/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "commandhandler.h" #include "auctionmanager.h" #include "actorspritemanager.h" #include "channelmanager.h" #include "channel.h" #include "client.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "game.h" #include "guildmanager.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "main.h" #include "party.h" #include "gui/chatwindow.h" #include "gui/helpwindow.h" #include "gui/gui.h" #include "gui/outfitwindow.h" #include "gui/shopwindow.h" #include "gui/socialwindow.h" #include "gui/tradewindow.h" #include "gui/sdlfont.h" #include "gui/widgets/channeltab.h" #include "gui/widgets/whispertab.h" #include "net/adminhandler.h" #include "net/beinghandler.h" #include "net/chathandler.h" #include "net/gamehandler.h" #include "net/guildhandler.h" #include "net/net.h" #include "net/partyhandler.h" #include "net/playerhandler.h" #include "net/tradehandler.h" #if defined USE_OPENGL #include "normalopenglgraphics.h" #endif #ifdef DEBUG_DUMP_LEAKS1 #include "resources/image.h" #include "resources/resource.h" #include "resources/resourcemanager.h" #include "resources/subimage.h" #endif #include "utils/gettext.h" #include "utils/process.h" #include "debug.h" extern std::string tradePartnerName; CommandHandler::CommandHandler() { } void CommandHandler::handleCommands(const std::string &command, ChatTab *const tab) { // here need add splitting commands handleCommand(command, tab); } void CommandHandler::handleCommand(const std::string &command, ChatTab *const tab) { const size_t pos = command.find(' '); const std::string type(command, 0, pos); std::string args(command, pos == std::string::npos ? command.size() : pos + 1); args = trim(args); if (command == "closeall") handleCloseAll(args, tab); else if (type == "ignoreall") handleIgnoreAll(args, tab); else if (type == "help") // Do help before tabs so they can't override it handleHelp(args, tab); else if (type == "announce") handleAnnounce(args, tab); else if (type == "where") handleWhere(args, tab); else if (type == "who") handleWho(args, tab); else if (type == "msg" || type == "whisper" || type == "w") handleMsg(args, tab); else if (type == "query" || type == "q") handleQuery(args, tab); else if (type == "ignore") handleIgnore(args, tab); else if (type == "unignore") handleUnignore(args, tab); else if (type == "friend" || type == "befriend") handleFriend(args, tab); else if (type == "disregard") handleDisregard(args, tab); else if (type == "neutral") handleNeutral(args, tab); else if (type == "blacklist") handleBlackList(args, tab); else if (type == "enemy") handleEnemy(args, tab); else if (type == "erase") handleErase(args, tab); else if (type == "join") handleJoin(args, tab); else if (type == "list") handleListChannels(args, tab); else if (type == "clear") handleClear(args, tab); else if (type == "createparty") handleCreateParty(args, tab); else if (type == "createguild") handleCreateGuild(args, tab); else if (type == "party") handleParty(args, tab); else if (type == "me") handleMe(args, tab); else if (type == "toggle") handleToggle(args, tab); else if (type == "present") handlePresent(args, tab); else if (type == "quit") handleQuit(args, tab); else if (type == "all") handleShowAll(args, tab); else if (type == "move") handleMove(args, tab); else if (type == "target") handleTarget(args, tab); else if (type == "atkhuman") handleAttackHuman(args, tab); else if (type == "outfit") handleOutfit(args, tab); else if (type == "emote") handleEmote(args, tab); else if (type == "away") handleAway(args, tab); else if (type == "pseudoaway") handlePseudoAway(args, tab); else if (type == "follow") handleFollow(args, tab); else if (type == "heal") handleHeal(args, tab); else if (type == "navigate") handleNavigate(args, tab); else if (type == "imitation") handleImitation(args, tab); else if (type == "mail") handleMail(args, tab); else if (type == "trade") handleTrade(args, tab); else if (type == "priceload") handlePriceLoad(args, tab); else if (type == "pricesave") handlePriceSave(args, tab); else if (type == "cacheinfo") handleCacheInfo(args, tab); else if (type == "disconnect") handleDisconnect(args, tab); else if (type == "undress") handleUndress(args, tab); else if (type == "attack") handleAttack(args, tab); else if (type == "dirs") handleDirs(args, tab); else if (type == "info") handleInfo(args, tab); else if (type == "wait") handleWait(args, tab); else if (type == "uptime") handleUptime(args, tab); else if (type == "addpriorityattack") handleAddPriorityAttack(args, tab); else if (type == "addattack") handleAddAttack(args, tab); else if (type == "removeattack" || type == "removeignoreattack") handleRemoveAttack(args, tab); else if (type == "addignoreattack") handleAddIgnoreAttack(args, tab); else if (type == "dump") handleDump(args, tab); else if (type == "serverignoreall") handleServerIgnoreAll(args, tab); else if (type == "serverunignoreall") handleServerUnIgnoreAll(args, tab); else if (type == "setdrop") handleSetDrop(args, tab); else if (type == "error") handleError(args, tab); else if (type == "dumpg") handleDumpGraphics(args, tab); else if (type == "dumpt") handleDumpTests(args, tab); else if (type == "dumpogl") handleDumpOGL(args, tab); else if (type == "url") handleUrl(args, tab); else if (type == "open") handleOpen(args, tab); else if (tab->handleCommand(type, args)) ; else if (type == "hack") handleHack(args, tab); else tab->chatLog(_("Unknown command.")); } signed char CommandHandler::parseBoolean(const std::string &value) { std::string opt = value.substr(0, 1); if (opt == "1" || opt == "y" || opt == "Y" || opt == "t" || opt == "T") return 1; else if (opt == "0" || opt == "n" || opt == "N" || opt == "f" || opt == "F") return 0; else return -1; } void CommandHandler::handleAnnounce(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { Net::getAdminHandler()->announce(args); } void CommandHandler::handleHelp(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!helpWindow) return; if (!tab) { helpWindow->loadHelp("chatcommands"); helpWindow->requestMoveToTop(); return; } switch (tab->getType()) { case ChatTab::TAB_PARTY: { helpWindow->loadHelp("chatparty"); break; } case ChatTab::TAB_GUILD: { helpWindow->loadHelp("chatguild"); break; } default: helpWindow->loadHelp("chatcommands"); break; } helpWindow->requestMoveToTop(); } void CommandHandler::handleWhere(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab) { std::ostringstream where; where << Game::instance()->getCurrentMapName() << ", coordinates: " << ((player_node->getPixelX() - 16) / 32) << ", " << ((player_node->getPixelY() - 32) / 32); tab->chatLog(where.str(), BY_SERVER); } void CommandHandler::handleWho(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { Net::getChatHandler()->who(); } void CommandHandler::handleMsg(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { std::string recvnick(""); std::string msg(""); if (args.substr(0, 1) == "\"") { const size_t pos = args.find('"', 1); if (pos != std::string::npos) { recvnick = args.substr(1, pos - 1); if (pos + 2 < args.length()) msg = args.substr(pos + 2, args.length()); } } else { const size_t pos = args.find(" "); if (pos != std::string::npos) { recvnick = args.substr(0, pos); if (pos + 1 < args.length()) msg = args.substr(pos + 1, args.length()); } else { recvnick = std::string(args); msg = ""; } } trim(msg); if (msg.length() > 0) { std::string playerName = player_node->getName(); std::string tempNick = recvnick; toLower(playerName); toLower(tempNick); if (tempNick.compare(playerName) == 0 || args.empty()) return; chatWindow->addWhisper(recvnick, msg, BY_PLAYER); } else tab->chatLog(_("Cannot send empty whispers!"), BY_SERVER); } void CommandHandler::handleQuery(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { if (chatWindow) { if (chatWindow->addWhisperTab(args, true)) { chatWindow->saveState(); return; } } tab->chatLog(strprintf(_("Cannot create a whisper tab for nick \"%s\"! " "It either already exists, or is you."), args.c_str()), BY_SERVER); } void CommandHandler::handleClear(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (chatWindow) chatWindow->clearTab(); } void CommandHandler::handleJoin(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { if (!tab) return; const size_t pos = args.find(' '); const std::string name(args, 0, pos); const std::string password(args, pos + 1); tab->chatLog(strprintf(_("Requesting to join channel %s."), name.c_str())); Net::getChatHandler()->enterChannel(name, password); } void CommandHandler::handleListChannels(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { Net::getChatHandler()->channelList(); } void CommandHandler::handleCreateParty(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { if (!tab) return; if (args.empty()) tab->chatLog(_("Party name is missing."), BY_SERVER); else Net::getPartyHandler()->create(args); } void CommandHandler::handleCreateGuild(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { if (!tab) return; if (args.empty()) tab->chatLog(_("Guild name is missing."), BY_SERVER); else Net::getGuildHandler()->create(args); } void CommandHandler::handleParty(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { if (!tab) return; if (args != "") Net::getPartyHandler()->invite(args); else tab->chatLog(_("Please specify a name."), BY_SERVER); } void CommandHandler::handleMe(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { outString(tab, strprintf("*%s*", args.c_str()), args); } void CommandHandler::outString(ChatTab *const tab, const std::string &str, const std::string &def) { if (!tab) { Net::getChatHandler()->me(def); return; } switch (tab->getType()) { case ChatTab::TAB_PARTY: { Net::getPartyHandler()->chat(str); break; } case ChatTab::TAB_GUILD: { if (!player_node) return; const Guild *const guild = player_node->getGuild(); if (guild) { if (guild->getServerGuild()) Net::getGuildHandler()->chat(guild->getId(), str); else if (guildManager) guildManager->chat(str); } break; } default: Net::getChatHandler()->me(def); break; } } void CommandHandler::handleToggle(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { if (args.empty()) { if (chatWindow && tab) { tab->chatLog(chatWindow->getReturnTogglesChat() ? _("Return toggles chat.") : _("Message closes chat.")); } return; } switch (parseBoolean(args)) { case 1: if (tab) tab->chatLog(_("Return now toggles chat.")); if (chatWindow) chatWindow->setReturnTogglesChat(true); return; case 0: if (tab) tab->chatLog(_("Message now closes chat.")); if (chatWindow) chatWindow->setReturnTogglesChat(false); return; case -1: if (tab) tab->chatLog(strprintf(BOOLEAN_OPTIONS, "toggle")); return; default: return; } } void CommandHandler::handlePresent(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (chatWindow) chatWindow->doPresent(); } void CommandHandler::handleIgnore(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { changeRelation(args, PlayerRelation::IGNORED, "ignored", tab); } void CommandHandler::handleFriend(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { changeRelation(args, PlayerRelation::FRIEND, _("friend"), tab); } void CommandHandler::handleDisregard(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { changeRelation(args, PlayerRelation::DISREGARDED, _("disregarded"), tab); } void CommandHandler::handleNeutral(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { changeRelation(args, PlayerRelation::NEUTRAL, _("neutral"), tab); } void CommandHandler::changeRelation(const std::string &args, const PlayerRelation::Relation relation, const std::string &relationText, ChatTab *const tab) { if (args.empty()) { if (tab) tab->chatLog(_("Please specify a name."), BY_SERVER); return; } if (player_relations.getRelation(args) == relation) { if (tab) { tab->chatLog(strprintf(_("Player already %s!"), relationText.c_str()), BY_SERVER); } return; } else { player_relations.setRelation(args, relation); } if (player_relations.getRelation(args) == relation) { if (tab) { tab->chatLog(strprintf(_("Player successfully %s!"), relationText.c_str()), BY_SERVER); } } else { if (tab) { tab->chatLog(strprintf(_("Player could not be %s!"), relationText.c_str()), BY_SERVER); } } } void CommandHandler::handleUnignore(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { if (args.empty()) { if (tab) tab->chatLog(_("Please specify a name."), BY_SERVER); return; } if (player_relations.getRelation(args) != PlayerRelation::NEUTRAL && player_relations.getRelation(args) != PlayerRelation::FRIEND) { player_relations.setRelation(args, PlayerRelation::NEUTRAL); } else { if (tab) tab->chatLog(_("Player wasn't ignored!"), BY_SERVER); return; } if (tab) { if (player_relations.getRelation(args) == PlayerRelation::NEUTRAL) tab->chatLog(_("Player no longer ignored!"), BY_SERVER); else tab->chatLog(_("Player could not be unignored!"), BY_SERVER); } } void CommandHandler::handleBlackList(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { changeRelation(args, PlayerRelation::BLACKLISTED, _("blacklisted"), tab); } void CommandHandler::handleEnemy(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { changeRelation(args, PlayerRelation::ENEMY2, _("enemy"), tab); } void CommandHandler::handleErase(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { if (args.empty()) { if (tab) tab->chatLog(_("Please specify a name."), BY_SERVER); return; } if (player_relations.getRelation(args) == PlayerRelation::ERASED) { if (tab) tab->chatLog(_("Player already erased!"), BY_SERVER); return; } else { player_relations.setRelation(args, PlayerRelation::ERASED); } if (tab) { if (player_relations.getRelation(args) == PlayerRelation::ERASED) tab->chatLog(_("Player successfully erased!"), BY_SERVER); else tab->chatLog(_("Player could not be erased!"), BY_SERVER); } } void CommandHandler::handleQuit(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { // quit(); } void CommandHandler::handleShowAll(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (actorSpriteManager) actorSpriteManager->printAllToChat(); } void CommandHandler::handleMove(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { int x = 0; int y = 0; if (player_node && parse2Int(args, x, y)) player_node->moveTo(x, y); } void CommandHandler::handleNavigate(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!player_node) return; int x = 0; int y = 0; if (parse2Int(args, x, y)) player_node->navigateTo(x, y); else player_node->navigateClean(); } bool CommandHandler::parse2Int(const std::string &args, int &x, int &y) { bool isValid = false; const size_t pos = args.find(" "); if (pos != std::string::npos) { if (pos + 1 < args.length()) { x = atoi(args.substr(0, pos).c_str()); y = atoi(args.substr(pos + 1, args.length()).c_str()); isValid = true; } } return isValid; } void CommandHandler::handleTarget(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!actorSpriteManager || !player_node) return; Being *const target = actorSpriteManager->findNearestByName(args); if (target) player_node->setTarget(target); } void CommandHandler::handleAttackHuman(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!actorSpriteManager || !player_node) return; Being *const target = actorSpriteManager->findNearestLivingBeing( player_node, 10, ActorSprite::PLAYER); if (target) { if (player_node->checAttackPermissions(target)) { player_node->setTarget(target); player_node->attack2(target, true); } } } void CommandHandler::handleCloseAll(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (chatWindow) { chatWindow->removeAllWhispers(); chatWindow->saveState(); } } void CommandHandler::handleIgnoreAll(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (chatWindow) { chatWindow->ignoreAllWhispers(); chatWindow->saveState(); } } void CommandHandler::handleOutfit(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (outfitWindow) { if (!args.empty()) { const std::string op = args.substr(0, 1); if (op == "n") outfitWindow->wearNextOutfit(true); else if (op == "p") outfitWindow->wearPreviousOutfit(true); else outfitWindow->wearOutfit(atoi(args.c_str()) - 1, false, true); } else { outfitWindow->wearOutfit(atoi(args.c_str()) - 1, false, true); } } } void CommandHandler::handleEmote(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (player_node) player_node->emote(static_cast<uint8_t>(atoi(args.c_str()))); } void CommandHandler::handleAway(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (player_node) player_node->setAway(args); } void CommandHandler::handlePseudoAway(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (player_node) { player_node->setPseudoAway(args); player_node->updateStatus(); } } void CommandHandler::handleFollow(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { if (!player_node) return; if (!args.empty()) { player_node->setFollow(args); } else if (tab && tab->getType() == ChatTab::TAB_WHISPER) { player_node->setFollow(static_cast<WhisperTab*>(tab)->getNick()); } } void CommandHandler::handleImitation(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { if (!player_node) return; if (!args.empty()) player_node->setImitate(args); else if (tab && tab->getType() == ChatTab::TAB_WHISPER) player_node->setImitate(static_cast<WhisperTab*>(tab)->getNick()); else player_node->setImitate(""); } void CommandHandler::handleHeal(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!actorSpriteManager) return; if (!args.empty()) { const Being *const being = actorSpriteManager->findBeingByName( args, Being::PLAYER); if (being) actorSpriteManager->heal(being); } else { actorSpriteManager->heal(player_node); } } void CommandHandler::handleHack(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { Net::getChatHandler()->sendRaw(args); } void CommandHandler::handleMail(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (auctionManager && auctionManager->getEnableAuctionBot()) auctionManager->sendMail(args); } void CommandHandler::handlePriceLoad(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (shopWindow) shopWindow->loadList(); } void CommandHandler::handlePriceSave(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (shopWindow) shopWindow->saveList(); } void CommandHandler::handleDisconnect(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { Net::getGameHandler()->disconnect2(); } void CommandHandler::handleUndress(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!actorSpriteManager) return; Being *const target = actorSpriteManager->findNearestByName(args); if (target) Net::getBeingHandler()->undress(target); } void CommandHandler::handleAttack(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!player_node || !actorSpriteManager) return; Being *const target = actorSpriteManager->findNearestByName(args); if (target) player_node->setTarget(target); player_node->attack2(player_node->getTarget(), true); } void CommandHandler::handleTrade(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!actorSpriteManager) return; Being *const being = actorSpriteManager->findBeingByName( args, Being::PLAYER); if (being) { Net::getTradeHandler()->request(being); tradePartnerName = being->getName(); if (tradeWindow) tradeWindow->clear(); } } void CommandHandler::handleDirs(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!player_node || !debugChatTab) return; debugChatTab->chatLog("config directory: " + Client::getConfigDirectory()); debugChatTab->chatLog("logs directory: " + Client::getLocalDataDirectory()); debugChatTab->chatLog("screenshots directory: " + Client::getScreenshotDirectory()); debugChatTab->chatLog("temp directory: " + Client::getTempDirectory()); } void CommandHandler::handleInfo(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab) { switch (tab->getType()) { case ChatTab::TAB_GUILD: { if (!player_node) return; const Guild *const guild = player_node->getGuild(); if (guild) Net::getGuildHandler()->info(guild->getId()); break; } default: break; } } void CommandHandler::handleWait(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (player_node) player_node->waitFor(args); } void CommandHandler::handleUptime(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!debugChatTab) return; if (cur_time < start_time) { debugChatTab->chatLog(strprintf(_("Client uptime: %s"), "unknown")); } else { std::string str; int timeDiff = cur_time - start_time; const int weeks = timeDiff / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7; if (weeks > 0) { str = strprintf(ngettext("%d week", "%d weeks", weeks), weeks); timeDiff -= weeks * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; } const int days = timeDiff / 60 / 60 / 24; if (days > 0) { if (!str.empty()) str += ", "; str += strprintf(ngettext("%d day", "%d days", days), days); timeDiff -= days * 60 * 60 * 24; } const int hours = timeDiff / 60 / 60; if (hours > 0) { if (!str.empty()) str += ", "; str += strprintf(ngettext("%d hour", "%d hours", hours), hours); timeDiff -= hours * 60 * 60; } const int min = timeDiff / 60; if (min > 0) { if (!str.empty()) str += ", "; str += strprintf(ngettext("%d minute", "%d minutes", min), min); timeDiff -= min * 60; } if (timeDiff > 0) { if (!str.empty()) str += ", "; str += strprintf(ngettext("%d second", "%d seconds", timeDiff), timeDiff); } debugChatTab->chatLog(strprintf(_("Client uptime: %s"), str.c_str())); } } void CommandHandler::handleAddPriorityAttack(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!actorSpriteManager || actorSpriteManager->isInPriorityAttackList(args)) { return; } actorSpriteManager->removeAttackMob(args); actorSpriteManager->addPriorityAttackMob(args); if (socialWindow) socialWindow->updateAttackFilter(); } void CommandHandler::handleAddAttack(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!actorSpriteManager || actorSpriteManager->isInAttackList(args)) return; actorSpriteManager->removeAttackMob(args); actorSpriteManager->addAttackMob(args); if (socialWindow) socialWindow->updateAttackFilter(); } void CommandHandler::handleRemoveAttack(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!actorSpriteManager || args.empty() || !actorSpriteManager->isInAttackList(args)) { return; } actorSpriteManager->removeAttackMob(args); if (socialWindow) socialWindow->updateAttackFilter(); } void CommandHandler::handleAddIgnoreAttack(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!actorSpriteManager || actorSpriteManager->isInIgnoreAttackList(args)) return; actorSpriteManager->removeAttackMob(args); actorSpriteManager->addIgnoreAttackMob(args); if (socialWindow) socialWindow->updateAttackFilter(); } void CommandHandler::handleCacheInfo(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!chatWindow || !debugChatTab) return; SDLFont *const font = dynamic_cast<SDLFont *const>(chatWindow->getFont()); if (!font) return; const std::list<SDLTextChunk> *const cache = font->getCache(); if (!cache) return; int all = 0; debugChatTab->chatLog(_("font cache size")); std::string str; for (int f = 0; f < 256; f ++) { if (!cache[f].empty()) { all += static_cast<int>(cache[f].size()); str += strprintf("%d: %u, ", f, static_cast<unsigned int>(cache[f].size())); } } debugChatTab->chatLog(str); debugChatTab->chatLog(strprintf("%s %d", _("Cache size:"), all)); #ifdef DEBUG_FONT_COUNTERS debugChatTab->chatLog(""); debugChatTab->chatLog(strprintf("%s %d", _("Created:"), font->getCreateCounter())); debugChatTab->chatLog(strprintf("%s %d", _("Deleted:"), font->getDeleteCounter())); #endif } void CommandHandler::handleServerIgnoreAll(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { Net::getChatHandler()->ignoreAll(); } void CommandHandler::handleServerUnIgnoreAll(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { Net::getChatHandler()->unIgnoreAll(); } void CommandHandler::handleDumpGraphics(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab) { std::string str; str = strprintf ("%s,%s,%dX%dX%d,", PACKAGE_OS, SMALL_VERSION, mainGraphics->getWidth(), mainGraphics->getHeight(), mainGraphics->getBpp()); if (mainGraphics->getFullScreen()) str += "F"; else str += "W"; if (mainGraphics->getHWAccel()) str += "H"; else str += "S"; if (mainGraphics->getDoubleBuffer()) str += "D"; else str += "_"; #if defined USE_OPENGL str += strprintf(",%d", mainGraphics->getOpenGL()); #else str += ",0"; #endif str += strprintf(",%f,", static_cast<double>(Client::getGuiAlpha())); str += config.getBoolValue("adjustPerfomance") ? "1" : "0"; str += config.getBoolValue("alphaCache") ? "1" : "0"; str += config.getBoolValue("enableMapReduce") ? "1" : "0"; str += config.getBoolValue("beingopacity") ? "1" : "0"; str += ","; str += config.getBoolValue("enableAlphaFix") ? "1" : "0"; str += config.getBoolValue("disableAdvBeingCaching") ? "1" : "0"; str += config.getBoolValue("disableBeingCaching") ? "1" : "0"; str += config.getBoolValue("particleeffects") ? "1" : "0"; str += strprintf(",%d-%d", fps, config.getIntValue("fpslimit")); outStringNormal(tab, str, str); } void CommandHandler::handleDumpTests(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab) { std::string str = config.getStringValue("testInfo"); outStringNormal(tab, str, str); } void CommandHandler::outStringNormal(ChatTab *const tab, const std::string &str, const std::string &def) { if (!player_node) return; if (!tab) { Net::getChatHandler()->talk(str); return; } switch (tab->getType()) { case ChatTab::TAB_PARTY: { Net::getPartyHandler()->chat(str); break; } case ChatTab::TAB_GUILD: { if (!player_node) return; const Guild *const guild = player_node->getGuild(); if (guild) { if (guild->getServerGuild()) Net::getGuildHandler()->chat(guild->getId(), str); else if (guildManager) guildManager->chat(str); } break; } case ChatTab::TAB_WHISPER: { const WhisperTab *const whisper = static_cast<WhisperTab *const>(tab); tab->chatLog(player_node->getName(), str); Net::getChatHandler()->privateMessage(whisper->getNick(), str); break; } default: Net::getChatHandler()->talk(def); break; } } void CommandHandler::handleSetDrop(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (player_node) player_node->setQuickDropCounter(atoi(args.c_str())); } void CommandHandler::handleError(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { int *ptr = nullptr; logger->log("test %d", *ptr); } void CommandHandler::handleUrl(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab) { if (tab) { std::string url = args; if (!strStartWith(url, "http")) url = "http://" + url; std::string str = strprintf("[@@%s |%s@@]", url.c_str(), args.c_str()); outStringNormal(tab, str, str); } } void CommandHandler::handleOpen(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { std::string url = args; if (!strStartWith(url, "http")) url = "http://" + url; openBrowser(url); } #ifdef DEBUG_DUMP_LEAKS1 void showRes(std::string str, ResourceManager::Resources *res); void showRes(std::string str, ResourceManager::Resources *res) { if (!res) return; if (debugChatTab) debugChatTab->chatLog(str + toString(res->size())); logger->log(str + toString(res->size())); ResourceManager::ResourceIterator iter = res->begin(); ResourceManager::ResourceIterator iter_end = res->end(); while (iter != iter_end) { if (iter->second && iter->second->getRefCount()) { std::string type = " "; std::string isNew = "N"; if (iter->second->getDumped()) isNew = "O"; else iter->second->setDumped(true); SubImage *const subImage = dynamic_cast<SubImage *const>( iter->second); Image *const image = dynamic_cast<Image *const>(iter->second); int id = 0; if (subImage) type = "S"; else if (image) type = "I"; if (image) id = image->getGLImage(); logger->log("Resource %s%s: %s (%d) id=%d", type.c_str(), isNew.c_str(), iter->second->getIdPath().c_str(), iter->second->getRefCount(), id); } ++ iter; } } void CommandHandler::handleDump(const std::string &args, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { if (!debugChatTab) return; ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); if (!args.empty()) { ResourceManager::Resources *res = resman->getResources(); showRes(_("Resource images:"), res); res = resman->getOrphanedResources(); showRes(_("Resource orphaned images:"), res); } else { ResourceManager::Resources *res = resman->getResources(); debugChatTab->chatLog(_("Resource images:") + toString(res->size())); res = resman->getOrphanedResources(); debugChatTab->chatLog(_("Resource orphaned images:") + toString(res->size())); } } #elif defined ENABLE_MEM_DEBUG void CommandHandler::handleDump(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { check_leaks(); } #else void CommandHandler::handleDump(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { } #endif void CommandHandler::replaceVars(std::string &str) { if (!player_node || !actorSpriteManager) return; if (str.find("<PLAYER>") != std::string::npos) { const Being *target = player_node->getTarget(); if (!target || target->getType() != ActorSprite::PLAYER) { target = actorSpriteManager->findNearestLivingBeing( player_node, 20, ActorSprite::PLAYER); } if (target) replaceAll(str, "<PLAYER>", target->getName()); else replaceAll(str, "<PLAYER>", ""); } if (str.find("<MONSTER>") != std::string::npos) { const Being *target = player_node->getTarget(); if (!target || target->getType() != ActorSprite::MONSTER) { target = actorSpriteManager->findNearestLivingBeing( player_node, 20, ActorSprite::MONSTER); } if (target) replaceAll(str, "<MONSTER>", target->getName()); else replaceAll(str, "<MONSTER>", ""); } if (str.find("<PEOPLE>") != std::string::npos) { StringVect names; std::string newStr = ""; actorSpriteManager->getPlayerNames(names, false); for (StringVectCIter it = names.begin(), it_end = names.end(); it != it_end; ++ it) { if (*it != player_node->getName()) newStr += *it + ","; } if (newStr[newStr.size() - 1] == ',') newStr = newStr.substr(0, newStr.size() - 1); if (!newStr.empty()) replaceAll(str, "<PEOPLE>", newStr); else replaceAll(str, "<PEOPLE>", ""); } if (str.find("<PARTY>") != std::string::npos) { StringVect names; std::string newStr = ""; const Party *party = nullptr; if (player_node->isInParty() && (party = player_node->getParty())) { party->getNames(names); for (StringVectCIter it = names.begin(), it_end = names.end(); it != it_end; ++ it) { if (*it != player_node->getName()) newStr += *it + ","; } if (newStr[newStr.size() - 1] == ',') newStr = newStr.substr(0, newStr.size() - 1); if (!newStr.empty()) replaceAll(str, "<PARTY>", newStr); else replaceAll(str, "<PARTY>", ""); } else { replaceAll(str, "<PARTY>", ""); } } } void CommandHandler::handleDumpOGL(const std::string &args A_UNUSED, ChatTab *const tab A_UNUSED) { #if defined USE_OPENGL && !defined ANDROID NormalOpenGLGraphics::dumpSettings(); #endif }