varen om zo nieuwe bewoonbare landen te ontdekken. -Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm... He was really upset for some past stories. Elmo Elmo -Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats! + + +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef. -Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats! -Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there. Elven Voice @@ -404,7 +398,7 @@ GOED, DAAG! Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. Deze zinnen worden gevolgd door wat andere tekst op dit blad. -Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little... secret mission. From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. @@ -416,20 +410,17 @@ Schimmel GOOD! GOED! -Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! +Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Ggrmm grmmm... Ggrmm grmmm... -Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! -Geef me een kus voor je afscheid neemt! +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. -Ga naar buiten en praat met Gugli, hij zal je vertellen wat we nodig zullen hebben. -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. -Ga naar buiten en praat met Gugli, hij zal je vertellen wat we nodig zullen hebben. +Go away. + Good job! Goed werk! @@ -482,7 +473,7 @@ HE! HE YOU! Harpy-lady? -Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too? Have you seen anything dangerous? @@ -497,17 +488,17 @@ Hij heeft me daar niets over verteld. He's funny, it's not a problem. Hij is grappig, het is geen probleem. -Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. -Luister, *hik* , wat ook, watikookdeed je zal *hik* zei ove... euh.. uit wat?! Je zag daar, de gilde van Esperia zal het nooit publiekelijk maken. +Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. + Hehe! Haha! Hehe, no. But I'm sure a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me. -Haha, Maar ik ben zeker dat een jongen graag een 'gentleman' als ik zou ontmoeten. +Haha, Maar ik ben zeker dat een jongeman zoals jij graag een 'gentleman' als ik zou ontmoeten. Hehe, no. But I'm sure a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me! -Haha, neen, maar ik ben zeker dat een dame het enig zou vinden een charmeur als mij te ontmoeten. +Haha, neen, maar ik ben zeker dat een jongedamedame zoals jij het enig zou vinden een charmeur als mij te ontmoeten. Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that. Haha, hij zit soms met zijn hoofd in de wolken. Je zou er bij hem achter moeten vragen. @@ -569,28 +560,31 @@ Hé! Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. Hé! Wees voorzichtig. Als je te lang in het onderruim blijft kan je ziek worden. Kom dan maar naar boven en neem een pauze, misschien kan je het later nog eens proberen. +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 + + +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 + + Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hé, maak je maar geen zorgen over hem. Het is één van de eerste dagen in een lange tijd dat we gewoon wat kunnen nietsen. Hey, girl! Hé, jongedame! +Hey, how do you know my name? + + Hey, man! Hé, jongeman! Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? Hé, pssst! jij been geen zeeman, toch? -Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. -Hé, je moet bij Julia wezen om je aan boord te laten registreren. - -Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. -Hé, je zou Julia moeten opzoeken om aan boord geregistreerd te geraken. - Hey. Hallo. -Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh? Hi @@. @@ -602,7 +596,7 @@ Hallo, leuk je te zien! Hidden Person Verborgen Persoon -Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough +Hmmm, hm... Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?... Cough, burp... Damn Gado... Cough... How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. @@ -617,11 +611,8 @@ Hoe gaat het, schatje? How are you doing, dude? Hoe gaat het met jou, gast? -How do you know my name? -Hoe weet jij mijn naam? +How is *hichic* it possible? -How is *hick* it possible? -Hoe is *hik* het mogelijk? However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever. Hoe dan ook, droogte kwam met zomer en de winters werden kouden dan ooit tevoren. @@ -632,8 +623,8 @@ Alhoewel... Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth! Haast je, haast je! We moeten zijn tanden nakijken! -I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... -IK KIJK OOK UIT VOOR GEVAARLIJKE DIEREN... +I ALSO AVOID THE DANGEROUS ANIMALS! + I AM DOING FINE! HET GAAT GOED! @@ -657,15 +648,15 @@ I am sure you know her. Nice dress, large smile and a constant flux of orders an I am, who are you?#0 -Dat ben ik, wie ben, jij? +Dat ben ik wel, wie ben jij? I am, who are you?#1 -Dat ben ik, wie ben, jij? +Dat ben ik wel , wie ben jij? I beg you, please, pleeeease... Ik smeek het je, astublieft, astublieeeeeeft ... -I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... +I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the morning... I can't remember anything.#0 @@ -710,6 +701,9 @@ Het gaat wel. I forgot where it was... Ik ben vergeten waar het was... +I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship. + + I guess so... I will leave you alone. Het zal wel... Ik zal je met rust laten. @@ -744,12 +738,12 @@ I need help for clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help Ik heb hulp nodig om de rand van het schip schoon te maken, maar je bent niet sterk genoeg om me te helpen. I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you help me? -Ik heb iemand nodig die me kan helpen de onderkan van het schip te verlossen van deze Ratto. Kan jij me helpen? +Ik heb iemand nodig die me kan helpen het onderruim van het schip te verlossen van deze Ratto. Kan jij me helpen? I need to go, sorry. Ik moet gaan, het spijt me. -I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and... I only remember I was rescued by you.#0 @@ -770,32 +764,35 @@ Ach zo, waarschuw de andere zeelui hiervoor. Maar als hij lid is van de krijgers I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally. Ach zo, waarschuw de andere zeelui hiervoor. Maar alse ze deel uitmaakt van een krijgersgilde dan is zij ook onze bondgenoot. -I speak Dutch +I speak Dutch. + + +I speak English. + + +I speak Flemish. + +I speak French. -I speak English -Ik spreek Engels -I speak Flemish -Ik spreek Vlaams +I speak German. -I speak French -Ik spreek Frans -I speak German -Ik spreek Duits +I speak Italian. -I speak Polish -Ik spreek Pools -I speak Portuguese -Ik spreek Portugees +I speak Polish. -I speak Russian -Ik spreek Russisch -I speak Spanish -Ik spreek Spaans +I speak Portuguese. + + +I speak Russian. + + +I speak Spanish. + I swear, I do not eat so much. @@ -806,8 +803,8 @@ Ik zou je moeten aangeven bij de bemanning. I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions? Ik denk dat er klaar mee ben. Heb je nog wat vragen? -I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! -Ik denk dat ik gauw klaar zal zijn. Ik zal gauw een doos vol hebben. +I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s! + I think that I'm still a bit sick. Ik denk dat ik nog een beetje ziek ben. @@ -815,11 +812,11 @@ Ik denk dat ik nog een beetje ziek ben. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? Ik denk dat mijn wijn van goede kwaliteit is! Ik zit al aan mijn tweedde fles ik ben al ... . Waarover waren we aan het praten? -I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! -Ik denk dat jeje gauw klaar bent. Jeje zal gauw een doos vol @@ hebben. +I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s! + I will give you @@gp. -Ik zal je @ @gp geven. +Ik zal je @@gp geven. I will not describe you all the details but after one month she was ruling the ship and I was sent down here cooking for those traitors! @@ -837,7 +834,7 @@ I'M CALLED, @@! IK WORD @@ GENOEMD! I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try. -Ik zou er graag een vangen, maar ze vliegen weg telkens ik het probeer. +Ik zou er graag één vangen, maar ze vliegen weg telkens ik het probeer. I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry. Ik geef hem alles wat ze nodig heeft, maak je maar geen zorgen. @@ -869,8 +866,8 @@ Ik zoek Gugli, waar is hij? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! Ik word gek, ik moet iets anders te eten hebben! -I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! -ik ben niet dat verdomd hé *hik* wat heb je ontde *hips* ekt daar, de krijgersgilde zal me niet krijgen. +I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! + I'm sorry, I don't have time right now. Sorry, ik heb nu geen tijd. @@ -902,10 +899,7 @@ ALS JE IETS VINDT, DAN IS HET GEWELDIG! IT'S OK, CREW TASKS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CURIOSITY! HET IS IN ORDE, BEMANNINGSZAKEN ZIJN VEEL BELANGRIJKER DAN NIEUWSGIERIGHEID -If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! -Als ik had *hik* gezien wieeee... *hips* je was had ik je niet geholpen! - -If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If I saw *hic* who you were... *hips* Would not have helped you! If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -920,14 +914,17 @@ Als je je vorraadvenster wil openen gebruik de 'F3' toets of klik met je muis op If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 Als je je vorraadvenster wil openen gebruik de 'F3' toets of klik met je muis op 'INV' in het menu bovenaan op je scherm. +If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... + + In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun. In deze grot, weet je, had ik een heleboel plezier. Indeed, I am not.#0 -Inderdaad, ben ik niet. +Inderdaad, dat ben ik niet. Indeed, I am not.#1 -Inderdaad, ben ik niet. +Inderdaad, dat ben ik niet. Interested? Geïntresseerd? @@ -947,6 +944,9 @@ Het is goed te zien dat je wakker en in orde bent. Elmo kwam hier om me het goed It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. Het lijkt erop dat we dicht bij een eiland zijn. We kunnen een kijkje gaan nemen op het buitendek. +It seems that you need a key to open this door. + + It seems you still have some work to do. @@ -959,6 +959,9 @@ Een beetje beweging zou je goed doen, maar het schip is daar niet groot genoeg v It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry! Het is een commerciële haven van Andorra, het is vreemd dat je dit niet weet. Het is één van de meest bekende steden in de wereld. Maar laat ons niet uitwijken, ik heb honger! +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!. + + It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. Het is een soort van paddestoel. We noemen deze zo omdat ze smaakt naar een marshmallow. Ze wordt ook vernoemd naar haar uiterlijk, ze lijkt op een pluizebol. @@ -980,6 +983,12 @@ Het is waar! It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception. Het is waar elk handelsschip zijn tocht eindigt en wij zullen geen uitzondering zijn. +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 + + +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 + + Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0 Sommige voorwerpen hebben verschillende effecten. Somige kunnen je helen, anderen kunnen worden gedragen als harnas of wapen, en nog anderen kunnen enkel worden verkocht voor wat extra goud. @@ -998,9 +1007,6 @@ Julia Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. Julia is op de bovenste verdieping van het schip, klik op de trap in de rechterbovenhoek van je scherm of gebruik je pijltjes toetsen om er naar toe te stappen. -Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. -Julia is op de bovenste verdieping van het schip, klik op de trap in de rechterbovenhoek van je scherm of gebruik je pijltjes toetsen om er naar toe te stappen. - Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. Ik heb net de koffer geraakt, en het zal jeje een @@. @@ -1019,14 +1025,14 @@ LeftDoorCheck Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. Laat me mezelf voorstellen, ik ben Nard kapitein van dit schip. -Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. +Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start! Lettuce Sla -Look how splendid this landscape is. -Kijk hoe prachtig dit landschap is. +Look how splendid this landscape is! + Look, he's there! Kijk, daar is hij! @@ -1034,11 +1040,11 @@ Kijk, daar is hij! Look, there he is! kijk, daar is hij! -M...Maybe? +M... Maybe? + +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS!? -MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? -MISSCHIEN KAN JE HIER NAAR KIJKEN? Magic Arpan Magische Arpan @@ -1070,20 +1076,14 @@ Weet je, vriend, ik ben niet altijd een zeeman geweest. Eens was ik een belanger My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. Mijn naam is Alige, ik houd me hier al weken verstopt. -My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -Mijn naam is Astapolos. Q'Muller en ik hebben on een paar jaar geleden bij Nard zijn bemanning gevoegd, toen hij nog maar een klein handelsschip bezat. +My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. + My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. Mijn naam is julia, ik ben degene die je heeft verzorgd nadat we je in zee terugvonden. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 -NEEN and *hik* NEEN, jij en je... Stomm *hik* gilde! +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT! -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 -NEEN en *hik* NEEN, jij en je ... *boer* stomm... *hik* gilde! - -NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. -NOTHING ELSE BUT SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. Nard Nard @@ -1097,6 +1097,12 @@ Verteller New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed. Nieuwe technologieën hieplen de slachting in plaats van het vestigen van de vrede. Op een moment werden er twee vijandige groepen gevormt. +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0 + + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1 + + No problem, I can help you anyway. Geen probleem, ik kan je toch helpen. @@ -1110,7 +1116,7 @@ No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun. Neen, dat kan ik niet. Ik wou enkel voor mijn plezier over de zeeën varen. No, none. -Neen, één. +Neen, ik heb geen vragen meer. No, sorry. Neen, sorry. @@ -1151,6 +1157,9 @@ Niets, het spijt me. Nothing. Niets +Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. + + OH, LOOK THERE! OH, KIJK DAAR! @@ -1169,9 +1178,6 @@ Natuurlijk, ze zijn op de rechtermuur, ga naar ze toe. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? Oh, goed! Heeft hij je je geld ook teruggegeven? -Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. - - Oh look, there's a piou behind you! Oh kijk, er staat een piou achter je! @@ -1229,6 +1235,9 @@ Oh, hij leeft nog! Oh, it's you. Oh, jij bent het. +Oh, it's you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. + + Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. Oh, niet alles, maak je maar geen zorgen. Maar je naam viel één of twee keer in het gesprek. @@ -1286,11 +1295,11 @@ OldBook Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. Wanneer het monster dood is, klik met je muis op de gevallen voorwerpen om ze op te rapen en weg te steken. Ook kan je de 'z' toets gebruiken om voorwerpen in de buurt van je personage op te rapen' -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 -Zodra je voorraadvenster open staat, kan je jezelf uitrusten met een voorwerp door deze te selecteren en de optie 'equip' aan te klikken. Je kan ook voorwerpen uitdoen door deze te selecteren en 'unequip' aan te duiden. +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#0 + + +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#1 -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 -Zodra je voorraadvenster open staat, kan je jezelf uitrusten met een voorwerp door deze te selecteren en de optie 'equip' aan te klikken. Je kan ook voorwerpen uitdoen door deze te selecteren en 'unequip' aan te duiden. Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. Als je er echt één wenst, en je voelt je ertoe in staat, kan je proberen tortugas of kroks te jagen. Ik ben er zeker van dat ze één of two @@s zullen laten vallen. @@ -1310,9 +1319,6 @@ Onze bemanning is als een familie, en if je akkoord gaat met ons te helpen zou i People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose. Om te overleven begonnen mensen van elkaar te stelen. Net zoals de steden, groeiden ook de noden en veldslagen voor vruchtbare gronden werden een feit. -PeterBarrierCheck -PeterBarrierCheck - Piberries Pibessen @@ -1331,6 +1337,12 @@ Raak deze hoeden astublieft niet aan. Ze zijn enkel voor bemanningleden. Plushroom +Plushroom Box + + +Purple Blobime + + QMuller. QMuller @@ -1355,11 +1367,11 @@ Rrrr... Pchhhh... Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. Er werden regels opgesteld die de vrede moesten bewaren. Echter hielden ze niet lang stand. -SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? -WAT IS ER AAN DE HAND? WAT DOE JE DAAR? +SO WHAT'S UP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! + + +SO, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! -SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? -DUS, WAT IS JE NAAM? SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! SORRY, MAAR WAT ZEI JE? PRAAT WAT LOUDER! @@ -1367,13 +1379,13 @@ SORRY, MAAR WAT ZEI JE? PRAAT WAT LOUDER! Sailors Zeelui -Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. - - Sea Drops Zeedruppels -See you. +Sea Drops!? I will not help you with your evil plan! + + +See you! Seems yummy! Let me taste it! @@ -1385,8 +1397,8 @@ Echt waar?! She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... Ze is een goede vriendin van me... We zouden gaan trouwen een paar weken voor haar ongeluk, maar ... -She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! -Ze is de verpleegster en schiphouder op dit schip, en ook een uitstekende kokin! +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. + She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? Ze heeft gezegd me te accepteren wanneer pious tanden hebben. het is dus slecht een kwestie van tijd. @@ -1397,15 +1409,15 @@ Ze is op het bovendek, jeje kan ze niet missen. Ze is het enige vrouwlijk lid va She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. Ze is op het bovendek, jeje kan ze niet missen. Ze is het enige vrouwlijk lid van de bemanning. +Shhht, don't say it that loud... + + Silvio for example? Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. Silvio begint tegen zijn fles te praten. Je verlaat het gesprek. -So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. - - So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day! @@ -1418,12 +1430,12 @@ Dus daarom wilden we je waarschuwen, misschien komt hij van die gilde waarvan zi So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft. Dus daarom wilden we je waarschuwen, misschien komt ze van die gilde aangezien hun symbool op haar vlot aanwezig was. -So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. -Dus we zoeken naar wat nieuwe koopwaar die we kunnen verkopen in onze volgende bestemming. - So what can I do for you? +So, at the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s. + + So, do you have anything for me today? Dus, heb je iets voor me, vandaag? @@ -1467,7 +1479,7 @@ Sorry, I don't need any help right now. Come back later. Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that. -Het spijt me, daar kan ik niets aan doen. +Het spijt me, daar kan ik niets mee. Stupid yeye... Stomme jeje... @@ -1475,9 +1487,6 @@ Stomme jeje... Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Plots hoor je een stem vanuit de lucht. -Sure why not? - - Sure, Cap'tain. Zeker, Kapitein. @@ -1490,6 +1499,9 @@ Natuurlijk, maar wat krijg ik ervoor in de plaats? Sure, there is a reward for your task. Er is natuurlijk een beloning voor deze taak. +Sure, why not? + + THAT'S A NICE NAME! DAT IS EEN MOOIE NAAM! @@ -1499,7 +1511,10 @@ Neem een Bandana. Take these coins in exchange and be careful. Neem deze munten in ruil en wees voorzichtig. -Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! +Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more! + + +Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. @@ -1508,8 +1523,8 @@ Enorm bedankt! Hier, neem wat van mijn bessen. Thank you, I'll take them. Dank je, ik neem ze. -Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. -Nochmaals bedankt voor je hulp, maar deze Rattos zijn een permanent probleem en je hulp is altijd welkom. Het enige probleem is dat ik je maar één keer een beloning kan geven. +Thanks again for helping me. But these Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. + Thanks for helping me! Bedankt voor je hulp! @@ -1523,12 +1538,21 @@ Dat klopt. That's where you go as well, right? Dat is waar jij ook heengaat, niet? +The adventure begins!#0 + + +The adventure begins!#1 + + The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. De kapitein heeft de deur gesloten, je zal het hem moeten vragen. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. De kapitein wacht op je! Haast je. +The captain wants: + + The door is locked. De deur is op slot. @@ -1568,14 +1592,20 @@ The usurper has been punished! This is a great day, take this reward as a prize Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive. Hun leiders kwamen tot de conclussie dat een verdrag de enige manier was om te overleven. -There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Er doen verhalen de ronde dat ze iets monsterlijks hebben gedaan en dat ze redelijk veel voor ons verborgen willen houden. +There are few groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us. + There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. -Er zijn wat gele vliegende pluizebollen om je heen. Ze noemen pious. Een geroosterde Pioupoot zou perfect zijn. +Er lopen wat gele vliegende pluizebollen om je heen. Ze noemen pious. Een geroosterde Pioupoot zou perfect zijn. + +There are some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one? -There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? -Er liggen wat messen op tafel. Zal je er één nemen? There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Er zijn nog steeds wat Rattos over! Will je je opdracht afbreken? @@ -1583,11 +1613,8 @@ Er zijn nog steeds wat Rattos over! Will je je opdracht afbreken? There is a paper with some rules written on it. Er is een papier met wat regels opgeschreven. -There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. - +There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island. -There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. -Er zijn een aantal van deze @@'s over hete hele eiland. Pluk er een paar en probeer ze maar. There's nothing to say, don't worry miss. Er valt niets te zeggen, geen zorgen, juffrouw. @@ -1598,29 +1625,29 @@ Er valt niets te zeggen, maak je maar geen zorgen, meneer. Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. Het gevolg was een hongersnood, die de mensen van Aemil trof. -These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. -Deze dozen zijn veel te zwaar om alleen aan boordte worden gebracht? +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. + These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... Deze Krokosbomen hangen vol met jajend @@, maar ze zijn zo moeilijk te raken... -These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -Deze jeje dozen zijn veel te zwaar om alleen aan boord te worden gedragen. +These yeye box are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship. + -They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. +They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... sort out this situation. This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? Deze meid mag van geluk spreken dat we haar gevonden hebben voor een haai dat deed. Ik heb geen idee waar ze vandaan komt. Heb je wel het logo op haar vlot gezien? This girl needs help, we need to rescue her! -Dit meisje heeft hulp nodig, we moeten haar redden! +Deze jongedame heeft hulp nodig, we moeten haar redden! This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft? -Deze jongen mag van geluk spreken dat we hem gevonden hebben voor een haai dat deed. Ik heb geen idee waar hij vandaan komt. Heb je wel het logo op haar vlot gezien? +Deze jongeman mag van geluk spreken dat we hem gevonden hebben voor een haai dat deed. Ik heb geen idee waar hij vandaan komt. Heb je wel het logo op zijn vlot gezien? This guy needs help, we need to rescue him! -Deze jongen heeft hulp nodig, we moeten hem redden! +Deze jongeman heeft hulp nodig, we moeten hem redden! This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks... Dit is een fijne plek... Er zijn hier fijne kuikens... @@ -1628,6 +1655,12 @@ Dit is een fijne plek... Er zijn hier fijne kuikens... This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago. Dit is een @@, een lichtblauwe zeevrucht. Ze zijn enorm geliefd in de eilandengroep. +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#0 + + +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#1 + + This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. Dit soort praat zou bestraft moeten worden, maar ik moet ook niet veel van hen hebben, dus houd ze maar in de gaten. @@ -1661,11 +1694,14 @@ Euh, daag. Understood, I will help you. Begrepen, ik zal je helpen. -Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. + + +Use the key. -WHAT DID YOU SAY? -WAT ZEI JE? +WHAT DID YOU SAY?! + Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side! Wacht, het lijkt erop dat iemand de deur van de andere kant barricadeerd! @@ -1674,11 +1710,20 @@ Wait... Where are we going? Wacht... Waar gaan we heen? Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please. -Wandel een beetje, het is makkelijk voor jou om er één te vangen. Spiets er één voor mij, alstublieft. +Wandel een beetje rond, het is voor jou makkelijk om er één te vangen. Spiets er één voor mij, alstublieft. Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise! +We are looking for some merchandise we could trade in our next destination. + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#0 + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#1 + + We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. We zijn gestopt bij een klein eilandje vooraleer we naar de haven in Artis gaan. @@ -1692,7 +1737,7 @@ We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of cour We hebben mankracht nodig op het eiland. Oh, vergeef me, vrouwen zijn ook altijd welkom natuurlijk. We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the warrior guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help. -We zouden er moeten zijn in een paar dagen. Zodra we aankomen zal ik de krijgersgilde informeren over wat er is gebeurt, ik ben er zeker van dat ze kunnen helpen. +We zouden er binnen een paar dagen moeten aankomen . Zodra we er zijn zal ik de krijgersgilde informeren over wat er is gebeurd, ik ben er zeker van dat ze kunnen helpen. We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft. We dachten dat jij ons kon helpen dit te begrijpen, alles wat wij weten is dat we je hebben gevonden op een vlot verdwaald op zee. @@ -1703,28 +1748,28 @@ We hebben geprobeerd ze te wassen, maar het zeewater heeft ze grotendeels vernie We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1 We hebben geprobeerd ze te wassen, maar het zeewater heeft ze grotendeels vernield. Daarom hebben we je deze kleren gegeven. Ze zijn niet echt in de mode, maar het is alles wat we je kunnen geven. -We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago. + +We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map! -We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! -We stoppen normaal gezien niet op zulke plekken, maar de kapitein laat ons hier een tijdje hangen terwijl hij de locatie van dit nieuwe eiland op zijn kaart zet. We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. We zullen er jajing zijn in een paar dagen. We zullen je daar afzetten. -Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship! -Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! +Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again! -Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you! Erg bedankt voor de doos, maar... . Hij werd verondersteld de doos zelf bij me af te leveren. Ik heb hem nooit gevraagd ze aan jou te geven! -Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. +Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen. What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago. @@ -1748,8 +1793,14 @@ Waar zoek je achter? What are you talking about? What guild? Waar heb je het over? Welke gilde? -What do I get in exchange? -Wat krijg ik in de plaats? +What are your needs? + + +What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? + + +What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? + What do you need? Wat heb je nodig? @@ -1757,23 +1808,20 @@ Wat heb je nodig? What do you think? Wat denk je ervan? +What do you want to do? + + What do you want today? Wat wil je vandaag? What do you wish to do? Wat wil je doen? -What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? -Wat heeft Gugli over de doos gezegd? Was het in orde? - -What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? -Wat heeft Gugli over de doos gezegd? Was het in orde? - What happened to me? Wat is er met me gebeurd? What is Artis? -at is Artis? +Wat is Artis? What should I do after taking these clothes?#0 Wat moet ik doen nadat ik de kleren heb genomen? @@ -1781,6 +1829,9 @@ Wat moet ik doen nadat ik de kleren heb genomen? What should I do after taking these clothes?#1 Wat moet ik doen nadat ik de kleren heb genomen? +What will I get in exchange? + + What yeye could I do for you today? Wat, Jeje, kan ik vandaag voor jou betekenen? @@ -1823,6 +1874,9 @@ Where is the damn salt!? Give me the salt. I know you have it! Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@? Welk wapen wil je gebruiken om deze @@ te snijden? +Who are yeye searching? + + Who are you searching for? Wie ben je aan het zoeken? @@ -1835,12 +1889,9 @@ Wie ben je? Who is she? Waar is ze? -Who of the two has the right on his side? +Who of them two has the 'good' on his side? -Who yeye is searching? -Wie ben jeje aan het zoeken? - Who's this Julia? Wie is deze Julia? @@ -1886,8 +1937,8 @@ Jaja, je moet naar haar toe gaan! Ze zal blij zijn je te zien. Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Jajajajaja, het is de eerste keer dat hier iemand, slechter gekleed dan ons, rond loopt. -Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* -Ja, zo zijn jullie alle *hik* maal in Esperica, maar mij krijg je niet! *boer* +Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* + Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. Ja, maar ik wil er zeker van zijn dat ik een beloning krijg. @@ -1908,7 +1959,7 @@ Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes. Ja, Arpan gaf me deze kleren. Yes, I do. -Ja, dat doe ik. +Ja, die heb ik. Yes, it's a chest. Ja, het is een kist. @@ -1925,20 +1976,20 @@ Jeje vraagt teveel, maar doet te weinig. Neem deze doos en stop met praten. Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#1 Jeje vraagt teveel en doet te weinig. Neem deze doos en stop met praten. -Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. - Jeje wees voorzichtig met wilde dieren voeding, sommige dieren zijn gevaarlijk, vooral de Blobs. +Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. + Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye! Jeje heb je m'n doos aan Gugli gegeven? Nice, nice jeje! -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 -Jeje hebt goede ogen en lijkt je verwondingen te boven gekomen zijn. Kan jeje mijn doos vol vis naar Gugli brengen? +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#0 + + +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#1 -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 -Jeje hebt goede ogen en lijkt je verwondingen te boven gekomen zijn. Kan jeje mijn doos vol vis naar Gugli brengen? -Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. -Jeje bent zeker? Ik zal wat meer voedsel in de volgende doos stajaken. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then. + Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. Heb jeje de Yoiis aan de top van het eiland gezien, kijk eens rond. @@ -1985,7 +2036,7 @@ You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help. Je maakt nu deel uit van de bemanning. Nochmaals bedankt voor je hulp. -You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here! You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. @@ -2000,7 +2051,7 @@ Je kan ze vinden in de oceaan tussen het koraal en andere zeewezens. Maar de zee You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there. Je kan ze vinden in de oceaan tussen het koraal en andere zeewezens. Maar de zee is veel te wild vandaag, je zou zelfs niet moeten proberen te zwemmen. -You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. +You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that. You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees. @@ -2012,7 +2063,7 @@ Je mag daar niet komen! You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. Zo kan je nog wat zeelui ontmoeten, en ... . Deze hoed zal natuurlijk een teken zijn dat je deel van de bemanning wordt. -You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors list. You have an awful amnesia. @@ -2021,6 +2072,9 @@ Je hebt een zwaar geval van geheugenverlies. You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that nice lady. +You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door... + + You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. Je sloeg te hard met je vuist, je @@ is nu oneetbaar. @@ -2045,8 +2099,8 @@ Je openent the @@ maar slects één helft ziet er nog eetbaar uit. You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts. Je snijdt je @@ in twee eetbare delen. -You realise you can't remember anything. -Je realiseert je dat je niets kan herrineren +You realize you can't remember anything. + You receive 25GP! Je hebt 25GP ontvangen! @@ -2063,7 +2117,10 @@ Je zou wat moeten slapen. You should go see them. Je zou naar ze toe moeten gaan. -You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news! + + +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... @@ -2078,8 +2135,8 @@ Je zou naar het noorden moeten gaan. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? Je hebt nog steeds een aantal dagen voor we in de haven aanleggen, misschien kan je nog iets van hen leren? -You still haven't completed your task. -Je hebt nog steeds je taak niet voltooid. +You still haven't completed your tasks. + You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. Domkop, hij is Brits, kijk naar de vorm van zijn hoofd. @@ -2093,14 +2150,14 @@ Je neemt de kleding uit de kist. You told me that you 'were' important. Je vertelde me dat je belangrijk 'was'. -You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... -Je probeerde van me af te komen, eh? Verrassing, ik ben nog steeds hier... * hik* Of daar... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... + You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 -Je was in een beroerde conditie, wees blij dat we je vonden voor de zee had gedood. +Je was in een beroerde conditie. Wees blij dat we je vonden voor de zee je had gedood. You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1 -Je was in een beroerde conditie, wees blij dat we je vonden voor de zee had gedood. +Je was in een beroerde conditie. Wees blij dat we je vonden voor de zee je had gedood. You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0 Je was erg lang jajing aan het slapen, onze scheepshouder, Julia, was hier bij je, ze deed haar best om je verwondingen te helen. @@ -2123,6 +2180,12 @@ Je bent op ons schip, we hebben aangelegd een een klein eiland en we jejeindigen You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 Je bent op ons schip, we hebben aangelegd een een klein eiland en we jejeindigen onze lange handelsavontuur in de stad Artis. +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! + + +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you! + + You're right, it's about Julia. Je hebt gelijk, het gaat over Julia. diff --git a/langs/lang_pl.old b/langs/lang_pl.old index a74efa97..1a707574 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pl.old +++ b/langs/lang_pl.old @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +*hick* +*hep* + ... ... @@ -7,6 +10,9 @@ 5, Don't speak any other language other than English in the public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats and when alone with groups of friends. 5, W miejscach publicznych obowiązuje język angielski. W prywatnych konwersacjach (szept) dozwolony jest każdy język, jak rownież w przypadku, kiedy znajdujesz się sam na sam z przyjaciółmi. +About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Co do gildii z Esperii, szczerze mówiąc, nie jestem do nich przekonany. Chodzą pogłoski, że dopuszczają się haniebnych czynów, i ukrywają zbyt wiele przed naszymi oczami. + Alige Alicjusz @@ -28,6 +34,12 @@ I błagam, żadnych jagódek. Nigdy więcej jagódek! Anyway, maybe when you are looking for food with Gugli you'll have the time to look at this!! W każdym razie - może w trakcie poszukiwania żywności z Gugli'm będziesz miał czas aby zerknąć na to!! +AreaBottom +AreaBottom + +AreaMiddle +AreaMiddle + As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!! Ty możesz sobie chodzić wolno, to będzie dla ciebie łatwizna. Zamorduj parę dla mnie! @@ -52,6 +64,9 @@ Ale przede wszystkim, to ona zaopiekowała się tobą w najgorszych chwilach two But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway. Ale do tego czasu musisz zostać tutaj... I tak nic innego ci nie zostaje. +But you won't *hick* me this time... +Ale tym razem *hep* ci się nie uda... + But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him. Ale... Jeśli on naprawdę cierpi na amnezję, tak jak twierdzi Julia, nie musimy się o nic martwić. @@ -94,6 +109,9 @@ Słyszysz mnie? Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan Czy ktoś zna jakieś ciekawe miejsca do obejrzenia w Esperii? - M. Arpan +Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! +Nawet nie próbuj *hep* ze mną! + Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia Nie udostepniaj nikomu hasła do Twojego pokoju! Zachowaj je w tajemnicy i postaraj się nie używać go w żadnym innym pokoju. - Julia @@ -112,6 +130,12 @@ Ech, matołku, chciałem dojechać do Artis, ale nie miałem kasy na przejazd. Fine, bye!! W porządku, do widzenia!! +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. +Wyjdź na zewnątrz i porozmawiaj z Gugli, on Ci powie, czego potrzebujemy. + +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Wyjdź na zewnątrz i porozmawiaj z Guglim, on Ci powie, czego potrzebujemy. + Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis. Dobrze wiedzieć. Z tego co zaraportował mi Darlin, niedługo przepłyniemy koło małej wysepki, znajdującej się tuż przed Artis. @@ -166,6 +190,9 @@ Hej! Uważaj. Nie możesz przebywać w tej piwnicy zbyt długo, albo się pochor Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room. Hej, ale tutaj się nie rozkładaj, to mój pokój. +Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. +Hej, lepiej zobacz się z Julią w sprawie zameldowania się na pokładzie! + Hi, nice to see you! Hej, miło cię widzieć! @@ -178,6 +205,9 @@ Ukryta osoba Hidden person doesn't answer Ukryta osoba nie odpowiada. +How do you know my name? +Skąd wiesz, jak się nazywam? + How is *hick* possible?? Asz jakższ to *hep* możliwe? @@ -229,6 +259,30 @@ Powiedziałem... czemu nie zejdziesz na dół, aby porozmawiać? I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again? Widzę, że pozbycie się Szczurzydeł nie jest takie łatwe... Wracasz tam? +I speak English +I speak English + +I speak Flemish +'k klappe Vloams + +I speak French +Je parle Français + +I speak German +Ich spreche Deutsch + +I speak Polish +Mówię po polsku + +I speak Portuguese +Eu falo Português + +I speak Russian +Я говорю по-русски + +I speak Spanish +Yo hablo Español + I think that I'm done, I've got a box full of Myślę, że skończyłem, mam pudełko pełne @@ -331,9 +385,18 @@ Zobaczmy... Mickael Michał +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +Nazywam się Astapolos, Q'Muller i ja przyłączyliśmy się do załogi Narda kilka lat temu, kiedy to jeszcze był po prostu mały handlowy statek. + My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. Nazywam sie Julia, to ja zadbałam o Ciebie kiedy wyłowiliśmy Cię z morza. +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 +NIE i *hep* NIE, ty i ty, i ta twoja... *bek* głup*hep* gildia! + +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 +NIE i *hep* NIE, ty... ty, i ta twoja... *bek* głup*hep* gildia! + No problem, do you have an other question for me? Nie ma sprawy, masz jeszcze jakieś pytania? @@ -463,6 +526,9 @@ Powiedziala, ze przyjmie moje podanie, jak tylko Piouskom wyrosną zęby. To tyl Silvio starts to speak with his bottle, you leave the conversation. Silvio wdał się w rozmowę ze swoją butelką, wyłaczasz się z dyskusji. +So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. +Tak więc szukamy towaru który moglibyśmy sprzedać w następnym porcie. + So what's up?? What are you doing?? Co jest?? Co robicie? @@ -529,6 +595,12 @@ Marynarz odwrócił się do Ciebie tyłem. The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you. Marynarze zabrali Cię na swój statek aby Ci pomóc. +There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Krążą pogłoski, że popełnili jakieś potworności i że wiele przed nami ukrywają. + +There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +Na stole leżą noże, czy chcesz zabrać jeden z nich? + There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Zostało jeszcze parę Szczurzydeł. Chcesz przerwać misję? @@ -577,6 +649,9 @@ Chcieliśmy je jakoś pozszywać, ale morska woda okropnie je przeżarła. Dlate We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1 Chcieliśmy je jakoś pozszywać, ale morska woda okropnie je przeżarła. Dlatego daliśmy ci te wdzianko, niezbyt gustowne, ale tylko to mamy. +We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +Zazwyczaj nie zatrzymujemy się w takich miejscach, ale kapitan zezwolił na postój do czasu zanotowania pozycji tej nowej wyspy na swojej mapie! + We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#0 Będziemy blablić jeszcze parę dni, a potem cię podrzucimy na ląd. Tamtejsi obywatele są bardzo mili i pomocni, w dodatku możesz liczyć na pomoc Gildii Wojowników. Na pewno znajdą dla ciebie jakieś zajęcie, no i pomogą wyjaśnić co wydarzyło się wtedy, na morzu! @@ -616,6 +691,9 @@ Czemu nie... ale kim ty jesteś? Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Blololo, wreszcie ktoś występuje w gorszym wdzianku od nas! +Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Ta, wy szyscy eseście *hep* w tej Esperii, ale mnie, MNIE NIE DORWIECIE! *bek* + Yes, it's a chest! Tak, to jest skrzynia! @@ -670,6 +748,9 @@ Na stole leżą noże, czy chcesz wziąć jeden? You should try to kill some Tortugas, or some Croc if you're strong enough. Powinieneś spróbowac zabic Tortugi, albo Kłapa, jeśli masz dość sił. +You still haven't completed your task. +Ciągle nie wykonałeś zadania. + You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form. Matołki, popatrzcie na jej buźkę, typowy Angielka... diff --git a/langs/lang_pl.txt b/langs/lang_pl.txt index 7633c71a..832bbffc 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pl.txt +++ b/langs/lang_pl.txt @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online -*hick* -*hep* +*hic* + - 2 @@ +. . - -...And 1 @@. +... Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need delicious ingredients to prepare a... a special recipe. -...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. +... and 1 @@. 1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still. - +1. Nie używaj botów. To oznacza zakaz używania jakichkolwiek programów automatyzujących grę. Każda aktywność podczas Twojej nieobecności przy komputerze, oprócz stania nieruchomo, będzie uznana za botting. 2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam. +2. Nie spamuj. To również dotyczy handlu. - -3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. +3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. -4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. +4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. - +5. Nie posługuj się w miejscach publicznych żadnym innym językiem niż angielski. Możesz posługiwać się dowolnym językiem w trakcie rozmów na prywatnych kanałach (szept) lub gdy jesteś sam na sam z przyjaciółmi. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. - +5. Nie posługuj się w miejscach publicznych żadnym innym językiem niż angielski. Możesz posługiwać się dowolnym językiem w trakcie rozmów na prywatnych kanałach (szept) lub gdy jesteś sam na sam z przyjaciółmi. 6. Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855 article. @@ -45,19 +45,16 @@ A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. Przed chwilą słyszałem twoją rozmowę z Darlinem. A great city, now the capital of these islands, called Esperia, rose on the single island, Aurora, where everyone lived. - +Wielkie miasto, obecnie stolica tych wysp, zwane Esperią, powstało na jednej z nich, wtedy jedynej zamieszkanej. A sunny and hot day, - +Słoneczny i ciepły dzień, ANYWAY, MAYBE WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FOOD WITH GUGLI YOU WILL HAVE THE TIME TO LOOK AT THIS! - +MOŻE, GDY BĘDZIESZ SZUKAŁ POŻYWIENIA Z GUGLIM ZNAJDZIESZ CZAS ABY SIĘ TEMU PRZYJRZEĆ! Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you. - - -About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Co do gildii z Esperii, szczerze mówiąc, nie jestem do nich przekonany. Chodzą pogłoski, że dopuszczają się haniebnych czynów, i ukrywają zbyt wiele przed naszymi oczami. +Na zewnątrz stoi żeglarz próbujący nawiązać z Tobą rozmowę. About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly. Jak chodzi o tą Gildię Esperii, to nie jestem pewien, co o nich sądzić, szczerze mówiąc. @@ -65,11 +62,11 @@ Jak chodzi o tą Gildię Esperii, to nie jestem pewien, co o nich sądzić, szcz Acorn Żołądź -Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. +Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life. Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all. - +Aemil jest cudownym nieznanym nam światem. Ah... Gugli Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation Ah... Gugli Gugli... On jest za mały żeby zrozumieć naszą rozmowę. @@ -83,20 +80,20 @@ AligeTrigger All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries... Wszystko, co miałem do jedzenia, to były te jagódki... Jagódki... Jagódki... -All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your... fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. -Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. +Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good. -Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy... - +W porząku, idę do jego pokoju, pilnuj go, ciągle nie wiemy, czy jest naszym sprzymierzeńcem, czy też wrogiem... Alright... Bye. - +W porządku... Bywaj. Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#0 @@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go c Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 -An unexpected help is always welcome. +An unexpected help is always welcome! And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! @@ -120,29 +117,23 @@ And you, how are you doing? A ty - jak się masz? And you? How's it going on your side? - +A Ty? Jak tam po Twojej stronie? And you? How's it yaying on your side? +A Ty? Co tam bubli po Twojej stronie? - -Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag. Aquada Akwada -Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Aquada Box Are you ok? Wszystko w porządku? -AreaBottom -AreaBottom - -AreaMiddle -AreaMiddle - AreaNPC AreaNPC @@ -156,31 +147,31 @@ Artis of course! Artis oczywiście! As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land. +Gdy płynęli przez Oceanię, wielkie wody Aemilu, jedna z grup znalazła ląd. - -As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. +As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be. As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you. +Otwierasz oczy i widzisz duży okręt. - -Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away. Astapolos. - +Astapolos. At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island. - +Tego czasu sprzedawaliśmy żarcie z krabów na naszej muchomorowej wyspie. Ayouyouch! My head... +Ajajauć! Moja głowa... - -BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPENS TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! Bag - +Torba. Bare Hands @@ -194,11 +185,14 @@ Przedtem... Bread Chleb +Break the door. + + But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. Ale nie mogę Ci nic o tym powiedzieć, przykro mi. But I need to go, see you! - +Ale muszę już iść, do zobaczenia! But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...maybe... @@ -206,20 +200,20 @@ But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...may But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. Ale teraz możesz odprężyć się na statku, lub zwiedzić wyspę, do której przybiliśmy! To mała wyspa, ale nadaje się aby poćwiczyć i rozprostować nogi. -But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. +But let's talk more about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality food. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 - +Ale co najważniejsze, to ona zajmowała się Tobą, kiedy byłaś nieprzytomna. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1 - +Ale co najważniejsze, to ona zajmowała się Tobą, kiedy byłeś nieprzytomny. But who am I? Ale kim ja jestem? -But you won't *hick* me this time... -Ale tym razem *hep* ci się nie uda... +But you won't *hic* me this time... + But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. Ale... Jeśli cierpi na amnezję, tak jak twierdzi Julia, nie musimy się nim martwić. @@ -230,7 +224,7 @@ Ale... Jeśli cierpi na amnezję, tak jak twierdzi Julia, nie musimy się nią m Bye! Do widzenia! -CAN YOU HEAR ME? +CAN YOU HEAR ME?! Can I read these rules again? @@ -245,9 +239,6 @@ Kapitan Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Kapitan Nard jest w pokoju po twojej prawej. -Captain wants: ??? - - Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 Użycie przedmiotu może wywołać różne efekty. Niektore wyleczą Cię, inne moga być użyte jako broń lub zbroja, a niektore mogą być sprzedane. @@ -285,13 +276,13 @@ Could you tell me where I am?#1 Mógłbyś mi powiedzieć, gdzie ja właściwie jestem? Couwan gave me this box, it is for you. - +Couwan dał mi to pudełko, to dla Ciebie. Couwan hands you a box full of fish.#0 - +Couwan wręcza Ci skrzynkę pełną ryb. Couwan hands you a box full of fish.#1 - +Couwan wręcza Ci skrzynkę pełną ryb. Croc Claw Pazur Kłapa @@ -299,15 +290,18 @@ Pazur Kłapa Croconut Krokos -DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? +Croconut Box -DO YOU FEEL BETTER? +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS?! -Damn @@. +DO YOU FEEL BETTER?! +Damn @@. +Cholerny @@. + Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#0 A niech cię! Lepiej ani słówka o mnie, bo jak...! @@ -315,19 +309,16 @@ Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#1 A niech cię! Lepiej ani słówka o mnie, bo jak...! Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter. - +Dan konczy rozmowę i wraca do pisania listu. Dan keeps silent since your last question. Dan pozostaje cichy od czasu twego ostatniego pytania. -DarlinBarrierCheck - - Did you say reward? I want it! Powiedziałeś \"nagroda\"? Wchodzę w to! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in the future. - Julia - +Nie dawaj nikomu hasła do Twojego pokoju! Zachowaj je w sekrecie i nie używaj go nigdzie indziej. - Julia Do you have any other questions for me? Masz jakieś inne pytania? @@ -339,48 +330,51 @@ Do you want me to go see her instead of you? Chcesz, abym poszedł ją zobaczyć? Do you want to cut this @@? - +Chcesz ściąć ten @@? Do you want to try? - +Chcesz spróbować? Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan +Czy ktoś zna przyjemne, zabawowe miejsce w Esperii? - M. Arpan +Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! -Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! -Nawet nie próbuj *hep* ze mną! Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! Nawet nie próbuj mnie otruć! Dobrze wiem, jak to działa! -Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! +Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance! DoorUpwards Piotr Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later dude. - +Służba wzywa, *hep*, do zobaczenia później kolego. Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey. - +Służba wzywa, *hep*, do zobaczenia kochanie. Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live. +Każda z grup otrzymała rozkaz płynięcia w innym kierunku celem znalezienia nowego terytorium do życia. - -Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm... He was really upset for some past stories. Elmo Elmo -Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats! + +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef. -Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats! -Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. + +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there. Elven Voice @@ -390,7 +384,7 @@ Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I don't have the money to pay Eee, tak naprawdę, to tylko chciałem popłynąć do Artis, ale nie miałem pieniędzy na opłatę za prom! Even though they did not hear anything about the other groups, they decided to start a new life on this land, full of harmful animals. - +Ponieważ nie było wieści o innych grupach, postanowili zacząć nowe życie na tej wyspie, pełnej groźnych zwierząt. Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0 Co proszę? To ty wiesz, kim jestem? @@ -399,12 +393,12 @@ Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Co proszę? To ty wiesz, kim jestem? FINE, BYE! - +W PORZĄDKU, CZEŚĆ! Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. -Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little... secret mission. From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. @@ -414,22 +408,19 @@ Fungus Grzyb GOOD! +DOBRZE! - -Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! +Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Ggrmm grmmm... Ggrmm grmmm... -Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. -Wyjdź na zewnątrz i porozmawiaj z Gugli, on Ci powie, czego potrzebujemy. +Go away. -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. -Wyjdź na zewnątrz i porozmawiaj z Guglim, on Ci powie, czego potrzebujemy. Good job! Udało się! @@ -441,7 +432,7 @@ Good, good! Dobrze, dobrze. Great to see you! What can I do for you today? - +Cieszę się, że Cię widzę! Co mogę dla Ciebie zrobić? Great! Wspaniale! @@ -453,10 +444,10 @@ Great, what food do you have for me today?#1 Wspaniale, jakie pożywienie masz dla mnie dzisiaj? Greetings traveler.#0 - +Witaj wędrowniczko. Greetings traveler.#1 - +Witaj wędrowcze. Gugli Gugli @@ -465,31 +456,31 @@ GugliBarrierCheck Gulukan. - +Gulukan. HE IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SHIP, DOWN THE STAIRS. YOU CAN'T MISS HIM! - +JEST W ŁADOWNI, SCHODAMI W DÓŁ. NIE PRZEGAPISZ GO! HEY - +HEJ HEY @@! HEY! HEY YOU! - +HEJ! HEJ TY! Harpy-lady? -Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too? Have you seen anything dangerous? Widziałeś cokolwiek niebezpiecznego? He needs more food. - +On potrzebuje więcej pożywienia. He told me nothing about that. O tym nic mi nie powiedział. @@ -497,32 +488,32 @@ O tym nic mi nie powiedział. He's funny, it's not a problem. On jest zabawny, to żaden problem. -Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. Hehe! - +Hehe! Hehe, no. But I'm sure a boy like you would like to meet a gentleman like me. - +Hehe, nie. Ale jestem pewien, że chłopiec taki jak Ty chciałby spotkać dżentelmena takiego jak ja. Hehe, no. But I'm sure a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me! - +Hehe, nie. Ale jestem pewien, że dama taka jak Pani uwielbiałaby spotkanie z uwodzicielem takim jak ja! Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that. Hehe, czasami buja głową w chmurach... Lepiej idź się spytać o te pieniądze. Hehe... Ok, I'm going to inform the captain up there. - +Hehe... W porządku, powiadomię kapitana. Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please forgive him, it is not everyday we have a new member in the crew! - +Hehehe, on się troszkę denerwuje, wybacz mu, nie co dzień mamy nowego członka załogi! Hello dear!#0 - +Witaj kochana! Hello dear!#1 - +Witaj kochany! Hello yeye.#0 @@ -534,7 +525,7 @@ Hello. Witam. Hello... Do I know you? - +Witam... Znamy się? Here they are. Oto one. @@ -555,7 +546,7 @@ Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go! Hej Silvio, teraz twoja kolej nieść paczkę, leć! Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay? - +Hej ty! Słyszysz nas? Nic Ci nie jest? Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the captain about... The reserve. You know, now that we got a new mouth to feed, we need to check what we have. Hej, przepraszam, że tak szybko wyszedłem z pokoju, ale musiałem... porozmawiać z kapitanem o... zapasach. Wiesz, teraz, kiedy mamy nową gębę do wyżywienia, musimy sprawdzić, co mamy. @@ -564,45 +555,48 @@ Hey you. Hey! - +Hej! Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. Hej! Bądź ostrożny, nie możesz pozostawać tak długo pod pokładem, rozchorujesz się. Wyjdź na zewnątrz i zrób sobie przerwę, możesz kontynuować poźniej. +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 + + +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 + + Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hej, nie martw się o niego, to jeden z pierwszych dni od dawna kiedy możemy po prostu się odprężyć. Hey, girl! Hej, panienko! +Hey, how do you know my name? + + Hey, man! Hej, chłopaczku! Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? Ej, ciiii! Nie jesteś chyba z załogi, nie? -Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. -Hej, lepiej zobacz się z Julią w sprawie zameldowania się na pokładzie! - -Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. - - Hey. +Hej. - -Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh? Hi @@. Hi, nice to see you! - +Miło Cię widzieć. Hidden Person Ukryta Osoba -Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough +Hmmm, hm... Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?... Cough, burp... Damn Gado... Cough... How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. @@ -612,43 +606,40 @@ How are things going? Jak sie maja sprawy? How are you doing, cutie? - +Jak leci ślicznotko? How are you doing, dude? +Jak leci kolego? - -How do you know my name? -Skąd wiesz, jak się nazywam? - -How is *hick* it possible? +How is *hichic* it possible? However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever. However... - +Jednakże... Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth! +Szybko, szybko! Musimy sprawdzić jego ząb! - -I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... +I ALSO AVOID THE DANGEROUS ANIMALS! I AM DOING FINE! - +U MNIE WSZYSTKO W PORZĄDKU! I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! - +NIE ROZUMIEM! I SAID, SEE YOU LATER! - +POWIEDZIAŁEM DO ZOBACZENIA PÓŹNIEJ! I WAS HERE WHEN THEY RESCUED YOU! - +BYŁEM TU, GDY CIĘ URATOWANO! I WOULD LOVE TO! - +Z PRZYJEMNOŚCIĄ! I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help. Nie obchodzą mnie nagrody. Chcę po porstu pomóc. @@ -665,7 +656,7 @@ Owszem, a kim ty jesteś? I beg you, please, pleeeease... Błagam... Błagam... Błaaagam... -I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... +I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the morning... I can't remember anything.#0 @@ -675,7 +666,7 @@ I can't remember anything.#1 Niczego nie pamiętam. I do feel better! - +Czuję się lepiej! I do not want to point my finger on someone. I just put my trust in you. I am sure you will be able to judge and solve this annoying problem. @@ -690,7 +681,7 @@ I don't need your help right now, come back later. W tej chili nie potrzebuję pomocy, ale możesz pytać się później. I don't see anything else than... water? - +Nie widzę nic poza... wodą? I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this... Nie sądzę aby to miejsce nadawalo sie do rozmowy na ten temat... @@ -708,6 +699,9 @@ I feel ok.#1 Czuję się dobrze. I forgot where it was... +Zapomniałem, gdzie to było... + +I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship. I guess so... I will leave you alone. @@ -720,16 +714,16 @@ I have collected all the boxes you needed. I have some clothes and other things for you at a fine price! - +Mam dla Ciebie ubrania i inne rzeczy za atrakcyjną cenę! I hope that answers your question. - +Mam nadzieję, że to wystarczy za odpowiedź na Twoje pytanie. I hope you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp. - +Mam nadzieję, że się nie gniewasz iż użyliśmy tratwy do budowy rampy. I know that you are just starting to feel better, but I'd like to give you a special task. - +Wiem, że dopiero zaczynasz czuć się lepiej, ale chciałbym Ci powierzyć zadanie specjalne. I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0 I made a mistake, I would like to change my language. @@ -747,9 +741,9 @@ I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you hel Potrzebuję kogoś, kto by się odważył oczyścić dolny pokład od tych Szczurzydeł, pomożesz mi? I need to go, sorry. +Muszę już iść, przykro mi. - -I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and... I only remember I was rescued by you.#0 @@ -759,10 +753,10 @@ I only remember I was rescued by you.#1 Pamiętam tylko, że mnie uratowaliście. I said... WHY DON'T YOU COME DOWN TO TALK? - +Powiedziałem... CZEMU NIE ZEJDZIESZ NA DÓŁ ŻEBY POROZMAWIAĆ? I see it's not easy to get rid of those Rattos. Do you want to try again? - +Widzę, że niełatwo pozbyć się tych Szczurzydeł. Chcesz spróbować ponownie? I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Guild, then he is also our ally. Rozumiem, lepiej ostrzeż resztę załogi. Ale jeśli on jest członkiem Gildii Wojowników, jest także naszym sojusznikiem. @@ -770,32 +764,35 @@ Rozumiem, lepiej ostrzeż resztę załogi. Ale jeśli on jest członkiem Gildii I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally. Rozumiem, lepiej ostrzeż resztę załogi. Ale jeśli ona jest członkiem Gildii Wojowników, jest także naszą sojuszniczką. -I speak Dutch +I speak Dutch. + + +I speak English. + + +I speak Flemish. -I speak English -I speak English +I speak French. -I speak Flemish -'k klappe Vloams -I speak French -Je parle Français +I speak German. -I speak German -Ich spreche Deutsch -I speak Polish -Mówię po polsku +I speak Italian. -I speak Portuguese -Eu falo Português -I speak Russian -Я говорю по-русски +I speak Polish. + + +I speak Portuguese. + + +I speak Russian. + + +I speak Spanish. -I speak Spanish -Yo hablo Español I swear, I do not eat so much. @@ -806,7 +803,7 @@ Chyba lepiej by cię było zgłosić załodze... I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions? -I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s! I think that I'm still a bit sick. @@ -815,7 +812,7 @@ Myślę, że ciągle jestem nieco chory. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? Moje wino jest doskonałej jakości! Własnie piję drugą butelke i już...\nO czym to my rozmawialiśmy? -I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s! I will give you @@gp. @@ -834,7 +831,7 @@ I wonder too... Też się zastanawiam... I'M CALLED, @@! - +WZYWAJĄ MNIE, @@! I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try. Złapałbym sobie jednego, ale odlatują, gdy tylko się zbliżę... @@ -852,10 +849,10 @@ I'll share my berries with you if you help me. Podzielę się moimi jagódkami z Tobą, jeśli mi pomożesz. I'm a bit sick...#0 - +Jestem nieco chora... I'm a bit sick...#1 - +Jestem nieco chory... I'm glad to see you're okay.#0 @@ -869,14 +866,14 @@ Szukam Gugli, gdzie go mogę znaleźć? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! Zaczynam wariować, muszę zjeść coś innego! -I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! I'm sorry, I don't have time right now. - +Przykro mi, ale nie mam teraz czasu. I'm still busy, I need to find the other sailors. - +Ciągle jestem zajęty, muszę znaleźć innych żeglarzy. I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! Ciągle jestem w śpiącze, ale mój duch cię będzie nawiedzać! @@ -885,34 +882,31 @@ I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first Jestem pewien, że chciałbyś mi zadać jakieś pytania i chętnie na nie odpowiem, ale najpierw muszę Cię zapoznać z regułami zachowania na pokładzie. I've seen him at the bottom of the island, check around. - +Widziałem go w głębi wyspy, rozejrzyj się. I've seen him at the bottom of the island, have a look around. - +Widziałem go w głębi wyspy, rozejrzyj się. I've seen him at the top of the island. I've seen him on the bottom of the island, ask Jalad for more info. - +Widziałem go w głębi wyspy, spytaj Jalada jeśli chcesz się dowiedzieć czegoś więcej. IF YOU FIND SOMETHING, THEN IT'S GREAT! - +JEŚLI COŚ ZNALAZŁEŚ, TO WSPANIALE! IT'S OK, CREW TASKS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CURIOSITY! +W PORZĄDKU, ZADANIA ZAŁOGI SĄ WAŻNIEJSZE OD CIEKAWOŚCI! - -If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! - - -If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If I saw *hic* who you were... *hips* Would not have helped you! If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. Jeśli czujesz się znudzony, lub masz uczucie, że kręcisz się w kółko, możesz porozmawiać z innymi żeglarzami, aby znaleźć sobie jakieś zajęcie. If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall. - +Gdybyś chciał ponownie przeczytać tą stronę, znajdziesz kopię w gornej części lewej ściany. If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#0 W celu otwarcia inwentarza wciśnij F3 lub użyj myszki - kliknij w przycisk inwentarz w górnym menu. @@ -920,6 +914,9 @@ W celu otwarcia inwentarza wciśnij F3 lub użyj myszki - kliknij w przycisk inw If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 W celu otwarcia inwentarza wciśnij F3 lub użyj myszki - kliknij w przycisk inwentarz w górnym menu. +If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... + + In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun. Bo widzisz, w tej piwnicy doskonale się bawię. @@ -930,7 +927,7 @@ Indeed, I am not.#1 W rzeczy samej, nie jestem. Interested? - +Zainteresowany? Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then! Ciekawe... Pozostawię Cię zatem z twoim zadaniem! @@ -947,6 +944,9 @@ It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. Zdaje się, że jesteśmy blisko wyspy, powinniśmy przyjrzeć się jej z pokładu. +It seems that you need a key to open this door. + + It seems you still have some work to do. @@ -954,22 +954,25 @@ It was something like a long nap. To przypominało długą drzemkę. It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that. - +Dobrze Ci zrobi, jak poćwiczysz, statek jest na to zbyt mały. It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry! To jest handlowy port Andorry, dziwne, że o tym nie wiesz, biorąc pod uwagę, że jest to jedno z najsławniejszych miast świata. Ale, wracając do tematu, jestem głodny! +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!. + + It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. It's alright! Just one more box and it'll be ok. - +W porządku! Jeszcze ostatnia skrzynia. It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with her without working... To dobrze, dobrze... Mam przyjaciółkę, ciągle jest w stanie śpiączki, ale nie mogę czuwać przy niej i zapominać o pracy... It's ok. - +W porządku. It's so hard to find the motivation... Tak ciężko znaleźć motywację... @@ -978,19 +981,25 @@ It's true! To prawda! It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception. +To tam, gdzie każdy statek handlowy kończy swój rejs i my nie będziemy wyjątkiem. +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 -Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0 +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 -Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#1 +Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0 +Przedmioty posiadają różnorakie właściwości. Niektóre Cię wyleczą, inne mogą być użyte jako zbroja lub broń, lub sprzedane. + +Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#1 +Przedmioty posiadają różnorakie właściwości. Niektóre Cię wyleczą, inne mogą być użyte jako zbroja lub broń, lub sprzedane. Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the earth gave them everything they needed to live. Jalad. - +Jalad. Julia Julia @@ -998,9 +1007,6 @@ Julia Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. Julia przebywa na wyższym poziomie statku, uzyj strzalek, żeby wejść na schody lub kliknij na schody w prawej górnej części ekranu. -Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. - - Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. @@ -1017,27 +1023,27 @@ LeftDoorCheck LeftDoorCheck Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. +Pozwól, że się przedstawię - jestem Nard, kapitan tego okrętu. - -Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. +Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start! Lettuce Sałata -Look how splendid this landscape is. +Look how splendid this landscape is! Look, he's there! - +Patrz, on jest tutaj! Look, there he is! +Patrz, on jest tam! +M... Maybe? -M...Maybe? - -MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS!? Magic Arpan @@ -1047,7 +1053,7 @@ Max and Sapartan for example? May this be a lesson for you. - +Niech to będzie lekcją dla Ciebie. Maybe he abused too much his bottle today to celebrate that! Może nadużył dziś swojej butelki oblewając czapkę! @@ -1070,19 +1076,13 @@ Przyjacielu, nie zawsze bylem marynarzem, wiesz, byłem raz ważną osobistości My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. Nazywam się Alige, ukrywałem się tu od tygodni. -My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -Nazywam się Astapolos, Q'Muller i ja przyłączyliśmy się do załogi Narda kilka lat temu, kiedy to jeszcze był po prostu mały handlowy statek. - -My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. - +My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 -NIE i *hep* NIE, ty i ty, i ta twoja... *bek* głup*hep* gildia! -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 -NIE i *hep* NIE, ty... ty, i ta twoja... *bek* głup*hep* gildia! +My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. +Nazywam się Julia, to ja zajęłam się Tobą po wylowieniu Cię z morza. -NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT! Nard @@ -1095,6 +1095,12 @@ Narrator Narrator New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed. +Nowe technologie dopomogły rzezi zamiast ustanowić pokój. Konflikt wyłonił dwa stronnictwa - dwóch wrogów. + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0 + + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1 No problem, I can help you anyway. @@ -1110,10 +1116,10 @@ No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun. No bo wiesz, ja tu sobie siedzę i przemierzam morza dla zabawy. No, none. - +Nie, żaden. No, sorry. - +Nie, przykro mi. No, they are way too dangerous for me! Nie, to chyba zbyt niebezpieczne... @@ -1122,7 +1128,7 @@ No. Nie. Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians. - +Nikt się nigdy nie dowie o istnieniu Merkurian. Nobody! *burp* Nikt! *bek* @@ -1143,7 +1149,7 @@ Not yet. I will be back soon. Nothing, just hanging around. - +Nic, pętam się. Nothing, sorry. Dziękuję, wiem już wszystko. @@ -1151,14 +1157,17 @@ Dziękuję, wiem już wszystko. Nothing. Nic. -OH, LOOK THERE! +Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. -OH, OK! +OH, LOOK THERE! +OH, PATRZ TAM! +OH, OK! +OCH, W PORZĄDKU! ON THE TOP OF THE CLIFF! - +NA SZCZYCIE URWISKA! Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list. Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list. @@ -1169,11 +1178,8 @@ Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? Och, wspaniale! A oddał też twoje pieniądze? -Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. - - Oh look, there's a piou behind you! - +Spójrz, piusek, tuż za Tobą! Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be... O nie, zauważyłem dziwne światło na drugim brzegu wyspy, zastanawiam się co to może być... @@ -1185,7 +1191,7 @@ Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that? Doprawdy? Jak mógłbym zapomnieć o tak ważnym temacie? Oh really? I'll put some more foods on the next box then. - +Doprawdy? Zatem załaduję więcej jedzenia do następnego pudła. Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0 No cóż, uratowaliśmy cię, gdy bliblęłaś sobie po morzu. @@ -1194,7 +1200,7 @@ Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1 No cóż, uratowaliśmy cię, gdy bliblęłeś sobie po morzu. Oh well. I'll also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! - +No cóż. Dam Ci również jedną z czapek z tych skrzynek wokół Ciebie, ale dopiero po wykonaniu zadania! Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#0 @@ -1203,10 +1209,10 @@ Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#1 Oh! I like that sort of answer! - +Och! Podoba mi się ten rodzaj odpowiedzi! Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there. - +Coż, miałem zamiar zapytać, czy pomożesz załodze w poszukiwaniu żywności i eksploracji wyspy. Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not give the password of your room to anybody! I am the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours so keep it secret and try not to use the same password for any other room in the future. @@ -1229,11 +1235,14 @@ O, on jeszcze żyje! Oh, it's you. Och, to ty. -Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. +Oh, it's you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. -Oh, nothing important. +Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. +Oh, nie wszystko, nie martw się, ale Twoje imię wypłynęło conajmniej dwukrotnie w rozmowie. +Oh, nothing important. +Oh, nic ważnego. Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0 Ach, przypominam sobie, że znaleźliśmy pieniądze w twoich kieszeniach - oto one!#0 @@ -1248,13 +1257,13 @@ Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you! Och... Eee.. tak, właściwie to tak, a tak w ogóle dzień dobry zapomniałem powiedzieć! Oh... Well, I just started to trade... Thus my technique may not be the best. - +Cóż... No, właśnie zacząłem handlować... Obawiam się, że moja technika nie należy do najlepszych. Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him. - +W porządku, myślę, że on się budzi, pójdź go zobaczyć. Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her. - +Odnoszę wrażenie, że ona się budzi, pójdź ją zobaczyć. Ok, I will leave him alone. Dobrze, zostawię go samego. @@ -1263,13 +1272,13 @@ Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the Dobrze, teraz trzeba być cierpliwym, za parę dni będziemy w Artis. Ok, done. - +W porządku, zrobione. Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind. Dobra dobra. Jak zmienisz zdanie, będę tutaj. Ok, see you then! - +Ok, do zobaczenia! Okay, I'm ready to work!#0 Dobrze, jestem gotowa do roboty! @@ -1281,15 +1290,15 @@ Okay, you can start! Dobrze, możesz zaczynać! OldBook - +StaraKsięga Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. Jak tylko potwór umrze, kliknij na upuszczony przez niego przedmiot lub naciśnij Z aby dodać go do inwentarza. -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#0 -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#1 Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. @@ -1310,9 +1319,6 @@ Nasza załoga jest jak rodzina i jeśli zgadzasz się pomóc nam, chciałbym zap People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose. -PeterBarrierCheck - - Piberries Jagódełki @@ -1331,8 +1337,14 @@ Proszę nie dotykaj tych czapek, są przeznaczone dla członków załogi. Plushroom -QMuller. +Plushroom Box + +Purple Blobime + + +QMuller. +QMuller. Raijin Voice Głos Radzina @@ -1350,30 +1362,30 @@ RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck Rrrr... Pchhhh... - +Rrrr... Pchhhh... Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. +Reguły powstały w celu zapewnienia pokoju, ale niezbyt się to udało i nie trwało długo. - -SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? +SO WHAT'S UP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! -SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? +SO, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! - +PRZEPRASZAM, ALE CO POWIEDZIAŁEŚ? MÓW GŁOŚNIEJ! Sailors Marynarze -Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. +Sea Drops -Sea Drops +Sea Drops!? I will not help you with your evil plan! -See you. +See you! Seems yummy! Let me taste it! @@ -1385,26 +1397,26 @@ Poważnie?! She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... Jest moją dobrą przyjaciółką... Chcieliśmy się pobrać na kilka tygodni przed wypadkiem, ale... -She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? - +Powiedziała, że zaakceptuje mnie, jak Piuski będą miały zęby. To tylko kwestia czasu - widzisz? She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye! - +Ona jest na pokładzie wyżej, nie możesz jej przegapić. Jest jedyną dziewczyną w załodze, no może poza Tobą blub! She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. Znajdziesz ją wyżej, bulbl nie przegapisz jej. Jest jedyną dziewczyną w tej załodze. -Silvio for example? +Shhht, don't say it that loud... -Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. - +Silvio for example? -So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. +Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. +Silvio zaczyna rozmowę z butelką, wyłączasz się z rozmowy. So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day! @@ -1418,12 +1430,12 @@ To dlatego chcieliśmy cię ostrzec, podejrzewamy że on pochodzi z tamtej gildi So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft. To dlatego chcieliśmy cię ostrzec, podejrzewamy że ona pochodzi z tamtej gildii, na jej tratwie był ich znak. -So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. -Tak więc szukamy towaru który moglibyśmy sprzedać w następnym porcie. - So what can I do for you? +So, at the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s. + + So, do you have anything for me today? A więc, masz coś dzisiaj dla mnie? @@ -1440,16 +1452,16 @@ So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or is it So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or is it because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis? - +Tak więc, jaki dobry wiatr Cię tu przywiał? Byłeś na tratwie by spotkać mą Julię? A może chciałeś zobaczyć piękne kelnerki w Artis? So, you finally woke up? We all thought you were in something like... You know, one of these long comas. - +A więc w końcu się obudziłeś? Wszyscy myśleliśmy, że jesteś w... Wiesz, jednej z tych długich śpiączek. Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box. W pudełku jest parę Bandan i Czapek Marynarza. Some food. - +Żywność. Some more things are written down but it's not legible. Coś jeszcze jest napisane, ale nieczytelnie. @@ -1461,45 +1473,48 @@ Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Och, przepraszam! Zapomniałem się przedstawić. Nazywam się Arpan, ale ludzie z załogi nazywają mnie Magiczny Arpan, bo znam parę wybublastych zaklęć. Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with those Rattos. - +Przykro mi, ale nie jestem w nastroju do kolejnej walki ze Szczurzydłami. Sorry, I don't need any help right now. Come back later. Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that. - +Przykro mi, ale nie mogę Ci nic powiedzieć na ten temat. Stupid yeye... - +Głupi blub blub... Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Nagle słyszysz głos rozlegający się z nieba. -Sure why not? - - Sure, Cap'tain. Jasne, Kapitanie. Sure, but Gugli needs my help first. - +Pewnie, ale najpierw muszę pomóc Gugli. Sure, but what can you give me in exchange? Pewnie, ale co możesz dać mi w zamian? Sure, there is a reward for your task. +Oczywiście wykonanie zadania będzie nagrodzone. +Sure, why not? -THAT'S A NICE NAME! +THAT'S A NICE NAME! +TO ŁADNE IMIĘ! Take a Bandana. Weź Bandanę. Take these coins in exchange and be careful. +Weź te monety w zamian i uważaj na siebie. + +Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more! -Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! +Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. @@ -1508,7 +1523,7 @@ Bardzo dziękuję! Weź część moich jagódełek. Thank you, I'll take them. Dziękuję za pomoc, skorzystam. -Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Thanks again for helping me. But these Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. Thanks for helping me! @@ -1523,29 +1538,38 @@ Slusznie. That's where you go as well, right? Ty rownież tam się udajesz, prawda? +The adventure begins!#0 + + +The adventure begins!#1 + + The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. +Kapitan na Ciebie czeka! Pospiesz się. +The captain wants: -The door is locked. +The door is locked. +Drzwi są zamknięte. The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the warrior guild. Elf z biblioteki zerkał na mnie chwilę temu, jak rownież na Enorę z gildii wojowników. The end of the story got erased, probably because of the sea water. Some pages are still missing thus you don't know the author's name. - +Zakończenie historii jest zamazane, prawdopodobnie z powodu morskiej wody. Niektórych stron brakuje więc nie poznasz imienia autora. The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time... Strach ujrzenia jej śpiącej na tym cichym i samotnym łóżku staje się coraz trudniejszy do zniesienia. Sądzę, że zabraknie mi odwagi, aby spojrzeć na nią tym razem... The giant boogeyman! - +Wielki potwór ! The great people of Aemil split up into three groups when they reached the coast. - +Wielki lud Aemilu podzielił się na trzy grupy po osiągnięciu wybrzeża. The hidden person doesn't answer. Ukryta osoba nie odpowiada. @@ -1557,36 +1581,39 @@ The sailor chugs his beer. Żeglarz żłopie swoje piwo. The sailor turns his back to you. - +Żeglarz odwraca się od Ciebie. The sailors take you aboard their ship. - +Żeglarz zabiera Cię poza statek. The usurper has been punished! This is a great day, take this reward as a prize for your loyalty to the old commander!. Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive. +Ich dowódcy wreszcie doszli do wniosku, że alians jest jedyną opcją zapewniającą przetrwanie. + +There are few groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + +There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us. -There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Krążą pogłoski, że popełnili jakieś potworności i że wiele przed nami ukrywają. There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. Wokół Ciebie latają żółte ptaszki. Nazywają się Piuski. Gdyby tak jednego pozbawić udka i usmażyć je, byloby wspaniale. -There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? -Na stole leżą noże, czy chcesz zabrać jeden z nich? +There are some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. -There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? +There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one? -There is a paper with some rules written on it. -Tam jest kartka z regulaminem. -There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. +There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? +Nie zabiłeś wszystkich Szczurzydeł! Chcesz przerwać zadanie? +There is a paper with some rules written on it. +Tam jest kartka z regulaminem. -There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island. There's nothing to say, don't worry miss. @@ -1598,36 +1625,42 @@ Cóż można powiedzieć, niech się Pan nie martwi. Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. -These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... -These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +These yeye box are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. +They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... sort out this situation. This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? - +Dziewczyna ma szczęście, że znaleźliśmy ją, zanim zrobiły to rekiny. Nie mam pojęcia skąd ona jest. Przy okazji - widzieliście herb na jej tratwie? This girl needs help, we need to rescue her! Ta dziewczyna potrzebuje pomocy, powinniśmy ją uratować! This guy is lucky we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where he comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft? - +Ten koleś ma szczęście, że znaleźliśmy go zanim zrobił to rekin. Nie mam pojęcia, skąd on może być. Przy okazji - widziałeś herb na jego tratwie? This guy needs help, we need to rescue him! Ten facet potrzebuje pomocy, musimy go uratować! This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks... - +To miłe miejsce... Fajne laski... This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago. +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#0 + + +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#1 + + This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. Wypowiedzi tego typu powinny spotkać się z karą ale... właściwie też nie pałam do nich sympatią, lepiej miejmy na nią oko. @@ -1635,19 +1668,19 @@ This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like th Wypowiedzi tego typu powinny spotkać się z karą ale... właściwie też nie pałam do nich sympatią, lepiej miejmy na niego oko. This makes sense. Do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? - +To ma sens. Myślisz, że powinniśmy poinformować o tym kapitana? This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra. - +Nowy kontynent, a raczej archipelag, zwał się Andorra. Tibbo. To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse in the above menu of your client.#0 - +Inwentarz otwiera się klawiszem F3 lub myszką w menu klienta. To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse in the above menu of your client.#1 - +Inwentarz otwiera się klawiszem F3 lub myszką w menu klienta. Tritan Voice Głos Trytana @@ -1661,17 +1694,20 @@ Uhm, bye. Understood, I will help you. Zrozumiano, pomogę Ci. -Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. + + +Use the key. -WHAT DID YOU SAY? +WHAT DID YOU SAY?! Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side! Poczekaj, wygląda na to, że ktoś blokuje te drzwi z drugiej strony! Wait... Where are we going? - +Poczekaj... Dokąd idziemy? Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please. Przejdź się odrobinę, łatwo złapiesz jednego. Proszę, złap też jednego dla mnie. @@ -1679,6 +1715,15 @@ Przejdź się odrobinę, łatwo złapiesz jednego. Proszę, złap też jednego d Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise! +We are looking for some merchandise we could trade in our next destination. + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#0 + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#1 + + We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. Przed przybiciem do portu Artis zatrzymaliśmy się przy małej wyspie. @@ -1686,10 +1731,10 @@ We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get so Potrzebujemy jak najwiecej ludzi aby zbadać wyspę i zdobyć nową żywność. We need manpower on the island. - +Potrzebujemy ludzi na wyspie. We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course. - +Potrzebujemy mężczyzn na wyspie... Oh wybacz, kobiety też się przydadzą, oczywiście. We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the warrior guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help. Powinniśmy tam być za kilka dni, jak tylko przybijemy, poinformuję gildię wojowników o tym, co się wydażyło - jestem pewien, że mogą pomóc. @@ -1703,35 +1748,35 @@ We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1 -We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago. + +We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map! -We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! -Zazwyczaj nie zatrzymujemy się w takich miejscach, ale kapitan zezwolił na postój do czasu zanotowania pozycji tej nowej wyspy na swojej mapie! We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. Dobublamy się tam za parę dni i tam Cię wysadzimy. -Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship! -Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! +Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again! -Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you! +Dziękuję za skrzynkę. Ale... on miał przynieść ją osobiście. Nigdy nie prosiłem go aby dał ją tobie! - -Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. +Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen. What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago. - +To co sprzedaję pochodzi z każdego zakątka tego archipelagu. What am I supposed to say? - +Co powinienem powiedzieć? What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0 @@ -1740,15 +1785,21 @@ What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1 What are you looking at? - +Na co się patrzysz? What are you looking for? - +Czego szukasz? What are you talking about? What guild? +O czym Ty mówisz? Jaka gildia? +What are your needs? -What do I get in exchange? + +What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? + + +What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? What do you need? @@ -1757,18 +1808,15 @@ Czego potrzebujesz? What do you think? Jak myślisz? +What do you want to do? + + What do you want today? Czego chcesz? What do you wish to do? Co zamierzasz zrobić? -What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? - - -What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? - - What happened to me? Co się ze mną stało? @@ -1781,11 +1829,14 @@ A jak wezmę już te ubrania, to co mam zrobić? What should I do after taking these clothes?#1 A jak wezmę już te ubrania, to co mam zrobić? +What will I get in exchange? + + What yeye could I do for you today? W czym mogę blublać? What's this fruit? - +Co to za owoc? What? It's not a good reward? Co? To nie jest dobra nagroda? @@ -1794,7 +1845,7 @@ What? This reward is too small! Coo!? Ta nagroda to jakiś żart! What? This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met. - +Co? Ten trytan to najgorszy nierób, jakiego znam. When your inventory will be opened, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'Unequip' to remove it.#0 @@ -1821,13 +1872,16 @@ Where is the damn salt!? Give me the salt. I know you have it! Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@? +Której z broni chcesz użyć do rozcięcia @@a? + +Who are yeye searching? Who are you searching for? Who are you searching? - +Kogo szukasz? Who are you? Kim jesteś? @@ -1835,10 +1889,7 @@ Kim jesteś? Who is she? Kim ona jest? -Who of the two has the right on his side? - - -Who yeye is searching? +Who of them two has the 'good' on his side? Who's this Julia? @@ -1875,7 +1926,7 @@ Why? And who should you bring it back to? YOU NEED TO WALK NORTH! - +MUSISZ IŚĆ NA PÓŁNOC! Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#0 Blubla, powinnaś pójść do niej! Ucieszy się, gdy Cię zobaczy. @@ -1884,10 +1935,10 @@ Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1 Blubla, powinieneś pójść do niej! Ucieszy się, gdy Cię zobaczy. Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us! +Blub blub blub, po raz pierwszy ktoś jest ubrany gorzej od nas! +Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* -Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* -Ta, wy szyscy eseście *hep* w tej Esperii, ale mnie, MNIE NIE DORWIECIE! *bek* Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. Taa, ale wolę się upewnić że nie będę harować za darmo. @@ -1896,7 +1947,7 @@ Yeah, but what reward will I get? Ta... ale co będę z tego mieć? Yeah, nice indeed! - +Tak, w rzeczy samej ładnie! Yes he did. Tak. @@ -1911,10 +1962,10 @@ Yes, I do. Yes, it's a chest. - +Tak, to jest skrzynia. Yes, why not. - +Tak, czemu nie. Yes. Tak. @@ -1925,29 +1976,29 @@ Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#0 Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#1 -Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. +Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye! +Blubl dałeś moją skrzynkę gugliemu? Ładnie, ładnie blub! - -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#0 -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#1 -Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then. Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. Yeye seen this yoiis at the top of the island. - +Bulb widziałem tego blubisa na szczycie wyspy. Yeye still have my box? Stare less and work more. Go give it to Gugli! - +Blubl ciągle masz moją skrzynkę? Mniej się gap, a więcej pracuj. Idź daj to Gugliemu. Yeye's brain is probably still full of sea water if yeye can't see the beauty of this place. @@ -1985,7 +2036,7 @@ You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help. Jesteś teraz członkiem załogi. Jeszcze raz dziękuję za pomoc. -You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here! You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. @@ -1998,9 +2049,9 @@ You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there. +Możesz je znaleźć w oceanie, w pobliżu korali i innych morskich stworzeń. Ale morze jest dziś zbyt wzburzone, nie powinieneś tam pływać. - -You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. +You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that. You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees. @@ -2012,23 +2063,26 @@ Nie możesz tam pójść! You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. Mógłbyś w ten sposób poznać innych marynarzy a także... Ta czapka będzie oczywistym znakiem przynależności do załogi. -You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors list. You have an awful amnesia. - +Cierpisz na straszliwą amnezję. You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that nice lady. -You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. +You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door... +You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. +Uderzasz za mocno i tracisz @@a. + You honor me beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia! Schlebiasz mi ślicznotko, ale moje serce należy do Julii. You like these hats, right? -Ty lubisz te szczury, prawda? +Ty lubisz te czapki, prawda? You mentioned the quality of your wine Wspomniałeś o jakości twego wina @@ -2037,22 +2091,22 @@ You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. You open the treasure chest. - +Otwierasz skrzynię ze skarbem. You opened the @@, but only one side is edible. - +Rozdzieliłeś @@, ale tylko jedna część jest jadalna. You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts. +Przeciąłeś Twój @@ na dwie jadalne części. - -You realise you can't remember anything. +You realize you can't remember anything. You receive 25GP! Otrzymujesz 25GP! You receive 50GP! - +Otrzymujesz 50GP! You see these Pious around? Widziałeś te Piuski tutaj? @@ -2063,23 +2117,26 @@ Najlepiej idź jeszcze pospać. You should go see them. Lepiej idź się z nimi zobaczyć. -You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news! -You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news. -You should walk to the north to find him. +You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... +Powinieneś im się przyjrzeć jak zawiniemy do portu, są tego warte, hehe... +You should walk to the north to find him. +Powinieneś pójść na północ żeby go znaleźć. You should walk to the north. - +Powinieneś iść na północ. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? Minie jeszcze parę dni, zanim dotrzemy do portu, może spędzisz ten czas zbierając informacje? -You still haven't completed your task. -Ciągle nie wykonałeś zadania. +You still haven't completed your tasks. + You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. Przygłupie, on jest Anglikiem, spójrz na kształt jego głowy. @@ -2088,19 +2145,19 @@ You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of the head. Przygłupie, ona jest Angielką, spójrz na kształt jej głowy. You take the clothes from the chest. - +Bierzesz ubrania ze skrzyni. You told me that you 'were' important. Mówiłes, że 'byłeś' ważny. -You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 Byłaś w złej formie, powinnaś być szczęśliwa, że znaleźliśmy Cię, zanim morze Cię zabiło. You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1 -Byłes w złej formie, powinieneś być szczęśliwy, że znaleźlismy Cię, zanim morze Cię zabiło. +Byłeś w złej formie, powinieneś być szczęśliwy, że znaleźlismy Cię, zanim morze Cię zabiło. You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0 Dosyć długo bubliłaś śpiąc, nasza pielęgniarka Julia czuwała przy Tobie - zrobiła, co mogła aby Cię wyleczyć. @@ -2123,6 +2180,12 @@ Jesteś na naszym statku, przybiliśmy do małej wyspy, blublujemy długą handl You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 Jesteś na naszym statku, przybiliśmy do małej wyspy, blublujemy długą handlową przygodę do miasta Artis. +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! + + +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you! + + You're right, it's about Julia. Masz rację, chodzi o Julię. @@ -2130,10 +2193,10 @@ You're right, it's about you. Masz rację, chodzi o Ciebie. You? Here? - +Ty? Tutaj? Your hands are too weak, you didn't open the @@. - +Twoje ręce są zbyt słabe, nie otworzyłeś @@ Your position has been saved. Twoja pozycja została zapisana. @@ -2142,8 +2205,8 @@ Zzzzzzzzzz Chrrrrrrrr a ground! - +ziemia! a quiet place, - +spokojne miejsce, diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.old b/langs/lang_pt_BR.old index 09701517..b897c5fe 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.old +++ b/langs/lang_pt_BR.old @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +*hick* +*hick* + ... ... @@ -19,6 +22,9 @@ Eu me sinto melhor! A Quiet place, Um lugar quieto, +About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Sobre esta guilda de Espéria, estava pensando sobre ela, se eu puder falar francamente. Há rumores por aí que dizem que eles fizeram coisas monstruosas e que eles estão escondendo um monte de coisas de nós. + Alige Alige @@ -37,9 +43,18 @@ Além disso, nós pegamos suas roupas yayadas, pois elas estavam... Yeyeye... em And please, no berries. No more! E por favor, não me venha com berries. Nunca mais! +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. +Então, se você se interessar, clique na minha bolsa. + Anyway, maybe when you are looking for food with Gugli you'll have the time to look at this!! De qualquer modo, talvez quando você estiver procurando comida com Gugli você terá tempo para dar uma olhada nisso. +AreaBottom +AreaBottom + +AreaMiddle +AreaMiddle + As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!! Como você pode andar por aí livremente, será uma tarefa bem fácil. Vá e empale um deles para mim! @@ -70,6 +85,9 @@ Porém, mais do que tudo, ela é a pessoa que cuidou de você enquanto estava em But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway. Mas, até lá, você precisa permanecer aqui. Não há nada mais a fazer de qualquer maneira. +But you won't *hick* me this time... +Mas desta vez você não vai me *hick*... + But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him. Mas... se ele tem amnésia, como disse a Julia, nós não precisamos nos preocupar. @@ -79,6 +97,9 @@ Mas... se ela tem amnésia, como disse a Julia, nós não precisamos nos preocup Bye. Tchau. +CAN YOU HEAR ME? +VOCÊ ESTÁ ME OUVINDO? + Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him. O capitão trancou a porta, você deveria ir vê-lo. @@ -88,6 +109,12 @@ O capitão está te esperando! Apresse-se. Carrot Cenoura +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? +VOCÊ DESCOBRIU O QUE ERA AQUELA LUZ? + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER? +VOCÊ SE SENTE MELHOR? + Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me! Maldição! É melhor você não dizer a ninguém que me viu por aqui! @@ -121,6 +148,9 @@ Você quer que eu a veja eu seu lugar? Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan Alguém conhece um bom lugar para olhar em Esperia? - M. Arpan +Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! +Não faça isss... *hick* comigo eh! + Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later dude. O dever me chama, *hic*, te vejo depois cara. @@ -148,6 +178,9 @@ Fine! Fine, bye!! Ótimo, tchau!! +Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. +Vá lá fora e fale com Gugli, ele vai te dizer o que você precisa. + Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis. Bom saber. Pelo que Darlin me disse, nós vamos passar por uma pequena ilha antes de chegar em Artis. @@ -211,6 +244,9 @@ Hey! Ehoo!! Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room. Hey, você não pode dormir aqui, este é meu quarto. +Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. +Hey, você deveria falar com a Julia para se registrar a bordo do navio. + Hi, nice to see you! Oi, bom te ver! @@ -226,6 +262,9 @@ A pessoa escondida não responde Hidden person doesn't answer. A pessoa escondida não responde. +How do you know my name? +Como você sabe meu nome? + How is *hick* possible?? Como é *hick* possível?? @@ -280,12 +319,33 @@ Eu disse... Por que você não desce para conversar? I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again? Vejo que não é fácil se livrar destes ratos. Você quer tentar novamente? -I speak Dutch -Eu falo Holandês +I speak English +Eu falo inglês + +I speak Flemish +Eu falo flamengo + +I speak French +Eu falo Francês + +I speak German +Eu falo alemão I speak Italian Eu falo italiano +I speak Polish +Eu falo Polonês + +I speak Portuguese +Eu falo Português + +I speak Russian +Eu falo russo + +I speak Spanish +Eu falo espanhol + I think that I'm done, I've got a box full of Eu acho que terminei, tenho uma caixa cheia de @@ -391,6 +451,9 @@ Deixe eu me apresentar, eu sou o Capitão Nard, o lider deste navio. Let me see your work... Deixe-me verificar seu trabalho... +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? +TALVEZ VOCÊ POSSA DAR UMA OLHADA NISSO? + Maybe you can look at this?? Você poderia dar uma olhada nisso? @@ -400,6 +463,12 @@ Mickael My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. Meu nome é Julia, sou eu que tomei conta de você quando te encontramos no mar. +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 +NÃO e *hick* NÃO, você e você e sua... *burp* estúpi*hick* guilda! + +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 +NÃO e *hick* NÃO, você e você e sua... *burp* estúpi*hick* guilda! + No problem, do you have an other question for me? Sem problemas, você tem alguma outra pergunta? @@ -532,6 +601,12 @@ Ronan Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... +SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? +E AÍ? O QUE VOCÊ ESTÁ FAZENDO? + +SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? +ENTÃO, QUAL O SEU NOME? + Sapartan Sapartan @@ -559,6 +634,9 @@ Silvio Silvio starts to speak with his bottle, you leave the conversation. Silvio começa a falar com sua garrafa, você abandona a conversa. +So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. +Nós estamos procurando por novas mercadorias para poder trocar em nosso próximo destino. + So what's up?? What are you doing?? Então, como é que é? O que você está fazendo? @@ -631,6 +709,12 @@ O marinheiro está virando de costas para você. The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you. Os marinheiros te levam a bordo do navio para ajudá-lo. +There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Circulam alguns rumores de que eles fizeram coisas monstruosas e que estão escondendo muita coisa de nós. + +There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +Há algumas facas na mesa, você deseja pegar uma? + There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Ainda sobraram alguns Rattos! Você quer abortar a missão? @@ -679,6 +763,9 @@ Isto é uma fruta do mar, mas alguns monstros marinhos também podem contê-las. Too bad that you do not want to help me. Que pena que você não quer me ajudar. +WHAT DID YOU SAY? +O QUE VOCÊ DISSE? + We are in need of manpower on the island. Nós precisamos de mão de obra na ilha. @@ -742,6 +829,9 @@ Por que não... mas quem é você? Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Yayayaya, pela primeira vez alguém está vestido pior do que nós! +Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Yeah, vocês de Espéria são todos *hick* assim, mas vocês não vão me pegar! *burp* + Yes, it's a chest! Sim, é uma arca! @@ -805,6 +895,9 @@ Você vê alguns itens em uma caixa. Pegá-los? You should try to kill some Tortugas, or some Croc if you're strong enough. Você deveria tentar matar algumas tortugas, ou alguns Crocs, se você for forte o suficiente. +You still haven't completed your task. +Você ainda não completou sua tarefa. + You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form. Seu estúpido, é uma inglesa, repare na forma da cabeça. diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt index 4db2c03a..6af613fd 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt +++ b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online -*hick* -*hick* +*hic* + - 2 @@ @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online . . -...And 1 @@. +... Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need delicious ingredients to prepare a... a special recipe. -...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. +... and 1 @@. 1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still. @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online 2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam. -3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. +3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. -4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. +4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online @@ está me ajudando. A @@? There're plenty on this island! - +Um @@? Há muitos nessa ilha! A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. Há um instante atrás eu ouvi sua conversa com Darlin. @@ -56,16 +56,13 @@ ANYWAY, MAYBE WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FOOD WITH GUGLI YOU WILL HAVE THE TIME TO Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you. -About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Sobre esta guilda de Espéria, estava pensando sobre ela, se eu puder falar francamente. Há rumores por aí que dizem que eles fizeram coisas monstruosas e que eles estão escondendo um monte de coisas de nós. - About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly. Sobre essa Guilda de Esperia, eu não tenho certeza sobre eles, para falar francamente. Acorn Acorn -Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. +Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life. Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all. @@ -75,7 +72,7 @@ Ah... Gugli Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation Ah... Gugli Gugli... Ele é muito novo para entender nossa conversa. Ale. - +Ale. AligeTrigger AligeTrigger @@ -83,20 +80,20 @@ AligeTrigger All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries... Tudo que eu tenho para comer são berries... Berries... Berries... -All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your... fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. -Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. +Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good. -Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy... Alright... Bye. - +Tudo bem... Tchau. Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#0 @@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go c Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 -An unexpected help is always welcome. +An unexpected help is always welcome! And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! @@ -125,24 +122,18 @@ And you? How's it going on your side? And you? How's it yaying on your side? -Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. -Então, se você se interessar, clique na minha bolsa. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag. + Aquada Aquada -Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Aquada Box Are you ok? Você está bem? -AreaBottom -AreaBottom - -AreaMiddle -AreaMiddle - AreaNPC AreaNPC @@ -158,17 +149,17 @@ Artis é claro! As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land. -As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. +As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be. As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you. -Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away. Astapolos. - +Astapolos. At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island. @@ -176,7 +167,7 @@ At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island. Ayouyouch! My head... Ayouyouch! Minha cabeça... -BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPENS TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! Bag @@ -194,11 +185,14 @@ Antes... Bread Pão +Break the door. + + But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. Mas eu não posso te falar nada sobre isso, me desculpe. But I need to go, see you! - +Mas eu preciso ir, tchau! But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...maybe... @@ -206,7 +200,7 @@ But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...may But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. Mas por agora você pode relaxar no navio ou visitar a ilha em que ancoramos! É uma pequena ilha, mas um bom lugar para se exercitar e esticar as pernas. -But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. +But let's talk more about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality food. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 @@ -218,8 +212,8 @@ But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconsciou But who am I? Mas quem sou eu? -But you won't *hick* me this time... -Mas desta vez você não vai me *hick*... +But you won't *hic* me this time... + But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. Mas... se ele tem amnésia como a Julia disse... Nós não precisamos nos preocupar com ele. @@ -230,8 +224,8 @@ Mas... se ela tem amnésia como a Julia disse... Nós não precisamos nos preocu Bye! Tchau! -CAN YOU HEAR ME? -VOCÊ ESTÁ ME OUVINDO? +CAN YOU HEAR ME?! + Can I read these rules again? Posso ler essas regras novamente? @@ -245,9 +239,6 @@ Capitão Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Capitão Nard está no quarto à sua direita. -Captain wants: ??? - - Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 Certos itens performam diferentes efeitos. Alguns vão te curar, outros você pode usar como armas ou armadura, e outros você pode vender. @@ -288,10 +279,10 @@ Couwan gave me this box, it is for you. Couwan hands you a box full of fish.#0 - +Couwan te entrega uma caixa cheia de peixe.#0 Couwan hands you a box full of fish.#1 - +Couwan te entrega uma caixa cheia de peixe.#1 Croc Claw Garra de Croc @@ -299,11 +290,14 @@ Garra de Croc Croconut Croconut -DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? -VOCÊ DESCOBRIU O QUE ERA AQUELA LUZ? +Croconut Box + + +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS?! + + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER?! -DO YOU FEEL BETTER? -VOCÊ SE SENTE MELHOR? Damn @@. Maldição @@. @@ -315,14 +309,11 @@ Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#1 Maldição! É melhor você não contar para ninguém que me viu! Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter. - +Dan termina a conversa e continua a escrever sua carta. Dan keeps silent since your last question. Dan se mantém em silêncio desde sua última pergunta. -DarlinBarrierCheck - - Did you say reward? I want it! Você disse recompensa? Eu quero! @@ -347,13 +338,13 @@ Quer tentar? Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan -Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! -Não faça isss... *hick* comigo eh! +Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! + Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! Não tente me envenenar! Eu sei o que isso faz! -Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! +Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance! DoorUpwards @@ -368,19 +359,22 @@ Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey. Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live. -Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm... He was really upset for some past stories. Elmo Elmo -Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats! -Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef. -Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. +Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats! + + +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there. Elven Voice @@ -404,7 +398,7 @@ LEGAL, TCHAU! Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. -Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little... secret mission. From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. @@ -416,19 +410,16 @@ Fungo GOOD! BOM! -Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! +Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Ggrmm grmmm... Ggrmm grmmm... -Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. -Vá lá fora e fale com Gugli, ele vai te dizer o que você precisa. - -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Go away. Good job! @@ -465,13 +456,13 @@ GugliBarrierCheck Gulukan. - +Gulukan. HE IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SHIP, DOWN THE STAIRS. YOU CAN'T MISS HIM! HEY - +HEY HEY @@! @@ -482,14 +473,14 @@ HEY! HEY VOCÊ! Harpy-lady? -Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too? Have you seen anything dangerous? Você viu alguma coisa perigosa? He needs more food. - +Ele precisa de mais comida. He told me nothing about that. Ele não me falou nada sobre isso. @@ -497,7 +488,7 @@ Ele não me falou nada sobre isso. He's funny, it's not a problem. Ele é engraçado, isso não é um problema. -Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. Hehe! @@ -525,16 +516,16 @@ Hello dear!#1 Olá querido! Hello yeye.#0 - +Olá yeye.#0 Hello yeye.#1 - +Olá yeye.#1 Hello. Olá. Hello... Do I know you? - +Olá... Eu te conheço? Here they are. Aqui estão eles. @@ -561,48 +552,51 @@ Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the c Hey você, me desculpe por deixar seu quarto tão rapidamente, eu precisava... falar com o capitão sobre... a reserva. Você sabe, agora que nós temos mais uma boca para alimentar nós precisamos verificar o que temos. Hey you. - +Hey você! Hey! - +Hey! Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 + + +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 + + Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! Hey, garota! +Hey, how do you know my name? + + Hey, man! Hey cara! Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? Hey, psst! Você não é marinheiro, certo? -Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. -Hey, você deveria falar com a Julia para se registrar a bordo do navio. - -Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. - - Hey. Hey. -Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh? Hi @@. Hi, nice to see you! - +Oi, bom te ver! Hidden Person Pessoa Escondida -Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough +Hmmm, hm... Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?... Cough, burp... Damn Gado... Cough... How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. @@ -612,37 +606,34 @@ How are things going? Como andam as coisas? How are you doing, cutie? - +Como vai você, coisa linda? How are you doing, dude? +Como vai você cara? - -How do you know my name? -Como você sabe meu nome? - -How is *hick* it possible? +How is *hichic* it possible? However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever. However... - +No entanto... Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth! +Rápido, rápido! Precisamos checar os dentes dele! - -I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... +I ALSO AVOID THE DANGEROUS ANIMALS! I AM DOING FINE! EU ESTOU BEM! I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! - +EU NÃO ENTENDO! I SAID, SEE YOU LATER! - +EU DISSE, TE VEJO DEPOIS! I WAS HERE WHEN THEY RESCUED YOU! EU ESTAVA AQUI QUANDO TE RESGATARAM! @@ -665,7 +656,7 @@ Eu sou, quem é você? I beg you, please, pleeeease... Eu imploro, por favor, por favooooor... -I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... +I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the morning... I can't remember anything.#0 @@ -690,7 +681,7 @@ I don't need your help right now, come back later. Eu não preciso da sua ajuda no momento, volte depois. I don't see anything else than... water? - +Eu não vejo nada além de... água? I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this... Eu acho que nós não estamos em um bom lugar para falar sobre isso... @@ -710,6 +701,9 @@ Eu estou bem. I forgot where it was... Eu esqueci onde estava... +I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship. + + I guess so... I will leave you alone. Eu acho... Eu vou te deixar a sós. @@ -747,9 +741,9 @@ I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you hel Eu preciso de alguém que possa livrar o porão do navio destes Rattos, você pode me ajudar? I need to go, sorry. +Eu preciso ir, me desculpe. - -I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and... I only remember I was rescued by you.#0 @@ -770,32 +764,35 @@ Entendo, avise os outros marinheiros sobre isso. Mas se ele é parte da guilda g I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally. Entendo, avise os outros marinheiros sobre isso. Mas se ela é parte da guilda guerreira, então ela também é nossa aliada. -I speak Dutch +I speak Dutch. + + +I speak English. + + +I speak Flemish. + + +I speak French. -I speak English -Eu falo inglês +I speak German. -I speak Flemish -Eu falo flamengo -I speak French -Eu falo Francês +I speak Italian. -I speak German -Eu falo alemão -I speak Polish -Eu falo Polonês +I speak Polish. -I speak Portuguese -Eu falo Português -I speak Russian -Eu falo russo +I speak Portuguese. + + +I speak Russian. + + +I speak Spanish. -I speak Spanish -Eu falo espanhol I swear, I do not eat so much. @@ -806,7 +803,7 @@ Eu acho que eu deveria te denunciar para o pessoal do navio. I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions? -I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s! I think that I'm still a bit sick. @@ -815,7 +812,7 @@ Eu acho que ainda estou um pouco doente. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? Eu acredito que meu vinho é de ótima qualidade! Eu estou na minha segunda garrafa e eu já... Sobre o que estávamos conversando mesmo? -I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s! I will give you @@gp. @@ -834,7 +831,7 @@ I wonder too... Eu também me pergunto sobre isso... I'M CALLED, @@! - +EU ME CHAMO, @@! I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try. Eu gostaria de pegar um deles, mas eles voam para longe quando eu tento. @@ -852,10 +849,10 @@ I'll share my berries with you if you help me. Se você me ajudar eu compartilho minhas berries com você. I'm a bit sick...#0 - +Estou um pouco enjoada...#0 I'm a bit sick...#1 - +Estou um pouco enjoado...#1 I'm glad to see you're okay.#0 @@ -869,7 +866,7 @@ Estou procurando o Gugli, onde ele está? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! Estou perdendo a cabeça, eu preciso comer algo diferente! -I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! I'm sorry, I don't have time right now. @@ -891,7 +888,7 @@ I've seen him at the bottom of the island, have a look around. I've seen him at the top of the island. - +Eu o vi no alto da ilha. I've seen him on the bottom of the island, ask Jalad for more info. @@ -902,10 +899,7 @@ IF YOU FIND SOMETHING, THEN IT'S GREAT! IT'S OK, CREW TASKS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CURIOSITY! -If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! - - -If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If I saw *hic* who you were... *hips* Would not have helped you! If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -920,6 +914,9 @@ Se você quiser abrir seu inventário use a tecla F3 ou use o mouse para selecio If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 Se você quiser abrir seu inventário use a tecla F3 ou use o mouse para selecioná-lo no menu superior em seu cliente. +If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... + + In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun. Nesta caverna, como você pode ver, eu me divirto muito. @@ -947,6 +944,9 @@ It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +It seems that you need a key to open this door. + + It seems you still have some work to do. @@ -959,6 +959,9 @@ It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry! +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!. + + It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. @@ -969,7 +972,7 @@ It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with h Bom, bom... Eu tenho uma amiga que ainda está em coma, mas eu não posso ficar com ela sem trabalhar... It's ok. - +Está tudo bem. It's so hard to find the motivation... É tão difícil encontrar motivação... @@ -980,6 +983,12 @@ It's true! It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception. +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 + + +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 + + Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0 @@ -990,7 +999,7 @@ Its inhabitants did not know any kind of horror and in peace they lived as the e Jalad. - +Jalad. Julia Julia @@ -998,9 +1007,6 @@ Julia Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. Julia está no nível superior do navio. Use as setas de direção para ir até as escadas ou clique nas escadas no canto superior direito da tela. -Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. - - Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. @@ -1019,26 +1025,26 @@ LeftDoorCheck Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. Deixe eu me apresentar, eu sou Nard, capitão deste navio. -Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. +Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start! Lettuce Alface -Look how splendid this landscape is. +Look how splendid this landscape is! Look, he's there! - +Olhe, ele está lá! Look, there he is! +Olhe, lá este ele! +M... Maybe? -M...Maybe? +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS!? -MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? -TALVEZ VOCÊ POSSA DAR UMA OLHADA NISSO? Magic Arpan Arpan Mágico @@ -1047,7 +1053,7 @@ Max and Sapartan for example? May this be a lesson for you. - +Que isso sirva de lição para você. Maybe he abused too much his bottle today to celebrate that! @@ -1070,19 +1076,13 @@ Sabe, eu não fui sempre um marinheiro, eu já fui um indivíduo importante! My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. Meu nome é Alige, eu tenho me escondido aqui por semanas. -My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 -NÃO e *hick* NÃO, você e você e sua... *burp* estúpi*hick* guilda! - -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 -NÃO e *hick* NÃO, você e você e sua... *burp* estúpi*hick* guilda! - -NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT! Nard @@ -1097,6 +1097,12 @@ Narrador New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed. +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0 + + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1 + + No problem, I can help you anyway. Sem problemas, eu posso te ajudar mesmo assim. @@ -1110,7 +1116,7 @@ No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun. Não, eu não posso, eu só queria viajar pelos mares para me divertir. No, none. - +Não, nenhum. No, sorry. Não, obrigado. @@ -1128,7 +1134,7 @@ Nobody! *burp* Ninguém! *burp* Nobody. - +Ninguém. None of them? Nenhum deles? @@ -1151,6 +1157,9 @@ Nada, desculpe-me. Nothing. Nada. +Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. + + OH, LOOK THERE! OH, OLHA LÁ! @@ -1158,7 +1167,7 @@ OH, OK! OH, OK! ON THE TOP OF THE CLIFF! - +NO ALTO DO PENHASCO! Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list. É claro! Diga-me qual lingua você fala e eu mudarei a nota na lista de bordo do navio. @@ -1169,11 +1178,8 @@ Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? Oh bom! Ele também deu seu dinheiro de volta? -Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. - - Oh look, there's a piou behind you! - +Oh olhe, há um Piou atrás de você! Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be... Oh não, mas eu percebi uma luz estranha na outra ponta da ilha, me pergunto o que poderá ser aquilo... @@ -1203,7 +1209,7 @@ Oh yeyeye... As they are not edible, you can maybe try to equip them?#1 Oh! I like that sort of answer! - +Oh! Eu gosto deste tipo de resposta! Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there. @@ -1229,6 +1235,9 @@ Oh, ele ainda está vivo! Oh, it's you. Oh, é você. +Oh, it's you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. + + Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. @@ -1251,10 +1260,10 @@ Oh... Well, I just started to trade... Thus my technique may not be the best. Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him. - +Ok, eu acho que ele está acordando, vá até ele. Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her. - +Ok, eu acho que ela está acordando, vá até ela. Ok, I will leave him alone. Ok, eu vou deixá-lo em paz. @@ -1263,7 +1272,7 @@ Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the Ok, tenha só mais um pouco de paciência, nos próximos dias nós vamos chegar ao porto de Artis... Ok, done. - +Ok, pronto. Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind. Ok, ok. Volte se mudar de idéia. @@ -1286,10 +1295,10 @@ LivroVelho Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#0 -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#1 Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. @@ -1310,9 +1319,6 @@ Nossa tripulação é como uma família e, caso você aceite nos ajudar, eu gost People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose. -PeterBarrierCheck - - Piberries Piberries @@ -1331,8 +1337,14 @@ Por favor, não encoste nestes chapéus, eles são apenas para membros da tripul Plushroom -QMuller. +Plushroom Box + +Purple Blobime + + +QMuller. +QMuller. Raijin Voice Voz de Raijin @@ -1350,16 +1362,16 @@ RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck Rrrr... Pchhhh... - +Rrrr... Pchhhh... Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. -SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? -E AÍ? O QUE VOCÊ ESTÁ FAZENDO? +SO WHAT'S UP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! + + +SO, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! -SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? -ENTÃO, QUAL O SEU NOME? SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! @@ -1367,13 +1379,13 @@ SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! Sailors Marinheiros -Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. - - Sea Drops +Gotas do mar +Sea Drops!? I will not help you with your evil plan! -See you. + +See you! Seems yummy! Let me taste it! @@ -1385,7 +1397,7 @@ Sério?! She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... Ela é uma boa amiga... Nós queriamos nos casar algumas semanas antes do seu acidente mas... -She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? @@ -1397,14 +1409,14 @@ She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. -Silvio for example? - +Shhht, don't say it that loud... -Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. +Silvio for example? -So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. +Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. +Silvio começa a falar com a garrafa, você sai da conversa. So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day! @@ -1418,12 +1430,12 @@ So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sig So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft. É por isso que nós queriamos te avisar, talvez ela seja membro da tal guilda, já que aquele sinal estava na sua jangada. -So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. -Nós estamos procurando por novas mercadorias para poder trocar em nosso próximo destino. - So what can I do for you? +So, at the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s. + + So, do you have anything for me today? Então, você tem alguma coisa para mim hoje? @@ -1470,14 +1482,11 @@ Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about that. Stupid yeye... - +Estúpido yeye... Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. De repente você ouve uma voz vinda do céu. -Sure why not? - - Sure, Cap'tain. Claro Capitão! @@ -1488,6 +1497,9 @@ Sure, but what can you give me in exchange? Claro, mas o que você pode me dar em troca? Sure, there is a reward for your task. +Claro, há uma recompensa por sua tarefa. + +Sure, why not? THAT'S A NICE NAME! @@ -1497,9 +1509,12 @@ Take a Bandana. Peque uma bandana. Take these coins in exchange and be careful. +Pegue estas moedas em troca e tome cuidado. +Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more! -Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! + +Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. @@ -1508,7 +1523,7 @@ Muito obrigado! Aqui, peque um pouco de minhas berries. Thank you, I'll take them. Obrigado, vou ficar com eles. -Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Thanks again for helping me. But these Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. Thanks for helping me! @@ -1523,14 +1538,23 @@ Correto. That's where you go as well, right? Você também está indo para lá, certo? +The adventure begins!#0 + + +The adventure begins!#1 + + The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. +O capitão está te esperando! Ande logo. +The captain wants: -The door is locked. +The door is locked. +A porta está trancada. The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the warrior guild. @@ -1557,10 +1581,10 @@ The sailor chugs his beer. O marinheiro engole sua cerveja. The sailor turns his back to you. - +O marinheiro vira as costas para você. The sailors take you aboard their ship. - +Os marinheiros te colocam a bordo do navio. The usurper has been punished! This is a great day, take this reward as a prize for your loyalty to the old commander!. @@ -1568,14 +1592,20 @@ The usurper has been punished! This is a great day, take this reward as a prize Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive. -There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Circulam alguns rumores de que eles fizeram coisas monstruosas e que estão escondendo muita coisa de nós. +There are few groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us. + There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. -There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? -Há algumas facas na mesa, você deseja pegar uma? +There are some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one? + There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? @@ -1583,10 +1613,7 @@ There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? There is a paper with some rules written on it. Há um papel com algumas regras escritas. -There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. - - -There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island. There's nothing to say, don't worry miss. @@ -1598,16 +1625,16 @@ Não há nada a dizer, não se preocupe senhor. Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. -These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... -These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +These yeye box are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. +They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... sort out this situation. This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? @@ -1628,6 +1655,12 @@ This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks... This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago. +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#0 + + +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#1 + + This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. Este tipo de conversa deveria ser púnida, mas eu admito que eu mesmo não gosto muito deles, por isso fiquem de olho nela. @@ -1641,7 +1674,7 @@ This new continent, in fact an archipelago, was called Andorra. Tibbo. - +Tibbo. To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse in the above menu of your client.#0 @@ -1656,22 +1689,25 @@ UAHAHAHAAH! I am the cook of that bunch of donkeys, I can be rude with everyone Uhm, bye. - +Uhm, tchau. Understood, I will help you. Entendido, eu vou te ajudar. -Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. + + +Use the key. + +WHAT DID YOU SAY?! -WHAT DID YOU SAY? -O QUE VOCÊ DISSE? Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side! Wait... Where are we going? - +Espere... Onde estamos indo? Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please. @@ -1679,6 +1715,15 @@ Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise! +We are looking for some merchandise we could trade in our next destination. + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#0 + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#1 + + We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. Nós fizemos uma parada em uma pequena ilha antes de aportarmos em Artis. @@ -1686,7 +1731,7 @@ We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get so Nós precisamos do maior número possível de pessoas para explorar a ilha e para pegar comida. We need manpower on the island. - +Nós precisamos de homens na ilha. We need manpower on the island... Oh forgive me, women are also welcome, of course. @@ -1703,35 +1748,35 @@ We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1 -We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago. -We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map! We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. Nós estaremos yayando por lá em alguns dias, então nós o deixaremos lá. -Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship! -Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! +Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again! -Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you! -Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. +Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen. What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago. What am I supposed to say? - +O que eu devo dizer? What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#0 @@ -1740,15 +1785,21 @@ What are you guys saying ? It's a Yoiis!#1 What are you looking at? - +O que você está olhando? What are you looking for? O que você está procurando? What are you talking about? What guild? +Do que você está falando? Que guilda? + +What are your needs? -What do I get in exchange? +What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? + + +What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? What do you need? @@ -1757,18 +1808,15 @@ O que você precisa? What do you think? O que você acha? +What do you want to do? + + What do you want today? O que vai querer hoje? What do you wish to do? O que você gostaria de fazer? -What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? - - -What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? - - What happened to me? O que aconteceu comigo? @@ -1781,11 +1829,14 @@ O que eu devo fazer após pegar estas roupas? What should I do after taking these clothes?#1 O que eu devo fazer após pegar estas roupas? +What will I get in exchange? + + What yeye could I do for you today? Qual yeye eu poderia fazer por você hoje? What's this fruit? - +O que é esta fruta? What? It's not a good reward? O quê? Não é uma boa recompensa? @@ -1823,11 +1874,14 @@ Where is the damn salt!? Give me the salt. I know you have it! Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@? Qual de suas armas você quer usar para cortar este(a) @@? +Who are yeye searching? + + Who are you searching for? Who are you searching? - +Quem você está esperando? Who are you? Quem é você? @@ -1835,10 +1889,7 @@ Quem é você? Who is she? Quem é ela? -Who of the two has the right on his side? - - -Who yeye is searching? +Who of them two has the 'good' on his side? Who's this Julia? @@ -1886,8 +1937,8 @@ Yaya, você deveria ir vê-la! Ela ficará feliz em te ver. Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us! -Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* -Yeah, vocês de Espéria são todos *hick* assim, mas vocês não vão me pegar! *burp* +Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* + Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. Yeah, mas eu gostaria de garantir que eu ganhe uma recompensa. @@ -1896,7 +1947,7 @@ Yeah, but what reward will I get? Yeah, mas qual vai ser minha recompensa? Yeah, nice indeed! - +Yeah, realmente legal! Yes he did. Sim, ele fez isso. @@ -1908,7 +1959,7 @@ Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes. Sim, Arpan me deu estas roupas. Yes, I do. - +Sim. Yes, it's a chest. Sim, isto é um baú. @@ -1925,19 +1976,19 @@ Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#0 Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#1 -Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. +Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye! -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#0 -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#1 -Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then. Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. @@ -1985,7 +2036,7 @@ You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help. Você agora é parte da tripulação. Obrigado novamente por sua ajuda. -You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here! You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. @@ -2000,7 +2051,7 @@ You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there. -You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. +You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that. You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees. @@ -2012,15 +2063,18 @@ Você não pode entrar aí! You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. -You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors list. You have an awful amnesia. - +Você tem uma terrível amnésia. You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that nice lady. +You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door... + + You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. @@ -2037,7 +2091,7 @@ You open the book, but it looks like the sea water and time damaged it severely. You open the treasure chest. - +Você abriu o baú de tesouros. You opened the @@, but only one side is edible. @@ -2045,14 +2099,14 @@ You opened the @@, but only one side is edible. You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts. -You realise you can't remember anything. +You realize you can't remember anything. You receive 25GP! Você recebeu 25GP! You receive 50GP! - +Você recebeu 50GP! You see these Pious around? Você vê esses Pious ao seu redor? @@ -2063,7 +2117,10 @@ Você deveria dormir um pouco. You should go see them. Você deveria ir vê-los. -You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news! + + +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... @@ -2073,13 +2130,13 @@ You should walk to the north to find him. You should walk to the north. - +Você deveria caminhar para o norte. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? Você ainda tem alguns dias antes de chegarmos ao porto, talvez você possa aprender alguma coisa com eles. -You still haven't completed your task. -Você ainda não completou sua tarefa. +You still haven't completed your tasks. + You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. Seu estúpido, ele é inglês, olha o formato da cabeça? @@ -2093,7 +2150,7 @@ Você pega as roupas do baú. You told me that you 'were' important. Você me disse que você \"era\" importante. -You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 @@ -2123,6 +2180,12 @@ You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! + + +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you! + + You're right, it's about Julia. Você tem razão, é sobre Julia. @@ -2130,7 +2193,7 @@ You're right, it's about you. Você tem razão, é sobre você. You? Here? - +Você? Aqui? Your hands are too weak, you didn't open the @@. Suas mãos estão muito fracas, você não conseguiu abrir o(a) @@. @@ -2142,8 +2205,8 @@ Zzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzz a ground! - +um terreno! a quiet place, - +um lugar quieto, diff --git a/langs/lang_ru.old b/langs/lang_ru.old index 517b5fa5..8f2880ba 100644 --- a/langs/lang_ru.old +++ b/langs/lang_ru.old @@ -1,6 +1,12 @@ +*hick* +*ик* + ... ... +About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +Об этой Эспирийской гильдии, я понятия о них не имею, честно говоря. Ходят слухи, что они совершают ужасные вещи и многое от нас скрывают. + Alige Алидж @@ -19,6 +25,12 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go And please, no berries. No more! И пожалуйста, не надо ягод. Не могу их больше видеть! +AreaBottom +AreaBottom + +AreaMiddle +AreaMiddle + As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!! Так как ты можешь тут ходить, это будет для тебя простым заданием. Прикончи одну для меня! @@ -40,6 +52,9 @@ But more than everything, she is the one which took care of you when you were in But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway. Но пока тебе нужно оставаться здесь, все равно больше нечего делать. +But you won't *hick* me this time... +Но ты не *ик* меня на этот раз ... + But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him. Но... если у него амнезия, как сказала Джулия, то нам не нужно о нем беспокоиться. @@ -67,6 +82,9 @@ Devis Do you have an other question for me? У тебя еще есть ко мне вопросы? +Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! +Не делай этоооо... *ик* со мной, э! + Elfen Voice Голос эльфа @@ -112,6 +130,9 @@ Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to g Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room. Эй, ты не можешь здесь спать! Это - моя комната! +Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. +Стой, тебе следует поговорить с Джулией, чтобы она записала тебя в список. + Hi, nice to see you! Привет, рад тебя видеть! @@ -124,6 +145,9 @@ Hidden person Hidden person doesn't answer Прячущийся не отвечает +How do you know my name? +Как ты узнал мое имя? + How is *hick* possible?? Как *ик* возможно? @@ -148,12 +172,33 @@ I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again? Я вижу, что не так уж и просто избавиться от этих крыс. Хочешь еще раз попробовать? -I speak Dutch +I speak English +Я говорю по-английски + +I speak Flemish +Я говорю по-фламандски + +I speak French +Я говорю по-французски + +I speak German Я говорю по-немецки I speak Italian Я говорю по-итальянски +I speak Polish +Я говорю по-польски + +I speak Portuguese +Я говорю по-португальски + +I speak Russian +Я говорю по-русски + +I speak Spanish +Я говорю по-испански. + I will give her everything she needs, don't worry. Я дам ей все, что ей нужно, не беспокойся. @@ -226,6 +271,12 @@ Knifes on the table Let me see your work... Дай посмотреть твою работу... +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 +НЕТ и еще *ик* НЕТ, ты и ты и твоя *урп* тупа*ик* гильдия! + +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 +НЕТ и еще *ик* НЕТ, ты и ты и твоя *урп* тупа*ик* гильдия! + No problem, do you have an other question for me? Без проблем, у тебя еще есть ко мне вопросы? @@ -385,6 +436,9 @@ The sailor is turning his back to you. The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you. Матросы взяли тебя на корабль, чтобы помочь тебе. +There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +На столе несколько ножей, взять один? + There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Там еще есть крысы! Хочешь отложить задание? @@ -466,6 +520,9 @@ Why not... but, who are you? Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Йайайайа, в первый раз кто-то одевается хуже, чем мы! +Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Ага, вы все такие *ик* в Эспирии, но тебе меня не победить!*урп* + Yes, please! Да, пожалуйста! diff --git a/langs/lang_ru.txt b/langs/lang_ru.txt index 883d2b8d..bafd9b11 100644 --- a/langs/lang_ru.txt +++ b/langs/lang_ru.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online -*hick* -*ик* +*hic* + - 2 @@ @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online . -...And 1 @@. +... Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need delicious ingredients to prepare a... a special recipe. -...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. +... and 1 @@. 1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still. @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online 2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam. -3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. +3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. -4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. +4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. @@ -56,16 +56,13 @@ ANYWAY, MAYBE WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FOOD WITH GUGLI YOU WILL HAVE THE TIME TO Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you. -About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Об этой Эспирийской гильдии, я понятия о них не имею, честно говоря. Ходят слухи, что они совершают ужасные вещи и многое от нас скрывают. - About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly. Acorn Желудь -Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. +Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life. Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all. @@ -83,13 +80,13 @@ AligeTrigger All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries... И все что я мог есть были эти ягоды.... Ягоды... Ягоды... -All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your... fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. -Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. +Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good. -Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy... @@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go c Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 -An unexpected help is always welcome. +An unexpected help is always welcome! And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! @@ -125,24 +122,18 @@ And you? How's it going on your side? And you? How's it yaying on your side? -Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag. Aquada Аквада -Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Aquada Box Are you ok? Ты в порядке? -AreaBottom -AreaBottom - -AreaMiddle -AreaMiddle - AreaNPC AreaNPC @@ -158,13 +149,13 @@ Artis of course! As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land. -As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. +As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be. As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you. -Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away. Astapolos. @@ -176,7 +167,7 @@ At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island. Ayouyouch! My head... -BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPENS TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! Bag @@ -194,6 +185,9 @@ Before... Bread Хлеб +Break the door. + + But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. @@ -206,7 +200,7 @@ But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...may But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. -But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. +But let's talk more about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality food. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 @@ -218,8 +212,8 @@ But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconsciou But who am I? Но кто я? -But you won't *hick* me this time... -Но ты не *ик* меня на этот раз ... +But you won't *hic* me this time... + But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. Но... если у него амнезия, как сказала Джулия, то... Мы можем о нем не беспокоиться. @@ -230,7 +224,7 @@ But... if she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. Bye! -CAN YOU HEAR ME? +CAN YOU HEAR ME?! Can I read these rules again? @@ -245,9 +239,6 @@ Captain Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Капитан Нард в каюте в твоем распоряжении. -Captain wants: ??? - - Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 @@ -299,10 +290,13 @@ Croc Claw Croconut -DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? +Croconut Box -DO YOU FEEL BETTER? +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS?! + + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER?! Damn @@. @@ -320,9 +314,6 @@ Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter. Dan keeps silent since your last question. Дэн молчит после последнего разговора с тобой. -DarlinBarrierCheck - - Did you say reward? I want it! Ты сказал награда? Я хочу её! @@ -347,13 +338,13 @@ Do you want to try? Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan -Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! -Не делай этоооо... *ик* со мной, э! +Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! + Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! Я знаю, для чего это - не пытайся меня отравить! -Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! +Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance! DoorUpwards @@ -368,19 +359,22 @@ Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey. Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live. -Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm... He was really upset for some past stories. Elmo Элмо -Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats! + +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef. -Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats! -Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. + +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there. Elven Voice @@ -404,7 +398,7 @@ FINE, BYE! Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. -Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little... secret mission. From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. @@ -416,19 +410,16 @@ Fungus GOOD! -Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! +Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Ggrmm grmmm... Гррммммм гррмммм... -Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! - +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. - -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Go away. Good job! @@ -482,7 +473,7 @@ HEY! HEY YOU! Harpy-lady? -Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too? Have you seen anything dangerous? @@ -497,7 +488,7 @@ He told me nothing about that. He's funny, it's not a problem. -Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. Hehe! @@ -569,28 +560,31 @@ Hey! Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 + + +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 + + Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! Привет! +Hey, how do you know my name? + + Hey, man! Эй ты! Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? Эй, псс! Ты не матрос, так? -Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. -Стой, тебе следует поговорить с Джулией, чтобы она записала тебя в список. - -Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. - - Hey. -Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh? Hi @@. @@ -602,7 +596,7 @@ Hi, nice to see you! Hidden Person -Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough +Hmmm, hm... Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?... Cough, burp... Damn Gado... Cough... How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. @@ -617,10 +611,7 @@ How are you doing, cutie? How are you doing, dude? -How do you know my name? -Как ты узнал мое имя? - -How is *hick* it possible? +How is *hichic* it possible? However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever. @@ -632,7 +623,7 @@ However... Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth! -I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... +I ALSO AVOID THE DANGEROUS ANIMALS! I AM DOING FINE! @@ -665,7 +656,7 @@ I am, who are you?#1 I beg you, please, pleeeease... Я тебя умоляю, пожжжалуйста, пожжжжалуйста... -I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... +I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the morning... I can't remember anything.#0 @@ -710,6 +701,9 @@ I feel ok.#1 I forgot where it was... +I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship. + + I guess so... I will leave you alone. @@ -749,7 +743,7 @@ I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you hel I need to go, sorry. Мне нужно идти. -I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and... I only remember I was rescued by you.#0 @@ -770,32 +764,35 @@ I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Gui I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally. Ясно. Предупреди других матросов об этом. Но если она состоит в Гильдии Воинов, то она еще и наш союзник. -I speak Dutch +I speak Dutch. + + +I speak English. + + +I speak Flemish. -I speak English -Я говорю по-английски +I speak French. -I speak Flemish -Я говорю по-фламандски -I speak French -Я говорю по-французски +I speak German. -I speak German -Я говорю по-немецки -I speak Polish -Я говорю по-польски +I speak Italian. -I speak Portuguese -Я говорю по-португальски -I speak Russian -Я говорю по-русски +I speak Polish. + + +I speak Portuguese. + + +I speak Russian. + + +I speak Spanish. -I speak Spanish -Я говорю по-испански. I swear, I do not eat so much. @@ -806,7 +803,7 @@ I think I should report you to the crew members. I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions? -I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s! I think that I'm still a bit sick. @@ -815,7 +812,7 @@ I think that I'm still a bit sick. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? -I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s! I will give you @@gp. @@ -869,7 +866,7 @@ I'm looking for Gugli, where is he? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! Я теряю рассудок, мне нужно съесть что нибудь другое! -I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! I'm sorry, I don't have time right now. @@ -902,10 +899,7 @@ IF YOU FIND SOMETHING, THEN IT'S GREAT! IT'S OK, CREW TASKS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CURIOSITY! -If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! - - -If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If I saw *hic* who you were... *hips* Would not have helped you! If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -920,6 +914,9 @@ If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to sel If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 +If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... + + In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun. @@ -947,6 +944,9 @@ It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +It seems that you need a key to open this door. + + It seems you still have some work to do. @@ -959,6 +959,9 @@ It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry! +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!. + + It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. @@ -980,6 +983,12 @@ It's true! It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception. +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 + + +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 + + Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0 @@ -998,9 +1007,6 @@ Julia Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. -Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. - - Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. @@ -1019,13 +1025,13 @@ LeftDoorCheck Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. Позволь мне представиться. Я Нард, капитан этого корабля. -Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. +Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start! Lettuce Капуста -Look how splendid this landscape is. +Look how splendid this landscape is! Look, he's there! @@ -1034,10 +1040,10 @@ Look, he's there! Look, there he is! -M...Maybe? +M... Maybe? -MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS!? Magic Arpan @@ -1070,19 +1076,13 @@ My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individu My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. -My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 -НЕТ и еще *ик* НЕТ, ты и ты и твоя *урп* тупа*ик* гильдия! - -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 -НЕТ и еще *ик* НЕТ, ты и ты и твоя *урп* тупа*ик* гильдия! - -NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT! Nard @@ -1097,6 +1097,12 @@ Narrator New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed. +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0 + + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1 + + No problem, I can help you anyway. Я все равно тебе помогу. @@ -1151,6 +1157,9 @@ Nothing, sorry. Nothing. +Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. + + OH, LOOK THERE! @@ -1169,9 +1178,6 @@ Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? О, хорошо! Он также вернул тебе твои деньги? -Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. - - Oh look, there's a piou behind you! @@ -1229,6 +1235,9 @@ Oh, he's still alive! Oh, it's you. Ох, это ты. +Oh, it's you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. + + Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. @@ -1286,10 +1295,10 @@ OldBook Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#0 -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#1 Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. @@ -1310,9 +1319,6 @@ Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite y People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose. -PeterBarrierCheck - - Piberries Пижевика @@ -1331,6 +1337,12 @@ Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. Plushroom +Plushroom Box + + +Purple Blobime + + QMuller. @@ -1355,10 +1367,10 @@ Rrrr... Pchhhh... Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. -SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? +SO WHAT'S UP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! -SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? +SO, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! @@ -1367,13 +1379,13 @@ SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! Sailors Моряки -Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. +Sea Drops -Sea Drops +Sea Drops!? I will not help you with your evil plan! -See you. +See you! Seems yummy! Let me taste it! @@ -1385,7 +1397,7 @@ Seriously?! She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... -She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? @@ -1397,13 +1409,13 @@ She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. -Silvio for example? +Shhht, don't say it that loud... -Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. +Silvio for example? -So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. +Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day! @@ -1418,10 +1430,10 @@ So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sig So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft. Вот почему мы хотели предупредить тебя, может быть, она из той гильдии, знак которой был на плоту. -So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. +So what can I do for you? -So what can I do for you? +So, at the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s. So, do you have anything for me today? @@ -1475,9 +1487,6 @@ Stupid yeye... Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Внезапно ты слышишь голос с неба. -Sure why not? - - Sure, Cap'tain. Конечно, Капитан. @@ -1490,6 +1499,9 @@ Sure, but what can you give me in exchange? Sure, there is a reward for your task. +Sure, why not? + + THAT'S A NICE NAME! @@ -1499,7 +1511,10 @@ Take a Bandana. Take these coins in exchange and be careful. -Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! +Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more! + + +Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. @@ -1508,7 +1523,7 @@ Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. Thank you, I'll take them. Спасибо, я возьму их. -Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Thanks again for helping me. But these Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. Thanks for helping me! @@ -1523,12 +1538,21 @@ That's right. That's where you go as well, right? +The adventure begins!#0 + + +The adventure begins!#1 + + The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. +The captain wants: + + The door is locked. @@ -1568,25 +1592,28 @@ The usurper has been punished! This is a great day, take this reward as a prize Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive. -There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +There are few groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us. There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. -There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? -На столе несколько ножей, взять один? +There are some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. -There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? +There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one? -There is a paper with some rules written on it. + +There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? -There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. +There is a paper with some rules written on it. -There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island. There's nothing to say, don't worry miss. @@ -1598,16 +1625,16 @@ There's nothing to say, don't worry sir. Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. -These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... -These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +These yeye box are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. +They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... sort out this situation. This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? @@ -1628,6 +1655,12 @@ This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks... This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago. +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#0 + + +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#1 + + This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. За такие разговоры может и влететь... но, признаться, я тоже не в восторге от этих ребят. Так что приглядывай за ней. @@ -1661,10 +1694,13 @@ Uhm, bye. Understood, I will help you. -Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. + + +Use the key. -WHAT DID YOU SAY? +WHAT DID YOU SAY?! Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side! @@ -1679,6 +1715,15 @@ Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise! +We are looking for some merchandise we could trade in our next destination. + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#0 + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#1 + + We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. @@ -1703,28 +1748,28 @@ We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1 -We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago. -We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map! We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. -Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship! -Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! +Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again! -Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you! -Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. +Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen. What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago. @@ -1748,7 +1793,13 @@ What are you looking for? What are you talking about? What guild? -What do I get in exchange? +What are your needs? + + +What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? + + +What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? What do you need? @@ -1757,18 +1808,15 @@ What do you need? What do you think? +What do you want to do? + + What do you want today? Чего ты хочешь сегодня? What do you wish to do? Что бы сейчас сделать? -What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? - - -What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? - - What happened to me? Что со мной случилось? @@ -1781,6 +1829,9 @@ What should I do after taking these clothes?#0 What should I do after taking these clothes?#1 Что мне следует делать после того, как я возьму эти вещи? +What will I get in exchange? + + What yeye could I do for you today? Что йейе могу сделать для тебя? @@ -1823,6 +1874,9 @@ Where is the damn salt!? Give me the salt. I know you have it! Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@? +Who are yeye searching? + + Who are you searching for? @@ -1835,10 +1889,7 @@ Who are you? Who is she? Кто она? -Who of the two has the right on his side? - - -Who yeye is searching? +Who of them two has the 'good' on his side? Who's this Julia? @@ -1886,8 +1937,8 @@ Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1 Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us! -Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* -Ага, вы все такие *ик* в Эспирии, но тебе меня не победить!*урп* +Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* + Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. Ага, но я хочу убедится что получу награду. @@ -1925,19 +1976,19 @@ Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#0 Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#1 -Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. +Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye! -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#0 -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#1 -Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then. Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. @@ -1985,7 +2036,7 @@ You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help. -You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here! You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. @@ -2000,7 +2051,7 @@ You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there. -You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. +You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that. You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees. @@ -2012,7 +2063,7 @@ You can't go there! You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. -You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors list. You have an awful amnesia. @@ -2021,6 +2072,9 @@ You have an awful amnesia. You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that nice lady. +You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door... + + You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. @@ -2045,7 +2099,7 @@ You opened the @@, but only one side is edible. You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts. -You realise you can't remember anything. +You realize you can't remember anything. You receive 25GP! @@ -2063,7 +2117,10 @@ You should go and get some sleep. You should go see them. Ты должен пойти и увидеть их. -You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news! + + +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... @@ -2078,7 +2135,7 @@ You should walk to the north. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? У тебя все еще есть несколько дней до того, как мы прибудем в порт, может, ты можешь научиться чему-нибудь у них? -You still haven't completed your task. +You still haven't completed your tasks. You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. @@ -2093,7 +2150,7 @@ You take the clothes from the chest. You told me that you 'were' important. -You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 @@ -2123,6 +2180,12 @@ You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! + + +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you! + + You're right, it's about Julia. diff --git a/langs/lang_vls.old b/langs/lang_vls.old index cfaf3e9a..2a6b1226 100644 --- a/langs/lang_vls.old +++ b/langs/lang_vls.old @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +*hick* +*hik* + +About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +'k è wa bedenking'n over die Esperia Guild, a 'k ik vrijut magge klapp'n. Der ès rumoer over da ze vulle ding'n èn gedoane en da z' en 'oop dingen veur oes verborg'n 'oud'n. + Alige Alige @@ -16,6 +22,12 @@ Oak, w' èn ui yayad kler'n weggepakt, ze woaren ... in nie zukken goeien stoat, And please, no berries. No more! En astemblief, geen beskes. Nie mjè. +AreaBottom +AreaBottom + +AreaMiddle +AreaMiddle + As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!! Gie kunt rondlop'n, dus da goa gemakk'lik zin vo gie. Spits mi ne kjè eentje!! @@ -34,6 +46,9 @@ Moa bov'n de reste, z' es oak degene die ui ei verzorgd in uin coma. But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway. Moa tot dan, moe j' ier bluv'n, d' er ès toch niks anders te doen. +But you won't *hick* me this time... +Moar ge goa mi nie *hik* 'n deze kjè + But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him. Moar... as 't ie amnesisch is, gelik da Julia è gezeid, ton moet'n w' oes gin zorg'n moak'n. @@ -55,6 +70,9 @@ Devis Do you have an other question for me? Ei j' gie nog 'n andere vroage veur ik? +Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! +Niet de *hick* doen me d' ikke, é! + Elfen Voice Elfen Stemme @@ -94,6 +112,9 @@ Ei, sorry vo ui koamer zo rappe te verloat'n, 'k moeste ... klapp'n me de skippe Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. 'ey! Pas moar ip. Ge kunt nie te lange in de kelder bluv'n, ge goa ziek kom'n. Kom 't er moar ut en wacht 'n bekke, miskien kun dje loater nog ne kje prober'n. +Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. +Ei, ge zoe beter ne kjè me Julia klapp'n vo te registrer'n ip de board van't skip. + Hi, nice to see you! Hey, 't es goe vor ui te zien! @@ -121,12 +142,33 @@ I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again? 'k zie da't nie zo simpel ès vo die rattos ip te kus'n. Wil dje nog ne kjè prober'n? -I speak Dutch -'k klappe Nederlands +I speak English +'k klappe Ingels + +I speak Flemish +'k klappe Vloams + +I speak French +'k klappe Frans + +I speak German +'k klappe Dutsch I speak Italian 'k klappe Italioans +I speak Polish +'k klappe Pools + +I speak Portuguese +'k klappe Portugees + +I speak Russian +'k klappe Russisch + +I speak Spanish +'k klappe Spoans + I will give her everything she needs, don't worry. 'k goa eur oal gev'n wa da ze nodig èt, ge moet er nie mee inzitt'n. @@ -181,6 +223,12 @@ Mess'n ip den toafel Let me see your work... Toan ne kjè wa da'j' gedoan èt... +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 +NEN en *hik* NEN, gi en ui ... *burp* stomm*hik* guild! + +NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 +NEN en *hik* NEN, gi en ui ... *burp* stomm*hik* guild! + No problem, do you have an other question for me? Gin probleem, ei j' gie nog 'n andere vroage vor ikke? @@ -310,6 +358,9 @@ De Zeeman es an 't wegdroai'n van gie. The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you. De zeeman'n droag'n ui ip 'un skip om ui 't 'elp'n. +There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? +D'er es en mes ip den tafel, wil dje 't pakk'n? + There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Der zin nog oalsan wa rattos over! Wil d' je stopp'n me de missie? @@ -382,6 +433,9 @@ Vowa nie eh... moar, wie zi j' gie? Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Yayayaya, vo den eeste kjè ès 't er iemand slechter gekleed of oes! +Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* +Joah, ge zit oal gelik *hik* da in Esperia, moar ge goa mi ni èn! *burp* + Yes, please! Moabajoak! diff --git a/langs/lang_vls.txt b/langs/lang_vls.txt index 1cd662c1..e6b2077a 100644 --- a/langs/lang_vls.txt +++ b/langs/lang_vls.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online -*hick* -*hik* +*hic* + - 2 @@ @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online . -...And 1 @@. +... Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need delicious ingredients to prepare a... a special recipe. -...Welcome onboard cutie! I just realized I need some delicious ingredients to prepare special recipe. +... and 1 @@. 1. Do not bot. This means you are not allowed to use any automation programs or use keyboard tricks. Any away from keyboard activity will be considered as botting except standing still. @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online 2. Do not spam. This also concerns trade spam. -3. Do not multibox. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. +3. Do not multi box. This means you cannot have more than one active character logged in at a time. You are not allowed to use more than one active client at a time to attack in groups. -4. Do not trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for roleplay purposes. +4. Do not trash talk, beg or use rude language in your character name or in the chat, except for role play purposes. 5. Do not speak any other language than English in public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats or when alone with friends. @@ -56,16 +56,13 @@ ANYWAY, MAYBE WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FOOD WITH GUGLI YOU WILL HAVE THE TIME TO Aboard stand sailors trying to talk to you. -About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -'k è wa bedenking'n over die Esperia Guild, a 'k ik vrijut magge klapp'n. Der ès rumoer over da ze vulle ding'n èn gedoane en da z' en 'oop dingen veur oes verborg'n 'oud'n. - About this Esperia's Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly. Acorn -Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life. +Actually, I have an in-depth knowledge of this type of life. Aemil is a magnificent world unknown to us all. @@ -83,13 +80,13 @@ AligeTrigger All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries... Oal da'k ik t' et'n a, weure die bess'n... Bess'n... Bess'n... -All your...fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. +All your... fresh ingredients are ready to be cooked. -Alright! Yeye one more box and it'll be good. +Alright! Yoyone more box and it'll be good. -Alright, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... +Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy... Alright, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy... @@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go c Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 -An unexpected help is always welcome. +An unexpected help is always welcome! And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! @@ -125,24 +122,18 @@ And you? How's it going on your side? And you? How's it yaying on your side? -Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just click on my bag. +Anyway, if you ever feel interested, just check my bag. Aquada -Aquada!? I will not help you with your evil plan! +Aquada Box Are you ok? Zei j' gie ok? -AreaBottom -AreaBottom - -AreaMiddle -AreaMiddle - AreaNPC AreaNPC @@ -158,13 +149,13 @@ Artis of course! As they sailed on Oceania, great waters of Aemil, one of the groups found a land. -As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be. +As you may know, we are long distance travelers and our whole crew needs to store enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous the sea life can be. As you open your eyes, you see a large ship before you. -Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far. +Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far away. Astapolos. @@ -176,7 +167,7 @@ At this time, we were selling crab food on our old mushroom island. Ayouyouch! My head... -BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPEN TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! +BUT I CAN'T, I NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEA, TO WARN THE CREW IF THERE HAPPENS TO BE SOME PIRATES AROUND! Bag @@ -194,6 +185,9 @@ Before... Bread Brood +Break the door. + + But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. @@ -206,7 +200,7 @@ But I swear that one day..ooh my tasty revenge. Hhmm, actually I wonder if...may But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. -But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods. +But let's talk more about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality food. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 @@ -218,8 +212,8 @@ But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconsciou But who am I? Moa wie benne 'k ik? -But you won't *hick* me this time... -Moar ge goa mi nie *hik* 'n deze kjè +But you won't *hic* me this time... + But... if he has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about him. Moar... as 't ie amnesisch is, gelik da Julia gezeid et...Moet'n w' oes gin zorg'n moak'n over 'em. @@ -230,7 +224,7 @@ Moar... as z' amnesisch is, gelik da Julia gezeid et...Moet'n w' oes gin zorg'n Bye! -CAN YOU HEAR ME? +CAN YOU HEAR ME?! Can I read these rules again? @@ -245,9 +239,6 @@ Skipper Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. -Captain wants: ??? - - Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 @@ -299,10 +290,13 @@ Croc Claw Croconut -DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS? +Croconut Box -DO YOU FEEL BETTER? +DID YOU FIND OUT WHAT THE LIGHT WAS?! + + +DO YOU FEEL BETTER?! Damn @@. @@ -320,9 +314,6 @@ Dan ends the conversation and resumes to write his letter. Dan keeps silent since your last question. -DarlinBarrierCheck - - Did you say reward? I want it! é j' gie gezei belonginge? Da moe'k ik én! @@ -347,13 +338,13 @@ Do you want to try? Does somebody know a good place to hang out in Esperia? - M. Arpan -Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! -Niet de *hick* doen me d' ikke, é! +Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! + Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! -Done, take it! Now here it is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogancy! +Done. Here, take it! Now here is the plan. Go talk with her and offer our beautiful lady a bite of her arrogance! DoorUpwards @@ -368,19 +359,22 @@ Duty calls me, *hic*, see you later honey. Each of the groups was ordered to sail in a different direction to find a new, suitable land where to live. -Ehm he was really upset for some past stories. +Ehm... He was really upset for some past stories. Elmo Elmo -Elmo and Gugli reported me that you done the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. +Elmo and Gugli told me that you did all of the tasks outside, congrats! -Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably have already met Julia and Gado the Chef. +Elmo reported me about some frictions between my old and new lieutenants. You probably already met Julia and Gado the Chef. -Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate efforts you did down there. +Elmo told me what Nard said, congrats! + + +Elmo told me you are now considered as one of us on the island. And I do appreciate the efforts you did down there. Elven Voice @@ -404,7 +398,7 @@ FINE, BYE! Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. -Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little...secret mission. +Fool! Just come here when you have finished our little... secret mission. From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. @@ -416,19 +410,16 @@ Fungus GOOD! -Gado!! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him again! +Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Ggrmm grmmm... Ggrmm grmmm... -Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye! - - -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! -Go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. +Go away. Good job! @@ -482,7 +473,7 @@ HEY! HEY YOU! Harpy-lady? -Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe. Special one too? +Have you collected all the ingredients for my recipe? The special one too? Have you seen anything dangerous? @@ -497,7 +488,7 @@ Ie è mi doa niks over gezeid. He's funny, it's not a problem. -Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hick* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. +Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it get public. Hehe! @@ -569,28 +560,31 @@ Hey! Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 + + +Hey, could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 + + Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! Ei, meiske! +Hey, how do you know my name? + + Hey, man! Ei, manneke! Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? Ei, psst! Ge zit toch gene zeeman é? -Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. -Ei, ge zoe beter ne kjè me Julia klapp'n vo te registrer'n ip de board van't skip. - -Hey, you should go see Julia to get registered on the ship. - - Hey. -Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh? +Hi @@, I heard the captain sent you down here, uh? Hi @@. @@ -602,7 +596,7 @@ Hi, nice to see you! Hidden Person -Hmmm, hm...Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?...Cough, Burp...Damn Gado...Cough +Hmmm, hm... Cough Cough, Burp, Cough. What is that!?... Cough, burp... Damn Gado... Cough... How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. @@ -617,10 +611,7 @@ How are you doing, cutie? How are you doing, dude? -How do you know my name? - - -How is *hick* it possible? +How is *hichic* it possible? However, drought came with summers while winters became colder than ever. @@ -632,7 +623,7 @@ However... Hurry, hurry! We need to check his teeth! -I ALSO WATCH FOR DANGEROUS ANIMALS... +I ALSO AVOID THE DANGEROUS ANIMALS! I AM DOING FINE! @@ -665,7 +656,7 @@ I am, who are you?#1 I beg you, please, pleeeease... 'k smeek et ui, astemblieft, astemblieeeeft... -I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning... +I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the morning... I can't remember anything.#0 @@ -710,6 +701,9 @@ I feel ok.#1 I forgot where it was... +I give you this key, it opens any doors on this ship. + + I guess so... I will leave you alone. @@ -749,7 +743,7 @@ I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you hel I need to go, sorry. -I only need 1 @@, 1 @@ and... +I only need 2 @@, 1 @@, 1 @@ and... I only remember I was rescued by you.#0 @@ -770,32 +764,35 @@ Azo, woarschuw d' andere zeeman'n 'ierover. Moar as 't ie van de Soldoat'n Guild I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally. Azo, woarschuw d' andere zeeman'n 'ierover. Moar as ze van de Soldoat'n Guild ès, ton ès ze ook oez'n moat. -I speak Dutch +I speak Dutch. + + +I speak English. + + +I speak Flemish. -I speak English -'k klappe Ingels +I speak French. -I speak Flemish -'k klappe Vloams -I speak French -'k klappe Frans +I speak German. -I speak German -'k klappe Dutsch -I speak Polish -'k klappe Pools +I speak Italian. -I speak Portuguese -'k klappe Portugees -I speak Russian -'k klappe Russisch +I speak Polish. + + +I speak Portuguese. + + +I speak Russian. + + +I speak Spanish. -I speak Spanish -'k klappe Spoans I swear, I do not eat so much. @@ -806,7 +803,7 @@ I think I should report you to the crew members. I think I'm done with that now. Do you have any questions? -I think that I'm soon done, I'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that I'm soon done since I'll soon have a box full of @@s! I think that I'm still a bit sick. @@ -815,7 +812,7 @@ I think that I'm still a bit sick. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? -I think that yeye's soon done, yeye'll soon got a box full of @@s! +I think that yeye's soon be done. Yeye'll soon have a full box of @@s! I will give you @@gp. @@ -869,7 +866,7 @@ I'm looking for Gugli, where is he? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! 'k ben ier zot an 't word'n, 'k moe iet anders ein vo 't et'n! -I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! +I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever you disco... *hips* ...vered there, the warrior guild won't get me! I'm sorry, I don't have time right now. @@ -902,10 +899,7 @@ IF YOU FIND SOMETHING, THEN IT'S GREAT! IT'S OK, CREW TASKS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN CURIOSITY! -If I saw *hick* who you wereee... *hips* Would not have helped you! - - -If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... +If I saw *hic* who you were... *hips* Would not have helped you! If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -920,6 +914,9 @@ If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to sel If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 +If you're looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the Inn for Silvio's case... + + In this cave, you see, I have a lot of fun. @@ -947,6 +944,9 @@ It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell It seems that we're close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +It seems that you need a key to open this door. + + It seems you still have some work to do. @@ -959,6 +959,9 @@ It would be good for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it since it is one of the most famous cities throughout the world. But hey, returning to the topic, I'm hungry! +It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance, it looks like a plush!. + + It's a kind of mushroom. We call it like that because of it's taste, just like a marshmallow. It also has this name because of it's appearance. It looks like a plush!. @@ -980,6 +983,12 @@ It's true! It's where every merchant ship end their road and we won't be an exception. +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 + + +Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 + + Items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.#0 @@ -998,9 +1007,6 @@ Julia Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. -Julia is on the upper level of the ship. Use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or just click on the stairs with your mouse to walk to them. - - Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. @@ -1019,13 +1025,13 @@ LeftDoorCheck Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. -Let me see...Crispy legs, disgusting liquids...Let's start. +Let me see... Crispy legs, disgusting liquids... Let's start! Lettuce Saloa -Look how splendid this landscape is. +Look how splendid this landscape is! Look, he's there! @@ -1034,10 +1040,10 @@ Look, he's there! Look, there he is! -M...Maybe? +M... Maybe? -MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS? +MAYBE YOU CAN LOOK AT THIS!? Magic Arpan @@ -1070,19 +1076,13 @@ My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individu My name is Alige, I've been hiding here for weeks. -My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos. Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 -NEN en *hik* NEN, gi en ui ... *burp* stomm*hik* guild! - -NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1 -NEN en *hik* NEN, gi en ui ... *burp* stomm*hik* guild! - -NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT. +NOTHING ELSE OTHER THAN SHARKS AND AN ODD LIGHT! Nard @@ -1097,6 +1097,12 @@ Narrator New technologies helped the slaughter instead of establishing peace. At some point, two different rivals were formed. +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#0 + + +No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hic* guild!#1 + + No problem, I can help you anyway. 't é goe, 'k kan ui toch 'elp'n. @@ -1151,6 +1157,9 @@ Niemendalle, sorry. Nothing. +Now go outside and talk with Gugli, he'll tell you what we need. + + OH, LOOK THERE! @@ -1169,9 +1178,6 @@ Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? Ah goed! èt ie ook ui geld were gegev'n? -Oh it is you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. - - Oh look, there's a piou behind you! @@ -1229,6 +1235,9 @@ Ei, ie leef' nog! Oh, it's you. +Oh, it's you. I think it is better we do not talk for a while. They suspect something. + + Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up at least twice in the conversation. @@ -1286,10 +1295,10 @@ OldBook Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the dropped item to add it to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#0 -Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Once you're inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by clicking on 'unequip'.#1 Or else, if you really wish one, and if you feel capable, you can try killing tortugas or crocs if you're strong enough. I'm sure they could drop one or two @@s. @@ -1310,9 +1319,6 @@ Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite y People started to steal from each other to survive. As cities grew, needs did too. Wars for fertile lands then rose. -PeterBarrierCheck - - Piberries Piberries @@ -1331,6 +1337,12 @@ Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. Plushroom +Plushroom Box + + +Purple Blobime + + QMuller. @@ -1355,10 +1367,10 @@ Rrrr... Pchhhh... Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. -SO WHAT'S UP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? +SO WHAT'S UP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! -SO, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? +SO, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! @@ -1367,13 +1379,13 @@ SORRY, BUT WHAT DID YOU SAY? SPEAK LOUDER! Sailors Zeeman'n -Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods. +Sea Drops -Sea Drops +Sea Drops!? I will not help you with your evil plan! -See you. +See you! Seems yummy! Let me taste it! @@ -1385,7 +1397,7 @@ Seriously?! She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... -She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! +She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. She said she will accept me when Pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? @@ -1397,13 +1409,13 @@ She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. -Silvio for example? +Shhht, don't say it that loud... -Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. +Silvio for example? -So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada. +Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. So it seems I have another stomach to fill. Those bastards have no respect for who feeds them every damn day! @@ -1418,10 +1430,10 @@ Doavor'n èn w' ui dus will'n woarschuw'n, misskien komt ie van die guild, omda So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft. Doavor'n èn w' ui dus will'n woarschuw'n, misskien kom' ze van die guild, omda da teken ip da vlot getekend was. -So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. +So what can I do for you? -So what can I do for you? +So, at the moment, our crew is busy collecting @@s, @@s and @@s. So, do you have anything for me today? @@ -1475,9 +1487,6 @@ Stupid yeye... Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Plots hoor d' je en stemme van den 'emel. -Sure why not? - - Sure, Cap'tain. Moabajoak, skipper. @@ -1490,6 +1499,9 @@ Sure, but what can you give me in exchange? Sure, there is a reward for your task. +Sure, why not? + + THAT'S A NICE NAME! @@ -1499,7 +1511,10 @@ Take a Bandana. Take these coins in exchange and be careful. -Take this money for your wise choise. But do not try it again. Water has been mercifull with you once...Do not tempt fate twice! +Take this money for your wise choice. But do not try it again. Water has been merciful with you once... Do not tempt fate once more! + + +Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. @@ -1508,7 +1523,7 @@ Thank you so much! Here, have some of my berries. Thank you, I'll take them. Merci, 'k goa da pakk'n. -Thanks again for helping me. But those Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. +Thanks again for helping me. But these Rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. Thanks for helping me! @@ -1523,12 +1538,21 @@ That's right. That's where you go as well, right? +The adventure begins!#0 + + +The adventure begins!#1 + + The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. +The captain wants: + + The door is locked. @@ -1568,25 +1592,28 @@ The usurper has been punished! This is a great day, take this reward as a prize Their leaders then came to the conclusion that an alliance was the only way they could survive. -There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. +There are few groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. + + +There are rumors going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite a lot from us. There are some flying yellow plushes around you. They're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. -There are some knifes on the table, do you want to take one? -D'er es en mes ip den tafel, wil dje 't pakk'n? +There are some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. -There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? +There are some knifes on the table. Would you like to take one? -There is a paper with some rules written on it. + +There are still some Rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? -There're 6 sailors which will ned your help. They're all around the island. +There is a paper with some rules written on it. -There're some groups of these @@'s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. +There're 6 sailors who will need your help. They're all around the island. There's nothing to say, don't worry miss. @@ -1598,16 +1625,16 @@ There's nothing to say, don't worry sir. Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. -These box are way too heavy to be brought alone to the ship. +These box are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... -These yeye box are way too yeavy to be carried alone onto the ship. +These yeye box are way too heavy to be carried alone onto the ship. -They are both valid and I need them. Probably in the past I did some mistakes I now regret of. I was wondering if you could investigate and...sort out the situation. +They are both valid and I need them. In the past, I probably did mistakes I now regret. I was wondering if you could investigate and... sort out this situation. This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? @@ -1628,6 +1655,12 @@ This is a nice place... There are some nice chicks... This is an @@, a light blue sea fruit. They're highly desired in the archipelago. +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#0 + + +This is it, the end of the Second Beta Release of Evol Online!#1 + + This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. Zuknen klap zoe moet'n bestraft weur'n, moar 'k ga akoord, ik è ze ook nie zo gèren, dus 'oud ze moar in de mot. @@ -1661,10 +1694,13 @@ Uhm, bye. Understood, I will help you. -Unfortunately we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. +Unfortunately, we still need help from you. This time it will be a delicate task, here onboard. + + +Use the key. -WHAT DID YOU SAY? +WHAT DID YOU SAY?! Wait, it seems someone is blocking the door from the other side! @@ -1679,6 +1715,15 @@ Walk a bit, it'll be easy for you to catch one. Impale one of them for me please Water, salt, spicy herbs and meat stuffed with my special surprise! +We are looking for some merchandise we could trade in our next destination. + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#0 + + +We hope that you liked this introduction and we hope to see you in our future releases!#1 + + We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. @@ -1703,28 +1748,28 @@ We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1 -We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago. +We usually dock around these small pieces of land because they provide us some of the best food of all the archipelago. -We usually don't stop in such places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! +We usually don't stop in such splendid places, but the capt'ain let us stay here while he writes down the location of this new island on his map! We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. -Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they have understood who rules this ship! +Well done! Collect all the ingredients and then come back here. You will be rewarded once they understand who rules this ship! -Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again! +Well done! The ship is now ready to sail again! -Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? +Well, even though you have been rescued by us, it doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right? Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you! -Well...No wait you shouldn't eat it. Better I bring it back. +Well... No wait, I have something for you but you shouldn't eat it... I'm taking it back to the kitchen. What I sell comes from every corner of this archipelago. @@ -1748,7 +1793,13 @@ What are you looking for? What are you talking about? What guild? -What do I get in exchange? +What are your needs? + + +What did Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? + + +What did Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? What do you need? @@ -1757,18 +1808,15 @@ What do you need? What do you think? +What do you want to do? + + What do you want today? Wa wildje vandoage èn? What do you wish to do? -What does Gugli said about the box? Was it ok? - - -What does Gugli yayaid about the box? Was it ok? - - What happened to me? Wa d'es 't er gebeurt met ik? @@ -1781,6 +1829,9 @@ Wa moe 'k ik doen achter da'k die kleren è gepakt? What should I do after taking these clothes?#1 Wa moe 'k ik doen achter da'k die kler'n è gepakt? +What will I get in exchange? + + What yeye could I do for you today? Wa yaya kanne 'k ik doen vo gie vandoage? @@ -1823,6 +1874,9 @@ Where is the damn salt!? Give me the salt. I know you have it! Which of your weapons do you want to use in order to cut this @@? +Who are yeye searching? + + Who are you searching for? @@ -1835,10 +1889,7 @@ Wie zei j' gie? Who is she? -Who of the two has the right on his side? - - -Who yeye is searching? +Who of them two has the 'good' on his side? Who's this Julia? @@ -1886,8 +1937,8 @@ Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#1 Yayayaya, it's the first time someone is dressed worse then us! -Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* -Joah, ge zit oal gelik *hik* da in Esperia, moar ge goa mi ni èn! *burp* +Yeah you're all like *hic* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp* + Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. Bajoak, moar 'k wil 't zeker zin da'k en belonginge krig. @@ -1925,19 +1976,19 @@ Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#0 Yeye ask too much but do too less. Take this box and stop talking.#1 -Yeye be prudent with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. +Yeye be careful with wild animal's food, some of them are dangerouyous, especially the Blobs. Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye! -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#0 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#0 -Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries. Could yeye can take my box of fish to Gugli?#1 +Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries...#1 -Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food on the next box then. +Yeye is sure? I'll yaye some more food in the next box then. Yeye seen this yoiis at the bottom of the island, check around. @@ -1985,7 +2036,7 @@ You are now officially part of my crew! Thanks again for your help. You are now part of the crew. Thanks again for your help. -You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here! +You are now part of the crew... At least for us down here! You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. @@ -2000,7 +2051,7 @@ You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is You can find them in the ocean, near corals and other sea beings. But the sea is too heavy today, you shouldn't try to swim there. -You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this. +You can try talking with some other sailors to get some information about that. You can yaye some @@s by hitting these palm trees. @@ -2012,7 +2063,7 @@ Ge kunt 'ier nie passer'n You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. -You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors' list. +You dirty liar. I will add you on the traitors list. You have an awful amnesia. @@ -2021,6 +2072,9 @@ You have an awful amnesia. You have to know that there was a time during which I was the unopposed lieutenant of this crew. Then one day one of the damn sailor brought here that nice lady. +You hear a screaming sound, must be the creaking of the wood door... + + You hit too hard with your fist, you lost your @@. @@ -2045,7 +2099,7 @@ You opened the @@, but only one side is edible. You perfectly cut your @@ in two edible parts. -You realise you can't remember anything. +You realize you can't remember anything. You receive 25GP! @@ -2063,7 +2117,10 @@ Ge zoe beter nog en bekke sloap'n. You should go see them. Ge zoe ze beter goan zien. -You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic. +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the boat. He will be pleased to hear that good news! + + +You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the merchandise on to the ship. He will be pleased to hear that good news. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... @@ -2078,7 +2135,7 @@ You should walk to the north. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? G' eit nog en poar doag'n vo da w' arriver'n an den 'aven, misskiens kun dje entwuk leer'n van zudder? -You still haven't completed your task. +You still haven't completed your tasks. You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. @@ -2093,7 +2150,7 @@ You take the clothes from the chest. You told me that you 'were' important. -You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here... *hick* Or there... +You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 @@ -2123,6 +2180,12 @@ You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! + + +You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a kind lady when I first saw you! + + You're right, it's about Julia. -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2