From 6ae88a8640726110fb03f19e96a302d8126ce94f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Karas <>
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2012 15:11:32 +0300
Subject: update and rebuild translations.

 data/translations/help/CMakeLists.txt |   1 +
 data/translations/help/    |   1 +
 data/translations/help/it.po          | 859 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 data/translations/help/ru.po          |  74 +--
 4 files changed, 898 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 data/translations/help/it.po

(limited to 'data')

diff --git a/data/translations/help/CMakeLists.txt b/data/translations/help/CMakeLists.txt
index 975414f65..9cf3827de 100644
--- a/data/translations/help/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/data/translations/help/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ SET(FILES
+    it.po
diff --git a/data/translations/help/ b/data/translations/help/
index 284745f21..d7a154bf6 100644
--- a/data/translations/help/
+++ b/data/translations/help/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ help_DATA =				\
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+	it.po				\
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18c7844cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/translations/help/it.po
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+# en#
+# Translators:
+#   <>, 2012.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: ManaPlus\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-04 12:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: hal9OOO <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Italian (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: it\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
+msgid "##2End##P                      \"Change Attack Type\""
+msgstr "##2End##P                      \"Cambia il Tipo di Attacco\""
+msgid "/serverunignoreall - unignore all whispers on server side."
+msgstr "/serverunignoreall - modalità Ignora Whispers (server) disattivata."
+msgid "To read about whispering and other chat commands, look here:"
+msgstr "Informazioni sul Whisper ed altri comandi della chat:"
+msgid "##2UP##P                       \"Move Up\""
+msgstr "##2UP##P                       \"Su\""
+msgid "##21##P                        \"Item Shortcut 1\""
+msgstr "##21##P                        \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 1\""
+msgid "Translators"
+msgstr "Traduttori"
+msgid "##2Esc##P                      \"Quit\""
+msgstr "##2Esc##P                      \"Esci\""
+msgid ""
+"Most commands working in whispers.\n"
+"For example command /imitation in whisper with nick1,\n"
+" similar to command /imitation nick1."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2KeyPad[3]##P                \"On / Off audio\""
+msgstr "##2KeyPad[3]##P                \"Attiva/Disattiva audio\""
+msgid "##2F2##P                       \"Status Window\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "/cacheinfo - show text cache info."
+msgstr "/cacheinfo - mostra informazioni sulla cache testuale."
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + Minus(-)##P       \"Emote Shortcut 11\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + Minus(-)##P       \"Scorciatoia Emote 11\""
+msgid "KEYBOARD:"
+msgstr "TASTIERA:"
+msgid ""
+" If you're having troubles, please first of all read the FAQ. If you\n"
+" can't find a solution to your problem, feel free to check our\n"
+" Bugs/Support section of the forum:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+" or visit IRC channel:"
+msgstr "##2\n o visita il canale IRC:"
+msgid "ManaPlus Contributors"
+msgstr "Collaboratori ManaPlus"
+msgid "MOUSE:"
+msgstr "MOUSE:"
+msgid "/neutral NICK - add nick to neutral relation list."
+msgstr "/neutral NICK - aggiungi nick name alla lista Relazioni neutrali."
+msgid "/addpriorityattack NAME - add monster to priority attack list."
+msgstr "/addpriorityattack NAME - aggiungi nemico alla lista Attacco (Priorità)."
+msgid "##2Enter##P                    \"Toggle Chat\""
+msgstr "##2Enter##P                    \"Attiva/Disattiva Chat\""
+msgid "Back to Index"
+msgstr "Torna all'Indice"
+msgid "##2LeftControl##P              \"Attack\""
+msgstr "##2LeftControl##P              \"Attacco\""
+msgid "/priceload - load shop price from disc."
+msgstr "/priceload - carica prezzo di vendita dal disco."
+msgid "Search string not found."
+msgstr "La voce cercata non è stata trovata."
+msgid "##2s##P                        \"Sit\""
+msgstr "##2s##P                        \"Posizione Seduta\""
+msgid "##2e##P                        \"Kills Stats Window\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2KeyPad[8]##P                \"Disable / Enable Game modifier keys\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+" - ##2allow whispers##P: Do you wish to allow arbitrary players to send\n"
+"   private messages to you in-game?"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##PMagic skills can be obtain by doing quests and missions in game."
+msgstr "##PLe abilità magiche possono essere acquisite portando a termine quests e missioni."
+msgid "Support"
+msgstr "Supporto"
+msgid "##2z##P                        \"Pickup\""
+msgstr "##2z##P                        \"Raccogli oggetti\""
+msgid "##2m##P                        \"Use #itenplz spell\""
+msgstr "##2m##P                        \"Usa Incantesimo #itenplz\""
+msgid ""
+"Communication is often essential to success in this game. You can communicate\n"
+" in several ways:  By chatting and showing emotions (see above), by trading\n"
+" (with the right-click context menu), and by whispering."
+msgstr "La Comunicazione è spesso un fattore essenziale per aver successo in questo gioco. Puoi comunicare in diverse maniere:  Chattando e mostrando Emotes (vedere sopra), commerciando\n (click destro sul destinatario), e coi Whispers."
+msgid "##2a##P                        \"Target Closest\""
+msgstr "##2a##P                        \"Target sul più vicino \""
+msgid "##2Party level2:##P enables a char to create a party."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2y##P                        \"Quick Drop N Items from 0 slot\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2Backspace##P                \"Item Shortcut 13\""
+msgstr "##2Backspace##P                \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 13\""
+msgid ""
+" You can improve your skills by increasing job level. Each job level\n"
+" gives you 1 point to spend on basic skills."
+msgstr " Puoi migliorare le tue Abilità aumentando il Livello Abilità. Ogni Livello Abilità fornisce 1 punto da spendere sulle Abilità di base."
+msgid "##25##P                        \"Item Shortcut 5\""
+msgstr "##25##P                        \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 5\""
+msgid "/me text - send text to chat as /me command in irc."
+msgstr "/me text - manda un messaggio via chat simile al comando /me delle chat IRC."
+msgid "##2q##P                        \"Target Player\""
+msgstr "##2q##P                        \"Target sul Personaggio\""
+msgid "Mana Contributors"
+msgstr "Collaboratori Mana"
+msgid "/query NICK, /q NICK - open new whisper tab for nick."
+msgstr "/query NICK, /q NICK - apre un nuovo Whisper Tab."
+msgid "##2Slash(\\)##P                 \"Crazy moves\""
+msgstr "##2Slash(\\)##P                 \"Movimenti casuali\""
+msgid "/all - show visible beings list in debug tab."
+msgstr "/all - mostra nel tab Debug la lista di tutte le creature visibili."
+msgid "For other server look servers pages for support."
+msgstr "Guardare le pagine di ogni server specifico per ricever supporto in altri server."
+msgid "Debug"
+msgstr "Debug"
+msgid "##2LeftWinKey##P               \"Ignore input 1\""
+msgstr "##2LeftWinKey##P               \"Ignora input 1\""
+msgid "/addattack NAME - add monster to attack list."
+msgstr "/addattack NAME - aggiungi nemico alla lista Attacco."
+msgid ""
+" - ##2friend##P:  You consider this player a friend.  The player may chat,\n"
+"   message your in private, or trade with you at any point."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"You can walk to warps automatically.\n"
+"Open Social Window (f11) and selecy Nav tab,\n"
+"then click on warp what you want."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + 7##P              \"Emote Shortcut 7\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + 7##P              \"Scorciatoia Emote 7\""
+msgid "##2LeftShift##P                \"Stop Attack\""
+msgstr "##2LeftShift##P                \"Interrompi Attacco\""
+msgid "/setdrop N - set drop counter to requested value."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + 8##P              \"Emote Shortcut 8\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + 8##P              \"Scorciatoia Emote 8\""
+msgid "##2RightWinKey##P              \"Ignore input 2\""
+msgstr "##2RightWinKey##P              \"Ignora input 2\""
+msgid "/outfit N - wear outfit number N."
+msgstr "/outfit N - equipaggia la combinazione numero N."
+msgid "Visit IRC channel:"
+msgstr "Visita il canale IRC:"
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + Equals(=)##P      \"Emote Shortcut 12\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + Equals(=)##P      \"Scorciatoia Emote 12\""
+msgid "/createparty NAME - create party with selected name."
+msgstr "/createparty NAME - crea un Party col nome scelto."
+msgid "##2t##P                        \"Talk\""
+msgstr "##2t##P                        \"Parla\""
+msgid "/heal NICK - heal nick."
+msgstr "/heal NICK - cura personaggio."
+msgid "Contributors to client development"
+msgstr "Collaboratori Client"
+msgid "/removeattack NAME - remove monster from attack list."
+msgstr "/removeattack NAME - rimuovi nemico dalla lista Attacco"
+msgid "/where - print current player position to chat."
+msgstr "/where - visualizza in chat la posizione corrente del personaggio."
+msgid ""
+" - ##2ignored##P:  You wish to completely ignore this player.  You will not\n"
+"   even see floating text for him or her anymore, nor emotions."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2RightShift + key##P         \"Move to navigation point\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"You can do basic searching in help by using command\n"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##24##P                        \"Item Shortcut 4\""
+msgstr "##24##P                        \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 4\""
+msgid "##2PageUP##P                   \"Scroll Chat Up\""
+msgstr "##2PageUP##P                   \"Scrolla la Chat Su\""
+msgid "/unignore NICK - Remove nick from ignore list."
+msgstr "/unignore NICK - rimuovi personaggio dalla lista Ignora."
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + 6##P              \"Emote Shortcut 6\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + 6##P              \"Scorciatoia Emote 6\""
+msgid "WINDOWS"
+msgstr "WINDOWS"
+msgid "SUPPORT"
+msgstr "SUPPORTO"
+msgid "##2LEFT##P                     \"Move Left\""
+msgstr "##2LEFT##P                     \"Sinistra\""
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + 9##P              \"Emote Shortcut 9\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + 9##P              \"Scorciatoia Emote 9\""
+msgid "About"
+msgstr "Info"
+msgid "Look this page for help and downloads:"
+msgstr "Fare riferimento alla seguente pagina per l'Help:"
+msgid "Other skills:"
+msgstr "Altre abilità:"
+msgid "##2MenuKey##P                  \"Item Shortcuts Key\""
+msgstr "##2MenuKey##P                  \"Tasto Scorciatoia Oggetto\""
+msgid "##28##P                        \"Item Shortcut 8\""
+msgstr "##28##P                        \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 8\""
+msgid ""
+"You can use mumble voice chat for talking with other players.\n"
+"Start mumble before client start and enable mumble in settings."
+msgstr "Puoi usare la voice-chat Mumble per parlare in Live con gli altri giocatori.\nLancia Mumble prima di aprire il gioco, successivamente attiva Mumble nei Settings."
+msgid "##2RightAlt##P                 \"Copy Outfit\""
+msgstr "##2RightAlt##P                 \"Copia Combinazione equipaggiamento\""
+msgid "##20##P                        \"Item Shortcut 10\""
+msgstr "##20##P                        \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 10\""
+msgid ""
+"You can restore yellow bar settings,\n"
+"by right click on it and select in context menu \"Reset yellow bar\"."
+msgstr "Puoi resettare la barra gialla, cliccando col tasto destro su di essa, scegliendo la voce \"Resetta barra gialla\"."
+msgid "/who - print online players number to chat."
+msgstr "/who - visualizza in chat il numero dei giocatori online."
+msgid "##2r##P                        \"Enable/Disable Trading\""
+msgstr "##2r##P                        \"Attiva/Disattiva Commercio\""
+msgid "/uptime - show client uptime."
+msgstr "/uptime - visualizza l'Uptime del Client."
+msgid "/dumpg - dump graphics and some other settings to chat."
+msgstr "/dumpg - visualizza in chat i settaggi grafici e secondari."
+msgid "/trade NICK - start trade with nick."
+msgstr "/trade NICK - commercia col personaggio scelto."
+msgid "/imitation NICK - start imitation mode."
+msgstr "/imitation NICK - attiva modalità Imitazione."
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + EmoteKey##P       \"Smilie\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##22##P                        \"Item Shortcut 2\""
+msgstr "##22##P                        \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 2\""
+msgid ""
+"You can imitate other players by selecting \"imitation\" in player context menu\n"
+" or type chat command: /imitate playername."
+msgstr "Puoi imitare altri giocatori selezionando la voce \"Imitazione\" dal menu contestuale del personaggio oppure digitando in chat il comando: /imitate playername."
+msgid "##2Semicolon(;)##P             \"Set Direction Down\""
+msgstr "##2Semicolon(;)##P             \"Direzione Giù\""
+msgid ""
+"You can hide/show bars and buttons by right click and select menu item."
+msgstr "Puoi nascondere/mostrare barre e bottoni cliccando col tasto destro su di essi e selezionando l'apposita voce dal menù."
+msgid "Windows"
+msgstr "Finestre"
+msgid "Server news"
+msgstr "Notizie dal Server"
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + 4##P              \"Emote Shortcut 4\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + 4##P              \"Scorciatoia Emote 4\""
+msgid "Website:"
+msgstr "Sito web:"
+msgid "##2F3##P                       \"Inventory Window\""
+msgstr "##2F3##P                       \"Inventario\""
+msgid "##2KeyPad0##P                  \"Change move type\""
+msgstr "##2KeyPad0##P                  \"Cambia tipo di movimento\""
+msgid "Search results"
+msgstr "Risultati ricerca"
+msgid "/pseudoaway, /pseudoaway MSG - set/unset pseudo away mode."
+msgstr "/pseudoaway, /pseudoaway MSG - attiva/disattiva la modalità Pseudo Away."
+msgid "INDEX"
+msgstr "INDICE"
+msgid ""
+"You can disable yellow bar,\n"
+"by pressing key 8 on numeric keyboard."
+msgstr "Puoi disattivare la barra gialla,\npremendo il tasto 8 sul tastierino numerico."
+msgid "/ignoreall - add all whispers to ignore list."
+msgstr "/ignoreall - aggiungi tutti i Whispers alla lista Ignora."
+msgid "Other contributors"
+msgstr "Altri Collaboratori"
+msgid "/ignore NICK - add nick to ignore list."
+msgstr "/ignore NICK - aggiungi personaggio alla lista Ignora."
+msgid "##23##P                        \"Item Shortcut 3\""
+msgstr "##23##P                        \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 3\""
+msgid "##29##P                        \"Item Shortcut 9\""
+msgstr "##29##P                        \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 9\""
+msgid "/outfit next - wear next outfit."
+msgstr "/outfit next - equipaggia la combinazione successiva."
+msgid ""
+"You can set away mode,\n"
+"by type in chat command /away"
+msgstr "Puoi attivare la modalità AWAY,\ndigitando il comando /away in chat."
+msgid "/move X Y - move to X,Y position in short distance."
+msgstr "/move X Y - spostati alla posizione X,Y (distanza ravvicinata)."
+msgid "Magic skills:"
+msgstr "Abilità magiche:"
+msgid "/addignoreattack NAME - add monster to ignore attack list."
+msgstr "/addignoreattack NAME - aggiungi nemico alla lista Ignora Attacchi."
+msgid "##2KeyPad[+]##P                \"Toggle camera mode\""
+msgstr "##2KeyPad[+]##P                \"Cambia modalità camera\""
+msgid "##2Home##P                     \"Item Shortcut 15\""
+msgstr "##2Home##P                     \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 15\""
+msgid "/clear - clear current chat tab."
+msgstr "/clear - pulisci la Chat corrente."
+msgid "##2KeyPad[9]##P                \"Next chat tab line\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Chat commands"
+msgstr "Comandi della Chat"
+msgid "Trade"
+msgstr "Commercio"
+msgid "/blacklist NICK - add nick to blacklist relation list."
+msgstr "/blacklist NICK - aggiungi giocatore alla lista Lista Nera."
+msgid "##2Comma(,)##P                 \"Switch magic attack\""
+msgstr "##2Comma(,)##P                 \"Cambia Incantesimo\""
+msgid "##2Tab##P                      \"Chat Auto Complete\""
+msgstr "##2Tab##P                      \"Completamento Automatico in Chat\""
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + 5##P              \"Emote Shortcut 5\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + 5##P              \"Scorciatoia Emote 5\""
+msgid ""
+" - ##2save player list##P: Should your acquaintance list be saved when you\n"
+"   quit the game?  If you enable this option, your list will survive when you\n"
+"   quit and re-start."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2PageDOWN##P                 \"Scroll Chat Down\""
+msgstr "##2PageDOWN##P                 \"Scrolla la Chat Giù\""
+msgid "##2KeyPad[2]##P                \"Enable / Disable away mode\""
+msgstr "##2KeyPad[2]##P                \"Attiva/Disabilità modalità Away\""
+msgid "##2j##P                        \"Commands Window\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Basic skills:"
+msgstr "Abilità di base"
+msgid "##POther skills can be obtain by doing quests and missions in game."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2RightControl##P             \"Wear Outfit\""
+msgstr "##2RightControl##P             \"Equipaggia Combinazione\""
+msgid ""
+"You can buy or sell items from players shops.\n"
+"Right click on player and select \"Buy\" or \"Sell\""
+msgstr "Puoi comprare o vendere oggetti anche da/a altri giocatori.\nClicca col tasto destro sul giocatore e seleziona la voce \"Compra\" o \"Vendi\""
+msgid "/erase NICK - add nick to erased list."
+msgstr "/erase NICK - aggiungi personaggio alla lista Eliminati."
+msgid "/pricesave - save shop price to disc."
+msgstr "/pricesave - salva il prezzo di vendita su disco."
+msgid "##2SpaceBar##P                 \"Select OK\""
+msgstr "##2SpaceBar##P                 \"Seleziona OK\""
+msgid "##2Emote:##P enables the ability to express emotions."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "/friend NICK, /befriend NICK - add nick to friends list."
+msgstr "/friend NICK, /befriend NICK - aggiungi personaggio alla lista Amici."
+msgid "##2i##P                        \"Switch Quick Drop Counter\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"##2ManaPlus##P is extended client based on old code from ##2Mana##P client.\n"
+" Added many features, improved perfomance, stability, security and more."
+msgstr "##2ManaPlus##P è un client avanzato derivato dal codice del progetto ##2Mana##P.\n Nel tempo sono state aggiunte nuove caratteristiche, miglioramenti delle performance, della stabilità e della sicurezza."
+msgid ""
+"##2ManaPlus##P is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open\n"
+" source MMORPG Client. ManaPlus uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large\n"
+" and diverse interactive world. It is licensed under the GPL, making\n"
+" sure this game can't ever run away from you."
+msgstr "##2ManaPlus##P è un impegno serio per creare un Client MMORPG cce sia innovativo\n e open source. ManaPlus usa grafica 2D graphics ed ha l'obbiettivo di creare un\n mondo interattivo esteso e diversificato. E' rilasciato sotto licenza GPL, per assicurare\n una longevità infinita al progetto."
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + 2##P              \"Emote Shortcut 2\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + 2##P              \"Scorciatoia Emote 2\""
+msgid "##2F7##P                       \"Chat Window\""
+msgstr "##2F7##P                       \"Finestra Chat\""
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + 1##P              \"Emote Shortcut 1\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + 1##P              \"Scorciatoia Emote 1\""
+msgid "##2F11##P                      \"Social Window\""
+msgstr "##2F11##P                      \"Finestra Social\""
+msgid ""
+" - ##2neutral##P:  As far as the game is concerned, this is the same as not\n"
+"   having the player listed:  the player may chat with you, but may only trade\n"
+"   or whisper if you have this option allowed for everyone."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Skills"
+msgstr "Abilità"
+msgid "##2Party Level1:##P enables a char to join a party."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+" There you will find a list of all players you are acquainted with, as well as\n"
+" several configuration options:"
+msgstr " Qui trovi la lista di tutti i giocatori con cui hai fatto conoscenza, come pure\ndiverse opzioni di configurazione:"
+msgid "Search error"
+msgstr "Errore di ricerca"
+msgid ""
+"/msg NICK text, /whisper NICK text, /w NICK text - send whisper message to "
+msgstr "/msg NICK text, /whisper NICK text, /w NICK text - manda un Whisper al personaggio scelto."
+msgid "##2F1##P                       \"Help Window\""
+msgstr "##2F1##P                       \"Finestra Help\""
+msgid "##2g##P                        \"Change Attack Weapon Type\""
+msgstr "##2g##P                        \"Cambia Arma di Attacco\" "
+msgid ""
+" The player list lists all of your acquaintances.  They are categorised as one\n"
+" of the following:"
+msgstr " La lista giocatore visualizza tutti i giocatori con cui hai fatto conoscenza.  Essi sono catalogati come segue:"
+msgid "/outfit prev - wear previous outfit."
+msgstr "/outfit prev - equipaggia combinazione precedente."
+msgid ""
+"##P This file lists all contributors up to the current release. Check the wiki\n"
+"##P for the currently active development team."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Contributors to client/server development"
+msgstr "Collaboratori Client/Server"
+msgid "##2KeyPad[1]##P                \"Change Follow mode\""
+msgstr "##2KeyPad[1]##P                \"Cambia Modalità Segui\""
+msgid "SHORTCUTS:"
+msgid "/target NICK - select nick as target. Can be monster or player nick."
+msgstr "/target NICK - seleziona il personaggio/mostro desiderato come target."
+msgid "/emote N - use emotion number N."
+msgstr "/emote N - usa l'Emote numero N."
+msgid "##2Minus(-)##P                 \"Item Shortcut 11\""
+msgstr "##2Minus(-)##P                 \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 11\""
+msgid "##2Esc##P                      \"Deactivate Chat Input\""
+msgstr "##2Esc##P                      \"Disattiva Chat Input\""
+msgid "Player relations"
+msgstr "Relazioni giocatore"
+msgid ""
+"You can copy value from any bar,\n"
+"by right click on it and select in context menu \"Copy to chat\"."
+msgstr "Puoi copiare un valore da qualsiasi Barra,\ncliccando col tasto destro su di essa e selezionando la voce \"Copia in chat\" dal menù contestuale."
+msgid "/closeall - close all whispers."
+msgstr "/closeall - chiude tutte le finestre dei Whispers."
+msgid "COMMANDS"
+msgstr "COMANDI"
+msgid "##2RIGHT##P                    \"Move Right\""
+msgstr "##2RIGHT##P                    \"Destra\""
+msgid "##2RightBracket(])##P          \"Copy Equiped to Outfit\""
+msgstr "##2RightBracket(])##P          \"Memorizza Equipaggiamento come Combinazione\""
+msgid "##2DOWN##P                     \"Move Down\""
+msgstr "##2DOWN##P                     \"Giù\""
+msgid "##2n##P                        \"Target NPC\""
+msgstr "##2n##P                        \"Target sull'NPC più vicino\""
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + 3##P              \"Emote Shortcut 3\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + 3##P              \"Scorciatoia Emote 3\""
+msgid "Manaplus Developers"
+msgstr "Sviluppatori ManaPlus"
+msgid "##2Backslash(/)##P             \"Change Crazy Move mode\""
+msgstr "##2Backslash(/)##P             \"Cambia modalità Movimenti Casuali\""
+msgid "##2F8##P                       \"Item Shortcut Window\""
+msgstr "##2F8##P                       \"Finestra Scorciatoie Oggetto\""
+msgid "##2w##P                        \"Quick drop Window\""
+msgstr "##2w##P                        \"Barra Oggetti Veloci\""
+msgid "##2u##P                        \"Quick Drop N Items\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "You can change any key in keyboard settings."
+msgstr "Puoi modificare ogni combinazione di tasti dai settaggi della sezione 'Tastiera'."
+msgid "/dirs - show client dirs in debug chat tab."
+msgstr "/dirs - visualizza nella chat 'Debug' le directory usate dal Client."
+msgid "Powered By"
+msgstr "Powered by"
+msgid "/disconnect - quick disconnect from server."
+msgstr "/disconnect - sconnessione rapida."
+msgid "/disregard NICK - add nick to disregarded list."
+msgstr "/disregard NICK - aggiungi il giocatore alla lista Ignora."
+msgid "##2F9##P                       \"Setup Window\""
+msgstr "##2F9##P                       \"Finestra Setup\""
+msgid "##2F5##P                       \"Skill Window\""
+msgstr "##2F5##P                       \"Finestra Abilità\""
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Comandi"
+msgid "/undress NICK - remove all clothes from nick. Local effect only."
+msgstr "/undress NICK - rimuove tutti i vestiti dal personaggio scelto. Funziona solo in locale."
+msgid ""
+" Otherwise see the @@team|Development Team@@ section to have a list of\n"
+" developers and how to contact them."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2Quote(')##P                 \"Set Direction Right\""
+msgstr "##2Quote(')##P                 \"Direzione Destra\""
+msgid "##2F4##P                       \"Equipment Window\""
+msgstr "##2F4##P                       \"Equipaggiamento\""
+msgid "/away, /away MSG - set away mode."
+msgstr "/away, /away MSG - attiva la modalità Away."
+msgid ""
+"If client working very slow, you can improve speed\n"
+"by reading this:"
+msgstr "Se il Client è molto lento, puoi provare a migliorare la velocità\nleggendo le istruzioni all'indirizzo:"
+msgid ""
+"/mail NICK MSG - send offline message to NICK. Working only in tmw server."
+msgstr "/mail NICK MSG - manda un messaggio offline al giocatore desiderato. Funziona solo sul server The Mana World."
+msgid "##2k##P                        \"Set Direction Left\""
+msgstr "##2k##P                        \"Direzione Sinistra\""
+msgid ""
+" - ##2disregarded##P:  You wish to disregard this player, meaning that his or\n"
+"   her chat messages are not logged and trade requests and whispers are\n"
+"   ignored."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2o##P                        \"Change Pickup Type\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2BackQuote(`)##P             \"Outfits Window\""
+msgstr "##2BackQuote(`)##P             \"Finestra Combinazioni\""
+msgid "##2Period(.)##P                \"Change Move to Target type\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2F10##P                      \"Debug Window\""
+msgstr "##2F10##P                      \"Finestra Debug\""
+msgid ""
+" - ##2allow trading##P: Do you wish to allow trade requests from arbitrary\n"
+"   players?"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Whispers commands"
+msgstr "Comandi Whisper"
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + Insert##P         \"Emote Shortcut 14\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + Insert##P         \"Scorciatoia Emote 14\""
+msgid ""
+" Left click to execute default action: walk, pick up an item, attack a monster\n"
+" and talk to NPCs (be sure to click on their feet). Right click to show up a\n"
+" context menu. Holding [Left Shift] prevents from walking when attacking."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"You can see other player equiped items,\n"
+"by right click on player and select in context menu \"Show Items\"."
+msgstr "Puoi vedere l'equipaggiamento di altri giocatori,\ncliccando col tasto destro sul personaggio e selezionando la voce \"Mostra Oggetti\" dal menù contestuale."
+msgid "##2d##P                        \"Move to Home location\""
+msgstr "##2d##P                        \"Raggiungi la posizione Home prescelta\""
+msgid "Whispers"
+msgstr "Whispers"
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + 0##P              \"Emote Shortcut 10\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + 0##P              \"Scorciatoia Emote 10\""
+msgid "/help - show small help about chat commands. "
+msgstr "/help - visualizza un piccolo help in linea sui comandi della chat."
+msgid ""
+"You can set any client resolution. In settings in video tab,\n"
+"click on \"custom\" and enter for example: 900x500 and press ok."
+msgstr "Puoi impostare qualsiasi risoluzione del Client. Nella finestra Setup, tab Video,\nclicca su \"personalizzata\" e digita per esempio: 900x500."
+msgid "/attack - attack target."
+msgstr "/attack - attacca il target selezionato."
+msgid "##2f##P                        \"Change Map View Mode\""
+msgstr "##2f##P                        \"Cambia modalità di visualizzazione della Mappa\""
+msgid ""
+" You may find that not all communication is to your liking.  While most people\n"
+" are nice, some may offend you or try to make your life harder-- since this is\n"
+" an open game, there is nothing the developers can do to prevent this."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+" However, you can protect yourself from such players by ignoring them.  Right-\n"
+" click on them to bring up the context menu, then select `Ignore' or\n"
+" `Disregard' (see below).  You can fine-tune your player relations in the\n"
+" `Setup' menu, which lists all the players you have added to it.  To open this\n"
+" menu, select `Setup' in the upper right corner of the screen, then `Players'."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2KeyPad[9]##P                \"Next Chat Tab\""
+msgstr "##2KeyPad[9]##P                \"Chat Tab Successivo\""
+msgid "##2KeyPad[7]##P                \"Previous chat tab line\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2Trade:##P enables the ability to trade with others."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2LeftAlt + Backspace##P      \"Emote Shortcut 13\""
+msgstr "##2LeftAlt + Backspace##P      \"Scorciatoia Emote 13\""
+msgid "##2p##P                        \"Screenshot\""
+msgstr "##2p##P                        \"Salva Schermata di gioco\""
+msgid "##2x##P                        \"Target & Attack\""
+msgstr "##2x##P                        \"Target e attacca il nemico più vicino\""
+msgid "##2b##P                        \"Use magic attack\""
+msgstr "##2b##P                        \"Usa Incantesimo\""
+msgid "##2KeyPad[4]##P                \"Change Imitation mode\""
+msgstr "##2KeyPad[4]##P                \"Cambia modalità Imitazione\""
+msgid "##2Tab##P                      \"Emulate right click from keyboard\""
+msgstr "##2Tab##P                      \"Emula il tasto destro del mouse da tastiera\""
+msgid "##2LeftBracket([)##P           \"Bot Checker Window\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##2l##P                        \"Set Direction Up\""
+msgstr "##2l##P                        \"Direzione Su\""
+msgid "/serverignoreall - ignore all whispers on server side."
+msgstr "/serverignoreall - ignora tutti i Whispers (server-side)."
+msgid "##2v##P                        \"Move to Target\""
+msgstr "##2v##P                        \"Raggiungi il Target selezionato\""
+msgid "##2KeyPad[7]##P                \"Previous Chat Tab\""
+msgstr "##2KeyPad[7]##P                \"Chat Tab Precedente\""
+msgid ""
+"##2               SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer (Media framework)\n"
+"##2                     SDL_net (Networking framework)\n"
+"##2                        Guichan (GUI framework)\n"
+"##2                   libxml2 (XML parsing and writing)\n"
+"##2                          PhysFS (Data files)\n"
+"##2                        libcurl (HTTP downloads)\n"
+"##2                            zlib (Archives)"
+msgstr "##2               SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer (Media framework)\n##2                     SDL_net (Networking framework)\n##2                        Guichan (GUI framework)\n##2                   libxml2 (XML parsing and writing)\n##2                          PhysFS (Data files)\n##2                        libcurl (HTTP downloads)\n##2                            zlib (Archives)"
+msgid "##2h##P                        \"Hide Windows\""
+msgstr "##2h##P                        \"Nascondi Finestre\""
+msgid "##2Version:##6%VER%"
+msgstr "##2Versione:##6%VER%"
+msgid "##2Equals(=)##P                \"Item Shortcut 12\""
+msgstr "##2Equals(=)##P                \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 12\""
+msgid ""
+" To add an item to the shortcut bar click on the item in the inventory window,\n"
+" then click on the box in the shortcut-window which should be associated with\n"
+" the item. To reorder items within the shortcut-window simply click and drag\n"
+" them between the boxes. To remove items you simply drag them outside of the\n"
+" window and drop them."
+msgstr " Per aggiungere un oggetto ad una Barra Veloce clicca su di esso nella finestra dell'Inventario,\n poi clicca sullo slot della finestra delle Scorciatoie.\nPer riordinare gli oggetti della Barra Veloce clicca e tieni premuto\nl'oggetto durante lo spostamento. Per rimuovere gli oggetti spostarli semplicemente fuori dalla\nfinestra."
+msgid "/follow NICK - start follow mode."
+msgstr "/follow NICK - attiva la modalità 'Segui' sul personaggio scelto."
+msgid "/navigate x y - move to position x,y in current map in any distance."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "SKILLS"
+msgstr "ABILITA'"
+msgid "Art or images contributors"
+msgstr "Collaboratori grafica"
+msgid "##27##P                        \"Item Shortcut 7\""
+msgstr "##27##P                        \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 7\""
+msgid "##2F12##P                      \"Emote Shortcut Window\""
+msgstr "##2F12##P                      \"Finestra Scorciatoie Emote\""
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Azioni"
+msgid "##2Insert##P                   \"Item Shortcut 14\""
+msgstr "##2Insert##P                   \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 14\""
+msgid ""
+"About yellow bar you can read here:\n"
+msgstr "Puoi avere informazioni aggiuntive sulla Barra Gialla all'indirizzo:\n"
+msgid "##2F6##P                       \"Minimap Window\""
+msgstr "##2F6##P                       \"Mini Mappa\""
+msgid "##2c##P                        \"Quick heal target or self\""
+msgstr "##2c##P                        \"Cura veloce al target selezionato o a se stesso\""
+msgid "##2KeyPad[5]##P                \"Set home location/Set arrow\""
+msgstr ""
+msgid "##26##P                        \"Item Shortcut 6\""
+msgstr "##26##P                        \"Scorciatoia Oggetto 6\""
diff --git a/data/translations/help/ru.po b/data/translations/help/ru.po
index a653d9f70..51e8718ca 100644
--- a/data/translations/help/ru.po
+++ b/data/translations/help/ru.po
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: ManaPlus\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-18 22:47+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Andrei Karas <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Russian (\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-01 15:18+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Dan Sagunov <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Russian (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ msgid "MOUSE:"
 msgstr "МЫШЬ:"
 msgid "/neutral NICK - add nick to neutral relation list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/neutral ИГРОК - добавить игрока в нейтральный список."
 msgid "/addpriorityattack NAME - add monster to priority attack list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/addpriorityattack МОНСТР - добавить монстра в приоритетный список атаки."
 msgid "##2Enter##P                    \"Toggle Chat\""
 msgstr "##2Enter##P                    \"Включить чат\""
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Communication is often essential to success in this game. You can communicate\n"
 " in several ways:  By chatting and showing emotions (see above), by trading\n"
 " (with the right-click context menu), and by whispering."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Взаимодействие с другими игроками часто необходимо в этой игре. Вы можете взаимодействовать несколькими путями:\nПутем чата (см. выше) и эмоциями, торговли\n (с помощью контекстного меню), и шепота."
 msgid "##2a##P                        \"Target Closest\""
 msgstr "##2a##P                        \"Выбор цели для атаки\""
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ msgid "##25##P                        \"Item Shortcut 5\""
 msgstr "##25##P                        \"Ярлык предметов 5\""
 msgid "/me text - send text to chat as /me command in irc."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/me текст - отправить текст в чат как командой /me в IRC"
 msgid "##2q##P                        \"Target Player\""
 msgstr "##2q##P                        \"Выбор цели - игроки\""
@@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ msgid "Mana Contributors"
 msgstr "В разработке Mana принимали участие"
 msgid "/query NICK, /q NICK - open new whisper tab for nick."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/query ИГРОК, /q ИГРОК - открыть новую вкладку для шепота с игроком."
 msgid "##2Slash(\\)##P                 \"Crazy moves\""
 msgstr "##2Slash(\\)##P                 \"Сумасшедшее движение\""
 msgid "/all - show visible beings list in debug tab."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/all - показать список всех видимых существ во вкладке отладки."
 msgid "For other server look servers pages for support."
 msgstr "Для получения информации об игре на других серверах посетите страницу соответствующего сервера."
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ msgid "##2LeftWinKey##P               \"Ignore input 1\""
 msgstr "##2LeftWinKey##P               \"Игнорировать ввод 1\""
 msgid "/addattack NAME - add monster to attack list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/addattack МОНСТР - добавить монстра в список атаки."
 msgid ""
 " - ##2friend##P:  You consider this player a friend.  The player may chat,\n"
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ msgid "##2LeftShift##P                \"Stop Attack\""
 msgstr ""
 msgid "/setdrop N - set drop counter to requested value."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/setdrop N - задать счетчику дропов нужное значение."
 msgid "##2LeftAlt + 8##P              \"Emote Shortcut 8\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -213,22 +213,22 @@ msgid "##2LeftAlt + Equals(=)##P      \"Emote Shortcut 12\""
 msgstr ""
 msgid "/createparty NAME - create party with selected name."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/createparty "
 msgid "##2t##P                        \"Talk\""
 msgstr "##2t##P                        \"Говорить\""
 msgid "/heal NICK - heal nick."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/heal ИГРОК - лечить игрока."
 msgid "Contributors to client development"
 msgstr "В разработке клиентской части принимали участие"
 msgid "/removeattack NAME - remove monster from attack list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/removeattack МОНСТР - удалить монстра из списка атаки."
 msgid "/where - print current player position to chat."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/where - вывести текущее положение игрока в чат."
 msgid ""
 " - ##2ignored##P:  You wish to completely ignore this player.  You will not\n"
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ msgid "##2PageUP##P                   \"Scroll Chat Up\""
 msgstr ""
 msgid "/unignore NICK - Remove nick from ignore list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/unignore ИГРОК - убрать игрока из списка игнорирования."
 msgid "##2LeftAlt + 6##P              \"Emote Shortcut 6\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -302,22 +302,22 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr "Вы можете сбросить настройки Желтой панели, нажав на ней правой кнопкой мыши \nи выбрав в контекстном меню \"Сбросить настройки\"."
 msgid "/who - print online players number to chat."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/who - вывести количество пользователей онлайн в чат."
 msgid "##2r##P                        \"Enable/Disable Trading\""
 msgstr ""
 msgid "/uptime - show client uptime."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/uptime - показать время работы клиента."
 msgid "/dumpg - dump graphics and some other settings to chat."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/dumpg - вывести настройки графики в чат."
 msgid "/trade NICK - start trade with nick."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/trade ИГРОК - торговать с игроком."
 msgid "/imitation NICK - start imitation mode."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/imitation ИГРОК - начать режим имитации."
 msgid "##2LeftAlt + EmoteKey##P       \"Smilie\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "You can imitate other players by selecting \"imitation\" in player context menu\n"
 " or type chat command: /imitate playername."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вы можете имитировать других игроков, выбрав \"Имитация\" в контекстном меню игрока, или с помощью команды: /imitation ИГРОК"
 msgid "##2Semicolon(;)##P             \"Set Direction Down\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ msgid "Search results"
 msgstr "Результат поиска"
 msgid "/pseudoaway, /pseudoaway MSG - set/unset pseudo away mode."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/pseudoaway, /pseudoaway ТЕКСТ - включить/выключить режим псевдо-\"Отошел\"."
 msgid "INDEX"
 msgstr "СОДЕРЖАНИЕ"
@@ -373,13 +373,13 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr "Желтую панель можно выключить, нажав 8 на цифровой клавиатуре."
 msgid "/ignoreall - add all whispers to ignore list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/ignoreall - добавить всех в список игнорирования."
 msgid "Other contributors"
 msgstr "Другие участники"
 msgid "/ignore NICK - add nick to ignore list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/ignore ИГРОК - добавить игрока в список игнорирования."
 msgid "##23##P                        \"Item Shortcut 3\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ msgid "##29##P                        \"Item Shortcut 9\""
 msgstr ""
 msgid "/outfit next - wear next outfit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/outfit next - надеть следующий костюм."
 msgid ""
 "You can set away mode,\n"
@@ -396,13 +396,13 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr "Вы можете установить рехим отошел,\nнабрав в чате команду /away"
 msgid "/move X Y - move to X,Y position in short distance."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/move X Y - идти в точку X, Y, находящуюся на коротком расстоянии."
 msgid "Magic skills:"
 msgstr "Магические умения:"
 msgid "/addignoreattack NAME - add monster to ignore attack list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/addignoreattack МОНСТР - добавить монстра в список игнорирования при атаке."
 msgid "##2KeyPad[+]##P                \"Toggle camera mode\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ msgid "##2Home##P                     \"Item Shortcut 15\""
 msgstr ""
 msgid "/clear - clear current chat tab."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/clear - очистить текущую вкладку чата."
 msgid "##2KeyPad[9]##P                \"Next chat tab line\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ msgid "Trade"
 msgstr "Обмен"
 msgid "/blacklist NICK - add nick to blacklist relation list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/blacklist ИГРОК - добавить игрока в черный список."
 msgid "##2Comma(,)##P                 \"Switch magic attack\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ msgid "##2Emote:##P enables the ability to express emotions."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "/friend NICK, /befriend NICK - add nick to friends list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/friend ИГРОК, /befriend ИГРОК - добавить игрока в список друзей."
 msgid "##2i##P                        \"Switch Quick Drop Counter\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ msgstr "Ошиька поиска"
 msgid ""
 "/msg NICK text, /whisper NICK text, /w NICK text - send whisper message to "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/msg ИГРОК текст, /whisper ИГРОК текст, /w ИГРОК текст - шептать игроку."
 msgid "##2F1##P                       \"Help Window\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 msgid "/outfit prev - wear previous outfit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/outfit prev - надеть предыдущий костюм."
 msgid ""
 "##P This file lists all contributors up to the current release. Check the wiki\n"
@@ -565,10 +565,10 @@ msgid "SHORTCUTS:"
 msgid "/target NICK - select nick as target. Can be monster or player nick."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/target ИМЯ - выделить существо как цель. Может быть монстром или игроком."
 msgid "/emote N - use emotion number N."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/emote N - использовать эмоцию N."
 msgid "##2Minus(-)##P                 \"Item Shortcut 11\""
 msgstr ""
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 msgid "/closeall - close all whispers."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "/closeall - закрыть все вкладки шепота."
 msgid "COMMANDS"
 msgstr "КОМАНДЫ"
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ msgid ""
 " `Disregard' (see below).  You can fine-tune your player relations in the\n"
 " `Setup' menu, which lists all the players you have added to it.  To open this\n"
 " menu, select `Setup' in the upper right corner of the screen, then `Players'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Впрочем, вы можете защититься от таких игроков, игнорируя их. Правым-⏎ кликом на игроке откройте контекстное меню, затем выберите `Игнорировать' или⏎ `Пренебречь' (см. выше). Вы можете настраивать отношения с игроками в меню ⏎ `Настройка', которое показывает всех игроков, добавленных туда. Чтобы открыть это⏎ меню, выберите `Настройка' в правом верхнем углу экрана, затем `Игроки'."
 msgid "##2KeyPad[9]##P                \"Next Chat Tab\""
 msgstr ""
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2