/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gui/windows/skilldialog.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "effectmanager.h" #include "itemshortcut.h" #include "being/attributes.h" #include "being/localplayer.h" #include "gui/models/skillmodel.h" #include "gui/windows/setupwindow.h" #include "gui/windows/shortcutwindow.h" #include "gui/widgets/button.h" #include "gui/widgets/skilllistbox.h" #include "gui/widgets/label.h" #include "gui/widgets/scrollarea.h" #include "gui/widgets/tabbedarea.h" #include "gui/widgets/tabs/skilltab.h" #include "net/net.h" #include "net/playerhandler.h" #include "net/skillhandler.h" #include "utils/dtor.h" #include "utils/gettext.h" #include "resources/beingcommon.h" #include "resources/skillconsts.h" #include "debug.h" SkillDialog *skillDialog = nullptr; SkillDialog::SkillDialog() : // TRANSLATORS: skills dialog name Window(_("Skills"), false, nullptr, "skills.xml"), ActionListener(), mSkills(), mTabs(new TabbedArea(this)), mDeleteTabs(), mPointsLabel(new Label(this, "0")), // TRANSLATORS: skills dialog button mUseButton(new Button(this, _("Use"), "use", this)), // TRANSLATORS: skills dialog button mIncreaseButton(new Button(this, _("Up"), "inc", this)), mDefaultModel(nullptr) { mTabs->postInit(); setWindowName("Skills"); setCloseButton(true); setResizable(true); setSaveVisible(true); setStickyButtonLock(true); setDefaultSize(windowContainer->getWidth() - 280, 30, 275, 425); if (setupWindow) setupWindow->registerWindowForReset(this); mUseButton->setEnabled(false); mIncreaseButton->setEnabled(false); place(0, 0, mTabs, 5, 5); place(0, 5, mPointsLabel, 4); place(3, 5, mUseButton); place(4, 5, mIncreaseButton); } void SkillDialog::postInit() { setLocationRelativeTo(getParent()); loadWindowState(); enableVisibleSound(true); } SkillDialog::~SkillDialog() { clearSkills(); } void SkillDialog::action(const ActionEvent &event) { const std::string &eventId = event.getId(); if (eventId == "inc") { const SkillTab *const tab = static_cast<const SkillTab *const>( mTabs->getSelectedTab()); if (tab) { if (const SkillInfo *const info = tab->getSelectedInfo()) { Net::getPlayerHandler()->increaseSkill( static_cast<uint16_t>(info->id)); } } } else if (eventId == "sel") { const SkillTab *const tab = static_cast<const SkillTab *const>( mTabs->getSelectedTab()); if (tab) { if (const SkillInfo *const info = tab->getSelectedInfo()) { mUseButton->setEnabled(info->isUsable()); mUseButton->setCaption(info->useButton); mIncreaseButton->setEnabled(info->id < SKILL_VAR_MIN_ID); const int num = itemShortcutWindow->getTabIndex(); if (num >= 0 && num < static_cast<int>(SHORTCUT_TABS) && itemShortcut[num]) { itemShortcut[num]->setItemSelected( info->id + SKILL_MIN_ID); } } else { mUseButton->setEnabled(false); mIncreaseButton->setEnabled(false); mUseButton->setCaption(_("Use")); } } } else if (eventId == "use") { const SkillTab *const tab = static_cast<const SkillTab *const>( mTabs->getSelectedTab()); if (tab) { const SkillInfo *const info = tab->getSelectedInfo(); useSkill(info); } } else if (eventId == "close") { setVisible(false); } } std::string SkillDialog::update(const int id) { const SkillMap::const_iterator i = mSkills.find(id); if (i != mSkills.end()) { SkillInfo *const info = i->second; if (info) { info->update(); return info->data->name; } } return std::string(); } void SkillDialog::update() { // TRANSLATORS: skills dialog label mPointsLabel->setCaption(strprintf(_("Skill points available: %d"), PlayerInfo::getAttribute(Attributes::SKILL_POINTS))); mPointsLabel->adjustSize(); FOR_EACH (SkillMap::const_iterator, it, mSkills) { if ((*it).second && (*it).second->modifiable) (*it).second->update(); } } void SkillDialog::clearSkills() { mTabs->removeAll(); mDeleteTabs.clear(); mDefaultModel = nullptr; delete_all(mSkills); mSkills.clear(); } void SkillDialog::hideSkills() { FOR_EACH (SkillMap::iterator, it, mSkills) { SkillInfo *const info = (*it).second; if (info) info->visible = false; } } void SkillDialog::loadSkills() { clearSkills(); loadXmlFile(paths.getStringValue("skillsFile")); if (mSkills.empty()) loadXmlFile(paths.getStringValue("skillsFile2")); loadXmlFile(paths.getStringValue("skillsPatchFile")); loadXmlDir("skillsPatchDir", loadXmlFile); update(); } void SkillDialog::loadXmlFile(const std::string &fileName) { XML::Document doc(fileName); XmlNodePtrConst root = doc.rootNode(); int setCount = 0; if (!root || !xmlNameEqual(root, "skills")) { logger->log("Error loading skills: " + fileName); return; } for_each_xml_child_node(set, root) { if (xmlNameEqual(set, "include")) { const std::string name = XML::getProperty(set, "name", ""); if (!name.empty()) loadXmlFile(name); continue; } else if (xmlNameEqual(set, "set")) { setCount++; const std::string setName = XML::getProperty(set, "name", // TRANSLATORS: skills dialog default skill tab strprintf(_("Skill Set %d"), setCount)); SkillModel *const model = new SkillModel(); if (!mDefaultModel) mDefaultModel = model; for_each_xml_child_node(node, set) { if (xmlNameEqual(node, "skill")) { int id = XML::getIntProperty(node, "id", -1, -1, 1000000); if (id == -1) { id = XML::getIntProperty(node, "var", -1, -1, 100000); if (id == -1) continue; id += SKILL_VAR_MIN_ID; } SkillInfo *skill = getSkill(id); if (!skill) { skill = new SkillInfo; skill->id = static_cast<unsigned int>(id); skill->modifiable = false; skill->visible = false; skill->model = model; skill->update(); skill->useButton = XML::getProperty( node, "useButton", _("Use")); model->addSkill(skill); mSkills[id] = skill; } std::string name = XML::langProperty(node, "name", // TRANSLATORS: skills dialog. skill id strprintf(_("Skill %d"), id)); std::string icon = XML::getProperty(node, "icon", ""); const int level = XML::getProperty(node, "level", 0); SkillData *data = skill->getData(level); if (!data) data = new SkillData(); data->name = name; data->setIcon(icon); if (skill->id < SKILL_VAR_MIN_ID) { data->dispName = strprintf("%s, %u", name.c_str(), skill->id); } else { data->dispName = strprintf("%s, (%u)", name.c_str(), skill->id - SKILL_VAR_MIN_ID); } data->shortName = XML::langProperty(node, "shortName", name.substr(0, 3)); data->description = XML::langProperty( node, "description", ""); data->particle = XML::getProperty( node, "particle", ""); data->soundHit.sound = XML::getProperty( node, "soundHit", ""); data->soundHit.delay = XML::getProperty( node, "soundHitDelay", 0); data->soundMiss.sound = XML::getProperty( node, "soundMiss", ""); data->soundMiss.delay = XML::getProperty( node, "soundMissDelay", 0); skill->addData(level, data); } } model->updateVisibilities(); // possible leak listbox, scroll SkillListBox *const listbox = new SkillListBox(this, model); listbox->setActionEventId("sel"); listbox->addActionListener(this); ScrollArea *const scroll = new ScrollArea(this, listbox, false); scroll->setHorizontalScrollPolicy(ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER); scroll->setVerticalScrollPolicy(ScrollArea::SHOW_ALWAYS); SkillTab *const tab = new SkillTab(this, setName, listbox); mDeleteTabs.push_back(tab); mTabs->addTab(tab, scroll); } } } bool SkillDialog::updateSkill(const int id, const int range, const bool modifiable, const SkillType::SkillType type, const int sp) { const SkillMap::const_iterator it = mSkills.find(id); if (it != mSkills.end()) { SkillInfo *const info = it->second; if (info) { info->modifiable = modifiable; info->range = range; info->type = type; info->sp = sp; info->update(); } return true; } return false; } void SkillDialog::addSkill(const int id, const std::string &name, const int level, const int range, const bool modifiable, const SkillType::SkillType type, const int sp) { if (mDefaultModel) { SkillInfo *const skill = new SkillInfo; skill->id = static_cast<unsigned int>(id); skill->type = type; SkillData *const data = skill->data; if (name.empty()) { data->name = "Unknown skill Id: " + toString(id); data->dispName = data->name; } else { data->name = name; data->dispName = strprintf("%s, %u", name.c_str(), skill->id); } data->description.clear(); data->setIcon(""); data->shortName = toString(skill->id); skill->modifiable = modifiable; skill->visible = false; skill->model = mDefaultModel; skill->level = level; // TRANSLATORS: skills dialog. skill level skill->skillLevel = strprintf(_("Lvl: %d"), level); skill->range = range; skill->sp = sp; skill->update(); skill->useButton = _("Use"); mDefaultModel->addSkill(skill); mSkills[id] = skill; mDefaultModel->updateVisibilities(); } } SkillInfo* SkillDialog::getSkill(const int id) const { SkillMap::const_iterator it = mSkills.find(id); if (it != mSkills.end()) return (*it).second; return nullptr; } SkillInfo* SkillDialog::getSkillByItem(const int itemId) const { SkillMap::const_iterator it = mSkills.find(itemId - SKILL_MIN_ID); if (it != mSkills.end()) return (*it).second; return nullptr; } void SkillDialog::widgetResized(const Event &event) { Window::widgetResized(event); if (mTabs) mTabs->adjustSize(); } void SkillDialog::useItem(const int itemId) const { const std::map<int, SkillInfo*>::const_iterator it = mSkills.find(itemId - SKILL_MIN_ID); if (it == mSkills.end()) return; const SkillInfo *const info = (*it).second; useSkill(info); } void SkillDialog::updateTabSelection() { const SkillTab *const tab = static_cast<SkillTab*>( mTabs->getSelectedTab()); if (tab) { if (const SkillInfo *const info = tab->getSelectedInfo()) { mUseButton->setEnabled(info->range > 0); mIncreaseButton->setEnabled(info->id < SKILL_VAR_MIN_ID); mUseButton->setCaption(info->useButton); } else { mUseButton->setEnabled(false); mUseButton->setCaption(_("Use")); } } } void SkillDialog::updateQuest(const int var, const int val) { const int id = var + SKILL_VAR_MIN_ID; const SkillMap::const_iterator it = mSkills.find(id); if (it != mSkills.end()) { SkillInfo *const info = it->second; if (info) { PlayerInfo::setSkillLevel(id, val); info->level = val; info->update(); } } } void SkillDialog::playUpdateEffect(const int id) const { const int effectId = paths.getIntValue("skillLevelUpEffectId"); if (!effectManager || effectId == -1) return; const SkillMap::const_iterator it = mSkills.find(id); if (it != mSkills.end()) { if (it->second) effectManager->trigger(effectId, localPlayer); } } void SkillDialog::useSkill(const SkillInfo *const info) { if (info && localPlayer) { switch (info->type) { case SkillType::Attack: case SkillType::Support: { const Being *const being = localPlayer->getTarget(); if (being) { Net::getSkillHandler()->useBeing(info->level, info->id, being->getId()); } break; } case SkillType::Self: Net::getSkillHandler()->useBeing(info->level, info->id, localPlayer->getId()); break; case SkillType::Ground: case SkillType::TargetTrap: // for now unused break; case SkillType::Unknown: case SkillType::Unused: default: break; } } }