{title:Who let this guy write news entries?}

Most of the changes this time are internal, but the
Starting Area Redux is not. Among other things, it
make starting with magic not completely hopeless.

In content:
{li}Starting Area Redux {link:https://forums.themanaworld.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=18299}{/li}
{li}Increasing the compatibility requirement of Manaplus{/li}
{li}Botcheck & Live Debug map separation{/li}
{li}GM Island, A Place to hold GM Events so we don't interfere with Hurnscald Questing{/li}
{li}Hurnscald Map Fixes{/li}
{li}Sling Shot color changed to wood as it's now able to be dyed{/li}
{li}License File updates{/li}

And the server code:
{li}removes support for gcc 4.6{/li}
{li}significantly increase makefile speed{/li}
{li}adds support for libc++{/li}
{li}removes old flex/bison generated files{/li}
{li}generates new files for network protocol for much higher reliability (currently slow for rebuilds, waiting on evets for names to avoid conflicts while fixing){/li}
{li}does random other cleanup{/li}
