/* * The Mana Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * * This file is part of The Mana Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gui/itemamount.h" #include "item.h" #include "keyboardconfig.h" #include "gui/trade.h" #include "net/inventoryhandler.h" #include "gui/itempopup.h" #include "net/net.h" #include "gui/shopwindow.h" #include "gui/viewport.h" #include "gui/widgets/button.h" #include "gui/widgets/dropdown.h" #include "gui/widgets/icon.h" #include "gui/widgets/inttextfield.h" #include "gui/widgets/layout.h" #include "gui/widgets/label.h" #include "gui/widgets/slider.h" #include "resources/itemdb.h" #include "utils/gettext.h" #include <math.h> class ItemsModal : public gcn::ListModel { public: ItemsModal() { std::map<int, ItemInfo*> info = ItemDB::getItemInfos(); std::list<std::string> tempStrings; for (std::map<int, ItemInfo*>::const_iterator i = info.begin(), i_end = info.end(); i != i_end; ++i) { if (i->first < 0) continue; ItemInfo info = (*i->second); std::string name = info.getName(); if (name != "unnamed" && !info.getName().empty() && info.getName() != "unnamed") { tempStrings.push_back(name); } } tempStrings.sort(); for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator i = tempStrings.begin(), i_end = tempStrings.end(); i != i_end; ++i) { mStrings.push_back(*i); } } virtual ~ItemsModal() { } virtual int getNumberOfElements() { return static_cast<int>(mStrings.size()); } virtual std::string getElementAt(int i) { if (i < 0 || i >= getNumberOfElements()) return _("???"); return mStrings.at(i); } private: std::vector<std::string> mStrings; }; void ItemAmountWindow::finish(Item *item, int amount, int price, Usage usage) { switch (usage) { case TradeAdd: if (tradeWindow) tradeWindow->tradeItem(item, amount); break; case ItemDrop: Net::getInventoryHandler()->dropItem(item, amount); break; case ItemSplit: Net::getInventoryHandler()->splitItem(item, amount); break; case StoreAdd: Net::getInventoryHandler()->moveItem(Inventory::INVENTORY, item->getInvIndex(), amount, Inventory::STORAGE); break; case StoreRemove: Net::getInventoryHandler()->moveItem(Inventory::STORAGE, item->getInvIndex(), amount, Inventory::INVENTORY); break; case ShopBuyAdd: if (shopWindow) shopWindow->addBuyItem(item, amount, price); break; case ShopSellAdd: if (shopWindow) shopWindow->addSellItem(item, amount, price); break; default: break; } } ItemAmountWindow::ItemAmountWindow(Usage usage, Window *parent, Item *item, int maxRange): Window("", true, parent), mItemPriceTextField(0), mGPLabel(0), mItem(item), mMax(maxRange), mUsage(usage), mItemPriceSlide(0), mItemsModal(0), mPrice(0) { if (!mItem) { setVisible(false); return; } if (usage == ShopBuyAdd) mMax = 10000; else if (!mMax) mMax = mItem->getQuantity(); // Save keyboard state mEnabledKeyboard = keyboard.isEnabled(); keyboard.setEnabled(false); // Integer field mItemAmountTextField = new IntTextField(1); mItemAmountTextField->setRange(1, mMax); mItemAmountTextField->setWidth(35); mItemAmountTextField->addKeyListener(this); // Slider mItemAmountSlide = new Slider(1.0, mMax); mItemAmountSlide->setHeight(10); mItemAmountSlide->setActionEventId("slide"); mItemAmountSlide->addActionListener(this); if (mUsage == ShopBuyAdd || mUsage == ShopSellAdd) { // Integer field mItemPriceTextField = new IntTextField(1); mItemPriceTextField->setRange(1, 10000000); mItemPriceTextField->setWidth(35); mItemPriceTextField->addKeyListener(this); // Slider mItemPriceSlide = new Slider(1.0, 10000000); mItemPriceSlide->setHeight(10); mItemPriceSlide->setActionEventId("slidePrice"); mItemPriceSlide->addActionListener(this); mGPLabel = new Label(" GP"); } if (mUsage == ShopBuyAdd) { mItemsModal = new ItemsModal; mItemDropDown = new DropDown(mItemsModal); mItemDropDown->setActionEventId("itemType"); mItemDropDown->addActionListener(this); } //Item icon Image *image = item->getImage(); mItemIcon = new Icon(image); // Buttons Button *minusAmountButton = new Button(_("-"), "dec", this); Button *plusAmountButton = new Button(_("+"), "inc", this); Button *okButton = new Button(_("OK"), "ok", this); Button *cancelButton = new Button(_("Cancel"), "cancel", this); Button *addAllButton = new Button(_("All"), "all", this); minusAmountButton->adjustSize(); minusAmountButton->setWidth(plusAmountButton->getWidth()); // Set positions ContainerPlacer place; place = getPlacer(0, 0); int n = 0; if (mUsage == ShopBuyAdd) { place(0, n, mItemDropDown, 8); n++; } place(1, n, minusAmountButton); place(2, n, mItemAmountTextField, 3); place(5, n, plusAmountButton); place(6, n, addAllButton); place(0, n, mItemIcon, 1, 3); place(1, n + 1, mItemAmountSlide, 7); if (mUsage == ShopBuyAdd || mUsage == ShopSellAdd) { Button *minusPriceButton = new Button(_("-"), "decPrice", this); Button *plusPriceButton = new Button(_("+"), "incPrice", this); minusPriceButton->adjustSize(); minusPriceButton->setWidth(plusPriceButton->getWidth()); place(1, n + 2, minusPriceButton); place(2, n + 2, mItemPriceTextField, 3); place(5, n + 2, plusPriceButton); place(6, n + 2, mGPLabel); place(1, n + 3, mItemPriceSlide, 7); place(4, n + 5, cancelButton); place(5, n + 5, okButton); } else { place(4, n + 2, cancelButton); place(5, n + 2, okButton); } reflowLayout(225, 0); resetAmount(); switch (usage) { case TradeAdd: setCaption(_("Select amount of items to trade.")); break; case ItemDrop: setCaption(_("Select amount of items to drop.")); break; case StoreAdd: setCaption(_("Select amount of items to store.")); break; case StoreRemove: setCaption(_("Select amount of items to retrieve.")); break; case ItemSplit: setCaption(_("Select amount of items to split.")); break; case ShopBuyAdd: setCaption(_("Add to buy shop.")); break; case ShopSellAdd: setCaption(_("Add to sell shop.")); break; default: setCaption(_("Unknown.")); break; } setLocationRelativeTo(getParentWindow()); setVisible(true); mItemPopup = new ItemPopup; mItemIcon->addMouseListener(this); } ItemAmountWindow::~ItemAmountWindow() { delete mItemPopup; mItemPopup = 0; } // Show ItemTooltip void ItemAmountWindow::mouseMoved(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { if (!viewport || !mItemPopup) return; if (event.getSource() == mItemIcon) { mItemPopup->setItem(mItem); mItemPopup->position(viewport->getMouseX(), viewport->getMouseY()); } } // Hide ItemTooltip void ItemAmountWindow::mouseExited(gcn::MouseEvent &event _UNUSED_) { if (mItemPopup) mItemPopup->setVisible(false); } void ItemAmountWindow::resetAmount() { mItemAmountTextField->setValue(1); } void ItemAmountWindow::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { if (event.getId() == "cancel") { close(); return; } else if (event.getId() == "ok") { if (mItemPriceTextField) { finish(mItem, mItemAmountTextField->getValue(), mItemPriceTextField->getValue(), mUsage); } else { finish(mItem, mItemAmountTextField->getValue(), 0, mUsage); } close(); return; } else if (event.getId() == "itemType") { if (!mItemDropDown || !mItemsModal) return; std::string str = mItemsModal->getElementAt( mItemDropDown->getSelected()); int id = ItemDB::get(str).getId(); mItem = new Item(id, 10000); if (mUsage == ShopBuyAdd) mMax = 10000; else if (!mMax) mMax = mItem->getQuantity(); Image *image = mItem->getImage(); mItemIcon->setImage(image); } int amount = mItemAmountTextField->getValue(); if (event.getId() == "inc" && amount < mMax) amount++; else if (event.getId() == "dec" && amount > 1) amount--; else if (event.getId() == "all") amount = mMax; else if (event.getId() == "slide") amount = static_cast<int>(mItemAmountSlide->getValue()); mItemAmountTextField->setValue(amount); mItemAmountSlide->setValue(amount); if (mItemPriceTextField && mItemPriceSlide) { int price = 0; if (mPrice > 7) mPrice = 7; else if (mPrice < 0) mPrice = 0; if (event.getId() == "incPrice") { mPrice++; price = static_cast<int>(pow(10, mPrice)); } else if (event.getId() == "decPrice") { mPrice--; price = static_cast<int>(pow(10, mPrice)); } else if (event.getId() == "slidePrice") { price = static_cast<int>(mItemPriceSlide->getValue()); if (price) mPrice = static_cast<int>(log(price)); else mPrice = 0; } mItemPriceTextField->setValue(price); mItemPriceSlide->setValue(price); } } void ItemAmountWindow::close() { keyboard.setEnabled(mEnabledKeyboard); scheduleDelete(); } void ItemAmountWindow::keyReleased(gcn::KeyEvent &keyEvent _UNUSED_) { mItemAmountSlide->setValue(mItemAmountTextField->getValue()); } void ItemAmountWindow::showWindow(Usage usage, Window *parent, Item *item, int maxRange) { if (!item) return; if (!maxRange) maxRange = item->getQuantity(); if (usage != ShopBuyAdd && usage != ShopSellAdd && maxRange <= 1) finish(item, maxRange, 0, usage); else new ItemAmountWindow(usage, parent, item, maxRange); }