/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "particle.h" #include "animationparticle.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "resources/dye.h" #include "logger.h" #include "map.h" #include "particleemitter.h" #include "rotationalparticle.h" #include "textparticle.h" #include "resources/resourcemanager.h" #include "gui/sdlfont.h" #include "utils/dtor.h" #include "utils/mathutils.h" #include <guichan/color.hpp> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include "debug.h" static const float SIN45 = 0.707106781f; class Graphics; class Image; int Particle::particleCount = 0; int Particle::maxCount = 0; int Particle::fastPhysics = 0; int Particle::emitterSkip = 1; bool Particle::enabled = true; const float Particle::PARTICLE_SKY = 800.0f; Particle::Particle(Map *const map) : Actor(), mAlpha(1.0f), mLifetimeLeft(-1), mLifetimePast(0), mFadeOut(0), mFadeIn(0), mAlive(ALIVE), mAutoDelete(true), mAllowSizeAdjust(false), mDeathEffectConditions(0x00), mGravity(0.0f), mRandomness(0), mBounce(0.0f), mFollow(false), mTarget(nullptr), mAcceleration(0.0f), mInvDieDistance(-1.0f), mMomentum(1.0f) { setMap(map); Particle::particleCount++; } Particle::~Particle() { // Delete child emitters and child particles clear(); //update particle count Particle::particleCount--; } void Particle::setupEngine() { Particle::maxCount = config.getIntValue("particleMaxCount"); Particle::fastPhysics = config.getIntValue("particleFastPhysics"); Particle::emitterSkip = config.getIntValue("particleEmitterSkip") + 1; if (!Particle::emitterSkip) Particle::emitterSkip = 1; Particle::enabled = config.getBoolValue("particleeffects"); disableAutoDelete(); logger->log1("Particle engine set up"); } bool Particle::draw(Graphics *, int, int) const { return false; } bool Particle::update() { if (!mMap) return false; if (mLifetimeLeft == 0 && mAlive == ALIVE) mAlive = DEAD_TIMEOUT; const Vector oldPos = mPos; if (mAlive == ALIVE) { //calculate particle movement if (mMomentum != 1.0f) mVelocity *= mMomentum; if (mTarget && mAcceleration != 0.0f) { Vector dist = mPos - mTarget->getPosition(); dist.x *= SIN45; float invHypotenuse; switch (Particle::fastPhysics) { case 1: invHypotenuse = fastInvSqrt( dist.x * dist.x + dist.y * dist.y + dist.z * dist.z); break; case 2: if (!dist.x) { invHypotenuse = 0; break; } invHypotenuse = 2.0f / (static_cast<float>(fabs(dist.x)) + static_cast<float>(fabs(dist.y)) + static_cast<float>(fabs(dist.z))); break; default: invHypotenuse = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(sqrt( dist.x * dist.x + dist.y * dist.y + dist.z * dist.z)); break; } if (invHypotenuse) { if (mInvDieDistance > 0.0f && invHypotenuse > mInvDieDistance) mAlive = DEAD_IMPACT; const float accFactor = invHypotenuse * mAcceleration; mVelocity -= dist * accFactor; } } if (mRandomness > 0) { mVelocity.x += static_cast<float>((rand() % mRandomness - rand() % mRandomness)) / 1000.0f; mVelocity.y += static_cast<float>((rand() % mRandomness - rand() % mRandomness)) / 1000.0f; mVelocity.z += static_cast<float>((rand() % mRandomness - rand() % mRandomness)) / 1000.0f; } mVelocity.z -= mGravity; // Update position mPos.x += mVelocity.x; mPos.y += mVelocity.y * SIN45; mPos.z += mVelocity.z * SIN45; // Update other stuff if (mLifetimeLeft > 0) mLifetimeLeft--; mLifetimePast++; if (mPos.z < 0.0f) { if (mBounce > 0.0f) { mPos.z *= -mBounce; mVelocity *= mBounce; mVelocity.z = -mVelocity.z; } else { mAlive = DEAD_FLOOR; } } else if (mPos.z > PARTICLE_SKY) { mAlive = DEAD_SKY; } // Update child emitters if ((mLifetimePast - 1) % Particle::emitterSkip == 0) { for (EmitterConstIterator e = mChildEmitters.begin(), e2 = mChildEmitters.end(); e != e2; ++ e) { Particles newParticles = (*e)->createParticles(mLifetimePast); for (ParticleConstIterator p = newParticles.begin(), p2 = newParticles.end(); p != p2; ++ p) { (*p)->moveBy(mPos); mChildParticles.push_back (*p); } } } } // create death effect when the particle died if (mAlive != ALIVE && mAlive != DEAD_LONG_AGO) { if ((mAlive & mDeathEffectConditions) > 0x00 && !mDeathEffect.empty()) { Particle *const deathEffect = particleEngine->addEffect( mDeathEffect, 0, 0); if (deathEffect) deathEffect->moveBy(mPos); } mAlive = DEAD_LONG_AGO; } const Vector change = mPos - oldPos; // Update child particles for (ParticleIterator p = mChildParticles.begin(), p2 = mChildParticles.end(); p != p2; ) { //move particle with its parent if desired if ((*p)->doesFollow()) (*p)->moveBy(change); //update particle if ((*p)->update()) { ++p; } else { delete (*p); p = mChildParticles.erase(p); } } if (mAlive != ALIVE && mChildParticles.empty() && mAutoDelete) return false; return true; } void Particle::moveBy(const Vector &change) { mPos += change; for (ParticleConstIterator p = mChildParticles.begin(), p2 = mChildParticles.end(); p != p2; ++p) { if ((*p)->doesFollow()) (*p)->moveBy(change); } } void Particle::moveTo(const float x, const float y) { moveTo(Vector(x, y, mPos.z)); } Particle *Particle::createChild() { Particle *const newParticle = new Particle(mMap); mChildParticles.push_back(newParticle); return newParticle; } Particle *Particle::addEffect(const std::string &particleEffectFile, const int pixelX, const int pixelY, const int rotation) { Particle *newParticle = nullptr; size_t pos = particleEffectFile.find('|'); std::string dyePalettes; if (pos != std::string::npos) dyePalettes = particleEffectFile.substr(pos + 1); XML::Document doc(particleEffectFile.substr(0, pos)); const XmlNodePtr rootNode = doc.rootNode(); if (!rootNode || !xmlNameEqual(rootNode, "effect")) { logger->log("Error loading particle: %s", particleEffectFile.c_str()); return nullptr; } ResourceManager *const resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); // Parse particles for_each_xml_child_node(effectChildNode, rootNode) { // We're only interested in particles if (!xmlNameEqual(effectChildNode, "particle")) continue; // Determine the exact particle type XmlNodePtr node; // Animation if ((node = XML::findFirstChildByName(effectChildNode, "animation"))) { newParticle = new AnimationParticle(mMap, node, dyePalettes); } // Rotational else if ((node = XML::findFirstChildByName( effectChildNode, "rotation"))) { newParticle = new RotationalParticle(mMap, node, dyePalettes); } // Image else if ((node = XML::findFirstChildByName(effectChildNode, "image"))) { std::string imageSrc = reinterpret_cast<const char*>( node->xmlChildrenNode->content); if (!imageSrc.empty() && !dyePalettes.empty()) Dye::instantiate(imageSrc, dyePalettes); Image *const img = resman->getImage(imageSrc); newParticle = new ImageParticle(mMap, img); } // Other else { newParticle = new Particle(mMap); } // Read and set the basic properties of the particle const float offsetX = static_cast<float>(XML::getFloatProperty( effectChildNode, "position-x", 0)); const float offsetY = static_cast<float>(XML::getFloatProperty( effectChildNode, "position-y", 0)); const float offsetZ = static_cast<float>(XML::getFloatProperty( effectChildNode, "position-z", 0)); Vector position (mPos.x + static_cast<float>(pixelX) + offsetX, mPos.y + static_cast<float>(pixelY) + offsetY, mPos.z + offsetZ); newParticle->moveTo(position); const int lifetime = XML::getProperty(effectChildNode, "lifetime", -1); newParticle->setLifetime(lifetime); const bool resizeable = "false" != XML::getProperty(effectChildNode, "size-adjustable", "false"); newParticle->setAllowSizeAdjust(resizeable); // Look for additional emitters for this particle for_each_xml_child_node(emitterNode, effectChildNode) { if (xmlNameEqual(emitterNode, "emitter")) { ParticleEmitter *newEmitter; newEmitter = new ParticleEmitter(emitterNode, newParticle, mMap, rotation, dyePalettes); newParticle->addEmitter(newEmitter); } else if (xmlNameEqual(emitterNode, "deatheffect")) { std::string deathEffect = reinterpret_cast<const char*>( emitterNode->xmlChildrenNode->content); char deathEffectConditions = 0x00; if (XML::getBoolProperty(emitterNode, "on-floor", true)) { deathEffectConditions += static_cast<signed char>( Particle::DEAD_FLOOR); } if (XML::getBoolProperty(emitterNode, "on-sky", true)) { deathEffectConditions += static_cast<signed char>( Particle::DEAD_SKY); } if (XML::getBoolProperty(emitterNode, "on-other", false)) { deathEffectConditions += static_cast<signed char>( Particle::DEAD_OTHER); } if (XML::getBoolProperty(emitterNode, "on-impact", true)) { deathEffectConditions += static_cast<signed char>( Particle::DEAD_IMPACT); } if (XML::getBoolProperty(emitterNode, "on-timeout", true)) { deathEffectConditions += static_cast<signed char>( Particle::DEAD_TIMEOUT); } newParticle->setDeathEffect( deathEffect, deathEffectConditions); } } mChildParticles.push_back(newParticle); } return newParticle; } Particle *Particle::addTextSplashEffect(const std::string &text, const int x, const int y, const gcn::Color *const color, gcn::Font *const font, const bool outline) { Particle *const newParticle = new TextParticle( mMap, text, color, font, outline); newParticle->moveTo(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y)); newParticle->setVelocity( static_cast<float>((rand() % 100) - 50) / 200.0f, // X static_cast<float>((rand() % 100) - 50) / 200.0f, // Y (static_cast<float>((rand() % 100)) / 200.0f) + 4.0f); // Z newParticle->setGravity(0.1f); newParticle->setBounce(0.5f); newParticle->setLifetime(200); newParticle->setFadeOut(100); mChildParticles.push_back(newParticle); return newParticle; } Particle *Particle::addTextRiseFadeOutEffect(const std::string &text, const int x, const int y, const gcn::Color *const color, gcn::Font *const font, const bool outline) { Particle *const newParticle = new TextParticle( mMap, text, color, font, outline); newParticle->moveTo(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y)); newParticle->setVelocity(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f); newParticle->setGravity(0.0015f); newParticle->setLifetime(300); newParticle->setFadeOut(50); newParticle->setFadeIn(200); mChildParticles.push_back(newParticle); return newParticle; } void Particle::adjustEmitterSize(const int w, const int h) { if (mAllowSizeAdjust) { for (EmitterConstIterator e = mChildEmitters.begin(), e2 = mChildEmitters.end(); e != e2; ++e) { (*e)->adjustSize(w, h); } } } void Particle::clear() { delete_all(mChildEmitters); mChildEmitters.clear(); delete_all(mChildParticles); mChildParticles.clear(); }