/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gui/logindialog.h" #include "client.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "gui/okdialog.h" #include "gui/sdlinput.h" #include "gui/widgets/button.h" #include "gui/widgets/checkbox.h" #include "gui/widgets/dropdown.h" #include "gui/widgets/label.h" #include "gui/widgets/layout.h" #include "gui/widgets/passwordfield.h" #include "gui/widgets/textfield.h" #include "net/logindata.h" #include "net/loginhandler.h" #include "net/net.h" #include "utils/gettext.h" #include "utils/stringutils.h" #include "debug.h" static const int MAX_SERVER_LIST_SIZE = 15; static const int LOGIN_DIALOG_WIDTH = 300; static const int LOGIN_DIALOG_HEIGHT = 140; static const int FIELD_WIDTH = LOGIN_DIALOG_WIDTH - 70; std::string LoginDialog::savedPassword(""); std::string LoginDialog::savedPasswordKey(""); const char *UPDATE_TYPE_TEXT[3] = { N_("Normal"), N_("Auto Close"), N_("Skip"), }; class UpdateTypeModel : public gcn::ListModel { public: virtual ~UpdateTypeModel() { } virtual int getNumberOfElements() { return 3; } virtual std::string getElementAt(int i) { if (i >= getNumberOfElements() || i < 0) return _("???"); return gettext(UPDATE_TYPE_TEXT[i]); } }; LoginDialog::LoginDialog(LoginData *data, std::string serverName, std::string *updateHost): Window(_("Login"), false, 0, "login.xml"), mLoginData(data), mUpdateHost(updateHost), mServerName(serverName) { gcn::Label *serverLabel1 = new Label(_("Server:")); gcn::Label *serverLabel2 = new Label(serverName); serverLabel2->adjustSize(); gcn::Label *userLabel = new Label(_("Name:")); gcn::Label *passLabel = new Label(_("Password:")); mCustomUpdateHost = new CheckBox(_("Custom update host"), mLoginData->updateType & LoginData::Upd_Custom, this, "customhost"); mUpdateHostText = new TextField(serverConfig.getValue( "customUpdateHost", "")); mUpdateHostText->adjustSize(); mUserField = new TextField(mLoginData->username); mPassField = new PasswordField(mLoginData->password); if (mPassField->getText().empty() && LoginDialog::savedPassword != "") mPassField->setText(LoginDialog::savedPassword); mKeepCheck = new CheckBox(_("Remember username"), mLoginData->remember); mUpdateTypeLabel = new Label(_("Update:")); mUpdateTypeModel = new UpdateTypeModel(); mUpdateTypeDropDown = new DropDown(mUpdateTypeModel); mUpdateTypeDropDown->setActionEventId("updatetype"); mUpdateTypeDropDown->setSelected((mLoginData->updateType | LoginData::Upd_Custom) ^ LoginData::Upd_Custom); if (!mCustomUpdateHost->isSelected()) mUpdateHostText->setVisible(false); mRegisterButton = new Button(_("Register"), "register", this); mServerButton = new Button(_("Change Server"), "server", this); mLoginButton = new Button(_("Login"), "login", this); mUserField->setActionEventId("login"); mPassField->setActionEventId("login"); mUserField->addKeyListener(this); mPassField->addKeyListener(this); mUserField->addActionListener(this); mPassField->addActionListener(this); place(0, 0, serverLabel1); place(1, 0, serverLabel2, 8).setPadding(1); place(0, 1, userLabel); place(0, 2, passLabel); place(1, 1, mUserField, 8).setPadding(1); place(1, 2, mPassField, 8).setPadding(1); place(0, 6, mUpdateTypeLabel, 1); place(1, 6, mUpdateTypeDropDown, 8); place(0, 7, mCustomUpdateHost, 9); place(0, 8, mUpdateHostText, 9); place(0, 9, mKeepCheck, 9); place(0, 10, mRegisterButton).setHAlign(LayoutCell::LEFT); place(2, 10, mServerButton); place(3, 10, mLoginButton); reflowLayout(); addKeyListener(this); center(); setVisible(true); if (mUserField->getText().empty()) mUserField->requestFocus(); else mPassField->requestFocus(); mLoginButton->setEnabled(canSubmit()); mRegisterButton->setEnabled(Net::getLoginHandler() ->isRegistrationEnabled()); } LoginDialog::~LoginDialog() { delete mUpdateTypeModel; mUpdateTypeModel = 0; } void LoginDialog::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { if (event.getId() == "login" && canSubmit()) { mLoginData->username = mUserField->getText(); mLoginData->password = mPassField->getText(); mLoginData->remember = mKeepCheck->isSelected(); int updateType = mUpdateTypeDropDown->getSelected(); if (mCustomUpdateHost->isSelected()) { updateType |= LoginData::Upd_Custom; serverConfig.setValue("customUpdateHost", mUpdateHostText->getText()); mLoginData->updateHost = mUpdateHostText->getText(); *mUpdateHost = mUpdateHostText->getText(); } mLoginData->updateType = updateType; serverConfig.setValue("updateType", updateType); mLoginData->registerLogin = false; mRegisterButton->setEnabled(false); mServerButton->setEnabled(false); mLoginButton->setEnabled(false); LoginDialog::savedPassword = mPassField->getText(); if (mLoginData->remember) LoginDialog::savedPasswordKey = mServerName; else LoginDialog::savedPasswordKey = "-"; Client::setState(STATE_LOGIN_ATTEMPT); } else if (event.getId() == "server") { Client::setState(STATE_SWITCH_SERVER); } else if (event.getId() == "register") { mLoginData->username = mUserField->getText(); mLoginData->password = mPassField->getText(); Client::setState(STATE_REGISTER_PREP); } else if (event.getId() == "customhost") { mUpdateHostText->setVisible(mCustomUpdateHost->isSelected()); } } void LoginDialog::keyPressed(gcn::KeyEvent &keyEvent) { gcn::Key key = keyEvent.getKey(); if (key.getValue() == Key::ESCAPE) action(gcn::ActionEvent(NULL, mServerButton->getActionEventId())); else if (key.getValue() == Key::ENTER) action(gcn::ActionEvent(NULL, mLoginButton->getActionEventId())); else mLoginButton->setEnabled(canSubmit()); } bool LoginDialog::canSubmit() const { return !mUserField->getText().empty() && !mPassField->getText().empty() && Client::getState() == STATE_LOGIN; }