/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "net/eathena/homunculushandler.h" #include "actormanager.h" #include "notifymanager.h" #include "being/homunculusinfo.h" #include "being/playerinfo.h" #include "gui/windows/skilldialog.h" #include "net/serverfeatures.h" #include "net/eathena/messageout.h" #include "net/eathena/protocol.h" #include "resources/iteminfo.h" #include "resources/notifytypes.h" #include "resources/db/itemdb.h" #include "utils/stringutils.h" #include "debug.h" extern Net::HomunculusHandler *homunculusHandler; namespace EAthena { HomunculusHandler::HomunculusHandler() : MessageHandler() { static const uint16_t _messages[] = { SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_SKILLS, SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_DATA, SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_INFO, SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_SKILL_UP, SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_FOOD, 0 }; handledMessages = _messages; homunculusHandler = this; } void HomunculusHandler::handleMessage(Net::MessageIn &msg) { switch (msg.getId()) { case SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_SKILLS: processHomunculusSkills(msg); break; case SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_DATA: processHomunculusData(msg); break; case SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_INFO: processHomunculusInfo(msg); break; case SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_SKILL_UP: processHomunculusSkillUp(msg); break; case SMSG_HOMUNCULUS_FOOD: processHomunculusFood(msg); break; default: break; } } void HomunculusHandler::processHomunculusSkills(Net::MessageIn &msg) { if (skillDialog) skillDialog->hideSkills(SkillOwner::Homunculus); const int count = (msg.readInt16("len") - 4) / 37; for (int f = 0; f < count; f ++) { const int skillId = msg.readInt16("skill id"); const SkillType::SkillType inf = static_cast<SkillType::SkillType>( msg.readInt16("inf")); msg.readInt16("unused"); const int level = msg.readInt16("skill level"); const int sp = msg.readInt16("sp"); const int range = msg.readInt16("range"); const std::string name = msg.readString(24, "skill name"); const Modifiable up = fromBool(msg.readUInt8("up flag"), Modifiable); PlayerInfo::setSkillLevel(skillId, level); if (skillDialog) { if (!skillDialog->updateSkill(skillId, range, up, inf, sp)) { skillDialog->addSkill(SkillOwner::Homunculus, skillId, name, level, range, up, inf, sp); } } } if (skillDialog) skillDialog->updateModels(); } void HomunculusHandler::processHomunculusData(Net::MessageIn &msg) { msg.readUInt8("unused"); const int cmd = msg.readUInt8("state"); const int id = msg.readInt32("homunculus id"); Being *const dstBeing = actorManager->findBeing(id); const int data = msg.readInt32("data"); if (!cmd) // pre init { HomunculusInfo *const info = new HomunculusInfo; info->id = id; PlayerInfo::setHomunculus(info); PlayerInfo::setHomunculusBeing(dstBeing); return; } HomunculusInfo *const info = PlayerInfo::getHomunculus(); if (!info) return; switch (cmd) { case 1: // intimacy info->intimacy = data; break; case 2: // hunger info->hungry = data; break; case 3: // accesory info->equip = data; break; default: break; } } void HomunculusHandler::processHomunculusInfo(Net::MessageIn &msg) { const std::string name = msg.readString(24, "name"); msg.readUInt8("flags"); // 0x01 - renamed, 0x02 - vaporize, 0x04 - alive const int level = msg.readInt16("level"); const int hungry = msg.readInt16("hungry"); const int intimacy = msg.readInt16("intimacy"); const int equip = msg.readInt16("equip"); msg.readInt16("atk"); msg.readInt16("matk"); msg.readInt16("hit"); msg.readInt16("luk/3 or crit/10"); msg.readInt16("def"); msg.readInt16("mdef"); msg.readInt16("flee"); msg.readInt16("attack speed"); msg.readInt16("hp"); msg.readInt16("max hp"); msg.readInt16("sp"); msg.readInt16("max sp"); msg.readInt32("exp"); msg.readInt32("next exp"); msg.readInt16("skill points"); const int range = msg.readInt16("attack range"); HomunculusInfo *const info = PlayerInfo::getHomunculus(); if (!info) // we can't find homunculus being because id is missing return; Being *const dstBeing = actorManager->findBeing(info->id); info->name = name; info->level = level; info->range = range; info->hungry = hungry; info->intimacy = intimacy; info->equip = equip; PlayerInfo::setHomunculusBeing(dstBeing); } void HomunculusHandler::processHomunculusSkillUp(Net::MessageIn &msg) { const int skillId = msg.readInt16("skill id"); const int level = msg.readInt16("level"); const int sp = msg.readInt16("sp"); const int range = msg.readInt16("range"); const Modifiable up = fromBool(msg.readUInt8("up flag"), Modifiable); if (skillDialog && PlayerInfo::getSkillLevel(skillId) != level) skillDialog->playUpdateEffect(skillId); PlayerInfo::setSkillLevel(skillId, level); if (skillDialog) { if (!skillDialog->updateSkill(skillId, range, up, SkillType::Unknown, sp)) { skillDialog->addSkill(SkillOwner::Homunculus, skillId, "", level, range, up, SkillType::Unknown, sp); } } } void HomunculusHandler::processHomunculusFood(Net::MessageIn &msg) { const int flag = msg.readUInt8("fail"); const int itemId = msg.readInt16("food id"); if (flag) { NotifyManager::notify(NotifyTypes::HOMUNCULUS_FEED_OK); } else { const std::string name = strprintf("[@@%d|%s@@]", itemId, ItemDB::get(itemId).getName().c_str()); NotifyManager::notify(NotifyTypes::HOMUNCULUS_FEED_FAIL, name); } } void HomunculusHandler::setName(const std::string &name) const { createOutPacket(CMSG_HOMUNCULUS_SET_NAME); outMsg.writeString(name, 24, "name"); } void HomunculusHandler::moveToMaster() const { const int id = PlayerInfo::getHomunculusId(); if (!id) return; createOutPacket(CMSG_HOMMERC_MOVE_TO_MASTER); outMsg.writeInt32(id, "homunculus id"); } void HomunculusHandler::move(const int x, const int y) const { const int id = PlayerInfo::getHomunculusId(); if (!id) return; createOutPacket(CMSG_HOMMERC_MOVE_TO); outMsg.writeInt32(id, "homunculus id"); outMsg.writeCoordinates(static_cast<uint16_t>(x), static_cast<uint16_t>(y), 0U, "position"); } void HomunculusHandler::attack(const int targetId, const Keep keep) const { const int id = PlayerInfo::getHomunculusId(); if (!id) return; createOutPacket(CMSG_HOMMERC_ATTACK); outMsg.writeInt32(id, "homunculus id"); outMsg.writeInt32(targetId, "target id"); outMsg.writeInt8(static_cast<int8_t>(keep == Keep_true ? 1 : 0), "keep"); } void HomunculusHandler::feed() const { createOutPacket(CMSG_HOMUNCULUS_MENU); outMsg.writeInt16(0, "type"); outMsg.writeInt8(1, "command"); // feed } void HomunculusHandler::fire() const { createOutPacket(CMSG_HOMUNCULUS_MENU); outMsg.writeInt16(0, "type"); outMsg.writeInt8(2, "command"); // delete } void HomunculusHandler::talk(const std::string &restrict text) const { if (!serverFeatures->haveMovePet()) return; if (text.empty()) return; std::string msg = text; if (msg.size() > 500) msg = msg.substr(0, 500); const size_t sz = msg.size(); createOutPacket(CMSG_HOMMERC_TALK); outMsg.writeInt16(static_cast<int16_t>(sz + 4 + 1), "len"); outMsg.writeString(msg, sz, "message"); outMsg.writeInt8(0, "zero byte"); } void HomunculusHandler::emote(const uint8_t emoteId) const { if (!serverFeatures->haveMovePet()) return; createOutPacket(CMSG_HOMMERC_EMOTE); outMsg.writeInt8(emoteId, "emote id"); } void HomunculusHandler::setDirection(const unsigned char type) const { if (!serverFeatures->haveMovePet()) return; createOutPacket(CMSG_HOMMERC_DIRECTION); outMsg.writeInt32(0, "pet id"); outMsg.writeInt8(0, "head direction"); outMsg.writeInt8(0, "unused"); outMsg.writeInt8(MessageOut::toServerDirection(type), "pet direction"); } } // namespace EAthena