<!-- Generated by tools/news.py for index.php --> <div> <p/> <font color="#0000ff">2013-01-31</font> <p/> ManaPlus Support <p/> We have decided to support ManaPlus as an official client alongside Mana. In fact, since there will likely be no more releases of the Mana client that supports TMWA (this server), there will inevitably be a time when ManaPlus becomes the only supported client. <p/> Mana 0.6.1 will continue to receive some support until October 2013. We have no plans to specifically break compatibility with Mana, but new features may not be available. <p/> For older clients (whether Mana or ManaPlus), there will be different levels of attempted support, depending on exactly how old it is: <p/> * Less than 6 months old: will not crash or behave erratically. * Less than 2 months old: will behave expectedly, but might not support all features. * Last 2 releases: will do everything, correctly, on the main server. * Last release, or even git, may be required on the test server. <p/> Of course, if a particular client release is buggy, we may not be able to support it at all. <p/> For more details, see <a href="http://forums.themanaworld.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=16867">http://forums.themanaworld.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=16867</a>. <p/> ManaPlus is available at <a href="http://manaplus.evolonline.org/">http://manaplus.evolonline.org/</a> <p/> -<font color="#009000">o11c</font> </div> <div> <p/> <font color="#0000ff">2013-01-26</font> <p/> Content Release January 2013 <p/> This release brings a huge amount of small fixes and changes, including fixes of several spelling and map errors, which were reported by players. Thanks for that! <p/> There are a few new things nevertheless: New characters won't have to start their adventure in underpants anymore, and Doug in Dimond's Cove discovered that the lamps in his room wear off after a while. <p/> -<font color="#009000">Jenalya</font> </div> <div> <p/> <font color="#0000ff">2013-01-23</font> <p/> News feed is finally generated from the same source for both the game and the website. <p/> -<font color="#009000">o11c</font> </div> <div> <p/> <font color="#0000ff">December 2012 again</font> <p/> A new peninsula has magically raised from the depths, south of Hurnscald. A witch seems to be the source of this strange phenomenon. Why is she here, and what does she want? <p/> Further on the west, Lora Tay is willing to accept new challenges to prove once more her skills. <p/> <font color="#0000ff">December 2012</font> <p/> Santa and his helpers have returned to Santa's residence near Nivalis to prepare for Christmas. Among the helpers, the preparations are moving smoothly as they should. The reinboos are excited this year since there will be a change within their team! But not everything is working out as planned. <p/> <font color="#0000ff">November 2012</font> <p/> Halloween has passed and several cities celebrated this event. It seems the farmer Oscar just came back from a long journey in one of these cities. Probably he will have exciting things to tell. <p/> <font color="#0000ff">October 2012</font> <p/> The roadblock to the north east in Argaes was finally lifted and parts of the road were reconstructed. But there is still some work left until the connection to Port City is done. In the Woods you can find a guy who lives alone, seeking seclusion. Be careful not to disturb him. He is very vicious. <p/> The smith's apprentice Peter does good progress in mastering his handcraft and learned some new techniques. <p/> <font color="#0000ff">September 2012</font> <p/> Agostine is well known for his magnificent winter clothes, but he always dreamed of creating something truly exquisite, something noble... <p/> An old veteran has set up camp in the caves below Hurnscald after a life full of hardship and battle. He may be old now, but he surely didn't lose his interest in the art of combat! <p/> <font color="#0000ff">April/May 2012</font> <p/> Strange and ominous things are going on in Kaizei. Many people around Nivalis have noticed White and Blue Slimes around the area, which they have never seen before. Where do those come from? Are they dangerous? And why did they show up now? Rumors say that they originate from the snowy mountains north-west of Nivalis, where the famous Sage Nikolai has his residence. <p/> Summer is coming near and it might be a good time to visit the beach with your Towel and relax a while. Oh, you don't have a Towel? Well, in that case you might find someone on the beach who can give you one! <p/> <font color="#0000ff">March 2012</font> <p/> Two announcements to make: <p/> It seems Tulimshar is finally recovering from the impacts of the great earthquake. Although the eastern half of the city is still closed, it has become much more lively, with children playing between the houses, farmers going back to their fields, reports of increased trade activity. <p/> Surely there are lots of tasks for a young adventurer! <p/> Near Hurnscald a bunny showed up that looks like an older version of our well-known Easter Bunny. But what is he doing there? And where is Easter Bunny? <p/> <font color="#0000ff">2012-02-12 (ooh, what a nice date)</font> <p/> Three pieces of news today. <p/> First, Mana 0.6.0 got released today. You can find it at <a href="http://manasource.org">http://manasource.org</a>, or wait for your distribution. <p/> Second, we will be completely dropping support for the old TMW client soon - unless there is further reason for delay, in April 2012. <p/> Finally, there will be a purge of accounts that have not been used for over a year. This should help responsiveness when logging in and choosing a character. <p/> -o11c <p/> <font color="#0000ff">February 2012</font> <p/> After all the activity in Nivalis due to the Christmas time, the townsfolk would like things to be quiet again. Unfortunately, some strange people have set up their camp near the woods west of town. They came from their village high up in the northern snow mountains. What might have caused them to leave their hunting grounds and come down to Nivalis? <p/> <font color="#0000ff">Christmas 2011</font> <p/> Christmas is coming near and Santa and his helpers are busy preparing everything for the celebration in Santa's house near Nivalis. But somehow... everything seems to go wrong. Bad luck? Or rather - malicious interference? It looks like someone could use your help. <p/> <font color="#0000ff">November 2011</font> <font color="#0000ff">A Rule Correction on "No Botting"</font> <p/> <font color="#0000ff">Previously, only activity while the user was</font> <font color="#0000ff">away from the keyboard was a bannable offense.</font> <font color="#0000ff">Now, any sort of automated following</font> <font color="#0000ff">(especially, but not only, attack-following)</font> <font color="#0000ff">is also covered.</font> <p/> <font color="#0000ff">If you know any of the people who left this game</font> <font color="#0000ff">due to the prevalence of bots that were previously</font> <font color="#0000ff">tolerated, please tell them it's time to return.</font> <p/> <font color="#009000">~ The Hurnscald Herald ~</font> <p/> <font color="#0000ff">Halloween 2011</font> <p/> Happy Halloween! This year the governments of Argaes and Tonori have decided to sponsor trick-or-treating across both continents. Have fun and don't make yourself sick by pigging out! <p/> Credits: initial outline - enchilado intial draft - alastrim rewritten draft - o11c review - Jenalya new items - Lizandra maybe something to do with the new items - salmondine old item - maybe Black Don ? (We're not spoiling what the items *are*) -o11c <p/> <font color="#0000ff">July 2011</font> <p/> Will Kill Monsters For Food? <p/> Recovery from the Great Earthquake is still very slow throughout the world. The vast devastation still causes starvation and a lack of work. A side effect of the Great Earthquake has been the increasing number of aggressive monsters and dooms long thought forgotten. <p/> To answer this problem Tulimshar has issued a call to be spread far and wide: "If you're hungry, if you need work, if you are in search of adventure, come to Tulimshar. Slaying monsters, liberating mines and defeating the night horrors that terrify even the most strong willed never paid so well!" <p/> Needless to say, many are answering this call. You may very well be one of them. <p/> Olana, the Innkeeper's Daughter, Returns to Hurnscald...But Where Are Her Daughters? <p/> Olana, who is staying in the West wing of the Hurnscald Inn, has been away to Tulimshar with her family since before the Earthquake. "The Earthquake may of happened a couple years ago, but everything is still messed up. I would've returned immediately, but I didn't want to put my family at risk until travel became a little safer." <p/> When asked about her daughters, Olana smiled "They love wandering the woods around here. Other than the occasional bandit group, things are usually much more peaceful around here than in Tulimshar. I just hope they don't wander near these caves...I've heard many of them can be quite dangerous." <p/> <font color="#009000">~ The Hurnscald Herald ~</font> <p/> <font color="#0000ff">June 2011</font> <p/> A large shipment of gold coins was plundered by pirates. The shipment was to be sent to Tulimshar as part of their effort to control inflation. "They seemed to just come out of no where! They took the shipment and my pet squirrel Chompers!" Captain Zierock reported while in tears. <p/> It is believed the pirates divided the gold then went separate ways to spend their spoils. Ironically, these pirates were the target of monsters, who plundered them not just for their new found wealth, but also for their crunchy bones and sea salty flesh. <p/> On that note, be on the lookout for Green Slimes, which have grown hostile as they evolve to the harsh Tonori desert, making them a threat to travel and trade. It is believed many of the pirates attempted to cross the Snake Desert, where they met the Green Slimes...and their end. <p/> In other news, Andra, a friend of Hinnak, has increased her agricultural knowledge and needs help keeping the soil around the farm fertile. Interested volunteers should speak with her about how to help. <p/> Last, but certainly not least, Agostine has returned to Nivalis. While he enjoyed his time in Tulimshar, mingling with other artisans, he has missed his home in Kaizei. "I made this fabulous sweater, but nobody wanted to wear it in this hot and smelly desert. That is when I decided enough was enough. Sweat is just gross." <p/> <font color="#009000">~ The Hurnscald Herald ~</font> <p/> <font color="#0000ff">May 2011</font> <p/> Many battle hardened warriors took some time during April and enjoyed helping the somewhat forgetful Easter Bunny make his baskets. The children surely must have enjoyed their sweets. <p/> The demi-god Golbenez has finally made good on his promise to open a 'place of leisure' in the form of an inn. Youngsters beware, since the entrance to this inn is near the old graveyard and could be dangerous. <p/> There have also been reports about a mysterious stranger roaming the beaches near Tulimshar. Be on the lookout if you are in the area. <p/> <font color="#009000">~ The Hurnscald Herald ~</font> <p/> <font color="#0000ff">January 2011</font> <p/> Reports of bandit raids to the west of Hurnscald has mobilized the town. Those injured by these bandits may have a long stay ahead of them in Hurnscald's hospital. <p/> Shortly after Tulimshar loosened the tariff on travel, skill trainers have come to Mana. If one wants to improve themselves through acquiring skills, be on the lookout for these trainers. <p/> In other news, Taro is still missing, but Diryn, an agent of Tulimshar, has established a connection with the Kaizei area, making travel to Nivalis possible again. He still assists the battle hardened travel distant locations just outside of Hurnscald. Getting back can be done by finding Frozenbeard, a pioneer who is mapping a trade route to get to Nivalis by ship. <p/> Diryn's re-connection with Nivalis came none too soon. Golbenez, a demi-god who demanded a half billion gold pieces for building some sort of leisure place, scrapped the idea and went for good old fashioned kidnapping to get whatever he wanted from the world of Mana. He kidnapped Santa Claus. Fearful Santa may not gift the children of the world, wizards, warriors and archers rallied to pay the demi-god his demands. <p/> Shortly after Santa was freed, something more sinister has come to Kaizei. The yeti. Sightings of this beast returns with stories of them. Though aggressive, their behavior seems out of place. They've never been known as cave dwellers nor to kidnap people. <p/> Last, but definitely not least, Dimond's Cove is observing "Burns' Supper" January 24-26th. Shanon is hosting the event, which he promises will be an excellent time for food, drink and poems. <p/> <font color="#009000">~ The Hurnscald Herald ~</font> <p/> <font color="#0000ff">Countless candy-concerning complaints: council</font> <font color="#0000ff">consequently considers citizen-composed cleanup crew</font> <font color="#0000ff">Eighteenth of November 2010</font> <p/> Recently, the ancient tradition of Hallowe'en was celebrated across Argaes, Tonori and other continents. Estimated tons of sweets were given out to happy trick-or-treaters, and as with most other years a lot of this vast total was dropped on the night. Even a week and a half after Hallowe'en, many kilograms of sweets still litter our pleasant woodlands. <p/> After dozens of letters regarding the situation, the Hurnscald Council has said that the best solution would be to organise a team of volunteers to work on collecting dropped sweets and disposing of them - but it has yet to organise any such thing. <p/> In the meantime, why not do your bit and collect some sweets for yourself? If you don't mind them being a bit old, you could be able to make the biggest Hallowe'en haul in history. <p/> Additionally, we've been getting some reports of a rather creepy skeleton hanging around the woodland. He doesn't appear to be aggressive, but he chatters unintelligibly at passers-by. <p/> <font color="#0000ff">Rollback</font> 2010-11-17 <p/> Everything should now be running from a complete save state (including storage, banks, parties etc) that is even two days more recent than what we were temporarilyrunning on before. All credit to Platyna for speedy recovery and even more recent backups. :) <p/> <font color="#0000ff">Server outage</font> 2010-11-16 <p/> Things running on the four day old backups, restricted to account save info and character save info for now while we try to get other databases working. <p/> This means no party data or storage data for now, we'll try to recover that along with everything else, as we should be able to get a full saved state from within the past week. <p/> The current setup is more to have something partially up, and so that people know what's going on while we try to fix things; any in-game progress made right now <font color="#ff0000">will not</font> persist. <p/> <font color="#0000ff">Server outage</font> 2010-11-16 <p/> Okay, apparently even that won't work right now. Servers will remain <font color="#0000ff">offline</font> until we figure out what we can do. <p/> <font color="#0000ff">Server outage</font> 2010-11-16 <p/> We've just had a serious server crash, and the databases seem to have been affected here. We're currently running on some four-day old backups; whether this will be a temporary measure or whether newer ones are usable is yet to be determined. <p/> Please note that the current state may only be <font color="#0000ff">temporary</font>, and that if usable newer backups are found within the next 24 hours, those will be used instead, and any character progress made may be lost. If no usable backups are found during this time, the four-day rollback will have to be permanent. <p/> More news updates will follow once we've investigated further; we're doing what we can... <p/> -<font color="#009000">Freeyorp</font> </div>