/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gui/widgets/button.h" #include "client.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "graphicsvertexes.h" #include "keydata.h" #include "keyevent.h" #include "resources/imageset.h" #include "utils/dtor.h" #include <guichan/exception.hpp> #include <guichan/font.hpp> #include "debug.h" int Button::mInstances = 0; float Button::mAlpha = 1.0; enum { BUTTON_STANDARD = 0, // 0 BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED, // 1 BUTTON_PRESSED, // 2 BUTTON_DISABLED, // 3 BUTTON_COUNT // 4 - Must be last. }; static std::string const data[BUTTON_COUNT] = { "button.xml", "button_highlighted.xml", "button_pressed.xml", "button_disabled.xml" }; Skin *Button::button[BUTTON_COUNT]; Button::Button(const Widget2 *const widget) : gcn::Button(), Widget2(widget), gcn::WidgetListener(), mDescription(), mVertexes2(new ImageCollection), mEnabledColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON)), mEnabledColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_OUTLINE)), mDisabledColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_DISABLED)), mDisabledColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_DISABLED_OUTLINE)), mHighlightedColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED)), mHighlightedColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED_OUTLINE)), mPressedColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_PRESSED)), mPressedColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_PRESSED_OUTLINE)), mImages(nullptr), mImageSet(nullptr), mClickCount(0), mTag(0), mMode(0), mXOffset(0), mYOffset(0), mImageWidth(0), mImageHeight(0), mRedraw(true), mStick(false), mPressed(false) { init(); adjustSize(); } Button::Button(const Widget2 *const widget, const std::string &caption, const std::string &actionEventId, gcn::ActionListener *const listener) : gcn::Button(caption), Widget2(widget), gcn::WidgetListener(), mDescription(), mVertexes2(new ImageCollection), mEnabledColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON)), mEnabledColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_OUTLINE)), mDisabledColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_DISABLED)), mDisabledColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_DISABLED_OUTLINE)), mHighlightedColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED)), mHighlightedColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED_OUTLINE)), mPressedColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_PRESSED)), mPressedColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_PRESSED_OUTLINE)), mImages(nullptr), mImageSet(nullptr), mClickCount(0), mTag(0), mMode(0), mXOffset(0), mYOffset(0), mImageWidth(0), mImageHeight(0), mRedraw(true), mStick(false), mPressed(false) { init(); adjustSize(); setActionEventId(actionEventId); if (listener) addActionListener(listener); } Button::Button(const Widget2 *const widget, const std::string &caption, const std::string &imageName, const int imageWidth, const int imageHeight, const std::string &actionEventId, gcn::ActionListener *const listener) : gcn::Button(caption), Widget2(widget), gcn::WidgetListener(), mDescription(), mVertexes2(new ImageCollection), mEnabledColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON)), mEnabledColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_OUTLINE)), mDisabledColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_DISABLED)), mDisabledColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_DISABLED_OUTLINE)), mHighlightedColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED)), mHighlightedColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED_OUTLINE)), mPressedColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_PRESSED)), mPressedColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_PRESSED_OUTLINE)), mImages(nullptr), mImageSet(nullptr), mClickCount(0), mTag(0), mMode(0), mXOffset(0), mYOffset(0), mImageWidth(imageWidth), mImageHeight(imageHeight), mRedraw(true), mStick(false), mPressed(false) { init(); loadImage(imageName); adjustSize(); setActionEventId(actionEventId); if (listener) addActionListener(listener); } Button::Button(const Widget2 *const widget, const std::string &imageName, const int imageWidth, const int imageHeight, const std::string &actionEventId, gcn::ActionListener *const listener) : gcn::Button(), Widget2(widget), gcn::WidgetListener(), mDescription(), mVertexes2(new ImageCollection), mEnabledColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON)), mEnabledColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_OUTLINE)), mDisabledColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_DISABLED)), mDisabledColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_DISABLED_OUTLINE)), mHighlightedColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED)), mHighlightedColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED_OUTLINE)), mPressedColor(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_PRESSED)), mPressedColor2(getThemeColor(Theme::BUTTON_PRESSED_OUTLINE)), mImages(nullptr), mImageSet(nullptr), mClickCount(0), mTag(0), mMode(0), mXOffset(0), mYOffset(0), mImageWidth(imageWidth), mImageHeight(imageHeight), mRedraw(true), mStick(false), mPressed(false) { init(); loadImage(imageName); adjustSize(); setActionEventId(actionEventId); if (listener) addActionListener(listener); } void Button::init() { setFrameSize(0); addWidgetListener(this); if (mInstances == 0) { if (Theme::instance()) { for (int mode = 0; mode < BUTTON_COUNT; mode ++) { button[mode] = Theme::instance()->load( data[mode], "button.xml"); } } updateAlpha(); } mInstances++; } Button::~Button() { if (gui) gui->removeDragged(this); mInstances--; if (mInstances == 0 && Theme::instance()) { Theme *const theme = Theme::instance(); for (int mode = 0; mode < BUTTON_COUNT; mode ++) theme->unload(button[mode]); } delete mVertexes2; mVertexes2 = nullptr; if (mImageSet) { mImageSet->decRef(); mImageSet = nullptr; } if (mImages) { for (int f = 0; f < BUTTON_COUNT; f ++) mImages[f] = nullptr; delete [] mImages; mImages = nullptr; } } void Button::loadImage(const std::string &imageName) { if (mImageSet) { mImageSet->decRef(); mImageSet = nullptr; } mImageSet = Theme::getImageSetFromTheme(imageName, mImageWidth, mImageHeight); if (!mImageSet) return; mImages = new Image*[BUTTON_COUNT]; mImages[0] = nullptr; for (int f = 0; f < BUTTON_COUNT; f ++) { Image *const img = mImageSet->get(f); if (img) mImages[f] = img; else mImages[f] = mImages[0]; } } void Button::updateAlpha() { const float alpha = std::max(client->getGuiAlpha(), Theme::instance()->getMinimumOpacity()); if (mAlpha != alpha) { mAlpha = alpha; for (int mode = 0; mode < BUTTON_COUNT; mode ++) { for (int a = 0; a < 9; a ++) { Skin *const skin = button[mode]; if (skin) { const ImageRect &rect = skin->getBorder(); Image *const image = rect.grid[a]; if (image) image->setAlpha(mAlpha); } } } } } void Button::draw(gcn::Graphics *graphics) { BLOCK_START("Button::draw") int mode; if (!isEnabled()) mode = BUTTON_DISABLED; else if (isPressed2()) mode = BUTTON_PRESSED; else if (mHasMouse || isFocused()) mode = BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED; else mode = BUTTON_STANDARD; const Skin *const skin = button[mode]; if (!skin) { BLOCK_END("Button::draw") return; } updateAlpha(); Graphics *const g2 = static_cast<Graphics *const>(graphics); bool recalc = false; if (mRedraw) { recalc = true; } else { // because we don't know where parent windows was moved, // need recalc vertexes gcn::ClipRectangle &rect = g2->getTopClip(); if (rect.xOffset != mXOffset || rect.yOffset != mYOffset) { recalc = true; mXOffset = rect.xOffset; mYOffset = rect.yOffset; } else if (mMode != mode) { recalc = true; mMode = mode; } else if (g2->getRedraw()) { recalc = true; } } const int padding = skin->getPadding(); const int spacing = skin->getOption("spacing"); switch (mode) { case BUTTON_DISABLED: g2->setColorAll(mDisabledColor, mDisabledColor2); break; case BUTTON_PRESSED: g2->setColorAll(mPressedColor, mPressedColor2); break; case BUTTON_HIGHLIGHTED: g2->setColorAll(mHighlightedColor, mHighlightedColor2); break; default: g2->setColorAll(mEnabledColor, mEnabledColor2); break; } int imageX = 0; int imageY = 0; int textX = 0; const gcn::Rectangle &rect = mDimension; const int width = rect.width; const int height = rect.height; gcn::Font *const font = getFont(); int textY = height / 2 - font->getHeight() / 2; if (mImages) imageY = height / 2 - mImageHeight / 2; // need move calculation from draw!!! switch (mAlignment) { default: case gcn::Graphics::LEFT: { if (mImages) { imageX = padding; textX = padding + mImageWidth + spacing; } else { textX = padding; } break; } case gcn::Graphics::CENTER: { const int width1 = font->getWidth(mCaption); if (mImages) { const int w = width1 + mImageWidth + spacing; imageX = (width - w) / 2; textX = imageX + mImageWidth + spacing - width1 / 2; } else { textX = (width - width1) / 2; } break; } case gcn::Graphics::RIGHT: { const int width1 = font->getWidth(mCaption); textX = width - width1 - padding; imageX = textX - width1 - spacing; break; } } if (openGLMode != 2) { if (recalc) { mRedraw = false; mMode = mode; mVertexes2->clear(); g2->calcWindow(mVertexes2, 0, 0, width, height, skin->getBorder()); if (mImages) { if (isPressed()) { g2->calcTile(mVertexes2, mImages[mode], imageX + 1, imageY + 1); } else { g2->calcTile(mVertexes2, mImages[mode], imageX, imageY); } } } g2->drawTile(mVertexes2); } else { g2->drawImageRect(0, 0, width, height, skin->getBorder()); if (mImages) { if (isPressed()) g2->drawImage(mImages[mode], imageX + 1, imageY + 1); else g2->drawImage(mImages[mode], imageX, imageY); } } if (isPressed()) { textX ++; textY ++; } font->drawString(g2, mCaption, textX, textY); BLOCK_END("Button::draw") } void Button::mouseReleased(gcn::MouseEvent& mouseEvent) { if (mouseEvent.getButton() == gcn::MouseEvent::LEFT) { if (mStick) mPressed = !mPressed; if (mMousePressed && mHasMouse) { mMousePressed = false; mClickCount = mouseEvent.getClickCount(); distributeActionEvent(); } else { mMousePressed = false; mClickCount = 0; } mouseEvent.consume(); } } void Button::widgetResized(const gcn::Event &event A_UNUSED) { mRedraw = true; } void Button::widgetMoved(const gcn::Event &event A_UNUSED) { mRedraw = true; } void Button::adjustSize() { const gcn::Font *const font = getFont(); const Skin *const skin = button[BUTTON_STANDARD]; if (!skin) return; const int padding = skin->getPadding(); if (mImages) { const int spacing = skin->getOption("spacing"); const int width = font->getWidth(mCaption); if (width) setWidth(width + mImageWidth + spacing + 2 * padding); else setWidth(mImageWidth + 2 * padding); int height = font->getHeight(); if (height < mImageHeight) height = mImageHeight; setHeight(height + 2 * padding); } else { setWidth(font->getWidth(mCaption) + 2 * padding); setHeight(font->getHeight() + 2 * padding); } } void Button::setCaption(const std::string& caption) { mCaption = caption; } void Button::keyPressed(gcn::KeyEvent& keyEvent) { const int action = static_cast<KeyEvent*>(&keyEvent)->getActionId(); if (action == Input::KEY_GUI_SELECT) { mKeyPressed = true; keyEvent.consume(); } } void Button::keyReleased(gcn::KeyEvent& keyEvent) { const int action = static_cast<KeyEvent*>(&keyEvent)->getActionId(); if (action == Input::KEY_GUI_SELECT && mKeyPressed) { mKeyPressed = false; if (mStick) mPressed = !mPressed; distributeActionEvent(); keyEvent.consume(); } } bool Button::isPressed2() const { return (mPressed || isPressed()); }