/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gui/widgets/guitable.h" #include "settings.h" #include "gui/gui.h" #include "gui/models/tablemodel.h" #include "listeners/guitableactionlistener.h" #include "render/graphics.h" #include "utils/delete2.h" #include "utils/dtor.h" #include "debug.h" float GuiTable::mAlpha = 1.0; GuiTable::GuiTable(const Widget2 *const widget, TableModel *const initial_model, const Opaque opacity) : Widget(widget), MouseListener(), KeyListener(), TableModelListener(), mModel(nullptr), mTopWidget(nullptr), mActionListeners2(), mHighlightColor(getThemeColor(ThemeColorId::HIGHLIGHT)), mSelectedRow(-1), mSelectedColumn(-1), mLinewiseMode(false), mWrappingEnabled(false), mOpaque(opacity), mSelectableGui(true) { mAllowLogic = false; mBackgroundColor = getThemeColor(ThemeColorId::BACKGROUND); setModel(initial_model); setFocusable(true); addMouseListener(this); addKeyListener(this); } GuiTable::~GuiTable() { if (gui != nullptr) gui->removeDragged(this); uninstallActionListeners(); delete2(mModel); } const TableModel *GuiTable::getModel() const { return mModel; } void GuiTable::setModel(TableModel *const new_model) { if (mModel != nullptr) { uninstallActionListeners(); mModel->removeListener(this); } mModel = new_model; installActionListeners(); new_model->installListener(this); recomputeDimensions(); } void GuiTable::recomputeDimensions() { if (mModel == nullptr) return; const int rows_nr = mModel->getRows(); const int columns_nr = mModel->getColumns(); int width = 0; if (mSelectableGui) { if (mSelectedRow >= rows_nr) mSelectedRow = rows_nr - 1; if (mSelectedColumn >= columns_nr) mSelectedColumn = columns_nr - 1; } for (int i = 0; i < columns_nr; i++) width += getColumnWidth(i); setWidth(width); setHeight(getRowHeight() * rows_nr); } void GuiTable::setSelected(const int row, const int column) { mSelectedColumn = column; mSelectedRow = row; } int GuiTable::getSelectedRow() const { return mSelectedRow; } int GuiTable::getSelectedColumn() const { return mSelectedColumn; } int GuiTable::getRowHeight() const { return mModel->getRowHeight() + 4; // border } int GuiTable::getColumnWidth(const int i) const { return mModel->getColumnWidth(i) + 4; // border } void GuiTable::setSelectedRow(const int selected) { if (!mSelectableGui) { mSelectedRow = -1; } else { const int rows = mModel->getRows(); if (selected < 0 && !mWrappingEnabled) { mSelectedRow = -1; } else if (selected >= rows && mWrappingEnabled) { mSelectedRow = 0; } else if ((selected >= rows && !mWrappingEnabled) || (selected < 0 && mWrappingEnabled)) { mSelectedRow = rows - 1; } else { mSelectedRow = selected; } } } void GuiTable::setSelectedColumn(const int selected) { const int columns = mModel->getColumns(); if ((selected >= columns && mWrappingEnabled) || (selected < 0 && !mWrappingEnabled)) { mSelectedColumn = 0; } else if ((selected >= columns && !mWrappingEnabled) || (selected < 0 && mWrappingEnabled)) { mSelectedColumn = columns - 1; } else { mSelectedColumn = selected; } } void GuiTable::uninstallActionListeners() { delete_all(mActionListeners2); mActionListeners2.clear(); } void GuiTable::installActionListeners() { const int rows = mModel->getRows(); const int columns = mModel->getColumns(); for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row) { for (int column = 0; column < columns; ++column) { Widget *const widget = mModel->getElementAt(row, column); if (widget != nullptr) { mActionListeners2.push_back(new GuiTableActionListener( this, widget, row, column)); } } } setFocusHandler(getFocusHandler()); } // -- widget ops void GuiTable::draw(Graphics *const graphics) { if (getRowHeight() == 0) return; BLOCK_START("GuiTable::draw") if (settings.guiAlpha != mAlpha) mAlpha = settings.guiAlpha; const Rect &rect = mDimension; const int width = rect.width; const int height = rect.height; const int y = rect.y; if (mOpaque == Opaque_true) { mBackgroundColor.a = CAST_U32(mAlpha * 255.0F); graphics->setColor(mBackgroundColor); graphics->fillRectangle(Rect(0, 0, width, height)); } // First, determine how many rows we need to draw, // and where we should start. int rHeight = getRowHeight(); if (rHeight == 0) rHeight = 1; int first_row = -(y / rHeight); if (first_row < 0) first_row = 0; unsigned int rows_nr = CAST_U32(1 + height / rHeight); // May overestimate by one. unsigned int max_rows_nr; if (mModel->getRows() < first_row) { max_rows_nr = 0U; } else { max_rows_nr = CAST_U32( mModel->getRows() - first_row); // clip if neccessary: } if (max_rows_nr < rows_nr) rows_nr = max_rows_nr; // Now determine the first and last column // Take the easy way out; these are usually bounded and all visible. const unsigned first_column = 0; const unsigned last_column1 = CAST_U32( mModel->getColumns()); int y_offset = first_row * rHeight; for (unsigned int r = CAST_U32(first_row); r < CAST_U32(first_row) + rows_nr; ++r) { int x_offset = 0; for (unsigned c = first_column; c + 1 <= last_column1; ++c) { Widget *const widget = mModel->getElementAt(CAST_S32(r), CAST_S32(c)); const int cWidth = CAST_S32(getColumnWidth( CAST_S32(c))); if (widget != nullptr) { Rect bounds(x_offset, y_offset, cWidth, rHeight); if (widget == mTopWidget) { bounds.height = widget->getHeight(); bounds.width = widget->getWidth(); } widget->setDimension(bounds); if (mSelectedRow > -1) { mHighlightColor.a = CAST_U32( mAlpha * 255.0F); graphics->setColor(mHighlightColor); if (mLinewiseMode && r == CAST_U32( mSelectedRow) && c == 0) { graphics->fillRectangle(Rect(0, y_offset, width, rHeight)); } else if (!mLinewiseMode && mSelectedColumn > 0 && c == CAST_U32(mSelectedColumn) && r == CAST_U32(mSelectedRow)) { graphics->fillRectangle(Rect( x_offset, y_offset, cWidth, rHeight)); } } graphics->pushClipArea(bounds); widget->draw(graphics); graphics->popClipArea(); } x_offset += cWidth; } y_offset += rHeight; } if (mTopWidget != nullptr) { const Rect &bounds = mTopWidget->getDimension(); graphics->pushClipArea(bounds); mTopWidget->draw(graphics); graphics->popClipArea(); } BLOCK_END("GuiTable::draw") } void GuiTable::safeDraw(Graphics *const graphics) { if (getRowHeight() == 0) return; BLOCK_START("GuiTable::draw") if (settings.guiAlpha != mAlpha) mAlpha = settings.guiAlpha; const Rect &rect = mDimension; const int width = rect.width; const int height = rect.height; const int y = rect.y; if (mOpaque == Opaque_true) { mBackgroundColor.a = CAST_U32(mAlpha * 255.0F); graphics->setColor(mBackgroundColor); graphics->fillRectangle(Rect(0, 0, width, height)); } // First, determine how many rows we need to draw, // and where we should start. int rHeight = getRowHeight(); if (rHeight == 0) rHeight = 1; int first_row = -(y / rHeight); if (first_row < 0) first_row = 0; unsigned int rows_nr = CAST_U32( 1 + height / rHeight); // May overestimate by one. unsigned int max_rows_nr; if (mModel->getRows() < first_row) { max_rows_nr = 0; } else { max_rows_nr = CAST_U32( mModel->getRows() - first_row); // clip if neccessary: } if (max_rows_nr < rows_nr) rows_nr = max_rows_nr; // Now determine the first and last column // Take the easy way out; these are usually bounded and all visible. const unsigned int first_column = 0; const unsigned int last_column1 = CAST_U32( mModel->getColumns()); int y_offset = first_row * rHeight; for (unsigned int r = CAST_U32(first_row); r < CAST_U32(first_row + CAST_S32(rows_nr)); ++r) { int x_offset = 0; for (unsigned c = first_column; c + 1 <= last_column1; ++c) { Widget *const widget = mModel->getElementAt(CAST_S32(r), CAST_S32(c)); const int cWidth = CAST_S32(getColumnWidth( CAST_S32(c))); if (widget != nullptr) { Rect bounds(x_offset, y_offset, cWidth, rHeight); if (widget == mTopWidget) { bounds.height = widget->getHeight(); bounds.width = widget->getWidth(); } widget->setDimension(bounds); if (mSelectedRow > -1) { mHighlightColor.a = CAST_U32( mAlpha * 255.0F); graphics->setColor(mHighlightColor); if (mLinewiseMode && r == CAST_U32( mSelectedRow) && c == 0) { graphics->fillRectangle(Rect(0, y_offset, width, rHeight)); } else if (!mLinewiseMode && mSelectedColumn > 0 && c == CAST_U32(mSelectedColumn) && r == CAST_U32(mSelectedRow)) { graphics->fillRectangle(Rect( x_offset, y_offset, cWidth, rHeight)); } } graphics->pushClipArea(bounds); widget->safeDraw(graphics); graphics->popClipArea(); } x_offset += cWidth; } y_offset += rHeight; } if (mTopWidget != nullptr) { const Rect &bounds = mTopWidget->getDimension(); graphics->pushClipArea(bounds); mTopWidget->safeDraw(graphics); graphics->popClipArea(); } BLOCK_END("GuiTable::draw") } void GuiTable::moveToTop(Widget *const widget) { Widget::moveToTop(widget); mTopWidget = widget; } void GuiTable::moveToBottom(Widget *const widget) { Widget::moveToBottom(widget); if (widget == mTopWidget) mTopWidget = nullptr; } Rect GuiTable::getChildrenArea() { return Rect(0, 0, mDimension.width, mDimension.height); } // -- KeyListener notifications void GuiTable::keyPressed(KeyEvent& event) { const InputActionT action = event.getActionId(); if (action == InputAction::GUI_SELECT) { distributeActionEvent(); event.consume(); } else if (action == InputAction::GUI_UP) { setSelectedRow(mSelectedRow - 1); event.consume(); } else if (action == InputAction::GUI_DOWN) { setSelectedRow(mSelectedRow + 1); event.consume(); } else if (action == InputAction::GUI_LEFT) { setSelectedColumn(mSelectedColumn - 1); event.consume(); } else if (action == InputAction::GUI_RIGHT) { setSelectedColumn(mSelectedColumn + 1); event.consume(); } else if (action == InputAction::GUI_HOME) { setSelectedRow(0); setSelectedColumn(0); event.consume(); } else if (action == InputAction::GUI_END && (mModel != nullptr)) { setSelectedRow(mModel->getRows() - 1); setSelectedColumn(mModel->getColumns() - 1); event.consume(); } } // -- MouseListener notifications void GuiTable::mousePressed(MouseEvent& event) { if (!mSelectableGui) return; if (event.getButton() == MouseButton::LEFT) { const int row = getRowForY(event.getY()); const int column = getColumnForX(event.getX()); if (row > -1 && column > -1 && row < mModel->getRows() && column < mModel->getColumns()) { mSelectedColumn = column; mSelectedRow = row; event.consume(); } distributeActionEvent(); } } void GuiTable::mouseWheelMovedUp(MouseEvent& event) { if (isFocused()) { const int selRow = getSelectedRow(); if (selRow > 0 || (selRow == 0 && mWrappingEnabled)) setSelectedRow(selRow - 1); event.consume(); } } void GuiTable::mouseWheelMovedDown(MouseEvent& event) { if (isFocused()) { setSelectedRow(getSelectedRow() + 1); event.consume(); } } void GuiTable::mouseDragged(MouseEvent& event) { if (event.getButton() != MouseButton::LEFT) return; // Make table selection update on drag const int x = std::max(0, event.getX()); const int y = std::max(0, event.getY()); setSelectedRow(getRowForY(y)); setSelectedColumn(getColumnForX(x)); } void GuiTable::modelUpdated(const bool completed) { if (completed) { recomputeDimensions(); installActionListeners(); } else { // before the update? mTopWidget = nullptr; // No longer valid in general uninstallActionListeners(); } } Widget *GuiTable::getWidgetAt(int x, int y) { const int row = getRowForY(y); const int column = getColumnForX(x); if (mTopWidget != nullptr && mTopWidget->getDimension().isPointInRect(x, y)) { return mTopWidget; } if ((mModel != nullptr) && row > -1 && column > -1) { Widget *const w = mModel->getElementAt(row, column); if ((w != nullptr) && w->isFocusable()) return w; else return nullptr; // Grab the event locally } else return nullptr; } int GuiTable::getRowForY(const int y) const { int row = -1; const int rowHeight = getRowHeight(); if (rowHeight > 0) row = y / rowHeight; if (row < 0 || row >= mModel->getRows()) return -1; else return row; } int GuiTable::getColumnForX(const int x) const { int column; int delta = 0; const int colnum = mModel->getColumns(); for (column = 0; column < colnum; column ++) { delta += getColumnWidth(column); if (x <= delta) break; } if (column < 0 || column >= colnum) return -1; else return column; } void GuiTable::setFocusHandler(FocusHandler *const focusHandler) { // add check for focusHandler. may be need remove it? if (focusHandler == nullptr) return; Widget::setFocusHandler(focusHandler); const int rows = mModel->getRows(); const int cols = mModel->getColumns(); for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < cols ; ++c) { Widget *const w = mModel->getElementAt(r, c); if (w != nullptr) w->setFocusHandler(focusHandler); } } } void GuiTable::requestFocus() { if (mFocusHandler == nullptr) return; Widget::requestFocus(); }